WB Un 1

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Task 1

Sink – раковина

Bathtub – ванна

Rug – килимок

Task 3

1 sculpture

2 appeal

3 extension

4 harsh

5 converted

6 draught

7 moat

8 airy

9 barn

10 convince

Harsh – суворий

Appeal – звернення

Extension – розширення

Barn – Сарай

Converted – Перетворено

Convince – переконати

Task 4

1 linen cupboard

2 laundry basket

3 larder

4 fridge

5 wardrobe

6 larder

linen cupboard - шафа для білизни

crockery – посуд

sideboard – буфет

Task 5
1 unspacious

2 expensive

3 practical

4 uncomfortable

5 loud

6 modern

Task 7

Positive – countryside, private, space, land plot, a good place for rest

Negative – expensive, isolated, safety, a lot of time looking after the house

Positive – low fuel bills, safety, price, location, price for living

Negative – safety, environment

Task 8

1 bring back - повернути

2 bring up - виховувати

3 break up - розійтись

4 break down

5 break in

6 bring sth out

Task 9

Security system

Short of money - не вистачає грошей

Central heating

Fitted kitchen

Brand new

From scratch

Mow the lawn

Bare hands

White lie

1 security system

2 from scratch
3 bare hands

4 short of money

5 central heating

6 brand new

Task 10

1 to start up his own

2 is suffer from hay fever

3 started out in the

4 takes me back to

5 appeals to

6 fuel bills are

Task 14






Task 15

1 John Mikols

2 Married

3 Surveyor

4 Leeds Construction, Brook street

5 5 years

6 34000 pounds

7 Mortgage(могидж) on my home,

8 Planning of the extension of the house

9 Personal loan

10 48000 pounds

per annum - на рік

occupation - професія

eviction - виселення

revamp – реконструювати


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