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Yoshida, T., Fukao, T., and Hasegawa, T.


Fast Detection of Tomato Peduncle

Using Point Cloud with a Harvesting Robot
Takeshi Yoshida∗ , Takanori Fukao∗ , and Takaomi Hasegawa∗∗
∗ Ritsumeikan University

1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan

E-mail: {yoshi-da, tfukao}
∗∗ Denso Corporation

1-1 Syowa-cho, Kariya, Aichi 448-8661, Japan

E-mail: takaomi
[Received September 19, 2017; accepted February 1, 2018]

This paper proposes a fast method for detecting job, it is difficult to employ workers stably. However, if
tomato peduncles by a harvesting robot. The main ob- farmers cannot secure enough workers, they are not able
jective of this study is to develop automated harvest- to harvest their crops at the proper time. Therefore, the
ing with a robot. The harvesting robot is equipped main objective of this study is to develop a robot for auto-
with an RGB-D camera to detect peduncles, and an mated harvesting to be used as a temporary worker during
end effector to harvest tomatoes. It is necessary for busy times.
robots to detect where to cut a plant for harvesting. Various studies have dealt with the application of agri-
The proposed method detects peduncles using a point cultural robots. Irie et al. proposed an asparagus harvest-
cloud created by the RGB-D camera. Pre-processing ing robot [1, 2]. Their robot measures whether asparagus
is performed with voxelization in two resolutions to re- is tall enough for harvesting with a 3D sensor. They also
duce the computational time needed to calculate the proposed a mechanism for a robotic arm and an end effec-
positional relationship between voxels. Finally, an en- tor to grasp and cut the asparagus. Bachche et al. proposed
ergy function is defined based on three conditions of a design and model of a gripper and cutting system for a
a peduncle, and this function is minimized to identify robotic arm with 5 degrees of freedom to harvest sweet
the cutting point on each peduncle. To experimentally peppers in horticultural greenhouses [3]. In the proposed
demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, a robot design, both the gripping and cutting operations were per-
was used to identify the peduncles of target tomato formed using a single servo motor to avoid complications
plants and harvest the tomatoes at a real farm. Using in the system. Kondo et al. proposed components, manip-
the proposed method, the harvesting robot achieved ulators, end effectors, and visual sensors for fruit harvest-
peduncle detection of the tomatoes, and harvested ing robots adapted for use with tomatoes, cherry toma-
tomatoes successfully by cutting the peduncles. toes, strawberries, and grapes [4]. Chen et al. proposed a
harvesting humanoid robot system to pick tomatoes, and
a visual cognition approach that enables the robot to har-
Keywords: harvesting robot, peduncle detection, point vest tomatoes [5]. Yaguchi et al. proposed the design and
cloud processing, voxel processing development of an autonomous tomato harvesting robot
equipped with a rotational plucking gripper, which was
robust in estimating errors [6]. Hayashi et al. proposed
1. Introduction a strawberry-harvesting robot composed of a cylindrical
manipulator, end-effector, machine vision unit, storage
Agriculture in Japan has recently been faced with a unit, and traveling unit [7, 8]. Tokunaga et al. proposed
shortage of workers. This serious problem is due to the an algorithm and designed an integrated circuit for recog-
aging population, and a decrease in the number of agri- nition of circular patterns in binary image based template
cultural workers. However, this presents an opportunity matching with a modified matching degree [9]. Their pro-
for technology development in the agricultural industry. posed system is part of the vision system for a watermelon
With advances in smart agriculture such as information harvesting robot. Yongsheng et al. proposed a mechani-
and communication technology, or robotics technology, cal vision system to design a robot that can automatically
farmers can earn greater profits with less labor. recognize and locate apples for harvesting [10]. Arima
There are busy agricultural periods in which more et al. proposed a cucumber harvesting robot using a vi-
workers are required than usual. During the harvest sea- sual sensor, manipulator, end effector, and traveling de-
son in particular, it is necessary for farmers to secure ad- vice [11]. Monta et al. proposed a robotic vision method
ditional workers because the manpower required is the using cameras, and a 3D vision system using a laser sen-
greatest during this time. Because harvesting is a seasonal sor for a tomato harvesting robot and a cucumber harvest-

180 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018

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Fast Detection of Tomato Peduncle with a Harvesting Robot

ing robot [12]. van Henten et al. proposed a concept for a

modular cucumber harvesting robot equipped with a ther-
mal cutting device and tested in a green house [13–15].
It is necessary for robots to detect where to cut plants
for harvesting. Therefore, this study focuses on peduncle
detection to improve autonomous harvesting. For pedun- RGB-D camera
cle detection, there are two broad types of methods: the
3D point cloud based method, and the 2D image based
End effector
Sa et al. proposed a method to detect peduncles from
a 3D model reconstructed from images of detected sweet
peppers using a robot equipped with a robotic arm and an
RGB-D camera [16]. In this approach, dense point clouds Fig. 1. RGB-D camera and end effector.
of sweet peppers were reconstructed from multiple views
using Kinect Fusion [17]. They combined color infor-
mation to distinguish red sweet peppers from their green Peduncle
peduncles, and they used geometric features to discrimi-
nate between peduncles and green peppers. The surface
normals of the point cloud were calculated to generate a
Point Feature Histograms (PFH) [18]. The PFH is one
of the descriptors that can capture geometric characteris-
tics of the 3D point cloud. The PFH features were then
concatenated with HSV color information to create a fea-
ture vector used for classification. Peduncle detection was
performed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with
an RBF kernel. As the PFH feature requires a dense 3D
point cloud, this method involves a high computational
time to detect peduncles. Fig. 2. A target tomato with the peduncle identified.
Luo et al. proposed a method to detect peduncles of
grapes with one side of 2D stereo images taken by a
stereo camera [19]. In this approach, a grape cluster A point cloud acquisition with RGB-D camera
is first identified using color-based image segmentation
based on the H-I component. After image segmentation Voxelization with two resolutions
and noise elimination in the image, contour information Sparse voxels
for the grape clusters is extracted, including the barycen-
ter, the top point, and the bounding rectangle of the con- Classification of tomato regions
tour. The region of interest (ROI) of the grape peduncle
is determined based on the barycenter, the top point co- Clustering of tomato regions
Dense voxels
ordinates, and the maximum Euclidean distance between
of the left and right points of the contour. Line detec- Tomato regions
tion is performed using a Hough transform on a binary Identifying the cutting points
ROI with a bilateral filter applied. Then, the line close to
Fig. 3. Flowchart of the proposed method.
the barycenter is identified as the peduncle. However, as
this method relies on 2D images that do not contain depth
information, it is difficult to detect peduncles in environ-
ments with many ridges. growing, the proposed method extracts tomato regions in
We propose a fast method to detect peduncles with a 3D the visual scene. Finally, an energy function is defined by
point cloud that includes depth information. Fig. 1 shows three conditions and then minimized to identify the appro-
part of the developed tomato harvesting robot. Fig. 2 priate cutting points on the peduncles.
shows a target tomato used in our experiments. This robot
is equipped with an RGB-D camera to detect the peduncle
of the tomato plant, and an end effector to harvest toma- 2. Peduncle Detection Algorithm
toes. The proposed method uses only one frame of the
point cloud data taken by the RGB-D camera without us- This section describes our method for identifying cut-
ing any images. In addition, voxelization is applied to re- ting points. The proposed method comprises four steps:
duce the amount of data, and the computational time for voxelization of a point cloud, classification of the tomato
calculating the positional relationship between voxels is region, clustering of the tomato region, and identification
reduced as a consequence. Through classification with a of the cutting point. Fig. 3 shows a flowchart of the pro-
support vector machine and clustering with voxel region posed method.

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018 181

Yoshida, T., Fukao, T., and Hasegawa, T.

Back Ground
250 Tomato
Support Vector




(a) Point Cloud (b) Voxel 0

200 300
Fig. 4. Point cloud and corresponding voxels created by 100
00 50 100 150 200 250
Green Red
Fig. 6. RGB data used for learning with SVM.

(a) Selection of a (b) Judging whether (c) New seed action

random seed neighbours belong following the same
to a region or not rules
(a) Sparse resolution (b) Dense resolution
Fig. 7. Transition of seeds.
Fig. 5. Two different voxel resolutions.

2.3. Clustering of Tomato Regions

2.1. Voxelization of Point Cloud
In the previous step, a point cloud was divided into the
The point cloud is converted into a voxel grid by com- tomato region and the other region. The next step is to di-
bining close points. Fig. 4 shows point clouds and the vide the tomato region into tomato segments. To accom-
corresponding voxels created by voxelization. plish this, Region Growing is applied as follows. First, a
The voxel grid comprises three types of information: voxel is selected randomly as the seed for Region Grow-
coordinates of each of the voxels, what type of points ing (Fig. 7(a)). Then, voxels adjacent to the seed are clas-
are contained by each voxel, and what types of voxels sified as belonging to the tomato region or not (Fig. 7(b)).
are next to each other. Using this adjacency information, Voxels adjacent to the seed that are determined to belong
voxelization has not only the effect of down sampling but to the tomato region are added into a single segment con-
also the effect of reducing the calculation time required to taining the seed. They are treated as new seeds and the
search neighboring points. This study uses voxelization voxels adjacent to these new seeds are judged according
in two resolutions: sparse resolution is used for classifi- to the same rules (Fig. 7(c)).
cation of tomato regions and clustering of tomato regions The algorithm returns to the first step if no voxels are
(Fig. 5(a)), while a dense resolution is used for identify- added to the region. A tomato region does not mix with
ing the cutting points (Fig. 5(b)). other regions because this algorithm is based on an as-
sumption that the tomato regions are placed far apart at
the cultivation stage.
2.2. Classification of the Tomato Regions
The next step is to divide voxels into a tomato region
and an “other” region. Here, a Support Vector Machine 2.4. Identifying the Cutting Points
(SVM) is used to easily classify the tomato regions be- To identify a cutting point on a peduncle, one voxel re-
cause there are very few objects on the tomato farm that gion is divided into layers in the vertical direction (Fig. 8).
are similar in color to a tomato, and an SVM runs fast This equals a clustering of voxels located at the same
even on a standard computer [20]. Even if parts of the height. This method is based on an assumption that each
tomato region are not classified as tomatoes, these are tomato is vertically cultivated. Thus, each layer is evalu-
reintegrated in the next region growing process. The hy- ated to determine if it includes a tomato peduncle based
perplane of the SVM is learned from the RGB data of on three conditions.
several images. Fig. 6 shows the RGB data of the tomato The first condition is that the target layer is small. This
region and of the other region in the images. Fig. 6 also is because the diameter of a layer including both the pe-
shows the support vector used by our model, which pre- duncle and the fruit of tomato is much larger than that of
dicts whether each voxel is parts of a tomato region. a layer containing only a peduncle.

182 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018

Fast Detection of Tomato Peduncle with a Harvesting Robot

Layer t+2
a b c d
Layer t+1

Layer t
Fig. 9. Directions between voxels that belong to two differ-
ent layers.

Fig. 8. Layers used for the division of voxels.

End effector
The second condition is that the target layer is close to
the end effector. This is because the end effector can not
cut the peduncle if the identified cutting point is far away
from it because the end effector may catch on an obstacle.
Robot arm
The third condition is that the target layer is close to
a vertical orientation. The direction of the approach of
the end effector should be as direct as possible relative to
the peduncle, because the end effector can only move in a
limited range of angles.
Next, an energy function to determine if a target layer
satisfies these three conditions reasonably is defined as
in Eq. (1), where l is the layer index, V (l) is the set of
voxels which belong to layer l, and λ and γ are weighting Fig. 10. Proposed harvesting robot and representative field
coefficients. used for experiment.
E(l) = n V (l) +   ∑ vv1
n V (l) v ∈V (l)
 3. Experiments
1 − ŷy · (w
w − v ) if v joins w
+γ min
v ∈V (l), w ∈V (l+1) ∞ otherwise. For the experiments, the robot was tasked with iden-
tifying the cutting points of target tomato peduncles to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
harvest target tomatoes at a real farm. Fig. 10 shows
The first term in Eq. (1) presents the first condition re- our experimental field and the proposed harvesting robot
garding the size of a target layer, where n() denotes the equipped with a robot arm and an end effector. Most of
number of elements in a set. For rapid calculation, this al- the tomato peduncles are on the rails as shown in Fig. 10.
gorithm uses the number of elements to calculate the size The robot faces one side of a row of tomatoes while mov-
of a target layer. ing on the rails between the rows.
The second term in Eq. (1) presents the second condi- First, the robot was placed in front of a target tomato
tion on the distance between a target layer and the end as the initial position. The robot then observes a tomato
effector, where v are voxels that belong to the set V (l) with the RGB-D camera, and subsequently identifies the
and  1 is the L1 norm. The L1 norm is used to quickly cutting point of the tomato as described above. Finally,
calculate the distance between a target layer and the end the robot inserts its end effector to the cutting point with-
effector. out dropping the tomato.
The third term in Eq. (1) presents the third condition Figures 11 and 12 show the results of this experiment.
with regard to the direction of the layer, where ŷy is a ver- Figs. 11(a) and 12(a) show the input point cloud data for
tically upward unit vector. Fig. 9 shows the directions one frame as captured by the RGB-D camera. Figs. 11(b)
between voxels that belong to two different layers. The and 12(b) show output voxels based on the point clouds in
algorithm selects the direction between voxels that is clos- Figs. 11(a) and 12(a). They also show cutting points iden-
est to the vertically upward direction. For example, in the tified by the proposed method. Both cutting points were
case of Fig. 9, the algorithm selects direction b. identified as points belonging to the peduncles that could
The energy function is digitized with the introduction be approached by the end effector. However, Fig. 12
of the layers in this algorithm. The minimum of the value shows two tomato bunches, but only one cutting point.
calculated for all layers is considered the minimum value This is because the algorithm outputs the point that is
of the energy function. closest to the end effector. Figs. 11(c) and 12(c) show

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018 183

Yoshida, T., Fukao, T., and Hasegawa, T.

(a) Input point cloud (a) Input point cloud

Cutting point

Cutting point

(b) Output voxels and a cutting point (b) Output voxels and a cutting point

(c) Energies of the search layers (c) Energies of the search layers

Fig. 11. Case 1 of the experimental results. Fig. 12. Case 2 of the experimental results.

184 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018

Fast Detection of Tomato Peduncle with a Harvesting Robot

Table 1. Comparison of calculation times.

Input points Calculation times [s]
Case 1 54,598 0.41
Case 2 52,899 0.42
Sa et al. [16] 6,094 40

Table 2. Results of continuous harvest trial.

Trial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of tomatoes 4 4 4 4 2 2 2
Number of successes 4 4 4 4 2 2 1

Fig. 13. An example of the harvesting process.

the energies of three conditions and the sum of energies.
These search layers begin with the layer at the top of the
tomato region.
and the cutting point identification properly directed the
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[18] R. B. Rusu, N. Blodow, and M. Beetz, “Fast Point Feature His- 1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
tograms (FPFH) for 3D Registration,” 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on
Robotics and Automation, pp. 3212-3217, 2009. Brief Biographical History:
[19] L. Luo, Y. Tang, X. Zou, M. Ye, W. Feng, and G. Li, “Vision-Based 1996- Assistant Professor, Kyoto University
Extraction of Spatial Information in Grape Clusters for Harvesting 2001- Visiting Scientist, Carnegie Mellon University
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[20] C. Chang and C. Lin, “LIBSVM: A Library for Support Vector Ma- 2015- Professor, Ritsumeikan University
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No.3, pp. 1-27, 2011. • robotics, autonomous vehicles
Membership in Academic Societies:
• The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
• The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Takeshi Yoshida

Assistant Professor, Research Organization of Name:
Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan Univer- Takaomi Hasegawa
Project Assistant Manager, Robotics System De-
velopment Department, Denso Corporation
1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Brief Biographical History:
2015- Assistant Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
2017- Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University Address:
Main Works: 1-1 Showa-cho, Kariya, Aichi 448-8661, Japan
• robotics, computer vision Brief Biographical History:
Membership in Academic Societies: 2006- Denso Corporation
• The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) Main Works:
• The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) • robotics
• Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

186 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.30 No.2, 2018

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