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industrial attachment

National diploma in human resources management

Areas to be Hours Weighting Details of activities to be done by the trainee

covered %

1 Orientation 20 10 Time to see organization as whole visit all

departments know its policies products structure etc.

2 Manpower 20 10 Labour supply analysis and the demand for labour in

Planning labour in the organization.

3 Recruitment and 40 20 To design a job descriptions, job specifications.

Selection Design selection.

4 Performance 30 15 Students to outline and analyse application of

Appraisal performance appraisal in HRM

5 Job grading and 40 20 Help in grading and work on wages and salaries of
Remuneration workers.

6 Health and Safety 20 10 Ensure that health and safety measures are
implemented. Safety clothes are provided.

7 Employee 30 15 Work out means to see that fringe benefits are

Benefits offered according to job specification.

200 100%

Reasech work/report writing: students should be allowed time to work on their reports half a
day per month with their project tutor and or carry out the research.

SUPERVISOR .....................................................................................................................
NAME OF ORGANISATION..................................................................................................

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