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God’s Work in the Community in Libtong

Praise God for He is good! For the past year, we as a church
experienced God 's amazing grace towards us. inside?
Last 2023, through God's grace, we are able to minister to the
community through various ministries like Medical Mission,
Officiating a wedding, praying for the sick, providing school
supplies etc. What God has done in the
community in Libtong.
We are praying to do more of those activities in 2024. PAGE 1-2

Last year, we are able to officiate a member's wedding.

Pastor Ramon baptized the groom and officiated the

As of today we also have 4 candidates for baptism. Praise

God for men, women, and young people desiring to obey
God through water baptism.

We also able to disciple 6 young people through musical

instruments. Out of the 6, 2 of them are able to play the
guitar. We also saw God's faithfulness in them as these
young men and women are active and participating in
church activities.


Last year, we are able to provide the church with brand new Old

"A good man,

and New Testament Bibles. Before the members only have the New
Testament but God made a way for them to know Him more by

is a good
giving them the OT and NT Bibles. Praise God for what He is

In the church, we just finished the series The Gospel as Center
and now currently studying the book of Philippians. We praise
God for His faithfulness in our study. We are seeing God at work

whether in
in the hearts of the members. Sanctifying and edifying the church
through his Word.

this church
or out of it."

Praising God also for adults that emerged to be a future leader in

the church. we are praying that God would work in their hearts as
we pray for them. there are 2 adults that are ministering to the
people through cooking delicious meals. These adults volunteered
to cook for the kids and when there are fellowships in the church.
God is truly Good in their lives. it is the work of the gospel sown
into their hearts.

Right now, as a church on the average, 30 to 40 in attendace every

Sunday. It is composed of women, young adults, teenagers and
and praying that as we go through church membership this year,
we are hoping to be able to reach out to their family as well.

We also have a small group for young couples who desire to walk
with Jesus through his Word. We are meeting 2x a month. These
are some of the ways that we are doing ministry and are praying
to do more for God’s glory this year.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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