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Media and Marketing


Week 1: Establish Goals and Strategy

1. Day 1-3: Define clear marketing objectives for the next four weeks. Consider goals
like increasing social media engagement, event attendance, or newsletter sign-ups.
2. Day 4-5: Research your target audience and create detailed buyer personas.
3. Day 6-7: Develop a content strategy that aligns with your goals and target audience.
Identify key messaging and themes for the month.

Week 2: Content Creation and Preparation

4. Day 1-3: Begin creating content for the month, including blog posts, social media
posts, graphics, and videos. Ensure the content is engaging and relevant to your
5. Day 4-5: Plan and schedule social media posts and email campaigns for the
upcoming weeks.
6. Day 6-7: Prepare event-related materials, such as flyers, posters, and registration
forms, for any upcoming events or workshops.

Week 3: Launch and Promotion

7. Day 1: Launch your content and marketing campaigns. Start with a strong social
media campaign to promote your content and engage your audience.
8. Day 2-4: Promote any upcoming events or workshops through all available channels,
including email marketing, social media, and your website.
9. Day 5-7: Monitor engagement and interactions on social media. Respond to
comments and messages promptly.

Week 4: Evaluation and Optimization

10. Day 1: Analyze the performance of your marketing efforts during the past three
weeks. Review metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, and event
registration numbers.
11. Day 2-4: Adjust your strategy based on the data collected. If certain content or
campaigns performed exceptionally well, replicate those strategies. If not, make
necessary changes.
12. Day 5-7: Continue promoting upcoming events and initiatives, and engage with your
audience to build lasting relationships.

1. Preparation: Research, rehearse, and prepare thoroughly.
2. Networking: Hone your networking skills to connect with others.
3. Resources: Have necessary resources like presentation materials or prototypes.
4. Compliance: Follow event rules and ethical standards to avoid disqualification.

 Increase Online Presence:
o Goal: Increase the E-cell's online visibility and brand recognition.
o Key Metrics: Website traffic, social media followers, and search engine
 Boost Engagement:
o Goal: Encourage active participation and interaction with your content.
o Key Metrics: Likes, shares, comments, and overall social media engagement
 Grow Email Subscribers:
o Goal: Expand your email subscriber list for newsletters and event updates.
o Key Metrics: Number of new subscribers, open rates, and click-through rates.

 Corporate connections
 Nmims’ E-Cell brand name
 Some past experience
Weekdays- 1hours
Weekends- 2hours
*Not applicable during mid term/ICAs/End term

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