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"The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not

enough to satisfy the greed of even one person."

Good morning, respected teachers, and esteemed principals, I
Aaryan from the class of SR3B hope this message finds you all in
good health and high spirits. On this auspicious occasion of
Environment Day, I am pleased to address you all on such a
crucial topic,
This year's theme is "Accelerating Land Restoration, Drought
Resilience, and Desertification Progress" and in the kingdom of
Saudi arabia. It is a call to action to address the environmental
challenges that our planet faces. We must take responsibility for
our actions and make changes to protect our environment
Let's be honest, we've all probably thrown away a plastic bag or
bottle without much thought. But have you ever stopped to think
about the poor turtles and fish who have to deal with our trash?
It's time to give our finned friends a break and start being a little
kinder to the environment.
Many of us have been guilty of discarding plastic bags or bottles
at some point in our lives. However, it's high time that we
acknowledge the negative impact of our actions on the
environment. The choices we have made in the past have caused
significant damage to our planet, and it's our responsibility as
human beings to protect it for future generations. Shockingly, up
to 11 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year, and we
must take immediate action to prevent this from continuing. Let's
make a conscious effort to reduce our plastic usage and dispose
of it properly to preserve this magnificent gift from God.
That's equivalent to dumping a garbage truck full of plastic into
the ocean every minute! Pretty shocking isn’t it? And this does not
even makeup 1% of the problems that we face today

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