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TransGlobal Airlines' Strategy for Operational Equity and Competitive Foresight

Nick Roy

Southern New Hampshire University

MBA-620-Q3764 Measuring Success in an Org 24TW3

Author Note

In partial fulfillment for the course requirements MBA-620-Q3764 Measuring

Success in an Org 24TW3.



In the dynamic arena of the airline industry, identifying and proactively managing risk is

not merely beneficial—it's critical for survival and success. This thought leadership paper

presents a comprehensive assessment of the various risks faced by TransGlobal Airlines.

By examining operational and strategic risks within the context of the company's

ambitious moves, such as the acquisition of a smaller airline and technology upgrades,

we aim to outline pragmatic mitigation strategies that bolster resilience and safeguard

company interests.

Table of Contents

Identification of Risks ........................................................................................................ 4

Operational Risk: Workplace Inequality ........................................................................ 4

Balanced Scorecard Component: ............................................................................... 4

Strategic Risk: Impact of Competitive Landscape Changes .......................................... 5

Balanced Scorecard Component: ............................................................................... 5

Evaluation........................................................................................................................... 6

Mitigation Strategies .......................................................................................................... 6

For Workplace Inequality:.............................................................................................. 6

For Competitive Landscape Changes: ............................................................................ 7

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 7

TransGlobal Airlines' Strategy for Operational Equity and Competitive Foresight

In the fiercely competitive and logistically complex world of aviation, risks lurk

at every altitude. For TransGlobal Airlines, a regional leader with aspirations of

expansion, the need for a surgical risk analysis has never been more pressing. This paper

endeavors to dissect two prominent risks facing the airline, from an operational and

strategic stance, and proposes actionable measures to mitigate their impact.

Identification of Risks

Operational Risk: Workplace Inequality

Balanced Scorecard Component:

Internal Processes


Workplace inequality represents a smoldering operational risk that threatens the

unity and effectiveness of TransGlobal Airlines' workforce. It not only breeds dissonance

within teams but also invites legal complications and public relations woes that can

destabilize the company's internal processes (MBA 620 Transglobal Airlines


Statistics from global aviation studies suggest that diversity and inclusivity, or

rather the lack thereof, present significant operational and reputational risks. Evidence

demonstrates how airlines that neglect workforce equality experience higher attrition

rates and decrements in collective productivity. For instance, the presence of workplace

inequality can erode employee morale, triggering not just internal strife but sparking

public outrage and potential legal liabilities (Diversity in aviation report 2023).

TransGlobal Airlines must heed the cautionary tales, as litigation related to

discrimination in the sector highlight both the financial and reputational prices companies

pay. In this light, airlines have every incentive to champion diverse and inclusive

corporate cultures. Delta Air Lines serves as a case study, having instituted broad-based

diversity and inclusion initiatives that yielded uplifts in staff cohesion and customer

approval, underscoring the operational benefits of a forward-thinking policy stance (Delta

Airlines, Travel planning center).

Strategic Risk: Impact of Competitive Landscape Changes

Balanced Scorecard Component:



To maintain market clout and secure economic prosperity, an agile response to

competitive incursions is necessary. Over the last few years, dramatic shifts in airline

market share reveal the precariousness of the competitive landscape. For example,

Southwest Airlines exemplifies a proactive strategy in this arena; by constantly

reassessing and adapting to market conditions, particularly in response to low-cost

carriers' maneuvers, the brand has successfully sidestepped the shoals that became the

shipwreck of lesser-prepared companies.


The key here for TransGlobal Airlines is the ability to integrate both operational

and strategic foresight. The incorporation of environmental scans and promotion of

innovative thinking must percolate through the enterprise's fabric. Notarial cases, such as

Qantas Airways' strategic diversification, bolster the argument for a rigorous risk

management framework, proving that diversity in services and flexibility in operations

are catalysts for navigating the industry's fickle tides (Qantas Airways, Delivering

against clear strategic pillars).


The identified operational risk of workplace inequality clasps a high probability

attributed to intricate human factors and social dynamics within the company, resulting in

a high impact on business continuity and reputation. Concurrently, the emerging

strategic risk stemming from changes in the competitive landscape garners a medium

probability due to the unpredictable nature of consumer behavior and competitive

strategies, with a medium-to-high potential impact dependent on strategic management

effectiveness (MBA 620 Transglobal Airlines information ).

Mitigation Strategies

For Workplace Inequality:

• Initiate comprehensive diversity and inclusion training.

• Enact stringent anti-discrimination policies.


• Monitor workplace climate through employee engagement

surveys and feedback mechanisms.

For Competitive Landscape Changes:

• Perform continuous environmental and competitor scans.

• Promote a company-wide innovation mindset.

• Pursue strategic partnerships to enhance competitive positioning.


Proactively charting the risk landscape is a non-negotiable discipline for

TransGlobal Airlines as it navigates through sectoral turbulences and the challenges of

acquisition-driven growth. Addressing the twin beacons of operational and strategic risk

equips the airline not only to respond adeptly to immediate threats but also to chart a

course for sustained altitude in the airline industry.

This thought leadership paper has emphasized the urgency of acknowledging the

intrinsic and extrinsic risks that punctuate the airline's horizon. Through diligent

identification, rigorous evaluation, and meticulous mitigation planning, TransGlobal

Airlines can set its sights on a future defined by security and prosperity.


Aircraft Interiors Expo. (2023, May). Diversity in aviation report.


Delta Airlines. (n.d.). Travel planning center. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Delta Air


Qantas Airways. (n.d.). Delivering against clear strategic pillars.



Southern New Hampshire University. (n.d.). MBA 620 - SNHU - TransGlobal Airlines

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