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Why do you want to go to university?

5.8 An opinion essay
I want to go to university because:
I can write an opinion essay exploring
different aspects of viewpoints. I want to continue my education and development 58.4%
I am really keen on the subject I want to study 57.9%
1 SPEAKING Look at the results of an international this is necessary for my future career 53.7%
student survey about reasons for going to university.
Then answer the questions and discuss with a partner. I need stimulation and intellectual challenge 52.7%
1 Which three reasons are most important to you? I want to learn some necessary life skills 50.1%
2 What other reasons to go to university can you
this will help me find a job (or a better job) 36.1%
think of?
3 Should students choose a degree based on what I want to experience student life and just have fun 22.8%
they are interested in or what is most likely to lead to
my family expects me to continue my education 16.3%
getting a job? Explain your answer.

2 Read the task and the essay below. Do you agree

with the author’s opinion? 3 Read the WRITING FOCUS. In the model essay, find:
1 a sentence which states the writer’s main opinion.
Some university degrees are more likely to lead to 2 a sentence that says which two aspects will be
employment after graduation than others. In your discussed.
opinion, should young people choose a university 3 a sentence which acknowledges an opposing opinion
subject based on what will help them get a good and states why the writer disagrees with it.
job rather than what interests them? 4 a sentence which expands the discussion by giving
Write an opinion essay on this topic analysing examples.
the importance of motivation to study and 5 a sentence which restates the writer’s main opinion.
career success. 6 a final comment.

Many school-leavers choose a degree based on what is likely to lead to a good job rather
than what truly interests them. Personally, I worry this could lead to a negative experience
at university and that it may be better to opt for a subject you find stimulating. To explain
the reasons for my view, I will examine the issue in terms of motivation and career
When it comes to motivation, there is no doubt that four years is a long time to dedicate
to a single subject. The high level of commitment required means that enthusiasm for
your chosen subject is important. The outcome of struggling through a course you don’t
enjoy could be low final grades and a negative student experience.
It is also important to consider this issue with regard to career
success. It is often the case that those
who rise to the very top of their field
get there because they are passionate
about what they do. Of course, passion
does not guarantee career success, but it is
undeniably an important factor.
It is true that some subjects appear to offer
limited career prospects, however, I am of the
opinion that studying for any degree teaches valuable
transferable skills. These include the ability to interpret
information or communicate complex ideas, for example,
and are undoubtedly appreciated by employers.
All in all, I think it is better to choose a university
subject that interests you. I would prefer to learn useful
skills and work towards high grades in a subject I have
enjoyed studying rather than risking low grades in a
subject that I do not find motivating.


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