Essay Writing Wahyu Saputra.

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Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
1. Admission Essay
1. (The Princeton review)
Admission essay is an essay written by prospective students to provide an overview of
themselves, including their background, interests, and educational goals. This essay is usually
used by universities to assess the academic ability and writing ability of prospective students.

2. (The college board)

Admission essay or personal statement is a way for prospective students to show their personality
and uniqueness, as well as to show the selection committee how they can make a contribution to
the university."

Review: Admission essay is a way for prospective students or students to describe their own
personality, whether it's the weaknesses or strengths that they have. This essay is usually used to
assess the thinking and writing abilities of prospective students.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
2. Cause and effect essay
1. (The university of north Carolina at chapel hill writing center)
Cause and Effect Essay is a type of essay that discusses the causal relationship between two or
more events or phenomena. Its purpose is to explain how an event has a certain impact on a
situation or problem.

2. (Elizabeth McMahan and Susan X)

. Day in their book "Literature and the Writing Process", Cause and Effect Essay is a type of
essay that shows a causal relationship between events or phenomena. This essay shows how an
event or action causes a certain impact on a situation or problem.

Review: A cause and effect essay is a type of academic writing that explores the relationship
between events or actions (the causes) and their outcomes (the effects). The purpose of this essay is
to examine the causes of a specific event or phenomenon and to explore its effects or consequences.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing
Name : Wahyu saputra
NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
3. Classification essay
1.( YourDictionary)
YourDictionary, classification essay is a type of essay that organizes or divides a topic or object
into categories based on the same characteristics or traits.

2.( Robert L. Miller,)

Robert L. Miller, a professor at the Faculty of English at Lewis-Clark State College, a
classification essay is a type of essay that aims to provide a clearer understanding of a topic
through grouping objects, people, or ideas into categories or classes. certain.

Review: Classification essay or classification essay is a type of essay that aims to group or
categorize a topic, concept, or object into different categories or classes.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
4. Comparison and contrast essay
1.( William J. Kelly)
William J. Kelly, a professor at Purdue University, comparison and contrast essay is a type of
essay that compares and shows differences between two or more subjects or topics. Kelly
explained that this essay is useful in helping readers to understand the differences and
similarities of these subjects better.

2.( Erika Wright and Joy C. Dahlen)

Erika Wright and Joy C. Dahlen, authors of the book "Essay Writing: A Student's Guide", a
comparison and contrast essay is a type of essay that discusses the similarities and differences
between two or more things, and provides an explanation of how these things are related one

Review: Comparison and contrast essay or comparison and contrast essay is a type of essay that
compares and contrasts two or more different subjects

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
5. Descritive essay
1.( Richard Nordquist, )
Richard Nordquist, a writer and editor at ThoughtCo, a descriptive essay is an essay that
provides an overview of a topic or subject in a detailed and lively way, with the aim of making
the reader feel the same experience as the author.

2.( Kendra Cherry )

Kendra Cherry, a writer and psychology consultant, a descriptive essay is a form of writing that
focuses on details and descriptions, with the aim of making the reader understand a topic better.

Review: descriptive essay is a type of essay that aims to describe an object, animate or inanimate
object, event, or place by helping the reader imagine and feel the experience experienced.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
6. Informal essay
1.( John Gross)
John Gross in his book The Oxford Book of Essays, informal essay is "an unbuttoned,
freewheeling form that revels in metaphor, irony, and deviation, and that moves in a fluent and
self-assured way from the personal to the general."

2.( Philip Lopate's )

Philip Lopate's opinion in his book The Art of the Personal Essay, informal essay is "a relaxed,
conversational style of writing that seeks to entertain, inform, and persuade through the use of
personal anecdotes, observations, and reflections."

Review: Informal essay is a type of essay that is written in a relaxed and free style, without having to
follow formal rules and a relaxed conversational writing style that tries to entertain.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
7. Narrative essay
1.( The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill )
The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, narrative essay is a piece
of writing that tells a story in an entertaining way and has moral values that readers can pick up.

2.( EssayPro )
EssayPro, a narrative essay is a type of academic writing that tells a story. It often follows a
specific format, such as a beginning, middle, and end, and includes sensory details and other
descriptive elements to engage the reader.

Review: Narrative essay is a type of narrative essay that tells a story or personal experience from the
point of view of the author and written works that tell a story in an entertaining way and have moral

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
8. Persuasive essay
1.( the Cambridge English Dictionary )
the Cambridge English Dictionary, a persuasive essay "is a piece of writing in which the writer
tries to persuade the reader to agree with their opinion or idea.")

2.( the University of California)

the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a persuasive essay "is a piece of academic
writing that presents a convincing argument in favor of a particular position or stance."

Review: Persuasive essay is writing that tries to convince the reader to agree with the opinion he
wrote. In this essay, the writer must be able to present strong and justifiable arguments.

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
9. Process essay
1.( The Balance Careers, process essay)
The Balance Careers, process essay "is a type of essay that explains how to do something, how
something works, or how something happens."
(A process essay "is a type of essay that explains how to do something, how something works,
or how something happens.")

2.( to, process essay)

to, process essay "is a type of essay that explains a process step by step and gives
guidance for a certain process."
(Process essay "is a type of essay that describes a process step by step and provides guidance for a
particular process.")

Review: process essay is writing that lists the steps of the process, how something works, and
provides guidance on a process.
Task 1: Essay Writing
Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
10. Review essay
1.( The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina)
The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina, an essay review is a piece of writing
that evaluates other written works, such as books, articles, or films, with the aim of providing a
comprehensive and critical analysis of the work.

2.( Oxford Academic)

Oxford Academic, an essay review is a piece of writing that provides a careful and critical
assessment of other written works, such as books, articles, or films, taking into account the
context and referring to other relevant written works.

Review: Essay review is writing to assess, criticize, or evaluate written works such as novels,
articles, and books.
Task 1: Essay Writing
Review: Types of Writing

Name : Wahyu saputra

NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
11. Scholarship essay
1.( Peterson's )
Peterson's, a scholarship essay is a piece of writing that is used by prospective scholarship
recipients to introduce themselves, explain their academic and professional background, and
convince those who provide scholarships that they have the abilities, expertise, and motivation
needed to achieve academic and professional goals. they.

2.( The College Board)

The College Board, a scholarship essay is a paper written by prospective scholarship recipients to
explain why they deserve financial assistance and how the scholarship will help them achieve
their academic and professional goals.

Review: Scholarship essay is an essay written by someone who wants to get a scholarship for their
education. This essay aims to provide information needed by scholarship providers regarding
background, achievements, and convince scholarship providers that they have the ability and

Task 1: Essay Writing

Review: Types of Writing
Name : Wahyu saputra
NIM : 322210003
Class :B Morning
12. Argumentative essay
1.( Edusson )
Edusson, an argumentative essay is a written work that has a distinctive structure with an
introduction, essay body, and conclusions that show the author's point of view and support it
with supporting reasons and evidence.

2.( EssayPro,)
EssayPro, an argumentative essay is a piece of writing that presents strong arguments, supporting
facts and evidence, as well as a clear and consistent author's point of view, with the aim of
convincing the reader to accept

Review: Argumentative essay or argumentative essay is a type of essay that aims to present the
author's argument or opinion regarding a particular issue or topic and conclusions that show the
author's point of view and support it with supporting reasons and evidence.

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