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Title: A Night With The Devil

Setting: 21st century

: Phoenix Dynasty
: Seoul, South Korea
: Asia
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Mystery, Action, Reincarnation.
Exposition: Ashlyn Pedro, a woman whose disdain for men arises from her past
encounter with the man she believed to be her father. As a young CEO, she
crosses paths with a remarkable individual named Vincent, unbeknownst to her, a
vampire. Through their encounter, her affection for him deepens, leading her to
unravel the truth about her true lineage as a witch. Despite Vincent's initial
commitment to eradicate all witches, his feelings for Ashlyn prevent him from
carrying out his vow, as he discovers her involvement in a prophecy alongside
him. The predicament he faces is not an easy one; sparing her life would result
in his own demise, whereas ending her existence would unleash devastating
consequences upon the world. In this dilemma, which path will Vincent
ultimately choose?

Inciting Incident:
> Ashlyn success in the business world.
> Ashlyn cross paths with Vincent.
> Vincent deep secret.
> Ashlyn discover mysteries about her real background.
> Vincent travels to his country.

Rising Action:
> Mrs Anna Pedro is not Ashlyn mother.
> Ashlyn real parents were killed by Vincent.
> Vincent falls in love with Ashlyn.
> Ashlyn is the goddess reincarnation.
> The war begins.
> Vincent Dies.

> Ashlyn unleashes her full power inorder to Bring Vincent back.
> Vincent loses his memory
> Ashlyn becomes a full goddess
>Ashlyn helps Vincent get his memory back.
> The Phoenix Dynasty is united
>Ashlyn and Vincent marry.

> Ashlyn Pedro/ Selena Robert:
25 years old female lead protagonist, a CEO of one of the successful companies
in Asia. She's a slim 5.8 feet tall woman with brown eyes and black hair. She's
a goddess reincarnation who was born as a witch in order to bring peace to the
Phoenix Dynasty. She falls in love with Vincent despite her hate for men.

> Vincent Yong:

Male lead protagonist, 28 years old Business tycoon and a vampire. Crown
prince of the Rykebreach empire who's in pain for being betrayed by his uncle
and hated by his kind for what he never did. He's 6.9 feet tall, with black
hair which matches his black eyes. His masculine body and his hard built chest
made him alluring like a male God. He vowed to kill every witch in the Phoenix
Dynasty but is later forced to stop accomplishing his vow after he met Ashlyn
Pedro. He fell in love with her and found out that his past and present are all
entangled around her.

> Anthonio Robert:

25 years old male Antagonist, Ashlyn real twins brother and King of the Zahit
empire after his parents were killed by Vincent. He wants his revenge on
Vincent and starts a war in the Phoenix Dynasty which is Ashlyn mission to

> Sophia Riley:

26 Years old female antagonist who's in love with Vincent and is angry she was
turned down. She's the princess of Turan empire and join force with Anthonio
inorder to bring Vincent down as she found out that he was in love with someone
else. Sh planned on using Anthonio to have her revenge on Vincent unknowning to
Anthonio that it will affect his sister.

> Mrs Anna Pedro:

Ashlyn foster mother and the chairwoman of Pedro Global Company. She knew a
little truth about Ashlyn background and helped her unravel the mystery
surrounding her birth.

> Kaitlin Ceasar/ Helen Yong:

She's 30 years, Ashlyn best friend and Vincent elder sister unknowning to
Ashlyn. She is the princess of Rykebreach empire and falls in love with Alfred

> Clara Shawn:

Ashlyn personal assistant that was employed by Mrs Anna Pedro for the safety
of Ashlyn.

> Skyler Chen:

A 26 years old billionaire who's in love with Ashlyn and he's the CEO of
Chen's Group of Company.

>Nicholas Wayne:
Ashlyn foster father and president of Mega Group of Company. He left Ashlyn
and her mother just for power, influence and wealth.

>Luis Yong:
He's 22 years old with a blonde hair, 6 feet tall and matching eyes just like
Vincent. He's Vincent younger brother but detest Vincent with passion but
little did he know that Vincent was innocent of the crime he hated him for.

>Diego Alex:
A half witch and half vampire. He's Vincent friend and a great asset to both
the Zahit empire and the Rykebreach empire but chose to follow Ashlyn commands.

>Reagan Zan:
A selfish and manipulative vampire whose only goal was to become king of the
Rykebreach empire. He was Vincent cousin brother and his father Lord Raymond
killed Vincent father and framed Vincent for it and this lead to everyone's
hatred for Vincent.

>Owen Verdan: a young CEO who's Ashlyn only male friend and fell in love with
her. He tried getting her affection but she was already in love with Vincent
and this made him to hate Vincent. After losing his memory he fell in love with
Isabela Wayne; Nicholas Wayne daughter.

>Alfred Wells:
A 6 feet tall, masculine man with Blue eyes. His mother was a concubine of the
reagent, Lord Liam. He became Vincent friend and also fell in love with Helen.

>Richard Chen
>Camilla Chen
>Gabriel Eduardo
>Isabela Wayne
>Bryan Carter
>Ryan Scott
>Emily Wayne
> Kelvin snow
>Eric court
>The Oracle
>Hailee Snow
> Sir Mignel
>Sir Alan
>King Ned
>Queen Lydia
>Sir Scott
>Hector Saul
>King Robert
>Queen Tera

Rykebreach empire councils:

> Lord Derius of Zifank province from the house of Fabian
>Lord Gaius of Meibrock province from the house of Idel
>Lord persis of Mhaz province from the house of Kali
>Lord Otis of Xin province from the house of Valerian

Ashlyn Pedro, a young beautiful CEO with deep rooted hatred for men crosses
path with Vincent, an unsuspecting Vampire. Their interwined destinies reveals
Ashlyn real background as a witch, putting Vincent vow to eradicate wishes to a
test. Love and prophecy collides as Vincent is stuck in a traumatizing choice.



Inside the well-sophisticated blend of modern efficiency and subtle elegance,

an office space came to life. The walls were bathed in a calming shade of light
blue, adorned with framed certificates and motivational posters. The large
windows allowed the golden sunlight to stream in, creating warm, inviting
rectangles on the meticulously organized desks placed at the far end of the

In the midst of this professional oasis, Ashlyn sat at her desk, her gaze
laser-focused on a document in her hand. The pages flipped with precision as
her fingers traced lines of text and numbers. She wore a crisp white blouse,
each fold neatly tucked into a navy blue pencil skirt. Her attire emphasized
her graceful figure, and a delicate silver necklace graced her neck, drawing
attention to her flawless complexion. Her black hair, flawlessly arranged in a
neat bun, exuded a sense of poise and professionalism.

The serene atmosphere was suddenly punctuated by an unexpected visitor,

heralded by the rhythmic clicking of heels. "Mum! What are you doing here?"
Ashlyn's hazel eyes widened with surprise as she stood up from her desk, her
fingers leaving the document she had been engrossed in.

Mrs. Pedro, Ashlyn's mother, strode into the room, adding a burst of color to
the otherwise monochromatic office space. She was dressed in a flowing
floral-printed dress, a delicate melange of pinks and greens that seemed to
echo her nurturing personality. The fabric flowed gracefully with each step,
mirroring her elegant movements. On her wrist, a simple pearl bracelet caught
the light as she moved towards a chair, drew it out, and sat down in front of
her daughter.

Ashlyn, still taken aback by her mother's unannounced visit, couldn't help but
express her surprise. "But Mum, you should have just called me to meet you at

Mrs. Pedro, her eyes shimmering with a hint of amusement, countered, "Like you
would have come if I had called."

A gentle smile graced Ashlyn's lips as she retorted, "Yes, Mum, I would if
it's important to you. Please, have a seat." She gestured towards the chair.

Mrs. Pedro gracefully sank into the offered chair, her gaze unwavering as it
met her daughter's. "So, Mum, why are you here?" Ashlyn's tone remained
composed, despite the uncertainty in her eyes.

A knowing look passed between mother and daughter as Mrs. Pedro replied, "You
know why I'm here."

Ashlyn felt a ripple of unease wash over her. She had anticipated this moment
but had not prepared herself for it. "No, Mum, I don't know why you're here,"
she replied, her voice tinged with a glimmer of hope that her mother's visit
might be for a different reason.

The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air as Mrs. Pedro inquired, her tone
calm, "When will I get to meet your 'so-called boyfriend' you've been telling
me about?"

Ashlyn's inner monologue raced as she grappled with her mother's question.
"Damn," she cursed inwardly, her emotions caught between the desire to confess
and the fear of disappointing her mother. Her stammered response was laden with
hesitation. "Hmm... m... I..."

Before she could form a coherent sentence, her mother, with a tone that
brooked no further evasion, cut in, "Don't even try to lie anymore, Ashlyn.
Kait told me everything."

Ashlyn's heart sank, realizing that the facade she had built over the past
four months was crumbling before her mother's piercing gaze. Her mother's eyes
glistened with tears, and Ashlyn knew she had let her down. She stood up from
her chair, her steps filled with determination, and walked toward her mother.

Kneeling before her, Ashlyn wrapped her arms around her mother, tears welling
up in her own eyes. "I'm sorry, Mum," she said, her voice laden with genuine
concern. "I know I lied about having a boyfriend. I only said that because I
didn't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Mrs. Pedro returned the embrace, her arms enveloping her daughter tightly.
"Why don't you want to go into a relationship?" Her voice was a gentle whisper,
but it carried the weight of years of motherly concern.

The question hung in the air, throwing Ashlyn off balance. Her gaze turned
stoic as she grappled with her emotions. Inwardly, a torrent of thoughts and
emotions roared within her. She couldn't bring herself to say the words aloud.
"I don't want to get hurt like you did," she finally admitted, her voice barely
above a whisper. "Father left you, and it really affected you for years. You
felt helpless, you had nightmares. You loved him, gave him everything you had,
but he paid you back with pain. He left you, he left us. I promise I'll make
his life a living hell, I promise." Tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Mrs. Pedro held her daughter even tighter, her own tears mingling with
Ashlyn's. "I'm sorry, Mum. I have my reasons," Ashlyn sobbed out loud.

"It's alright, whatever your reasons are, you should know you're not getting
any much younger. In two months from now, you will be twenty-five years old.
Try to think about it, Ashlyn." Her mother's voice held the wisdom of
experience. "Clean your tears, my little angel."

Ashlyn pulled away from her mother's embrace, using her sleeves to wipe away
her tears. She nodded with determination, her eyes still moist. "I will, Mum.
It's a promise."

Mrs. Pedro smiled through her own tears. "Then I better get going. Will you
come over tonight?"

Ashlyn shook her head slightly. "No, Mum, not tonight. It's a busy week. I
have a lot of things to do."

Mrs. Pedro looked at her daughter, her expression a mix of concern and
disappointment. "So, you can't live with your mum in her house? I don't know
why you enjoy staying on your own."

Ashlyn's eyes pleaded with her mother. "C'mon, Mum, I love my privacy."

Mrs. Pedro's dissatisfaction lingered, but she relented with a sigh. "Can't
you live with me and still have your privacy?"

A note of weariness crept into Ashlyn's voice. "Mum, please don't start now."

"Fine," Mrs. Pedro conceded with a soft chuckle, her heartwarming smile
returning. "I'm leaving."

As her mother headed toward the door, Ashlyn walked beside her. "Bye, love
you, Mum," she said, planting a soft kiss on her mother's cheek.

"I love you too, darling," Mrs. Pedro returned the affection in the same
"Take care of yourself." With a wave, she walked out of the office.

Ashlyn watched her mother's departure with a smile, the weight of the
conversation still heavy on her heart. "I will," she muttered with a soft sigh,
turning back to her desk, where the document awaited her attention.


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