Final Micro Project 1

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Nanasaheb Mahadik Polytechnic Institute, Peth

Tal – Walwa , Dist - Sangli 415407

Year 2023-24

Micro-Project Report on
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Diploma in Computer Engineering

Sr. No. First Name Middle Name Last Name Roll no.
1. Anushka Hanmant Gaikwad 32
2. Shruti Prakash Sathe 35
3. Snehal Uttam Jadhav 06
4. Shreya Anil Sutar 37
5. Janhvi Jaywant Shinde 38


Ms. P.H.Hadave
Shri Venkateshwara Shikshan Sanstha’s
Nanasaheb Mahadik Polytechnic Institute, Peth
Tal - Walwa, Dist - Sangli 415407
Year 2023-24

This is to certify that the following students

Sr. No. First Name Middle Name Last Name Roll no.
1. Shruti Prakash Sathe 35
2. Anushka Hanmant Gaikwad 32
3. Snehal Uttam Jadhav 06
4. Shreya Anil Sutar 37
5. Janhvi Jaywant Shinde 38

Has successfully completed the Micro-Project work entitled “calculator

system using python " of Course programming with python (PWP) on of 6th
Semester in partial fulfillment of Diploma in Computer Engineering of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai, during the academic
year 2023-2024.

Place: N.M.P.I. Peth.

Ms.P.H.Hadave Mr.K.K.Shinde Prof.M.B.Joshi

Course Coordinator H.O.D. Principal
We take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in

successful completion of this micro project work. We would like to express our
sincere thanks to our guide Ms.P.H.Hadave, who has encouraged us to work on
this topic and valuable guidance wherever required.
We wish to express our thanks to Mr.K.K.Shinde, Head of Dept. &
Prof.M.B.JOSHI, Principal, N.M.P.I., for their support the help extended.
Finally, we are thankful to all those who extended their help directly or
indirectly in preparation of this report.

Sr. No. First Name Middle Name Last Name Roll no.
1. Shruti Prakash Sathe 35
2. Anushka Hanmant Gaikwad 32
3. Snehal Uttam Jadhav 06
4. Shreya Anil Sutar 37
5. Janhvi Jaywant Shinde 38

The simple calculator is a system software which allows us to perform simple

mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction multiplication, division etc.
To develop this system we have used the concept of class and object first we
defined the class calculator and defined the various function inside this class for
various mathematical operations and each function is different from each other.
After that we prompted user to provide the input for two numbers. And at the end
of the program we have created the object of calculator class and called all the
function defined inside the class one after one for different tasks as per their
respective operations.

We shall be breaking down our process of creating the calculator program in

python into simple steps. To help understand the concepts in depth, for creating a
simple calculator program in python which can perform basic mathematical
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, all of which
depend upon the input given by the user.The approach that we shall be following is
very easy to understand.

• Prompting Input from the User. That is, we shall be accepting input for two

• Define and Add operators or functions such as add(), subtract(), multiply() and
divide() to estimate respective functions.

• To make it similar to the calculator, apply conditional statements (if…elif…else

branching) to make it works as per User’s choice
E-R Diagram
# pip install tkinter

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.messagebox

from tkinter.constants import SUNKEN

window = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(master=window, bg="skyblue", padx=10)
entry = tk.Entry(master=frame, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=3, width=30)

entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, ipady=2, pady=2)

def myclick(number):
entry.insert(tk.END, number)

def equal():
y = str(eval(entry.get()))
entry.delete(0, tk.END)
entry.insert(0, y)
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Syntax Error")
def clear():
entry.delete(0, tk.END)button_1 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='1', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(1))
button_1.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=2)
button_2 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='2', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(2))
button_2.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=2)
button_3 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='3', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(3))
button_3.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=2)
button_4 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='4', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(4))
button_4.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=2)
button_5 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='5', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(5))
button_5.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=2)
button_6 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='6', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(6))
button_6.grid(row=2, column=2, pady=2)
button_7 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='7', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(7))
button_7.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=2)
button_8 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='8', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(8))
button_8.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=2)
button_9 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='9', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(9))

button_9.grid(row=3, column=2, pady=2)

button_0 = tk.Button(master=frame, text='0', padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick(0))
button_0.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=2)
button_add = tk.Button(master=frame, text="+", padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick('+'))
button_add.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=2)
button_subtract = tk.Button(
master=frame, text="-", padx=15, pady=5, width=3, command=lambda:
button_subtract.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=2)
button_multiply = tk.Button(
master=frame, text="*", padx=15, pady=5, width=3, command=lambda:
button_multiply.grid(row=5, column=2, pady=2)
button_div = tk.Button(master=frame, text="/", padx=15,
pady=5, width=3, command=lambda: myclick('/'))
button_div.grid(row=6, column=0, pady=2)
button_clear = tk.Button(master=frame, text="clear",

padx=15, pady=5, width=12,


button_clear.grid(row=6, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=2)

button_equal = tk.Button(master=frame, text="=", padx=15,
pady=5, width=9, command=equal)
button_equal.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=3, pady=2)

We have concluded that we have successfully developed a simple calculator

system which perform the various mathematical operations. We have used the
concept of class and object to implement this system and perform a lot of
customization so that teachers don’t need to change anything. We have provide the
four functions and each function is responsible for their respective tasks. This
project helps to all the user to perform the mathematical operations very easily.

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