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IUBMB Life, 63(10): 784–788, October 2011


How Mexican Biochemistry Developed and Present Challenges

Antonio Peña
Instituto de Fisiologı´a Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Me´xico, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F.

I have been invited and accepted to write not exactly the history but in different places of Mexico City, mainly in the Polytechnic
my recollections about what may be called the starting of Mexican Institute, the National Institutes of Nutrition and Cardiology, the
Biochemistry, which was formally initiated in the late 1950s of last Medical School, the Institutes of Chemistry and Biology at the
Century. In any case, history is written not always from established University, and the Children’s Hospital. Most of those initial
and clear facts, but from the memories of some of the participating researchers had either obtained their Ph.D. in Biochemistry or
actors. Perhaps, someone more professional should take the task of were M.D.s who had spent some time abroad. One group in
writing on more solid grounds, not only about Biochemistry but particular had been attracted by Dr. Phillip Cohen at the Bio-
also about Mexican Science in general during the last 50 years. chemistry Department in the University of Wisconsin at Madi-
I was lucky enough to be part and witness of the starting, as son, in the United States; these were: Guillermo Soberón,
student of Dr. José Laguna, one of the main protagonists of that Edmundo Calva, Jesús Kumate, Graciela Delhumeau, Carlos
quest, with whom one day I decided to explore the possibility Gitler, and Mario Garcı́a. While in there, they made plans for
of working on my thesis to get my M.D. degree. Back in 1958, their return to Mexico, but nothing really concrete. They came
one of my colleagues and dearest friend in the Medical School, back and incorporated to the mentioned institutions, but most of
Armando Gómez-Puyou, recommended me to his professor, them scattered and rather isolated in the very few places where,
who after a short but impressive interview decided to accept me with great limitations, they could carry out their work.
under some kind of strict probation, previously warning me that There were, of course, antecessors who, without a defined
the most important fact to be considered was the intensity and direction, opened the way to form those biochemists. One of
enthusiasm of each and every one of the young students. It was them was Salvador Zubirán, founder and director of the National
a rule that besides some acceptable capacity, those failing to Institute of Nutrition, who was responsible for the enrollment of
show these characteristics were asked to abandon the Depart- at least Laguna, Pardo, and Soberón. There were also promoters,
ment. This was the Department of Biochemistry of the Medical like Ignacio Chávez, who created a Department of Biochemistry
School at the National University of Mexico (UNAM). in the National Cardiology Institute. Later on, Arturo Rose-
If we want to believe in the Genesis, when God created our nblueth convinced the Ministry of Education to create a modern
World, it was all chaos, but his work implied organizing exist- research center in the Polytechnic Institute, but not until 1961;
ing materials. He was omnipotent and omniscient, but above this was the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CIN-
all, in a more realistic vision, all happened, not in days but in VESTAV) in the Polytechnic Institute. In there, an important
billions of years. The pioneers of Biochemistry in Mexico Biochemistry Department was conceived and developed. There
started from what was not even chaos; there may not be chaos was also a physiologist, Efrén del Pozo, who while being Secre-
where there is only the absence of everything. Although not yet tary General at UNAM helped and supported the illusions of the
enough, it is amazing for our Country what came after that. pioneers and contributed to the development of Biochemistry.
There were two main components of those beginnings, an Special mention deserves Dr. Philip Cohen, in those times,
illusion, but accompanied by a great decision to make it real. Head of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of
Illusion was that plans were based on nothing but almost empty Wisconsin, in Madison, to where he attracted quite a number of
places, with practically no equipment, only may be colorime- Mexican young people. Most important is perhaps that this
ters, rudimentary water baths, glassware, and, in general, the man, with an enormous human quality, was able to communi-
most indispensable materials and reagents to run simple experi- cate to those young students not only his knowledge and experi-
ments. The first biochemists were just a few, mostly scattered ence but also enthusiasm and, it is at least my belief, the sense
of solidarity, which is frequently lacking among scientists, par-
ticularly in developing countries.
Received 25 April 2011; accepted 27 April 2011 At this time, i.e., the end of the 1950s and early 1960s, the
Address correspondence to: Antonio Peña, Emeritus Researcher,
Instituto de Fisiologı́a Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de main task was the attraction of young students to be trained as
México, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F. Mexico. the most reasonable candidates to fulfill their then nothing but
E-mail: fantasy. However, not many years passed, when the number of stu-
ISSN 1521-6543 print/ISSN 1521-6551 online
DOI: 10.1002/iub.503

dents was rather numerous in such a way that the next step to con- Research centers, one around Nitrogen Fixation, another in Bio-
sider was the establishment of a graduate program, both for the new technology, and ours on Cellular Physiology.
young students and some of the established researchers who did not One of the main groups formed was that of José Laguna, an
have it, and to offer the possibility of getting a doctoral degree. M.D., who had made a series of visits to foreign laboratories,
The first important action was that two of them, Guillermo where he acquired not a Ph.D. but an excellent preparation in
Soberón and José Laguna led the way; they were the ones who Biochemistry. He, after his return to Mexico, was soon appointed
actually complemented the illusion with the decision and started Head of the Department of Biochemistry in the Medical School
by organizing small meetings among themselves to communi- of UNAM. Right after this, he managed to hire Raúl Ondarza, a
cate one another their small advances and to define future direc- Biologist who several years later obtained his Ph.D. Jesús Guz-
tions to their research. This created a small nucleus of incipient mán, with a Master’s degree in Biochemistry, who also later
biochemists, but at the same time, they started promoting the obtained his Ph.D. as one of the first products of a Graduate Pro-
incorporation of bright young students from different careers, gram in Biochemistry at the Polytechnic Institute. Carlos Del Rı́o
most from the Medical and some from the Biology Schools, to was also incorporated to the Department, having obtained a
assure the growth of the groups. Ph.D. in Rutgers. He would later propose the logo of the Society.
At the same time, a general strategy was defined; besides the José Laguna, as already told, after a series of visits to for-
meetings, something rather advanced for that time was the deci- eign laboratories and returning to Mexico, was an impressive
sion to organize a Society, the Mexican Biochemical Society, personality. He started lecturing in the Medical School in 1955
which was created in July 1957. The value of this decision can while working in a Division of the Health Ministry and was
be estimated by considering that it became a reality before the invited next year to head the Department of Biochemistry of the
creation of the Mexican Physiological Society from a group al- Medical School at UNAM. Besides sharing with Soberón the
ready much larger and with a much longer tradition and number illusion of developing his discipline, he took the responsibility
of scientists. Even the Mexican Academy of Sciences was cre- of modernizing, together with Guzmán, the teaching of Bio-
ated next year. Actually, it is very possible that the creation of chemistry in the Medical School at UNAM, recruiting bright
the latter two societies was inspired by the actions of the Mexi- young students to help as assistants in the teaching laboratories
can biochemists. It is to be mentioned that not all of the found- and in the initial research projects, with the longer term idea of
ers of the Society were actually biochemists. incorporating them as lecturers in Biochemistry. Even, realizing
Besides organizing and taking actions toward growth, one of that there was not an adequate textbook of Biochemistry, he
the main and essential problems was defining some way the qual- took the task of writing one, which became the most popular
ity of the work and results of each group. In those days, most of one used in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
the older Mexican societies had their own journals, with very Efraı́n Pardo, one of the other founders, was hired as Head
limited means, editorial boards, and standards in the reviewing of the Pharmacology Department of the Medical School; he
and quality of the papers published. The Mexican biochemists, used to say ‘‘I am not a Biochemist but rather a friend of many
took a transcendental decision, they chose not to follow that of them, who honored me with the invitation to participate in
example, but that of performing, even with the limited means the creation of the Mexican Biochemical Society.’’
they had, research that should be submitted to the more demand- Even though all of them participated in the creation of the
ing criticism of the international journals of the area. This would Mexican Biochemical Society, beyond any doubt, those leading
be the only way to assure the quality of the work. its creation were Laguna and Soberón, who organized, pro-
The founders, practically each alone, were: Barbarı́n Arre- moted, invited, and if necessary, forced their students and col-
guı́n, in the Institute of Chemistry, at UNAM; Edmundo Calva leagues to attend monthly meetings. Next is the photograph
and Mario Garcı́a, in the National Cardiology Institute; Guil- taken the same day of the foundation of the Society.
lermo Carvajal, in the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas,
at the Polytechnic Institute; Joaquı́n Cravioto, Jesús Kumate
and Silvestre Frenk, in the Children’s Hospital of Mexico; Guil-
lermo Massieu was at the Biology Institue, also at UNAM.
Particular mention deserves Guillermo Soberón, who after
getting his Ph.D. in Biochemistry incorporated to the Hospital
of Nutrition Diseases and soon recruited his first two students,
Estela Sánchez and Jaime Mora. He was the first President of
the Biochemical Society, and, as already mentioned, one of the
two main leaders in the consolidation of Biochemistry in Mex-
ico. Later on, he was appointed Director of the Biomedical
Institute at UNAM, where he promoted the formation of an
even larger research group, and later on, after his designation as
Rector of the University, promoted the creation of three other
786 PEÑA

The following picture shows most of the founders 25 years Margarita Escobedo, Emiliano Cabrera, Ma. de la Luz Suárez,
later; Laguna and Massieu were not present, but all look defi- Luz Marı́a del Castillo, Manuel Servı́n Massieu, Mauricio Rus-
nitely happier, smiling alter having survived and moved along sek, Fernando Bastarrachea, Félix Córdoba, José Ramı́rez de
the first quarter of a Century. Arellano, Carlos Gual, Graciela Delhumeau, and Jesús Torres.
Also Carlos Gitler, who was not back yet, David Berliner, who
never came back, Salomón Bartnicki, who did not come back
until 2001, and la Dr. Miriam Nurnberg de Salegui, who appa-
rently was never even in Mexico. Special mention should be
made of Jaime Mora, student of Soberón, the first student of
one of the founders. Still in 5 more years, another 22 are incor-
porated, most of them students of the founders.
Starting in 1962, given the reduced membership, joint con-
gresses were organized with the Physiological Society. This
continued to be so until 1972, when the current President of our
Society, Fernando Bastarrachea, and myself, as his Secretary,
organized the first independent congress of the Mexican Bio-
chemical Society in Guanajuato, Mexico. It is to be mentioned
that a fortunate decision was adopted to have our congress ev-
ery 2 years and not in a yearly basis as it had been accustomed
while associated with the physiologists.
Meetings were important; however, what was even more im-
portant was materializing our findings into formal publications.
From meetings and talks, we have heard about their experi- These only started in 1960, first because of the commitment of
ences and achievements, but their initial more concrete goals the founders to show our results not to other Mexicans but to
appear somewhat confusing. The task was enormous from the international community, and second, because of the time it
improving teaching of Biochemistry to starting their own proj- took to form from nothing the students, getting adequate means,
ects in such a way that results would come out as publications equipment, and funds. However, slowly but steadily, the number
in serious international journals. They had to grow and multi- of publications kept increasing; perhaps, it was not until the be-
ply; they had the students, so they managed to start a graduate ginning of the 1970s when a continuous Mexican academic pro-
program. Within an admirable spirit of solidarity and collabora- duction in international journals was achieved.
tion, they looked for the best place for that program, and the Funding was a complicated matter; it was not easy to con-
first one was established in the School of Biological Sciences of vince anyone, starting with the officials of our own institutions
the Polytechnic Institute. That program mostly allowed the that it was necessary to invest in something that they hardly
attainment of a Ph.D. for the already established researchers, understood; this was worse with our Government. Each group
most of which were M.D.’s or only had a master’s degree. tried to find its own ways; I can relate the situation in our Bio-
In the meanwhile, at UNAM, the number of students kept chemistry Department in the very early 1960s. We started work-
growing, and the Polytechnic Institute was quite far within the ing with Drs. Laguna and Guzmán in a project to define the
City; this created the necessity to organize another graduate effects of different glucocorticoids, particularly the latest syn-
program in Biochemistry in the former. They managed to gener- thetic ones, in the carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and
ate it based on courses borrowed from other programs, mainly their effects on mineral metabolism in chick embryos, with
the Ph.D. program in Chemistry. To complete the preparation some interesting results that could be rounded and published.
of the students, they organized a series of short intensive Then, in some way Dr. Laguna established a connection with
courses, given by invited professors, mostly from the United the Rockefeller Foundation to apply for a research grant to
States, as well as visits of few months to laboratories also in increase our perspectives by obtaining more and more modern
that country. The program was informal; nowadays, we would equipment and funds for materials and reagents. So, a delega-
call it ‘‘pirate,’’ because it did not have the approval from the tion of the Foundation visited our Department, heard about all
University Council, indispensable to be official and valid. How- our projects; all of us students properly dressed were introduced
ever, from the beginning, allies were found in the Chemistry to them, and they appeared rather enthusiastic. However, the
School, who lent themselves to provide shelter to the program; most difficult question of the interview came out, related to
it was approved by the University Council in 1969, the aca- what had we published, and the answer was of course that
demic situation of the students was formalized, and a significant none. Nonetheless, the delegates of the Foundation practically
number of them almost immediately obtained their degrees. assured Dr. Laguna that some funding could be granted, under
The beginning was slow; from the 14 members of the Soci- the condition that some published material was presented. It
ety, in 1962, they reached the number of 33, the new ones were was so, that forced by those people we started rounding up our

results, working all day from Monday through Sunday, and oil prices. We had suffered a devaluation of the Mexican peso
between 1960 and 1962, we managed to publish four papers in in 1976 and then another one in March 1982, seriously affecting
international journals. Then, only a few months later, we also the salaries. In 1984, the Ministry of Education created the
received notice of the approval of a grant for 125,000.00 USD National System for Researchers (Sistema Nacional de Investi-
and shortly after the funds. This allowed Dr. Laguna to buy gadores), which since then provides for an additional salary at
refrigerated centrifuges, an ultracentrifuge, three Zeiss spectro- different levels, depending on an evaluation of each one. This
photometers, one with a fluorescence attachment, a registering period was so named the ‘‘lost decade’’ for science and many
spectrophotometer, and several other minor items, such as other activities in our Country.
recorders, to which a home-built oxygen meter could be On top of this, one of the directors of CONACyT decided to
attached, pH meters, etc. Even some money was left as a sacred establish some sort of bet, using a significant part of the already
reserve for reagents, which was carefully administered by insufficient budget to support applied science above all. This
Dr. Laguna himself. generated an additional shortage of funds to support basic
Also the University started to provide more funding for our research. Since then, this has been a recurrent policy of our
projects. Then, it was not until 1970 that the Mexican Council governments, with the exception of the rule by President Sali-
for Science and Technology was founded, and at the end of the nas, who concerted a loan from the World Bank, to reinforce
1970s a grant system was implemented. Gradually, we could and develop the scientific infrastructure of Mexico.
get more and more, but never adequate funding; actually, if we Then, we suffered the damage of a strange phenomenon dur-
look along these 60 years, we had only one 6-year-period (with ing the rule of President Zedillo. As one of the ministers of Sal-
President Salinas) when funding appeared to be increasing, but inas, he was in charge of negotiating the loan from the World
that was also ephemeral. Bank, and all of us expected him to continue the existing policy
This is how Mexican Biochemistry started and developed. At of support to Mexican science. However, during his period as
this moment (2011), our Society has close to 1000 members, President of Mexico, the support to science started to decrease,
many in Mexico City and close by and not so many in different or was rather maintained, but without considering inflation and
states. Our last Congress brought together around 1,300 attend- the consequent price increases of all our requirements. At the
ants. Publications, practically all of them in international jour- start of his administration, he made a terrible mistake that took
nals represent a significant part of the Mexican scientific pro- us to another devaluation of the peso, which took several years
duction. to recover from. In this way, we had to suffer 6 years of limita-
Another fortunate situation, having a general congress every tions. To this, we have to add the incapacity of the
2 years allowed one of our colleagues, Carlos Gómez-Lojero, to new appointed Director of CONACyT. He also decided to
make the proposal to organize, during the odd years, smaller channel part of the budget to applied science in detriment of
and more specialized meetings that he also proposed would be basic science.
called ‘‘branches.’’ He, attended by myself, started organizing This is what happened under the rule of presidents originated
the first one, i.e., on Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, which in the official political party (Partido Revolucionario Institucio-
has been meeting every 2 years since 1979. The idea appealed nal or PRI), but then in the 2000 elections, Mexicans decided to
other groups, and now the Society has six branches. elect ‘‘for a change’’ Vicente Fox, from another party (Partido
Also slowly, and in many cases, promoted by Guillermo Acción Nacional or PAN). There is a Mexican saying ‘‘where
Soberón, more and more places where Biochemistry is culti- there is bad, there is worse,’’ and so it was. He appointed as
vated have been created. Around the Country, there are around Director of CONACyT an engineer coming from a private
20 places where Biochemistry is cultivated. The teaching of our industry, who again was more worried about applied science
discipline has also greatly improved, both at the undergraduate and even supporting some foreign companies to develop ‘‘new
and postgraduate level. Even other research areas have benefited products.’’ This substituted in an important measure basic sci-
from the example of biochemists, mostly in the biological area. ence. Once, I dared to qualify him as an ‘‘ignorant farmer,’’
which gave way to an editorial in ‘‘Nature Medicine,’’ that in a
strange way not only defended him but also accused us scien-
GENERAL SITUATION AND SUPPORT tists of doing nothing about application of our knowledge,
THROUGH THE YEARS among other things, to Medicine.
As already said, from 1960 to 1970, each group survived Finally, here we are finishing another 6 year period with the
through the meager support from their own institutions. It was last of our presidents, also from the PAN, who has shown noth-
not until the early 1970s, when the National Council for Sci- ing but an almost absolute lack of interest, not only in develop-
ence and Technology (CONACyT, for abbreviation of its name ing and growing the scientific infrastructure of Mexico but also
in Spanish) started a modest grant system that allowed a some- even of adequately supporting it. Since long, the already scarce
what more comfortable situation for scientific research. Grants budget has been atomized into a series of new programs, some
continued to slowly increase funding until the early 1980s, involving the support of projects with the joint funding of
when a serious economic crisis hit Mexico with the crash of the CONACyT and almost every Government of each State of
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Mexico. Another great idea was to establish what they call ‘‘Mac- However, the policy of the Mexican Government, difficult to
roprojects,’’ in which several groups associate to receive large understand, has been in the last few years to cut the funding to
amounts of money, under the premise that results and advances positions for new investigators, particularly by the larger and
of several groups will be more significant than those of individual stronger institutions of the Country. We already have a small
ones. The most recent Program is one called ‘‘Thematic Net- output of Ph.D.s from our graduate programs, but in top of that,
works’’ with a more or less similar idea. Part of the idea has been we have great difficulties to hire them; the logical question then
already for several years to solve ‘‘National Problems,’’ never is ‘‘>What for?’’
clearly defined, never to my knowledge, even partially solved. However, although with vague previous antecedents, the
The position of many of us has been that they can do as starting of the history of Biochemistry in Mexico can be traced
they wish, but all these modalities and experiments should be to the late 1950s. Many are its achievements; its growth
performed ‘‘besides’’ and not ‘‘instead of’’ basic science, which remarkable, but I, and most of us, wonder if that happened with
is what most researchers in most institutions perform. On the so many difficulties, what with adequate support might have
other hand, applied science is difficult to conceive, given the been achieved. The American Society for Biochemistry and
lack of interest and development of industries in Mexico. Molecular Biology has a Membership of 12,000 Biochemists,
Not many years ago, CONACyT hired the Carnegie Mellon for a population of 250 million people, only biochemists are
Foundation to analyze the general situation of science in close to 50 per million. Mexico has only 1000, out of which
Mexico. One of the main conclusions of that study was that the probably one fourth are inactive, for 110 million inhabitants
scientific infrastructure of Mexico was clearly insufficient. (close to 7 per million); that is clearly not enough.

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