Ingles4a MR U05

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X de
4 years
Naturaleza 5
Course plan and syllabus

Unit 5
Painting Feelings


April May


In this unit, pupils will learn basic vocabulary related to feelings and art. In the final task, pupils work
together to prepare a wall of art that shows different emotions.

Key vocabulary
crayon, paint, pen, pencil
angry, happy, hungry, in love, sad, scared, sleepy

How do you feel?
I feel (happy)!

Extra resources
paintbrush, pencil sharpener, ruler, string
I use (pencils) to (draw).

Do you feel (happy)?

I feel (happy).
You feel (happy).
He/She feels (happy).

dark, excited, surprised

How do you feel?

How does it make you feel?
It makes me feel (happy).
Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5

*The objectives have been left in their original language as they appear in the original B.O.E. document.


Área 1. El conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal

1. Formarse una imagen ajustada y positiva de sí mismo, a través de la interacción con los
otros y de la identificación gradual de las propias características, posibilidades y
limitaciones, desarrollando sentimientos de autoestima y autonomía personal.
2. Identificar los propios sentimientos, emociones, gustos o preferencias, y ser capaces de
denominarlos, expresarlos y comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando,
también, los de los otros.
3. Progresar en la coordinación y el control de movimientos.
4. Desarrollar hábitos de respeto, ayuda y colaboración, evitando actitudes de
discriminación, en las actividades en grupo y en los aprendizajes cooperativos.

Área 2. El conocimiento del entorno

1. Conocer los objetos y materiales que utilizan los pintores.
2. Establecer comparaciones de elementos y objetos relacionado al arte, identificando los
que son iguales o los que están relacionados.
3. Aplicar la serie numérica del 1 al 9.
4. Identificar elementos que se encuentre en el museo de arte.
5. Identificar formas de las mismas dimensiones.
6. Identificar círculos.
7. Habilidad de trazar líneas, conectando un imagen a otro.
8. Resolver problemas sencillos mediante deducción a partir de pistas dadas.
9. Reconocer los emociones emitidos en distintos pinturas de paisajes.
10. Conocer y valorar las normas de comportamiento en los museos.
11. Identificar algunas de las emociones comunes asociados con ciertos paisaje.
12. Aprender sobre Pascua.
Área 3. Lenguajes: comunicación y representación
1. Participar activamente en los diálogos de la clase y otras situaciones de comunicación.
2. Conocer y emplear el vocabulario relacionado con los contenidos trabajados.
3. Valorar la escritura como instrumento de comunicación, información y disfrute.
4. Identificar y escribir palabras relacionadas con la pintura.
5. Escuchar atentamente la lectura o exposición de textos sencillos para comprender la
información y ampliar el vocabulario.
6. Acercarse al conocimiento de obras artísticas de diversos pintores.
7. Realizar obras plásticas utilizando diversas técnicas y materiales.
8. Conocer algunos elementos que configuran el lenguaje plástico: líneas, formas, colores…
9. Entender la música como expresión del arte.
10. Aprender canciones, adivinanzas y poemas.
11. Disfrutar con las audiciones y las producciones audiovisuales.
12. Iniciarse en el uso oral de una lengua extranjera y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar
en ese acercamiento.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5


Competencias clave (Key competences) (CC): comunicación lingüística (linguistic competency) (CCL), competencia
matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología (mathematical competency and basic competences in Science and
Technology) (CMCT), competencia digital (digital competency) (CD), aprender a aprender (learning to learn) (CAA), competencias
sociales y cívicas (social and civic competences) (CSYC), sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor (initiative and entrepreneurship)
(SIEP) y conciencia y expresiones culturales (cultural awareness) (CEC).


Area 1
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Self-awareness
The body 1. Realistic and positive awareness and 26, 28 SIEP, CAA
and self image acceptance of themselves, as well as
their own possibilities and limitations.
Feelings and emotions
1. Identification and expression of their own 26, 27, 28, 29 CCL, CAA, CSYC
feelings, emotions, experiences,
preferences and interests, as well as
those of others.
2. Identification of sensations and emotions 26, 27, 28, 29 CCL, CAA
related to different pieces of art.

3. Acceptance and respect for the 27, 28 CSYC, CEC

characteristics and preferences of their
Block 2. Motor skills
Games 1. Coordination and control of their motor 25, 26, 29 CAA
and movement skills.
Block 3. 1. Ability to help and collaborate in the 27, 28, 29 CSYC, CEC
Activity and activities that are completed in groups.
daily life

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5

Area 2
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Elements and relations
Physical 1. Learning about the objects present in an 25, 27, 30 CCL, CEC
environment: artist's studio.
2. Comparing elements or objects that are 25, 27, 30 CCL, CEC
related to art that do similar tasks.
3. Learning about elements that belong in 27 CEC, CAA
an art museum.
Quantities and measures
1. Usage of numbers 1 to 9 to count. 27 CMCT, CAA
2. Capabilities of recognising shapes of the 28, 30 CMCT, CAA
same dimensions.
3. Ability to draw lines, linking one object to 30 CAA
4. Problem solving skills with the help of 26, 27, 29 CAA, SIEP
clues and suggestions.
5. Capable of recognising circles. 28 CMCT, CAA

Block 2. Landscape
Learning about 1. Identifying the feelings transmitted by 26, 28, 29, 30 CEC, CSYC, CAA
nature paintings of natural landscapes.
2. Knowing the natural elements that are 27, 28, 30 CEC, CSYC
commonly associated with certain
Block 3. Culture
Culture and living 1. Learning about the behavioural norms of 27 CSYC, CEC
in society conduct within a museum.
2. Learning about what a painter does. 25, 27, 29 CSYC, CAA
3. Understanding the work of a museum 27 CSYC, CEC
4. Learning about Easter. Festivals CEC, CAA

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5

Area 3
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Listening, talking and conversing:
Verbal 1. Participating and actively listening in 26, 27, 28, 29 CSYC, CCL
language everyday communication.
2. Progressively using more precise and 25, 26, 27, 28 CCL, CAA
varied vocabulary about painting, art and
3. Interest in participating in verbal 25, 26, 27, CSYC, CLL
interactions in English 28, 29, 30
4. Acquiring basic vocabulary and 25, 26, 27, 28 CCL, CSYC
expressions, as well as simple orders.
5. Positive attitude towards foreign 25, 26, 27, SIEP, CAA
languages. 28, 29, 30
Introduction to writing:
1. Understanding written language as a 25, 26, 27 CCL, CSYC
source of communication, information and
2. Recognise letters. 25 CCL
3. Recognise words that start with a specific 25 CCL
4. Use of resources that support the written 25, 26 CCL, CAA
language, like flashcards.
5. Showing interest in and paying attention 25, 26 CD, CSYC
to stories, explanations, instructions and
descriptions read by others.
Introduction to literature:
1. Listening attentively, understanding and 25, 26, 27 CD, CAA
enjoying stories, songs, chants and poems.
2. Learning and saying and/or singing 25, 27 CD, CAA
songs, chants and poems.
English as a foreign language:
1. Showing interest in communicating in 25, 26, 27, CCL
English, repeating vocabulary and 28, 29, 30
expressions learned.
2. Showing a positive attitude towards 25, 26, 27, CSYC, CEC
learning a foreign language. 28, 29, 30
Block 2. 1. Introduction to audio-visual resources, 27, 29 CD, CAA
Audio-visual such as animations and videos.
language and 2. Showing interest in learning to use 28 CD, CEC
ICT computers, the Internet and other digital
Block 3. Arts and Crafts
Artistic 1. Making art using a variety of artistic 26, 28, 29 CAA, SIEP
language techniques and materials: colouring with
crayons and coloured pencils, painting with
paint, working with press outs and stickers.
2. Introduction to works of art by different 26, 28, 29 CEC, SIEP
artists, like Arcimboldo, Bastida, Sorolla
and Munch.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5

3. Discovering different elements that 26, 27, 28 CEC, CAA

transform art, such as the type of colours
used to transmit emotions.
4. Recognising different forms of art: 30 CAA
drawing with pencils, with crayons or with
1. Music as a form of art. 26 CEC, CAA
2. Participation and enjoyment in listening to 26 CSYC, CAA
music of different styles.
Block 4. 1. Discovering and experimenting with 25, 26 CAA
Body language gestures and movements.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 5


For pupils:
- Pupil’s book with stickers and press outs
- Investigator’s Passport
- Portfolio

For teachers:
- Teacher’s Guide
- Flashcards
- Story cards
- Posters


- Videos:
- Information videos help to explain key concepts to pupils in simple way.
- ‘How to’ videos explain how to complete the unit final task step by step.
- Animations:
- Mr. Chat animations accompany audio resources from the pupil’s book.
- Animated stories.
- Worksheets from the pupil’s book that can be projected in class.
- Interactive activities.
- Songs, chants, karaokes and associated interactive activities.
- ICT-based activities and tasks.
- Interactive flashcards.

Mr. Chat the Robot Hat includes the following evaluation tools:
- Unit content evaluations
- Portfolio:
- Self-evaluation radars to assess skills related to personal effort and relating to
- Self-evaluation batteries to assess classroom habits.


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