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Answers for end-of-chapter 13 test

Question Answer Marks

The skin contains receptors that detect the change in temperature and send nervous
impulses via sensory neurones to the brain. [1] Motor neurones stimulate effectors
1a such as muscles surrounding skin capillaries to contract. [1] This results in a narrowing 4
of capillaries, which restricts blood flow close to the surface of the skin. [1] This reduces
the loss (radiation / conduction) of heat to the cold water. [1]

1b Body temperature will decrease at a greater rate / faster in the swimmer than in 1
the spectator. [1]

During exercise, water is lost from the body in sweat which causes the water content of
2a blood to fall. [1] Greater water reabsorption back into the blood from the kidney, 2
caused by ADH, reduces urine volume and prevents excessive water loss. [1]

Release of ADH leads to the absorption of more water back into the blood by the
2b kidney, which reduces the blood’s concentration. [1] This is detected by the brain, 2
which in response reduces ADH secretion. [1]

Learner will not have eaten for several hours / was in lessons all morning before
2c football training / had low blood glucose concentration. [1] Glucagon [1] stimulates the 3
breakdown of glycogen stores, to increase blood glucose levels for exercise. [1]

The digestion of (a high amount of) proteins in the diet results in (high amounts of)
3a amino acids, which are deaminated and converted to urea. [1] This may make the 2
results of the test more difficult to interpret / it difficult to accurately measure
kidney function. [1]

3b Patient B, because glucose was found in the urine. [1] As was insulin not secreted / not 2
having an effect / glucose was not absorbed from the blood. [1]

Surrounding cells have a higher water potential / blood has a lower water potential, [1]
3c which will cause water to move out of surrounding cells / cells to become dehydrated 2
by osmosis. [1]

Any one benefit of kidney transplant / drawback of dialysis from:

 Completed once and does not require weekly (and lengthy) hospital visits.
 Short-term expense but more cost-effective in the longer term.
 A balanced diet needs to be followed but not as restricted as the diet necessary
when on dialysis.
3d  Toxins do not build up in the blood (as they do between dialysis sessions). 2 max.
Any one drawback of kidney transplant / benefit of dialysis from:
 Shortage of donated kidneys.
 Transplanted kidney could be rejected by the immune system.
 Immunosuppressant drugs must be taken in the long term.
 Hazards associated with the surgical operation (e.g. anaesthetic).

[Total: 20 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE™ Biology © Cambridge University Press 2021

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