Samsung Electronics Using Affinity Diagrams and Pareto Charts

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Operations Management in the Supply Chain

Samsung Electronics Using Affinity Diagrams

and Pareto Charts

Aditya Rizky S. 2018070794

Amadea Astika 2018070798
Anita Putri Taruna N. 2018070804
Dipha Aulia Midian. 2018070816
Rendy Rianda M. 2018070846

Overview :
Just over past few weeks Kevin Sarni, the quality director of Samsung
Electronics, had experienced a series of quality-related problems. He must
think what should he do to stop the flow of bad news coming, which is the
recall of one of its LCD TV models was the most recent setback. He believe
there was no single root cause behind the problem, because he believe that
all function is play a good role.

He had been shown comment about Samsung Products post on the website he was surprised about the number of a comment on
the website postings. And then he want to analyze the qualitative feedback,
but he’s experience was limited to do that. Then a consultant suggested he
should start creating an affinity diagram and use that to create Pareto charts,
to determine which one is the biggest issue.

Pareto Diagram, based on the case

Category Frequency/Quantitiy Percentation Cumulative %

Screen 19 40% 40%

Power ON 11 24% 64%
Main Board 7 15% 79%
Clicking 4 6% 87%
Power Of 2 4% 91%
Unknown (Recall) 2 5% 96%
Audio 1 2% 98%
LCD Panel 1 2% 100%
TOTAL 47 100% 655%

1. – After 2,5 years, TV start having issues which is orange & black
– Less than 1 year its getting worse
o Screen not viewable
o Severe audio problem
2. – After 2,5 years the picture is distorted and doesn’t clear until 15-
20 mins.
3. – A return caused hazard, because it’s not safe for a child.
4. – After 2 years, TV will not turn on
5. – After 3 years, TV started seeing black vertical lines on the screen
6. – TV take too long to warm up until picture comes on
7. – After 3 years screen display began malfunction when turn on
o Left side had a double image over itself
o Horizontal lines dividing the screen into thirds
o After 15 minutes, the screen would clear up itself
8. – The 3rd Samsung products
o (1) Started having snow after 1 year
o (2) Has a red line down the center
o (3) It blew up
9. – Start to turn on and off, with clicking noise
– Now the TV didn’t turn on, and still make a clicking noise
10. – TV take too long to turn on, and make a clicking noise
11. – Crashed after eight days, then fixed it by changing the board 
after that he/she discovered that they used a different board and
caused disable some options.
– Samsung refuse to change the TV
12. – The main board assembly had to replace
13. – TV turn off itself
14. – TV make a clicking noise, and it has gotten much worse
15. – Recall
16. – Screen went to a single line. It has sound, but no picture
17. – After 3 years, the power board replaced
– Now the screen have green & white dots on screen, when TV get hot
18. – After 1,5 years, the screen started to flutter, and repair it  the
repairman said there is something wrong with the voltage system  if
he replaced it, then the power supply may not last long
19. – After 1,5 years, the screen start to whitewasted
20. – The screen keeps going black, even though still have a sound. Then
he/she need to wait until the picture comes back
– When turn off the TV, the screen stay on even though the sound is off
21. – After 3 years, the picture flicker for a few minutes, and return to
o Flickering got worse, the TV had a very dark color
o It can’t turn off
– He/she replace the capacitor, and the TV can turn on
o The flickering and darkness still showing
22. Unkown
23. After 2,5 years, there is a lines across the screen, blurring, and
color blotching  the repairman said it was the LCD panel
24. – The TV takes several minutes to turn on
– Little green & purple dots show all over the screen
25. – After 4 years, the picture went bad, and the color is neon splash
26. – After 5 weeks, there is a blue line on the screen
27. – The TV picture is coming negative
28. – After 1,5 years, the screen started flickering. Which may last to
3-10 minutes
29. – After the warranty has expired, the screen have a 4 horizontal
lines, on the right half of the screen
o Then he start to hitting the edges of the screen, and it goes
o Then now the screen not getting better, and he had to wait
over an hour
30. – After 3 years, there is a compositor problem
31. – After 2 years, the screen started to get black horizontal lines
– After that the TV shuts off & takes forever to turn on
– After 3,5 years, its dying
32. – After 3 months out of warranty, there is a burning smell
o Resulted no picture, but has a sound
33. – After 19 months, the TV turn on & off spontaneously

Berdasarkan kutipan dari kebanyakan pelanggan, TV Samsung hanya

bertahan selama 2-3 tahun. Maka dari itu, ada beberapa saran yang akan
kami berikan, diantaranya :
1. Berdasarkan hasil diagram Pareto dapat disimpulkan bahwa
permasalahan utama terdapat pada screen yang kemungkinan ada
kesalahan perakitan dalam produksi.
2. Kevin Sarni dapat mengkombinasikan diagram Pareto dengan Six
Sigma, diantaranya :
a. Pelanggan sudah mengeluarkan uang yang cukup besar, dan
mereka menginginkan janji yang di berikan oleh Samsung, yaitu
TV yang dapat bertahan selama 10-15 tahun.
b. Pelanggan merasa tidak perlu membeli garansi tambahan,
karena TV dengan harga mahal, dapat bertahan selama 10-15
tahun. Tetapi nyatanya kebanyakan produk Samsung rusak
setelah 1-2 tahun.
c. Mainboard pada TV harus diperhatikan, karena banyak produk
yang bermasalah sehingga banyak pelanggan yang komplain,
dan ketika ingin mengganti, barang tersebut sangat mahal dan
atau tidak tersedia spare part nya.
d. Pada main board/power harus di teliti apakah ada yang
bermasalah, karena banyak pelanggan yang komplain
mengenai lambatnya gambar muncul pada TV.
3. Kevin Sarni harus turun langsung dalam proses produksi yang
mengidentifikasi masalah yang terjadi pada screen, agar tidak terus-
menerus terjadi kecacatan produksi.

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