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Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

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Experimental study of the performance of residential buildings utilizing T

potable water as a hydronic medium

Robert Prybysh , Brian Fleck, Mohamed Al-Hussein, Sabrina Flemming
University of Alberta, Canada


This paper describes an experiment performed to evaluate the use of potable water as a hydronic medium, a
practice referred to as “open-loop heating/cooling”, in a multi-unit residential building. This experiment em-
ployed a full-scale system with heating appliance, chiller, heat exchangers, and terminal units to simulate the
operation of a multi-unit residential building with an open-loop heating system and an open-loop cooling system,
one of the first to do so. While there have been numerous studies into the performance and modeling of in-
dividual appliances and system components used in HVAC applications, few have investigated the performance
and modeling of complete functioning systems, largely due to the scale involved. This is the case particularly for
multi-unit residential buildings. Based on the collected results it was determined that the steady state efficiency
of an open-loop heating system could be predicted using linear modeling techniques developed to evaluate
individual appliances, that the steady-state heating efficiency was not impacted by the occupant use of potable
water, and that overall steady-state efficiencies of > 90% were achievable using high efficiency appliances. The
same was not found to be the case for an open-loop cooling system as the system was sensitive to occupant water
use when inlet water temperatures were warmer than the intended distribution temperatures. This finding in-
troduces regional performance implications on the use of open-loop cooling systems throughout large portions of
North America as the service water temperatures at lower latitudes are too warm.

1. Introduction 1.1. Background on potable water as a hydronic medium

The use of potable water as a hydronic medium has been a concept It is important to identify the differences in energy flows of a system
of interest for many years, originating as a technique for heating single that utilizes potable water as a hydronic medium compared to sepa-
family homes [1–3]. Numerous patents have been explored with the rately piped systems. In a traditional system, hydronic heating is se-
intent of reducing the amount of installed infrastructure necessary to parated from the service water distribution. The building heating
satisfy the needs of building occupants, often looking for ways to use system can vary, due to the wide range of closed distributions and
single piping systems for multiple purposes [4,5]. While these systems terminal units that could be utilized, but as is depicted in Fig. 1 the
have been proposed and are increasing in popularity [6], there are still underlying concept is common to all traditional systems: the service
many concerns in the industry regarding the implementation of such water system is kept independent from the heating system, with iso-
systems [7,8] and there has not been an in-depth published review ei- lated thermal inputs and distribution. Heating water temperature can
ther of the effects of utilizing potable water as a hydronic medium in a vary, but is often be in the range of ~ 82 °C (180°F). Lower tempera-
multi-unit residential building nor has there been an assessment of the tures can be used for high efficiency systems and higher temperatures
impact of occupant behavior on system performance. Furthermore, the will commonly be found in district distributions. Service water will
lack of recent empirical data on buildings that use these systems makes commonly be limited to a range of 48 °C (120°F) to 60 °C (140°F) for
it difficult for designers to communicate the expected performance of safe use by occupants.
the building as a whole [9]. In larger hydronic systems is it not uncommon to implement a
combined system, a system where the distributions are kept separate
but as shown in Fig. 2, the thermal input is shared between the heating
system and the service water system. This type of system will feature an

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Prybysh).
Received 6 September 2017; Received in revised form 27 December 2017; Accepted 31 December 2017
Available online 03 January 2018
2352-7102/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

Fig. 3. Energy Profile for a completely shared system where the hot service water is
utilized as the heating medium.

facility's hot service water, so operating temperatures are limited to

ranges compliant with local codes and guidelines. In light of this, it is
necessary to design potable water heating distributions that use water
temperatures lower than the conventional ~82 °C (180°F) often used in
closed loop heating distributions. Utilizing a delivered temperature
Fig. 1. Energy flow profile for conventional separated systems. under 71 °C (160°F) provides the opportunity to implement heating
equipment with efficiency performances that are associated with con-
densing appliances, especially when heating water temperatures are
designed to operate in the range of 48 °C (120°F) to 60 °C (140°F).
The prospect of utilizing potable water as a cooling hydronic
medium has received less attention when compared to heating systems.
The focus of studies into the use of potable water as a hydronic medium
has typically been on single-family dwellings where hydronic cooling is
not considered, but hydronic cooling is common in multi-unit re-
sidential buildings. Cold potable water has a more limited temperature
range than traditional chilled water loops as many potable fixtures have
components which are not insulated, leading to condensation concerns.
This leads to the adoption of lower differential temperatures in order to
avoid condensation on the fixtures, necessitating larger flows to meet
the thermal demands of the service areas. This leads to a potential need
for greater pumping energy, and therefore, potential negative effects on
the system efficiency. Furthermore, there is an impact due to the inlet
supply temperature of the service water to the system. As shown in the
energy flow profile in Fig. 4, the energy transfer from cold service water
entering the system is bi-directional, dependent on the temperature of
the water supplied by the utility to the building. The delivered tem-
Fig. 2. Energy profile for a conventional combination system where a single thermal perature of supplied service water can vary depending on the physical
generator is used as the energy source for both heating and service water. region where the system is located, and this can affect the overall
performance when potable water is used as a hydronic cooling medium.
exchanger between the two distributions to prevent material inter- If the delivered service water temperature is less than the desired
mixing since the fluids found in the respective distributions are not temperature for circulated cooling water, then there is the potential
compatible. In the event that aggressive water treatment or freeze that the occupant consumption of potable cold water will improve the
protection is included with the heating system, a double-wall exchanger
may be required, thereby sacrificing thermal transfer ability to protect
the safety and integrity of the potable service water. There are a
number of benefits to sharing a thermal input between the two systems,
such as the ability to reduce equipment size due to shared diversity, and
increased overall thermal efficiency due to increased equipment utili-
zation [10]. Alternatively, the hot service water system could be used as
the source, but this can limit the water temperature of the heating
system to ranges that comply with local codes and guidelines, which are
typically lower than 71 °C (160°F).
Using potable water as a hydronic medium takes the concept of
system integration one step further; not only the thermal generation,
but, as is shown in Fig. 3, the entire distribution system is shared. In
theory, this not only capitalizes on the benefits of a separated combi-
nation system, where the duty cycles of a constant operating and in-
termittent operating system are combined for the thermal generating
equipment, but also applies these benefits to the piping distribution and
Fig. 4. Energy flow profile where cold service water is used as the hydronic cooling
circulating equipment. The hydronic heating water functions as the medium.

R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

efficiency of the cooling system. Additionally, cold inlet water with a representative to what would be found in a low-rise apartment
low supply temperature will be heated as a result of its use as a hy- building. Each suite was modeled as a single suite with a peak heating
dronic cooling medium. In theory the system can be configured to use load of 3.5 kW (12 MBH) and a peak cooling load of 2.2 kW (7.5 MBH).
the preheated water as the source for the hot service water system. This Suites can vary substantially, based on construction and climate, but
would result in a reduction in the energy required to heat the hot ser- these values are consistent with local conditions. Each suite was mod-
vice water used by the occupants, thereby improving the efficiency of eled with an average of 1.5 occupants, for a total of 6 adult occupants
generating hot service water. Unfortunately, this has not previously being served by the simulated system. Water consumption was modeled
been measured to determine whether or not the improved efficiently at 300 L/day (~75 gallons/day) per occupant, consistent with local
would be impactful on the overall performance of the building system. municipal design standards. Inlet water design temperature was ex-
Theoretically, the reverse is also potentially true, as a warmer delivered pected to be 4 °C (40°F). Inlet water temperature, it should be noted,
service water temperature can result in lower system efficiencies due to was expected to vary, so it was monitored and 4 °C (40°F) was only a
the need to mechanically cool the inlet water. design condition for selecting equipment. The hot service water was
maintained at 60 °C (140°F), while cold circulated service water was
1.2. Objectives maintained at 4 °C (40 °F). Based on these conditions, the system was
designed accordingly, with particular fan coils, chillers, heat ex-
The key objective of this study is to establish a means to evaluate changers, pumps, and hot water heaters all being selected in such a way
the efficiency of a fully potable distribution being utilized for HVAC as to satisfy these design criteria.
purposes, and to determine the parameters within which it is energy- The benefit of using an apparatus built to full scale to simulate a
effective to utilize a potable distribution versus a conventional sepa- building is the ability to monitor the system under controlled conditions
rated distribution for both heating and cooling. In theory, the use of a and minimize the influence of uncontrollable variables. Monitoring and
potable water distribution should have no negative effect on the overall controlling of the system was conducted by a dedicated PLC
delivered system efficiency when compared to a conventional segre- (Programmable Logic Controller). Hot and cold water consumption of
gated distribution, but there have been some concerns that geo- the simulated occupants was controlled and monitored by the PLC with
graphical location can influence the performance of such a system [6]. a timed routine. Fan coils and control valves for the individual simu-
In this paper we will investigate if inlet water temperature can have a lated suites were controlled by the PLC and were programmed for each
material impact on the performance of the system with respect to operational scenario, although internal controls installed on each fan
heating and cooling, and will evaluate and quantify this impact in order coil were permitted to operate a cycling routine which would circulate
to determine the suitability of potable distributions for HVAC purposes the water in the coils once per 24-h period in accordance with local
based on geographical location. codes [11]. Furthermore, the fan coils were installed in a conditioned
space which allowed the operating environment to be kept at steady
2. Methodology conditions. The discharge temperature for the hot water was set to
40 °C (100°F) using thermostatic mixing valves and was monitored at
2.1. Experimental design the point of water use for each scenario.
Two variables with the potential to influence the scenario were not
To effectively study a potable heating distribution in a building, a able to be directly controlled but were monitored and compensated.
heating mechanical distribution system was constructed in a controlled The chiller was required to be installed in an open area, the environ-
environment. The completed system was modeled after an apartment mental temperature of which could not be controlled. This was ad-
building in a riser configuration that is capable of delivering heating, dressed through monitoring of the environmental temperature and
cooling, and potable water to each unit. The riser configuration was coordination with the manufacture specified performance profiles for
selected because it is representative of many residential buildings that the equipment. This allowed for the measured electrical consumption of
are constructed with a central heating plant. This is consistent with the chiller to be corrected to a standard temperature for all the sce-
both low-rise construction, where each riser may serve the entire height narios tested. The second variable which was monitored but not con-
of the building, and high-rise construction, where the building is often trolled was the inlet temperature of the service water to the system. As
separated into vertical sections with each section being served by an the impact of inlet water temperature is of interest to this study, this
independent riser configuration. In such systems, water is plumbed variable was monitored and the effects of varied inlet temperature
from the central plant to each suite, where it can be delivered to the could therefore be evaluated.
unit's plumbing fixtures or circulated through a potable rated fan coil
and returned to the central plant for re-conditioning. As such, all
components utilized in the construction of these systems and our ap- 2.2. Delivered heating efficiency versus steady-state heating efficiency
paratus are rated for use with potable water and all piping is con-
structed in a manner that permits circulation every 24 h in accordance The delivered efficiency for heating is the total thermal energy de-
with local codes [11]. It should be noted that this introduces the re- livered as a proportion of the total energy added into the system.
quirement to continuously circulate the central multi-unit residential Delivered energy exists in two forms: (1) the heating of the air delivered
building distribution, which is different from the high-efficiency de- by the fan coils, which is the portion that contributes to building
signs being deployed in single-family dwellings. In single-family heating, and (2) the portion that is delivered as heated service water.
dwellings, the hot water generator can be an instantaneous hot water The total energy added into the system also exists in multiple forms; (1)
heater which takes advantage of limited standby losses [12], or a high- the energy is being consumed by the hot water tank to heat the water
efficiency hot water tank which only circulates on heating demand. (where natural gas is the predominant thermal source), and (2) elec-
Such a system is not applied in multi-unit buildings that use a central tricity being consumed by various components for normal operation.
system, as the volume of piping acts as a storage body and the distance Using these properties, the expected delivered heating efficiency is
from the central plant to the fixtures requires the system to be con- defined as:
tinuously circulated. Ultimately, care is taken to ensure that all com-
ponents used in these systems and our apparatus are rated for use with (Ew + Eh)
potable hot water and are also certified for continuous flow and op- Hg + He (1)
In this study, a 4-suite riser was constructed based on a riser system where:

R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

ᵹ = Delivered efficiency (%) the circulated fluid, thus it can be estimated that any inefficiencies will
Ew = Thermal energy in the delivered service water (joules) be delivered as heat into the fluid. The same applies to the fans in the
Eh = Thermal energy in the delivered heating airflow (joules) fan coils: all energy delivered to the moving fluid will eventually be in
Hg = Combustion energy of the natural gas (joules) the form of thermal energy in the fluid, which can be represented as
He = Electrical energy consumed through system operation (joules) 100% delivered thermal efficiency. Given that the steady-state effi-
ciency is independent of the idle loss rate, the steady-state efficiency
Utilizing this format does cause a number of issues when commu- can theoretically be expressed as:
nicating the efficiency of the system in a concise manner. When oper-
(X Hg + Hef + Hep + Hea)
ating under a partial load, the delivered efficiency described in Eq. (1) η=
Hg + He (3)
becomes non-linear [13], and given that a building will very rarely
operate under design conditions, this limits the usefulness of this defi- where:
nition of efficiency when communicating the performance of the system
to building owners and operators. Previous studies have proposed that, ƞ= Steady-state efficiency (%)
when reviewing the performance of an appliance, there is a linear re- X = Rated thermal efficiency of the generating appliance
lationship between the output energy and the input energy required to Hep = Electrical energy consumed by pumps (joules)
operate the system. [14–16]. Butcher et al., for instance, found that Hef = Electrical energy consumed by fans (joules)
combined appliances operate at steady-state efficiency with a set idling Hea = Electrical energy consumed by auxiliary equipment (joules)
loss [14]: Hg = Combustion energy of the natural gas (joules)
qout = η qin − qloss (2) He = Electrical energy consumed through system operation (joules)

where: For this experimental study, the selected heating equipment has a
peak gas consumption rate of 35 kW (120 MBH) with a condensing heat
ƞ= Steady-state delivered efficiency (%) exchanger, and the hot water pump is rated for an electrical con-
qin = Input rate (watts) sumption of 85 W. Each fan coil is supplied with a motor that consumes
qout = Output rate (watts) approximately 300 W. The hot water tank is rated to consume less than
qloss = idle loss rate (watts) 5 Amps at 120 V, which corresponds to a consumption of no more than
600 W. Based on these ratings, the gas consumption can be expected to
While the linear model is intended to demonstrate the performance be the primary determinant of system efficiency. Discounting the in-
of individual appliances, it is hypothesized that it could be applied to sulation losses (which will be part of the idle losses and can be con-
complete building systems, with the complete system idle losses com- sidered negligible [17]) and factoring in expected efficiency for a
prising both the appliance idle losses and the piping idle losses. Here condensing appliance (manufacture-rated to 90% for the appliance
appliance idle losses would refer to thermal losses of maintaining the used), a delivered steady-state thermal efficiency of 90.5% is calculated
service water, while piping idle losses would refer to both non-re- using Eq. (3).
coverable thermal losses in piping installed in areas which are not
served by the system [17] and pumping losses associated with con- 2.3. Cooling efficiency
tinuous recirculation if such a system were installed. Unlike systems
installed in single-family dwellings, where the distribution is inside the The performance of the cooling system is also estimated based on
zone served, the distribution for multi-unit dwellings is outside the the delivered thermal cooling energy, or the thermal energy extracted
suites, so thermal losses in such a case represent inefficiencies in the from the building by the system, as a ratio of the total energy added to
form of energy delivered to unintended spaces. the system. With cooling, the delivered thermal cooling energy can
There is also, it should be noted, a difference between the delivered exceed considerably the required energy, so the efficiency is measured
efficiency and the steady-state efficiency. As mentioned previously, the as the Coefficient of Performance (COP). The COP is defined as “the
delivered efficiency varies with system load and is non-linear with the benefit of the cycle (amount of heat removed) divided by the required
operating state of the system. Steady-state efficiency is a set property of energy input to operate the cycle” [18].
the system as a whole and will not vary under varied loads unless the When cooling, the energy consumed by the pumps and fans is still
operating conditions of the system are substantially changed. When eventually delivered as thermal energy into the transported fluid, which
using potable water as a hydronic heating medium, the water tem- contradicts the system intent of extracting thermal energy from the
perature is kept at a steady set-point, normally without implementing conditioned space. The theoretical cooling performance is defined as:
temperature setbacks or outdoor reset. Given that the intent of the re-
search presented in this paper is to review the performance of systems COP =
He (4)
that use occupant consumed potable water as a hydronic medium in
comparison to systems which do not, the steady-state efficiency will be where:
For the system investigated in this research, the energy contained in COP = Coefficient of Performance
the delivered service water represents the increase in service water Ec = Thermal energy in the delivered cooling airflow (joules)
enthalpy. The temperature of service water entering the system is re- He = Electrical energy consumed through system operation (joules)
corded at the source, and the temperature of water leaving the system This can be integrated into the linear model using the COP as the
as hot potable water is recorded when the water is consumed by the steady state COP for the system
simulated occupants of the system. The airflow through the fan coils is qout = COPss qin − σ (5)
measured once the fan coils have been balanced to a set external static
pressure, and the inlet and discharge temperatures are measured to where:
determine the delivered thermal energy. The quantity of energy deliv-
ered to the system is measured directly using gas and electricity con- COPss = Steady-state coefficient of performance
sumption meters. Using the stated performances of the equipment se- qin = Input rate (watts)
lected for the system, the efficiency can be estimated prior to operation. qout = Output rate (watts)
The pumps used in this system are wet rotor units that are cooled by σ = Idle loss rate (watts)

R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

In theory, the cooling energy delivered to the conditioned space part of a future investigation.
would be the cooling provided by the chilling appliance minus the Daily total water consumption can be determined from local utility
transport energy of the delivery fluid. The total electrical energy con- reports and municipal bylaws. Local communities provide minimal
sumed by the system would be the electricity consumed by the cooling consumption rates on a per capita basis for design and simulation
appliance plus the transport energy of the delivered fluid. From this, the purposes [26], and published studies can be consulted to identify daily
steady-state COP can be expressed as: water use [10]. Based on the extracted information, water consumption
is initially estimated at 300 L/person per day in the simulated system,
(Ecapl − Hep − Hef )
COPss = with the ability to adjust the consumption rates for the purpose of si-
He (6) mulating differing fixture efficiencies. The consumption is also split into
one-third cold water and two-thirds hot water at the point of use in
accordance with measured consumption rates [10].
COPss = Steady-state coefficient of performance
Ecapl = Thermal energy extracted by the cooling appliance (joules) 3. Analysis
Hep = Electrical energy consumed by pumps (joules)
Hef = Electrical energy consumed by fans (joules) Using the fully constructed apparatus, the operating performance
He = Electrical energy consumed through system operation (joules) was monitored under a wide range of operating conditions, both with
and without consumption of water by the simulated occupants.
The cooling unit selected for this application has a rated maximum Increments of operation were limited to the installed equipment, with
consumption of 28.8 Amps at 230 V, which equates to approximately the constructed apparatus simulating four suites of residential occu-
6.62 kW. The actual consumption is dependent on the outdoor dry bulb pancy. Occupant consumption was kept constant for all scenarios. To
conditions and the type of cooling fluid used. Since the chiller operates observe any possible effects, scenarios included heating only, cooling
in an environment where the outdoor peak cooling dry bulb is 28 °C and only, and situations where both heating and cooling were operating
the minimum outdoor design temperature is −34 °C [19], the system simultaneously. Once the system was in operation, the thermal losses
features an estimated fluid concentration of 50% propylene glycol in were estimated through observations and the theoretical performance
order to prevent damage in winter, and an output of 2.8 t (9.8 kW) of curves were estimated using Eqs. (2) and (5).
cooling while consuming 3.3 kW of electricity. The cooling pump is
rated to consume 185 W, and the fan coils consume 300 W each. When 3.1. Heating performance
these values are used in Eq. (6) a steady-state COP of 1.8 is calculated.
The key determinant of the efficiency of the system is the consumption Upon review of the thermal energy delivered by the system as de-
of electricity by the chiller, but the fan consumption energy is also a picted in Fig. 1, it is found that the use of potable water as a heating
major contributor, accounting for more than 25% of the total electricity medium does not negatively impact the ability of the system to deliver
consumed by the system. thermal energy to the point of use. The experimental data closely fits
the linear model proposed, and, with the consumption of hot service
water included in the operation of the system, the effect of the fit of the
2.4. Occupant behavior
model is found to be extremely small and well within any variations
that could be attributed to the experimental uncertainty of the appa-
One of the difficulties with using real constructed systems to de-
ratus. From the linear model, the steady state efficiency of the system is
termine baseline performance is that the uses of the system influence
92.6% with an idle loss of ~775 W (Fig. 5). This is a slightly higher
both the performance and energy consumption. Past experiences re-
steady-state efficiency than originally estimated, but can be attributed
ported by design engineers in the field show that the performance and
to an actual appliance efficiency that is slightly higher than the rating
energy consumption of a system can vary by ± 50% from simulations
specified by the manufacturer. Completing a regression analysis of the
due to the influence of occupant behaviors [20,21]. This has been
fit provides an R2 > 98%, for the scenarios tested. From these data, it
confirmed in numerous studies monitoring the performance of build-
can be seen that the linear model technique proposed by Butcher [27]
ings on a per suite basis by the variation that occurs between suites
for modeling single appliances is applicable to larger systems found in
[22–24]. This constitutes a considerable challenge when attempting to
large multi-unit residential buildings. This is an important finding
develop or validate models in a laboratory for systems that exist outside
which supports further large scale system based modeling experiments
the laboratory [25]. To address this challenge, the constructed appa-
ratus is controlled in a manner that simulates a set occupant behavior.
Measured water consumption rates for various building types have been
previously documented and can be used to develop usage profiles for
simulated occupants [10]. An interesting observation that has been
identified regarding occupant water use is that apartments have a re-
latively steady water consumption rate when observed on a 24-h time
scale compared to other types of occupancy. This implies that even a
stable per hour consumption is reasonable for simulating occupant
consumption rates. However, while occupant consumption rates may be
relatively stable on a per hour basis, they are not stable on an in-
stantaneous basis. To capture this phenomenon in the simulated system,
water consumption is simulated in a batch process with a specified
amount consumed in short durations each hour, rather than as a con-
tinuous process. While it can be argued that larger residential building
will have an occupant consumption profile that could be described, for
all intents and purposes, as a continuous flow, the population size re- Fig. 5. Recorded Heating Performance of the Laboratory System. The resulting whole
quired to achieve this profile is much larger than that of many build- building performances correlated well with linear modeling techniques intended for ap-
ings. The effect of varying the batch rate, size, or even simulating oc- pliance only applications and the inclusion of occupant consumption did not measurable
impact the performance of the system.
cupant consumption profiles as a continuous rate will be considered as

R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

coupled to the local surface air temperatures, which have been docu-
mented as increasing, resulting in increased temperatures of shallow
water resources [30]. It also should be noted that the listed tempera-
tures are a reported mean value and do not reflect the seasonal varia-
tions that occur in reality. Such variance can result in water distribution
temperatures being much higher than reported [31] and this would
have an impact on the performance of the cooling distribution. This also
has an impact on the viability of utilizing potable water as a cooling
medium. Increased shallow surface temperatures result in warmer
service water, which this study has illustrated is associated with in-
creased idling losses. While maintaining peak efficiency is feasible for
certain parts of the continent as determined by the designed chilled
water temperature, it would not be optimal to use potable water as a
cooling medium except in northern climates.
Fig. 6. Recorded Cooling Performance of the Laboratory System. Fluctuations in the inlet
water temperature resulted in a less cohesive distribution and increased inefficiencies
when occupant consumption occurred. 3.3. Parameter influences

of this kind. Evaluating the impact on the steady-state efficiency of the perfor-
mance of each component in the system is important as it allows for the
identification of the major contributors to the efficiency of the system.
3.2. Cooling performance In the present study this is carried out by conducting a physical para-
meter variation analysis using the generated data from the operation of
A review of the cooling performance data leads to a conclusion that the system [32,33] and evaluating a sensitivity coefficient for each
differs from the one derived from the analysis of the heating data. While parameter [34,35]. In this case, the building itself is not the focus of the
a review of the data yields a steady-state COP of ~1.8 for both the study, only the system itself and the parameters influencing the final
situations, where occupants consumed and did not consume the cold outcome. These factors include, the combustion efficiency of gas-fired
service water the idle losses are found to be approximately 50% higher appliances, the electrical efficiency of electricity consuming appliances,
when occupants consume the cold service water compared to when occupant use of water, and the inlet water temperature. The sensitivity
they do not (Fig. 6). The correlation coefficient of the model also coefficient is evaluated as follows [34]:
worsened substantially, from an R2=98% for the closed system to (dL/ Ln )
R2=80% for the consumption data. Si =
(dPi/ Pi, n ) (7)
Our findings indicate that the inlet water temperature varied sub-
stantially and was often warmer than the target temperature targeted to where:
provide cooling to the terminal units. As this would be a parameter that
is not within the control of the operator of the system, it does pose as a Si = Sensitivity coefficient
hard limitation for the implementation of using potable water as a dL = Change in output
hydronic cooling medium in areas where the supply water temperature Ln = Base value of output
is be warmer than the target cooling water temperature. This is a lim- dP = Change in input parameter
iting factor considering that the target water temperature used for hy- Pi,n = Base value of input parameter
dronic cooling in this study was 4 °C (40°F). Comparing this to a map of
incoming potable water temperatures (Fig. 7) derived from Collins [28] Evaluating the steady-state heating efficiency from Eq. (3) for the
and specified by tankless water heater suppliers [29], it becomes clear data collected from a selected full load heating test scenario identities
that a majority of the North American market would experience addi- an Si of 0.92 for the appliance efficiency, 0.006 for electricity consumed
tional idle losses when using a system that utilizes potable water as a by the fans, 0.0005 for electricity consumed by the pumps, and 0.004
hydronic cooling medium when compared to a closed system. Ad- for electricity consumed by the auxiliary equipment. These findings
ditionally, the temperature of the service water to the building can be indicate that the efficiency of the heat-generating appliance is the main

Fig. 7. Average potable supply temperatures in North America

with suitability recommendations for use with potable chilled
water circulation. It can be observed that large portions of North
America would not have suitable inlet water temperatures for the
utilization of potable water as a cooling medium without in-
curring decreased efficiencies.

R. Prybysh et al. Journal of Building Engineering 16 (2018) 220–227

contributor to the efficiency of the overall system. The efficiency of the found to be as attractive as its use as a heating medium. While the linear
transportation equipment had a minor influence on the overall effi- model approach does fit the data, it was determined that the inlet water
ciency of the building system as a whole. temperature had a significant impact on the idle losses for the system.
Conducting a similar evaluation of the steady-state COP from Eq. (6) As a result, the use of potable water as a cooling medium should be
for the data collected for a selected full load cooling test scenario is limited to areas where the ground water temperature is less than the
more difficult as the consumption of power by the distribution equip- target temperature for circulation. This limitation would prevent the
ment affects the energy available for cooling the suites. As a result, the installation of such systems throughout the majority of the major po-
thermal energy being addressed by the cooling appliance is considered pulated areas of North America, but it would still be viable for northern
a constant and the cooling energy delivered by the fan coils varies climates where water distribution temperatures are well known.
dependent on the transportation energy. This technique identifies an Si
of 0.75 for the power consumption of the chiller, 0.36 for the power References
consumption of the fan motors in the fan coils in the suites, and 0.05 for
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