Lista Resumida de Verbos Irregulares No PAST SIMPLE

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PAST SIMPLE - Verbos Irregulares

Verbo no presente Verbo no Past Simple

be (ser ou estar) was/were
become (tornar-se) became
begin (começar) began
break (quebrar) broke
bring (trazer) brought
buy (comprar) bought
can (poder) could
come (vir) came
do (fazer) did
drink (beber) drank
drive (dirigir) drove
eat (comer) ate
fall (cair) fell
fight (lutar) fought
find (encontrar) found
forget (esquecer) forgot
forgive (perdoar) forgave
get (obter, conseguir, ficar) got
give (dar) gave
go (ir) went
have (ter) had
know (saber, conhecer) knew
make (fazer) made
meet (encontrar / conhecer alguém pela met
primeira vez)
put (colocar) put
read (ler) read
run (correr) ran
say (dizer) said
see (ver) saw
sing (cantar) sang
sleep (dormir) slept
take (tomar) took
teach (ensinar) taught
tell (contar, dizer) told
think (pensar) thought
win (ganhar) won
write (escrever) wrote

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