Time Speed

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Again, time taken from Q to P, (t2) =

2D 2xy
Average speed = =
D D  x+y
x  y
 
Note: Average speed is the harmonic mean
of the given two speeds whenever a person
covers the same distance twice with differ-
ent speeds.
Harmonic mean =
Case 2: Distance covered by the first person
When three equal distances are covered with (D) = S1 × t1 ….(i)
three different speeds of x km/hr, y km/hr, Distance covered by the second person
and z km/hr, then the average speed of the (D) = S2 × t2 ….(ii)
3xyz Since distance is the same in both cases,
whole journey =
xy + yz + zx therefore, D = S1 × t1 = S2 × t2
Example 1: S1 t1
Find the approximate average speed, when S2 t2
a person travels the first 20 km at 5 km/hr 1
and next 40 km at 10 km/hr and a further 60 Speed ∝
km at 30 km/hr, respectively.
Hence, if distance remains constant, speed
(A) 12 km/hr (B) 18 km/hr becomes inversely proportional to time.
(C) 36 km/hr (D) 9 km/hr Example 2:
Solution: (A) Manish wants to go from Bangalore to
Total distance Mysore. The distance between the two cit-
Average speed =
Total time taken ies is 192 km. If he decreases his speed by
20 40 60 120 120 8 kmph, then he would take 16 hours more
  
20 40 60 4 4 2 10 than the time required if he had travelled at
    150% of his usual speed. What is the time
5 10 30
Average speed = 12 km/hr taken (in hours) to travel between the two
cities at the usual speed?
Concept 2: When Distance Remains Solution: 12
Constant Let the usual speed = s kmph
Distance So, in the first case, he travels at speed (s - 8)
Speed =
Time kmph, and in the second case he travels at
Speed is inversely proportional to the time speed 1.5s kmph.
whenever the distance is constant. According to the question
When two persons start moving from city A, 192 192
  16
towards city B, which is at a distance D km, s  8 1.5s
with different speeds of S1 and S2 and time s2 – 12s – 64 = 0
taken by them is t1 and t2, respectively, to or, s2 – 16s + 4s – 64 = 0
reach from city A to city B.
or, s(s – 16) + 4 (s – 16) = 0

60 Time, Speed, and Distance

Solution: (B) effective speed is known as downstream
Let’s assume the speed of train A = x km/hr speed. It is denoted by D.
and train B = y km/hr, respectively.

Distance travelled by train A till 1 p.m.

= (x × 9) km. Downstream speed = Speed of boat + Speed
Distance travelled by train Q till 1 p.m. of current or river
= (4 × y) km. D=u+v
Now according to the question, after the Upstream speed (U)
trains meet after some time (let’s assume T hrs)
If the boat or man is rowing in the opposite
to reach their respective distance.
direction in which the river is flowing, then
Distance QR Distance PR
this effective speed is known as upstream
Distance by train A Distanc ce by train B
T   speed. It is denoted by U.
Speed of train A Speed of train B
Upstream speed = U = u – v (only if u > v)
4 y 9x x2 4 D+U
T    2  Speed of boat (u) = and Speed of
x y y 9 2
x 2 D −U
  Current (v) =
y 3 2
Example 6:
Take x = 2k and y = 3k
A boat takes 2 hours less time to travel 240
So, time taken by train A to reach Q from R.
km downstream than to travel the same dis-
4 y 4  3k
T    6 hr. tance upstream. If the speed of the stream
x 2k is 20 km/hr, then find the speed of the boat.
Train A will reach Q at 7 p.m.
(A) 10.56 km/hr
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
(B) 20 5 km / hr
Concept 8: Boats and Streams (C) 20 13 km / hr
(D) 5 3 km / hr
Solution: (C)
Let the speed of the boat is u km/hr.
Speed of stream = 20 km/hr (given).
Therefore, downstream speed (Ds) = (u + 20)
u = Speed of boat or man in still water. Upstream speed (U) = (U – 20) km/hr
v = Speed of current or river. Now, according to questions:
Downstream speed (D)
If a boat or man is rowing in the same direc-
tion in which the river is flowing, then this

Time, Speed, and Distance 65

y When they are moving in the same direc-
tion, time taken = L/(a – b).
y When they are moving in opposite direc-
tions, time taken = L/(a + b).
Example 11:
If two runners A and B are running around a
circular track of length 720 m with speeds
of 10 m/s and 6 m/s, respectively, then time
taken to meet for the 1st time on track (same
direction) = 720/(10 – 6) = 180 sec.
Time taken to meet for the second time on
track (same direction) = (180 × 2) sec.
Time taken by A and B to meet for the 1st
Time taken to meet for the Nth time on track time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(10 – 8)
(same direction) = (180 × N) sec. = 360 sec.
Time taken to meet for the 1st time on track Time taken by A and C to meet for the 1st
(opposite direction) = 720/(10 + 6) = 45 sec. time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(10 – 6)
Time taken to meet for the 2nd time on track = 180 sec.
(opposite direction) = (45 × 2) sec. Time taken by B and C to meet for the 1st
Time taken to meet for the Nth time on track time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(8 – 6)
(opposite direction) = (45 × N) sec. = 360 sec.
Case 2b: Time taken to meet for the first time on track
When the three runners will meet or the frst = LCM (360, 360) or LCM (360, 180) or LCM
time on the circular track (not necessarily at (120, 360) = 360 sec.
the starting point)? Example 13:
Let’s assume that three runners, A, B, and C, If three runners, A, B, and C, are running (A and
are running around a circular track of length B are running in the clockwise direction while
L meters with speeds of a m/s, b m/s, and C is running in the anticlockwise direction)
c m/s, respectively. around a circular track of length 720 m with
Time taken to meet for the first time on speeds of 10 m/s, 8 m/s, and 6 m/s, respec-
track = LCM (time taken by any two pairs). tively, then
Time taken to meet for the first time on track
= LCM (time taken by A and B, time taken by
B and C) or LCM (time taken by A and B, time
taken by A and C) or LCM (time taken by A and
C, time taken by B and C).
Example 12:
If three runners, A, B, and C, are running
(all in the same direction) around a circular
track of length 720 m with speeds of 10 m/s,
8 m/s, and 6 m/s, respectively, then

Time taken by A and B to meet for the 1st

time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(10 – 8)
= 360 sec.

70 Time, Speed, and Distance

Time taken by A and C to meet for the 1st Time taken to meet for the 1st time on track
time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(10 + 6) = 720/(10 + 6) = 45 sec.
= 45 sec. Number of distinct meeting points = 360/45
Time taken by B and C to meet for the 1st = 8.
time on track = L/relative speed = 720/(8 + 6) Important short-cut
= (360/7) sec.
If 2 runners are running on a circular track
Time taken to meet for the 1st time on track with speeds in the ratio P : Q ( P > Q), then
= LCM (360, 45) or LCM (360, 360/7) or LCM Number of distinct meeting points (in the
(45, 360/7) = 360 sec. same direction) = P – Q
Case 3: Number of distinct meeting points (in the
At how many distinct points on the track will opposite direction) = P + Q
the two runners meet? In our examples of two runners, A and B are
Number of distinct meeting points = Time running around a circular track of length 720
taken to meet for the first time at the start- m with speeds of 10 m/s and 6 m/s, respec-
ing point/Time taken to meet for first time tively, the ratio of speeds = 10 : 6 = 5 : 3.
on the track Number of distinct meeting points (in the
Example 14: same direction) = 5 – 3 = 2.
If two runners A and B are running (in the Number of distinct meeting points (in the
same direction) around a circular track of opposite direction) = 5 + 3 = 8.
length 720 m with speeds of 10 m/s and Example 16:
6 m/s, respectively, then time taken by A to
Anand, Bakshi, Rakesh, and Omprakash are
complete one round(to reach the starting
four friends running along a circular path.
point) = 720/10 = 72 sec.
Anand and Omprakash are running in the
Time taken by B to complete one round anticlockwise direction, while Bakshi and
(to reach the starting point) = 720/6 = 120 sec. Rakesh are running in the clockwise direc-
Time taken to meet for the 1st time at the tion. If the ratio of speeds of Anand, Bakshi,
starting point = LCM (72, 120) = 360 sec. Rakesh, and Omprakash is 1 : 3 : 7 : 13, then
Time taken to meet for the 1st time on track find at how many distinct points will Anand
= 720/(10 – 6) = 180 sec. meet with any other runner, if they are run-
ning indefinitely.
Number of distinct meeting points = 360/180
= 2. (A) 24 (B) 18

Example 15: (C) 16 (D) 15

If two runners A and B are running (in op- Solution: (C)

posite directions) around a circular track Speed = ↑A: ¯B: ¯R: ↑O
of length 720 m with speeds of 10 m/s and 1: 3: 7: 13
6 m/s, respectively, then time taken by A to
Since we know that two persons have their
complete one round (to reach the starting
speeds in the ratio a : b :
point) = 720/10 = 72 sec.
y If travel in the opposite direction = They
Time taken by B to complete one round
meet at total (a + b) distinct points
(to reach the starting point) = 720/6 = 120 sec.
y If travel in the same direction = They will
Time taken to meet for the 1st time at the meet at total |a – b| distinct points
starting point = LCM (72, 120) = 360 sec. 3L 2L L

A  B 4 points ,
4 4 4

Time, Speed, and Distance 71

Time taken for angle to increase from 0° Let Shubham start drinking at x minutes
to 90° = Distance/relative speed = 90/(5.5) past 2 o’clock.
= 180/11 minutes. Hence, the minute hand will move = 6x°
Total time for the second right angle = 240/11 
+ 180/11 + 180/11 = 600/11 minutes. The hour hand will move = 60   
So, 600/11 minutes past 7 p.m. the second
Let Shubham finish drinking y minutes past
right angle will be formed.
6 o’clock.
Note: Hands of the clock are at a right angle
Now, the hour hand will move =
twice every hour in general, but they are at a y
right angle 22 times in 12 hours. As between Also, 60° + 4 × (30)° +
2 p.m. and 4 p.m. (2 hours duration) there
12x = 360° + y ...(i)
are only three right angles and also between
8 p.m. and 10 p.m. (2 hours duration) there And, the minute hand will move = 6y°
are only three right angles. x
Also, 60 + = 6y
Example 25:
12y = 120 + x ...(ii)
Shubham started drinking between 2 o’clock
Here, (1) — (2)
and 3 o’clock. When he finished drinking be-
tween 6 o’clock and 7 o’clock, he found the 12(x – y) = 240 + (y – x)
hour and the minute hands positions to be or 13(x – y) = 240
the same as those of the minute hand and 240
hour hand, respectively, when he had start- x–y= min
ed drinking. How long does Shubham spend Now, time spent by Shubham in drinking
in drinking?
= 4 hr – (x – y)
(A) 160 minutes  240 
13  240   min
7  13 
(B) 161 minutes
13  6
7  240   18  min
(C) 221 minutes  13 
6 7
(D) 222 minutes = 221 min
13 13
Solution: (C) Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.
We know that, in 1 minute, the minute
hand rotates 6° and the hour hand rotates
 1 
  .

76 Time, Speed, and Distance

Practice Exercise – 1

Level of Difficulty – 1 5. In covering a distance of 180 km, Sonu

takes 4 hours more than Monu. If Sonu
1. A boy goes from home to school at a doubles his speed, then he would take
speed of 30 km/hr and comes back from 1 hour less than Monu to cover the same
school to home at a speed of 40 km/hr; it distance. Sonu’s speed (in km/hr) is:
took him 10.5 hours in the entire journey. (A) 36
Find the distance from home to school. (B) 30
(A) 160 km (C) 24
(B) 200 km (D) 18
(C) 180 km
(D) 185 km Level of Difficulty – 2
2. Two trains 100 m and 120 m long are
6. Chennai Express starts from Banaras on
running in the same direction with the
Monday at 7:30 a.m. and reaches Chennai
speed of 72 km/hr and 54 km/hr, respec-
on Tuesday at 3:45 a.m. While Banaras
tively. How much time will the rst train
Express starts from Chennai on Monday
(100 m length) take to cross the other?
at 11:45 a.m. and reaches Banaras on
(A) 44 sec Tuesday at 2 p.m. Find at what time both
(B) 30 sec the trains crossed each other.
(C) 50 sec
(A) 07:47 p.m., Monday
(D) 20 sec
(B) 11:45 p.m., Monday
3. A boat has to travel 240 km in 8 hours, (C) 02:45 a.m., Tuesday
moving downstream. It is given that the (D) 08:47 p.m., Monday
speed of the stream is 20 km/hr. Find
7. On moving up the escalator, Anish takes
the speed of the boat.
147 steps to reach the bottom from the
(A) 10 km/hr top, while his wife Richa takes 35 steps
(B) 15 km/hr to reach the top from the bottom. If the
(C) 20 km/hr time taken by Anish and Richa is 49 sec
(D) 5 km/hr and 7 sec, respectively, then nd the
4. When Pragya travels from her home at total number of steps of the escalator
16 km/hr speed, she reaches 40 min- when it is not moving.
utes late to meet her boyfriend Kaalia (A) 100
at his home. While if she travels at 20 (B) 98
km/hr speed, she reaches 20 minutes (C) 50
early. Find the distance (in km) between (D) 49
Pragya’s home and her boyfriend Kaalia’s
8. In a kilometre race, A beats B by 200
m. In a 500 m race, B beats C by 50 m.
(A) 72 In a 3,600 m race, if A beats C by 56 sec,
(B) 75 how long would B take to race (in sec)
(C) 76 a distance of 1,500 m?
(D) 80
(A) 75
(B) 90
(C) 120
(D) 150

Time, Speed, and Distance 77

9. A lady walks up an ascending escalator completed his journey, travelling (en-
at a speed of 4 steps per second and tire trip) at his initial speed, he would
reaches the top in 40 steps. If she walks  21 
have taken   times the scheduled
up the ascending escalator at a speed of 2
8 steps per second, she reaches the top time. Find the scheduled travelling time
in 60 steps. Find the number of steps on (in hours) if the total distance travelled
the stationary escalator. is 189 km.
(A) 90 steps
(B) 120 steps 13. Three athletes, Aman, Baman, and
(C) 150 steps Chaman, are running around a circu-
(D) 180 steps lar track of radius 175 m. Aman started
2 sec after Baman, but ran 1 m/s faster
10. The distance from P to Q is 120 km. Monu than Baman. Baman started 2 sec after
and Sonu start from P simultaneously Chaman, but his speed is 1 m/s faster
and move towards Q. Monu takes 4 hours than Chaman. If Aman won the race and
more than Sonu to reach B. Moreover, the speeds of Aman Baman and Chaman
the time taken by Monu to cover 80 km are positive integers, then what could be
is 1 hr less than the time taken by Sonu the maximum speed of Chaman?
to reach Q from P. What is the speed of
Monu in km/hr? 14. Two bus and truck wheels have radii of
(A) 6 km/hr 30 cm and 40 cm, respectively. While
(B) 8 km/hr traveling a certain distance, each wheel
(C) 10 km/hr of the bus required 2,000 more revolu-
(D) 12 km/hr tions than each wheel of the truck. If the
truck travelled this distance in 1 hr, then
Level of Difficulty – 3 its approximate speed in km/hr was?
 
Use   3.14
11. Anuj and Manuj are running on dierent
circular tracks. When Anuj completes 6 (A) 15
rounds of his track, Manuj completes 5 (B) 50
rounds of his track. If Anuj and Manuj ex- (C) 25
change their tracks, then the time taken (D) 20
by both of them to complete two rounds 15. Runners P and Q started running simul-
is the same. Find the square of the ratios taneously towards each other from the
of their speeds. two ends of the linear track LM, and the
6 ratio of their speeds is 7 : 4. Every time
5 they meet, they interchange their speeds
5 and also reverse their directions. At how
4 many distinct points on the track do they
7 meet each other if they run continuously
8 between the two ends of the track LM?
12. Rohan completes a journey in such a
way that he starts at a certain initial
speed, and then after every half an hour,
he doubles his speed and reaches his
destination at the scheduled time. If he

78 Time, Speed, and Distance


1. (C) 4. (D)
Let the actual time taken by Pragya to
reach her boyfriend’s house be t minutes.
We know that speed is inversely propor-
tional to time when distance is constant.
16 t  20
Therefore, ATQ, 
20 t  40
As distance is the same, the ratio of time t = 260 units
taken by him would be inverse of the ra- Now, time taken with speed 16 km/hr
tio of his speeds. = (t + 40) = (260 + 40) = 300 minutes.
Going : Returning 300
Therefore, distance = 16   80km
Ratio of speed 3 : 4 60
Ratio of time 4 : 3 Hence, option (D) is correct.
Let’s assume time taken while going from
home to school is 4K and while returning 5. (D)
back from school to home is 3K. Let’s assume the distance = D, and the
21 original speeds of Sonu and Monu be A
Total time = 7K = or K = 1.5. km/hr and B km/hr, respectively. Also as-
Distance = D = Speed × time = 30 × 4K sume the time taken by Monu to cover
= 30 × 4 × 1.5 = 180 km. the distance is T hr.
D = 180 = B × T = A × (T + 4) ...(i)
2. (A) Also, D = 180 = 2A × (T – 1) ...(ii)
Relative speed = (72 − 54)km/ hr= 18 km/hr From equations (i) and (ii)
Converting it into m/s; A × (T + 4) = 2A × (T – 1) solving which we
5 will get T = 6 hr.
18 km/hr = 18 × = 5m/s
18 Put the value of T in (2), we will get A
Total distance covered by the frst train = 18 km/hr.
to cross the other = Length o the frst Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.
train + Length of the second train = 100
+ 120 = 220 m. 6. (D)
∴ Time taken by the frst train to cross Here time taken by both the trains is
220m 81
the other (t) = , t = 44 sec Chennai Express = TCE = hr
5m/s 4
3. (A) 105
Banaras Express = TBE = hr
Since downstream (DS) = Speed of boat + 4
Speed of stream = u + v For simplicity, let distance be the LCM of
Also, downstream speed time taken by trains
Distance travelled  18 105 
(DS) = Distance  LCM  , 
Time taken 4 4 

DS =
= 30km / hr 

LCM 81, 105  = 2835 km
8 
HCF 4, 4  4
Therefore, DS = u + v
Now, the speed of Chennai Express,
30 = u + 20
Given that U = 10 km/hr 2, 835 4
SCE    35km / hr
Hence, the speed of the boat is 10 km/hr. 4 81

Time, Speed, and Distance 79

Speed of Banaras Express, Time taken by B to travel 1500 m
2, 835 4 = 1,500/20 = 75 sec.
SBE    27 km / hr
4 105
9. (B)
Now, from 7:30 am to 11:45 am, the dis-
Let the speed of the escalator be e steps/
tance travelled by Chennai Express:
17 595
DCE = SCE × TCE  35   km Time is taken by a lady to cover 40 steps
4 4 40
Therefore, the remaining distance = 10 sec.
2, 835 595 2, 240 ∴ Distance covered by escalator in 10 sec
  = = 560 km
4 4 4 = 10e.
Time taken to cross each other after ∴Total steps on the escalator = (10e + 40)
11:45 a.m. …(i)
560 560 1 Now, according to the second condition:
  9  9 hr 02 minutes
35  27 62 31 The time is taken by the lady to cover 60
(approx.) steps
Therefore, the required time is 8:47 p.m. 60
= 7.5 sec
Monday. 8
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer. ∴ Distance covered by escalator = 7.5e
Thus, the length of the escalator = (7.5e
7. (D)
+ 60) …(ii)
Let the speed of the escalator be e steps/ If we solve equations (i) and (ii), we will get:
sec. 10e + 40 = 7.5e + 60
Then, according to the question, 2.5e = 20
Anish Richa
    
 e=8
147  49e  35  7e (Equating total Therefore, the total steps on the escala-
number of steps) tor = 10e + 40 = 120 steps.
112 = 56e Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
E = 2 steps/sec
Therefore, total number of steps = 147 – 49 10. (B)
× 2 = 147 – 98 = 49. Let’s assume the speeds of Monu
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer. and Sonu be M km/hr and S km/hr,
8. (A) Let’s assume the time taken by Sonu to
By the time A runs 1,000 m, B will run cover 120 km = K hr.
800 m. So, time taken by Monu to cover 120 km
Similarly, when B runs 500 m, C will run = (K + 4) hr.
450 m. 120 km = M × (K + 4) = S × K …(i)
Ratio of speeds of A and B = Ratio of dis- Also, 80 km = M × (K – 1)
tance travelled = 1,000:800 = 5:4. Or
Ratio of speeds of B and C = Ratio of dis- 120 km = 1. 5 × M × (K – 1) …(ii)
tance travelled = 5,000:450 = 10:9. From equations (i) and (ii)
So, ratio of speeds of A, B, and C M x (K + 4) = 1. 5 × M × (K – 1)
= 25:20:18. Solving which we will get K = 11 hr
Let’s assume the speed of A = 25x, speed From equation (i), 120 km = M × (K + 4)
of C = 18x, and speed of B = 20x. = M × 15
Now, (3,600/18x) – (3,600/25x) = 56 M = 8 km/hr
Solving which we will get x = 1 Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
Speed of B = 20x = 20 × 1 = 20 m/s

80 Time, Speed, and Distance

11. (A) 12. 3
Let the radii of the Anuj’s track and Let the initial speed of Rohan be v kmph
Manuj’s track be r1 and r2. and assume he takes n hours to com-
Anuj completes 6 rounds at the same plete his journey.
time ss Manuj completes fve rounds o ∴ Time taken by Rohan while travelling at
his track.  189 
Speed of Anuj 6  2 r1 his initial speed =   hours.
Therefore,   v 
Speed of Manuj 5  2 r2 By the problem,
6r  189   21 
= 1 ...(i)
5 r2   =  n
 v  2
Again, when they interchange their  18 
tracks, as given in the question that a- Þv =   …(i)
 n
ter interchanging the track, both take the
same time to complete two rounds of According to the question, Rohan dou-
 
their tracks. bled his speed ater every  1  hour. So,
SpeedofAnuj 2  2 r2 r2 2
  ...(ii)  1
SpeedofManuj 2  2 r1 r1 in n hours, there are (2n) intervals o  
Now, i we solve equations (i) and (ii),
an hour.
we will get
We know distance = speed × time
6r1 r2
     
5r2 r1 Þ 189 = v  1  + 21 · v ·  1  + 22 · v  1 
2 2 2
r12 5  1
= +…+ 22n-1 · v  
r22 6 2
 
r1 5 Þ 189 = v  1  (1 + 21 + 22 +…+ 22n-1)
= 2
r2 6
  2n 
r1 5 Þ 189 = v  1  2  1  (Since this is a GP
Now, if we use the value o
in 2  2  1 
equation (ii), then we will get  n 
series whose sum = a r  1
 r  1
Speed of Anuj 6  18 
= Putting v =   is the above equation,
Speed of Manuj 5  n
But, we have to fnd the square o the  2n 
we get 189 = 18  2  1 
ratio of the speeds of Anuj and Manuj. 2n  1 
(Speed of Anuj)2  6 6  189  2n
    Þ  n = (2 – 1)
2    9 
(Speed of Manuj)  5 5
Þ 21n = (22n – 1)
Hence, option (A) is the correct

Time, Speed, and Distance 81

Practice Exercise – 2

Level of Difficulty – 1 (c) 160 m

(D) 180 m
1. If a man travels at of his usual speed
5 5. A and B both start walking simultane-
7 ously from the point P towards point Q.
to travel a certain distance, he takes
2 The ratio of the speeds of A and B is 13:8.
hours more than usual time. Find the After reaching Q, A starts walking back
usual time. towards P and meets B. If PQ = 840 m,
(A) 5 hours then nd the distance o their meeting
point from point Q (in m).
(B) 4 hours (A) 200
1 (B) 640
(C) 5 hours (C) 760
1 (D) 780
(D) 4 hours
2 6. In a race of 945 m, A beats B by 105 m. In
2. The distance between Shubham’s house another race of 1,360 m B beats C by 170
and his girlfriend Nora’s house is 72 km. m. By what distance A will beat C in a race
One day he increases his speed by of 3,240 m? (Assume that the speed of a
6 km/hr from the usual speed, which re- runner does not change in dierent races.)
sults in taking him 2 hours less than the (A) 600 m
usual time to reach his girlfriend’s house. (B) 700 m
Find his increased speed (in m/s). (C) 720 m
(A) 8 m/s (D) 760 m
(B) 6 m/s
(C) 4 m/s 7. A running track is in the form of a regu-
(D) None of these lar pentagon. A runner covers each side
o this pentagonal track with dierent
3. X and Y are running on a circular track of
speeds of 8, 12, 15, 18, and 24 km/h. The
length 180 m, in the same direction at the
average speed K of the runner during the
speed of 20 m/s and 18 m/s, respectively.
entire journey (in km/hr) lies in which of
When will X and Y meet or the rst time
the following range?
and at how many distinct points on the
(A) 12 < K < 13
circular track will they meet?
(B) 13 < K < 14
(A) 30 sec and 2 points
(C) 14 < K < 15
(B) 60 sec and 1 point
(D) 15 < K < 16
(C) 90 sec and 2 points
(D) 90 sec and 1 point 8. One day Ashu drove at two-thirds of his
4. Two trains cross each other in 20 sec- usual speed and reached his oce 10
onds when running in the opposite direc- minutes late. The next day, he drove at
tion along parallel tracks. The faster train his usual speed for 10 minutes, but had
is 150 m long and crosses a lamp post in to stop for 5 minutes because the rail-
15 sec. If the speed of the second train is way track had been closed. By what per-
18 km/hr less than the aster train (rst centage should Ashu increase his speed
train), what is its length (in m)? to reach his oce on time?
(A) 140 m (A) 50%
(B) 150 m (B) 100%

Time, Speed, and Distance 83

(C) 150% by 25% and reaches New Delhi 20 minutes
(D) 200% before her schedule. What is the ratio of
the distance between Agra to Greater
9. Ram and Lakhan both are climbing on a Noida to Greater Noida to New Delhi?
moving escalator that is going up. Ram
(A) 3:4
takes 72 steps to reach the top, but
(B) 4:3
Lakhan takes 60 steps to reach the top.
(C) 2:1
Ram can take four steps in a second,
(D) 1:2
while Lakhan can take three steps in a
second. Calculate the total number of 13. Two trains are traveling in opposite direc-
steps on the escalator. tions with speeds of 60 and 45 km/hr, re-
(A) 360 spectively. They take 15 seconds to cross
(B) 240 each other. If the two trains are travelling
(C) 180 in the same direction, then a person sit-
(D) 120 ting in the faster-moving train would have
overtaken the slower train in 40 seconds.
10. P, Q, R, and S are four friends running on Find the length of the trains (in m).
a circular track of circumference 200 km
1625 500
in the anticlockwise direction. Speeds of (A) m, m
6 3
P, Q, R, and S are 8, 12, 20, and 28 km/h,
respectively. What is the dierence be- 825 125
(B) m, m
tween the total distance travelled by Q 3 3
and S, when P, Q, R, and S all togeth- 119 800
(C) m, m
er are meeting or the rst time at the 3 3
starting point? 700
(D) m, 600 m
(A) 640 km 3
(B) 720 km 14. Two horses ‘a’ and ‘b’ start from a point
(C) 800 km ‘x’ on a circle simultaneously with ‘a’
(D) None of these moving in the clockwise direction and ‘b’
in the anticlockwise direction. They meet
Level of Difficulty – 2 or the rst time at 4 p.m., when ‘a’ has
covered 80% of the track. If ‘a’ returns to
11. In a 900-m race, Abhishek should give ‘x’ at 4:40 p.m., then ‘b’ returns to ‘x’ at:
Mudit a head start of 55 seconds and (A) 12:20 a.m.
Mudit should give Vikas a head start of (B) 2:20 a.m.
80 seconds, or all o them to nish the (C) 3:00 a.m.
race simultaneously. What is the speed of (D) 3:20 a.m.
Abhishek i the dierence between speeds
of Abhishek and Vikas is 15 m/s? 15. In a mile race, Arjun can be given a start
of 240 m by Bhisma. If Bhisma can give
(A) 15 m/s
Karna a start of 25 m in a 200-m race,
(B) 18 m/s
then who out of Arjun and Karna will win
(C) 20 m/s
a race of 7 miles and what will be the
(D) 24 m/s
nal lead taken by the winner over the
12. Keerti usually takes 10 hours to ride from loser? (1 mile = 1600 m)
Agra to New Delhi. One day her car had a 3
(A) Arjun, mile
technical issue at Greater Noida, so she 10
has to stop for 20 minutes to resolve the 1
(B) Arjun, mile
issue. After that, she increases her speed 5

84 Time, Speed, and Distance

1 19. If two trains A and B leave from their re-
(C) Karna, mile spective stations P and Q at 2 p.m. mov-
3 ing towards each other, they meet at 3:40
(D) Karna, mile p.m. Instead, if train B leaves station Q at
16. Five friends, A, B, C, D, and E, are running 2 p.m. and train A leaves station P at 2:23
on a circular track with their speeds in p.m., they meet at 4:54 p.m.. Find the ra-
the ratio 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 9, respectively. ‘A’, ‘C’, tio of the speeds of train B and train A.
and ‘E’ are running in an anticlockwise (A) 14 : 9
direction, while ‘B’ and ‘D’ are running in (B) 9 : 14
a clockwise direction. Find at how many (C) 5 : 8
distinct points will ‘A’ meet with any oth- (D) 8 : 5
er runner i they all run indenitely? 20. A man is travelling from A to B in a car
(A) 8 whose tank’s capacity is 22 L, with the
(B) 10 3
(C) 12 reserve level at th of the tank capacity.
(D) 24 He lls up the tank and ater travelling
or 192 km, nds that the uel is at the
17. Trains P and Q travel at 180 and 144
reserve level. He lls 4 L more and just
km/hr, respectively. Points A and B are
manages to cover the remaining distance
marked on the railway track such that AB
by using up all the fuel. What is the dis-
is a straight line. Time taken by train P
tance between A and B?
to completely cross a stationary pole is
12 seconds. Time taken by trains Q and P (A) 120 km
to completely cross the line AB from the (B) 309 km
instant the front end of respective trains (C) 322 km
cross point A is 40 and 30 sec, respec- (D) 312 km
tively. What is the length of the train Q?
(A) 500 m Level of Difficulty – 3
(B) 600 m
21. Rohan can row a boat on still water at
(C) 700 m
a speed of 11 km/hr. However, it takes
(D) 800 m
him 7 hr more to row the boat 36 km
18. Ram went from Delhi to Shimla via upstream than downstream on a given
Chandigarh by car. The distance from river. One day, Rohan rows the boat on
Delhi to Chandigarh is 4/3 times the dis- the given river from P to Q, which is N
tance from Chandigarh to Shimla. The km (an integer) upstream from P, then he
average speed from Delhi to Chandigarh rows back to P immediately. If he takes
was 1.5 times that from Chandigarh at least 9 hr to complete this round trip,
to Shimla. If the average speed for the what is the minimum value of N?
entire journey was 77 km/hr, what was (A) 29
the average speed from Chandigarh to (B) 30
Shimla (in km/hr)? (C) 31
(A) 51 (D) 32
(B) 56
22. A man travels by a motorboat down the
(C) 68
river to a temple and back with the speed
(D) 72
of the river unchanged. If he doubles the
speed of the motorboat, then his total
time for the round trip gets reduced by

Time, Speed, and Distance 85

80%. Find the ratio of the original speed moving towards their initial departure sta-
of the motorboat to the speed of the tion. The speed of the current is 5 km/hr,
river. and the fow o the current is towards
(A) 5: 3 Pune. If the distance between Bombay
and Pune is 1,680 km, then what is the
(B) 7: 3
distance of their second meeting point
(C) 6: 5 from Pune?
(D) 3: 2 (A) 848 km
(B) 872 km
23. In a 1.5-km race, Dhoni gives Hardik a (C) 832 km
head start of 150 m and beats him by (D) 880 km
25 seconds. If Dhoni gives Hardik a head
start of 40 seconds, then Hardik beats 27. A man can row a certain distance up-
Dhoni by 150 m. Find the ratio of Dhoni’s stream in 15 minutes more than he could
speed to Hardik’s speed. row in still water. Also, he can row the
(A) 7 : 4 same distance downstream in 10 min-
(B) 19 : 14 utes less than he could row it in still wa-
(C) 35 : 19 ter. How long will he take to row down
(D) 35 : 22 the same distance with the stream?
(A) 50 minutes
24. Time taken by a person to reach the rst (B) 60 minutes
foor rom the ground foor on a mov- (C) 40 minutes
ing up escalator is 12 seconds less than (D) 70 minutes
the time taken when the escalator is
turned o. Again, the time taken by the 28. At his usual speed, Nitin can travel 36 km
same person to reach the ground foor downstream in a river in 18 hours less
rom the rst foor on the same moving than what he takes to travel the same
up escalator is 48 sec more compared distance upstream. If he doubles the
to when the escalator is turned o. I speed of rowing, then he takes 2 hours
the speed of the person and escalator less time in the downstream trip than
are in the ratio 5 : 3, respectively, nd by what the upstream trip would take. Find
what percentage the person should in- the speed of the stream?
crease his speed to reach the rst foor 20
(A) km / hr
rom the ground foor in 20 seconds on a 3
turned-o escalator. 17
(B) km / hr
(A) 80% 5
(B) 60% (C) 9.2 km/hr
(C) 40% (D) 9 km/hr
(D) 20%
29. Two trains, Amritsar Express and Bhatinda
25. In a race of x km, Rajesh beats Ankit by Express, started from Pathankot towards
25 km and Sahil by 55 km. Also, Ankit Kolkata at 10 a.m., and Bengal Kranti train
beats Sahil by 40 km. Find x. is travelling from Kolkata to Pathankot at
55 km/hr. The sum of speeds of Amritsar
26. Anand starts from Bombay in his boat express and Bhatinda express was 150
with a speed of 9 km/hr and Bimal starts km/hr. At 4 p.m., Amritsar Express met
from Pune in his boat with a speed of Bengal Kranti. Exactly after 1 hour, Bengal
11 km/hr. As soon as they reach their Kranti met Bhatinda Express. After this
destination, they will turn back and start Amritsar Express and Bhatinda Express

86 Time, Speed, and Distance

interchanged their speeds. At what time 30. At his usual rowing rate, Rohan can travel
the Bhatinda Express will overtake the 20 km downstream in a certain river in
Amritsar express? 2 hours less than it takes him to travel
(A) 10:40 a.m. the same distance upstream. But if the
(B) 11:15 a.m. speed of the stream becomes twice and
(C) 11:40 a.m. his rowing speed remains the same, then
(D) Midnight downstream 20 km would take 6.4 hours
less than the upstream 20 km. Find the
value of Rohan’s rowing speed (in km/hr).

Time, Speed, and Distance 87


1. (A) speeds in the ratio A : B, (A > B), then the

3 number of distinct points where they will
When speed is of usual speed, then
5 meet on the circular track = (A – B).
5 So, in this question, speed ratio is 20 : 18
the time taken will be times the usual
3 = 10 : 9
time. Thus, they will meet at (10 – 9) = 1 point
Let usual time = t hours Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.
5 7
Therefore, t t
3 2 4. (B)
2 7 Let the faster train and slower train
 t
3 2 length be L1 m and L2 m.
21 1 L1 = 150 m is given
t   5 hours
4 4 Since the faster train crosses a lamp
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer. post in 15 sec.
\ Speed of the faster train
2. (D)
L1 150 m
Let’s assume the usual speed of = = = 10 m/s
15 sec 15
Shubham is ‘x’ km/hr and the usual time
Thus, the speed of the slower train
taken to reach his girlfriend’s house with
this speed is y hr.   5 
  10   18    m/s = 5 m/s
Now, according to the question   18  
x × y = 72 ...(i) Also, it is given in the question that the
and (x + 6) (y – 2) = 72 two trains cross each other in 20 sec.
Þ xy – 2x + 6y – 12 = 72 \ Relative speed = (S1 + S2) m/s
put xy = 72 from equation (i) = (10 + 5) m/s = 15 m/s
6y – 2x = 12 L  L2
Therefore, 1  15m/s
 72  20 sec
Þ 6    2 x  12
 x  Þ 150 + L2 = 300 m
Þ 2x2 + 12x – 432 = 0 Þ L2 = 150m
Þ x2 + 6x – 216 = 0
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
on solving, we will get x = 12 or (−18)
Therefore, the usual speed of Shubham 5. (A)
= 12 km/hr Let’s assume the speed of A = 13x m/s
Increased speed = (12 + 6) km/hr and speed of B = 8x m/s and R is the
5 point where they meet or the rst time
= 18 km/hr = 18 × m/s = 5 m/s
18 after they started running.
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

3. (D)
Length of track = 180 m
Speed of X = 20 m/s
Speed of Y = 18 m/s
They will meet rst time at = 180/(20 – 18) Let’s suppose they meet at a distance of
= 90 sec. y metres from point P.
If 2 persons are moving in the same di- Now when they meet, the time is the
rection on a circular track with their same.

88 Time, Speed, and Distance

DA DB 8. (B)
Time = = Let Ashu’s usual speed be ‘x’ km/min and
distance between his home and oce
840 840  y y
= = be ‘d’ km and the usual time taken be ‘t’
13 x 8x
Þ 8 x 1,680 – 8y = 13y
On the rst day:
Þ 21 y = 8 x 1,680
Þ y = 640 2 3
When speed = x, time taken = t
Hence, they meet at a distance of 640 3 2
m from point P and (840 – 640) = 200 m 3
Now, t  t  10
from Q. 2
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer. Þ t = 20 minutes (normal time)
Next day:
6. (C) For 10 minutes he drove at usual speed.
When A cover 945 m, B will cover (945 – 105) Distance covered in 20 minutes at usual
= 840 m at the same time, so the ra- speed x = d
tio of their speeds would be 945 : 840 Þ Distance covered in 10 minutes at
= 9 : 8. d
usual speed x =
When B cover 1,360 m, C will cover 2
(1,360 – 170) = 1,190 m at the same time, d
Distance left = to be covered in next
so the ratio of their speeds would be 2
= 1,360 : 1190 = 8 : 7. 10 minutes. But out of 10 minutes, 5
So, the ratio of speeds of A, B, and C minutes were wasted. So, time left = 5
= 9 : 8 : 7. minutes.
Now, when A will cover 9 m, C will cover At usual speed, distance covered in 5
7 m at the same time. d
minutes =
So, when A will cover (9 × 360 = 3,240) m, 4
C will cover (7 × 360 = 2,520) m d
But Ashu has to cover in 5 minutes,
Thus, in a race of 3,240 m, A will beat C 2
by 720 m. which is possible only if he doubles his
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer. speed (= 2x).
Percentage increase in speed should be
7. (B) = 100%.
Let’s assume each side of pentagonal Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
track = LCM (8, 12, 15, 18, and 24) = 360 km
Now the time taken by runner to run 360 9. (C)
km each with the speeds 8, 12, 15, 18, and Let the speed of the escalator = y steps/
24 km/hr will be 45, 30, 24, 20, and 15 sec
hours, respectively. Ram’s speed = 4 steps/sec
Totaldistance Lakhan’s speed = 3 steps/sec
So, average speed = As Ram is taking 72 steps of his own to
3605 1, 800 reach to the top,
= = = 13.43 72 steps
 
45 30 24 2015 134 Time taken by Ram =
4 steps/sec
= 18 sec
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
Similarly, time taken by Lakhan
= = 20 sec
3steps / sec

Time, Speed, and Distance 89

Now distance = Total steps = s (s – 15) = 100
Therefore, S = 20 m/s.
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.
Total steps = (4 + y) × 18 = (3 + y) × 20 12. (C)
Þ 72 + 18y = 60 + 20y 25% increase means increase of 1 unit
Þ 2y = 12 over 4 units
Þy=6 Let the usual speed = 4x km/hr
Total steps = (3 + y) × 20 = 9 × 20 = 180 Increased speed = 5x km/hr
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer. Total distance = speed × time = 4x × 10
10. (C) = 40x km.
Time taken by Keerti if she travels the
As we know that P, Q, R, and S have to
whole distance at increased speed
meet at the starting point; therefore,
Distance/Speed = 40x/5x = 8 hours
time to meet them can be given by
Now, the average time is taken by her to
t = LCM (t P, t Q, t R, t S)
cover the whole distance
 200 200 200 200  = 10 hr – 20 min – 20 min = 9 hr 20 min
 LCM  , , , 
 8 12 20 28  28
= hr

LCM 200, 200, 200, 200

 50 hr
By using the rule of allegation, we get.

HCF 8, 12, 20, 28  4
Now, total distance travelled by Q in 50
hours = 12 × 50 = 600 km.
Similarly, total distance travelled by S in
50 hours = 28 × 50 = 1,400 km.
Thereore, the required dierence
= 1,400 – 600 = 800 km.
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

11. (C)
Let the speed of Abhishek be ‘s’ m/s and 8
the time taken by him to nish race be  3
DistancefromGreaterNooidatoNewDelhi 28
‘t’ seconds. 10 
Now, 4
Abhishek Mudit Vikas = 3 =
2 1
Time t t + 55 t + 135 3
Speed s s – 15 Hence, the required ratio will be 2 : 1.
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.
Since all completed the race
s × t = 900 ...(i) 13. (A)
(s – 15) (t – 135) = 900 ...(ii) Let the length of the faster and slower
From equations (i) and (ii) trains be L1 and L2.
s × t = (s – 15) (t – 135) When the two trains are traveling in the
s × t = s × t – 15t + 135s– 15 × 135 opposite direction, they cross each other
t = 9s – 135. in 15 sec.
Putting this in equation (i):
s (9s – 135) = 900

90 Time, Speed, and Distance

If train ‘A’ leaves at 2:23 p.m., then the Þ 36(2x) = 847 – 7x2
distance covered by B in this time inter- Þ 7x2 + 72x – 847 = 0
val = 23b. Þ 7x2 + 121x – 49x – 847 = 0
Now, the total distance covered by both Þ x (x + 121) – 7(7x + 121)
the trains together in 91 min = 91 (a + b) Þ (7x + 121) (x – 7) = 0
...(ii) Þx =7
From equations (i) and (ii) Now, according to the question
Total distance = 100a + 100b = 23b + 91a N N
 9
+ 91b 11  7 11  7
Þ 9a = 14b N N
a 14 Þ  9
Þ = 18 4
b 9 2N  9N
Thus, the ratio of speed of train B to train Þ 9
A = 9 : 14. 11N
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer. Þ ≥9
20. (D) Þ 11N ≥ 324
Given: The capacity of the tank = 22 L Þ N ≥ 29.45
So, the minimum value of N = 30
The reserve level th of the tank capac- Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
66 22. (D)
ity which is equal to L.
11 Let the initial speed of the motorboat
 66  is u km/hr and the speed of the river is
\ He travels 192 km with  22  L
 11  v km/hr and the one-way distance is d km.
\ The mileage of a car =
 66 
 22  
 11 
192 According to condition 1
= = 12 kmpL d d
16  t (i)
He lls 4 more litres and covers the re- uv uv
maining distance. Now according to the second condition:
\ The distance covered ater relling d d
  t  20%
 66  2u  v 2u  v
the tank =  4   × 12 d d t
 11  Þ  
2u  v 2u  v 5
= 10 × 12 = 120 km.
\ The total distance between A and B 5d 5d
Þ  t (ii)
= 192 + 120 = 312 km 2u  v 2u  v
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer. Now equating equations (i) and (ii)
d d 5d 5d
Þ   
21. (B) u  v u  v 2u  v 2u  v
Let’s assume the speed of the river 1 1 5 5
= x km/hr Þ   
u  v u  v 2u  v 2u  v
According to the questions u  v  u  v 5(2u  v  2u  v )
36 36 Þ 
 7 u2  v 2 4u2  v 2
11  x 11  x 2u 5(4u)
36( 11  x  11  x ) Þ 2 2

Þ 7 u v 4u2  v 2
121  x 2

Time, Speed, and Distance 93

1 10  1, 500   990 
Þ 
u v 2
4u  v 2 2 
t1 
    40
 t2 + 40  19  1, 750
Þ 4u – v = 10u2 – 10v2
2 2 = = = =
 1, 500  t1  10 990  1, 100
Þ 6u2 = 9v2     
u2 9  t2  40   9 19 
Þ 2 =
v 6 35
u 9 22
Þ = Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.
v 6
u 3 24. (B)
Þ =
v 2 Let’s assume the speed of the person
and the escalator be 5K steps/sec and
u 3
Þ = 3K steps/sec respectively, and the total
v 2 steps on the escalator be D.
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer. According to the rst statement
23. (D)   12
For simplicity, we can represent the in-  
5K 5K  3K
formation as follows: D D
Þ   12 ...(i)
5K 8K
Case I Case II
Also, according to the second
Dhoni Hardik Dhoni Hardik statement
Distance 1,500 1,350 1,350 1,500   48
 5K  3K 5K
Time t1 t1 + 25 t2 t2 + 40 D D
Þ   48 ...(ii)
2K 5K
1, 500 1, 350
Here, speed of Dhoni is = = On adding equations (ii) + (i)
t1 t2
10   60
or t1 =t 2K 8K
9 2
Also, speed of Hardik is Þ
D 41   60

1, 350 1, 500 8K
= 
t1  25 t2  40 Þ D = 160K
9 10 Now to cover a distance of 160 K
or  steps in 20 seconds on a turned-o
t1  25 t2  40
escalator the person’s speed must be
or 9t2 + 360 = 10t1 + 250
 10  = 8K steps / sec
or 9t2 + 360 = 10   t2   250 20
 9  Person’s original speed = 5K step/sec
19 990 hence, percent increase in speed
or t2 = 110 or t2 =
9 19 3K
should be =  100  60%
Speed of Dhoni 5K
Now, ratio of speed = Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
Speed of Hardik

94 Time, Speed, and Distance

Similarly, the second equation will
Downstream Upstream In still
water 36 36
 2
Time (t − 10) min (t + 15) t min 2mv  v 2mv  v
min 1 1 v
Þ  
2m  1 2m  1 18
Speed B+R B–R B
2m  1  2m  1 v
As we can see that speeds are in arith- Þ 2

4m  1 18
metic progression, so time would be in 2 v
harmonic progression. Þ 2
 ...(iv)
4m  1 18
So, the time required in still water. Now, we have to divide equation (iii) by
= harmonic mean of (t + 15 min and t − 10 (iv), and we will get
2 v
Þt 
  
2  t  15  t  10  2
m 1  2
t  15  t  10 2 v
Þ t   2t  5  2t  10t  300
2 4m  1 18
4m2  1
Þ 2t  5t  2t  10t  300
2 2
Þ 9
m2  1
Þ 5t = 300
Þ 4m2 – 1 = 9m2 – 9
Þ t = 60
Þ 5m2 = 8
Thus, the time needed to row down the same
   
distance = t  10  60  10  50minutes . Þ m2 =
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
Þm =
28. (A) 5
Let the usual speed of Nitin is u km/hr 8
Now put the value of m = in equation
and the speed of current or stream is v 5
So, according to the conditions given in 2 v

the question  8 2
  1
36 36  5
  18  
uv uv ...(i)
4 4  5 20
Again, if Nitin doubles his speed, he takes Þ   ...(v)
8 3 3
2 hours less. 1
36 36 5
 2 ...(ii) Hence, the speed of the stream is
2u  v 2u  v
Let u = mv 20
km / hr .
Then, the rst equation becomes 3
36 36 Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
  18
mv  v mv  v 29. (D)
1 1 v Let Amritsar express and Bhatinda ex-
Þ  
m1 m1 2 press travel with speeds x km/hr and y
m 1m 1 v km/hr
Þ 
m2  1 2 So, x + y = 150 (i)
2 v Now, Amritsar express met Bengal Kranti
Þ 2  ...(iii)
m 1 2 at 4 p.m.

96 Time, Speed, and Distance

So, Amritsar express is 6x km away from 30. 7.5
Pathankot at 4 p.m. Let’s assume Rohan’s rowing speed
And Bhatinda express and Bengal Kranti = A km/hr and stream’s usual fow speed
meet at 5 p.m. = B km/hr
So, Bhatinda express is 7y km away from 20 20
First case: – =2
Pathankot at 5 p.m. A − B  A +B 
Dierence between those 2 points is 55 Simplifying the above equation, we will
km as in 1 hr Bengal Kranti travelled 55 km. get B = (A2 – B2)/20 (i)
So, 6x – 7y = 55 (ii) 20 20
Second case: – = 6.4
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get A − 2B  A+ 2B 
x = 85 km/hr and y = 65 km/hr. Simplifying the above equation, we will
In these 7 hours, Amritsar Express trav- get B = [6.4 (A2 – 4B2)]/80 (ii)
elled 595 km and Bhatinda Express has On equating (i) and (ii) and ater simpli-
travelled 455 km. cation, we will get A : B = 3 : 1.
Therefore, their relative distance is 140 Now taking A = 3K and B = K and putting
km and their relative speed is 20 km/hr. the values of A and B in equation (i), we
So, Bhatinda Express will take next 7 will get B = K = 2.5.
hour to overtake Amritsar Express. Thus, Rohan’s rowing speed = A = 3K
They will meet at 12 am, i.e., midnight. = 3 × 2.5 = 7.5 km/hr.
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

Time, Speed, and Distance 97

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