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-Scene 1: In Gilgamesh’s Palace-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Poor Man

Narrator: Surpassing all kings, is a powerful and imposing figure, a fierce warrior and protector of his
people. His bravery and cunning have earned him a reputation as a hero of the front lines. But his thirst
for adventure and glory will lead him on a perilous journey, one that will test his strength and his will to
survive. This is the epic tale of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: I am Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk! Born of the divine union between King Lugalbanda and the
goddess Ninsun, I am 2/3 divine and 1/3 mortal. My blood flows with the power of the gods, and my
rule is supreme among all mankind. None can stand before me, for I am the mightiest of all kings!

All: [cheer]

Narrator: But as glorious and divine as he seems, he struts through his city along with its people
arrogantly; like a wild bull. Gilgamesh, the powerful king, is seated on his throne. Suddenly, a poor man
rushes in and falls at his feet.

Poor Man: [breathless] O thy great king, please spare my indecency! [pauses to catch his breath] My
son’s stomach is as empty as a bottomless pit. We haven't eaten anything for days! Please, help us!

Gilgamesh: [sarcastically] Ah, how gracious of you to address me as thy Great King. [pauses, eyes
narrowing] Yet you dare to touch me with your filthy hands and bark orders at me like I'm some stupid

Poor man: *panics* I-I’m sorry my majesty! *bows to the ground* That is not what I intended-

Gilgamesh: [goes near to the poor man] You have crossed the line, peasant. This insolence will not be
tolerated in my, kingdom! [punches the poor man] Consider this a warning.

Poor man: [runs hurriedly while injured]

-Scene 2: In the streets of Uruk-

Characters: Extra 1, Extra 2, Extra 3

Narrator: The people of Uruk gather in the streets, their faces etched with pain and desperation. Cries of
the people of Uruk fill the air, a desperate plea for salvation from the harsh rule of their King.

Extra 1: Heavenly Father, Gilgamesh—noble as he is, splendid as he is—has exceeded all bounds.

Extra 2: The people cry out that he takes the son from his father and crushes him. Girl from his mother
and uses her.

Extra 3: The people suffer from his tyranny, is this how you want your king to rule?

All extras: Heavenly Father, please do something!

-Scene 3: In Heaven-

Characters: Anu, Aruru, Enkidu

Narrator: The Gods heard their lamentation and their hearts were touched. Anu orders Aruru, the
goddess of creation a task to save the people of Uruk.

Anu: [walk to Aruru] Aruru, it was you who created mankind. Listen, the people of Uruk are in great

Aruru: [bows] I’m willing to do what It takes for the people, my lord.

Anu: [nods] Create a double for Gilgamesh, a man who equals his strength and courage, a man who
equals his stormy heart. Let them balance each other perfectly, so that Uruk may know peace.

Aruru: [bows femininely] Yes, thy heavenly father. [closes eyes, molds a clay] Your name shall be Enkidu,
born of the wild and untamed, as powerful and fierce as the war god Ninurta, with a heart as stormy as
Gilgamesh's. [put the clay on the ground] Now, go to the wilderness and start your journey to find him!
[point at the door]

Enkidu: [rises from clay, then walk to the door]

Narrator: And just like that, Enkidu is made from clay. Hair covered his body, hair grew thick on his head
and hung down to his waist, like a woman’s hair.

-Scene 4: In the temple-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Shamhat

Narrator: He roamed all over the wilderness, naked, far from the cities of men, ate grass and drank clear
water from the waterholes.

Narrator: Gilgamesh, upon hearing Enkidu’s similar features from a trapper, goes to Ishtar’s temple to
find a priestess named Shamhat.

Gilgamesh: Shamhat, temple prostitute, use your love-arts to tame Enkidu and bring him into our
civilization. It is a task that only you can accomplish.

Shamhat: [bows elegantly] Your wish is my command, my lord.

-Scene 5: In the forest-

Characters: Enkidu, Shamhat

Narrator: [Shamhat walking] Shamhat went out to the wilderness with finding Enkidu in mind. When she
reached the waterhole [Shamhat sits and waits], she waits. Finally, Enkidu went to where she waited
[Enkidu entrance].
Shamhat: [goes to Enkidu, but Enkidu goes away. Shamhat holds his hand] Do not fear me. I am not your
enemy, but your friend. I am here to show you the ways of the world beyond the wilderness. Let me
teach you how to love and be loved.

Enkidu: "I do not understand. How can you do that?"

Shamhat: [holds Enkidu’s waist] Let me show you, my dear Enkidu. Trust me, and I will lead you on a
journey of discovery and pleasure."

Shamhat: [hug Enkidu] Close your eyes and feel the warmth of my embrace. Let your body and mind
relax. Let me take you on a journey of sensuality and passion. [Almost kiss, then scene will be cut]

Narrator: As the days passed, Enkidu and Shamhat were consumed by their passion. The world around
them faded away as they explored each other's bodies and souls.

-Scene 6: In the forest-

Characters: Enkidu, Shamhat

Narrator: When the seventh day arrived, Enkidu's mind had been opened to a new understanding of the
world that no mere animal could ever comprehend. One day…

Shamhat: Enkidu, you are beautiful and like a god. Why should you roam the wilderness and live like an
animal? Let me take you to great-walled Uruk; to the temple of Ishtar and the Palace of Gilgamesh, the
mighty king!

Enkidu: [nods] I will go, Shamhat. Take me to the great-walled Uruk.

-Scene 7: In Uruk, Shepherd’s hut-

Characters: Extra 4, Enkidu, Shamhat

Narrator: Enkidu and Shamhat went to the city of Uruk. He furtherly got accustomed to the human
civilization. Now fully groomed, he looked handsome as a bridegroom. [Enkidu and Shamash both lie
down] One day when they were making love…

Shamhat: Enkidu, what’s wrong?

Enkidu: Shamhat, where is that man going? [pointing to Extra:4 which is walking]

Shamhat: That man is going to a wedding banquet. The ceremony will be filled with exquisite food and
the priest will bless the banquet. However…

Enkidu: However what?

Shamhat: [sad] The bridegroom will step aside, and the virgin will wait for Gilgamesh in the marriage
bed. It is he who mates first with the bride, then the bridegroom follows. This is the order the gods have
Enkidu: [angry] I will go to the Palace of the mighty king and challenge him. I will shout to his face, I am
the mightiest!

-Scene 8: In Wedding banquet-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Shamhat, Extra 5 (Girl)

Narrator: Enkidu furiously goes to the wedding banquet with Shamhat following. Upon arriving, they see
Gilgamesh with a girl ready to open his heart to the king.

Gilgamesh: How dare thy peasant interrupt a sacred ritual-

Narrator: Enkidu punches Gilgamesh, and then the two fought with all their might. Shamhat freezes in
horror, while the bride panics and escapes the scene.

-insert fight-

Narrator: After what seemed like a century, Gilgamesh gravely punches Enkidu which pinned him to the
ground. Their anger left, and Enkidu said.

Enkidu: Gilgamesh, you are unique among humans. Your mother, goddess Ninsun, made you the
stronger than any other mortal and you are destined to rule over men.

Narrator: After hearing those words, Gilgamesh's eyes softened and a warm feeling spread through his
chest.. They embraced and kissed. They held hands, walked side by side and became true friends.

-Scene 9: Gilgamesh’s Palace-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu

Narrator: Time has passed, and they both became closer than those related by blood. One day…

Gilgamesh: Enkidu, let’s go to the Cedar Forest and kill Humbaba to drive out the evil from this world!

Enkidu: [cries]

Gilgamesh: Why are you crying?

Enkidu: How can we dare enter the Cedar Forest? The entrance is forbidden. Especially, we must not
fight this creature. He is powerful, who among men or gods could defeat him? We are not gods, we are
only mortal men.

Gilgamesh: Where is the courage you always had? If I die in the forest, my people will see you as a
coward for not accompanying me. I am determined to make a lasting name for myself!

Narrator: Amidst the roaring cheers of his people, Gilgamesh declared his quest to defeat the fearsome
Humbaba and bring back the precious cedar wood. Enkidu and the others were filled with worry, but the
king was resolute. With weapons in hand and bravery in their hearts, they set out to the perilous depths
of the Cedar forest.

-Scene 10: Cedar Forest-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Voice 1, Humbaba

Narrator: As the two heroes journeyed through the dense forest, the sound of their footsteps echoed
through the ancient trees. Finally, they reached the edge of the forest, and they could hear the roar of
Humbaba. [Humbaba roars]

Gilgamesh: [in fear] O Shamash, protect me on this dangerous journey. Help me, hear my prayer.

Narrator: Then from the heaven, the voice of a God called to Gilgamesh.

Voice 1: Hurry, attack the Humbaba while the time is right, before he enters the depths of the forest! He
is just wearing one now. Attack him! Now!

Narrator: They could see the trail left by Humbaba and went. Suddenly, Enkidu was seized by terror.

Enkidu: Dear friends, I cannot continue. You kill Humbaba and win the fame, and I’ll return to Uruk for
people to know what a coward I am.

Gilgamesh: [holds Enkidu’s hands]. Dear friend, I cannot kill Humbaba alone. Two boats lashed together
will never sink. Let us go and attack the monster, we have come so far.

Narrator: They walked deeper into the Cedar forest until what came as the monster’s den, and
encounter the fearsome Humbaba.

Humbaba: [roar] I know you Gilgamesh. Don’t be a fool and go away. I will tear you limb from limn and
leave your mangled body on the ground. And you Enkidu, I will slit your throats, cut your heads and feed
your guts to vultures and crows!

Gilgamesh: How dreadful has Humbabas face had become! I am too afraid to go on.

Enkidu: Why, dear friend, do you speak like a coward? We must not hesitate or retreat. I will stand by

Narrator: Gilgamesh felt his courage return. They charged at Humbaba like two wild bulls. The monster
let out a deafening cry, then the clouds turn black, ground burst open! Then Shamash threw strong
winds at Humbaba, which makes the creature paralyzed. Gilgamesh saw the opportunity and slashed
the axe to Humbaba’s throat.

Humbaba: [on the floor] Please, have mercy! Let me live here in the Cedar Forest. If you spare my life, I
will be your slave, I will give you as many cedars as you wish.

Enkidu: Dear friend, don’t listen to a word he says! Kill him now!

Humbaba: I curse you both! May Enkidu die, and may Gilgamesh be inconsolable, may his heart be
crushed with grief!
Narrator: Gilgamesh lifted his massive axe, he swung it, it tore into Humbaba’s neck. [Humbaba roar] His
death roar resounded throughout the forest. Gilgamesh carried Humbaba’s head, and they returned to

-Scene 11: Palace of Gilgamesh-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Ishtar

Narrator: When he returned to great-walled Uruk, Gilgamesh bathed. He took off his filthy, blood-
spattered clothes and put on a tunic of the finest wool. The goddess Ishtar caught sight of him and her
heart was smitten.

Ishtar: Come here, Gilgamesh. Marry me, give me your luscious fruits, be my husband, be my sweet

Gilgamesh: And what will happen to me when your heart turns elsewhere and your lust burns out?
Which of your husbands did you love forever? They all suffered and each came to a bitter end. If I too
became your lover, you would treat me cruelly as you did with them.

Ishtar: How dare you speak to me like that![shrieks] You will pay! [exits]

-Scene 12: Heavens-

Characters: Anu, Ishtar

Narrator: Ishtar shrieked, she exploded with fury. Raging, weeping, she went up to heaven, to her
father, Anu.

Ishtar: Father, Gilgamesh slandered me! He said horrible, unforgivable things!

Anu: But might you not have provoked this? Did you seduce him, or did he start insulting you for no

Ishtar: It doesn’t matter! Please father, I beg you. Give me the Bull of Heaven to kill that liar Gilgamesh!

Anu: But if I give you the bull of heaven, Uruk will have famine for 7 years. Have you provided the people
with grain for that time?

Ishtar: Yes, of course father! I have stored up enough- more than enough!

-Scene 13: Uruk-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Bull of Heaven, Ishtar

Narrator: Ishtar led the Bull down to the earth, it entered and bellowed, the whole land shook, the
streams and marshes dried up, the Euphrates’ water level dropped by ten feet. Gilgamesh rushed in.

Gilgamesh: Dear friend, keep fighting!

Enkidu: Yes, together we are sure to win!

Narrator: Enkidu circled behind the Bull and seized it by the tail, then Gilgamesh skillfully thrusted the
knife between its shoulders until it was killed. Again, Ishtar is outraged. She climbed to the great wall of
Uruk and wailed.

Ishtar: Not only did the king slander me- now the brute also killed his punishment, the Bull of Heaven!

Gilgamesh: [laughs loudly] If only I could catch you, this is what I would do to you!

Narrator: The Bull of Heaven was defeated, rejoice! The two rode in a chariot through the main streets,
the people shouted and cheered as they passed. There was singing and feasting in the palace that night.

-Scene 14: Bed-

Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu

Narrator: Enkidu tossed and turned in his bed, haunted by the memories of his recent battle with the
mighty Bull of Heaven. Days had passed since he and Gilgamesh had triumphed over the beast, but the
dreams continued to plague him.

Gilgamesh: Don’t worry, dear friend, you will soon get better, this votive image will restore you to

Enkidu: There is no gold statue that can cure this illness, beloved friend. What Enlil has decided cannot
be changed. My fate is settled. There is nothing you can do…

Narrator: With each passing night, his strength waned and his condition grew worse, leaving him frail
and weak. For 12 long days, he was deathly sick. At last, he held out Gilgamesh’s hand and called out to

Enkidu: [weak] H-have you abandoned me now… dear friend..? Weren’t we to remain forever
inseparable… you and I..? [lose strength, dead]

Gilgamesh: Beloved, w-wait- don’t leave me! [cries] Dearest of men, don’t die!! Don’t let them take you
from me!!! [cries in pain]


Gilgamesh wept for his dead friend, and became to search for immortality. He set out on a perilous
journey towards Utnapishtim, who was made immortal by the gods. Only to find out that indeed, death
was a gift from the gods, a necessary part of the cycle of life and death. He goes back to his kingdom of
Uruk, showing that he has moved on from his grievances and accepted the idea of death.

Gilgamesh: Gone but never forgotten, Enkidu. You showed me the true meaning of friendship, and
helped me become a better person. I will honor your memory by ruling justly and with compassion, until
the day when I too must join you in the afterlife. Farewell, my friend. I’ll… Never forget you…

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