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Cirvyn Ithinus

Human Sage
Lawful Neutral

+2 11 Data Transmission
1/short rest, transmit any sort of data over long

4 +3 30 $
distances through the manipula:on of signal
towers and spires and tallnecks. The amount of
data that can be transmi?ed increases by 15
mb every level.



0 1

Crossbolt +5 45 Impact, 56 Tear FEATURE


● +4
Arrows Po%ons Berries
● +4

3 4

0 20

15 +2


Crossbolt is a reflavored
sharpshot bow, built by Cirvyn
13 ●
+3 from salvaged robot parts. It
contains robot machinery and FEATURE
-1 coa<ng with a wood and string

-1 inner structure. It roughly

resembles a modern-day
compound crossbow.
9 -1


Researcher: When you a2empt to learn

or recall a piece of lore, if you do not
know that informa=on, you o>en know
where and from w hom you can obtain it.
Usually, this informa=on com es from a FEATURE
library, scriptorium, university, or a sage
or other learned person or creature.



Water Vehicles,
outdated tech,
sharpshot bows
21 5’8” 125 lbs Glasses
Cirvyn Ithinus Blue Fair Black None

Introverted, distant and, Cirvyn is an appren,ce working under her

Cirvyn speaks with a bluntness master, Denon Kios. She secretly makes
weapons out of newer technology,
befi:ng a knowing that her fellow Quen disapprove.
She thinks that the Quen need to arm
themselves if they are to survive. She’s
also seasick, and tries to forgo water travel
Thinks the Quen need to arm by making excuses. She has a stringent
themselves to survive. rela,onship with her parents, who are
strict pacifists. She’s only come to the Sun
King’s birthday to sneak out and test her
new weapon, a crossbow fashioned from a
downed robot she came across. She
Denen Kios (mentor/friend) couldn’t care less about the fes,vi,es.

Denen Kios
Frank, logical, blunt, seasick

Head resembles Maki Zenin from 4/4 berries

Jujutsu Kaisen. The image 3/3 po,ons
a;ached above is for reference. 20/20 arrows
Bow satchel
Wears black, with a uAlity belt Remaining slots: 172
and a satchel for her weapon. Her
satchel resembles a normal
backpack to not arouse suspicion
from the Quen.

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