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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name or Courtney Stringer Cribb

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught April 16th

Subject ELA
Grade Level 3rd grade

Materials Replace these directions with your work.

Include a list of all materials and equipment needed to complete the activities in your lesson.

Computers, whiteboard, Vocabulary template, sticky notes, pencil

Standards Replace these directions with your work.

(State and Include the number and text of the subject area content standard (s) your lesson addresses.
ISTE Include the number and text of the ISTE Standard(s) for Students your lesson addresses.
Standards for  ELA21.3.13 Utilize new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary to make connections to
Students) previously learned words and relate new words to background knowledge.
 ELA21.3.13a Make connections to a word’s structure using knowledge of phonology, morphology,
and orthography of the word to aid learning.
 ELA21.3.16 Use knowledge of grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary to gain
meaning from text.
ISTE-1.3a Effective Research Strategies -Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
1.3b Evaluate Information- Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.

Objectives Replace these directions with your work.

Include objectives for both state and ISTE standards for Students. State all objectives using terms that are
objective and measurable.

 I can determine the meaning of the grade-level and domain-specific

vocabulary to gain meaning from the text.
 I can make connections to a word’s structure using knowledge of
phonology, morphology, and orthography of the word to aid learning.
 I can utilize new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary to make
connections to previously learned words and relate new words to
background knowledge.

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ISTE standard
1.3a Effective Research Strategies –I can plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
1.3b Evaluate Information- I can evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.

Differentiation Replace these directions with your work.

Strategies Think about the students you will be teaching and their various learning styles. How will your lesson address
visual learners? Auditory learners? Kinesthetic learners? Special needs learners? How will you differentiate
your lesson to address all learners’ needs?
This lesson is diverse and is geared to all types of learning. For auditory learners, this lesson repeats the
peaceful at least 25-30 times. This allows students to get multiple exposures to the word while relating it to
the word's meaning. For the kinesthetic learners, they are putting hand motions/movements to the word so
they are making that kinesthetic connection to the word. For the visual learners, the word and definition is
posted on the whiteboard. They can refer to the board when creating their sentence to determine if they have
created a sentence with the right meaning.Special needs learners, this lesson could be differentiated to where
the lesson is chunked. Based on student needs, we could focus on syllabication, synonyms/antonyms, or

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The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement Replace these directions with your work.

Catch the students’ attention with the activities in this phase. Pose questions or design an activity to help the
students build on what they already know in preparation for learning something new. Technology must be
used by the teacher, student, or both. Provide specific details of your engaging activity and the directions
needed for students to complete the activity. Include all supporting materials such as handouts, presentations,
hyperlinks to videos, websites, resources, and screenshots of mobile applications.

I would use a previous vocabulary Kahoot as a way to engage students and

open the lesson to what they will be doing independently later on in the lesson.

Engagement Replace these directions with your work.

Assessment Provide a detailed explanation of how you will assess whether your students are engaged. This is a formative
assessment. You may question students, have students complete an online quiz or game, or assess them in
another way.

To assess student understanding, they will create their sentence with the word “peaceful”.
Students will either share their responses or place them on the anchor chart/ whiteboard . I will
read off student responses and determine student understanding. Those who don’t understand will
be pulled for small to work on vocabulary skills.

Exploration Replace these directions with your work.

This is the heart of learning. Hands-on experiences are mandatory and should include chances for the students
to collaborate and experiment and be able to discuss their learning with others. Provide specific details on the
exploration activity in which your students will participate. Include hyperlinks or screenshots to videos, web
resources, or mobile applications. Also, include any presentations or documents used. You must have at least

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E Description

one use of technology for the exploration phase.

Students will be paired and given a new vocabulary word and they will have to use their computers to look up
specific features of the word such as the etymology, additional synonyms and antonyms, and prefixes and
suffixes to make up the word. Students will also have to come up with a student-friendly definition of their word.
They will use the information collected from their vocabulary word to create a Kahoot. Below is a sample
Kahoot of what theirs may look like.

Exploration Assess the students’ knowledge after they complete the exploration activity. Include the tool you will use to
assess the students in this section.

Explanation Replace this description with your work. This stage of the lesson is your part. You will cover vocabulary,
concepts, ideas – whatever is necessary – to help the students understand the lesson. Include higher-order
thinking questions to help the students connect and comprehend the point of the lesson. Provide specific
details of your explanation phase. Include hyperlinks or screenshots to videos, web resources, or mobile
applications. Also, include any presentations or documents used. You must use some form of technology
for your explanation.
We have completed a sample vocabulary routine by hand now I will explain how to complete the online
components when students begin to work on their new vocabulary words. Students will have to research
certain parts of the word to look up etymology, additional synonyms, and antonyms, parts of speech. I will show

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E Description

students how to look up these pieces and how to determine if they are from a reliable source.

Explanation Include another formative assessment in this section.

Assessment Checklist for Student –Created Kahoot
o The information was accurate on the vocabulary word. (10 pts.) _______
o Each question was written in complete sentences. (10 pts.) _______
o The answers to questions were correct. (10pts.) _________

Total: 30 points

Elaboration Replace these directions with your work.

This is your chance to plan activities for the students to apply what they learned in the lesson to their lives and
new situations. Design an assignment that requires students to create a technology product (webpage, blog,
brochure, game, etc.) to demonstrate their understanding of the content taught. Avoid using PowerPoint.
Include detailed and specific instructions for the students in this section.
Create a sample technology product for your students to use as an example when creating their own.
Note: Later in the term you will teach the lesson and upload, insert, or attach two student-created
technology products to the Teaching & Assessment page in your portfolio.
Students will create a Kahoot to test the knowledge they have learned on their words. They will add questions
that test the knowledge of word meaning, prefixes/ suffixes, synonyms/ antonyms, parts of speech, and
syllabication. Below is a sample Kahoot created to test student knowledge of one of our weekly words.

Evaluation Replace these directions with your work.

Design a checklist or rubric to grade the student-created technology products created during the
Elaboration phase. Pay close attention to the lesson’s objectives and place the most emphasis on subject area
Checklist for Student –Created Kahoot
o The information was accurate on the vocabulary word. (10 pts.) _______

o Each question was written in complete sentences. (10 pts.) _______

o The answers to questions were correct. (10pts.) _________

Total: 30 points

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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

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