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Vailankanni in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, Finally, Jerome protested, “Then you tell me,

and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account Lord. Tell me what would give you the most joy
of these the wrath of God is coming.[a] 7 In these on your birthday, and you shall have it.
How busy we are with our Christmas preparation. you once walked, when you lived in them. 8 But
What is the most urgent in our list? now put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, “Do you promise, Jerome?”
slander, and foul talk from your mouth.” “Yes, Lord, anything at all.”
To make a good confession is our list? Jesus replied, “Give me your sins…”
Rn 8: 13 “or if you live according to the flesh you
I want to begin with story of a small girl. She was will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the The most precious gift for Jesus in this Christmas s
helping her mother in cleaning the house. Mother deeds of the body you will live.” our sins giving away our by making a good
asked her to clear the cobwebs. She went around confession.
removing the cobwebs but next again found that What does Jesus wants from us?
cobwebs were again found there. Again she When we celebrate birthday of somebody dear to
fter many years spent in Jerusalem translating the
removed them but again next day she it was back Word of God, Jerome finished his grand project us we give the gift what the person likes not what
again. She got fed up and went to her mother and just days before Christmas. To celebrate his we like.
complained. Her mother said, child it not enough accomplishment, Jerome decided to spend
to remove the cobwebs you have also eliminate the Christmas Eve in nearby Bethlehem, in one of the He wants our heart.
cause of this cobwebs. She the realised that when many grottoes that dot the countryside. According
she removed the cobwebs she used shake off the to the ancient account, sometime around midnight Mt 5:8 “ “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
broom there but she had not killed the spiders but Jesus appeared to him, saying “Jerome, what will shall see God.”
allowed it to escape. you give me for my birthday?”
Ps 24: 4-5 “He who has clean hands and a pure
There cobwebs of sin, sinful habits and addictions Immediately and enthusiastically, Jerome declared, heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false,
in our life. May be others can’t see it but we know “Lord, I give you my translation of your word.” and does not swear deceitfully. 5 He will receive
it personally and God for sure knows it. But instead of congratulating him, Jesus simply blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the
replied, “No, Jerome, that is not what I want.” God of his salvation.
What is the point of our preparation for
celebrating the Christmas when our life is a mess. Is 59:1-3 “ Behold, the LORD’s hand is not
Jerome was speechless. Then he began to complain
Remember when 2000 years ago when mother and remonstrate with Jesus, asking why he had let shortened, that it cannot save,
Mary and St Joseph looking for place to give birth him go on for forty years, far from home, laboring or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;
to Jesus. Nobody was willing offer space. All atlast at something other than what God most wanted 2
but your iniquities have made a separation
they got was a stable. from him. But Jesus remained silent. Jerome
between you and your God,
started suggesting other ways of honoring Jesus’
Today also the story remains the same Jesus looks and your sins have hid his face from you
birthday – fasting, becoming a hermit, giving his
for hearts to be born in but we don’t have space possessions to the poor. To each of these Jesus so that he does not hear.
because it cluttered with cobwebs of sin, sinful replied, “No. Jerome. That is not what I want 3
For your hands are defiled with blood
habit and sinful addictions. most.” and your fingers with iniquity;
The web has to be removed sin had to be killed. your lips have spoken lies,
Col 3:5-11 “ 5 Put to death therefore what is earthly your tongue mutters wickedness.
The light came into the world but people loved
darkness more that light. By their own….they are
Unless we desire to have a pure heart we will
never have, and if we don’t have pure heart we
will never see God means we will never In Is…… we read workd of God telling us that our
experience Him. Our hear might have grown so sins accuses us, follow us
called that we don’t desire. Today open your
mouth tell Jesus put that desire in us to thirst for Not just hate sin but also hate sinful situations.
pure heart. Sirach …….son run away from sin as you run away
from serpents their teeth are sharper that double
Proverbs 13:2a “ From the fruit of his mouth a
edged sword…….
good man eats good,”

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of

the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” There are seven weakness in every human being,
and if not checked it will be a disaster
Romans 10:9 “ if you confess with your lips that
Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God PLACES G
raised him from the dead, you will be saved. “ 1. Pride: If we ask oneself? Am I proud?
Spontaneous prayer……. Probably you would kn
2. Lust (
Remember 3. Anger
4. Covetousness
God hates sins but not the sinner. Where the men
5. Envy (
hate sinners not the sins.
6. Sloth
Example: Woman caught in adultery… all had 7. Gluttony
stone in hand except Jesus. What did Jesus said to
the woman sin no more.

Remember there are people standing around yes

holding stone to throw at us, might be for one
mistake of yours they have thrown stone at you,
stone of humiliation, accusation………

Jesus will never throw stone at you. He says I have

not to condemn the world but to save the world.

But also remember we stand because of our sins.

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