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Name: Mahmoud Mohamed Mashal ID: 202201119 Date: 25-4-2024

Partners: Eslam – shahd

The Effects of Chemical Treatment and Heating on the Corrosion of Brass Alloys.

To observe the physical changes, particularly color changes, in brass coins when subjected to a series of chemical
treatments and heating, indicating the onset and progression of corrosion.

Materials and Methods:

1-Sodium chloride (NaCl)

2-Acetic acid

3-Granular zinc

4-Zinc chloride (ZnCl₂) solution (1 M)

5-Brass coins (pennies/cents)

6-Distilled water



9-Bunsen burner or hot plate

10-Safety equipment (gloves)

Step 1:
a. Weigh 3 g of NaCl and dissolve in 15 mL of acetic acid.

b. Submerge the brass coins in the solution and gently shake.

c. After some time, decant the solution, rinse the coins with water, and dry them.

Step 2:
a. Weigh 1 g of granular zinc and mix into 20 mL of 1 M ZnCl₂ solution.

b. Heat the solution to boiling, then immerse the brass coins using tweezers.

c. Remove the coins using tweezers, placing them into a beaker of distilled water to cool and remove excess

Step 3:
a. Observe and note any color changes after the chemical treatments.

b. Heat the coin on a Bunsen burner or hot plate, then observe and note any further color changes.

c. Cool the coin in distilled water to prevent overheating.


After Step 1, the brass coins may exhibit changes in color due to the removal of copper from the
surface, revealing the zinc component.

Post Step 2, the coins, now predominantly zinc on the surface, could show a silvery appearance and
may have surface changes due to the heat and the presence of zinc.

Step 3’s heating process likely induces further color changes, perhaps a deepening in color or
formation of oxides, followed by cooling to halt the reaction.

The experiment demonstrates the physical changes that occur to brass as a result of corrosion
processes when exposed to certain chemicals and heat, observable through the color changes of the
metal surface.


[1] Impact of heat treatment process on machinability behavior of brass alloy 272(CuZn37)

[2] Corrosion Behavior of Different Brass Alloys

(1A metal alloy is a material composed of two or more different metals or a metal and a non-metal,
mixed together through various processes to enhance or combine certain properties that are not
present in the pure metals. Alloys are typically made to achieve greater strength, durability, corrosion
resistance, or electrical conductivity than their component elements.

Metal alloys play crucial roles in various industries due to their enhanced properties:

-1Aerospace: Alloys like titanium, aluminum, and nickel are extensively used in aircraft manufacturing
because of their strength-to-weight ratio, which is essential for flight performance and fuel efficiency.

-2Automotive: Alloys are vital in the automotive industry, where durability, weight reduction, and
corrosion resistance are crucial. Steel alloys and aluminum alloys are commonly used in car bodies and
engine parts to enhance performance and longevity.

-3Electronics: Alloys such as solder, which typically contain tin and lead (or tin and copper for lead-free
applications), are indispensable for creating electrical connections on circuit boards due to their
conductive and low melting point properties.

-4Construction: Steel alloy, made with iron and carbon, and sometimes other elements like chromium,
is critical in construction for structural components due to its strength and flexibility. It helps in building
skyscrapers, bridges, and other infrastructure.

-4Medical: Certain alloys are used in medical devices and implants like titanium alloys، which are
biocompatible، strong، and resistant to body fluids، making them ideal for long-term applications inside
the human body.

Overall, metal alloys are significant because they allow the engineering of materials that fit specific
industrial needs that pure metals cannot meet, leading to advancements in technology,
manufacturing, and quality of life.

(2Comparison and Contrast

Atomic Size Requirement: Substitution solutions require similar-sized atoms, while interstitial solutions
work with significantly smaller solute atoms compared to the solvent.

Effect on Properties: Both types of solutions modify the mechanical and physical properties of the base
metal, but interstitial solutions generally have a more pronounced effect on strength and hardness due
to lattice distortions.

Versatility: Substitution alloys can be formed between a wider ranges of metals because the size
difference limitation is less stringent, whereas interstitial alloys are limited by the need for a significant
size difference between the solute and solvent atoms.

Understanding these differences helps in choosing the right alloying strategy for specific industrial
applications, whether the goal is to improve strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, or other
(3Brass is a metal alloy primarily composed of copper and zinc، which is formed through the process
known as alloying. Here's how brass is typically made and its significance across various industries:

Process of Brass Formation

-1Melting the Metals: The first step in making brass involves melting copper in a furnace. Copper has a
relatively high melting point of about 1085 degrees Celsius.

-2Adding Zinc: Once the copper is molten، zinc is added to the molten copper at varying ratios،
depending on the desired properties of the brass. Zinc melts at 419 degrees Celsius and vaporizes at
about 907 degrees Celsius, so it's added when the copper is not excessively hot to prevent the zinc from

-3Mixing and Casting: The molten mixture is thoroughly stirred to ensure a uniform distribution of zinc
throughout the copper. After mixing, the alloy is cast into molds to form ingots or directly processed into
desired shapes and sizes.

-4Annealing and Working: The cast brass may be further processed through annealing، which involves
heating and then slowly cooling to improve its ductility. It can then be rolled, drawn, or extruded into
final products.

Importance in Different Industries

Brass is valued for its machinability, acoustic properties, corrosion resistance, and attractive appearance,
making it essential in various applications:

-1Electrical and Electronics: Brass is used for electrical connectors and components due to its excellent
electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.

-2Plumbing and Fittings: Brass's resistance to corrosion by water makes it ideal for water pipes،
plumbing fixtures، and fittings.

-3Musical Instruments: Due to its acoustic properties، brass is extensively used in the manufacture of
musical instruments like trumpets، trombones، and French horns، which benefit from brass’s ability to
produce a rich، resonant sound.

-4Decoration and Jewelry: Brass’s gold-like appearance makes it popular in decorative items، jewelry،
and architectural elements.

-5Marine Applications: The alloy's resistance to saltwater corrosion makes it suitable for marine fittings
and fixtures.

-6Machinery and Tools: Brass is often used in gears، bearings، and valves due to its low friction
properties and resistance to sparking.
In summary, the process of brass formation involves melting and combining copper and zinc, followed
by casting and possibly further processing. Its widespread use across various industries highlights its
versatility and the advantages it offers in terms of durability, machinability, and aesthetics.

(4The properties of brass, a copper-zinc alloy, significantly depend on the zinc concentration within the
alloy. Varying the amount of zinc alters several key attributes of brass, including its strength, ductility,
color, and resistance to corrosion. Here’s how different zinc concentrations affect the properties of

[1]Low Zinc Concentration (up to 20% Zinc)

Color and Appearance: Brass with a lower zinc content tends to have a deep golden color, resembling
gold more closely, which is highly valued for decorative purposes.

Ductility and Malleability: These brasses are more ductile and malleable, making them easier to work
into intricate shapes. This is particularly useful in forming applications, such as in artistic and decorative

Corrosion Resistance: With lower zinc content, brass generally shows good resistance to corrosion,
particularly useful for applications like plumbing fixtures and marine hardware.

[2]Medium Zinc Concentration (20% to 35% Zinc)

Mechanical Properties: As the zinc content increases within this range, brass tends to have enhanced
strength and hardness while still retaining good ductility. This balance makes it suitable for mechanical
applications where moderate strength and formability are required.

Electrical and Thermal Conductivity: These brasses maintain decent electrical and thermal conductivity,
suitable for fittings and connectors in electrical applications.

Color: The color becomes lighter compared to lower zinc concentrations, shifting towards a more
yellowish hue.

[3]High Zinc Concentration (over 35% Zinc)

Strength and Hardness: High zinc concentrations yield brasses with increased strength and hardness but
reduced ductility. Such brasses are less malleable and more prone to cracking during complex forming

Color: The alloy appears more silver or white, losing much of the golden hue associated with traditional

Machinability: Despite the reduced ductility, these brasses often offer good machinability, making them
suitable for manufacturing precision components.
Corrosion Resistance: There can be a decrease in corrosion resistance, particularly in environments
where brass is exposed to moisture and corrosive substances.

[4]Special High Zinc Alloys (up to 50% Zinc)

Beta Brass: When zinc content reaches higher levels (above about 35%, but typically up to 50%), the
alloy structure can transform into what is known as beta brass, characterized by high strength and
hardness. These are often used in situations requiring good wear resistance.

Machinability and Wear Resistance: These brasses are particularly hard and strong, suitable for
applications involving heavy wear and tear, such as bearings and gears.

In essence, adjusting the zinc concentration in brass allows manufacturers to tailor the material
properties to specific requirements, optimizing for factors such as color, ductility, strength, and
corrosion resistance depending on the intended use of the alloy.

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