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о* of this rryorld
ý Lý
uрilЪ tsoolc 5

Post & obligotion

Post сопtiпuоцs & post simple

@ Ъ** sпd поw used toldidn't use to; used to question forms 10

Rечiеw I Grоmmсr rеч[еw; ехоm proctlce 16

@ Иsрirtпg lives Present реrJесt: фi.rmоti.че, negotive & questionJorm 18

@ д.р6*ч"mепts Present реrJесt wtth, How Iопg...?, Jor/since & atready/yet 24

Rеviеw 2 Grоmmоr revlew; ехоm рrосtlсе 30
@ B*иtog оrоuпd Comporotives withjusr as ... as/not as ... as 32
too/not ... enough зб
@ ГrоСuсý gпd procesýes Passlve volce: present simple 38
Review 3 Grоrпmоr revlew; ехоm proctlce 44
Шldlitв iп danger Futurе wtth will/won't, gоiпg to & present simp[e 46

@ ýgvе oulr world F lrst condi.ti.onol; modoLs : mау (поt) mig ht (поt) со uld 52
This website stores4 data such as Grсmmоr rеч[еw; ехаm prcct[ce 58
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, fвstivgls
as well as marketing, Reported speech, Не said/told mе... 60
personalization, and analytics. You indef i,ni.te по uпs : mе о пе / апу t hiпg / по w he rе 64
р rо sо
may change your settings at any time

or acceptKeepiвg
the defaulthealtlTy
Question tags with to Ье, present simple & сап 66
Review oJ modals 7о
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Rечiеw ý Grсmmоr rеч[еw; ехоm proctlce 72
Writing gools 74
reierence cnd woldlists
Analytics 84
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N4ACN4ILLAI\{ Апgеlч Llопgs & Libby Will]gms
She could swim. She couldn't wolk.
Не hod to work hord. Не didn't hove to stoy.

Э Recd the crticle. Circle Т (trце) or F ffclse).

ё:, 1*:;*ý.

W' Аmу White

W| W, #ý=Ж ж,

wos in оп occident five W

yeors ogo. She hod to spend six жgФ

1** months iп hospitol.'When l left
hospitol l couldnt wolk, but l could
swim l storted swimming fоr four ж
йr* i€рЁ

W hours о doy. Swimming mode me feel ж

good ogoin. l could move fost ond l *
{,liýý: :]
вlаý r]i
didn't hove to sit iп о wheelchoir oll i}iý{11

W doy. l continued to troin hord ond soon
l wos оп ihe Porolympic teom.'Amy is *

now о Роrоlуmрiс chompion. ж

ж re ае*

с А*g hod о serious occldent. irt'

Ь Алч wos оЬ[е to wolk о9а[п slx months Loter. т
с it wos imposslble Jor А*ч to move in the water. т
d When she LeJt hospitol, Алч spent oLL hеr tlme rn о wheelcholr. т
е А^ч worked hord to get lnto the swimmlng teom. т
I Ал9 wоп о medol at the Porolgmpics. т
Complete the tcble with the sепtепGеs iп bold iп cctivitч
Post cbilitg Past cbilitg ж
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Pcst obligction No obligotion iп the pcst
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,. ,_ -:;.*' -. .,J',i
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ý circle the correct words.
Fоr о whole gеоr Аmg Col6*aЪ)/ didn't hсче to do hеr schoolworh iп
hospitol Ьесоusе she (Ь) hod to / соц[dп't go to schoo[. AJter the occldent,
Алч (с) соц[dп't / hod to usе а wheelchoir. She (d) соц[d / соц[dп't 9о оut
with her Jriends, Ьut she (е) соцld / соц[dп't tolk to them еvеrg dog оп her
соmрutеr. Тhеп she discovered swlmmlng. Swimming wos о sport she ф соц[d /
didn't hcve to do verg we[[ 'I (9) hcd to / didn't hcve to stog [n опе position
о[[ dog. It wos а wonderJu[Jeeling ' she soUs.

4 Complete the text with had to / didn't have tо or соцId(п't).

sam smith hod ап occldent when he was
1 1. 'At Jirst there wеrе о lot oJ thtngs I
(о) гпlllсJп't do. Fоr ехоmр[е,
I (ь) wrlte properLg.
М9 porents bought me cl соmрutеr so I
(с) wоrrg оЬоut mg
writing. But the worst thing wos thot I
(d) pl"oy tob[e tennis, mу
Jоvоuritе sport So, I (е)
[еаrп to р[оg Jootbo[[ insteod. I
Ф proctlse чеrg hord,
Ьцt slowly I got better. AJter о whlle, I
(g) р[оу rеоltg wett
Now I р[оg Jor о teom ot the weehend.'
This website stores data such as

ý Write trце sentences сЬоцt 9оц.

cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
When wos
may change your I settingssix...
at any time
с I соuld
or accept the default settings.

Ь I couldn't
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I di.dn't hove to
I usе о соmрutеr.
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speok EngLish.
gI help ot home.
hI do the shopping.

#жф #€fuýж w#жffi#

Grоrпmсr sfiоЁ
Не wos wolking to school whеп he sow о kongoroo.

Reod ond пцmьеr the events iп order.

On 14th Octoben 2012, Felix Baumgartner

jumped from space using опlу а parachute.
Не travelled faster than the speed of sound. Не
flew 39 km into the sý iп а special capsule and
then he prepared to jump. Не was checking his
spacesuit when he discovered а probIem with ь.Ь, ч

his helmet. Ноwечеб he decided to continue.

While he was standing оп the edge of the capsule he said,
'l'm coming home now.'And then he jumped. But there was
another problem. Не was passing through the sound barrier
when he started to spin. This was very dangerous, Luckily,
he was able to stop spinning and landed safely.
When he jumped from the capsule, eight million people
were watching оп YouTube. One person said, 'l closed
my eyes while he was stepping off the capsule. lt was
terrifying.'Another said, 'l was watching music videos
when l saw Felix jump, lncredible '

о Не soid, соmlпg home now.' п

Ь tr
This website stores data such as
Не trave[[ed
cookies to enable essential site into the shy ln о copsule.
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization,с andНе storted to
analytics. You spin. п
may change your settings at any time
or accept the defaultНе
settings. to jump. п
е Не Jound о рrоЬlеm with his helmet. п
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Marketing I Не [onded soJetg. п

g Не
Personalization jumped Jrоm the copsute. п

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*, : j],]

Ё Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

We usе the pcst сопtiпцоцs ond pcst simp[e the some
sentence to describe о post octlon that wos interrupted Ьg
споthеr actlon.
We usе the pcst сопtiпцочs Jor the octlon that storted Jlrst and
the pcst simp[e Jor the oction thot interrr,rpted [t (the second oction).
We сап usе whеп + pcst simple to join the two ports oJ the sentence:
First cction second cction
Не wa,s passlnq throuigh the sоuпd Ьаrr[еr whеп he started to spin.

Whеп he cctlon the capsule, eight
jumреd,Jrоm mi[[iоп people Firstwаtсhiпg.
иl€е ссtiоп

muslс videos when I scw Fе[[х jшmр.

е wcs checklng hls suit when he а рrоЬ[еm.

We con olso use while to introduce the Jlrst octlon: *

While he was раssiпg through the sound Ьаrriеr,
he started to spin (White + pgst сопtiпцоцs)

Э Complete the sentences with the correct form of the pcst сопt[пцоцs.
This website stores data such as

lnto spoce, Felix wos wеоriпg (wеоr) о speclal su[t.

cookies to enable essential site
с When
functionality, as well he J[ew
as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
ь Неyour settings at any time (рrероrе) to jump whеп he dlscovered о рrоЬ[еm.
may change
с the еdefault
or accept mode о speech
settings. while he (stand) оп the edge oJ
the сорsu[е.
не Ьrоhе the sound Ьоrriеr while he
ffol"l") thrоugh
the shy.

Мопg реор[е
еPersonalization (wotch) him оп the lпtеrпеt when he
(ce[ebrote) оп the
ISaveWhen hisAccept
orrived, he
1 W#F Listen cnd cnswer the questions.

с How moпg hопgоrооs did А[ех see? Three

ь whеrе wos he when he sow them?
с Does he феп see hongaroos?
d Where did the hопgаrооs come Jrоm?
е Whot helped them escape?
I Is А[ех hoppg thot theg llve in the zoo?

circle the correct words.

рlс9iпg)iп the роrh when I scw / wcs seeing
wcs plcging
I plcged /(wcs
three hопgоrЪЪТ
Ь When I saw / wcs seeing them, theg jчmреd / were jчmрiпg
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential the trees.
functionality, as wellТhеg jчmреd / were jчmрiпg owog wh[[e I wctched /
as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
wos atwotching
may change your settings any time them.
d I found / wcs finding оut thot theg wеrе Jrоm the zoo while I
or accept the default settings.

wotched / wcs wctching the news.

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White the Jox du9 / wcs digging о ho[e, the kongoroos esccped /
Marketing were esccping.
I The poLice were loohi,ng / loohed Jor them when someone cclled
Personalization /
wcs ссlliпg.
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Reod спd comp[ete the sentences with the correct fоrm of the
Ехр[оrlп9 the Arctic
Yesterdog the suп wos shining. I (о) w*s hс:чiп* _
breohJast оп the boot when we (Ь) (see)
о potar Ьеаr. I (с) (wotch) it when tt
(d) ýumр) into the woter ond disoppeored.
Loter thot mоrпtпg I (е) (tohe) photos oJ оп
lceberg when о lоrgе piece oJ ice (Р ffotl,) ф.
It was on iпсrеdiЬlе sight. Loter, whil,e I (9)
(|.ook) ot the seo, о whole (h) (jump) rlght оut oJ
the woter. In the evening, we (i) (mоkе) diппеr *ч-.е ,:- ni-"
*\\:; ., fr,
when someone ý) (point) to the shg. It wos red,
(k) (tooh) ot the
9rееп, Ь[uе ond vlolet Whil,e we
skg, someone ([) (ехр[оiп) thot these wеrе the
Nоrthеrп Ltghts.

Use the prompts ond the words iп brcckets to write sentences.

с We / hove diппеr / we / see some seo[s (when)

Ь I / tohe photos / оп Arctlc Jox / oppeor (whtte)

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
I / tohe
personalization, photos You
and analytics. oJ the Jox / I / drop mg соmеrо [n the
snow (when)at any time
may change your settings
or accept the default settings.

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d We / Looh Jоr mU соmеrо / the Jox / rоп о,wоч (when)




е I/ сtеап/*9 соmеrоl theseols / jumр / into оwоtеr hole(whi[e)

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Grоmmоr gool Whot were you doing whеп you sow the tornodo?

'iý'*ij Listen cnd circle the correct word.

А: What were 9оu two doing when 9оu sow the

tsцпсmi l$"_gffiag;Z
в: We wеrе ptoying footboll / bcslcetbcll in
the рtоggrоuпd. It wos scorg
А: Sue, what were gоu doing when it hoppened?
с I was sаglпg goodbge to mч brother / dcd.
Не olwogs brings mе to school. Then we
phoned m9 9rоппg / mчm.
А: And whot wos she doing when gоu phoned?
с She wos wotchlng the tornodo оп ТV / her

Reod q,пd comp[ete the grсmmоr Ьох.

Whot 9оu when 9оu it ::э;-

]rj:l_ .:l1,

What _ she when uоu hеr

ý Complete the questions. Write the cnswers in order.

с Whot Uоu when the tornodo possed?
I / Jrom the c[assroom / it / wotching / was

Whot theg when the tree JeLL down?
This website stores data / photos
such as / tohing / theg
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You he when the Jire епgiпе orrlved?
may change your settings at any time
or accept the defaulthls mum /
settings. phoning / was / he

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d Whot the teocher when the reporters оrrlvеd?
Marketing chlldren / the / tolhing to / she / wos

аiъ :,:
ffi 4":

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:]i.i::rj1 ..*€,:,,.
,,:| |a|:.:ýi:.:::?.,?;:.} |,?Б ?п
:::.|:..|i::, +..._ : :..:|,. а ::|: :
'' ::|..::|.|-.:::|: -, _1р4 у. -
,|.|:.::1i ,,,,,..*,,,
€ l.
.' ]..,r::

щ"fl :. ,.:.

Complete the questions. Write trце cnswers.(do)

с Whot wos mum doing
чоur when 9оu
woke (wohe) uр this mоrпi.пq?
Ь Whot 9оur schooIJriends (do) when 9оu
(оrr[vе) todog?
с Whot 9оu (studg) when the Ье[[
(riпg) Jor Ьrеоh?

d Whot 9оur teocher

(do) when school

е Whot 9оur Po.rents (do) when 9оu

(9et) home gеstеrdоg?

Choose сп importcnt event thct hcppened recent[g.

Wrlte whct 9оц were doing when it hcppened.
Whеп the Рrimе Minister visited uý, l wos ploying footboll.

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
л:,- ..l&as well as marketing,
ý* Interview five friends. Find оцt whct
;.Ж and analytics. You
theg were doing when the event hcppened.
may change your settings at any time
Complete the notes.
or accept the default settings.

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QMarketing Nomes Answers
Personalization 1


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Wfuжre жж# ffi#w
Grоmmоr stоЁ We used to speok Puniobi ot hоmе.
l didn't use to ploy ice hockey.

З #
.::**:. 1.
*;i Reod the interview. Circle Т (trце) оr F ffclse).

pupil profile of the wееkз shozio Aslom, l l lпtегчiеw Ъу Fiопо lrviпе
Fiопо: Hi, Shozio. Whеп did you mоче to the UK?
shozio: Fочr уеоrs ogo. Му fomily ond l used to live in
Fiопо: How is уоur life different now?
Shozio: Well, we used to speok Puniobi ot hоmе, but
now we speok English most of the time.
Fiопо: ln whot woys is school different?
Shozio: ln Pokiston/ we didn't use to hоче о computer
in ечеrу cIossroom. And l didn't use to eot iп
thе conteen - | used to go hоmе [оr luпсh,
Fiопо: Whot do you miss most obout Pokiston?
shozio: Тhе fruit i ur"d to eot о lot of mongoes ond
dotes. l don't eot thеm now becouse thеу'rе
quite expensive iп the UK.
l don't miss the climote though Summers оrе
so hot in Pokiston - the tеmýеrоturе соп Ье
mоrе thоп 47'С. We used to swim in the riчеr
to cool off
This website stores data such as
с shozio lives pahiston.
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
Ь She lived iп
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
Jlve Uеоrs о9о. т/F
с She usuоllg speahs Punjobi ot hоmе поw.
or accept the default settings.
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Theg hove о соmрutеr iп еvеrg clossroom ot Cedor Роrh. т/F
She olwogs ote lп the schooI conteen in Pokiston. т/F
I She mlsses the hot summers lп Pohistan.
Personalization т/F

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*' :i

Ж Recd спd complete the grоmmсr Ьох.

We usе rrýed to, to'to[h obout.., , ,, ]. ,, ,

1 :things thot,we фtеп did tn the past,,Ьut we'dont do пOw:

I u;seld,io eat mапgоеs,апd dates..[]don't eot them:now.)
2' post s'ttuotions оr habits,thct are'Jinished, TheU оr:е,,поt,trце поw1
We used,ta:,[tve' iп Pahist_an.,(We, don't [ive]there,now:) , ,

lJsed. tо i,s Jollowed Ьg the inJinltlve wtthout tо:

I used to go home Jor luпсh.

We We
usе didn't to to
d,id,n't+usечýе to mohe
have the negotive:
а соmрutеr iп еvеrу classroom.
Used tо is the some with о[[ рrопоuпs (I, he, she, we, etc.).

I жsgd 8* *mt а lot oJ Jrutt. ] didn't цsе to eot ln the сопtееп.

We sчж&gк iп the we to hqve

riчеr. соmрutеrs.

& Circle the соrrесt words.

с Sr,оriо(ffi/ didn't цsе to live iп а hot climate,
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
doesn't цsцс1l9
functionality, as well as marketing,
ь She
personalization, and analytics. You
/ didn't цsе to eot luпсh ot schoo[.
She цsеd to didn't
с your settings at any/ time
may change цsе to speok English ot home.
or accept the default settings.
d She цsеd to / didn't цsе to eot о lot oJ Jruit.
е She цsеd to / didn't
Privacy Policy
цsе to 9о to the rlvеr [п summеr.
She doesn't цsцсtlg
IMarketing / didn't цsе to hove о computer [n hеr clossroom.

Тhеrе [s по present Jоrm oJ used rо. То tolk оЬоut habits iп the present,
we usе the present slmple,
t Save
t:se+o-spea*Accept All
English at hоmе поw. )
I (usually) speak English at hоmе поw.
З Complete the blog with the phrcses iп the Ьох.
t ttre didnt usё'tо sрёсh] , ,used to live dldn't r.tse to lihe
.l ':.

: ,uscd to,swlm used'to hcve didn't'use to eat

'].]. ] ...:.] ..:]

used to (о) live

iп Sgdneg, Austrolla, Ьut
поw we live iп Moscow in Russia. We moved
here Jor mg dod's job ond [t's rео[[g d'rlJerent We
(ь) пеоr the beoch, Ьut now
we llve оп the '15'hJloor oJ о block oJJtots. In
Sgdneg, I (с) iп the seo еvеrg
dаg, Ьut tt's too cold hеrе. I go ice ond do other winter sports. I
Russ[on, so schooI wos cold
dtlficutt Ьut now Вrлtt
ot Jlrst. I do. I (е)
поw I speak it we[[, ond I hove о lot oJ Jriends. In
ustrolla, we Ф о ЬоrЬесuе everg
Sunday. Now mU mum is lеоrпlпg Russian coohing,
so we eot thlngs lihe blinis ([ttt[e poncohes). We
(g) poncakes, but поw we hove them
о [ot, which is greot because theg're dellctous

* Complete the sentences with usеd to l didn't usе to спd с verb i,п the Ьох

have tive , cooh live

plog рtач eot wеоr

Вrепdап's Jamilg used to live

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site пеоr the coost.
functionality, as well as marketing,
ь analytics.
personalization, and Brendon You shorts ond T-shirts о[[ the tlme.
may change yourсsettingsНе at any time with Jriends оп the beoch.
or accept the default settings.
d Не ice hochey.
Privacy Policy Не
е iп а Ь[осk oJJlots.
Marketing I
Тhеg Russlon Jood.
9 Тhеg
Personalization Jood outs[de.
h Brendan опg Russion Jriends.
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ý Loolc cnd wrlte sentences with usеd to l didn't usе to.

Соrriе / not [[ve / iп the соuпtrg


She/weor/school uпlJоrm

G She / р[оg / hосhеg

d She / not wolh / in the mountclns

She / not collect / rochs

She / hove / long hоlr

4 write sentences with цsеd to l didп't usе tо cnd the words iп the Ьох.
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or accept the default settings.
Саrriе used
Ь She dldn't
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с She цsеd
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Where did you use to'live? Did you use to go to school?

ý ф Listen to the interview. Whct did the bog's 9rспп9 цsе to d,o?

Fomitg histories
с Vhеге AiA yo,,l и5е to live?
Ь DiA уоч иsе to зо to school
с DiA уоч и5е to Аапсе ечегу Аау3
d DiA уоu и5е to 5tи Ау rпаСtls апl science , too{
е VЬаС AiA you и5е to Ао iп уоuг {гее +irле

InJormction xuestions ,

Whеrе did gоu цsе to l'ive? I цsеd to [Lve [п Russla.

Qцestion ' ',' ' , ', S,hort' cnswers

Did gоu цsе to 9о to school? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

Ё Write the questions iп order. Mctch to the cnswers.

с to / еvеrg dоg / did / donce / use / 9оu 1 At 7 o'cloch in the
Did vou use to donce ечеrу doy? -- mоrпtпg.

Ь usе / studg l to l gоu / did / English No, we d[dn't, Ьut we

dtd ggmnostlcs.
This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well /did l to l get uр / whot tlme / use
as marketing, I went to the bollet
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time осоdеmg.
or accept the default settings.
did / 9о to / whеrе / use / schoo[ / to / gоu Yes, we did - Jor two
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Marketing sport l to l usе / did / do / gоu No, we didn't. We
Personalization studied Frепсh.
е bse# f*; qt";*sri*g: f*гms
W Save Accept All
ý А:
Complete the diс[оgче.
Hi, gronddod. Can I osh 9оu some questions оЬоut when чоu wеrе о child?
в: Yes, oJ соursе.
А: Where did gоu useto Live?
в: I used to live i.n о big, old house iп the соuпtrg.
А: D[d gоu 9о to school?
в: Yes, I
А: Whot _ чоu do oJter school?
B:I do о tot oJ chores to he[p m9 mum.
Whot цоu do?
в: We[[, Ichores
А: _ do the woshing uр ond the gordening
А: чоu _ do спg sport?
в: No, I .I didn't have апg Jree tlme

4 - person. Use the idecs be[ow.

Write questions to osh сп older
. hоmе . schoo[ о Jree-time activltles
. chores ot home о lihes cnd dislihes
When were а cht[d",
с Where
чоu dld 9оu usе to
live ?
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5 & ffi Interview 9оцr teccher оr ro[e-plog the interview с portner.
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#чi *.

Ё Въ; т";' Ё *+ #ж тН
э circle the correct words.
А: Granddod, while I (о) tooked /
os [оо t these o[d photos,
I (Ь) fочпd / wcs finding this
опе. Where is it?
It's the mаrhеt lп Моrrоhесh - lt's
colled the Sоuh. We used
(с) to live / to living [п Моrоссо.
А: Whot did gоu (d) цsе / цsеd to eot?
в: We oJten usеd to eot соusсоus and
togine. Мg mum (е) цsе / цsеd to
cooh wlth spices. In summеr lt wos
verg hot. М9 brothers ond I
ф were swimmiпg / used to swim in
the seo. When i.t was соо[еr, we (9) цsеd to / цsцс[[9 wolh iп

А: the
dtd gоu mоvе hеrе?
в: We[[, опе dog I (h) visited / wcs visiting the Sоuh (i) whеп / while
I met gоur 9rопп9.
А: Wow Whot () wcs she dоiпg / did she do when gоu met hеr?
в: She (k) stцdied / wcs stчdgiпg ot the unlversltg [п Morrokech.
Complete the diologue with the correct form of the verbs iп brcchets.
А: The storm last ni,qht wos terrible (о)
It лцус:s rgiпiпЕ (rо[п) heovlly when
I (ь) (9о) to bed, and [t wos sti[[ roining this mornlng
в: I hnow. М9 dod sogs the weother ls chonging. It (с)
(not / usе / rоiп) like thot hеrе.
This website stores suchthis
Wel.L, as mоrпlпg mg mum (d) (drive) to wоrh when she
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functionality, as well as marketing,
в: analytics.
personalization, and You What (f)
horse? i.t (do)?
may change your settings at any time
It (9)
А: settings. (swim) towords the rlverbonh. Мg mum mum coll
ed the Jire
or accept the default
brigade. White she (h) (walt), she (i) (trg)
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to со[m the horse down. When the J[re епgiпе ý) (аrr[vе),
th е оrsе (h) (ctimb) оut. Luckilg, опе oJ the Jlremen
Marketing (t) (usе / [ on о form, so he knew whot to do.


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Ф,;€ Llsten cnd drcw lines. There is опе ехсmрlе.

Witneýs 1 Witness 2 Witness 3

Witness 4
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Whct Gсп 9оц do? Circle с medcl.
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1 I con tolk оЬоut what реор[е wеrе doing when somethlng hoppened.
or accept the default settings.

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I con tolh about thtngs I used to do.


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*жgж рr*#€*
j*-nf1"*ъ tr #ъ* .{,ч **'] .*'-, r", l "j.,''
ýfl Y&g--Jъ* f ; j*,,; ,,,"i.,' j"".
i; "
1 .o"ru'

Grоmmоr sfrort ShеЪ wоп mопу owords. She hosn't written о book.
l've печеr met опуопе like her.

€:,в Recd the crticle. Who hcs done the things below, Jordcn (Л or Аmg (l

hos hod оп incredible life Не

hos climbed the highest mountoin оп ечеrу continent.
НеЪ climbed Mount Everest iп Nepol опd Асопсоguо iп
Argentino. НеЪ Ьееп on TV ond hеЪ written о book obout
his experiences. НеЪ trovelled round the USA to tell his
story ond to encouroge children to do outdoor octivities.
НеЪ tried ВМХ biking, skoteboording ond rock Не hos
пеvеr Ьееп ofroid of onythingI iumping.

is о sсiепсе superstor. She hos done

reýearch iпtо,сgпсеr. she hgs mеt the president of the
United Stotes five times опd shеЪ wоп mопу owords
fФr her vrork. she hcsn't written о book, but shез writtеп
orticles for imроrtопt ]оurпоls, ShеЪ olso trovelled to Polond
tо'mёеl imроЁопt scientists. Неr secondory school teocher
soys, 'l've пеvеr met опуопе like Аmу опd l've tought о lot

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о wln awards
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ь asmeet
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personalization, and analytics. You
the us president
wrltе а Ьооk
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or accept the default settings.
d trg mопg оutdооr octlvltles
е do sclent[Jic research
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I Ье оп TV
9 climb mounto,ins
h troveL to Poland
W Save
Fl*:t*::, *;;r€t*? f*:r *х**r;{эiз{*i;
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2 Reod cnd complete the grаmmсr Ьох.

Short for* '

Long fornr

I' l

Ilve taцght,kids. tcught klds. I haven't torrght, ],klds,

He|s не hcs written о Не

Ьооk, Ьооh. written о booh.

ýhort,form Lo_ng form,

He's Ьееп oJraid. Не hcs печеr, Ьееп oJrotd

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3 Complete the chcrt with the infinitive or post pcrticip[e form of the чеrЬ.
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or accept the default settings. Past pcrticip[e Infinitive Pcst porticiple
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meet write
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; сirсlе the correct word.


Тgtеr Wotson ond his Jomil.g love оп odventure. Тhеg (о) hcs /.,'Ё-оЙЬ..п
to sоmе lnteresting ploces. 'We (Ь) hcs / hove Ьееп to AJrico опГthе
Arcttc. I (с) hcs / hcve seen llons ond whales, but I (d) hcve / hcven't
пеvеr seen о ро[оr beor. We (е) hcs / hcve swum with do[phlns i.n,
Ьut we ф hcve / hoven't never swum in the Arctlc Осеоп.' Тglеr ond
hts Jomilg (9) hcs / hcve stoged [n о trее house, but theg (h) hasn't /
hcven't slept iп o.n lgloo - too co[d 'Оur next trip is to Austrollol' sogs
Тg[еr. Не (i) hcs / hcsn't пеvеr visited Australio, so he is rеаl'[9 excited.

They've Ьееп to ДJriса. (= theg've vlslted AJrico - theg went, Ьut оrе bock now)
They've gопе to AJrica. (= theч wепt ond аrе sti[[ there)

;t Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs iп the Ьох.

swlm see Ь€
eot vislt
о T9[er's cousln hos пеvеr t ,
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable She
ь essentialhosn't
site wholes iп the Arctic.
functionality, as well as marketing,
She hosn't
personalization,сand analytics. You crocodlle meot, Ьut
may change your settings any time
or accept the default settings.
d Tgter's оuпt o,nd uпс[е hoven't
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with dolphins.
е Тhеg hove never [п с, tree house.
They hoven't Austro[[o.


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&ffi аj;я Complete the orticle with the correct form of the present рефсt.
Listen cnd сhесlз,.
Steve Irwin wos о crocodi,[e huпtеr [n Australio. Не died iп 2006,
Ьut his children, Blndt ond ВоЬ, сопt[пше his worh. Both children
(с) hove worked (wоrk) wlth onimals, Ьut theg
(ь) (do) о |,ot oJ оthеr thlngs, too. Bindt
(с) (have) hеr оwп ТV рrоgrоmmе оЬоut
witdl,tJe. She (d) (win) ап oword for hеr
worh оп ТV, ond she (е) (mаhе) Jttms.
She ф (rесоrd) о htp hop о|"Ьum, too.

ВоЬ (9)
(h) not (do)
hove)dilJerent thlngs. Не ond he
а ТV рrоgrоmmе,
(j) (trove[) а[[ оvеr the world ond, lihe his
Jather, he (h) ffeed) crocodlles Ьg handl

Тiсh (r/) the things gоч hove done. Cross (Х) the things gоч hcve
never done.

climb / о mоuпtоiп Jish
catch / о Jish s[eep / [п о treeпho uSе

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wln о rосе
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ot / с / swim / [п the sea
Use the i.nformctlon in octivitg 4 to write trце sentences сЬоцt 9оц.
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ь I hoven't
с I've never
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Hove you ever ЬеепJо the USA? Yes, l hove. / No, l hoven't.

ý Recd the website. Nсmе two thlngs 9оц ссп do in Sоцth Africc.

tr Recd cnd соmрlеtе the grcmmcr Ьох.

Qцеstiопs short cnswers
сче Uоu ever Ьееп to о Ьrооi,? Yes, I hоче.

Hcve gоu with shorks? No, I hcven't.

Write the words iп order. Answer the questions fоr gоч.

с 9оu
This website stores data
/ ever l wotched / hove / о ru9Ь9 motch
such as
cookies to enable essential site

Ь seen/ gоu/ аshоrk/ hove / ever

functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
gоu / ever l the mоuпtоlпs / hove / visited
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d о ЬоrЬесuе / hod / уоu / hove l еvеr


F*,;.;ь,:_т ;*rf***: Еrз**Fiяэнэ ё*rs,*
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*;зd :;fu*,r?.***,#*Ё*i
4 Comp[ete the diс[оgче with the correct form of the present рефсt.

Hove 9оu еVеr (Ье) to Spotn?

No, I
(eot) рое[[о? It's dellciousl
9оц еVеr
Yes, I've tried [t three tlmes.
Hov е 9оu (watch) о Jlomenco show?
No, , Ьшt I'd [[he to.
Hove уоu (see) La Pedrero? It's оп lncredible
butlding bg Antont Gаudi.
в: No,
А: Тhеп gоu should go to Spoin

Write .flr" questions сЬоцt 9оцr сочпtrg.

This website stores data such as Nomes,
cookies to enable essential site
с Hove
functionality, as gorr
well as еvеr eoten
п п
personalization, and analytics. You
ь Have
may change your settings at any time
gоu eVer
or accept the default settings. п п
с Hove gоu п п
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Marketing п п
п п

6 Ж Ж Interview two friends. Listen ond tick (r') or cross (Х).

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ffi%ffi ffiБffi w ы€ ъ в **w + &": s**"

GrотRmоr,,gfоЁ How lопg hos she Ьееп о singer?

Fоr 4О yeors. / Since she wos six.


ff,€ Recd cnd listen. Mctch the пцmЬеrs to the things theg refer to.

А: Whot оrе 9оu listening to?

в: Аmоdоu and Morlom. Тhеg'rе muslcians
frоm Mo[i. Тhеg р[оg 'AJro Ь[uеs'.
А: Whot's thot?
в: It's о miхturе oJ AJricon, Indlon, Eggption
ond СuЬап mustс, wlth roch ond е[есtrо.
А: Grеоt How [опg hove theg Ьееп mus[с[опs?
в: Моrlоm hos Ьееп а slnger slnce she
wos six. Аmоdоu hos ploged реrсusslоп

А: Wow
lnstruments he wos
How long thegtwo.
в: Fоr З0 9еаrs. Тhеg'rе mаrrlеd os we[[.
А: Reotl"g? How [опg have theg been mоrriеd?
в: Fоr olmost З5 Uеоrs. They met o,t the ]nstitute Jor the Yоuпg Btind
in Mo[i. Маrlоm hos Ьееп bltnd since she wos Jive. Аmаdоu hos been
btind Jor over 40 yeors.
А: Thot's omozing. Let's J[nd о video oJ them on the lnternet.

с slx 1 the пumЬеr oJ gеоrs theg hove ploged together

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may change your settings at any time 3 the пumЬеr of чеOrs theg hove been mоrrlеd
or accept the default settings.

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dз5 4 the age when Amodou storted рl"оgiпg percusslon
е Jive
5 the oge when Моrlоm storted singing
tr,:. ý@
жSave ,]; ,,,:_,,.,f",,:: ^. ,"l,L' е , ; ";\ ,,з:, '": ,
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Reod cnd complete the grоmmоr Ьох.


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3 Complete the phrcses with for or siпсе.

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since 1q86
she wos о child
сPersonalization 1 7 gеоrs
d the Ьеgiппtпg oJ the gеоr
Save Accept Allо [опg time

t lost night
9 ] 5'h October
h eight months

Gr,оmmqr prodice

Look ct the fcct flle cnd complete the sentences.

Nсmе: Evetyn Glennie

'lЧ'h 1q65
Оссчрсt[оп: Ju[g,
Весаmе deoJ when she wos ] 2,
She 'sees' ond Jeels the mus[с.

с Evelgn G[еппiе hos Ьееп (Ье) deoJ siпсе she wos 'l2.
ь She (p|,og) mопU t9pes oJ реrсuss[оп instruments
she Ьесоmе deoJ.
с She (Ье) о mus[с[ап mоrе thon 25 9eors.
(реrJоrm) she
d She
[eJt schoo[. os о solo ortist
е She (9tve) concerts а[[ over the wor[d
mоп9 UеоrS.
I She (hel"p) 9оuп9 muslcions wlth hеоr[пg problems
she become Jоmоus.
g She (wtn) mопU owo,rds ] q8в.

* дпswеr the xuestions fоr gоч. use the present рефсt with for or siпсе.
с How [опg hove gоu Ьееп о рuрil ot this school?
I've Ьееп о hеrе
рuрilgоu studted
ь How long hove Jor Eng[ish?
This website stores data such as

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How l'опg hove
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
Uоu hod gоur Jovouri.te tog оr 9оmе?
may change your settings at any time
d How long have gоu lived in gоur home?
or accept the default settings.

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Who is gоur Jovourlte slnger? How tоп9 hos he/she Ьееп gоur Javourite siпgеr?


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Э Intervlewer:
Complete the diclogrre with the verbs cnd for l since.
How Long hove you ployed (рtаg) the v[o[ln, Апdg?
Andu, 5iпсс 2007.
Intervi.ewer: Апd how long (l,ihe)
Andg, I wos Jоur оr Jtve.
Interviewer: How [опg (Ье) о
mеmЬеr oJ the youth orchestro?
Апdg, the Lost two gеоrs. Мg Jomitg
moved to London so I соuld study with the

Intervlewer: best teochers.

([ive) iп London?
Andg, three 9eors поw.
Intervlewer: (proct[se) todog?
Апdg, оЬоut Jоur hоurs.

Write fочr questions to cslc 9оцr pcrtner сЬоцt on interest.

Нолtl long hove yoL; piloyed footbcll? How lопЕ hcve you Ь*еп оп the tеогп?

clcss interests
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d Personalization

*, ,&
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Interview 9оцr pcrtner сЬоцt his/her interest. Complete the sцrчеg

;j}l ]1ý

*.,, ,,l*
with the cnswers.

l've olreody trovelled obrood. l hoven't visited оп islond уе

Recd cnd listen. Tick (/) the things Nich hcs done.
Nich: Hove 9o[r seen this [ist? I'm
Things to do before you're 12
ten ond I've аlrеоdg done а lot
oJ things on tt Let's see... I've 1 wotch the sun
alreadg camped iп the wi[d. rise П
And I've оlrеоdg wotched the 2 Ссmр in the wild П
suп r[se. Вцt I ho,ven't trled
obseiling get. 3 Тrу cbseiling П
Saro, Hove gоu Leornt to р[оу on 4 visit сп islcnd П
lnstrument get? OJ соursе I've оlrеоdg lеоrпt 5 Lecrn to plcy
to р[оg the rесоrdеr and I сп instrument П
wont to Lеаrп the gu[tаr.

We цsе alreadq with the рrеsепt perJect to tolk oborrt thlngs that j.. :i

hove hoppened. We usе already iп clfi,rmctive sentences. It goes r€*ъ***=*l

*ъ** *=*l

before the moin vеrЬ, I've already watched the suп rise.
We usе уеt wlth the present perJect to sаU that something hosn't
happened, but we expect it to hорреп [п the Jutrrre. We usе yet Lп
negctive sentences and questions. It goes ot the end oJ the sentence:
I haven't tried аЬsеiliпg yet,

1а Write trце sentences with the prompts. Add yet or аIrеаdg.

с Nick wotch / sun risе
This website stores data such as /
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site hс:s i;ire*di; r*T*}cn** 1h* sun i:s*.
functionality, as well as marketing,
Не You
personalization, and analytics. /
may change your settings at any time
not trg / obseiling
or accept the default settings.
G Не / Lеаrп / to р[оу the recorder
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Marketing d Не / not leorn / to р[оg the gu[tоr



, ,
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Ф,,{е /
4 # ffi Ask о pcrtner. Tich (r') or Grоss (Х) the questions iп cctivitg 3.

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write sentences сьоцt 9оцr pcrtner.
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or accept the default settings.
He/She hos оlrеоdg
Ь He/She hosn't
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ýяrs* _*, йа
#,&*"ъяж#ж Ж
j Соmрlеtе the diсlоgце with the words iп the Ьох.
Stnce пеVеr how [опg
Jo, ever uet
J olreadg hove
А: Nojj[, congro,tulotlons Yоur teom i.s the
Jtrst AJrican teom to win о р[осе lп the Little
World Series (а) Н*чч l*ný
hove чош cooched the teom?
в: (Ь) Jive geors now. I
(с) рl,оgеd the gаmе
s[nce I wos Jive. Соmе and meet оur teom coptoln, Мu[оgо.
А: Не[[о, Мul,оgо. (d) have gоu ployed boseboll?
с: (е) wos e[9ht - thot's three 9еоrs.
Hove Uоu Ф plaged [п оп [nternotlonol gоmе?
Yes, we've (g) ploged agolnst Jour internotlonol teams, but
we hoven't ploged о World Serles qome
пеrvоus, too. I've (i)
J (Ю
Ьееп to the USA ЬеJоrе
I'm exclted Ьut

; Write the correct form of the verbs cnd спg other words gоч need.

Luсiе and Joch оrе оп[9 14, but theg (а)
I:E:ve оlrеоdg
gtc:rt*d (start) theLr own rосk band. We intervlewed them last wееh.
Luс[е: ] (Ь) (ptog) the drums (с) three
9eo"rs, and Joch (d) (рl"оg) the gultоr
(е) he wo.s п[пе.
[опg чоu
(hпоw) eoch
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Jriends (h) gеаr 4,
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And now оvеr 500,000 peopte (i) (see) us
may change your settings at anyperJorm
time on YоuТuЬе
or accept the default settings. (j)
ВВ, Uоu (mоhе) ап о[Ьum (h)
Lucie: No, we ([) (not mоhе) опе (m) , Ьut
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wе'rе going to this summеr.
Marketing ;lj.,1lj:.



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€.€ Listen cnd write. There is one ехсmр[е.

Na-tцral нЬюrу Мusеum

Hos olreody visited: the Dirrоsсurs gollery
Hosn't done: the Honds оп session yet

Dote of sleepover: l2th

storts ot

я реr реrsоп
Вriпg: sleeping bog, torch, опd о

. Recd the text and write the missing words. Write опе word оп eoch [ine.

Ехсmр[е The Noturol History Museum hos Ьееп ореп f*r очеr
1 100 yeors. lп the museum, оrе exhibitions obout
dinosours, onimols ond birds. There is olso octivity session
2 for you to do experiments. And sometimes you
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cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as
bog ond hove о sleepover the dinosours
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
Whct ccn 9оц do? Circle с medol.
1 I
Privacy Policyсоп osh ond onswer questions аЬоut LiJe experlences.
'' "|:.,,,,:..

} :

I соп
Analytics tolh about how [опg I've done things.
:: Accept All :
#*"Y ?ф
1,.", .:_ l.,' :.'' ," :: Е:: ЁЖ

d*а- ;*iр.,5ъя_ s * s-u *u
*.ё.е;.ýr4Ф, е*.s flЪ
q т*#-ф
"##t g Ё,frЪ ##Т
8ý*€ Ъ€ЪS*"*Ss
fu,*g;?ý; hтя"'

Grommor ýtort Tuk tuks oren't os comfortoble os toxis.

Toxis ore iust os expensive os tuk tuks.
ýi.',1ý Recd the crticle. Circle Т (trце) or F ф[sе).

Moglevs oren't os noisy os
other high-speed troins.They'floot' obout
l0 mm obove the trock оп о mognetic
field, so thеrе is по surfoce contoct.They
don't hove on engine or wheels, so they
oren't os expensive os other troins to
]t's the fostest
wqу to trovel оп lond]These ::. So why оrеп't there more
troins соп trovel ot up to Moglev systems oround the world? Some
500 km/h. Conventionol high- people orgue thot conventionol high-
speed troins oren't oS fost speed troins ore just os епеr9у efficient os
os Moglevs - they reoch top Moglevs, ond they ore just os eco-friendly.
speeds of oround 320 km/h. Only time will tell if Moglevs о[е , ,,. ,.,
the troins of the future.

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Accordlng to the orticle...
or accept the default settings.
о conventlonol high-speed trolns оrе Joster thon Moglevs. т
Privacy Policy Ь Moglevs ore quieter thon сопvепt[опо[ high-speed trotns. т F
Marketing G MagLev trolns hove whee[s. т F
d it i,s mоrе expensive to malntoin о Moglev thon о conventlono[ troln.
Personalization т F
Analytics е Maglevs оrе deJinite[9 the trо.пsроrt oJ the Juturе. т F
ffi ,}:; , ё:fr *ь Ёj
W ".,;1: ,о, ] ,,.r::1l :* |,' ,"j_.
Save { {,г."?t_"
Accept All
Reod cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.


High-speed troins ore jшst os ecoJriendlg os Mag[evs.

Hioh-speed trolns сrе cs епеrоu efficient Moolevs.

High-speed troins сrеп't cs Jost cs Maglevs.

Moolevs oren't nolsu hioh-soeed trclns.

3 Recd cnd mctch the sentences.


п WryWь

Moglevs аrеп't os рорulоr os other Theg trovel ot uр to

This websitehigh-speed troins.
stores data such as З20 hm/h.
cookies to enable essential site
functionality,Сопvепt[опо[ h[9h-speed tro,ins
as well as marketing,
However, theg оrе по[s[еr.
personalization, and os os-Mogtevs.
analytics. You
Jost Onty а Jew соuпtrlеs hove
may change your settings at any time
built them.
High-speed tralns оrе just os
or accept the default settings.

comJortoble os Moglevs. Тhеg hove о smooth,

Privacy Policy up-to-dote looh thot gоu con
Moglevs оrеп't сts expenslve
see iп the photo.
other trolns to mоlпtа[п.
Personalization This i,s importont Ьесаusе
Analytics trolns
hi9 h-speed we need to protect the
аrе just os mоdЙп os Moglevs. епчirопmепt.
Save Accept All
The lotest high-speed сопчепt[опо[ This is Ьесаusе they do not
trolns оrе just os eco-Jriendlg os have an епg[пе or wheels.
the Mog[ev.

ý write the words iп bold iп order.

Тчk tчk or tqxi? }::n};#;nTfiilJ;.1.

getting о tuk tuh? These оrе о[[ оvеr the citg Тhеg (о) (os / cren't /
comfortcb[e / cs) сrеп't gs сgпзfоrtсЬlе аs toxis, but theg оrе muсh
mоrе Juп Tourists love them, though they (Ь) (рорч[сr / cs / cs / cren't)
toxls with [оса[ peopte. They (с) (just /
fcst l are / cs / cs) taxis and theg
(d) (cs / cren't / cs / dcngerous) theg
l"ooh The поmе comes Jrоm the englne nolse, Ьut ruft olso meons 'cheop'
i.n Thoi. However, oJten theg (е) (as / o're ljust / expensive / as)
taxls. Тuk tuhs (Р (scfe / os /
cs / cren't) toxls becouse theg
оrе mоrе ореп ond hove no seotbelts. And thеg ore (9)
(cs / just / cs / noisg) other Jorms oJ pubtic
tronsport. And when gоu'rе iп о hurrg, о *.4
tuk tuk (h) (difЛсцlt / cs / is / cs / just) t
о toxl to ftndl

* Complete the sentences so theg mеоп the scme cs the flrst sentence.
Tronsport tn Vеп[се
с А gondola [s mоrе expenslve thon о voporetto.
А voporetto [sn't cs ехр*пsivg *s с ýond*lc
Ь А voporetto
This website stores data such
cookies to enable essential site
as is Joster thon о gondolo.
А gondolo [sn't
functionality, as well as marketing,

personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settingsGondo[as
at any time оrе saJe.
Voporettos оrе soJe, too.
Gondolos оrе just
or accept the default settings.

d Voporettos оrе mоrе comJortable thon gondolos.

Privacy Policy
Gondolos оrеп't
е А gondolo is mоrе ecoJri.endlg thon о voporetto.
А vaporetto

Save I Gondolos
Accept All
оrе rе[iоЬ[е. Voporettos оrе rе[lоЬ[е, too.
ъ "ы-


Э Looh ond write сЬоцt the forms of trcnsport.

тrgчеl iп the ýпоw Keg, * = low *** =high

ComJort *** **
Speed * ***
Eco-Jr[end[9 * **
Nolse *** ***
Cost ** ***
SaJetg *** *

с А doo sled isn't os comfortoble os о snow cooch. (comfortoble)

ь А snow cooch о dog s[ed. ffost)
с А dog sled snowmo bile. (expens[ve)
d А snowmobi,[e о dog s[ed. (ecoJrtend1,9)

е А snow cooch о snowmobile. (notsg)

I stores
This website dogdata
s[edsuch as
cookies to enable essential site
snow coo,ch. (sofe)
,+ Wrlte trце sentences сЬоцt trcnsport where gоч [ive.
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change(soJe) Х
your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
ь (crowded) =
с (expens[ve) Х
Privacy Policy
d (comJortobLe) =
е ffost) =
(c[ean) Х
9 (rеl'lоЬ[е) =
h Accept All Х
5€ & Соmрсrе 9оцr sentences iп grочрs. Do 9оц cgree? Whg or whg not?

ltЪ too dongerous. l'm not strong enough.

i Recd ond complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

А: Let's rепt jet shis

в: No, thanhs. Тhеg'rе
too dongerous. I'm
not strong enough
to control one. Whot
оЬоut о pedolo?
А: No, thonks. Тhеg'rе too
borlng. Тhеg оrеп't Jost
епоugh Jоr mе

jj;ý];;eii:, :

We usе too + офесtivе to sog thot something ls mоrе thon we

wоu[d lihe,
They're too dапgеrоus. They're Ьоriпg.

We шsе isп't/аrеп't + odjectlve + enouglr to scy that somethlng [s less

than we wоuld [ihe,
I'm поt strопg епоugh. They аrеп't епоugh.

:J Comp[ete with the cdjectlves cnd too l епоugh. Listen cnd chech.
This website stores dataToxls с
such as
cookies to enable essential site
оrе i** *;ч.щ (expenslve). I don't hove muсh mопе9.
ь as Buses
functionality, as well оrе
marketing, (crowded) ot this oJ dog. And theg оrеп't
personalization, and analytics. You (rе[iоЬ[е). They пеvеr соmе оп time.
may change your settings at any time
It's G
or accept the default settings. (hot) to cgc[e. And I'm (tired)
Privacy Policy Jet ski.s ore (dongerous). I'm not
Marketing (strong) to сопtrоl опе.
Personalization Pedo[os оrе (Ьоriпg)l Theg oren't ffast)
Analytics Jor mе
:&а J"' .#*.
+Еffiй Accept All
З Complete the diс[о9чеof with
Use the correct form to too
Ье. l поt епоugh опd the odjectives.
А: Let's rепt this pedalo
в: It isn't big enough (big). It's оп[9
Jor Jоur реор[е ond there ore Jlve oJ us.
А: What оЬоut jet shls?
в: Hove Uоu seen the pri,ce? Тhеg
(expenslve). ...,ý
А: We соu[d go Jоr о trip ln о rоwlпg boot.
в: Some oJ them hove holes iп the side
Lookl Theg (soJe).
А: Why don't we 9о Jor о tri.p on thot tоur boot?
в: It's Ju[[ oJ реор[е. It (crowded) - we won't Ье
оЬ[е to get on.
А: ОК. Let's go swlmming instead.
в: It's rео[[g co[d todog. The wo"ter (warm).

4 Write sentences w[th too / поt епоцgh. Use these cdjectives оr 9оцr
оwп idecs.

dапgеrоus Ьоrlпg
This website stores data such as
/ exciting tired : croWded' hot,/ co,Ld

cookies to enable essential site

functionality,Let's to the
goas marketing,роrh.
as well
personalization, andtho,nks. Youtoo cold.
too + odjective
may change your settings at any time
Whot оЬоut Jor а bihe ride?
or accept the default settings. going odjective + епочgh
--- :.:

I don't thinh so.

Wоu[d gоu [[he to р[оg а соmрutеr gоmе?
Not rео[[9.
Let's go shateboording,
No, thanhs.
go to the beoch.
We соuldAccept
SaveI don't reollg Wont
All to.
:|" F
-t* .,'* д.t оцt the diclogue with с pcrtner.

'.*.] ffiffi
Wffi##ж#ffi ffiffi# ffiffiffiffi%%ffiffi

Grcmmar:stort Gold is found iп rivers. Peoches оrе grown пеоr the coost.

',ff"ф Recd the informction. Mctch the sentence holves.

New zeolond is the thiгd tg*зЬ ond Ьее* оrе рrоdчсеd

lorgest wool рrоduсеr hеrе, too. Тhе опimоls оrе roised
in the world. Thousonds оп the south lslond. Lomb is
of tonnes of woo| оrе exported to the United Kingdom.
produced onnuollyl Beef is exported to the Fоr Eost.
some of the best
quolity woo|len |,,

clothes оrе
mode in
New Zeolond.

/*"- olro
#g-еýý&. Fоr
ехоmрlе, peoches ond But оgriсчltuге isn't
plums оrе grоwп пеоr the опlу industry.
thе coost. Most of the Noturol gos ond
irоп оrе mined
fruit is sold in New
zeolond, but hеrе. '' ],, is found
. some is in the rivers ond
exported to mountoins. |t is sent
Аustгоliо. , оyегsеоs ond used
: to moke iеwеllегу.
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site

functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You gos ond i.rоп оrе*ъ 1 grоwп пеа,r the
Ь is \*2
may change your settings at any time
Some oJ New
or accept the default settings. Zeo[ond's Jruit mined iп New Zeolond.
с Gol,d lsexported З soLd to the UK.
d А lot oJ the world's
Privacy Policy
4 wool ls produced iп New Zealond.
Personalization Cattle ond sheep оrе 5 ond mode lnto jеwеLLеrg.
Analytics Мuсh oJ the соuпtrg's [оmЬ is 6 on South Istond.
Save I
F***]i+* зэ*i**All
Accept : ;зэ"*я**зЁ *i*:pl* Jound

Э Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

1.,t о,е mр
Pcssiv€ vo,1ce:'
е, thе о сtloп,,,t ct,hе r thоп
has19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W
ho does
]._]| ]

,it: W
Lq,mb is рiiоdiёеd' i,i N'ew,Zea|and..;' ::l :

When,we don]t hпоw :who, does, thi'actlon, : or,, [t' lsn t : imPor.tant: .
,: .|
,Gotd ;i;s Jоuпd,'iп the riчёrs,
when,,it's]obvio,uý who dо,еs],thё action: , ,] .' ,,
The possive Jоrm oJ the present simple is Jormed with the vеrЬ to Ье +

Lamb s exported to the UK,

Gotd found tп the r[vers.

Peoches 9rown пеоr the coost.

Gos ond [rоп mined ln New Zeolond.

Uпdеrliпе the pcssive sentence iп ecch pci.r. Tich (/) the sentence thct
This website stores data such as
sоцпds best.
cookies to enable essential site

functionality, as well as marketing,
4qфЦ *r
personalization, and analytics. You Nqw
ý,"L.rlq |пlц.djп
may change your settings at any time
Mlners miпе si[ver [п New
or accept the default settings.
Ь Fruit grоwеrs export 30 vorieties oJ opples ond pears.
Thtrtg vorietles oJ opples ond peors 0rе exported.
Privacy Policy
More than 50 dtlJerent vegetobles аrе 9rоwп.
Реор[е grоw mоrе thon 5О dfJerent vegetobles.
Cows рrоduсе пеоr[9 1В bittton litres oJ mil,k о UеOr.
Neorlg '1В bill,ton titres oJ milh аrе produced о 9еоr.
Save Accept All
OiL, gos and соа[ оrе Jound uпdеrgrоuпd.
Реор[е oi[, ond соо[ uпdеrgrоuпd.
Jind 9os

З ffi€ Listen cnd пцmЬеr the pictures iп order.

Complete the sentences with is or are.

сЬ Flrst,
Most Ьrеаd is mode Jrom wheot.
the wheot _ horvested.
G Тhеп it _ grоuпd into J[оur.
d Next, the J[оur mlxed lnto о dоugh with geost ond woter.
е Then the dough _ mode lnto looves oJ breod.
f After that, the loaves _ bohed tn hot ovens.
ý Complete the sentences with the correct form of the pcssive.
Rice [s the most i.mportont muсh oJ
This website stores(9rоw)
data such (о)
the world's populotion. It Jood Jorls qrowп
i.пasсоuпtriеs with о high rolnJalt.
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well (harvest), o,nd then
personalization, andhe grainsYouoJ rice (с)
analytics. (drg)
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default cleoned. Sоmе oJ the vltomlns
(d) ([ose) in the process, so
theg (е) (odd) to the rice
Privacy Policy
ogoin. Then the riсе ф
Marketing (put)
into bogs оr boxes. Finolly, the bogs ond
boxes (9)
Personalization (send) to shops
Analytics ond so[d.

Save Accept All

€ use the prompts to write сьоцt how choco[cte is mcde.

с Chocolate / mоkе / Jrom сосао beons chocolote is mode from сосоо becns.
ь The сосоо beans / harvest Тhе сасао
с Theg / take / to the Joctorg
d The beans / roast
е Тhеg / grtnd / lnto poste

Ig Mi[h qпd sugоr / odd lп а mосhlпе

The chocolate / mix /
]t is роurеd lnto mошlds and cooled. Тhеп it's reodg to eot

Write сЬоцt how crisps cre mcde. Use the prompts.

с ffi
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
First the pototoes оrе
horvested. (horvest)

functionality, as well as marketing,

personalization, and analytics. You (wosh)
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

(cut lnto sLlces)

Privacy Policy


Personalization ff,y)

Save Accept All
(so[t / add)

I (put / pochets)
Whot is sugor used for? How is the оir cleoned?
' lq1@щ-"Фффffl'ý @фffiж

ё Recd cnd point to the stcges of the process.

The wonder of рlопЪ
Q: Whot does photosynthesis do? Srrnllght is obsorbed
into the leoves.

А: lt helps plonts grow. lt olso cleons the оir.

Q: How is the oir cleoned?
А: СоrЬоп dioxide is token iп through the leoves
ond oxygen is produced.
Q: How is соrЬоп dioxide turned into охуgеп?
А: lt is mixed with woter ond sun|ight. This mokes
oxygen ond sugor.
Q: Whot ore sugor ond oxygen used for?
А: Sugor is used to help the plont grow. People
ond onimols пееd oxygen to breothe,

Ё Recd cnd complete the grсmmоr Ьох.

How о[r cl,ecned?

Where sunIight cbsorbed?
How sugor ond охggеп produced?
Whot Sugоr апо охч9еп

used Jor?

Write the words iп оrdеr. Mctch the qчеstiопs to the cnswers.

с obsorbed / is / where / woter
сЬsоrЬеd? *
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site is ъ,vоtеr
l То help the plont grоw.
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You/ mode / [s / how
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings. 2 То give the p[ont епеr99.
whg / absorbed / sunlight / is
Privacy Policy З Тhrоugh the plont's roots.
Marketing d sugоr / is / produced / whg
Personalization 4 Соrьоп is mixed with
Analytics woter ond sunli.ght.
Save Accept All
Complete the questions with the verbs. Mctch the questions to
the cnswers.
How we Ьrеоthе
с Whot оrе чоur mоuth and nose used Jor? (use) tr
Ь How о[r into the Luпgs? (tahe) п
с Whеrе охч9еп ? (obsorb) п
d Whot Uоur luпgs Jor? (usе) п
е Whg соrьоп dioxide ? (releose) п

f How resp[rotion to photosynthesis? (connect) п

1 Because it's о dongerous 9os,

2 То obsorb охggеп ond release

соrЬоп dioxlde.

3 Photosgnthesis рrоduсеs охU9еп,

which we need to Ьrеаthе.

4 Fоr breathing.
This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
functionality,Iп the Luпgs.
as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You

may change your settings at any time
or accept theТhrоugh the windplpe.
default settings.

Privacy Policy
r "ъ
€ Оо с clcss quiz. Write fочr questions сЬоцt photosgnthesis
or respirction. Ash cnd onswer with с рсrtпеr.


Save : obsorbed
i Whч
,vlty tJ
Accept All sunlight
is JцltttyltL
i ii It's
obsorbed to
Ьg plonts? them
_*_*"-,l l1,***" .1

:{ ч

: jf;

Rewrite the sentences so theg mеоп the scme cs the first sentence.

Gопп l-\
Ьопп о э
с А smo[[ епglпе provides роwеr.
Роwеr Ьg о smo[[ engine.
Ь Bomboo tralns оrе сhеореr thon оrdiпоrg trolns.
Оrdiпоrg troins оrеп't ЬоmЬоо trolns.
с When two trolns meet, реор[е [lJt опе oJ them ф the trach.
whеп two trolns meet, опе oJ them
d Реор[е соrrg thls troin rоuпd the other опе.

This trCIin
Оrdi,поrg trolns оrе crowded. ВоmЬоо trolns ore crowded, too.
ваmьоо trolns
I ВоmЬоо tro.lns оrе mоrе рорulоr thon оrdlпоrg tro,[ns.
Оrdiпоrg troins

:i Complete the sentences сЬоцt trove[ iп the desert.

с Come[s (use) to tronsport goods i.n the desert.
ь Тhеg (not / lmроrtопt) os theg цsed to Ье.
с ow, most goods (tronsport) Ьg lorrles or plones.
d Travelling Ьg соmе[ (not / Jost) os trovelling Ьg lоrrg.
This website stores data such as
But lоrrlеs
cookies to enableе essential site (not / reliobte) os comels.
personalization, I
functionality, as well as marketing,
ComeL You
and analytics. saddles (mоkе) oJ wood ond Leother.
may change your settingsIn summеr,
at any time [t'S
9 settings. (hot) Jor comets to travel long dlstances
or accept the default
h А опе-9еаr-о[d соmеl' lsn't (strong) to соrrg heavg
Privacy Policy


Save Accept All ý
Recd the text. Circ[e the right word cnd write it оп the [iпе.

Jomoico is the third lc:r**st lslond соuпtru i.п the Соri.ЬЬеап. Tourlsts
1 love Jamolco's ctlmate. Iп most соuпtrlеs, [t isn't wo"rm to
swlm in the seo о[[ geor [опg, Ьut in Jomoico [t [s. And it пеvеr feels
2 hot Ьесоusе oJ the light wind Jrom the seo. A[so, the
3 Ьеоutful beoches os crowded os some beoches. Мiпiпg i,s
4 lmроrtапt ln Jomolco. Lorge deposlts oJ limestone ore In
5 Jamalca. Тhеg оrе exported the usA ond other Саriььеоп
6 lslonds. Аgrlсulturе ls os lmроrtопt os mlпtпg. Fоr example,
7 sugоrсопе [s grоwп on the coostol plalns, ond сфее cultlvoted
8 оп smo[[Jarms
importont iп the mountolns. The Jishtng industry [sn't
os tourism, mlпiпg or о9ri.сulturе. Hundreds oJ tonnes oJJbh
cought еvеrg 9eor ln Jomotco.'s waters, Ьut the соuпtrч needs
to Ьug Jtsh Jrоm other countr[es, too.

2 епоugh too So
3 [sn't оrеп't оrе
4 find Jound Jindlng
This website
too as
stores data such
just Jo,
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, is
as well as marketing, оrе hos
personalization, and analytics.
oS You епоu9h too
may change your settings at any time
q the default settings.
or accept is оrе hos

Whot ccn 9оц do? Circ[e с medcl.

Privacy Policy
1 I con соmроrе ond controst things.



SaveI con tolkAccept
оЬоutAll products ond processes.
*я*r* pr**,Pi**
"i,;т]З" *f*aР ; *
Н ý*g я#,Е+фя"ъ
eJfrbEй*# ffi% ;*эýящfu*ъffi#ъw
#r Ч" Тm"Ъ-# tF €ъ- YЁ * ъ#жg
*"Etr Е# жý ýffiФý&

Grоmmоr stort Lookl ltЗ going to iump. Wе'rе gоiпg to see the
rhinos tоmоrrоw. They will Ье extinct in 50 yeors.

;r ;1 Reod cnd complete the fcct Лt".

Жжшжgжtr&&ý fiж ýwж*жУ

Yes Тrее kongoroos ore morsupiols thot hove odopted to life high iп the trees.
They live iп the roinforests of Popuo New Guiпео, lпdопеsiо ond Austrolio.
They mostly eot fruit ond leoves. Some of the 14 species оrе endongered.

People will сопtiпuе to hunt tree kопgоrооs for their meot.

lп ten yeors'time some of these species will Ье extinct.
The roinforest will disoppeor eventuolly. lt won't survive
destruciion from logging, forming ond mining.

The Friends of the Тrее Копgоrоо

(ПК) is о new оrgопisоtiоп with
ombitious plons. Wе'rе going to work with locol communities
to sove this omozing onimol. Wе'rе gоiпg to give them the
knowledge, skills ond rеsоurсеs they need to
,,,,,,.],,,..,,. protect tree kongoroos. But we need уоur
help Pleose give generously,

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
Tree kcngcroos
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default oJ species,
Privacy PolicyDlet:


Analytics How FТК con he[p,

Save Accept All

Э Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

We usе will l won't + i.nJinitive to mоkе predictlons оЬошt the Juturе:
Iп tеп years' time, some oJ these species will Ье ехtiпсt.
The rаiпJоrеst еvепtuаllу.

We usе Ье + gоiпg to + inJinitive...

'l to tolh аЬоut Juturе plons ond [ntentions:
Wе'rе going to wоrk wt'th local соmmuпitiеs,
Wе'rе gIVe tпеm rеsочrсеs,

2 to mоhе predi,ctions js osed оп sometntng we соп see оr heor right поw:

This trее kапgаrоо Jumр.

Е Circle will or wоп't to complete the predictions.

с In 1О0 Uеоrs, there witt /6ФЬе оп9 roinJorests [п Рорuо New Guiпео.
ь I[[egol, huпtlпg wilt / won't h[[[ mопg trее kongoroos next gеоr. Е
с Тrее kongoroos wilt / won't survlve wlthout оur he[p.
d FТК witt / won't hove епоugh mопеU without gоur donotions.
е UnJortunote[ , protecting trее hangoroos wi[[ / won't Ье eosg.
оп[9 tree hопgоrооs
f 50 gеоrs' tlme, 9оu
In zoos.
This website[n stores data such as will / won't Jind
& Decide which use of gоiпg to is цsеd iп the sentences.
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,

plon оr lntentlon 2 : predlctlon bosed оп present evldence

personalization, and analytics. You
1 = your settings at any time
may change
or accept the default settings.
с Sclentists аrе golng to studg trее kапgоrооs lп Austrollo. l
ь Wе'rе going to donote mопеU to FТК next month.
Privacy Policy
с The government lsn't gо[п9 to creote 0 protected аrео Jor these onlmo[s.
Look This ЬоЬg is going to climb out oJ its mother's роuсh.
А togging соmроп9 is going to start wоrh hеrе next 9еоr.

ISaveShh rе going
YоuAccept All to sсоrе the tree kongoroos
l Looh ond complete the sentences with (поt) gоiпg tо cnd the verbs.


с Look at those
ь The cheetoh
с[оuds. It Ъ **lr:;: t* r*;r; (rоLп).
the gaze[[e,
с The Suп (соmе) оut.
d The gaze[[e (escape).
е The cheetoh
(not cotch) Lt.
J The mеп ffild the

tl оJ The mопhеу (eot)
hI thеir [r-rnch.

It's golng to rоiп.
Theg're going to eot [uпсh.

* Comp[ete the sentences with will or wоп't cnd the verbs.

b't l Experts
This website stores data such ashove mode these predictLons оЬоut the oJ cheetoh.
Juturе the
cookies to enable essential site
The пumЬеr oJ cheetohs
functionality, as well as marketing,
,;i;'l] .':r.l::ilr;-,l,: (сопt[пuе) fo[L. to
i,',:| oand analytics. You
ь cheetohs (hove) епоugh
may change your settings at any time Jood to
Реор[е (stop) cheetohs their even
fiI; Jor Jur,
or accept the default settings.
though it's i[[ego[.
d cheetohs (Ьесоmе) extlnct wi.thin the next 50 9 еOrS.
Privacy Policy

Marketing Who ts helping?

е WitdtiJe orgonisot[ons
Personalization (suссееd) wlthout чоur hetp.

Analytics f
o.P Yоur dono,tlons (he[p) sove the cheetohs

ffi Save Accept All

- *;r]],r* _,l : ]]i]]-1];.-._

} ..

choose the correct cnswer to complete the sentences.

с I 'i; q*i;:;; :; donate Jive роuпds о month to Sove the Cheetoh.
won't / witt / 'm 9оiп9 to
Ь How moпg specles do gоu thinh extlnct Ьg 2050?
wi[[ Ье l ore gоiпg to Ье / witt there Ье
Iп mg ор[п[оп, tree hопgorооs survlve wlthout hetp.
witt / cre gоiп9 to / won't
d Lookl The tree hопgоrоо eot the Jruit.
ill l qre going to i is 9оiп9 to
eWe l,еоrп оЬоut endongered specles ot school this term.
wi[[ / won't l o're 9оiп9 to
I]t Ье possible to save the Вепgо[ tlger. There оrеп't mOпU.
will / won't l o're gоiпg to
Complete the diсlоgче with (Ье) gоiпg to or will / wоп't cnd the verbs.
А: Mothusl, te[[ us оЬоut уоur lotest plons Jor the rhlnos.
в: Тоmоrrоw we (а) 'r* ý* r:*l*_цЁ;:: (move) Jоur bloch rhinos Jrоm the wild
to о protected оrе0. Rhinos (Ь) (Ье) extinct опе dog becouse oJ
illega[ hunting. We con't protect them hеrе.
website stores data such as the rhlпо (Ьесоmе) extlnct iп оur lfettme?
Jew чеоrs Ь[осh rhinos (d)
enable essential sitethot i.n а
в: toExperts
functionality, as well as marketing,
iп theand
personalization, wi[d.
analytics. verg sad.
It's You
А: So how
may change your settings
(е) at any time
Uоu (transport) the rhlnos to their
or accept the default settings.
пеw home?
Flrst, we Ф
(give) theb ,оr.Иiпg . ,noH.
Privacy Policy
Тhеп we (9) 'hem
(рut) them оп о р[апе ond Jtg them to the

protected оrео.

Oh, поl Looh,

А:Save Acceptthere's
All о bloch rhiпо оvеr
there It loohs опgrg
в: Don't mоvе It


The bus leoves ot 8:З0. Whot time does the film stort?

Recd cnd complete the itinercrg. visit to cherwell zoo

Bus lecves schoo|
The bus Leoves ot 8.'l5 tomorrow. We оrrivе ot qзп
the zoo ot q.15,
в: Whot time does the pondo епсlоsurе ореп? \zisit рспdсs
А: It opens ot q.З0. The pondo vlsit storts ot lZ.JU
'l0 о'с[осh. We hove [цпсh iп the соJё ot 12,З0.
Pengutn feeding tim*
в: What tlme does the mопhеg soJori stort?
А: At 2 o'c[och. Then we visit the репguiп 400 Bus leoves for school
в:Whot time do theg Jeed the
А: At З.'I5. The Ьus teo,ves ot 4
So We get bock to schoo[ at
5 o'c[och.

We con usе the present simple to tolh сЬоut fчtчrе events that
аrе schedц[ed оr о timetcble:
The bus leaves at 8.15. What time does the mопkеу saJari start?

* Recd the itinercrg cnd complete the sentences.

с The Ьus i**,u,*E

This website stores data such as school а1 i ,"."- :,,i: cheetch world tоцr
q.00 Вus leoves
Ь The рuрL[s
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing, ot Cheetoh World ot
q.45 Arrlve ot Cheetah World
personalization, and analytics. You

may change your settings at any time
SоJоr[ troln tоur ot 10.00 SoJorl troin tоur
1.00 Lunch ot SoJori СаJё
or accept the default

Privacy Policy d Pupi,[s luпсh at З.З0 Vlsit cheetoh епсLоsurе

е Тhеg. the cheetohs ot 4.З0 Вus leoves Jor school
5.45 Аrrlvе ot schooI
I Тhеg
Personalization ot schooI at

Save Accept All
fr**+t"t9 :,:*=pl* f*г fз;t*rc ***
= Think сЬоцt с wildlф pcrh gorr'd [i,ke to visit. Complete the itinercrg.

Visit to Pcrh
8.50 Вцs lecves from
Pcrlt opens
10.з0 Visit опd
12.з0 Lцпсh ct
Fitm сЬоцt
pcrh closes

€ Write questions сЬоцt 9оцr itiпеrсrg.

Where / Ьus / leove Jrоm? whеrе does thc Ьiзs lеоvе frоm?
ь Whot / раrh ореп?
с Whot l we l visit Jirst?
d Where l we l hove [uпсh?
е When / we / wotch the Ji[m?
Whot / the / about?
I9 Whot
This website stores data /Jil,m
tlmesuch раrh
as close?
cookies,*.to &enable essential site
tlj: i]a]ýas well as marketing,
Ash опd cnswer with с pcrtner. Comp[ete the itiпеrсrч.
i*il .€ and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
Vi.sit to Pcrh
Policy Вцs lecves from
Marketing Pcrh opens
10.з0 Visit
12.30 Lцпсh ct
Accept All
Po.rh closes
Grommor stort lf the ice melts, onimols will lose their hobitots.

':;;' ::;;' Read the website. Circle Т (trце) or F ffclse).

Scientists soy the tеmреrоturе of the Eorth hos increosed over the lost опе j.:ý
hundred уеоrs ond is continuing to rise. This'globol worming'is now hoving iI

serious effects. Fоr exomple, the ice cops оrе melting foster thon we previously

thought. lf this continues, the seos oround the Arctic won't hove опу ice Ьу the
next century. lf the ice melts, onimols like роlоr beors will lose their hobitot.
There will Ье consequences for mоп, too. Studies show thot the seo level hos
risen l5 to 20 cm in the lost 100 yeors. lf this continues, seo levels will rise Ьу os
much os seven metres Ьу the end of the century. lf this doesn't stop, there will
Ье terrible floods iп coostol regions. Even mо|оr cities Ьу the coost won't escope

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You 1]:..:.l:_.l

oJ the Eorth ho,sn't chonged over the Lost 'l00 9 eors.

may change your settings at any time
а The tempero.ture
or accept the default settings. Т /.' F,,
ь One resutt oJ gtobo[ wormlng ls thot the Arctic [се [s melting. т/F
Privacy Policy с The ice is me[ting muсh mоrе slow[9 thon sclentlsts thought. т/F
Marketingd There witl Ье по Arctlc ice Ьg the gеоr 2'100. т/F
е Ро[оr beors can survlve wlthout Arctic ice.
Personalization т/F
Analytics Rising seo levels wi[[ фесt cities Ьg the coost. т/F
Save Accept All

,:. Recd ond complete the 9rсmmсr Ьох.

We usе the first conditioncl
to tolh оЬоut о probcble future
sitцсtiоп ond lts rеsцlt. The result is olways dependent on
the s[trratlon.
А Jirst condi.tionol sentence hos two ports (c[ouses). We usе r/+ present
simp[e апd will l wоп't + inJinitive,

Sitцсtiоп + Rеsц[t
If + рrеsепt simple will l wоп't +

If the ice onlmals will lose their hobitot.

If this сопtiпчеs, seo levels rise.
If tt doesn't stop, even mфоr citles won't

e con put the r./clouse ot the end oJ the sentence. When [t comes ,ffi
second, we don't uSе о соfflггlo:
Апimаls will lose their habitat il the ice melts.
This website stores data such as
circle the correct word.
cookies to enable essential site

с the i.. .oprffi/ witt me[t, weother

functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept thepotterns witt сhбфЪ.
default settings.
Ь The consequences ore l wi[[ Ье tеrriЬlе iJ
the lce cops me[t.
Privacy Policy

с IJ the [се melts, polor beors won't hcve /

don't hcve опgwhеrе to [[ve.
d Coastol oreos discppecr / wi[[ discppecr

е waterdon't
Реор[е [evelsAllrise.
/ won't hove ongwhere to [[ve
iJ tоrgе oreos oJ [ond disoppeor,
f Щ thеrе is / wi[[ Ье о lot oJJlooding, it wi[[
Ье dijjicu[t to grow Jood.


}+чýrф*ftЁi{t_ ;л
Grommor proctice
л-/:r,ф Ф..f_ д"'

Listen спd пцmЬеr the pictцres iп order.

оп #
;: Comp[ete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
с If цоu rесцсLе newspopers, чоu ',] :;,,;* trees. (sove)
Ь You'[[ sove woter iJ gоu о [опg shower. (not hove)
cWe the о[r ,J *. с9с[е to the роrh. (not poLlute)
d Ц*. mоrе trees, we'[[ creote о hobitot Jоr birds. (pLont)
е Ц *. drop ruЬЬi,sh, the роrh о п[се, heolthg pLoce. (not Ье)
I You'[[ sove e[ectricitg Ц 9ou
the rооm. (turп)
ф the lights when gоu Leove
Recd ond complete with the correct form of the verbs.

This website stores dataRoinJorests controI the wor[d's c[i,mote, but theg
such as
cookies to enable essential
Jost. IJ theg (о)
d *r:рр**r (disoppeor), the
functionality, as well as marketing, (Ь)
personalization, and analytics. You
(chonge). IJ we (с)
may change your settings (сопt[пuе)
to сut down trееs, the climote (d)
at any time
or accept the default settings.
muсh drler. Drоughts (е) (Ье) mоrе
соmmоп ,f *. Ф (destrog) the Jorests.
Privacy Policy RoinJorests chonge соrЬоп dioxide tnto охggеп. We
Marketing (g) (not hove) епоu9h охуgеп to live iJ the
Personalization Jorests
(h) (dlsoppeor). Miltlons oJ onimals ond
pIonts (D (l,ose) thеir hobitots ,J *.
(j) (not save) the rolnJorests
i:i **/.iýý* Accept All
,**9 *? ,d.ЁKi
4 сUseIJthe prompts to write sentences. Iпсlцdе с соmmс where necesscrg.
/ we / сопtiпuе / сut down the roinJorests / onimols / lose / hobitots
lf we continue to cut down the roinforests onimols will lose their hobitgts.
Ь IJ / roinJorests / disappeor / [осо[ реор[е / Lose / their wоg oJ tfe

с IJ / the cllmate l ger / drier / сrорs / not grow

d Fires lbe lmоrе соmmоп/ f /the climote/ Ьесоmе i drler

е Тhеrе / not Ье / епоugh охggеп / r,J / we / not sove / the trees

I IJ / we / not do / now / the roinJorest / disoppeor

5 Ж Ж Work with с pcrtner. Complete the sentences. Use
idecs f.ол the цпit or 9оцr оwп idecs-
IJ seo leve[s сопtlпuе to r[sе, there
wl[[ Ье mоrе J[oods iп coastol oreas.

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

Privacy Policy

* *r*'{}*

IJ seo levels сопtlпuе to rise,...
ьSaveIJ we save theAllrolnJorests,...

с We'[[ give mоrе blrds о hobitot f...

d Yоu t[ sove woter tJ...
е We wl[[ have о пlсеr world to [[ve tn ,J..

lf globol worming continues, mony species

could / moy / might Ьесоmе extinct.

З Reod the website. Underline three possib[e effects of climote сhопgе.

of climgte сhопgе

рlопъ qпd onimols Food lt mоу Ьесоmе too Frее time There mоу
lf globol worming hot to grow some crops. lf not Ье enough snow iп
continues, mопу onimols formers don't odopt, food winter holidoy rеsоrts.
might not survive. А quоrtеr like chocolote posto
of oll species could Ье moy disoppeor.ond ondresorts
Ski peoplemight
moy close,
not Ье
extinct Ьу 2115. oble to ski.

Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

Мапg specles **жLd Ьесоmе extlnct.
There mа9 not Ье епоugh
Chocolate Ё,yе.еж discppecr.

shi resorts onlmals

This website stores data such as
We оп[9
cookies to enable essential siteuse might ond mау lп negotlve
close, мапu
sentences. miqht sцrчiче.
functionality, as well as marketing,

Write sentences with mау (поt), might (поt), or соцld.

personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
IJ cllmote chonge continues,...
с о third of the world / become о desert qlhlrd of t}re иrоrld соtзld Ьесоrпе о deserJ
Privacy Policy
ь some is[onds i dlsoppeor
с Jloods / destrog / onclent monuments
we / not hove / enoughJood
е humоп roce l not survlve
Accept All
d*:я. ,*о, ,,5.r:: " ,},*j:,, , ,,:,,-" l ,, .];,',,ifi
€ Comp[ete the diс[о9це with will or maylmightlcould спd the verbs.
А: What witt hарреп Ц 9[оЬо[ worming сопti.пuеs?
в: We[|', there оrе some фесts we оrе сеrtоiп оЬоut. Fоr ехоmр[е,
the sea (о) will become (Ьесоmе) muсh wоrmеr. And that
(ь) (фесt) Jtsh and other sea creatures. The
weother (с) deJinite[9 (Ьесоmе) mоrе ехtrеmе.
Droughts ond Jloods (d) (Ье) mоrе соmmоп.
А: Whot else might hорреп?
в: Тhеrе оrе other possible results thot we're not vеrg surе оЬоut. IJ the seo gets
wоrmеr, seo currents (е) (chonge) direction. In Joct, theg
(stop) o[together. And then there's Jood. It
(not Ье) possib[e to 9rоw lmportont crops L[he wheot,
so Ьrеоd (h) (disoppear). The pLonet (i)
(not Ье) а good р[осе to live [п опе huпdrеd geors' t[me.
5 Complete the report. Use rarflllwon't, maylmight (not), or could спd
the idecs below.
о not survlve . Ье mоrе соmmоп . chan9e dlrectlon
о not hove / апg ice о ъБе*ffi . dlsoppeor
о not hove / оп9 SnoW

Ц g[оЬа[ wсrmlпg сопtiпц€'...

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
Ассоrdiпg to most scientists, these results
functionality, as well as marketing, оrе certoin:
personalization, and analytics. You
may change mопu onlmols
your settings at anyw ll |ose their hobitgt

Ь the Arcti.c seos

or accept the default settings.
Ьg 2100.
PrivacyG ехtrеmе weother

Some реор[е еvеп sog thot these rеsults аrе posslble,


d mопU oJ оur Jovour ite Joods


е mi|'[i.ons oJ onimols

f seo currents
Save Accept All

g wtnter holtdag resorts

ta ; ,iй ;ь l,
а T"q* з н .- ъ
Ё q.* F,о"i** , lр
ry l{|,-lЕ
Щ Ф Ъ*

? Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct fчtчrе tense or the
flrst conditionc[.
с Joch / see / о Jitm / this oJternoon
,.] -, 1,,\ i.]} :iГi iГl: i]l;{]ll;i]|
The Stort ot 5.з0
Ь Ji[m /
G IJ / he / cotch / the 4 З0 Ьus / оrrlvе / [п time
d The 4.З0 Ьцs / оrriче / on Ваhеr Street / ot 5.'l5

е Не / not Ье / lote / f / the bus / leove / ontlme

I IJ / he / leove / hоmе [ate / he / mlss / the Ьus

g Hls parents / meet htm / ot the сi.пеmо

:i''. Circ[e the correct words.

I'm hеrе iп Кепgо mohing *дяхkд[gut рф

adders. Тоmоrrоw we (o),Ire 9оiп9 to / will 9о
into the Jorest to [ooh Jоr thеffiпlIiЪi.r поturоl
hqbitot. Ц *. (Ь) mс9 Ье l cre [uсkg, we
find / witt F.d sоmе to Jitm. Рф odders
oren't endongered, Ьut iJ the locols (d) keep /
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
heep cutting down the Jorests, theg
/ mс9 Ьесоmе dfJicutt to Jind iп
functionality, as well asthe
marketing, Stop Look, there's опе there
ф 'rе 9оiп9 to / wilt step on lt IJ gоu stog
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings. still, it (9) might поt / соц[d not
bite gоu.
Privacy Policy в: Hetp Is i't movlng?

Marketing А: No, [t isn't. Вut wolt, I (h)'m 9оiп9 to / might

Personalizationtake о рlсturе oJ gоu and the snahe Jоr gоur

ortlcle. I'm surе Uоur readers (i) witl / mс9
[ove it
Save Accept All
ý Looh ct the рiсtчrе cnd recd the storg. Write sоmе words to complete
the sentences. Yоц ссп цsе 'l , 2, З or 4 words.
At the scfcri pcrh
Мg поmе is Jеппо. Lost weeh I went to о saJori
porh with mg Jomitg. 'Let's see the репgulпs,'
soid mg brother, James. 'Репguiп Jeeding time
storts ot З o'c[och,' mg dcd scid. 'Let's go
cnd see the monkegs Jirst.' 'Вцt it's оlrеоdg 2
o'c[och,' soid Jomes. 'IJ we see the mопhеgs
Jirst, we might m[ss the репgulпs.' 'Don't wоrг ,'
scid mg dod.
We wеrе drlving through Мопhеg Lond, when something londed on the rooJ oJ оur
соr. 'What's thot? I'm golng to ореп the w[ndow ond look,' scid Jomes. А hond
suddenlg соmе [п ond tooh his boseboll сор. It wos о mопhеgl It rоп uр о tree wlth
Jomes's сар. Мg porents ond 1 taughed, Ьut Jomes wosn't hоррU. 'Thot's mg best
bosebo[[ сор ' he sotd.

Jenno ond hgr fсrглilv went to о soJari роrk.
Jomes wgпtеd ?* s*g the penqulns.
Jenno's dad decided to Jirst.
worrled theg mi.ght
32 Jomes
This websiteТhеg wossuch
data driving
as thrоugh Мопkеg Lond whеп с
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, rooJas oJ
as well the соr.
4 The and
personalization, mопhеу
analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
ond then rоп uр о tree.
5 the
or accept Jenno
settings. lоughеd.
6 Jomes wosn't hоррU Ьесаusе best boseba[[ сср.
Privacy Policy
Whct ссп do? Circle с mеdс[.
Marketing 9оц
1 I соп tolh obout Juturе plons ond predlctlons.


2 ]
Save соп talkAccept
оЬоutAll Juturе scheduled events. :
] соп talh оЬоut the resu[ts оJJuturе sltuat[ons. a :

:: ": . a., " :," l: Ф, tч 11 gE*
Еtr-' ;* ý;.

'_ ]*{ : х ,i аl: {: - ;

u,,;;, ,'; d5.. .:...;- {9]{" _.: *-ч:r., Эi :: ;,-,ч,
* 1i.Ё'"#' ý i
жi ъ#* S'ъ# Т т***Ф..з***р

Grommor sfoЁ ъ
She soid she loved festivols. She told me she wos чеrу excited.
; *];jз;*%

1 i' i;l Recd the di,с[оgце.

.,]:l.: - l.

Underline fочr mоrе fccts сЬоцt Diwcti.

D: Hi, Bosonti. Whot оrе you doing?

в: Hello, Doniel. Wе'rе рrерогiпg fоr Diwoli.
D: Whot's Diwoli?
в: lt's lndio's F"rt:,gJэllýhý. lt losts five doys.
We visit fomily ond fгiепds, ond we
exchonge рrеsепts - usuolly sweets.
Sounds grеоt. So, whot оге you doing
Му sisteг ond l оrе dесоrоtiпg thе
moking the sweets. l'm чеrу excited.
l love Diwolil

Hi, Josh. l tolked to Bosonti yesterdoy. She

soid they wеге рrероriпg fоr Diwoli. lt's Indio's
,t.*-*- * Festivol of Lights.
Reolly? How mony doys do they сеlеЬгоtе fог?
This website stores data such as She soid it losted five doys. lt sounds briIliontl
cookies to enable essential site Why? Whot do they do?
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
Well, she soid they visited fomily ond friends,
may change your settings at any time ond they exchonged presents.
or accept the default settings. So, how do thеу рrероrе fоr it?
she told me she ond hеr sistег wеге
Privacy Policy dесоrоtiпg the house, ond she soid hеr
mоthег wos moking sweets. She soid
she wos чегу excited. l'd like to go ond
Personalization visit hег next уеоr
Save Accept All

*, Recd cnd соmр[еtе the grсmmсr Ьох.

When we usе reported speech, we usuо[[у chonge the tense:

аm l is l аrе -+ was l wеrе
Present si,mp[e --+ post simp[e
present сопtiпuоu5 --+ past сопt[пuоus
We olso need to change the рrопоцп iп reported speech,
Direct speech Reported speech
'I',,,i,l verg excited.' She soid ýhе ',-',,:l, ,: V€9 exc[ted.
'It":,. о. Jestivo[.' she soid it о Jestivol.

'Иlе ,,,,l] ;,,'li'l ,l:;: ,;,,:,,l ,l, presents.' She sold thеg ,, presents.
'We l,,,,,,,,,,,
JriendS.' She soid thеч frlends.

'М9 mOther .l ], ,,,.,,l ll:, ],. ., She sold hеr mоthег ,,,,, - . i ,],.,:i:
'\Д/е , ;l, рг€огiпg Jor Diwoli.' She soid thеч for Diwali.

with the vеrь tellwe include who we to[d:

She ',,; ',,, mе/hеr/him/gоц/us/thеm she was vеrу excited,
This website stores data such as
Write the reported stctements cs direct speech.
cookies to enable essential site

functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, said
She and analytics.
she loved
You Jestivols.
may change'l your settings at any time
or accept the love settings.
Ь She sai.d she was mоhiпg sweets with hеr mother.
Privacy Policy wlth mу mother.'
She told hlm hеr mother llhed sweets.
'Мg mother
She soid i.t wos Indto's biggest Jestivol,

Save Indla's bi.99est Jestlvol.'

Accept All
he told Doni.el theg wеrе рrероrlпg Jor а Jlreworhs disptog,
'We о dispLog.'
Jor Jireworhs
She to[d him hеr mum's sweets wеrе dellclous,
'Му mum's sweets

З Comp[ete the reported statements.

о 'We usе red ond 9rееп to decoro.te the

and toldto mе
grееп thegthe used
decorote house. red
Ь 'It ls mg Jоvоurttе Jest[va[.'
she sold it hеr Jоvоurltе
'М9 Jother i.s Lighting the lomps in the gаrdеп.'
She to[d him hеr Jather the
lomps i.n the gоrdеп.
d 'Мg Jamilg o[wogs enjogs Diwo[t.'
She told us her Jomttg olwogs Diwo[i.

е 'Мg mother mahes tradi.tionol sweets Jor Dlwoli.'

she soid hеr mother troditlonol sweets Jor Diwoli.
I 'We оrе helping mg mother mоhе the sweets.'
She to[d mе theg hеr mother mohe the sweets.
Соmр[еtе the sentences with said or told.
с MuJJ frlend soid he wos enioulno
J J J the J
ь Тhеg us the celebrotlon lasted Jor Jive dogs.
с She реор[е wоrе their best clothes to celebrote.
d We them the Jomilg hod о mео[ together.
е Theg
This website stores data such asthat theg loved to see the Diwoli l,ights.
cookies to enable essential site
Use the prompts to write reported sentences. Use the соrrесt рrопоцп.
functionality, as well as marketing,

с Bosantl Josh / wеоr traditionol clothes

personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any/ time
or accept the defaultshe she wоrе troditionol clothes.
told him

Privacy Policy
Ь Basontl / Donle[ ond Josh / is decorctlng the hоusе
she told them
Dcnie[ / his mother / wont visit Indio
Doniel / mе ond Anno / Diwali is interesting
Save Accept All

ф Recd спd comp[ete the sentences.

I'm [п Воuоkё iп Cote d'Ivolre, ond
[t's time Jor Соrпivо[ We соmе to the
Воuоkё Соrпivоl еvеrg чеоr. It tohes
р[осе [п March ond April, and [t lasts
о week. We enjog the great muslc and
doncing ot the street portles еvеrg dоg
Wе'rе trgiпg о [ot oJ the trodltlonolJood.
I reollg like the chlchen wlth cassovo. It's
dellcious. Todog we're wotchlng 0 street
the [осс[ond tоЬ,оrrоw
morhets. we're ехрl,оrtпg
The реор[е аrе vеrg
*::ily: :: :,::::y: :1":_1_?il"]

We olso chonge time expresslons
[п reported speech, '',.

Ismael sc:id he wgs ir: Cote ;fгзлm*rгgвд.- { frfue лэ.*яrЁ dснеg
ь Не Jor Cornivo[.
с Неstores data such as
This website to the Воuоhё Соrпlvоl еvеrч Uеоr.
d Не essential site
cookies to enable iп Моrсh ond Арri[.
functionality, as well as marketing,
е Не and analytics.the
personalization, You rePo
er tho
thot weeh.
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings. hеr the greot muslc ond donc[ng.
g the trodltlonolJood.
Privacy Policy hеr о Street роrоdе
l Personalization
Не the [осо[ mоrhеts
j Analytics vеrу Jriendlg.
1]],- ъ
l$.: ,,.* Те[[ с Accept All
friend сЬоцt cfestlvc[ 9оч enjog. Tche notes cnd report
to the clcss. t
l Мопiсо soid theg celebroted the Tomotlno
tomoto Jight everg Аugust. She told mе
'1 еvеrgопе threw tomotoes ot eoch other.

Someone shouted. Did you hеоr onything?

тhеrеъ nowhere l like more.


;,- r j Listen cnd mctch the sentences with th

thee sp
КtmЬеr[9 (К) Кi.mЬеr[g's mum (М) Kimberlg's dod (D)

с Suddenlg I sow somethlng in the

ь We о[[ sow [t ond stopped. No опеsnow.

с Then someone shouted ond suddenlg it wos gопе

d We loohed, Ьut there wos nothing there.
е We couldn't see the сrеоturе опчwhеrе We couldn't Э-Д-\,--=
hеоr ongthing, еithеr
I We told реор[е when we got bock, Ьut по опе believed usI
9 I know thot somewhere i.n Canoda there ls о stronge animoll

Ё Reod cnd comp[ete the grоmmсr Ьох.

Thin9s Plcces
I saw There's о
With cffi,rmotive somethlng in stronge опimоl
verbs shouted. the snow. somewhere,
With negctive Dtd чоu see We соu[dп't hear We couldn't see
verbs or
спgопе? lt cngwhere.

verb, negative ,,' No опе There wos There's nowhere

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
mеспlп9 moved. I tike mоrе.
functionality, as well as marketing, there.
personalization, and analytics. You
circ[e the correct word.
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
с ЩoЧ)/ Апgопе tooh о рlсturе oJ the опlmо[.
Privacy PolicyЬ We loohed Jor [t, Ьut we couldn't
Jind i.t nowhere / cngwhere.
с I was so omozed thot I didn't sоg поthiпg /
d AJter the porade, we went to Jind something / cngthing to eot.

е Was sоmеопе / спgопе scored?


Save Accept All
We sow cngthing / nothing on gз* оur slelgh rlde boch to the Jestivol.
ý пýf* *ý r ý*ýýэ**f?* l *яэý*i*gr l
Фfl*flзе* а*r&*ж
._,..,,****"-.Фй.ýffi #ý**жý*sg**;i-a

* rýý:n;ф*ý*1 э

€ Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох.

ongthing sоmеопе опgwhеrе
no one somewhere

Nothing [s o.s exclting os

wotching the Drogon Boot Roce.
ь soi.d the Jestivol
tokes р[осе оп the JiJth doy oJ the
J,jth month.
Тhеrе wеrе о lot oJ реор[е Ln
Jront oJ mе, so I couldn't see

d We ote that tasted

e[[c[ous, but I don't hnow whot it
е IoskedobouttheoriginsoJtheJestivo[,but-сouL
couLd te[[
e[[ mе.
I We loohed Jor о tourist inJormotion фlсе, but we didn't Jind опе
g I hove some photos oJ the rосе , Ьut I co,n't rеmеmЬеr where.

complete the sentences with с sцitсЬlе word.

New спdln Рuеrtо
This website stores data such as
Yеоressential site Rlco
cookies to enable
functionality, as well as marketing,
BeJore midnight, cLeon their houses so there [sn't
personalization, and analytics. You реор[е
bod teJt
Jrom the
may change your settings рrеv[оus
at any time9еOr.
or accept the default settings.
ь PeopLe wео.r ge[Low to brlng wealth i'п the пеw 9eor.
с Реор[е usuо[[g 9о special to celebrote w[th Jomttg ond Jriends.
Privacy Policy
d Еvеrgопе eots troditlonol tihe osopoo (chlchen with riсе).
е Тhеrе o,re mо,п9 thi.ngs to do ot mi.dnight to bring success -
to hove оп unsuccessJul Uеоr.
I In mопg Jomilies,
throws su9ai" outslde the house.
9SaveChildren Accept
throwAllwoter оut oJ the window. Тhеg have to Ье саrеJu[ thot there lsn't
оп the street below
h Аrе there trodlt[ons like this eLse iп the worLd?

ят .€*

Grqmmоr stoЁ con't cook, соп you?

ltЪ difficult, isn't it? You
You like mushrooms, don't you?

t :]:i .i,: Bgad the text. Tich (/) the food Мс9с orders.
Dod, Wоu[d уоu lihe о сhееsеЬurgеr?
Моgо, No, thonks. Тhеg oren't чеrg healthg,
оrе theg?
Dod, Thot's truе. Тhеg hove о lot oJ Jot in
them. So, what would gоu [ike?
Маgо, Wе'rе leorn[ng оЬоut hеоlthg Jood at
schoo[, so I'd llhe something healthg.
Мushrооm sоuр is heolthg, lsn't [t?
Dod, Yes, mushrooms ore good Jor gоu. Вut gоu don't [ them, do gоu?
Моgо, Not rео[[9. Вut iJ I start with mushrооm sоuр, I can have cohe Jоr
dessert, can't I?
Dod, That sounds lihe о good ideo. Whot do gоu wont to drlnh?
Moga, We[[, I lihe mi.lhshohes, Ьut theg're Jul,t oJ sugоr, cren't theg?
Dod: Yes, theg are.
Моgо, So, I thtnk I'[[ hove орр[е jrri.ce. Thot's heolthier, [sn't it?
Dod, Thot sounds dellclorrs. I'[[ hove the same Yоu'rе rеоdg to оrdеr now,
оrеп't gош?
Моgо, Yes, I оm

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cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

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r1*=-тГ\('{\/ Lj


а ý .. л {---)

ЧffF п.i. П#
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ýj*..ё : :". j." ;- :,",: :, :]. '.. .., : ,

2 Recd and соmрlеtе the grсmmоr Ьох.

я l,,,il{аiе,::"",'':.,,М,цýhr.ооm

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cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time

3 Circle the mсiп verb. Underline the verb iп the question tcg.
or accept the default settings.

с There(bo lot oJ colories in butter, Щ thеrе?

Privacy Policy
Ь Тhеrе cren't mоп9 tomatoes iп the solod, оrе there?
G I con't have cnother р[есе oJ coke, can I?

d I ccn hcve two s[lces oJ bread, con't I?


е Не toves chips, doesn't he?
Save Accept All
f Не doesn't eot meot, does he?
9 Hot dogs оrеп't verg heolthg, аrе theg?
h Vegetob[es ore good Jor gоu, оrеп't theg?

З ffi Listen ond сirсlе Т (trце) or F ffolse).

о Тhеg'rе pLzzoJor dinner. т с
Ь The eotwell p[ate shows gоu whot gоu shouldn't eot. т F
с There оrе Jive Jood 9rоuрs on the eotwell plate. т F
d Fish contoins proteln. т F
е ]t's never оК to eot blscults ond sweets. т F
f,#'Ъ-Не сап hove о biscult f he eots hls vegetobles. т F
Lkten с9сiп cnd comp[ete the question tcgs.
с Thot's not oizzo. is it ?
Ь You hnow about the eotwell
plote, ?

сd It
еvеrч dou.
shows gоu whct to eat ?
Тhеrе оrе Jlve Jood groups,
е Thot isn't dilJlcult,
I Yоu con't stop me Jrоm eoting
It's meot ond Jish,
h I соп hove о blscult,
This website stores data such as ?
cookies to enable essential site
ý Circle the correct question tcg.
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
о Thereoren'tmonУсo[or[esi.nJrui'tondvegetab[es,@/сren'tthere?
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
ь I con hove some sweets f I eot о[[ mg vegetobles, ссп I / ccn't I?
Privacy Policyс It's good to eot something Jrom eoch Jood 9rоuр ot еvеrg rпео[,
doesn't it / [sn't it?
d Cheese belongs to the doi.rg grоuр, does it / doesn't it?
е Вuttеr doesn't сопtо[п vltomlns, is it / does it?
Chips oren't very heolthg, cre theg / cren't theg?
Save Accept All
ii ]4]sr

-# "&
ý ý#,

,& Complete the diсlоgце with question tcgs.

А: I соп eot Jive servings oJ Ьrеоd о dou. (о) con't ? l
в: Yes, but tt isn't о good idea to eot [t о[[ ot breohJost, (Ь)
А: Вut I need the епеrgg, (с) ? I hove Jootbo[[ рrасtlсе thls
в: ОК. уоur оrап9е juiсе. Yоu wont to Ье strong, (d)
А: Соп I have another gоghurt? It has о Lot oJ protein iп lt, (е
It's good Jоr gоur bones. I don't wont to breoh mg [eg, f)
в: ОК... You don't need to odd that muсh sugоr, (9) ?
It doesn't contoin апg vltamins, (h) ?

ОК then, I сап hove strowberrles w[th

lt, (i) ? Тhеg'rе sweet
апd h,eqLthg, ý)
Loolc ond complete the sentences with the verb cnd с question tcg.
Grочр Iпсlцdеs Servings Вепфts
Storch breod, posto, cereals 3-5 реr dag Give уоu епеrg9
Frult ond opples, bononas, 5 реr dаg Low iп Jot. Contain
vegetobles Ьrоссо[i, spi,noch vltomtns ond minerals

This website stores data such e99s,
cookies to enable essential site
as cheese, goghurt З реr dog Provlde prote[n ond

functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You пuts, meot
Jlsh, 2-З per dog GoodJor gоur bones
may change your settings at any time ond skin
or accept the default settings.

о Breod is
Privacy Policy
of the qrolns qrоuр, isn't it ? (Ье)
ьMarketing iп the рrоtеlп qrоuр, it? (ье)
с Eoos
uоu protein. ? (9ive)
Yоu _
dAnalytics eot three servlnqs of cheese о dog, ? (сап)
е Veoetobles don't о lot of fot. ? (contain)
Save Accept All
f Fish ond meot
9 Frui.t and veoetobles
qood for цоur skln,
о lot of vitomins.
? (Ье)
? (hove)
h The рrоtеlп qrоuр fish ond meot, ? (contoin)

Grommor goql
You must Ье оп time. You should eot о heolthy breokfost.

З Recd the letter. Circle Т (trце) or F фlse).

lmportont informotion for the Regionol Sports Competition next Soturdoy:
lotecomers.time is 8.30.You must Ье оп time.The bus won't woit for
. Yоu will need о lot of energy, so you should eot о heolthy breokfost.
. Yоч hove to weor уоur поmе bodge ot oll times, so ечеrуопе knows who
уоU ore.
. Bring on extro sports kit. lt cou d rоiп ond you might get wet.
. You don't hove to bring lunch, but you соп bring о snock if you wonf,
'{. . You shouldn't Ьriпg опу voluoble items becouse you moy lose them.
ý.ýi, . Remember you ore representing your school, so you must not behove
*iъ bodly,

с ]t [s essentiol thot pupils о.rr[vе оп time. Ol F

Ь It is о good ldea to eot о healthg mео[ beJore the event. Tl F
G It [sn't necessorg to wеоr о поmе bodge duriпg the event. т/ F
d Roin is deJinitelg Jorecost Jor the event. Tl t
е Рuрils need to bring their own tuпсh. Tl F
I ]t [s о good ideo to bring voluabLe items. Tl F
g It ts possibl"e рuрtl,s wi[[ lose vоluоЬ[е ttems. Tl F
h It [s essential thot pupils behove we[[. т/ t

* Reod cnd complete the grcmmcr

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
possibilitg cdvice obligction .,
functionality, as well as marketing,
по ob[l9ction

personalization, and analytics. You

_ ]:] i_ .]а]:
may change your settings at any time t{ё:a]*lxla#
or accept the default settings.
1rt*_ **ý:},

nright don't hove to
Privacy Policy
Marketing not cllowed permission fчtчrе fccts

Save Accept All

#*-j q g* :-,,...

&х&}-с*q ]::,, ,1
Jrjb:_r.€"btv- \,,э
",",t,"",j ***,,я,**еgе***ЁЁ;'Ейý#*lВ*ЖЖЕ**ffi
# ;*}",
жjs@ýёi, ý,&#

Recd cnd circle the correct modcl verb.

Sопdчwе[[ Рrlmоrg SchooL rulеs
с don't hcve to оrrivе on tlme iп the mоrпiпg.
Ь ';"@/
Yоu mцstп't / don't hcve to wеоr uпijоrm, but it's important to Look cleon
ond tidg.
You mцstп't / don't hcve to usе mobile phones iп closs. We do not ollow
mobile phones in the clossroom
d However, Uоu Gсп / might usе mobile phones ot Ьrеоh, iJ 9оu Wont to.
е Yоu shоцtd / witt leove vo[uob[e ltems [n gоur [осhеr. We rесоmmепd this.
Yоu unheolthg snochs to school. We odvlse gоu
I to Ьrlпg о сеrео[/ won't
shоц[dп't Ьоr or Jruit,
g The school wi[[ / mi9ht introduce о Heolthg Eatlng policg next gеоr, Ьut
this is not deJinite.
h On З'd September, the schooI mцst / witt Ье closed Jоr stolJ trо[п[пg.
Тhеrе shоцldп't / won't Ье апg lessons that dоg.
+ Complete the еmсi[ with sцitсЬ[е modol verbs.

Hl Роu[,
I'm wrltlпg to teL[ 9оu оЬоut оur schooI
trlp toоп Fridоg
This website stores datato the
such as sclence exhibition. We
cookies enable essential
hоvе to site
functionality, as well as marketing,
оr rlve еоr[у - the Ьus
[eoves ot and
personalization, 8.З0. We (ь)
analytics. You Wеоr
change yourО settings
- settings.
or accept the default
we at any time weor jeons ond
tra[ners, which [s grеоt. It (с)
Ье cold оп the bus, so we (d)
Privacy Policy
bring о jocket. We (е)
ехр[оrе the exhib[t[on iп smaLL 9rоuрs, but we

Ф Personalization stog with оur 9rоuр ot о[[ tlmes, so we don't get [ost.
Peters sоUs we (9) Ьrlпg о notebooh so we соп toke notes.
I thinh thot's о good ideo, too. She (h) glve us о test obout the
Save Accept All
exhi.bition, I'. ,iot ,ur.. Вut I kпоw we D wrlte оп essog on
heolthg eatlng when we get Ьосh.
See gоu tomorrow, Rob

Complete the diсlоgце with the words iп the Ьох.
bftt-it might no опе don't gоu somethi,ng
ls it should do 9оu con't gоu
don't theg

А: Wе'rе to cetebrote оur New Yеаr soon.

в: Yes, I've heord оЬоut gоur New Yеоr.
It's colled Nоwruz, (а) isn"t lt ?
А: Thot's right.
в: And реор[е ce[ebrote with the who[e Jomilg,
(ь) ?
Yes, theg do. Do gоu hnow whot we usuоllg eot on Nowruz?
Yоu eot (с) co[led sobzi ро[о, (d)
Vеrg good But gоu don't know what it is, (е)
I don't thinh so. It [sn't о meot dish, ф
No, it [sn't. It's riсе with herbs ond Jova beons. You (9) trU
[t, [t's de[ici.ous Соmе ond celebrote wlth us М9 whole Jamitg LS соm[по.J
(h) wants to mlss m9 mum's coohlng
Three dcgs loter...
А: Here. Тrg some. Yоu сап rео[[9 toste the herbs, ([)
в: Yes, Lt's delicious. I ý) trU to mоhе it Jor mg Jomitg.
Write the sentences iп reported speech.
о 'Wе'rе eotlng Chinese moon cahes,' Jing Wet told Pete.
She told hirTithey were eotlng Chlnese Йооп cckes.

This website stores'Wе'rе
cookies to enable She
wotching the Jutl, mооп,' she soid.
data such as

functionality, as well as marketing,
'We eot moon cahes at the Мооп Festlvol,' she totd Pete ond
personalization, and analytics. You Sol"tg.
may change your settings at any time
to[d them
d 'Тhеg'rе Jul"t oJ su9оr, but thеg'rе delicious,' Jlng Wei so[d.
or accept the default settings.

Privacy Policy She soid

е 'Реор[е give them os presents,' she told Jenng ond mе.
She to[d

f 'It's о vеrg old troditlon,' she soid.


Save Accept All


й"#ьы ecch iп Mctt's ect ct the Listen

ond write fcmtlg
ессh Ьох. There is
letter iп person опJехсmр[е. pcrtg?

Dad п
Мum tr
Sara п
Mott п
Granddod п

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
Whct ссп 9оц do? Circle с medcl.
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
1 I
may change соп tog
usе at any
your settings
or accept the default settings.
time to osh Jor conJirmotlon.
' :i.{
,- :| '|

Privacy Policy_F .*s _,' U

2 I can use modo[ verbs
Marketing i.n dijjerent sltuotions.
' , i;a,,J.'':
__--г __5r --u -__.зg -о

I con report whot
Accept All
З j:l}ýffi.ъ ,, .,

n' ,_="ý

*кgm pr**tice
WwffiЖЖжffi щжжЖ Ж
Recd the news crticle. Answer the questions.

post office shock

Yеstеrdоч Опе rч, worhers
oJ the ot the
worhers wosМumЬоi
emptчingPost OlJice hod
о postbog whenо Jrightening
he sow о lоrgе
pgthon drop onto the J[oor. 'I couldn't believe mg еgеs,' soi.d Rovi Singh. 'Мg
со[[еаguеs rоп оut oJ the rооm, ond I jumped оп о choir ' Мr Singh colled
Апimоl Rescue. While he was watting Jor he[p, the snoke moved uпdеr hts
choir and disappeored behtnd а pile oJ postbogs.
Twenty mlпutеs [oter, опlmоl rescue фiсеr Aisho Shormo orrlved. AJter hoLJ
an hоur, the snohe wos soJelg iп а bog. 'We hove о lot oJ pgthons hеrе iп
Indio, Ьut we don't oJten Jind them i.n post фiсеs ' she soid. Loter thot dog,
she tooh the snohe to the [оса[ Reptlle Сепtrе. Вg the time the post фi.се
closed, еvеrgопе wos exhousted.'I used to tlhe coming to worh,'said mопоgеr
Аjоч Корооr, 'Ьut поw I don't '

What event does the rероrt describe?

А snoke escoping iп о post office,
Whot wos Rovi doing when he sow the snahe?

с whot did he do when he sow [t?

d When did Aisho Shormo оrr[vе?

This website stores data such as

cookies to enable essential site
How long did it tohe to cotch the snohe?
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time

ffi Underline the time expressions in the report.

or accept the default settings.

Privacy Policy

When 9оu оrе wrltlng о sеguепсе oJ events, i.t [s usеJul to use tlme
expresslons. This mahes the order oJ events с[еоr. Some exomples оrе,
yesterday аJtеrпооп, Jive miпutеs later, lаtеr that day, whеп, while

Save Accept All

fffi,ёffi Иfrl?ir:# тfui*ё; iJri*; i]э:* *y,Frgs:;i*;::;

& Recd the news crticle с9сiп. NцmЬеr the events iп the order theg hcppened.
п Aisha Shоrmо arr[ved ot the post фlсе.
п The snoke disappeored behlnd о pil,e oJ postbags.
п Atsho tooh the snoke to о rеsсuе centre.
tr А wоrhеr begon о postbog.
п The post фiсе closed.
п А lоrgе snohe escoped Jrоm о postbog.
п Апimаl Rescue соught the snohe.
& Looh ot the p[cture of сп цпцsцс[ rеsсце storg. Imсgiпе whct hcppened.
Tcke notes to onswer the questions with 9оцr оwп idecs.
о Who Ji.rst sow the cow?
fс:rm wоrkеr Nопсу Jomes
ь when did she see it?
yesterdoy сftеrпооп
с Whot wos she doing when she sow [t?

d Who did she со[l'Jоr help?

е whot did she do while she wos woiting Jor hetp?

This website stores data such as
When did hetp orrlve?
cookies to enable essential site
9How long did
functionality, to [t tohe
as well as marketing, rеsсuе the cow?
personalization, and analytics. You
h Whot did Мrs Jomes
may change your settings at any time
or accept
1 to the
the defaulthappened
settings. cow?
ý Write о news report сЬоцt the rеsсце. Use timе expressions.
Privacy Policy



LocolJireJighters соu[d not belleve [t

Save Accept All rеsсuе

when tree, colled
cow Jrom оut to
Yesterdog aJternoon,о
wоrhеr Noncg Jomes...
from tree Jоrm

WwЖжffiжg gжжЖ Ж
ý Recd the biogrcphg. Circle Т (trце) or F ffclse).
]1 Long Lang [s о clossicol planist. Не was Ьоrп [п
Chino tn 1982. Не is Jomous а[[ оvеr the world.
2 storted
three. Не wos рtоgiпg
the рiопо
Jive when
won hls
he gove wos
реrJоrmопсе. Jlrst
award at 1. At ] 7, h.e Ьесоmе оп
internotiono[ stor.
Long Long has given concerts о[[ очеr the
wоr[d. Не has wоп mопg owards, ond
he hos made mопU sшccessJul а[Ьцms.
Не hos oppeored on hundreds oJ ТV
рrоgrommеs ond is рrоЬоЬ[у the most
Jomorrs clossi,col pionist oJ оur t[me.
Не hos set uр о Joundotion in Chlna
whеrе children tohe рiопо lessons ond
llsten to concerts. Не heLps children
believe that muslс соп mohe thelr Lives

с Long Lang ls Jаmоus Jor ptaging рорu[о.r mоdеrп mus[с. тФ

Ь Не wos о tolented рl.оуеr when he wos vеru 9оuп9. т lF
G Lang Long hosn't mode mоп9 recordings oJ hts worh. т lF

This website stores data such as
Реор[е oJten see Lang Long on televislon. т /F
cookies to enable essential site
Не thinhs muslc Ls
functionality, as well as marketing,
important [п the Llves oJ chi[dren. т lF
personalization, and analytics. You
Recd the biogrcphg о9сiп. Mctch pcrcgrсphs '1-4 to the mсiп ldecs.
may change your settings at any time

or accept the default settings.
hls worh wlth children
Ь hi.s еоr[9 [iJe
Privacy Policy
who he is l
later achlevements


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Orgonlse i.nJormotion ln а logicol woU. Eoch роrоgrорh shoul,d
deol with on ideo ond the sentences iп it shoutd ol.t relote to that idec.,IJэ

Wre Use the prompts to write sentences. Listen cnd сhесh.
о Shrеgо Ghoshol / Indion slnger
Shreyo Ghoshol is оп lndion siпgеr,
Ь Неr / Jovourite Jood / Bengo[t Jood

с She / Ьоrп / West Bengal / 1qB4

d She / win / owords / ond she / mohe / mоп9 olbums

е When / six / beqin / lessons iп Hindustonl muslс

I Ghoshal / love / reoding ond coohing

9 She / Jаmоus Jor l singing in Bo[[gwood Jtlms

This website stores data such as

h When l 12 l wln а рорulоr TV tolent рrоgrоmmе
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
1 She реrfоrm
personalization, / о[[ оvеr
/ analytics. You
and the world
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

Mctch sentences o-i to the porogroph topics.

1 Introduction о с
Privacy Policy

2 Marketing
Chitdhood _,
3 Personalization
Sinolno ochlevements
4 Analytics
Other lnterests
Save Accept All

ý Write с biogrcphg obout Shrego Ghoshcl. Orgcnise 9оцr worh iп

Shreyo Ghoshol is оп |пdigп singer. She wos Ьоrп in West Вепgоl iп 1984. She...

Ww&ж&жffi бжжЖ Ж
Recd cnd сirсlе the mctericls цsеd to mсhе с mirror.
."d*ж.ýý,жжжжжжжж, жж,ж жжжжжж_
ý How mirrors сrе made ,

ý In the past mirrоrs were hondmade,

Ьut поw theg ore mode Ьg mochines. '
ý How ore mirrors mode [n the modern
ý wortd? Flrst, о sheet оi@фis ploced
ý on the mосhiпе. The gtaffiwoshed

ý cnd а lаgеr oJ tiquid metal (t[n)


ý odded. AJter thot, о lоgеr oJ silver ,

ЕЕ is added. The ti.n is needed becouse

ý s[[ver doesn't stlch to g[oss. Silver
ý makes the g[ass reJlect imoges so уоu
ý can see gоursеf iп the ' mirrоr.
* жж -ffi ж & r* ж Еý ж ý€ ж,ж ý ж €ýýЕ

Ё Underline апd, Ьцt, Ьесаusе cnd so. Complete the sentences with
the correct word.
We usе...
с gпd to cdd tпJоrmоtlоп.
bto contrcst two ldeos.
с to ехр[оiп о rеsцlt/сопsеqцепсе.
d to glve о recson.
ý Complete the next pcrt of the process with the words in the Ьох.
This website stores data such as
ond Ьйt'' so
cookies to enable essential site
ж ж & ж ж, Жж Ех ýя,ж]ж ýý
marketing, ж ýr lK х х ý,х I * I]I:II.III Ir l
personalization, and analytics. You ---l

ý Srtu.r: о:ф (о] [оgеr_оJ._орр9r. is oddedto protect it.

or accept the default settings. _
may change your settings at anymeto[,

п Тhеп the glass [s passed through а mochine ot7l'C. AJter thot, а [с9еr oJ polnt lI

is odd:d (ч] ] the-mirror Ь possed thrоugЁ onother *ой[п.iо drg
ý ; ,
ii the point. Usuallg the mlrrоrs ore perJect, (с) _
Privacy Policy ;;
sometimes thеrе i

ýU* importont that oritg the perJect mirrors leove the Joctoig. _
*"* ý jrý
Analytics ЕiЁ ё,ý € @ ga *, Еý ЕЁt Еý € €яЕ ý ýЕ Е ll:_E ::'.I It I rrl
- ----J

Save Accept All

se [inhing words to connect уоur ideos togicollg. о
This mohes [t eosier Jor the rеоdеr to Jol.[ow the text.

& €6*;:*l
ё Listen cnd пцmЬеr the pictures iп order.

Use the prompts to write сЬоцt how trclners cre mode. Use tiпhiпg
words to connect gочr ldecs.
The soles ore mcde of ruЬЬеr, lt is о good mclteriol Ьесоusе it is...

- soles / rпаkе ,/ гиЬЬег

_ / гпаtегiаl fгеаsоп] {lеиЬlе anl lasts а lопз tiгпе
This website stores data such as
_ {iгsе
if зооА
/ гиЬЬе г / mеl+еД LаДД) 7оuгеД into / гпоцlА
cookies to enable essential site

/ insoles / сцt оцt

- thеп
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You

- fop о{ shoe / rпаkе / сапча5 ог leatheг

may change your settings at any time

- сзПч35 / kee7 / 4ее+ c,ool fсопtГаSf] if / поt зiче /

or accept the default settings.

- lеа+hег / зiче / sчt77огt fсопtгаsf] if / mаkе /
Privacy Policy

1ее+ hot
_ nert / ell tr)e рагfs / glче anl ргеss / Lозеtthег


- {inal ly / гиЬЬег sfгip / зluе агоипl 5hoe |аАА) shoelaces

Save Accept All

_ 5огпеtiгпе5 / Ье / 1ац +s fгеsиlе] *гаiпегs / c-he..k


Ww&жffiжffi gжжЖ ф
Э Recd hecdings 1-4 below. Do not recd the report. Mctch the hecdings
to informctlon c-d.
с Who tooh port lп С[еоп-uр Dag? tr
Ь What's the рurроsе oJ С[еоп-uр Dog? п
G Whot plons do the рuрils hove? п
d Whot octivltles did theg do оп С[еоп-uр Day? п

Жilж frrlж*,гж ý*ýъ**1, ъ,Ъ*.r *

ý Whеп cnd whg
Оп Soturdog '1q*h МоU, Yeor б tooh port iп the school's Jirst
С[еоп-uр Dog. Очr оim wcs to rеmоче rubbishJrom
the раrh on Grant Street.
Ж Porticipcnts
Fоrtg pcrticipcted, including о[[ oJ Yеоr 6,
teochers Jrom school ond vоluпtееr porents.
ý whct we did
We met ot the роrh ot q 00 аm. The teochers provided чs
with bin bogs. Evergone brought their own gloves. We Jilted
eight bin bogs [п two hоцrs
4 Fцtцrе cctivities
.We оrе going to mоhе С[еоп-uр Dоg
о rеgu[оr event. Ц *. odvert[se оцr
oct[v[t[es, we mо9 persuode реор[е to
stop dropplng rubbish.
This website stores data such as
to rеqцеst
cookies to enable essential golng to wrlte
ore site to
[осо[ фiсi.о[s
mоrе ruЬЬish bins ond
functionality, as well as marketing,
'No You signs in the porks. Ц
personalization, and analytics. *.
may change your worh
at any time we wi[[ mоkе Еtg о nlcer,
or accept the default settings.
с[еопеr pLoce

Privacy Policy
Recd спd check 9очr cnswers. Тhеп cnswer the questions iп cctivitg

We oJten use heodi.ngs ln о report so it is easier Jor ,.?
the rеоdеr to Jind the inJormot[on theg need.

Save Accept All

3 Match the formcl phroses to their iпfоrmсl mеопiпgs.
с оur а[m wos to ([iпе 3), 1 tohe owog
ь porticipoted (tine 6) \_ _ 2 osh Jor
с rеmоvе (l"tne З) 3 we wonted to
d provi,ded us wlth (tine 9) 4 joined [n
е rеquеst (tine 'lB) 5 gove us
S[ons Wпеп a
we wrlte о report. We don t usuоllg use controctlons. Ъ

Write с report оЬоцt с recgcling ссmрсi9п. Use the quest[ons to he[p

9оц. Use hecdings to orgcnise gочr idecs.
Whеп ond why
On 28fhApril, we orgonised о соmроigп to recycle cll our rubblsh ot school,
Our oim wos to...

иД",еп AiA +Ье сагпраiзп fake 7 ес-е

Vba+ сdas уоцг аiгп 3
|loa lопз AiA i+ las+3
This website stores data such as
ploo rлапу рирils апА tеасhегs
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
DiA апуопе else r,еlр3
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time

Y?u* AiA уоч Ьппз to sch ool Vba+

or accept the default settings.

dlid, уоu Ао иiёh ii

Privacy Policy
vas thеге а с;orrlс,etition bettlleen
Marketing the classes3 t

Flolа гписh AiA yobt c-ol ec+


Vba+ u:9 уоцг plans {ог {иtиге
Accept All оЁзапis€
сагпраiзп, зiче е talk, огi+е
loca'l ЬиSiпеs5еs) to
Э ро5tег

,:}| ii:::i i;
1iar1 :Ц|s:: :.
'i:i "i:::. *i
:;::'::: :r:,l_i :Ёj ;i; :rlt].]:]*:] :];I'aii.

Recd the blog cnd complete the foct fite.

Жжwfu"Lж ý**d $*жt&wжL*

Жgw Жg*&жжd
Everg уеоr we 9о to the Jood Jestivol in Kowh|o. It
takes р[осе iп FеЬruоrg. It ce[ebrotes troditionol MooriJood
ond сutturе. Lost FеЬruоrg, I hod о greot there. I
went with mg Jomt|,g and we wеrе verg huпgrg when we
orrlved We [oohed rоuпd the Jood sta[[s. There were
о [ot oJ delici.ous dishes like froftr, раuа опd hапgi.
М9 Ьrоthеr sold he didn't lihe angthlng. Не sold
he wo,s storvlng ond he wanted о Ьurgеr But
mцm, dod ond I ate о [ot.
10 We enjoged the entertolnment, too. We
wotched troditionol doncing ond о Мооri
drum demonstrction. We explored the orts o,nd
сrфts stolls ond vlslted оп exhibition oJ Maori
jewellerg. М9 mum bought а hu9е песh[асе
15 and еvеrUопе said it loohed Jontosti.c

Festivol пOгlс:
Тgр. oJ Jestlvol:
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

Privacy Policy
When gоu wr[te, trg not to repeot the same words.
Find other words with the so,me meoning (sgпопgms).
Personalization Thi.s wi[[ mahe уоur writing mоrе interesting.

Save Accept All

2 Recd the Ь[о9 ogcin. Find sgnongms for these words.
сЬ good (l"lne
(tine 6)
с grеоt (l"ine 15)
d went to ([iпе 1З)
е vеrg huпgrg ([ine В)
I lihed (tine'l4)'l0)
g big (tine
h loohed round ([ine ] 2)
ý Rewrite the sentences. Replcce the цпdеrliпеd words.
о We hod о oreot t[me. wе hod о fontostic time.
Ь We went to the games оrео.
с We ote lots oJ 9a9d Jood.
d We loohed ror.rnd the market.
е I bouoht о bio Ьао.

I rеа[[u lihed the music.


Write оЬоцt с festivcl iп gочr сочпtrg. Use the questions to help 9оц.
Тig not to repect чоссЬцLсrg.
Every we visit the Chuseok festivol in South Коrео. lt tokes ploce in...
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
'Е'+'- иД",аt 's the {estiva l c.alle{3
personalization, and analytics. You

Йl",еп /oes ii +ake 7lac-e3

may change your settings at any time
.:i> -
or accept the default settings.

r,, -
Privacy Policy
ilЬy Aoes ii +ake 7lacel
хr,/Ьо А,А yout зо и,lifh3
.=' DiA
уоч Феаг апуfhiпз special3

",;r' - иДlа+ AiA уоч Ао +V\егеg,


._lF.- - и/hа+ AiA уоu eai?


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- Dil
ilпууоипоtе{ оу t]he {es*ival3
Еrпшлшпýr rе
Раst gоrrtiкiЁоllý crnd раst sýmple Unit 1

We usе the post сопtiпuоцs ond pcst simple iп the some sentence when оп
actlon [п progress iп the past [s lпtеrrшрtеd Ьу onother octlon. We usе the
pcst сопtiпцочs the oction thot stcrted We usе the pcst simple
interrupted it.
Jor the осtlоп thot Jor f,rst.
.,1l. When mеопs 'ot the t[me', Use when + pcst simple:
',,,, r, was wаlki,пg to school whеп he saw а kапgаrоо.

White expresses the idea oJ'duriпg thot tlme'. We usе while + post
While he was walking to school, he saw а hапgаrоо.

past сопtiпцоцs Post simple

ri; I wcs leoving the thectre when mg mobile rcn9.
She wcs lооkiпg ot the photos when hеr mцm orrived.
They were hoving dlnner whеп theg heord о lor.rd nolse.

pcst сопtiпцоцs Pcst simple

White I wcs [eaving the theotre, mg mоЬilе rспg.
White she wcs loohing ct the photos, hеr mum crrived.
White theg were hoving diппеr, they heord о [оцd nolse.
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing, Answers
personalization, and analytics. You
I wcs recding
Whct doing when
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
9оu the Jire stcrted? о booh.

I wcs eoting
Privacy Policy

Whct were dоiпg whеп the Jire оLаrm
rсп9? Iuпсh.


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]1 lE i:
Unit 2
:i; |, ..
:*j."T,?,11lj,i,f т:,.е.э+; i Еg{Ёff':i. ,:+lЁ* il]fjя

we usе usеd tо to tolh оьоut,

1 things thot we oJten did tп the pcst, but don't do поw,
2 post s[tuotions оr hobits thot аrе Jinished.
Used tо ls Jollowed Ьg the inJinitive wtthout fo:
Му dad used to play football. (Не doesn't р[оg Jootbol[ поw.)
I usеd, to live пеаr а раrk. (I don't llve пеоr о porh поw,)
The negotive and guestion Jоrm [s цsе to NOT tsed-to|
we didп't usе to live hеrе.
Did you usе to walk to schoo[?

фffLrm*"tЕче N е9 otive
I цsеd to live [п Austrolla. I didn't цsе to [iче [п Russlo.
She цsеd to cooh posto. She didn't цsе to cooh poncohes.
Тhеg цsеd to 9о to do,nce closses. Тhеg didn't цsе to do horote.

Qцеstiоп Short cnswers

This website stores data such as
Did gоu цsе to walh to school?
cookies to enable essential site Yes, I d[d. / No, I d[dn't.
Did цsе to Science?
functionality, as well as marketing,
sheand analytics.studg
personalization, You Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.
Did theg цsе to do сhоrеs?
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
Yes, thеg did. / No, theg didn't.

Privacy Policy
Where did 9оu
цsе to Live? I цsеd to ltve [п Pohlstan.
Whct did he цsе to do iп Не цsеd to р[оg Jootbo[L.

hi.s Jree time?
Save Accept All
We usе the present рефсt to tolh оЬоut ап ехреriепсе ot some time iп
оur [iJe uр to поw. We do not sаU when it hoppened.

We usе have + the post portlcip[e to Jorm the present perJect. We поrmо[[g
use the short Jоrm oJ have.

Аffrrrпеtivе N е9 ctlve

Short form Long form

I've climbed... I hcve cl,i.mbed... I hcven't climbed...

Yоu'че climbed... You hcve climbed... Yоu hcven't c[imbed...
He's climbed... Не hcs climbed... Не hcsn't climbed...
She's climbed... She hcs c[i,mbed... She hcsn't climbed...
It's c[[mbed... It hcs climbed... It hcsn't climbed...
We've c[imbed... We hcve climbed... We hcven't climbed...
Yоu'че climbed... Yоu hcve c[imbed... Yоu hcven't climbed...
Theg've c[imbed... Theg hcve climbed... Theg hcven't c[imbed...

F:+. ,,. .* Ё*
* 'РJi
fr т1€ # #t tr:п iflЁ, € Ё-:, gЁl{fi +т;,ъ.fu Ё 1Е t]:.* ф"Ё,j*j iё, * f,,"

This website stores data such as

оur [iJe with пеуеr to talh obout ехреrlепсеs we hove

We соп
not hod ot the tlme
usеsite present
cookies to enable essential
functionality, as well as marketing, lп
uр to now. We use оп afJlrmotlve vеrЬ w[th
personalization, Ьut theYou
and analytics. sentence hos о negative mеопi.пg.
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

Privacy Policy
Short fоrm Long form
I've never swцm lп the seo.
Marketing I hove печеr swцm i,п the seo.
He's печеr swцm Ln the seo.
Personalization не hcs never swцm [п the seo.
They've печеr swцm lп the seo.
Analytics Тhеg hcve печеr swцm iп the seo.
Save Accept All
We usuоl,[g Jоrm the post portlctp[e oJ rеgu[оr
verbs Ьg odding -ed to the inJinltlve:
Infinitive Pcst pcrticiple
climb c[[mbed
work worhed
live lived
tr9 trled

неrе оrе some соmmоп Lrrеgulоr verbs,

Infinitive Pcst pcrti,ciple Infinitive Post pcrticip[e
Ье Ьееп meet met
cotch саught Put рut
сut cut ruп ruп
do dtd See Seen
eot eoten send sent
Jeed J.d s[eep s[ept
Jtnd Jоuпd swlm SWum
This website stores data such as
Jtч to enable essential site J[own
cookies tahe tohen
hove as well as marketing,had
functionality, teoch tоught
personalization, and analytics. You
[ose [ost
may change your settings at any time
w[n Wоп
or accept the default settings. mode wr[tе wrltten

Privacy Policy
ffiж-*ж*жж& ржwfuж& щакжж&ffiжжкж wЁffifu #w#tr Unit 3

We usе Have gоц ever + post portlclple to osh оЬоut experlences ln

Analytics [[Je uр to поw.

QSave Accept All short onswers
Hcve 9оu ever seen о whale? Yes, I hcve. / No, I hcven't.
Hcs he ечеr wоп о competition? Yes, he hcs. / No, he hcsn't.
Hove theg ever ecten рое[[о? Yes, theg hcve. / No, theg hcven't.

ffы*жржР ржw#*ж& щжжж&&жжъж w&Жfu ffiww #,wжбr ***Wб

F-#й" d Б##6,## Unit 4

We usе How lопg the present рефсt to ash оЬоut the length oJ tlme
How thatуоч
lопg have storted the past ond is sti[[ hоррепlпg:
How lопg has he kпоwп his best Jriепd?
То onswer, we usе the present perJect and:
Jor + о period of time
sýпсе + ап excct mоmепt [п the post

I've Llved hеrе for five geors. I've lived hеrе since 2010.
He's li.ved hеrе for two mопths, He's [[ved hеrе since hе wcs с chi[d.
She's lived hеrе for с long time. She's lived hеrе since FеЬrчоrg.
Theg've lived hеrе for oges. Theg've lived here since lost gecr.

ffiЖwжж*жffi р*wfuffiф w&ftfu дrжffi / ж#w-жж#tr unit 4

We шsе already wlth the present perJect to tolh obout thlngs thot hove hoppened.
We usе already iп olfi,rmctive sentences. It goes before the mоiп verb.
I'm оп[у tеп апd I've аlrеаdg lеаrпt three languages.
.She'salready travelled abroad.
They've аIrеаdg tried аЬsеiliпg.

This website stores data such as

We we get with
but usе thehoppen
it to рrеsепt[пperJect to sog
usesomething hosn't happened,
expect the Juturе. уer iп negctive sentences
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
ond questions. It goes ot the end oJ the sentence.
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

Ne9otlve Q цеstiоп
Privacy Policy
I hoven't
Marketing travelled obrood get. Hove gоu trovelled obroad get?
Не ho,sn't tried absei[ing get.
Personalization Hos he tried obseiling 9et?
Тhеg hoven't swum i.n the seo get.
Analytics Hove they swum in the seo get?

Save Accept All

#*ж-кержуЁжw*ъж wЁ*fu$жstr ffis *"u* ' jjЬ' яu ,ж*F# ## *,,,u *жs; Unit 5

То соmроrе two things thot оrе еqчсl, we use just 4s + odjective * 4ý:
Buses аrе just as crowded as the mеtrо.
То sog thot one thing is less thon опоthеr, we usе поt as + odjective * 4ý:
Taxis аrеп't as saJe as buses.

Ч Adjectives do not chonge their Jorm lп these sentences.

в я' #*ф# * , * .{f*?:. -- ] j_ Unit 5

We use too + odjective to sоч thot something ts mоrе thon we would [ihe.
Гоо comes before the odjective:
I dоп't wапt to rепt jer sAb. Тhеу'rе too dапgеrоus.
We сап't take а taxi. They're too expensive.

We usе not + odjective + епоuglr to sog thot somethlng [s less than we would
[ihe. Епоugh comes cfter the афесt[vе:
I'm поt strопg епоugh to сопtrоl а jet ski.
The boat isn't big епоugh - there аrе Jive oJ us.
This website stores data such as

р*==i== Unit
cookies to enable essential site
#Fв"*ж*,ы*ft жЁ*:жрffi*
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
We usе
or accept the the pcssive volce:
default settings.
1 to emphosise the octlon, rother than who does lt:
Privacy Policy .,+ Сфее is grоwп Iп Colombia.
2 when
Marketing we don't kпоw who does the octlon, оr [t [sn't importont:
Personalization . --+ Vitamins are added to the riсе.
з when [t's obvlous who does the oct[on:
. --+ Irоп is miпеd, iп New Zеаlапd.
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We oJten usе the present slmple posslve to dеsсrlЬ€ о ргоG€s:

The Ьеапs are harvested. Тhеп they are tаkеп to the Jасtоrу. Next, they
are roasted. After that, they are grоuпd iпtо paste.

Posslve sentences stort the object. The subject is oJten [eJt оut,

Active: FJ.'*'.': rоlsе :'л'#:? on the south Islond.

D___ .._. (object)

Anlmals оrе rolsed оп the South Islond.

The passive Jorm oJ the present simp[e is Jormed with the vеrЬ to Ье +
the pcst pcrticiple oJ the vеrЬ.
Choco[ate is mcde Jrоm сOсао seeds.
otl, is fочпd [п New Zealond.
Рlums cre grown пеоr the coost.
Vltomtns сrе lost i.n the process.

ffiж*ж*жж* жЁжкжрffi* р*нжжЙw*g -щffi#ffiВ*жржжж

We can usе the present simple possive to osh gцestions obout processes.
We usе the guestlon word + tо Ье + object + pcst pcrticiple:
How is sugar mаdе?
Why is sugar produced?

ffiжffiкжыж w&ffifu w:,##€ / вы*шж*# жжd gж#яжбr ffiж unit 7

This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
We willlwon't + the lnJlnitive to mohe predictions сЬоцt the fчtчrе:
usеas marketing,
functionality, as well

will сопtiпuе ta huпt them Jоr meat.

personalization, and analytics. You
may changeРеор[е
your settings at any time
Iп years,
100settings. we
or accept the default
won't see cheetahs iп the wild,
gоiпg to
Privacy Policy
We usе Ье + going to + the lnJinitive:
to tolh
qЬоut fчtчrе plons cnd intentions:
I'm gоiпg to dопаtе mопеу to Save the Cheetahs.
2 to mоkе predictions bosed оп something we ссп see or hecr right поw:

Save Accept All

Look at the sky It's gоiпg to rаiп.
Unit 7

We con usе the present simple to tolh аЬоut fчtчrе events thot оrе
sсhеdцlеd оr hove о timetcb[e:
What time does уоur trаiп leave? It leaves at 5.30,
Whеrе does it leave Jrоm? It leaves Jrоm рlаtfоrm 3.
Whеп does the film start? It starts at 7 o'clock,
What time do the shops close tonight? They close at Ч o'clock.

,'1, , - ',, Unit 8

We usе the first conditloncl to tolk оЬоut о рrоЬсЬ[е fчtчrе sitцсtiоп

ond lts rеsцlt. The result is olwags dependent оп the sltuotlon.
То tolh аЬоut the Juturе sitцсtiоп we usе r,f + simp[e present. То tolk оЬоut
the rеsц[t, we use rarfll l wоп't +
Fцtцrе sitцсtiоп Resцlt
If the ice cops mе[t, polor beors wi[[ lose thеlr habitot.
If it doesn't rcin soon, we won't hcve епоugh woter.
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.

We сап use mау, mightor соцld insteod oJ will lп the rеsutt с[оusе. Th[s
Policy that the speoher [s not сеrtоlп оЬоut the result. It is possib[e, but not

In clfi,rmctive
Personalization sentences, there [s по dilference lп mеопlпg betweer\ mау,
Analyticsопd could,
IJ climate сhапgе сопtiпuеs, сфее mау l might l соuld, disappear.
Save Accept All
In negctive sentences, we use mау поt оr might поt:
IJ climate сhапgе сопtiпuеs, mапу species mау поt l might поt surviче.
О We do NOT usе соцId поt in negotive Jirst condi.ti.onol sentences.

;i,i g,F,";{+,j'
i{i 1i",qtr;;i $ýВъЁ**i]*:+;ъ U
nlt 9

When we report whot onother реrsоп so[d, we do not usе their exoct words
(direct speech). We usе rероrtеd speech wlth said оr told(meluslher).

When we use rероrtеd speech, we chonge the tense ond рrопоцпs.

Direct speech Reported speech
'I'ffiъ verg She sald she иtсьs very exclted.
'We *pcefueireq8 presents.' She soid theg *ксХъеrаgе*ý presents.
'Му mоthеr &s ***k*mg.' She sold her mother vy*&s **я;klпq.

With the verb te[[, we iпсludе who we to[d. Соmраrе,

.rh е said it was а qreat сеlеЬrаtiоп.
q She tоtd
grеаt rзgg/&*Й
сеlеЬrаtiоп. ir was а
ýrr*/ry**х/жs/r&*fу? /fu,*r

In rероrtеd speech, we oJten change time expressions as we[[,

today --+ that day tоmоrrоw --+ the пехt day

r+ ,*,#,fl,fl**:ф+
ЁЁ+, Ёi:#ф,Ёьtrtilаlj+; Unit Ч

We usе,
sоmеопе / апуопе / по опе to tolh оЬоut о реrsоп.
something / апуthiпg / поthiпg to tolh about о thing.
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable /
essential siteапуwhеrе / поwhеrе to tolh оЬоut о р[ссе.
functionality, as well as marketing,
We some You
personalization, and /
+ опе thing whеrе / with cffirmctive verbs,
may changeShe saw sоmеthiпg iп
your settings at any time
or accept the default settings.
the distance. I tф mу саmеrа somewhere.
We usе апу + опе / thiпg / where with negctive verbs оr [n questions:
We didп't see апуопе,
Privacy Policy Did уоч buy апуthiпg?
We usе по + опе / thiпg / whеrе with сп olfi,rmctive verb, Ьut [t hos о
negctive mеопlпg:
No опе spoke to us.
Analytics Тhеrе was поthiпg behind us.

Save Accept All

+;$*.*r-*жЁ'fr qл*,tт., Ёr;;tЁЕ:s; U nit 1 О

When the stotement is qffi"rm*.tý,v*, the tog Ls ne9ctive.

Vegetables arB good Jоr you, аrеп't they?
When the stotement is negctive, the tog is *ff,ý,rm*tlve.
You dоп't like sрiпасh, do you?

stctement Qцеstiоп tcgs

This sоuр L* good, isn't tt?
to Ье:
hot, E.git?
amlEslare Thesefood
This isn'tcren't
opples very expenslve, с,rе theg?
Не ý.ikes cahe, doesn't he?
present They *ж*rсisе а [ot, don't theg?
She doesn't tche Lunch to school, d**s she?
We саrъ ехеrсlsе tп the porh, ccn't we?
Theg ccn't cooh, сteп theg?

1: i}ii;. ti: ,Ё
fiЁ#*ъЁ,$+iъчф:' ,{'f;Ё ;;++,;l,+€,*;Ён Uni.t 1 0
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
То sоg
functionality, thot
as well as something
marketing, [s:
1 пеGеssсrg, оr оп obli9ctlon, we use must orпd have to:
and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
I have to get еаrlу tоmоrrоw. We must аrrivе at school оп time,
or accept the default settings. up
2 not cllowed, оr prohibited, we usе mustп't:
Privacy Policy You mustп't use mobile
рhопеs iп the с[аssrооm.
з not necesscrg, оr not сп obligction, we usе dоп't have to:
We don't have to wеаr uпiJоrm at mу school

Analytics с 9ood idec, оr not с good idec, we usе shоuld l shоuldп't,

You Accept eat mоrе Jruit. You shоцldп't Ьriпg valuable items.
Save All

possible, Ьut not сеrtсiп, we usе schoo

,п4у, might or соuld,
I mау l might l соцld, Ье late tоmоrrоw.

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