Sound Your Final Clarion Call

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call


Sound Your Final Clarion Call

- 07 September

Originally published on The Secret Sun, March 19, 2020

Well, just because there just aren't enough apocalyptic omens and
portents �ying around these days, we had this new jam to dub onto our

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

end-days mixtape: an earthquake dislodging the trumpet -- or more

precisely, the clarion -- held by the Angel Moroni of the Book of
Mormon fame.

And oddly enough, this was right after we'd been discussing heavenly
trumpets around these parts, seemingly apropos of nothing. How about
them (golden) apples (of Eris), eh?

So the TL;DR here is that Magna ("Great"), Utah was hit by an

earthquake (apparently the most powerful earthquake to hit the state
since 1992). Since I'm not sure what the hell is going on these days (is
this the ApocaLARP? The safe-space apocalypse?), physical damage was
relatively minor.

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

But the symbols weren't very minor at all.

The trumpet (again, actually the clarion) of the Angel Moroni-- who is
said to have revealed the Book of Mormon to young Joseph Smith --
basically broke off the golden statue atop the Salt Lake Temple during
the temblor. This caught the fancy of headline writers across the
Internet, for obvious reasons...

...even Biblical illiterates have seen enough cheesy apocalypse movies

to suss out the symbolism at play here.

Of course, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists were thrilled by all this,

seeing the Mormon Church as a false religion and Moroni as none other
than Satan himself. I've heard tell that Moroni was struck by lightning a
while back which I'm sure those folks swooned over as well.

I've no dog in that particular �ght but I will point out that there's no

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shortage of odd symbolism at work with the Latter-Day Saints,

unsurprising given their 19th Century Masonic origins.

Have a look at Joseph Sphinx there, a masterpiece of religious kitsch.

And it's no surprise that the Salt Lake Temple is based on Solomon's
old synagogue, or at least based in some 19th Century Masonic garbling
of such. Solomon's Temple and alleged architect Hiram Abiff being at
the core of Freemerly ritualizing.

Old Sol was, of course, the Son of King David, or David's son, if you
prefer. More precisely, the son of David and his hot little piece of side
action, Bathsheba.

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Or Elizabathsheba , if you prefer.

And as Reader Brandon reminded us, The Pearly Dewdrop of Great

Price is one of the foundational texts of Mormonism.

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

So let's just back the conversation up to our little chat about our
Strawberry Girl, our banana-split lady.

Now, two years ago I �rst informed my readers that "Five Ten Fiftyfold"
may turn out to be the most terrifying of Our Lady's prophesies,
especially as it related to the resumption of biowarfare research in 2017,
after a lengthy moratorium.

Seriously, check out that post. It ties into all that insane symbolism
with the Met Gala as well as some high-grade Kubrickology.

Anyway, you're probably all sick to death familiar with the troubling lyrics
of the song, especially as it relates to the �ve coronaviruses being part
of the ten total microbes being cleared for weaponization, as well as
warnings that weaponized H5N1 (the bird �u �rst identi�ed on a farm in

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Scotland) could wipe out �fty percent of the world's population.

Five coronaviruses, ten total weaponized microbes, �fty percent fold.

Got it?

So with that lovely toe-tapper in mind, what's the next track on the

Why, it's the luscious "Sugar Hiccup," with its prophecies of

earthquakes (and potentially volcanoes and swine fever). Remember
that "sugar" stems from "gravel" which stems from "to grind," as in
tectonic plates grinding together.

So, we're two for two, current events-wise. Plus, Book of Revelation-wise.

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And of course, the next track after that is "In Our Angelhood."

So to recap, we have A., a pandemic, B., an earthquake, and C., an angel.

Like a wise man said, once is coincidence etc etc etc.

Hashtag when will you believe and so on...

UPDATE: OK, let's get serious for a minute. Since it was released when
whatever took hold of the Sibyl fully took hold of her, I've always believed
that Head Over Heels was the most directly prophetic of the
Twincantations. And now shit's getting a bit real. Let's take it from the

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WHEN MAMA WAS MOTH: I'm seeing some stories about moth
infestations from various locations, but nothing earth-shaking yet. Still,
I'll be keeping my eye on this, particularly the situation in Texas. My gut
tells me this is going to become a problem.


SUGAR HICCUP: The Utah earthquake.

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IN OUR ANGELHOOD: Covered. But there's also this story, coming out of
the most apocalyptic, most dystopian program on television today. Note
tiara, or corona, or Garland, on chest.

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GLASS CANDLE GRENADES: This song lends itself to a number of

interpretations, but the �rst phrase in the chorus-- "Glass Sandstorms"--
seems to be folding in with the "gushing gust winds" of "Fiftyfold" this
week in China, particularly among the glass-covered skyscrapers of

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IN THE GOLD DUST RUSH: I've always focused on the �rst two lines of
the chorus-- "Honey is harbor, there's locusts in there" -- for obvious
reasons. And now this massive locust plague is spreading from East
Africa across the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf into the heart of

TINDERBOX OF A HEART: The "tinderbox" seems to be popping up

quite a bit in relation to explosive situations connected to the
coronavirus, particularly in prisons.

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

Now remember, timing is everything with synchronicity. What

interests me is seeing all these themes pop up within a day of each
other, particularly given the kind of days we've had this past week.

What's the signi�cance with a band that split up 23 years ago? Well, I'd
say the fact that two of their albums are going to be re-released on vinyl
tomorrow is pretty signi�cant.

Mulder & Scully (Babylon �nal scene)

So let's dial back to those trumpets for a minute.

We looked at them in context of the bugfuck X-Files fever-dream,


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Strange Sounds in Terrace, BC Canada August 29th 2013 7:…

Which got me thinking of how one of the most notorious videos of this
phenomenon sounds eerily like an ampli�ed version of this...

..."this" being the creepy intro to this early Twinvocation.

Seriously, play the two back-to-back.

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Red State (8/8) Movie CLIP - Heavenly Trumpets (2011) HD

Reader Clay reminded us of this pivotal scene in Kevin Smith's Red

State , which some skeptics have traced as the origin of the mysterious
sky trumpets.

And the preacher there (based on lifelong Democratic Party operative

Fred Phelps and his ridiculously transparent Westboro Baptist
psyop/hoax) is played by Michael Parks. Who, incidentally, was born in

Bonus factoid: Parks played Jack Kirby in the Ben Af�eck vehicle Argo.
Yes, that Jack Kirby.

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

Apocalyptic Sky Trumpets

Now, if the sky trumpets are all a View Askew LARP, our Kevin must have
a lot of dedicated fans all over the place. Because 2020 seems to be
seeing an uptick of these events across the planet.

The Rapture - Gabriel

But are we certain these hoax sounds aren't being produced by Mimi
Rogers superfans with unlimited discretionary income and advanced
sound-design knowhow?

Because I'm almost certain that our Kevin got the idea for the Red
State trumpets from this harrowing scene from the 1991 Michael Tolkin
thriller, The Rapture.

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

And as some you already noticed, the Angel Moroni statue is clearly
modeled on traditional depictions of the Archangel Gabriel, believed in
Christian doctrine to be the angel who sounds the Final Trumpet. So you
can kind of see where more Biblically-oriented folks might be offended
by the appropriation.

Wait, wait: did they say Gabriel?

Peter Gabriel & Elizabeth Fraser(Cocteau Twins)

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

Well, you know the �rst thing that calls to my mind: Bond-villain
archglobalist Peter Gabriel, former lead singer for Genesis 6:4, and his
soundtrack for the seriously-apocalyptic Millennium Dome Show ,
which played for 999 shows in Y2K.

Remembering that 999 is the emergency number in the UK-- or the UK

equivalent of 911-- let's have another look at the lyrics Ernst Stavro
Gabriel had Our Lady prophesy for him in her role as the Mitochondrial
Eve of the new race of Nephilim (not kidding):

I looked up at the tallest building

Felt it falling down
I could feel my balance shifting
Everything was moving around
These streets so �xed and solid
A shimmering haze
And everything that I relied on disappeared

The other singer here is Paul Buchanan ("protected by the ejaculation of

serpents"), formerly of The Blue Nile. OCD, bitches.

The Rapture (1991) O�cial Trailer - Mimi Rogers, Darwyn C…

The Rapture is a terri�c movie and I recommend everyone watch it. As

I said, it stars Mimi Rogers (who's the one who actually initiated Tom
Cruise into L-Ronism) and our old friend Will Paton of (When Mama

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was) Mothman Prophecies and The Fourth Kind (along with Bene
Frasserit Sister Milla Jovovich), among others.

Oh, it also co-stars David Duchovny.

Mulder & Scully & Fowley meet Gibson (5x22)

And because Chris Carter's OCD seems to be a million times worse than
my own, he cast Mimi Rogers as Diana Fowley, DNA Scully's rival and all-
around Great Harlot of the Apocalypse.

Bonus factoid: At the time of her casting, Rogers was a dead ringer for
Carter's wife, Dori. A fact not unremarked upon in Ten Thirteen circles.

Rogers made her X-debut in "The End," along with Jeff Gulka playing
Gibson (nee "Giselbert") Praise. She'd also play a key role in the aborted
alien rapture of "Two Fathers/One Son." As a matter of fact, Rogers only
appeared in about seven episodes total, but they were all pretty crucial
and key episodes.

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Oh, I nearly forgot: a Pearly Dewdrop of Great Price is a key plot point
in The Rapture, as we see in this Chet Hanks-worthy inkjob here.

Clarion Call

And speaking of apocalyptic trumpet sounds bursting forth from the

sky, we should probably also remind ourselves of Clarion Call , the self-
proclaimed "ritual" broadcast from PA speakers all across the waters

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of Ipswich back in 2018.

This particular video allegedly has a disgruntled Evangelical blowing a

shofar, in protest of what he labeled "witchcraft" and "sun worship."

Call me crazy, but I got a whiff of Knowles' First Law from that particular

Anyway, I'd recommend that God-bothering chap keep a civil tongue

in his head, given that one of the voices in that collage was none other
than our favorite Oracle of the Apocalypse.

Clarion Call was produced by Supple Fox, who earlier produced the Siren

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Song mass ritual in Tasmania and then Perth. That's the one where the
helicopter pilot who �ew the loudspeakers around Hobart harbor
died soon after.

You know, the one where everyone mocked, defamed and derided me
when I said Siren Song was a blatant attempt to counterfeit the
prodigies of the Sibyl.

That is, until the producers turned around and hired the real MacCoy
for their apocalyptic sky trumpet show in Ipswich. Hey, even Sibyls got
bills to pay.

Ipswich, incidentally, is a short drive from Bentwaters, which some of

you may know a thing or two about. Did you know the barracks scenes
in Annihilation were shot there?

Who's laughing now, haters?

Steven Spielberg - Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977…

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Speaking of Bentwaters and Rendlesham and the rest of it, I can't help
but think of this scene when I hear those magical words, "apocalyptic
sky trumpet."

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Sound Your Final Clarion Call

So shall you, soon enough.

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Speaking of Gabriel and clarions and horns, you should take a careful
listen to "Five Ten Fiftyfold." There's a scintillating little detail in the
arrangement here, an element that only appeared in two

Can you guess what it is?

UPDATE: Oh Jesus, how did I never notice this before? She's not
singing "halved IT in half," she's singing, "halved THEM in half."

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