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‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.

‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Storm water flow

When rainfall occurs, part of it infiltrates or percolates into the ground; a part of it is
evaporated into the atmosphere and the remaining part overflows as storm or flood
water. The quantity of storm water reaching the sewers or drains may be very large as
compared to sanitary sewage.
In the case of combined system, the sewers are normally not designed for peak storm
water flow, since the size of the sewers required would be very large. During ordinary
rain, the sewers run full of storm water. However, during heavy rainfall, the peak
storm water is allowed to accumulate for some time, while the sewers continue to run
full of storm water.
The factors affecting the quantity of storm water flow are as below:
 Area of the catchment
 Slope and shape of the catchment area
 Porosity of the soil
 Obstruction in the flow of water as trees, fields, gardens, etc.
 Initial state of catchment area with respect to wetness.
 Intensity and duration of rainfall
 Atmospheric temperature and humidity
 Number and size of ditches present in the area.

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Time of concentration
The period after which the entire catchment area will start contributing to the runoff is
called time of concentration. In other words, it is the time required for the flood
discharge to reach to the maximum limit. The time of concentration consists of two
i) Inlet time or time of entry (ti)
ii) time of flow or time of travel (tf).
The time of concentration is the summation of inlet time and time of flow.
Time of concentration = inlet time + time of flow

The inlet time decreases with increase in slope and imperviousness of the ground,
while it increases with distance and storage conditions of the ground. A normal
practice is to assume it between 3 to 20 minutes.

The time required by the water to flow in the drain channel from the mouth to the
point under consideration is called as time of travel. It is computed by assuming the
velocity of flow in the drain and measuring the length of drain or sewer from inlet
point to the point under consideration.
Time of Travel (tf) = Length of drain/ velocity in drain

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Estimation of Quantity of Storm Water( Rational Method)

The rational method is most commonly used for design of storm drains. It takes into
account three main factors:
i) Catchment area (A)
ii) Impermeability factor (C) of the catchment
iii) Intensity of rainfall (I).
The rational formula can be expressed as,



Catchment area (A)

The catchment area can be directly found from the map of the town showing the
position of streets, houses, play grounds, sewers etc. However, since the
impermeability factor depends on the type of surface, the catchment area of the
different types of surfaces should be found separately.

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Impermeability factor (C)

The storm water flow depends upon the imperviousness of the surface over which
rainfall occurs. The percentage of rainwater available in the form of runoff is known
as impermeability factor or runoff coefficient. The common values of impermeability
factors, which are commonly used in determining the quantity of storm water are
given below in table.

𝐶1 𝐴1 + 𝐴2 𝐶2 + 𝐴3 𝐶3 + − − − − 𝐶𝑛 𝐴𝑛 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 𝐴𝑖
𝐶= = 𝑛
𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + 𝐴3 + − − − − 𝐴𝑛 ∑𝑖=1 𝐴𝑖
From the above expression it is clear that for calculating impermeability factor, area of
each type of surface is to be measured and then substituted in the formula. The
calculation of area of each type of surface is very tedious. Therefore, impermeability
factors are chosen based on the type of localities, which depends on the density of
Table below gives the impermeability factors for various types of localities.

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Intensity of rainfall (I):

The value of intensity of rainfall can be determined from the rainfall records of the
area. However, (I), also depends on the storm frequency and duration of the storm.
The frequency of storm for which the sewers are to be designed depends on the
importance of the locality. Commercial and high priced areas should be subjected to
less frequent flooding than the residential areas. These relationships between rainfall
intensity and duration are developed based on long term experience in field .

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Rain fall data analysis:

If there are rainfall records for 30 to 40 years, the various storms during the period of
record may be arranged in the descending order of their magnitude (of maximum
depth or intensity). When arranged like this in the descending order, if there are a total
number of n items and the order number or rank of any particular storm (maximum
depth or intensity) is m, then the recurrence interval T (also known as the return
period) of the storm magnitude is given by one of the following equations:

and the frequency F (expressed as per cent of time) of that storm magnitude (having
recurrence interval T) is given by:

Values of precipitation plotted against the percentages of time give the ‘frquency

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Frequency F is the percentage of years during which a storm of given magnitude may
be equaled or exceeded. For example if a storm of a given magnitude is expected to
occur once in 20 years, then its recurrence interval T = 20 yr, and its frequency
(probability of exceedance) F = (1/20) 100 = 5%, i.e., frequency is the reciprocal
(percent) of the recurrence interval.

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

For a station A, the recorded annual 24 h maximum rainfall are given below,
Estimate the 24 h maximum rainfall with return period of 13 and 50 years . What
would be the probability of a rainfall of magnitude equal to or exceeding 10 cm
occurring in 24 h station A

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Rainfal Frequency Curve


16.0 R² = 0.9805

Rainfall magnitude in cm







1.0 10.0 100.0

Return Period T in Years

‫هنا قيمة هطول مطر‬

‫هنا قيمة هطول مطر‬ ‫ وهي تتكر كل‬18=
‫ تتكرر بفترة رجوع‬10 ‫ سنة‬50
T‫ سنة‬2.44

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455


‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455


‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Example 4

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455


‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455


‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

*-Hydraulic Formulae for Determining Flow Velocities:


The sewers should be laid at such a gradient that a minimum velocity, which will
prevent the silting of particles in sewers are developed. Such a minimum velocity is
known as self-cleansing velocity.
Self-cleansing velocity is generally:
1. 0.6 m/s for sanitary sewer
2. 1m/s for storm sewer.

The upper limit of velocity is set by scouring action of sewage.
If the velocity of flow exceeds a certain limit, the particles of solid matter start to
damage the inside surface of sewers or in other words, a scouring action takes place.
The maximum permissible velocity at which no such scouring action will occur is
known as non-scouring velocity and it mainly depends on the material of sewers.
1. Sanitary sewer = 2.4 m/sec
2. Storm sewer = 3 m/sec

Hydraulic Formulae for Determining Flow Velocities

Sewers of any shape are hydraulically designed as open channels, except in the case of
inverted siphons and discharge lines of pumping stations. Following formulae can be
used for design of sewers.
Manning‟ formula:

‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455


The minimum diameter may be adopted as 200 mm for cities having present / base
year population of over 1 lakh. However, depending on growth potential in certain
areas even 150 mm diameter can also be considered. However, in towns having
present / base year population of less than 1 lakh, the minimum diameter of 150 mm
shall be adopted.
In the case of hilly locations, the minimum diameter of 150 mm shall be adopted. The
house sewer connection pipe to public sewer shall be :
(a) minimum 100 mm or higher based on the number of houses / flats connected .
(b) subject to the receiving public sewer being of higher diameter.
Sewer slope, also known as pipe slope or pipe gradient, refers to the angle at which a
sewer pipe is installed in order to ensure proper flow and drainage. A properly sloped
sewer pipe will allow wastewater to flow freely and avoid the accumulation of debris
or blockages.
The ideal slope for a sewer pipe depends on a variety of factors, such as the size and
material of the pipe, the flow rate of wastewater, and the distance the pipe needs to
travl. In general, the slope should be steep enough to prevent standing water, but not
so steep that wastewater flows too quickly and causes erosion.
Generally, the minimum slope for sewer pipes is 2% (or 1/4 inch per foot), but some
local building codes may require steeper slopes.


‫ لبنى سليمان بن طاهر‬.‫ أ‬:‫استاذ المقرر‬ Environmental Engineering II CE455

Sewer alignment refers to the direction and position of a sewer pipe in relation to other
pipes in the sewer system, as well as to other underground utilities or structures. Prop
er alignment is crucial to the effective functioning of a sewer system, as it ensures that
wastewater flows smoothly and is directed to the appropriate treatment facilities.

Sewer pipes can be aligned in a variety of ways, including straight, curved, or angled.
The alignment of a sewer pipe is typically determined by the topography of the area w
here the pipe is being installed, as well as by the location of other pipes, utility lines, a
nd underground structures.

In general, the alignment of a sewer pipe should be as straight as possible, with minim
al changes in direction or angle. This helps to prevent blockages and backups, as well
as to reduce the likelihood of damage to the sewer system.

Proper sewer alignment is a critical aspect of sewer system design and installation, and
should be done by a trained professional to ensure that the system is effective and effi

In general, sewers less than or equal to 600 mm in diameter must be laid with straight
alignment between manholes. Curvilinear alignment of sewers large than 600 mm may
be permitted if compression joints are specified. Slopes must be increased with
curvilinear alignment to maintain a minimum velocity above 0.6 m/s. The
recommended practice is to use extra manholes and straight alignment between


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