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Week 5 Requirement Writing 1

Go throught the INCOSE, Guide to Writing Requirements v4 (2023)

Then watch the video

And in a qroup of 4 try to answer the following questions

1- Identify the ONLY CORRECT statement with regard to an appropriate guideline for
writing a good requirement statement.
a. avoid defining verification too early
b. ensure no more than five(ish) sentences
c. quantify requirement elements precisely
d. include a description of how the requirement will be achieved
e. avoid the use of diagrams

2- Which ONE of the following is the preferred structure of a simple requirement

a. [object]+ [verb] + [priority] + [subject]
b. [subject] + [verb] + [object]+ [priority]
c. [subject] + [priority] + [verb] + [object]
d. [subject]+ [verb] + [priority] + [object]
e. [subject] + [verb] + [object]

3- Which ONE of the following is the preferred structure of a simple requirement

statement when a condition is included?
a. [condition] + [object]+ [verb] + [priority] + [subject]
b. [condition] + [subject] + [priority] + [verb] + [object]
c. [condition] + [subject] + [verb] + [object]+ [priority]
d. [subject] + [verb] + [object] + [condition]
e. [condition] + [subject]+ [verb] + [priority] + [object]

4- Which ONE of the following is the preferred structure of a simple requirement

statement when a qualification is included?
a. [qualification] + [subject]+ [verb] + [priority] + [object]
b. [qualification] + [object]+ [verb] + [priority] + [subject]
c. [subject] + [verb] + [object] + [qualification]
d. [subject] + [priority] + [verb] + [object] + [qualification]
e. [qualification] + [subject] + [verb] + [object]+ [priority]

5- Which ONE of the following is the preferred structure of a simple requirement

statement when a condition and a qualification are included?
a. [condition]+ [subject] + [priority] + [verb] + [object] + [qualification]
b. [qualification] + [object]+ [verb] + [priority] + [subject] + [condition]
c. [qualification] + [condition] + [subject]+ [verb] + [priority] + [object]
d. [condition] + [qualification] + [subject] + [verb] + [object]+ [priority]
e. [subject] + [verb] + [object] + [qualification] + [condition]

6- Which ONE of the following statements utilises the correct preferred structure of a
requirement statement?
a. When in the ON State, without obscuring the Work_Space, the System shall
Display the Time.
b. Without obscuring the Work_Space, when in the ON State, the System shall
Display the Time.
c. When in the ON state, the System shall display the Time, without obscuring
the Work_Space.
d. The Time shall be Displayed by the System, without obscuring the
e. When in the ON state, the Time shall be Displayed by the System, without
obscuring the Work_Space.
7- Which ONE of the following is the correctly formed requirement statement?
a. The System shall encrypt each Communication_Channel when in the
SECURE mode.
b. When in the EMPTY state, the Hopper shall weigh less than 100kg.
c. The System shall transition in less than 5 seconds from the STANDBY mode
to the OFF mode.
d. The Location of the each Line_Item shall be displayed by the
Record_Subsystem when in the ACTIVE mode.
e. The System shall prevent Transmission when in the MAINTENANCE mode.

8- Which ONE of the following is the correctly formed requirement statement?

a. When in the ACTIVE State, the Record_Subsystem shall record the Location
of each Line_Item.
b. The Record_Subsystem shall record the Location of each Line Item when in
the ACTIVE State.
c. When in the ACTIVE State, the Record Subsystem shall record the Location
of each Line Item.
d. When in the ACTIVE State, the Record_Subsystem shall record the Location
of each Line Item.
e. The Record_Subsystem shall record the Location of each Line_Item when in
the ACTIVE State.

9- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies ALL of the errors in the
following requirement statement: Without obscuring the User_ID, the
Record_Subsystem shall display the Name of each Line_Item, when in the ACTIVE
a. Two errors: incorrect sentence structure and incorrect Glossary items
(multiple-word entries).
b. Two errors: incorrect English AND incorrect sentence structure.
c. One error: incorrect sentence structure.
d. One error: incorrect location of qualification.
e. One error: Incorrect Glossary item (multiple-word entries).

10- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies ALL of the errors in the
following requirement statement: "When the Water_Temperature is less than 85 °C,
the Control_Subsystem shall open the Inlet_Valve."
a. Two errors: passive voice and incorrect Glossary item (multiple-word entries)
b. Two errors: incorrect English expression AND incorrect sentence structure
c. One error: location of condition.
d. No errors.
e. One error: incorrect English expression.

11- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies the error in the following
requirement statement: “The System shall encrypt each Communication_Channel,
using Class_X_Encryption when in the SECURE mode.”
a. One error: not singular
b. One error: incorrect sentence structure
c. No error: the statement is correct
d. One error: incorrect English expression
e. One error: incorrect Glossary item
12- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies the error in the following
requirement statement: “When the Water_Temperature is less than 85 °C, the
Control_Subsystem shall open the Inlet_Valve and set the Warning_Light to ON.”
a. One error: incorrect sentence structure
b. One error: incorrect English expression
c. No error: the statement is correct
d. One error: incorrect Glossary item
e. One error: not singular

13- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies the error in the following
requirement statement: “When in the TRANSMIT mode, the System shall transmit
less then 50W.”
a. One error: incorrect English expression
b. One error: incorrect Glossary item
c. No error: the statement is correct
d. One error: not singular
e. One error: incorrect sentence structure

14- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies the error in the following
requirement statement: “When the Water_Temperature is less than 95°C, the
Control_Subsystem shall close the Inlet_Valve.”
a. One error: not singular
b. One error: incorrect Glossary item
c. One error: incorrect sentence structure
d. No error: the statement is correct
e. One error: incorrect English expression

15- Identify which ONE of the following correctly identifies the error in the following
requirement statement: “The System shall transmit less than 50W.”
a. One error: not singular
b. One error: incorrect sentence structure
c. No error: the statement is correct
d. One error: incorrect Glossary item
e. One error: incorrect English expression

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