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Simplified Communications Model - Diagram

CSE/EE 458: Data Communication (Overview)

Guohong Cao Department of Computer & Engineering 310 Pond Lab

A Communications Model
generates data to be transmitted

Key Communications Tasks

Transmission System Utilization Interfacing Signal Generation Synchronization Exchange Management Error detection and correction Addressing and routing Recovery, Message formatting, Security, Network Management
Guohong Cao (

Converts data into transmittable signals

Transmission System
Carries data

Converts received signal into data

Takes incoming data

Simplified Data Communications Model

Point to point communication not usually practical
Devices are too far apart Large set of devices would need impractical number of connections

Solution is a communications network

Wide Area Networks

Large geographical area, rely in part on common carrier. Technologies
Circuit switching, e.g. telephone Packet switching Frame relay, reduce overhead. Up to 2Mbps Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), can be 100Mbps. Integrated service digital network (ISDN) and broadband ISDN. From 64k to 100Mbps.
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Local Area Networks

Smaller scope
Building or small campus

Used for communications between entities in a system, must speak the same language. Entities
User applications, e-mail facilities, X terminals

Usually owned by same organization as attached devices Data rates much higher Usually broadcast systems Now some switched systems and ATM are being introduced

Computer, Terminal, Remote sensor

Syntax: data formats, singnal levels Semantics: control information, error handling Timing: speed matching, sequencing

Protocol Architectures and Networks

Protocol Data Units (PDU)

At each layer, protocols are used to communicate Control information is added to user data at each layer Transport layer may fragment user data Each fragment has a transport header added
Destination SAP Sequence number Error detection code

This gives a transport protocol data unit

11 Guohong Cao (

TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

Developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) for its packet switched network (ARPANET) Used by the global Internet No official model but a working one.
Application layer Host to host or transport layer Internet layer Network access layer Physical layer

TCP/IP Protocol Architecture Model


OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnection Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Seven layers A theoretical system delivered too late! TCP/IP is the de facto standard


15 Guohong Cao (

Required to allow for interoperability between equipment Advantages
Ensures a large market for equipment and software Allows products from different vendors to communicate

Standards Organizations
Internet Society
Internet architecture board (IAB) Internet Engineering Task force (IETF) Internet engineering steering group (IESG)

Freeze technology May be multiple standards for the same thing

International organization for standardization (ISO) International telecommunication Union (ITU-T), formally CCITT ATM forum IEEE 802

Standard or Nonstandard
Nonstandard protocols built for specific computers and tasks K sources and L receivers leads to K*L protocols and 2*K*L implementations If common protocol used, K + L implementations needed Protocol functions
Encapsulation, segmentation and reassembly, connection control, ordered delivery, flow control, error control, addressing multiplexing, transmission services.

Use of Standard Protocols

Guohong Cao (

Addition of control information to data
Address infor, error-detecting code, protocol control

Segmentation (Fragmentation)
Application layer messages may be large, network packets may be smaller. Splitting larger blocks into smaller ones is segmentation (or fragmentation in TCP/IP)
ATM blocks (cells) are 53 octets long Ethernet blocks (frames) are up to 1526 octets long

Efficient error control, fair access, short delay, small buffer

Overheads, long processing time, interrupts
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Connection Control
Connection Establishment Data transfer Connection termination May be connection interruption and recovery Sequence numbers used for
Ordered delivery Flow control Error control

Flow Control
Done by receiving entity Limit amount or rate of data Stop and wait Credit systems
Sliding window

Performed in various layers: transport, data link

Guohong Cao (

Error Control
Guard against loss or damage Error detection
Sender inserts error detecting bits Receiver checks these bits If OK, acknowledge If error, discard packet

If no acknowledge in given time, re-transmit

Performed at various levels

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Address level
Ip address, port address,

Supporting multiple connections on one machine Mapping of multiple connections at one level to a single connection at another
Carrying a number of connections on one fiber optic cable Aggregating or bonding ISDN lines to gain bandwidth

Global address or local address

IEEE 802 address, ip address

Connection identifier
Connection oriented data transfer (virtual circuits) Reduced overhead as connection identifiers are shorter than global addresses Routing may be fixed and identified by connection id

Address mode
Unicast, broadcast, multicast

Guohong Cao (

Transmission Services
e.g. control messages

OSI - The Model

A layer model Each layer performs a subset of the required communication functions Each layer relies on the next lower layer to perform more primitive functions Each layer provides services to the next higher layer Changes in one layer should not require changes in other layers

Quality of service (QoS)

Minimum acceptable throughput Maximum acceptable delay

Access restrictions



Elements of Standardization
Protocol specification
Operates between the same layer on two systems May involve different operating system Protocol specification must be precise
Format of data units Semantics of all fields sequence of PDUs

Service definition
Functional description of what is provided

Referenced by SAPs
31 Guohong Cao (

OSI Layers (1)

Physical interface between devices
Mechanical, electrical, functional, procedural

Data Link
Means of activating, maintaining and deactivating a reliable link Error detection and control, flow control.

Transport of information between host and host Routing.
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OSI Layers (2)

Exchange of data between end systems Error free, in sequence, QoS, No loss and duplicate.

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Dominant commercial protocol architecture
Specified and extensively used before OSI Developed by research funded US DoD

Control of dialogues between applications Dialogue discipline, grouping, and recovery

Application Layer
Communication between processes or applications

End to end or transport layer (TCP/UDP/)

End to end transfer of data, congestion, error, flow control

Data formats and coding Data compression, encryption

Internet Layer (IP)


Network Layer
Media access control, error, flow control

Means for applications to access OSI environment

Physical Layer
Transmission medium, signal rate and encoding
Guohong Cao (


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