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Polyhedra in standard form

Adjacent Basic Solutions


Mathematical Programming

Minati De

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

Lecture 6 & 7: The Geometry of Linear Programming (contd.)

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Table of Contents

1 Polyhedra in standard form

2 Adjacent Basic Solutions

3 Degeneracy

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Full Row Rank Assumption

Let P = {x|Ax = b, x ≥ 0} be a nonempty polyhedron, where A is
a matrix of dimension m × n, with rows a1T , . . . , am
T . Suppose that
rank(A) = k < m and that the rows ai1 , . . . , aik are linearly
independent. Consider the polyhedron:

Q = {x|aiT1 x = bi1 , . . . aiTk x = bik , x ≥ 0}

Then Q = P.

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Basic Solution in Standard Form

Let P = {x|Ax = b, x ≥ 0} be a nonempty polyhedron, where A is
a m × n matrix having linearly independent rows. A vector x ∗ ∈ Rn
is a basic solution if and only if we have Ax = b, and there exist
indices B(1), . . . B(m) such that:
The columns AB(1) , . . . AB(m) are linearly independent;
If i ∈
/ B(1), . . . B(m), then xi = 0.

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Procedure for Constructing Basic Solutions

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Procedure for Constructing Basic Solutions

Choose m linearly independent columns AB(1) , . . . AB(m) .

Let xi = 0 for all i ∈
/ B(1), . . . B(m).
Solve the system of m equations Ax = b for the unknowns
xB(1) , . . . xB(m) .

Q: How to do the last step? How many steps (Or running time)
are involved there?
Q: How to obtain a BFS?

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Some Terminology

For a basic solution x.

Basic and nonbasic variables: xB(1) , . . . , xB(m) are basic
variables, the remaining are called nonbasic.
Basic columns: AB(1) , . . . AB(m) . They form a basis of Rm .
Basis matrix: By arranging the m basic columns next to each
other, we obtain an m × m matrix AB called a basis matrix.

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Table of Contents

1 Polyhedra in standard form

2 Adjacent Basic Solutions

3 Degeneracy

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Adjacent Basic Solutions

Two distinct basic solutions to a set of linear constraints in Rn are

said to be adjacent if we can find n − 1 linearly independent
constraints that are active at both of them.
What does it imply?

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Adjacent Basic Solutions in Standard Form

Two distinct basic solutions to a set of linear constraints in Rn are

said to be adjacent if we can find n − 1 linearly independent
constraints that are active at both of them.
What does it imply?: they share all but one basic columns.

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Correspondence between bases and basic solution

Does different basic solutions correspond to different bases?

Does different bases correspond to different basic solutions?

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Table of Contents

1 Polyhedra in standard form

2 Adjacent Basic Solutions

3 Degeneracy

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions


Degeneracy in general
A basic solution x ∈ Rn is said to degenerate if more than n
constraints are active at x.
Example: ?

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Degeneracy in standard form

Let P = {x|Ax = b, x ≥ 0} be a nonempty polyhedron, where A is

a m × n matrix having linearly independent rows.
A basic solution x ∈ Rn is said to degenerate if more than n − m
of the components of x are zero.
Example: ?

M. De Mathematical Programming
Polyhedra in standard form
Adjacent Basic Solutions

Is degeneracy representation independent?

A degenerate BFS in one representation can be nondegenerate in

another representation!

M. De Mathematical Programming

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