LAB1 Case Study

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Problem statement 2: video store

A new video store intends to offer rentals (and sales) of entertainment material to
the wider public. The store management is determined to launch its operations with
the support of a computer system. The management has sourced a number of small
business software packages that might be suitable for customization and
further development.
To assist with the package selection, the store has hired a business analyst whose
job it is to determine and specify the requirements.
The video store will keep a stock of videotapes, CDs (games and music) and DVDs.
The inventory has already been ordered from one supplier, but more suppliers will be
approached for future orders. All videotapes and disks will be barcoded so that a
scanning machine integrated with the system can support the rentals and returns.
Customer membership cards will also be barcoded.
Existing customers will be able to place reservations on entertainment material to be
collected at a specific date.
The system must have a flexible search engine to answer customers’ enquiries,
including enquiries about material that the video store does not stock but may order
on request.

Discuses this scenario, extract the users role and justify the function
and non- functional requirements.

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