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6 CodeJ CompileJ Run Assembly, HTML, CSS, JS, SQL
onlini::~ +ro1r:i:-1 ii::uri1y tit!lher,f,::~
in ffl,Jorld .
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9 nl= .: ( 1 { u Ente•r the first number: n·m ))
- it] n2= __ ·-·t( input C 'Enter the second
11 print( ··sum of 2 nos=gg _;. n1+n2 ~,
12 print( i•Di fference
13 prin.t ( '"IProd~ct_
14 print( '0ec imatil

Enter the first number:45
nter the second nur~Jer:67
Sum of 2 nos= 112
Differenc e o f 2 nos= -22
P~oduct of 2 nos= 3 0 15
:Decimal division. o f 2 nos= O. t571641791 0447762
Quotient or f l oor division or integer division of 2 nos= O
Remainde r of 2 n os= 45
45 ·1 :aised to t h e power of 5 8 2 422 8 7 3 8 4 3 435 7 322.4 3 4 03 65 9 0 0 82 3 6 90 917531 9421543H1.5 50018222590 90311S61•
065839111 8649621 5 8 2 03125

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