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4 years
Naturaleza 5
Course plan and syllabus

Unit 4
Protecting Animals


February March


In this unit, pupils learn basic vocabulary related to animals and landscapes and will consider things that
can be done to protect animals and the Earth. In the final task, pupils will prepare posters to encourage
others to do their part to protect animals and the Earth.

Key vocabulary
bear, gorilla, penguin, whale
Acrtic, jungle, mountain, ocean

What colour is (the penguin)?
It's black and white.

Extra resources
Penguins are (small).
Bears are (tall).
Gorillas are (strong).
Whales are (long).
ice, rock, shell, tree
Where do (gorillas) live?
They live in the (jungle).
In the (jungle) there are (trees).
backpack, bin, ground, rabbit, rubbish, squirrel, sun cream
What are you doing?
I'm verb + -ing
What is he/she doing?
He's/She's verb + -ing
This symbol means (recycle).
Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4

*The objectives have been left in their original language as they appear in the original B.O.E. document.


Área 1. El conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal

1. Identificar los propios sentimientos, emociones, gustos y preferencias y ser capaces de
comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando los de los otros.
2. Realizar, de manera cada vez más autónoma, actividades habituales y tareas sencillas
del desarrollo de la clase, aumentando el sentimiento de autoconfianza y la capacidad de
3. Progresar en la coordinación y el control de movimientos.
4. Valorar la prudencia, en especial en las relaciones con los animales.

Área 2. El conocimiento del entorno

1. Conocer algunos animales y sus características.
2. Valorar la necesidad de proteger a los animales e identificar algunas maneras de
3. Aplicar la serie numérica del 1 al 8.
4. Diferenciar entre pequeño y grande.
5. Diferenciar entre líneas rectas y líneas curvas.
6. Conocer las tareas que deben realizar los ciudadanos para guardar los espacios comunes
7. Aprender sobre como reciclar.
Área 3. Lenguajes: comunicación y representación
1. Participar activamente en los diálogos de la clase y en otras situaciones de comunicación.
2. Comprender las intenciones y mensajes de otros niños y adultos.
3. Valorar la escritura como instrumento de comunicación, información y disfrute.
4. Progresar en el dominio de diversos trazos.
5. Comprender algunos textos literarios manteniendo hacia ellos actitudes de disfrute,
valoración e interés.
6. Realizar obras plásticas utilizando diversas técnicas y materiales.
7. Interpretar las canciones de la unidad y disfrutar con ellas.
8. Iniciarse en el uso oral de una lengua extranjera y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar
en ese acercamiento.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4


Competencias clave (Key competences) (CC): comunicación lingüística (linguistic competency) (CCL), competencia matemática y
competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología (mathematical competency and basic competences in Science and Technology) (CMCT),
competencia digital (digital competency) (CD), aprender a aprender (learning to learn) (CAA), competencias sociales y cívicas (social
and civic competences) (CSYC), sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor (initiative and entrepreneurship) (SIEP) y conciencia y
expresiones culturales (cultural awareness) (CEC).


Area 1
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Feelings and emotions
The body 1. Identifying and expressing their own 21, 22, 23 CSYC, SIEP
and self image feelings and emotions, experiences,
preferences and interests, as well as
those of others'.

Block 2. Motor skills

Games 1. Coordination and control of movements 19, 20, 23 CAA, CSYC
and movement while playing games and doing activities.

Block 3. 2. Initiative and progressive autonomy 19, 20, 21, SIEP, CSYC
Activity completing daily activities in the 22, 23, 24
and daily life. classroom.
3. The necessity to act with caution. 23 CEC, CAA

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4

Area 2
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Quantities and measures
Physical 1. Usage of numbers 1 to 8 to count. 21 CMCT, CAA
2. Ability to trace straight and curved lines. 23 CMCT, CAA

3. Ability to differentiate between tall and 19 CCL, CAA

4. Differentiation between animals with 4 19 CMCT, CAA
legs, those with 2 legs and those with no
Block 2. Living organisms: animals and plants
The natural 1. Characteristics of animals from different 19, 20, 21 CAA, CD, SIEP
environment habitats.
2. Similarities and differences between 19, 20, 21 CAA, CD
different animals.
3. Care and protection of the environment 21, 22, 23 SIEP, CSYC
and of animals.
4. Learning about characteristics and 20, 22 CAA, CCL
elements from different habitats.
5. Prepare a poster to help others 21, 22, 23 CSYC, SIEP, CAA
understand how to care for the Earth and
Caring for the environment
6. Learning about recycling. 21 CAA, CSYC
Block 3. Culture
Culture and 1. Knowledge on what citizens can do to 21 CSYC, CEC
living in society keep their common areas clean and safe.
2. Understanding the importance of keeping 21 CSYC, CEC
parks safe and clean.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4

Area 3
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Listening, talking and conversing:
Verbal 1. Participating in dialogues and other daily 21, 22, 23 CSYC, CCL
language communication situations.
2. Interest and active listening in daily 21, 22 CSYC
communication situations.
3. Interest in participating in verbal 21, 22, 23 CSYC, CAA
interactions in English.
4. Acquiring basic vocabulary and 19, 20, 23 CCL, CAA
expressions, as well as simple orders.
Introduction to writing:
1. Understanding written language as a 19, 20, 21 CAA, CCL
source of communication, information and
2. Ability to trace curved and straight lines. 23 CAA
3. Understanding images, posters and 19, 20, 21, CEC, CAA
photographs related to the environment. 22, 23, 24
6. Use of resources that support the written 21, 23 CAA
language, like posters.
7. Showing interest in and paying attention 20, 21 CSYC, CD
to stories, explanations, instructions and
descriptions read by others.
Introduction to literature:
1. Listening attentively, understanding and 19, 20, 21 CSYC, CCL
enjoying stories, songs, chants and
2. Learning and saying and/or singing 19, 20 CD, CEC
songs, chants and poems.
English as a foreign language:
1. Showing interest in communicating in 19, 20, 21, CCL, CAA
English, repeating vocabulary and 22, 23, 24
expressions learned.
2. Showing a positive attitude towards 19, 20, 21, CCL, CAA
learning a foreign language. 22, 23, 24
Block 2. 1. Introduction to audio-visual resources, 19, 20, 21 CD, CAA
Audio-visual such as animations and videos.
2. Showing interest in learning to use 22 CD, CAA
and ICT
computers, the Internet and other digital
Block 3. Arts and Crafts
Artistic 1. Making art using a variety of artistic 19, 20, 21, CAA
language techniques and materials: colouring with 22, 23, 24
crayons and coloured pencils, free
drawing, working with press outs and
2. Recognising different colours. 19 CAA
3. Knowing how to make a visually 21, 22, 23 SIEP, CEC
appealing poster.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4

1. Actively participating in activities related 19, 20 CAA
to chants, songs and dancing.
2. Attentive listening of musical pieces of 20 CAA
different styles.
Block 4. 1. Discovering and experimenting with 20 CAA, CEC
Body language gestures and movements.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 4


For pupils:
- Pupil’s book with stickers and press outs
- Investigator’s Passport
- Portfolio

For teachers:
- Teacher’s Guide
- Flashcards
- Story cards
- Posters


- Videos:
- Information videos help to explain key concepts to pupils in simple way.
- ‘How to’ videos explain how to complete the unit final task step by step.
- Animations:
- Mr. Chat animations accompany audio resources from the pupil’s book.
- Animated stories.
- Worksheets from the pupil’s book that can be projected in class.
- Interactive activities.
- Songs, chants, karaokes and associated interactive activities.
- ICT-based activities and tasks.
- Interactive flashcards.

Mr. Chat the Robot Hat includes the following evaluation tools:
- Unit content evaluations
- Portfolio:
- Self-evaluation radars to assess skills related to personal effort and relating to
- Self-evaluation batteries to assess classroom habits.


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