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User Guide | e-Stamping System

Table of Contents
1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 e-Stamping Home ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Generate Challan 32-A .............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Challan Details: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Agent Information ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Plaintiff/Appellant/Petitioner Information .................................................................................................. 7
3.4 Defendant/Respondent ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Human Verification .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Deed Details ............................................................................................................................................... 11
3.7 Review and Save Challan Information ....................................................................................................... 12
3.8 Print Challan Form 32-A ............................................................................................................................. 13
4 Re-print Challan 32-A.............................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Search Challan ............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Review Challan Information ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Print Challan ............................................................................................................................................... 18
5 Pay Deficiency / Penalty ......................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Search Stamp.............................................................................................................................................. 19
5.2 Add/Edit Challan Information .................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Pay Deficiency / Penalty ............................................................................................................................. 21
5.4 Review Challan Information ....................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 Print Challan Form 32-A ............................................................................................................................. 24
6 Verification Through Web ....................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Search Stamp.............................................................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Review e-Stamp Information ..................................................................................................................... 27

1 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to guide the users stepwise in order to generate Challan 32-A for Judicial
Stamp Papers.

2 e-Stamping Home
Anyone can access online e-Stamping site, hosted at Following is the front page,
which shows different functionalities available on this site:

A. Generate Challan 32-A

B. Re-Print Challan 32-A
C. Pay CVT/Registration
D. Deficiency/Penalty
E. Calculate DC Value
F. Verification through Web

Figure 1: e-Stamping Home

2 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

3 Generate Challan 32-A

To generate online Challan Form 32-A, click on Generate Challan 32-A option, available on main page.
Following screen will appear having disclaimer.

Figure 2: Disclaimer

User can also listen disclaimer in ENGLISH and URDU. If user doesn’t accept the disclaimer, click on Disagree
button. Main page will appear again. In case of acceptance of disclaimer, user should click on Agree button.
Following Basic Information screen will appear which has been divided into different section as shown below:

1. Challan Details 5. Human verification

2. Agent Information 6. Deed Details
3. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner 7. Review and save Challan Information
4. Defendant/ Respondent 8. Print Challan Form 32-A

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User Guide | e-Stamping System

Figure 3: Generate Challan

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3.1 Challan Details:

In this section, challan related information will be entered. At first required district, tehsil, stamp paper type
and court fee will be entered and then purpose of challan along with challan paid by information will be
given by user.

Figure 4: Challan Details

1. Select District i.e. Lahore

2. Select relevant Tehsil of pre-selected district i.e. Lahore City
3. Select stamp paper type i.e. Judicial or Non-Judicial
4. Select COURT FEE from available options.
5. In order to guide users for selecting correct deed names, a popup help window will available on clicking
help sign, as shown in figure

Select the party name that will pay the Challan amount.

6. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner

7. Defendant/ Respondent

1. Required fields
2. Deeds detail

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User Guide | e-Stamping System

3.2 Agent Information

Figure 5: Agent Information

8. Enter Agent’s Name.

9. Enter Agents CNIC number.
10. Enter Agent’s Contact number.
11. Enter Agent’s Email ID (optional)

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3.3 Plaintiff/Appellant/Petitioner Information

Figure 6: Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner

12. Click on Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner

To add Plaintiff information in Challan 32-A

A pop up window will open as shown in figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Add Plaintiff/Appellant/Petitioner

13. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Name.

14. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s CNIC.
15. Select Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Relation i.e. Son of (S/O), Wife of (W/O) etc. as shown in figure
8: Relation List

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Figure 8: Relations List

16. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Relation Name.

17. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Contact Number.
18. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Email ID (Optional).
19. Enter Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s Address.
20. Tick the checkbox if this Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s name is to be used in Challan Form 32-A.
In case of multiple Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner, only the checked party name will be displayed on
Challan Form 32-A.
21. Tick the checkbox if this first Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner have power of attorney.
22. Click on Cancel button, if user doesn’t want to add Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s information. No
record will be saved.
23. Click on Add button to add this first Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s information into the Plaintiff/
Appellant/ Petitioner’s list.
After Adding Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner information, a grid will be created as shown in figure below:

Figure 9: Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner Grid

To add multiple first Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner’s information, click on Add Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner.


Delete Sign is to delete any record from grid.

Edit Sign is to edit/update the information in the relevant record.

8 Version 1.0
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3.4 Defendant/Respondent

Figure 10: Defendant/Respondent’s Info

24. Click on Defendant/Respondent to add Defendant information in Challan 32-A

A pop up window will open with relevant fields, as shown in figure below.

Figure 11: Add Defendant/Respondent

25. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s Name.

26. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s CNIC.
27. Select Defendant/Respondent Relation i.e. Son of (S/O), Wife of (W/O) etc. as shown in figure 12:
Relation List.

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User Guide | e-Stamping System

Figure 12: Relations List

28. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s Relation Name.

29. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s Contact Number.
30. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s Email ID (Optional).
31. Enter Defendant/Respondent’s Address.
32. Tick the checkbox if this Defendant/Respondent’s name is to be used in Challan Form 32-A.
In case of multiple Defendants/Respondents, only the checked party name will be displayed on
Challan Form 32-A.
33. Tick the checkbox if this Defendant/Respondent has power of attorney.
34. Click on Cancel button, if user doesn’t want to add Defendant/Respondent’s information. No record
will be saved.
35. Click on Add button to add this Defendant/Respondent’s information into the Defendant/Respondent’s
After Adding Defendant/Respondent’s information, a grid will be created as shown in figure below.

Figure 13: Defendant/Respondent

To add multiple defendant/respondent information, click on Defendant/Respondent.


Delete Sign is to delete any record from grid.

Edit Sign is to edit/update the information in the relevant record.

10 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

3.5 Human Verification

Figure 14: Human Verification

In order to prove that you’re not a robot, retype the code from picture.

36. Click on Reset button to reset all values in form.

37. Click Next button to further proceed.

Change the CAPTCHA code.
Speak the CAPTCHA code.

3.6 Deed Details

After entering agent, Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner, Defendant/ Respondent information’s, basic
information section will complete. A verification mark on progress bar will be displayed as shown in figure

Figure 15: Suit for and Required Court Fee Amount (Rs.)

11 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

In deed detail section,

38. Enter Suit for.

39. Enter Required Court Fee Amount (Rs.).
40. Click Back to go on previous screen.
41. Click Next to further proceed.

3.7 Review and Save Challan Information

Figure 16: Review Challan 32-A Info

12 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

42. Total Payable Amount section shows if stamp duty is applicable or not, calculated stamp duty, if
registration fee is applicable or not, calculated registration fee, if CVT is applicable or not, calculated
CVT and total payable tax.
43. Deed Details section shows stamp paper type, deed name, Amount for Duties Calculation and Challan
amount paid by.
44. Property Information Shows area information i.e. District and Tehsil etc.
45. Agent Details section agent name, CNIC, contact and email (if provided).
46. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner section shows name, CNIC and contact of Plaintiff(s) in a tabular form.
47. Defendant/ Respondent section shows name, CNIC and contact of Deffender(s) in a tabular form.

User can click sign to view other details. A popup menu will appear as shown in figure below:

Figure17: Detail Information

48. Click Back button to go on previous section.

49. Click on Save button for saving information.

3.8 Print Challan Form 32-A

After saving challan information, system will generate a serial number and challan print option will be
available. Here on progress bar, all sections including Basic Information, Deed Details, DC Valuation and
Confirmation will be marked as completed.

Figure18: Print Challan 32-A (a)

50. System generated 16 digit challan serial number is unique and in hexadecimal format. This serial
number should be saved for any future correspondence.

13 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

51. Click Print Challan button to print challan form 32-A.

Figure 19: Printed Challan 32-A (b)

14 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

A Challan form 32-A will be shown having 2 sections. Among these two (2), one section/copy is for treasury and
second is for customer.

52. QR code is available on every Challan copy in order to scan 16-digit Challan number.
User can also save this Challan in PDF form.

4 Re-print Challan 32-A

From home, user has option to re-print challan 32-A

Figure 20: Re-print Challan 32-A option

4.1 Search Challan

User can search already generated Challan.

Figure 21: Search Challan

53. Enter already generated 16 digit hexadecimal challan serial number to search.
Please note here, user can search only those challan to re-print which are not paid. Once stamp duty for a
challan is paid in bank, user can’t re-print the Challan. Moreover, expired challan would also be not
available to re-print.

15 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

After clicking on Search button, challan information would be displayed as shown below:

4.2 Review Challan Information

Figure 22: Challan Info (A)

54. Challan Details section shows Challan number and challan status.
55. Total Payable Amount section will shows stamp duty (if applicable), calculated stamp duty, registration
fee (if applicable), calculated registration fee, CVT Tax (if applicable), calculated CVT Tax and total
payable tax for this challan.

Figure 23: Challan Info (B)

56. Deed detail section shows stamp paper type, deed name, amount for duties calculation, challan
amount to be paid by for searched challan.
57. Property Information section shows district, tehsil, property address, land classification, area
constructed (yes), total constructed area (sq. feet), multistory building (yes/no), land value,
constructed structure value and property value.

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Figure 24: Challan Info (C)

58. Agent Details section agent name, CNIC, contact and email (if provided).
59. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner section shows name, CNIC and contact of Plaintiff/ Appellant/
Petitioner(s) in a tabular form.
60. Defendant/ Respondent section shows name, CNIC and contact of Defendant/ Respondent(s) in a
tabular form.
User can click sign to view other details. A popup menu will appear as shown in figure below:

Figure 25: Detail Information

Click on Print Challan button to take print of selected challan.

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4.3 Print Challan

Figure 26: Print Challan

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61. QR code is available on every challan copy in order to scan 16-digit challan number.

5 Pay Deficiency / Penalty

User can pay deficiency / penalty against any Stamp Paper number issued. If required, user can access this
option from home page as shown below:

Figure 27: Pay Deficiency / Penalty

5.1 Search Stamp

A search stamp screen will appear.

Figure 28: Search Stamp

62. Enter Stamp paper serial number and click on Search button.

19 Version 1.0
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5.2 Add/Edit Challan Information

Figure 29: Challan Info (A)

63. Challan information against searched stamp number will be displayed. User can view District, tehsil,
stamp type and deed name.
64. Enter/Edit Agent information like agent name, CNIC, Contact and email address (if applicable).

Figure 30: Challan Info (B)

65. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner(s) information like name, CNIC, contact and primary plaintiff
information will be shown.
20 Version 1.0
User Guide | e-Stamping System

66. Defendant/ Respondent(s) information like name, CNIC, contact and primary defendant information
will be shown.
User can click sign to view other details. A popup menu will appear as shown in figure below:

Figure 31: Detail Information

67. In order to prove that user is not a robot, retype the code as shown is displayed picture.
Change the CAPTCHA code.
Speak the CAPTCHA code.

68. Click on Reset button to reset all values.

69. Click on Next button to further proceed to next screen of pay deficiency/penalty.

5.3 Pay Deficiency / Penalty

Figure 32: Deficient Amount

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70. Deed detail section shows property address and property value.
71. In Deficiency Amount section, enter deficient amount (mandatory) and penalty (if applicable). Total
amount to be paid would also be shown.
72. Click back to go on previous screen.
73. Click Next to further proceed.

5.4 Review Challan Information

Figure 33: Challan Review (A)

74. Total Payable Amount section deficient amount, penalty and total deficient amount.
75. Deed Details section shows stamp paper type, deed name, amount for duties calculation, challan
amount paid by.
76. Property Information section shows district and tehsil.

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Figure 34: Challan Review (B)

77. Agent Details section agent name, CNIC, contact and email (if provided).
78. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner section shows name, CNIC and contact of Plaintiff/ Appellant/
Petitioner(s) in a tabular form.
79. Defendant/ Respondent section shows name, CNIC and contact of Defendant/ Respondent(s) in a
tabular form.
User can click sign to view other details. A popup menu will appear as shown in figure below:

Figure 35: Detail information

80. Click Back button to go previous screen.

81. Click Next to further proceed.

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User Guide | e-Stamping System

5.5 Print Challan Form 32-A

After saving challan information, system will generate a serial number and challan print option will be

Figure 36: Print Challan 32-A (a)

82. System generated 16 digit challan serial number is unique and in hexadecimal format. This serial
number should be saved for any future correspondence. Click Print Challan button to print challan
form 32-A

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User Guide | e-Stamping System

Figure 37: Pint Challan 32-A (b)

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83. QR code is available on every challan copy in order to scan 16-digit challan number.

6 Verification Through Web

On main page, user has the option to verify stamp papers information.

Figure 38: Verification Option

6.1 Search Stamp

A search screen will appear.

Figure 39: Search Stamp

84. Enter Stamp paper serial number and click on Search button.

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6.2 Review e-Stamp Information

Figure 40: Review Challan Info (A)

85. Stamp Details section shows stamp number, stamp status, total stamp amount and total stamp
paper(s). Moreover, it also shows previous challan number, type, e-Stamp pages (count), payment
reference, payment time and stamp amount against which information has been fetched from
86. Deed Details section shows stamp paper type, deed name, amount for duties calculation, challan
amount paid by.
87. Property Information section shows district and tehsil.

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Figure 41: Review Challan Info (B)

88. Agent Details section agent name, CNIC, contact and email (if provided).
89. Plaintiff/ Appellant/ Petitioner section shows name, CNIC and contact of Plaintiff/ Appellant/
Petitioner(s) in a tabular form.
90. Defendant/ Respondent section shows name, CNIC and contact of Defendant/ Respondent(s) in a
tabular form.
User can click sign to view other details. A popup menu will appear as shown in figure below:

Figure 41: Detail information

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