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Chapter I


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough
and in-depth search done by the researchers.

Given that the country receives enough sunlight and wind to produce
energy with high potency, India has enormous potential for the development and
utilization of renewable energy resources, such as a combination of solar and
wind power, on a global scale (Khare, 2019). Because it has resources that are
both efficient and effective enough to be employed as principal energy sources,
Australia is a country that uses both solar and wind energy technology (Anzak,
2023). Moreover, Africa stands to gain from these resources' capacity to produce
enough electricity annually to power a whole continent endowed with
extraordinary solar and wind resource capacities (Munyen, 2023).

The Philippines promotes the use of renewable resources for energy-

related and environmental reasons alike. Ocon (2021) asserts that solar energy
is one of the most promising energy sources in the country because of its ability
to be harvested for usage due to its quantity of sunlight exposure. Furthermore,
because of their perfect location and consistent wind patterns, the Philippines
have enormous potential to harness enormous amounts of wind power
(Pabellano, 2022). Philippines employs a range of energy resources to more
efficiently and sustainably supply the country's electricity needs, including solar
and wind energy (Koon, 2023). Manansala (2023), added that with the rise of
electric costs throughout the years, Filipinos pays more price to electricity
monthly bills along with the factor of making the environment more hazardous
upon producing power for distribution.
The Philippines promotes the use of renewable resources for energy-
related and environmental reasons alike. Ocon (2021) asserts that solar energy
is one of the most promising energy sources in the country because of its ability
to be harvested for usage due to its quantity of sunlight exposure. Furthermore,
because of their perfect location and wind patterns, the Philippines have
enormous potential to harness enormous amounts of wind power (Pabellano,
2022). In addition, the Philippines employs a range of energy sources to more
efficiently and sustainably supply the country's electricity needs, including solar
and wind energy (Koon, 2023). In addition, Philippines climate allows for the
simultaneous exploitation of wind and solar energy, increasing the energy's
potency due to the nation's offshore and coastal locations (Rosario, 2023).

Chomsky (2021) asserts that it will be challenging to transform renewable

energy sources into a usable quantity of electricity without creating issues with
charges, expenses, technological advancements, and mechanism components
for proper usage. Match (2021) claims that solar energy is only gathered during
the day, and that the solar system becomes less efficient if there is little to no
sunshine during daytime. Even though wind energy is most useful at night or on
windy days, wind varies in strength and can gather energy at different rates. Zoe
(2023) claims that because of the need of a hybrid system, like one that mixes
solar and wind power, the production prices will quadruple. Furthermore, in order
to gather energy simultaneously based on weather patterns, both renewable
resources must correlate with one another because they are independent of one
The urgency of the study, is that non-renewable resources are the
longest-lasting source of electricity, yet managing them is costly and non-
regenerative when used. The requirement and demand for electricity is
increasing annually, and a significant portion of that electricity is produced by
burning fossil fuels that are imported (Slaoui, 2023). In addition to offering
assistance and knowledge to isolated areas without access to electricity in order
to provide electricity used there. It is imperative that electricity be delivered using
renewable resources in order to prevent emissions and the climate catastrophe
(Gozum, 2021). Ciolkosz (2023) asserts that since it emits no greenhouse
emissions and can be repaired after usage, doing so will promote economic

Furthermore, environmental changes have resulted in a shift toward the

use of renewable resources, suggesting that the consequences of climate
change are intensifying with time in tandem with rising electricity prices and
demand (Roland, 2023). The overuse of fossil fuels threatens not just global
economic stability but also public health. According to Antonio (2023), if everyone
on the planet decided to convert to clean energy sources right away, pollution
and the health crisis might gradually decrease if they maximized the benefits of
this type of energy.

For these reasons, the researchers decided to conduct a study that uses
combined usage of renewable resources: solar and wind energy in Brgy. Sasa
Wharf, Prk. Parola, Davao City
Review of Related Literature

Hybrid System. By fusing new and existing technologies, the

accumulation of hybrid systems streamlines the process of updating technology
and can be used to provide maximum productivity (Bista, 2020). Solar and wind
energy resources are combined in a system that uses turbines and solar panels
linked to a storage system to provide power and energy supply. This system has
been stored and has been waiting to be distrusted (Manuel, 2020). With the use
of this technology, Misha (2022) asserted that a hybrid system is a complex
process because it requires various energy resources, costs, and other factors.
For example, solar energy requires sunlight, whereas wind energy requires areas
with mass winds during both the day and the night.

Solar Energy. According to Park (2023), advances in solar technology

have been made to be more dependable and suitable for long-term use. The
notion that solar energy has become a significant active source of usable energy
due to advancements in photovoltaic cells and panels, among other techniques
and technologies (Turgeon and Morse, 2023).

Photovoltaic Technology. Through the use of solar radiation, solar

technology may directly produce power. Becquerel (1839), mentioned that
electrodes for the creation and generation of electric current are provided by
sunlight. With the advancement of this notion over time, photovoltaic systems
which consist of several solar cell sets and solar panels have become the most
well-known method of utilizing solar electricity (Winsven, 2019).

Solar Panels. Technology that gathers photovoltaic (PV) cells, which use the
photovoltaic effect to transform sunshine into electricity (Singe, 2022). The kind of panel
and the manufacturer's brand have an impact on the price. Like a set of commercial
solar panels costs around PHP 20 000 - PHP 30 000 per kilowatt (kW), residential solar
panels, which can cost anywhere between Php 30 000 and Php 50 000 per kilowatt (kW)
and a panel may cost around PHP 550 - PHP 1 000 above
whose efficacy depends on temperature, sunshine intensity, solar technology,
and other elements that enhance solar panel efficiency (Fox, 2023).

Wind Energy. Acquired wind power through the process of using wind
energy to produce either electric or mechanical power. In order to perform
activities or to be transformed into electricity that is subsequently stored in a
generator, wind turbines transform kinetic energy into mechanical power (Gran,

Wind Turbines. A turbine's capacity to generate 100 kW of power, or

enough to power a house, will determine how much energy is collected. However,
technology based on wind energy principles, with its propeller attached to a rotor
as it rotates by the wind, may generate kinetic energy that creates electricity and
can provide onsite energies to be used (Bowell, 2019). La Cour's (1891) "Ideal"
Sail Theory supports the idea of using wind energy to lessen environmental
effect and increase wind efficiency as source of power.

Hybrid Controllers. A controller device with adaptive control capabilities

(Wiles, 2020). Furthermore, residential solar systems employ a hybrid inverter
that combines batteries and a controller to maximize power output. This hybrid
inverter can achieve up to 90% efficiency since the controller controls how
quickly the batteries charge (Durgam, 2022).

Inverters. Electronics that convert DC (Direct Current) electricity to AC

(alternating current). A high-quality inverter is 90–95% efficient, while a low-
quality inverter is 75–85% efficient, according to Penn (2021). The inverter load
affects inverter efficiency as it reflects how much DC power is converted to AC.
Depending on the kind, inverter prices can range from PHP 3000 and up to PHP
13 000 and over.
Storage. A lead-acid battery is a type of rechargeable battery that
combines sulfur and lead to produce power through a regulated chemical
process that allows the battery to be recharged. Because of its low internal
discharge, a lead-acid battery used to store energy for a hybrid system can have
ten times more capacity. Additionally, lead batteries can retain more capacity and
charge more quickly thanks to their 80–85% efficiency. Depending on the brand
and type, lead batteries can cost anywhere from PHP 5,000 to PHP 10,000.

Distribution. Solar technologies, such as solar panels, are employed in

the distribution of solar energy. These panels can be installed on rooftops or in
outside areas that receive enough of sunlight in order to generate electric charge,
which is then stored in a utility distribution grid for later use (Irvine, 2022).
According to Akshay (2022), effective solar power stored comes at the adequate
solar energy obtained through appropriate solar technology and installation

Meanwhile, wind energy distribution are through installing turbines that are
either connected to the load on one side of the meter or to distribution grids or
micro grids is how wind energy is distributed; distributions are defined by using
technological energy Dattam (2023). Furthermore, according to Marootin (2023),
distributed wind energy resources are disseminated by turbines and are
connected to an electrical system distribution delivery.
Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by the theories developed by Becquerel (1839)

Photovoltaic Effect, La Cour (1891) “Ideal” Sail Theory and Gómez J.C.
( 2023) Hybrid Renewable Systems.

Based on solar energy principles, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel

discovered the photovoltaic effect in 1839. Since the photovoltaic effect was
discovered, its theory has been refined and, as solar cells and technologies have
advanced, it has come to be recognized as the basic idea underlying solar
energy production. Becquerel (1839), admits that materials that can be utilized to
collect electric current can be made into electrodes with enough sunshine.

According to Poul la Cour's Ideal Sail Theory, wind turbines, a device that
collects wind energy, allow wind to flow to a blade. The blade generates kinetic
charge, which allows the linked shaft to drive an electric generator to produce
electricity. Furthermore, La Cour (1891) asserted that since strong winds do not
always blow, it was necessary to store the energy that was gathered. This led to
the foundation of the groundbreaking developments in windmill technology that
have led to modern-day turbines.

The Tecnológico Nacional de México's Hybrid Renewable System Studies

by Juan Carlos León Gómez, Susana Estefany De León Aldaco, and Jesus
Aguayo Alquicira offer insights and evaluations that tackle the hybrid system and
enhance its performance. According to Gómez, J.C et al. (2023), a hybrid system
consists of two or more renewable energy sources that can be combined to
harvest and store energy simultaneously for later use, provided that the system
has the necessary technology to be fully optimized for work purposes.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Conceptual paradigm showing the variables of the study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Solar and Wind in terms of:

Residence of Brgy. Sasa, Wharf 1. Energy Efficiency

Prk. Parola, Davao City
2. Energy Storage

3. Distribution

Shows the Independent and Dependent Variable of the study.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the

combined usage of renewable resources (wind and solar energy) in Brgy. Sasa
Wharf, Prk. Davao City's Parola. The purpose of this research is to ascertain
whether wind and solar energy can effectively use and produce electricity at the
same time, or if they cannot coexist at all.
Research Objectives

The goal of this study is to evaluate, solar and wind energy simultaneously
able to supply efficient electric power in Brgy. Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola, Davao

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on Combining Renewable Resources: Wind and Solar

Energy Supplying Efficient Electric Power in Brgy. Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola,
Davao City.

The researchers aim to answer the following questions:

1. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Monthly Income

2. How to utilize efficient electric power in Brgy. Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola in
terms of using:

1.0 Solar Energy

1.1 Solar Energy Efficiency

1.2 Solar Storage

1.3 Solar Distribution

2.0 Wind Energy

1.1 Wind Energy Efficiency

1.2 Wind Storage

1.3 Wind Distribution

3. Is there a significant relationship in utilizing efficient electric power in

terms of simultaneously using solar and wind energy?


There is no significant relationship in utilizing efficient electric power in

terms of simultaneously using solar and wind energy in Brgy. Sasa, Wharf Prk.
Parola, Davao City.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to find, if Combining Renewable Resources: Wind and

Solar Energy, able to supply efficient energy by utilizing it simultaneously in Brgy.
Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola, Davao City. The study’s findings will have significance
to the residence of Brgy. Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola, Davao City, along with the
practical implications such as on how to utilize the resources properly by using
proper means and tools.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study focuses on the significant relationship between

utilizing efficient electric power in terms of using solar and wind energy in Brgy.
Sasa, Wharf Prk. Parola, Davao City.The limitation set for this research is the
data collection of small-sized participants of people living in the area. Which
restricts the findings to larger-scale populations. The main source of data will be
the survey questionnaire presented by the researchers.
Definition of Terms

Presents the words with specific meaning, related to the particular

subjects by the researchers.

Alternating Current (AC). An electrical current, in which the direction of the flow
of electrons switches back and forth at regular intervals or cycles.
Coastal. Areas in the sea or on the land near a coast.
Direct Current (DC). An electric current that is uni-directional, so the flow of
charge is always in the same direction.
Gigawatts per Hour (GWh). Quantity of energy produced or consumed with
power of one gigawatt for one hour.
Hybrid System. A way of working, organizing, or doing something that is
composed of elements of two.
Kilowatt (kW). Measure of how much power an appliance needs to run.
Mega Watts (MW). Electrical power equal to one million watts.
Photovoltaic (PV) Technology. Non-mechanical device that converts sunlight
directly into electricity.
Renewable Energy. Energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at
a higher rate than they are consumed.
Solar Energy. Energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical
Solar Panels. Devices that convert light into electricity.
Wind Energy. Process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power
or electricity.
Wind Turbines. Device that converts the kinetic energy of wind into electrical


This chapter presents the methods used in the study.

Research Design

The design of this study is quantitative. This kind of research gathers and
examines data that is expressed numerically, such as percentages or statistics.
The theory that the variables have a unique relationship with one another was
also tested using this methodology.


1. Demographic
Profile Survey
50 respondents of Able to provide
Brgy. Sasa, Wharf
Questionnaire 1. Frequency
2. Solar and Wind efficient electric
Prk. Parola, Davao
Energy 2. Percentage power by
-Efficiency 3. Mean
using renewable
-Storage 4. ANNOVA energy solar and
wind energy.
Research Locale

This study is being carried out at Brgy. Sasa,Wharf Prk. Parola, Davao,
the third-biggest metropolis in Mindanao, is well-known for its modern urban
facilities and bustling economy. In addition to the ability to explore nature with its
marine line, it is also known as the "King City of the South," "Durian Capital," and
many more titles. On the other hand, coastal areas are areas of a place where
interactions between the water and the land take place.

Research Respondents

The respondents to the study are the people who live in Brgy. Sasa,Wharf
Prk. Parola, Davao City, for more than two years. The people that currently live in
that setting are the respondents to the study because they already live in a place
where sunlight and wind are abundant.

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire created by the researcher will be used in the study

as a research tool to collect information on the study's variables. The survey
questionnaire will make use of the Likert scale as the measurement tool.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers used these procedures to gather the data and

information required to carry out this study. They will send a letter to the research
advisor, Engr. Glenn Jumao-as, to get authorization to carry out the research.
Second, the researchers will create a test questionnaire that is appropriate for
the study and will employ survey questions that would be relevant for the
investigation. The findings of these tests will be used by the researchers after the
validity and reliability tests of the test questionnaire created by the researchers
are completed by the validators.
Upon the approval of the questionnaires, a pilot testing will be
administered by the researchers to the respondents of the study. The necessary
data for the study will be then compiled, tabulated and interpreted by the

Data Analysis

The following statistical tools will be used by the researchers to attain the
sufficient statistical data needed in this study:

Frequency Count. Used to determine the exact number of respondents of

the study.

Percentage. Used to determine the percentage number of respondents of

the study.

Mean. This tool will be used to utilized to answer the question cited in the
statement of the problem 1 and 2.

ANOVA. This tool will be used to identify how spread out or distributed the
scores are.
Likert Scale



Respondents have a very

strong understanding on
4.50-5.00 5 Strongly Agree the topics.

Respondents have a
strong understanding on
3.50-4.49 4 Agree the topics.

Respondents have a
moderate understanding
2.50-3.49 3 Moderately on the topics.

Respondents have a
slightly understanding on
1.50-2.49 2 Disagree the topics.

Respondents does not

have a strong
1.00-1.49 1 Strongly understanding on the
Disagree topics.
Chapter III


This chapter presents the acquired datum from the surveys.

Table I.
Shows the frequency (f) and percentage (%) of the respondents in terms of:
1.0 Age


25-34 4 8.0%

35-44 25 50.0%

45-54 21 42.0%

Total: 50 100%

Age. Highest frequency was 35–44 years old, with a frequency of 50.0%.
Next in line is 45–54 years old, with a frequency of 21 and a 42.0%. With a
frequency of 4 and a 8.0%, the lowest age group is 25–34. It is determined that,
with 50.0% of the respondent population, the age group of 35 to 44 has the
highest percentage of respondents overall.

1.1 Gender


Male 33 66.0%

Female 17 34.0%

Total: 50 100%

Gender. Male replies have the highest frequency of 33 and 66.0%. In

contrast, the frequency of female responses is 17 and 34.0%. It follows that men
make up the majority of respondents.
1.2 Monthly Income


PHP. 20, 000 Below 50 100%

PHP. 20, 000 Above 0 0%

Total 50 100

Monthly Income. PHP 20,000 and below have a maximum frequency of

50 and a percentage of 100% in terms of monthly income. In the meantime, there
is no frequency and a 0% percentage for monthly incomes above PHP 20,000.
To sum up, the respondents make PHP 20,000 or less.

Table II. A
Shows the TF, AWM and DR in terms of:

1.Familiarity on the topic, Solar Energy. 38 11 1 0 0 50 4.7 SA

2.Knowledgeable on what Solar energy used for. 28 14 8 0 0 50 4.4 A

3.Knowledgeable that it is used in applications 33 15 2 0 0 50 4.6 SA

4.Conscious of Solar equipment's in the market. 28 16 5 1 0 50 4.2 A

5.Considered to use Solar in your household. 31 18 1 0 0 50 4.6 SA

Solar Energy. Average weighted mean score for questions illustrating
solar energy is 4.5 overall, with a strongly agreed description. First item:
knowledge of solar energy. Has the highest weighted average score of 4.7, which
is indicative to strongly agree. Fourth item: Be aware of the solar equipment
available on the market. Has the lowest weighted average mean score (4.2),
which is considered to be strongly agree. It is implied that the respondent have a
very strong understanding about the topic solar energy.


1.Understanding on how to make solar equipment 8 25 16 1 0 50 3.8 A

more efficient is important.

2.Household must seek information to further 8 24 18 0 0 50 3.8 A

solar efficiency usage.

3.Household are aware of advancements for 10 23 17 0 0 50 3.9 A

solar efficiency.

4.The area resided are prominent to sunlight. 25 19 6 0 0 50 4.4 A

5.The location, weather, technology 24 18 8 0 0 50 4.3 A

advancements, and maintenance play a factor for
Solar Efficiency.


Solar Energy Efficiency. Average weighted mean score for questions

illustrating solar energy storage is 4.1 overall, with a strongly agreed description.
Item 4: Household concerns in regarding to durability and efficiency of solar
storage. has the highest weighted average score of 4.7, which is indicative to
strongly agree. Number 5: Household prioritize specific solar batteries for a
specific solar devices. own the lowest weighted average mean score (3.8), which
is indicative to agree. It is implied that the respondents have a very strong
understanding about the essential of solar storage.


1.Household understand very well how important 9 26 15 0 0 50 3.9 A

solar storage are.

2.Household,plan to use solar energy storage at 16 28 6 0 0 50 4.2 A

home or workplace.

3.Household are familiar on Solar energy storage 15 28 7 0 0 50 4.1 A

like batteries and its costs.

4.Household concerns in regarding to durability 35 15 0 0 0 50 4.7 SA

and efficiency of solar storage.

5.Household prioritize specific solar batteries for 9 23 18 0 0 50 3.8 A

a specific solar devices.


Solar Energy Storage. Questions, depicting solar energy storage have

an overall average weighted mean score of 4.1, having a strongly agreed
description. Item number 4, Household concerns in regarding to durability and
efficiency of solar storage. Have a highest average weighted mean score of 4.7
and interpreted as strongly agree. Item number 5, Household prioritize specific
solar batteries for a specific solar devices. Have the lowest average weighted
mean score of 3.8 and interpreted as agree. Implying that the respondents have
strongly agreed understanding on the importance of having an efficient storage
for solar energy to be effective.

1.Infrastructure, geographical location, technology, 23 18 9 0 0 50 4.3 A

and etc. importance for effective solar distribution.

2.Knowledgeable on what Solar panels are. 23 12 9 6 0 50 4.0 A

3.Knows how to install Solar-panels for solar 0 13 31 6 0 50 3.1 MA

based equipment’s.

4.Solar devices to be reliable and efficient when 8 28 13 1 0 50 3.9 A

being distributed for uses.

5.Encountered problems related to solar device 0 13 26 11 0 50 3.0 MA


OVERALL 50 3.7 A

Solar Energy Distribution. Average weighted mean score for the solar
energy distribution is 3.7 overall, with an agree description. First item:
Infrastructure, geographical location, technology, and etc. importance for
effective solar distribution. Own the highest weighted average score of 4.3, which
is indicative to strongly agree. Item 5: Encountered problems related to solar
device installments. Own the lowest weighted average mean score (3.0), which is
indicative of a moderate agreement. Implying that respondents have a strong
understanding about distribution of solar energy and is not giving them too much
Table II. B
Shows the TF, AWM and DR in terms of:

1.Familiarity on the topic, Wind Energy. 0 8 23 8 11 50 2.6 MA

2.Knowledgeable on what Wind power are used for. 7 5 25 2 11 50 2.9 MA

3.Knowledgeable that it is used in applications. 6 9 28 7 0 50 3.3 A

4.Familiarity about Wind-powered devices. 0 7 28 13 2 50 2.8 MA

5.Considered to use Wind power devices in 4 3 26 13 4 50 2.8 MA

your household.


Wind Energy. Average weighted mean score for questions illustrating

wind energy is 2.9 overall, with a moderately agreed description. The third item is
the Knowledgeable that it is used in various applications (Residential,
Commercial, Industrial, space, etc.). Possess the highest weighted average
score of 3.3, which is considered to be moderately agreeable. First item:
Familiarity on the topic, Wind Energy. Own the lowest weighted average mean
score (2.6), which is indicative to a moderate level of agreement. Implying that
the respondents' understanding of wind energy is moderate.


1.Understanding on how to make a wind 8 4 18 20 0 50 3.0 A

equipment more efficient.

2.Household, must seek information to further 1 5 19 25 0 50 2.6 MA

wind efficiency usage.

3.Household, aware of turbine technology 0 4 24 15 7 50 2.5 MA

advancements for wind efficiency.

4.The area resided are prominent to wind or 2 6 18 5 0 50 3.9 A

heavy winds. 1

5.The Location,weather, technology advancements, 2 9 16 0 0 50 4.2 SA

and maintenance play a factor for gathering 5
Wind Power.

OVERALL 50 3.2 A

Wind Energy Efficiency. Average weighted mean score for questions

illustrating wind efficiency is 3.2 overall. Item 5: The Location, weather,
technology advancements, and maintenance play a factor for gathering wind
power. Has the highest weighted average score of 4.2, which is indicative to
agree. Third item: Knowledgeable that it is used in various applications
(Residential, Commercial, Industrial, space, etc.). Own the lowest weighted
average mean score (2.5), which is indicative to a moderate level of agreement.
It is implied that the respondent know a moderate amount about wind energy


1.Household understand very well how important 5 3 27 15 0 50 3.0 MA

wind Energy storage are when having a turbine

2.Household plan to use wind energy storage in 0 8 27 15 0 50 2.9 MA

your household or workplace

3.Household are familiar on Wind energy storage 0 9 28 13 0 50 2.9 MA

like batteries and its costs.

4.Household concerns in regarding to durability 9 4 26 11 0 50 3.2 A

and efficiency of wind storage

5.Household prioritize specific wind energy storage 0 8 20 17 5 50 2.6 MA

for turbines


Wind Energy Storage. Average weighted mean score for questions

illustrating wind energy storage is 2.9 overall, with a moderately disagree
description. The fourth item Household concerns in regarding to durability and
efficiency of wind storage. possess the highest weighted average mean score of
3.2, which is considered to be moderately agreeable. Number 5: Household
prioritize specific wind energy storage for turbines. Own the lowest weighted
average mean score (2.6), which is indicative to moderately agree. It is implied
that the respondents know moderately amount about the requirements and
storage of wind energy.


1.Infrastructure, geographical location, technology, 8 23 19 0 0 50 3.8 A

and etc.Are important for effective Wind power

2.Knowledgeable on what turbines are. 0 0 25 16 9 50 2.3 DA

3.Knows how to make a make-shift turbine. 0 0 7 14 29 50 1.6 DA

4.Turbine or other wind power technologies are 5 0 20 14 11 50 2.5 MA

reliable and efficient when being distributed for uses.

5.Encountered problems related to wind power 0 6 9 23 12 50 2.2 MA



Wind Energy Distribution. Average weighted mean score for questions

that show the distribution of wind energy is 2.5 overall, with a description of
disagree. First, Infrastructure, geographical location, technology, and etc. are
important for effective wind power distribution. Own the highest weighted
average score of 3.8, which is indicative to agree. The third item is Knows how
to make a make-shift turbine. Has the lowest weighted average mean score (1.6),
which is indicative to disagreement. It appears from the answers that there is
disagreement over respondents' awareness of the distribution of wind energy.
Table III. A

Show the E-computed (Fc) and F-Tabulated (Ft) to determine (Hypothesis)

whether it is rejected or accepted.


Profile Wind W.Efficiency W.Storage W.Distribution

Age 3.2 3.9 3.4 2.5

Gender 3.6 3.7 4.3 3.0

Income 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.9


SV SS df MS Fc

BETWEEN 2.49 3 0.83 Fc = 9.22

WITHIN 0.70 8 0.09 � = �%

TOTAL 3.19 11 Ft = 4.07

Note: Since, at the 5% level of significance, Fc = 9.22 is bigger than Ft = 4.07.

Accepting the premise, then, indicates that there is no significant relationship in
utilizing efficient electric power in terms of simultaneously using wind energy.
Table III. B

Show the E-computed (Fc) and F-Tabulated (Ft) to determine (Hypothesis)

whether it is rejected or accepted.


Profile Solar S.Efficiency S.Storage S.Distribution

Age 4.2 4.2 4.3 3.8

Gender 4.3 3.9 4.0 4.2

Income 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.5


SV SS df MS Fc

BETWEEN 0.14 3 0.047 Fc = 0.734

WITHIN 0.51 8 0.064 � = �%

TOTAL 0.65 11 Ft = 4.07

Note: Since Fc = 0.734 is less than Ft = 4.07 at 5% level of significant.

Therefore accept hypothesis, means there is no significant relationship in utilizing
efficient electric power in terms of using solar energy.

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