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Scale parameters and functions 6

6.1 Parameters and functions

The electronic weighing system used here can be used for non-automatic weighing, for
examples, as a platform scale or hopper scale. They are not legal-for-trade.
All parameters are set to default values in the factory. You can restore the configuration to
factory settings using the "Load factory settings" command.
The default parameters are set such that the scale is immediately ready for operation. The
weight value indicates changes in weight on the load cell, but only corresponds to the actual
weight following a calibration. You do not need to re-enter all parameters. The advantage of
this solution is that you can decide which default values are to be retained and which
parameters need to be adapted for your application.
All parameters are divided into data records (DR). The data records are organized in steps
(tasks) to be implemented during commissioning or during the process.
The scale functions governed by the parameters are also described in the parameter
description below.
First, the parameters of a given data record are displayed in a table. The detailed parameter
description for the parameters of this data record then follows.
When it receives new parameters, the SIWAREX module runs a validation check. In the
event of a parameter assignment error, the data record is not applied (not saved) by the
SIWAREX module and a data/operator error is reported.

6.2 DR 2 command code

DR 2 is a special data record used to transfer commands to the SIWAREX module by

6.3 DR 3 calibration parameters

6.3.1 Overview
The calibration parameters need to be checked and if necessary modified for all scales.
The scale is basically defined by calibration parameters and calibration operation. Any
changes in data record DR 3 require the service operation of the module to be activated. If
service mode is not active, all parameter inputs are directly rejected with an error.

Manual, 04/2016, A5E36695225A 67

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