Bateson Gregory Mead Margaret Balinese Character A Photographic Analysis

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Sl".te&ALPc.UC"TlO"'G O:F nt!. :-,;:rw You .

,\(:Al)E3N ()F Scl:L--as

Wu ..a.uaG. VAi.1'.!-..n.".£
.. E.orroit




DE.aloa 7, 19-it




1'.t.1JOD fl.·"'E CRE."'TL\' TRANSt'OIL\tl!U TH~ t:N.
rao,'lt:ST A~D lXFlKITEL\" EXrAND£D TilE PO·
This monograph is thC' fint extensive publication based upon our c:omhined re•
in Bali ,,·here , ...
K'J..."'C'!es ·e worked from ~larch 1936 to M3.rch 1938 and for a six-week
in February and ·March 1939. It represents one cross section of all the material
u..!, and so our acknowlcrlgmentsare due to all the· pen.oos and organi:r.atioos
•~o ba,e contribuled to any part <>fthe expedition or the subsequent orga.nl7~'ltion of
to all of our Rali and in NC'wYOTkupon whose c:oncrcte
~ or theoretical insights we h3ve drawn. and to our n:search assistants who.sepa-
t.:..alo:-auc.lclarity have greatly facilitated our labors..
For general field funds a.netmaitnenance in the field we are indebted to: the De-
pa.-unent of Anthropology of the Ame1·icanl\,fuseum of Natural History (aml in par·
:.:.cuhr to the Voss Fund and the South Seas Exploration Fund): co St. John's College
ed. to William V{yscFoundatiou of Trinity C()llege. Caro.bridge,England. For
special field funds and for futlds directly dc,•or.edto the prl?paration of this mon~
;npb. we arc indcbt<;dto the Social Science Research Council and the:Coilllllittee for
Research in Dementia Praecox supported by the Thirty-Third Degn:t: &ouish Rir.e,
).;onhern Masonic Jurisdic:.tiotLFor the final publication of these rnalerials we ba,•c
w thank the New York Academy of Scic:ucesand the Quain Research Fund. --ro the
Go,ernment o( the Ned:H,'Tl:mds EasLIndies we owe our thanks for rn:my oourlesies
i:.:d substantial assistance.
For collaboration iu the field, we h:we to thank Jane Bc)o, Katharane Mershon,
and Colin McPhee, and also \\Talter Spies, C. J. Grader, R. Goris, and our invaluable
&.llncsc as.-.istanl, I Made Kaler. For theoretical insights given us io the United States
•e ha\'e-LO lhank Theodora Abel, Gordon .,i\llport, Erik Erik.son, Milr.on Erickson,
Geoflrey Gorer, Harold l.asswc:11. Kurt, \Villiam Steig, and Marian SLrana.han.
.-\cknowlcdgment is dut: also LO Claudia and Philomena Guillcb.'tud and Audrey Bur-
ro...,-s,whcl5t:unflagging interest accompao.iedthe review of the <liapos-itivccollection,
a:-idw KaTSleo.St:apelieldt for his skillful retouching of the plales. Finally to our re-
search assiswus. Claire J-Iolt who has done the :ma1yticalwork on our collection of
ci.-..·ingsand who assisted in the lay-out of the plate::.,.a.n<l
lo Dorothy Miuton who has
~)'Sletna.Lized our rc(:c.mhof child behavior, we make grateful acknowle<lg,nenc.
.>.:ewYork, July 10, 1942
l:,.'TR<)t>UCTIOl'-" •
l$AIJ:-:f'S:£ gy
CU.,\.11,.A<.,1"P.R M.-"\RCAJt:r.TME.,\l)
N()'TTs o:,: TU£ Pw:rroca...\.i'm
.4ND CAM·1v1'1$ RY G1U::C0.1t'i BAT.£SON

Pt.An-~A?-0 ~mo~-s l!.\" Ctu:COJl:Y B,"1'£$(.1;,I •

F.nn.OCAA.l"lUC N0'1?. ON ll.o\.W.

Brat.tOC!t."J'UH.: NOT£
Gt.OS.All)( A}(O h'l>O: Ol' NATI'\'£ \Vo!U>$ ,.-.ND Pu.:.o&t. NA""1ES

F'ACl.._(., J'ACl'.
1. l\.ij<>engGede: Village and Tcmpk:$ 56
:r. Bajocng Cede: Agriculture
3. CommtmiLics with Jrrigation
+ Antbx<JpomorpbfoOfferings 64
5. Crowd, (Ramc) .
6. Jndustrialivuio,1
7. Awayn~s .
8. OJfu:ialTnnce .


g. Sharing ancl Social Org.miz:aci(1n
1(). Ele1.'<li,i(nt and Rt:if,ect 1
11. J£.J.evaLionancJReipoct II •
12. :E:le\3.tionaud Respe<-1-Jlt

13. F.k\'3.tion 3.0d ~CL IV

14. Elcvaiion 3.DdRt!ipect V •

15. Visual cv1<1Kinaesthetic Lean.iing 1 .
16. Visti.~1a,1d Kinae.$1.hcticLeirning il .
17. Iul:mcc

18. Tram:ie and Jkrvt:k 1
19. Tr.1nc-.cand JJ~"ek 11
;ro, Trance and lkroek ITT
in (Y.li1yLife
t1. Hand i'"().)i..urcs 96
22. Hand Pouures ia Dance • 99
t3. Hand Po~ltnx:sin Arts and Tr3.ncc ,oo
z,4. The Sud-;ioeof the l\<:)lly
25. H•tml~ Skin. and Mouth


26. Attack on Motllh . 107
27. neren$C of the ;\fomh '"'~
$1$.Fingers in M'OUth
29- Eating Meals
30. l•re chopped J:'ood u;
tP. The Body as "- Tube . n6
3t. Body f'r()clu(:L<; . ttg

83· Scavengers.Food, a11-dFcocs 1'0
34. Elimination by $1:r:ambling "•
;;. SUdling •
36. Eating S.oacks .
$7• Wat~ and Drinkhtg •

J 31
38. AutOOOMic:Symboh: The Baby •
39. Genital M.uripufa:1ion ,iz
40. Autocosmic Toys t:{5
i 1. Autorom'tiC Symbols on S1ri1lgs ,;6
4z. A .Bird on a. Sttiu~ . ,39
43. ('A)(;ldi-.ghting
4'1· Audiences. iilld Autoc~.o.ic Symbols J,t3


47,..The Child as a Cod • 144

46. TI\e Mothe'r: Fear 147
17· Stimulation :ind }'rustr.Ati,:,n 1,18
18. The Mocher: Narci$Sism
49. '.Oon:-owcdBabit"S
50. 155
51. Boys· 'fru:ao'.:uns 156
52. ~kn and H~r S<)n l
;g:. Mc:n Singin an-d Her Soi\ ll 16o
54. Girls' Tantruw$ 16~
:)5• Tr31ltt: The: Setting .
56. Tr-3.ncc: A1,uc):.on the Wite-.h 167
57. Tranoe.: Attack on the Sel[ • 168
lj I
;8. 'fc:i:nre: Ecm:i:syand R«O\'~I)'
59- ('.ourtmip Da.nocrs
00. C".ourtshipa.nd the Wi1c:UsCloth
61. Little \1lit<'.hCS , 176

Pt.AT£.~ FACI.SG J'A(:F,
6z. Parents: WiL,ehaod 01'*.-g<>n 179
63. The Father.Child Relationship 180
64.A Father and His Daughter ,8;
65. The Father: 1:riendly Roughness ,81
66. The Dr:\.g()n(Dar<.ong} 187
67. The Dragon :i:nd Fear o( Sp..'lce 1SS
6S. Fear and Sleep . 191

6g. Siblit,g Rivalry 1 192
70. Sibling Rh•a.lry T1 19',J
71. Sibling Ri,·alry Ill •'fi
;t. Sibling Rfralry IV ,99
;3. £.\eh Par'!'Dt with Three Children ,oo
14. Rol~ of Sibling$ "'3


75,- infancy and Uun-sporuivenes:s ,01
:-6. Small Girb' Play I . "'I
ii· Small Girb• Pfay H . ,oS
:s. Snu11 GirlSc'Play
-9- Child Nurse
So. }'emak Childhood
8,. F~1ale Adole:K:ie:iKt l 216
h. Female Adolcsccnre n :c19
i3, Male Childhood 2ZO

i4 . .ttc>Day Binhday l . uz
-'3,, 2:11>DayBirthday 11 2~-1
=-6.Too1h-filing n7
S - . )iarriagc . 221:.i
S,S. Death Oil the Stage ,3,
cg. t'tmaals . ~82
<;P-Exhum;"Uivn T ~,5
c1. B:hunu.cion n 236
"l!.The Lay-Out of the nody 239
_}- Th,c-House-and the C'.oq.X:ie •1•
~ C:3.n-}ing1be Corpse l ~43
%- Cllr}ing lhe Corpse ll 244
_ 8uming the <..:orpc:. 1:17
r,. Rep~ma1io11$ o( the Rody .e.,iS
;,e. Representations of the Soul 251
"h- F~-c-ll to the Dtad . ,;.,
CW1 Thie Continuity of Lift- Y5')

The fnnn of presentation used in this monograph is an experimental innovation.
Dl.lring the period from 192$ tc>1936 we ,•.-<'1'c scpar.aLelyengaged in efforts to trans•
late a!;pects o( culture ncvc..-rsu«ess-folly rcc.ordc:d by the scientist. although often
caught by the anise. into some fonn of communicaLion suffic;icntl}'dear and s1.1ffi-
cicnt1y une<1uh•ocalto satisfy the requircmcn~ of scientific enquiry. "Coining of Age
in Samoa," "Gro·wing up in New Guinea," am.l ..Se.xand Temperament"• all :it-
tcmpt<:d to <:omrounicarc tho_..eintangible ::Jspcc.t,. of culture whic:h had been, v:;1gu.cly
lo as its ethos. A$ no precise scientific: vocabulary "-'3Savailable. the ordinary
F.nglish words ·were used, with all th(.'fr weight o[ culwrally limited connotations. iu
an :mempL to describe the way in which the emotional ljfc of r.hcse various Soutlt Sea
pcoplc:s was organfacd in culturally standardized forllls. This method had many seri-
ous iiroit.ati.ous: it rran::;t,,.,.~ed the canons of pr~ise and operational scientific cxposi
tion propet· lO science; le was far coo dependent upon idiosync:ra.liCfactors of style and
litc.:nry skill: it was difficult to dttplicatc; awl it was diffic:ult ti> c:,;aluatc.
1\1 lost serious of all. vie know this aboul Lherel;1tions.hip beLween culture aud ver-
bal <:ouceplS - that the: ,.,ords whic:h<.meculture bas investt:<l with mc.1ning are by the
very accuracy of rheir cultural fit, sin~rulady i1lappropriate as vehicles for precise com·
mcnL UJJOll ~motheTculture. Many ant.hropologisrs have been so imprC$.,;etl,vilh this
n:rl>al i.nadeq\ta<:ythat they have attempted to sharpen their 001nment upou Olher cul-
tu.n::sby very extensive bol'towing fronl the native.:language. This prncc:Uure, how<:vcrr
iu addition rn being clumsy and forbidd.i.og, docs noL solve the problem, beca\tSC the
ouly method of tra.uslalion available to make the.·native terms fma11yimelligiblc is still
the use of our owa clll.turnlly limited langt1:.1gc:.Attempts to suhstitute terms of cro.,;s-
cullural validity. \\·hile they have been reasonably .successful in the field of SQ<:i:ilor-
ganization, have proved c:-:<:ecdiuglyunsacisf:u:tory when finer sh:idcs of colroral mean•
ing ,n,-rc attempted.
Pantld with these am:mplS to rdy upon onlin.ary English a.s a vehicle. t.he ap•
proac:h di.,,;cussedin "Naven ..l x,;as being dc\'doped - approach. which soughl to
take the problem one i.Lt:p!unhc-r hy dcmuusuating how such categories as ethos, there
defined as ··a e1.1lu,1mllystandardized systc:m of org.ulliation of lhe instinc:LSaml emo-
tions o{ i11.dividu.1Js;·were not dassific:nious o{ itc1n~ of be.h.avior but were abstt3C-
tions which could be applied S)'$LcmaLicallylo all items o{ bch.'l,·ior.
• M,;a~. )htgareT. Willi1m Morww, ,9!:S. wmi:un ).(,.>av"'• •9$(),Willfam ).low;,w. 1935. rc,p,:tli•~Jy.
t l\:nc,:,m. (;~got}.
Casllt#Mg,e.F.ngland. C:unbti.:lt;ClJl,i,·cn:ly r-iCM,,193£S.


The first :method has been criticized as jo,1rn:iJistic - as an a.rbilrary selection of

highly colorcd case.c;; to illusLra.letypes of bch:,vior so alien to the reader chat he c:-.c:m-
tinues to regard thc:m as incredible. The second rnctlmd was branded as too analytical
- as ncgk:cLing the phenomena of a o.1ln,1rcin order to intellectualize and sc:hcrn::itizc::
iL The first ro~tho<lwas accused of bci ng so synthetic that it became fiction, the second
of being so analyt-i<:that it became disembodied mt:thodological discussion.
In this monognµh we are attempting a new method of stating the intangible rcfa-
tionships among different types of culmnlly st:uulardi2:edbehavior by .Pbcing side by
sic.le nutrnally rdc::\!ant photographs. Pfoccs of bt:havior, spatially and c.ont.extually
sepanued - a t:rancc dancer being c.,rrlcd in procession, a man looking up at an acro-
plaue. a servant greeting his master in a play, the paioLing of a dream - may all be
rc.lcvaul LOa single di~:ussion; the same emotional thread may nm thro,1,ghthem. ·ro
present them togethct in word.~,it is necessary either to reso1·t to devjccs whic:h are
inevitably lilerary, or co clisseet I.he living scenes so that only desiccated items remain.
By lhe use o( phouY0'T3ph.s.the wholeness of each piece of behavlOr r~1n be::pre•
scrv<..-d,while Lhe special cn:1$S•referencingdesired ca..u be obtainc.<i by pbc:ing the
series of photographs on the::sa.tne page. It is possible to avoid the artificial c:<msLrUC:·
tion of a sceue at whjch a man, watching a dance, also looks up at an 3eroplanc and has
a dre~m; it is also possible to avoid diagramming the single element in r.hc-n<ie scenes
which ,vc wish to stress- th<::impor1..auccof levels in Balinese inter·p<.."1;5Cmal relation•
ships- in such a way that rhc reality of the scenes thCJTL,,;t:h·es is destroyed.
This is uol a book about &lioese custom, but abolH the BaHnesc - about lhe
way in which they, as Jiving perS011s,moving, standing. eating, slc-cping, d:mc:iug, and
going imo trance, cmbrnly I.hat abstraction which (after we have absu·acled it) we
technically call ct1ltt1re.
·we are intt:n:ste<l in I.heseeps by ·which ,\1orkers in a nc:wscience solve piecemeal
their problems of <lc:sc::riplion and analysis, and in the relationship between what we
uow say about RaliucSc culntte, with these new cc..-chniques.a11dwhat we have: said
wilh more impc:rfeet means of communication about od1CTcllkurcs. J\ particular
method of prest:ntalii)u has therefore; been agreed upon. Mm-garel l\.frarl has
the introch.1c1ory<lc:sctiptioo of l\alinc::si::character, which is needed: to orient lhe
reader so that the phnes may he mc-.aningful. She has used here the ~~me or<lcr <,t
vcx:abularyand the same:verbal devices which have been in:tdc:to do service in earli<..-r
descriptions o{ och<..-rcultures. Cn=gory Bateson will apply to the hchavior c.lepi«:tedio
the photogr.aph.s t.11csame sore of verbal analysis which be ;ipplic:<lto his records of
latmul lrd.nsvestitisin in ''Navcn,., and the reader wm h:tve lf1e photographic: prescu•

tadon ilSeH to unite and Qrry fu.tlher r,hc:se two p;:lnial methods of describing tl,e
ethos of the Balinese.
Fonner stmlc:ots of B.1:lihave appro:l<':hcdBalinese culture as paipheral to :m<l
derivative frorn the higher cultureS o( lndi.1, China, and ja\fa, ca.rcfnlly identify·ing in
Bali rhe reduced. aml l'esidu.11fonus of r.hc:heroes of the Ra.tnajana or of the Tlin<loo
pantheoo, or of the charnw.~rsof the Chinese thcater. All those items of Balinc:se cul~
tun: whicb could not be assimilated to this pic:tu!'e of Asi3tic difiusion h.t\•e been
'\lariously c::bssified as .. Polyuesian/' .. lodoncsian." "animistic," or "Bali aga" (a tr.rrn
which some Balinese have learned tO use in conln\distinc:tion to "Bali liindoe'J. \Ve,
ho"'evcr, al waysapproached the material from the oppo.,;;itepoint of view; we assun\ed
that Bali had a base upon which vaious intTu.-;iveelemcnt...shad been progres-
sively grafted over the cenrnric.s, and that the more rewarding approach wo1,1lcl be lO
study this base first. \Ve accordingly sclc.'Ctedfor our primary stutly a mountain vil•
lage, Bajoeng Gede, near Ki:ntamatll in the District of Haugli, where: u1ost of·
spicuous elements of the lat<-r, intrusive culture wCTt: lacking. In Bajoeng Gt:de one
dc)O not find use of Hin<loo names for the Gods, the importance of color in rdalion to
cl.i.rec:tiooin ollering,s.cremation, caste.,.the i.aboo up0n eating beet or any relationship
w a Brahman ericsdy household. '\Vritin.g there w·.s, but only a half-do1.enseu1i-liter·
.l!.e individo.als ,rho were barely able: to keep records of auenda:ncc, fines, etc::.The
..::lige boast<-dom: calcndrical el-'.pC:rt who wa.-.skilled enough to advise the village
aEic~h on I.hejmricadcs of lhe calendar of multiple interlocking weeks a.od "monlhs ...
! 'Zd..r.-::lore, B:ijoeng Gc:<le>v.tsceremonially bate, e.,_•encompared with other Bali·
aac-,illag("S.·in.ere was a minimum of that reduplication and over-elabor.t•
r • .1.."'l..;:.d cerClll<mialismwhich is such a l)'larked char.tcteristi<::of Balinese cul-

;:--e R.el..i.:::c.con the calendar and complication of offerings and rites de passage were
::e_;;.c(t': :. ., .J.
and skdetal - a mini.tnutn which would ncvc.-nhc:-
tee::.. ~' tor.lplex in comparison with most of the kuown cultures of the world.
b:, · · JJ> possible in the c:ourseof a year to bttl a systematic uodcn;
- ..t: theculture.
=~.:U::::; 111.·.u facilitated by two circumstances: the populatfon o{ B.'l·

~ ::0:.:l • pronounc;c:d Lhyroid condition, with about 15 per cent of

..:.:::'4.~o:JS degrees o{ sirnple goj«:.r; aud the whole population
- wtcllc:c:'.:.11response and in speed of bodily movement.
ac,aa::,c,,._ •nod> :ce :.Jx imcrrelatcxl. provided us with a comn1.\lnitr
~ :!£· simplified, and upon Ollf tmdt:r•
~ - ZI ~ &linese had before \LS - au

tmdcrsunding of the more c:<>mp1exven;ions. of the s:-!me ~c;nti31 forms whic.:h we

cnc-.ounrc:redon the pbtins. {Tt is imporrant ro rememhc:r rh:H Jtinrloo q1lnm:· <"
w:ty of Ja\'a~ where the culture was related LO that of Bali, and that most of the de-
mems probably reached Ba.Ii in a parLially as.,imil:ued fonn. already :somewhat
adapled LO&lilleSe emphases and social Sltl\Ctures.)
After an initial l\\ro 1nomhs o( exploration and "'Ork on the bnf.,ruagein Oc::boc:d
(district o{ Gianjar). we selected Bajoeng Gede, and we worked there with onl)' a (e"''
short absencesfrom June 1936to June J93? and incc-rmittcndytill February 19~8.In
NoYember J 936, we established a second camp in Bangli in a palace built by a fonner
Rajah, from which we wctc able during tratfousshort staysfO p.1.tticipatcin che family
ceremonies of the ruling caste of Bangli. Finally in 1937, we built a pavilion in the
co\1rtynd of a Duddhistic Brahman family in the \rilbgc of B:,tocan, from whkh
po.sfrion we p:,rridp:tf<,-d in :md srmiicrl Dr:.1hm:,nfamily life, simultanco\lsly collect·
ing the work and studying the per.;.onalit.y of the large group of 13r..ihm:t.n
and c.1.stclcss
p;iinrc::r.5in the school of art which h:td sprung up in Ratoean <luring the last ten yc:n-s.
Through t\·Iiss Bd()s \vOrk in Sajat'l. a peasant plains village: <lomioau:d by fc:udal
Kcs.:ttryanoblc:s; :Mrs. Mershon's work iu Sau<>c:r.a fishing villag:-c:consistii)g
m:-!inlyof Sivaistfr:Bni.lunans andcas.teless people: a1)d from material provided by our
Balinc:Scstcretary who came frotn a risiJ1g castelessfamily in Sin~radja. the Dutch
<:apit.alin Nonh Bali. we \\'e.teable to gather various sorts o{ co!llpa.rativematerials
to rouud out the picture o{ .Balineseculture ·whichwe had developed on the basis of
obseNations in Bajocng Gede. The discussionsof Balinese culntrc in this book arc
based on Lheseexperiences,and on short excursions by ourselvesand our <.:olbhor:nors
LO other villagesand cities in Bali.
1t is true thaf every village in Bali differs from every other in many conspicuous
respeclS,and that there are even more <lHfcrcnccsbetween districts, so that no
single concrete statement about B.11iis tn1e of :,ll of Bali, and any nc;gativcstatement
about Bali muse be made with the greatest c.1ution.But through this djvcrsity there
runs a cou1monethos-,whether one is observing the home of the highest caste, the
Brnhman, ot of the simplest tUoumain peasant. The Brahman's greater ease, due to
tl1c:fact that there are fewer o! lhos,ewho kno'I;.,.1nuch more than he, is but another
version of the peasant·s wlwilli1lgoessto com.tnithimself, o{ his ··test 1 ert, being an
illiterate man... The tnost conspicuous exceptions to this common ethos are the cul• of the ruling caste, the Kcsatryas,and the culture of Nonh Bali which has been
e.xposedto strong foreign influencesduring the last sixty years. In both of these groups
tnay be found an emphasis upon the indivi<lwl rather than upon his stat\ts, an ele-

mem of soc:ialclimbing and an une.asi.t1c..,;$ o{ tenure which co~ltraststrongly ·with lhe

rest o( Bali. For this reason. reference to t.hcsctwo groups~ except. for oc:asional{
ccn•monial which lht::}'hold in comm.onwith the rest of R:11i,has l,c:enexcluded from
this discussion.
In che Plate-., each single ilfostr:-nion is dated and i,lacc<l,and it is not safe lo
generali1.c from iL5dccaiJed c:ontem for other part.$o( Bali. The fortn. however, t.he
ethologir:tl emph:isis ~hich is irnpl.i<:it,may be taken to apply to all those p3rts o( Bali
0£,d1.ich ,.,·ehave:any knowlc<lge,except for Non.h Bali, the:Kcsatryas. and the Vesia:;.
a lo,-:er c1ste which mimics the Kesatryas and upon which we did Yery Jiu.le work.
These grnups ·weexplicitly exchide and we avoid all cktailed neg-.ttivestatemenrs as
such statements are vinually impossible-LO make about a. culture which has found it
possible to combine such extraordinarily divergent conrcol wilh such a oonsisr<nt
cthologiol emphasis. There is no apparent difference in the diar:1:ctcr structure of
:he people in villugi::swhere LranC".c is shan:d by all and those iu vill:1gcswhere no on('
c1,·er~ into trallcc; people in vi11ageswhere every oLhr.rworuau is believed to be :1
A·it<ha:id those in \•illag-cswhere no one is bdicvcd to be a witch. !11most of the cul-
t'.J,es of ·which we, ha\'e systcmaLicknowledg'c'.su<;hmatters are )mrk.ttdy :1nd inex-
trfrably part of the personality of every panicip:mt meUlbt=rof the cuJLurc, bm iu
&ii the sa.tucanitude of mind, the same syslet.nof posture and gcs-ture. seems able to
opcr.uc ,..,·ithF..h<:$Cgreat <Xmtnscsiu cont.encwith virtually no a1rcr.uion in form. So
also foT dhnatic contraslS. and contra.'\t..~ in wcall.h and poverty: the mountain p<..-ople
"'Ie dinier, slowc-r.,1nd more sospidolL-. th:1:nthe plains people; the poor are more
~;bte1:1.ed than t.l1t: rkh, but the dillen::m:c:s:1te in tlegn;c only; the same types of
...:::ncs.s,of smpkiou. and an...'Xiety are common at all levels.
This volume is in uo ::;ensca complete accow1t of BalitJese a11ture. e:ven in its
_')IR ;t"ncral outlines. It .i.san .attcmpl lO pr<:scnt,at Lhistime when scientific pres-cnta~
UOC5 .ue likely lO be-,ddely s.pac:00,those .aspC(':ts of our results an<l those methods of
; which ,\·e hav(' judgc-<lmost likely to be of lunm:di:uc use to other Slu<lcnts.
icss !J.rt"~rn3nt period of his.tot'}'might have dict.1ted aomhc;r choice of subject malt<:r
- our fo"')t prescmalion. Balinese culture, even that of Bajoc:ngGede, is ,·cry rich and
- - • eL and our n"·oyc:-.ns'work, with two American collaborators aod three Balim:sc
ker'..;!ri,e-s can on1yclaim ro be a •·sampling" of the Balinese scene. \.Yeat.tempted to
ma.le ~-,.:cmatic samples of village orgauization, cale:ndriral ceremonial and n:t.esde.
• tr.m<".c,painting, carving, rhe shadow-play pupp<:ts,death rituals, and thiM
r "iO as to pm,·ide a series of c.rosscutting picture.-.of the cu.llure which could
be 6ttti:!together and cross checked ;igainst other. The discussion which follows

is a synthetic statement based upon these varic>U!samples; the photograph$ are a cart·
fully selcctc.'<i
~ries., :malyzedon t.he basis oft.he same sampling•
.Finally a \\•ord about the rdcvance of such researches to tl1e period of history in
which we find ourselves. Balinese culture is it\ many ways less like our own than any
other whi<:hhas yet bc':eo recorded. It is also a culture in whi<:h the ordim\ry adjust•
metn of the individ1,1alapproxiro:ues in form the son of maladjustment which. in our
own cultural setdng, wt- call schizoid. As tht=loll of dementia praerox among OUT own
population continut:S LO rise, it becomes increasingly important for us LO know the
b.-iscsin childhood experience which predispose to this condilion. and we DCC<llO
knmv' ho,~•such prcdisp0sition can be culturally handled, so that it does not b«.om.e
Meanwhile, ,,..-carc laced with the pn>blem of building a new ·world; we have lo
re0rient the old values of many contra.sting and contradicwry Cllltllt:11systems into a
new form which will use but transcend them all, draw on their respective suength~
and allow £or their respective ,;\·eaknc$Sb.\,Ve bave to build a cu]ture richer and more
rewal'ding than any that the world has c:verseen. This can only be done thn>Ugha dis•
ciplined science of huu1an rdaLions aml such :a science is built by drawing out from
very detailed. concrete materials, su<.:has these, tlte rclcv.i.utabstractions - the vocabu-
la1ywbkh will help us to plan an imegratcd world.

Introductory (Plates I to 8)
Once every 400 days, Bali is qt1iecand ernpcy.The whole thickly populated ~-
lies silent for the Kew,,.,.·hkhis spoken 0£as Lfu:;"silence.··
tiorl <>fthe lildc: i.-:;l::md
One can traverse the length of fl;1.Ji,along the excdlcnt roads whic:h the Dutch have
built, through viJL:tgeafter viHage, between the long mud lo/alls punctuated cvcrv few
feet by the high n.auow gate. huilt in the dist.inetivc style of that particular village.
and ~c no ,vomcn squauing before:their own or .someone:- dse's doorway in front of an
ankle-high t~1blccovered with soft drinks and tidhits, no group of boys &"3mblingfo:r
pennies, no cages of fighting cocks set out in the sun. 111c roads, at mhcr tiweS:.arc
crowded wilh people coming and going from markets. which are hetd c,·CI;•three
days in the larg<,-rtowns; crowded with people c..1uying rice$pulling can.:.loaded hihtb
wilfl baskets or macs or pots beir1g htoughL from a distance for sale: cro1.,·dedwith
small boys driving oxen or watc.-rbuffalo. On. fe.asL<lays.,the road;; arc crowded w:i.h
proces.sion.s of people in silks and brocadc;s,walking in easily broken lines be-hindtheir
orchestras aml their gods; gods represented by temporary minute images scaced ~
small scdai) chair$; gods represented by images made of leaves and fio,vers: gods ...,-hiCl
are masks or bits of old relics. '\Vi1.hthe processions mingle b'TOttpsof people gri-K
from work, ht1rrying lightly beneath heavy loads; and thcarrical Lroupes.their pa::::,
and fine$tucked away in lilde bundles, Lrudge wearily behind the: t1'o""<!
mask, the patron Dngou (Sarong) who walks quiet.I)•with covered face.
13\ltaL the New Year, these same roads are empty, stre1.chingup a.'ld doii.-nei::
frequcm hi11s,between t<,-nacedfields holding green rice, to another district "!:C'!"C
the ric:cis golden, on LO a third whc:re the rice is so }'O\lngthat the fioodi:d beds sec-:::
fiHcd mostly with n:flc:c:tionsfrom the sky. 'fhc air on every other <layof the )t:'3' is
filled with sound, high staccato voices shouting the dippc-d ambiguous words of !a.
mi liar speech or arti.6ciaJlyprolonging the syllables of polite address, quips of~
by tn the vc:mlor girls who make a professional an of repartee, babies SCJ,U3.llin3: o:::
the hips of Lhc:irchild nurses; and over and abo,.•eand behind all these human soum!_,
the air 01l oLherdays carries musk from practicU1gcm;hestras,from an individual it!h·
cappinga singlemei:allophone,
from childrenwichje1,·'s.harps,and from whirring
musical windmiHs set on oarrow scandards high against the sky.

But at tbc New Year cve1-ysound il'>silenced. Even I.hedog::.~ which on every other
day leep up a sharp, iJ.nperSOnal yapping at c,·cry passer-by,sense the net:<lfor silence
and s.kt1lk ;rn1ay into the courtyards ·whereeach £am.Hy.with fires 01.1tand offcrint,"ii set
out in the house temple, stays c1uietlyby ir.self.In many ,.,illagcsa screen set MJ,uarely
acros.sthe gate. a few inches inside it, not only roislc:,dsmischievous demons who are
un.1:hleLO negotiate such sharp tllrns, but also protects Lhe family lifo from watchful
eyeS.lnsidc, there arc doorS to close bc:t\~·eennc;ighboring houseyards~if it happens
that dose: relatives li,•e side by side (and if relatives are to live near cac:hother at
all, it had best be side by side or else the unfortunate one who dwells he.:t,\•eenrhem
will be "pinched" by the outraged ancestral gods}. Between the courtyards of non-
relatives there are high ,,·alls. Each household is a complete unit; in one corner is the
home temple, planted with flm\l'ersfor use in offerings, and St..'t\,•ith small shrines
where the anc:cstorSand sometimes other special gods are honured.
No one cnte-rslightly the house of at)other; <mlybeggars \\'hoselow estate may be
that of the houseO\"t-ncr in anotb<..-r
incarnation, peddlcrs~rclath 1cs, .andthose who have
some spt.."'<:ialCJ:rand,enler anotJ1er'shouse in the coune of everyday affain. Only if
the hot.J-.'ici.m~ner gives a shadow•play or a light op<,-r.tto cclchr.ue che hirlhday of a
child, the validation of a new hoasc temple, or some piece of good fortune. do ;1llwho
li,•e in lhe ~me village, and even r:hosewho are merely pa~ing throuih, or working
as the lowest of casual laborers, feel free to enter, to sit dO\\·n.,and cujoy the play until
it is o,•er. ,iVith this exception the houseyard is dosed and for the individual mernbe.r
who wishes to exchange light stylized pwlS, or easy c:aric.·uure,or merely st1nd and
chew betel with oLhers- the street lures him out. In che Slreet, people meet afld cat
cas\1a11y around t.l1e"''cndor.s·stalls, two year.. ,lt.l.~
come ·wit.h their pennies - wonh a
fourteenth of an ..<\.mcrioncent- and tbcrc is gay ixnpe1-sonal imetchange, with little
enough meat or matter iu it.
The roads lc.1.rlthrough sxnallvillage.,;and large::,cities in which the ~rreal courts
of Lheruling cas.tcarc conspicuous ·with their gilded and highly carved gates and their
occasion;il m.any-ciercdpagodas, and where innumerable temples art: equally con•
spicuous. A few roads lead up into the::1nount:1indistricts, where rhe terracc.."'<l rice
fieldsare replaced by fields of dry rice in a landscape chat is n1orelike Europe thau the
tropics. Hen:: oxen replace w::u:crbuifaloe.s,bamboo Lilesreplace the thick. plomp
chalCh v..-hic:h
roofs the lowlarid houses. ·111etemples become simplcr and simpler,
until a structure of only four poses furnished with a shelf ;md a roof thatched wilh
fibt:r is found instead <>fthe cbbotate ov<;rtatvedrococo stru<:tures
of the plains. In these mountain villab~ lherc are greater differences betwetn one


communiry and the nttL b .....z:_ cor:::i.-:- :ft-t.."CT elements of the Hindooism which for
centuries ~seeped into Bali C.";~- by word of :nouth. b~·pric:su. b} tlu: P3lm-le2f
boo4, by piC'tUTI:S on doth~ by o.rrin~ There are few people ·whohu·e caste in the
mountains - for in Bali only 3 sm:iHpcu.cnt,'lgcof the people are spoken 0£ ~ having
caste, the others. "ouLSic.lers. •• :,imply bcl:. this sp«fal hereditary ingredient of per-
sonality. But in che lowland ,·illages am! iu the mountains alike one;:SCc.5 straight
srrcets, walled courtyanb. and g-.ttt:sthrough which, on cv<.'T)'day except the ~ew
Yc."lr,c::hildrcn trickle in and out, an<l <lo~ bark at everyone who passes, not sparing
the ncarc:sr.neighbot their comment on his essential strangeness.
The significance of Njepi? I.beSile1~ce,cm only be rt::1lizcdagainst the B3linese
preference for anything ,,.·hich is "rame/' a word which may be-Lr.tnslated :l.'i .. noisily.
crowdedly festive.'' Roads p.,.ckcdwith people all going in di1Iere1Hclirectiom,:tct.nple
courts o,;-ercto\,•ded with offerings and where t.h:rccorchestras are pla}ing different
pieces within easy earshot of each other and two dramatic perform3nc:cs:n<' going on a
few feet apart; market places where gay shoppen can hardly thread their way among
the endless trays of carefully sorted and arrayed fruiLliaod foods, at~d t.he froh flowers
upon which strong manufactured scent has been puc. and the little stands where ready-
ruade oJ!eringsto the,:market gods arc sold; a theatrical performance about \',-hichche
audience pac.k.sso tightly that the smallest child cannot worm its '\\-ayfrom the from
row (where cbe smaller children sit by well accepted to the outer edge where
people break away and \\'ander a.tuongthe peanut vendors- that is'. Xo matter
jf one kno'¾"S no one in the whole crowd. llressed tightly ~trainst the- steaming bodies
of strangers, the air hea\-y with scene and garlic and spices, and many rare for-..nsof
din, sharing no single emotion with chose so close to him. the Balinese watches the
play :m<lreve::lsin the occasion, wh<..'11 he can stand completely remote in spirit, yet so
c.loe:.citl bo<lyto a t..TOw<l. \\"omen are believed to Jove crowds more than men and i.O
be less able to Sl31)dthe silence of empty fields. while:occasionallyat! overwrought man
dc-vdopsa hatred for cro,vds and becofilesa solitary.
Th is crowd preference is seen e,•erywhere in Baluiese life - in the leudc:ncy to
crowd too m:my offerings, on an altar shelf, to pack too roany Oo·wersfo a youug gi=l's
hair~ or rn G1n·c too many scrolls and flowerson a stone gate. Single olI-eringsor de~
signs.. lo\'dy in tht':mse1veswhen t."lkcnottt of context, occur in real life in a scrambled.
confusion of too many colon., too many inrri<~'ltC, onrel:ucd patterns. Bl.ltthe Balinese-,
,,-!lo enjoys the crowd without sharing in it, fa,not confused by such aTTays.nor is he
co:llu.sed by !merruptions in his elaborate: patterns.. ,Vhen a mot.Orcar or a pcddlcr
thrusts into a long and stately procession. the European is .shocked but the &lint'Se


does not notice the intnisiou. Nt:,•er att.t::ndU:ig

to the whole, which be wants nc::vcr-
t.helcssas packc<land as dch as possihJc:,LheBalinese docS not notice when that whole
is broken. when the chu1ccrpauses while S<)meonefrom the c:ro<i:•id pins her sash hack
on, or when the prieSt p.1usesin the m.iddl<:o{ a complex stylized gesmrc of prayer lo
slap an overeagt;r <log.
AU cercmouial work, ·work £or chc;gods, and work fur the vilL"\gc- the prep.,ra-
tion of offcriugs or feast foods. or the roofing o{ a house - is done in groups iu :B:-tli.
And there <U'etwo principles which run dm)t1gh ail organized work; first. that. there
shollld be more than enough people for at)Y (ask, and secoud, that the task should be
simplified ancl broken J.own into sm:¾11 ttnits, almost as Lhc c:mutruc:tiou of a motor
car is broken down for a rocxletn assembly line. Tbc club (sekaa) is tlle inodd for the
,..,·ork.inggroup, altltough the inerobecs of a vilL1.gcor Lhekin of a given hotbehold may
also form such groups. 111e dub. \llhic:hmay be to plant or harveSLor thresh rite. to
lay hricks. d:mc:e a b:iHet, or practic-.cas an ordiestrn, is a formal orgauiz.·nion v.rith a
r~ordi!lg s<.-cretary,no formal kad<:r, aud f:-trtoo roauy mc;mbers for any e,.;.,ent:isk.
There is no r<."(Juircmcm·which <lemanc.lsthat the in;1nwho joittS a dance dub sho\tld
be able LO dance. or that the girl who bccotnC!itl\e n1cmber of a harvestiug dub should
be de{L and quick. at tuning rice. Tllose who cannot dance c::u1do other thiugs - roll
up the mats. carry Lhecostumes, or help in pinning up rhc:;c:1-s· costumes. Those
who cannot cut t11erice quickly can be set to cou.11t.i11g the bound sheaves. lf tasks are
broken down into enough simple units. then the smallest an<lthe le.ULskilled can take
some part. Onl}' the wise who knows a gre:-ttdeal abollt offerings c:.:1.11 tell how
many o( of colorc::dat1dspecially shaped cakes s.hOltld1x:included in a given
offc:ring c.<mtaincr.But if laid out - 300 of them - on s.tands. and
each snull girl is given a tray with hi.mdrC"dsof one of 1.heproper kinds of cake and
bidden LO put a certain nllmber in each of the 300 trdys, the 001uplex results can be
obtained, while each relatively igoonu'lt and complc:tely rcla.xed St-tolls,
dr<.-aming,through tllC"repetitious undemanding u:sk.
Only when genuine ~kill is r<..-ql1.ircd,as wh<..-n
the e,-.ner is aue11ding to his chisel
or the painter to his brush, or the tuothcr is imeul for a flee,)ng momtut on teasing
he1·child, docs the-Baline..:;edisplay genuine con<:e11tr.ttioo., an<leven this can be fol-
lowed with startling suddenness by a state of cotnpkt.c: a,,.ra.ynoS,in which he scares oil
into space, vacant faced and bare of all feeling. In the moot rapt c.TOwds,when the
do·wni.arc performing-some fascin::ltingnew version <>fan;1bsolutelyreliable joke, one
can still sec face after face which c.ontains :oo response:to the outside world.
Trance is.sttc:ha11experience, au interval of c.;xtrem.clynarrow concentration, and


this is cspecia11ytrl.le of the trances of those practiccd .sects whose task it is to let the
gods or the anc:estors speak through than, giving .small. deft turns to the course of
events by suggesliOn..'i spoken when in a s-1.atcof trance. Such a seer or priestess epito•
1nizes during the trance pe,-iod all che bu.~y activity which characterize.,; Ralincse
ceremonial; and in the trance state exhibits emotions never otherwise appropriate
except on Lhestage - tears and imeosc::~xprcssions of grief and striving. All these are
lived through. until ar-.,'
vacancy and awayn~,; supersede.
These trance states are an essential part of Ralinc::sesocial organiution., for with.·
out then1 life would go on forever in a fo{ed and rigid form, fore-ordained but un-
gucssed itl ad\'ancc:. In reply to queslions about future evet1li, e.g., whether a given
ceremony will be performed, or who will danc:cas princess in a given theatrical per•
form:m(.c,the Balinese wilJ reply ...doirocng leran(' - "it is not yet dear" - a phrase
,,•hich implies rh.:u the futlLrC:is fixed, but that. like: the btcot image on an e:..xposc:d
photographic plate, it has not yet <lcvdvpcd.
This way of thinking is not i11 any sense a fack of orientation, but is rather an
exprtSSlOnof very rigid orient.'ltion U1time and space based on lhe articulate re<:ogni·
tio:.?of large numberS of permur.ations and combin.ations of contingent circumsunccs.
They <lo not say that ...other things being equal .. or" Dt:o uolen.te/' such and such will
occur, but £ed a m;cd to specify t.he nec:e-;.,;.ary
circumsta..uces.·n1cy will not answer a
hypothetical question which envisages contingent circumstances known to be impos-,
sible..If, for example. we asked, "If Djero Bac)e Tekek. were the senior citittn of the
villagi=,woulrl he retain the duties of calendrical c:xpcn?" rhc reply would always be.
~·But the Djero Baoe has ceased to be a citizen" (because his. youngcst child has mar•
ried), and from rhis posit.ion the:informant c.1nnot be shifted by :my amoum of urging
o: inquiry as to what would have happened if the youngest child had nm married.
The contingent drcums.tam:e is past and dear. and the e\·ents could not have
any other form.
!"his orientation among contingent circumsLanccs i$ most clearly illustralcd by
the calendar. This is a cowplc.x cydicil system of days, grouped into concurrent
•-cek.s.1f today is the 3rd day of lhc five-dayweek and the 4th clay of the se\·e:1-0ay
week. then tomorrow will be the-4th day of the five-day week and the _:;t.hday of t.hc
)C"\-cn-c.l.yweek. And of the.scweeks tbc::yha\'c a complete series fr()m a t·wo-dayweek
to_ .tr.Hia\· week. of which the three•. five.. six-, and seven-day ,\·eek.-.arc rhe most itn-

:.;emica.l combinations of d.1ysin lht" five- and seven-day weeks recur every 35
:!J.y~-. t!:c &linc-se "month ..; idcnrlcal combinations for the three-. Svc-, anrl sc\·en-da)'


weeks recur every 10.)'.,days (the occ.""tsiO!l for chc cdebraticm of a baby"s ''tlin::e-month"
binhday); and combinati01)S involving all four o( the iroportant \'leeks rccll.r CV<..'?)'
21 o da}'S,11tis 210-d.1.y period, the clon, defines the re<:urrcnct.:of a very large nutn
bet' of ceremonials, birthdays, t.ctnple fcasL~,the feast of Galoen~an, cu::.•
This calend:dc system is truly circolar in the ~use that the B:1linc:sethc1nsdves
pay almost no att<:ntio1) to the beginnings and ends of the c:onsLimcntperiods. They
do not know bow many otons old a child is. bur they do know on ·wh;ttc..-ombinationof
d.:iys it was boru. The whole emphasis is upon I.herc..'<:ombin:nionsof contingent cir-
<:un1stanccs - a sort of emphasis which only crops up iu our m,'1l culture when we
altend to such roancrs as "Friday. the thirteenth of March.''

Spatial Orientation and Levels (Places 9 to 11)

Oricut.ation in space, like Lhatjn time. is ri~'ld and preeise, ;md the s.1meinterest
in overlapping oontingcncies is rcc:ognizablc.There arc rwo pairs of primary dire<:•
tion::.,easl and wesl (detc:nuined hy the ris)ng and setting of the sun) and i11fa.ndand
ooa'>h\"ard (dc::lermincd by reforcnce to the principal rnount.aisl on the island. the:
Goenocng Agoeng, which is the::home of lhe gocls). Kadja, the inland dirt.-ction, i:;,
however, <:on"rcntionallyat righl angle:; to the\.,,.estline, so thal in most of Nonh
Bali the .. inland .. direcr-ion is due :;ouc.h,and in most of South Bali )t is due nonh.
These four car<linal point.~have their cCTcmoni.1.l characteristics: inland and <.:.lSl are
in some sense superior to coastward and wol. and the combination inland-cast (kadjt>-
krmgi·t1,) is tl1emosc sacred direction. The \rillagc temple is set in the::inland-i:ast q1.1:1tl- oi the "·ilfagec:ru$SrOads;\\'hilc the cemetery is down lo"•ard the coastward~i:\•(:sL
1n every houscyard, the family shrineS arc on the inland or eastern side:, while: the
kitchen and latrine arc to,-r.trd the coast or the west. A.i1d inside::I.hehouse, the supc:·
rfor person shoold sleep to the c-aslOT in.laud of the inferior, and his head should be.:
inland OTcast of his fc:et; for this system of orientation is a pare of the code of rcspe<:t
as ,.,,-ell-as a !tall.le of reference. The words for chc cardin:il points .ire
;1mong the firSt that a child 1canlS and are used even for tl\e g<."Ography of the body.
A Balinese will tel1 you that there is a fly on the ..,\•est".sideof your face•
.4..mong persons, as will1 time and space, there is a fi.xed hierarchical pL1:nby
which the three e,"lstes,Br:.i.lunans,Kc:satryas,and Vesias.stand jn order -at the top, with
the outsi<lerS,the cascelcsspeople, below them. A BTahman bjgh priest (J1edamia)musl
• Thi:t ::.~1,u af the CltlQ'ld.u is UC(t$AAl'il}' \'Cl'J mud! ~t09lifuo:d :utd oo,lil.<. for o;:,fllplc. l.lJ the (!Oll:'lplic:iti<ltli
w.,'Qh'CC i.n; lbt o,t,>t'I iy,tCll) ta the ~u,:,Mr.'\;al \l'~f~m of t.,.'Ch'C ru.m~'ll l\'l(uuM of .,a1i.nuslcl'.lgtlt$ whidi.
d,dm(" {hC rceu.u("l'l«. <ofthe «r~mo.nic, f(lr nev.•:md 1\111M()Qlll :,t1d 1hc o:m))()l\k:' co:u1tt1~d vitl~ the (lr,rieultuNII


ah\-.ayssit higher i;h:manyone else present and he will, even in a European house, cast
his eye about with prac:ticcd calculation LO sdoct the one chair thaL has a qu:utcr-inch
thicker cushion t.h.anany of the others. lu tJ1c:simpJc mountain ,tillage of B.1jocng
Cede the hierarchy depenchi upon order of entry into full citizenship (which usually
occurs aftc.:rrn.1xriage).The order on never be altered by promotion of one man o\·cr
at).OLhcr-and the man ·whohappens to .sray in uutll all above him have died or retir<"d
become:>Ll:ie chief priest and cereinonial hc.1rlof the couuuunity. He and the Scn:n
who stand below him. and their eight wives, ar<:;c:;1Jlcdthe udoclctl' or "heads'' of lhe
\Vhen a man speaks lo another whose caste is higher than his. he must use the
··potishcd'' language, SLretcl1ingout and embellishing his sentences am.l using quite
different word~, even lO the prepositions and adverbs., from ·rhosc of "l'ough" spee<;h.
Only in talking co intim.·ues or to those of lower casu~or sums can a man uSc:this
"rough" speech, dipping his words aml coming straight to the poinr. Similarly iu thi:-
mount;iins a simplified form of the ··polished" language must be LL'-00 in arldressing
the ··hC;.1ds."
heh m..1n'splace in th~ scx:i:tl schellle of his vilbgc is known; the c:onr-rihution
,,.-hichhe must ma.kc to the ·work and ,:c,-rcmonialof the: \'illagc aud the share of thir:
whole which he will receive back again arc likewise deti.ue<l.For failure to rttc:i\e
what i$ due him. he i! fiucd even more heavily than for failure to give th:it which is
due- from him. Just as a i:nan must :u:t.:cpfhis pti\'ilt:!.;t:s as wc:11as discharge hi') dmics..
so is he abo the guardian o( his own st.atus :md if. as may happen to :t high cask :..2:.
'-!.1m"is affronted. he himscll must perform a c:cremony to reswrc it. Simihrl ..- :.b.1:
t"irlc-ro[a \·illage who may not come in CO!lta<:t with birth or death. must himself per•
:o:m :! (osdy ceremony. if someone enters his house fresh from comact with binh or Anti as ordel' aud :sctaLus arc maintained among men, so alsc, tdthin thr m.J.n.
t:!e he::trli~ rhc highest part of the body and not only mu.5t it be placi:-<ltowarr. the
g:odl.but a Hower t,·hich has {alleu to Lhcground may not be:picked up and p!.:.iu:(~ in
tb.c hlrr 3&3-in.Youngcr brothers may not touch the head of an olckr brot..hcr. and
m.J.} fx- from abo, e the head o( one of higher ~arus ~·ithout
So also the C)dc of lifr is scaled hi <lt:'~'Te<:s of sacredness and pmbnicy. T!le ::?.c\~:-
_<Jr.";. ~b,: is too cl<hc to the other worltl L<> be quite fit company for men; it :.:S_.,:..
:l:SSC'Q in'1.ed
bnguage; and not until itS 10.?tb day tn:l}' its ft::-ir:t touch tl:e
~:;d. On thli dly a romc j~ given aud the child is henceforth pcrmiacd to etiLC'T _
~;le- Th(: body of .:1 child \,·ho has hi:. milk tc..-cth must be buriNl in a se-pJ.:--.!t~


. .Ben\·eenthe cutting of Lheadult teeth and :marriage. )'OLlng men are spoken
of as "RO\\'er yo1.1th.$'.as long as they arc nm puhlidy kno\~·u lO have had sex cxpcri•
cncc-.and they arc c..,peciallyfilted to serve the: ~•ods.,vith marriage they t.'lkt a sudden
plunge into the profane. from whic;h they b'Tadually recover after yc::arsof prog1·es.sive
cereinonial, until \,'ith the m:rrriagc of tlu:fr children they begin a slo1,;er, but sure
descent into social de.ach. The hinh of a great grandchild or the marriage o( one's
yoi.mgt:stchild termin:uc:scitii.c:osh.ip.
The strict and formal imerrclationships between persons arc cxpn:s.-.edin Lhe
reeurrent vilbgc c:en:mo11falsco ,vhic:h each member o( the community c::onLributes
and from which each teceivcs b:td:. ;1 share::.11)the mountain viii.ages1.heseprocedures
conscinuc a 1:uge part of vilhigc iifc, the plains they may occur only once CVCl)'
210 days, and somethncs e,'lc:haltcrnale occasion is dis:missOO with a small feast, and
only after 4!:!oda·ysis thc,.-rea big ceremony. in whi<:hthe sfouiog of food :lmong the::
villagers is only a minor part of Lheentertainment given 1.0 t.he gods. Bur in the village
of Uajoe-ngGede the sharing is very import.a:nL AL the ue·w moon and at tltc::full, every
35 <laysin eac::hremple and at a series of feasts connected with the agricultural year.
1.he1.0~ -n crier.-, serving monthly on a rotat.iug system, ·went throuah lhe vilfage an•
uouudug: "ft.very household! Every house:holdlTomorrow citiieos come to chop; the
·wo1ncnto swe-ep:the young girl-. 1.0 lay om offerings; cvt:r)' household one coconut.
a rn<:asureof rice, etc..," giving a liSLof lhc c::ontributiousrequired of every honsehold.
Cc..-rt:tinhouseholds, jn turn, \,·ould have to provide more subst.>tntialitems - a pig or
a fowl or a duck. Io r.hclt!tnple kitchens, for larg-eceremonfos (or in Lhehome of the
men \,·hose t\ln) it was. for small ccr<.:monics) Lhe food would be cooked, offerings
woul<l be-made for the gods. and kiter, at tl1e cc:-,·eul.ony,the food would be spread out
in forn1alorder - the banana·lcaf plates fm· 1.he"'heads" birl along the iuland·east and
lhose for rh<: members of che rc:rnple club or of rhc vi11age laid om in two lincc;run-
ning <lowtn..,.ardand w<:stfrom there. These sh;ncs,. called kawe.s,arc symbol,; of pa..r 4

tidpation so import:mt that a ,uan can be fined more heavily for refusing hi:>share
than for failing co e<,mtribulehis share to :my ceremony. The fine$ an,-:small (unless
paymem is delay<,'({an<l then they rise stt:c::ply)bm the matter is never a light one, and
from the early dclil>eriltiousor thr: responsible heads. through 1.hcpreparation and
offering 0£ the focxl..down ro the final dis1.ribution wh<.:nhis cx.aclshare of the c::hicken
is given to each according t0 his status, a mi1d threat of fussy. grot1p pcd:-mLrytll.llS
chrough th~ proceedin~. Even the simplest arr:mgc:mem of offerhigs or distribution o(
foo<lis :socomplic.'ltc<l,h:u m\Jnerous sma11t;rrors tlre almost inevitable. These small
<;;TIVt-s- when the neck of Lhechicken is not giveo. lO the spc,.-cialofficial
to ic


-an:- maut:rs of':nt; and :.timul.arc:, sort of gatr\llons SC:\lt.tlingof too

many people crying co correct them. Failuri: io the proper arnmgcment.~ for a feast.
where the <;>ff<,-rings
arc concerned, may bring inisforrnue. supernaturally sent. Yet so
slighLis the c::xpectationthat there wil1 not be errors, chat the folk belief gro'tv-S
that the
flowers on the headdress of the great serpent, on whic.:ha priest riclcs for special large
crcroarion c::crcmonics.,would stay uuwil.hered i( the ceremony had bec:u perfect.
Among the: c:astdes.s people of the mount.'lins, the presentation of St:lttlS among
those ·who by birth are equal, is a .-.olemn and humorlt:S.<>
business, c:ondu<:t~I with a
maximum dcpcndcnc,e upon such external forms as <leL.ails
of foo<lilistributiou and
small pcrmissfons and prohibitions. Every it1di\'l4oal 1nust bear in mind a la1g~ uw:n.
ber of these inj,mctions, which determine details of his costume and what temples he
may enler. what houst':$he must avoid bCG1uscthey have not been purified since the
last deaLh or birth. etc. lt cannot be said that any status is more ..frt:e" than any other
- only that the list o( permissions and prohibitiOtlS dilfers as between one status and
:mother .
...\sin the plains~ w ah;o in the mountains, the niceties of language arc invoked in
the expre.ssiou of stalus, wilh the onl)' <lifft:rencethat the mountain system is simpJcr
.:h.1n ch:n of I.heplaUlS.The momu.ain people ha\'e ll1c:cssc:.mialdiffc:renti.arion bc:-
t¼·c:c.n the dipped speech addressed to lntiu:i.mes aud the loug-\~iode<l
addressed to :superiors; :ind this long-winckrl locution they use for all formal occasions.
citizens· meeting'S, m..aniage negotiations~ etc. This po1ite spcoch of the monnf:.iins is
built up o{ everyday words aud has not the complete and Separ-1.tevocabulary of that
:::sedin the plains.. But the pronouns arc differentiated according to relali\•e SLaLUS.
Posture and r..restun;are also used to express status but very much less than in I.he
pla.i.ns.and cxpressious of re-spect lack the,.l"(..-ration
ch:inctcriscic of the pfa.ins.
The gcsn1rcso( obeisance, the cL1.Spedhands. t.he poliLdy downwa.rd-pointing right
r;humb, all th('SCarc absent in the mountains, even when the gods are adtlre...,sed.The
~oum..:!in pc:op1c:expcric;:nc:ethese poswrcs only in the theatricals which travding
1.Lr.:1p:1nics of p1ainsmc:n bring w their viBagcs, but here they learn euoagh of Ute:
u\crt!om:: gestures of ob:scquiowmcss to be: ab1c.:to lmlt:ite them, at k.ast for the next
o::.omhs,,,·hen high persons emer I.heir village ... But," say the p<..-opk-
of Bajoeng .
·zh~ ..:mc-prop1c could never li,·c 1ongln the village of Bajoc:ug Gede, for the Ba·
)OC'::.;people would not be able: to keep on being police." Aud I.hoseof high c:a.stewho
.i.-c t-:-c:J.ted
,, nhout proper respect themsclvt:$ suffer. Only in occasional iustaucc:s arc
·--~ st..-ongenough to make others suffer.
In the mountains there is less use of le,·els to discriminate bc.tweco man and i:nan.

but when we: iOOk:it tl\e relations bet'l;•tecnmen and gods vie firid the same )nsistence
upon the stratification of venial space :is in the plains. The higher an offeriJ.'lg,the
more lhc:gods ;,re honor<..-<L
Shrines rower upward; Lhelittle.:sedan chai~ 0£ the gocl.s
are canied on the shoulder:.: little girls in trance are carried on the shoulders; :md
food may not be placed upon the grow'l.d but .must be l.1:idat least 1.1pooa mat (in the
plains h would be stoo<lttpon :1 pedestal), thus raising it above rhe level ·when: t.he
eatcts are seated - for food ~1sois a god.
ln the village, space and time and social status fonn an or<lerly whole,
with 1iule strt$S or SL.rain,and wilhout a need co skit or overstate the poinLs of differ•
encc. Pe<)pledress in their at'l.d,-..-ashtheir bair for ceremonies; they .spc:ak·with
respect when they mceL the village heads on the stn.:<::t or approach Lb.cmto ask to be
excusc..·d from some village ohlig-.tLion.True. in B:1joet1g,the c:xdusive distinction bc-
tw·ecn thc>SC" born in the vilbr,tt a.lld those.::
who have t:1Hercd later is never forgotten.
fora <litfc-rentfirst person pronoun is used by the binhright fujoeng pc::ople,but here
also there is so little SLrainthat Lhepeople make no play with the idea the11:i.seh•cc;.,and
only laughed merrily when J would us.cit: "Njonjah ,lerne11m.e-oke''- "The Njnnjah•
enjoys usiJlg nkr.,'~ thC)' woul<l gjgglr.. Similarly if a baby would pull at u:a.yh:tir, the
mothr.r \-..•oulrlquickly r<::mo\fehim and apologize. but if l n1adc a poiuL of letting him
play ou, the people woulJ rel..-.xand laugh. A fiowcr thaL falls to t11c-ground cannot he
rc..-pla.cedin the hair, but evc:ryonek.nowi> it is no great stnin to remc..'1Tlbe.r.
Children have to be wat<:hr.cluntil they learn the rules, and foreigners admonished
lest they break the: loc."11rc:gltlations, like the::vendor wmua.n who became ill becmsc
she r.tised hc..-rumbrella too high i.u front of Lhevillage temple, and so ·was punished
by the gods..
But wilhiu the \rillagc, within the fixed and complic::tted s.ccsof n:gulations, obli·
g-atlons, and privileges, th(: people :tre relaxc.'d and dr~my. Only occasion:tlly,as when
olicrin!{Shave to be checked. fines counted. or food disLributcd. do they pay attention
for a moment. And when the whole village mwcls as -aunit to take tht:ir contributions
to a ceremony held by l.he R:-tjah, they scetn ;lblt: to take this sense of <:olllplcr.corieuta·
t.iou with them, and che simplcs.t peasant sits ql1ict 3nd relaxed. ill a group. in the
prest:ncc of his priucc.
•fhe rninlttt', however, thaL caste c:uLersthe piclllrc in the- form of imcr•pcrsollal
r-daLions, we find a difierent.siu1ation. The c;isteless Th!linc:selllJn who, ac home it1 bis
village, made only the nc:ccssaryobcisa11cC$,become..-:;.t:xu-avag:mLI)' ovcrpoliLc:in grc,"f:t.·


ing ;1 high Cblt-. ThosC "·ho actually become servani.s in the palaces skil their position
uill funhcr. going <\bout with their clothes at fantastic and ~'Tutc.<;c1uc angles. clowning
their ,;nhordinatc:-role. ft is significa11tthar rhis downing is always done from below.
The superior person. whether a high casle in real life or a ptiuce on the stage. remains
.aloof.:metsclf-comaim::<l, giving no sign th;-ttthe downing of his subordinate is a con•
tinuous warning ro him nol Lodiverge coo fur from his aloof role imo asscniveness.
Between those whose Sl.atLLS is not kno·wn toeac:h other. is a great chilly dis--
:3.DCC,the most forrn..11'of discoun:,c~and an unsmiling counle1)ance. the
c.ul.iest opportunity to a$k chc questions nec:es.s.·uy to place the other. In a strangt<
, he docs not kauw the cardinal point!>or the local <:u.Wml.S,and il be:
does nol kHuw what day il is in at least lhn.::c: of the incercogging wcx:ks.nor the caste:
and order of birth t<:rm• for the person ·with whom he is ttying lO converse. the Bali.
::C$C is GOlllplc:tc:Iy chsoriemed. '10 this stale they apply the cerm "paling" which is
-:~ also for those who are drunk, delirious. or in tr:mr.c. Orieutation in time, space,
and ~aLus arc the e.sse1ni.alsof social e.xistem:c:,and the Balinese-.although they 1.11akc:
• 't'r.' Slr<>ugspirits for ocre1noniaJ occasions, with a few startling exceptions resist
~obol. lici:ause if one drink..:;one loses one's oricnt:ttion. Oriem,.uion is fclc as a pro-
tttt.:.on r,uhc,-rthan as a strnit jadct and its loss provokes extreme anxiety. Hone takes
i fu!inesc quickly. in a motot car. away from his native village M.> that he f()IS,Q ~1~
bt-2:rmg~. the n:su1t may be St:veraJhours of ill11c:ssand a tendency to <let:pslcx-p.
\'inually the only context in whir.h levels arc: sk.ittcd in Bajoeng Gede is in the
r~l.,_tionship 1x;tt.,·ccnelder and ym10ger brother, when the molher b<>rrcn\;a baby lu
I lact on lhc; head of her child, ot deliberately pl:u:c;sa younger sibling over her oldi=-r
C:::d·s head. The hier.1n:hic-~1l posh.ion of brothers, in which the younger is suppo:s,c<lto
-.c •,elf-deprecating pronouns iu a<ldrt:$$ingthe elder, is on" of rhc least stable and m~t
uncomfortable poincs in Balim:se intc,-r•personalrelations; and in Lhc:d:fon to adjust
:: furopctu.'lized 8:Jlinese even n:tix.Dutch pronouns in spe«h. Between
as:es. if the high c-astewishes Lo be modern a1'ldto tr<::atthe man politely, the
counoy bngu.1ge can be: assumed, as between str.1ngcrs. Belween brothers. hot\·e\·e•.
t'W'O ,-ystMTIS cros.s: t.hat which assumes that r.hc "rough" language ls the lan~3c: of
...::.tim:u:y, and that whi<:h declares rounger brother must honor the elder and
,t.. 1u1rlose pronouns of polished subordin:ition. The sibling rclacionship is also c::har•
l:Clrrir.Ni by another anomaly; there ~ a <:c:naininsistet!Cc: upon cherishing. upon
• T!:i:-lb!~ o( iht- plaio, u,c !our ooeuM,, ttnw,: of :i<ld:o:s (Ir'ltj«--t,\folk, ,Vjom,m, Kttoct) w dt6ix «&::r
r:I. :,;n:;.
. .\ fct1b Ulild uw:,J}:,· SUl'l.f;:i tl- 'Yl'' a.nd U :t&h~ » "W.i;i.-n.."



choughrfulncssfTomthe elder to I.beyounger. Now thoughtfulness, implying as it docs

iclemi6cation wilh the other, is extraordinarily ot1t of key witlt Baliui:Secharacler.
lllacating another. teasing another, flirting wi1.h:mother.. fending o[ the approach
from another- these arc al1 habitual enough. But cherishing and thoughtfulness 3Tt::
absent even from the motht-r<hild rt'.latio1uhip to an astonishing <lcgn;e, being re-
phu:ed by titillation aod e!llotional exploitation. Yet, in the::comment of to
elder child, recurs a sententious, out-of-key admonitioJ"1- "Take care of your
younger sibling," "Give that to your younger sibling,," usually shortened to a sharp
"Adimie" - "the younger sibling," whent':verthe older child sho"rssigns of aggression
or greed.
Thc,-scvariou.1;anomalies and poitus of contradiction in the use of 6xed levels. be-
tween high<astc and servant. and benlfeen brothers, :ire .allskiu.ed iu every Lheacrical
pe1·fonnar1ce.The stock thcatric.i.1servant.:,arc an elder brother, elegant., pompous,
and dull, and a younger brotht:r, gauche. mischievous, and hyper,u;.t.ive.The p.tir of
them, after thoroughly confusing their relationship to each othc:r, procec-dto overdo
and <;.'1ric..unrc: their relaLiooshipto their prince, who remains charming and aloof and
continues LO sing unintelligible archaic words while t.he two brothers
This freedom of theatrical caricarnre. from which neitht:r the possessedseer nor
the Brahman high prie,::,tescapes. though running the: whole gainut of Balinese Jifo,
concentrales on the points of stnjn jn the system,ao.d so provides contim1a.lrelease:in
laughter for a1laudience ·whkh has lr.:imt:dto cou1u upon the rec,1n:-enc.:e of jtL-.tthese
themes. The very tone of the laughter is a further index of what tl1c=caticature does,
for it bas the unmistakable character o( faughtcr at a pomoh'Taph.icjoke. In every
other culmre in which 1 have worked, it has b<.."<:n possible to distinguish the sudden
ro.,r of pomo~'T.tphiclaughter from laughter at tl1emesother than sex. Jn Bali thi:;
r..,nnot bt: done, the:restrictions surrounding personal relatioushiP5in terms of senior.
ity, c:ist.t:,and directior1sand levels, seem to have the sa111e quality as the restrictions
whid1, in many cultures, surro,1nd sex; and tl1eskits upon status, although rooted in
inter.personal relationships. have some of their 1uostsatis(ying expressions iri iuvcr-
sious o( I.he human bo<ly-d:mct"S in which people st3nd on their heads ·with foct
doing duty as hand:; and witl, ntasks set on their pubes; c::irvingsir1which the head is
set on a neck so elong-,1t.c:d t1·1atit can be rwisted around t.o fit bt:tween the legs. Prob·
ably the tic-up hr.t.wtcnthe position of the head and rhe position of the older brother
and the person of rank. iu1pressedas it is upon the infant so that a child of eigbrocn

monr~ will shriek with rage if another child is held over his head, is responsible for

~ bodilX ribaldry wir.h which the Ra1inese ca.o laugh at a joke involving a rcvcn;al
d ;,ronouns. ~

Learning (Plates 15 co 17)

\\"h~n Lhc B.1linese baby is born. Lhe midwife. even at the moment of Jifring him
:r. =:.a- arms. wilJ put words in his momh. 001mnc;nting, "1 am just a poor little new-
born b3hy, and 1 <lon't kno·w how to t.,lk properly, hut I am very grateful to you.
boco..""3.b!e people-,who h.a\'c cnccred Lhispig scy of a house; to sec me boni:· And from
11;.;· ooment, ,,U through babyhood, the child is fitted into a frame of behaviot, of
puted spcc:c:h:md imputed tho1.1ghtand t.-omplexgesture, far beyond his skill and
-·~rit~·- The firsr time that he ans~..,·ers"Timig," the sel£--subordinating eg<>pro-
! a s-tranger,he will be c-d1oing a word Lhat has already becu said, on his behalf
aL..: :....-:his hearing. hundreds o( Limes.\Vhcre the Amc:rir~n mothe1· aucmpcs co get
~ child lo parrot simple courtesy phrases, the Balinese tTu)thc:rsimply recitc.c;them,
·..- in the first person, and rhe child slips into sp~clt, as into an old gar•
• '"''"Ornbefore, but fitted on by another
and g"t:Sturc.The rigfu hand must be Jistin-
\;, t-dth wi1.h fX).<;t1.1re
-=-~ from the lt:ft; the right hand r01.1chesCoo<l,and the righl Lhumb m.:1ybe USc<l
- poimiog: the left hand is t.he hand with which one <:lea.nscsoneself. or proroccs
-~ ·s .!Mlitalsin baLhing, and mus.t never be usc,-<l to touch food, to point, or to receive
, -=--:~. 6ut the Balinese m91her or nurse carries a ,.:hild,eiLher in or out of a sling_.on
be :C-!thip. thus leaving her own right ha11dfree. In this pooition. the baby's left arm
ii frtt. ~hilc the right is lrequendy pinioned io against. the breast, or at best C'Xtended
bdu.od the motlu:-r's back. Naturally. when a baby is offered :i flower or a bit of cake.
_:::-cx-hcs for it with the free Ide hand. and the mother or Ll1cchild nurse i1n1ariabh·
p:.;.::\the left ham.I l,ack, extricates Lhe baby"s right hand - usually limp and motive:•
:..fSl :.:-:,d~ rhjs ioterCt-n:nc:c with the free gesture - and extends the right hand to

.:'fCC:'a•c rhe gifL Thi:. Lrai!!ing is begun long befon: the child is abJe to learn the dis-
::.:,ct:On, begl.min fact as ::.oonas the child ls able to gr.,sp ac a proffered object, and
t!::scontinui:-dmm~Uywheo the c:hilrl is off che hip. A three-year old may often err a..,d
• l t.4 ~ F£!.t;;n:?h $lll..."r.mfo1,np rht- (b~ o4 st:ma joking itt,'OfvQ thre,: - of ~cl perl.~IJ.i•
-- •:..C. Z-"i:",. M.lldkd ia P.1.-.: :i..<alytial oprl<lm,,
1. <.-aa.&l~ faYOhi.<tgtbc pq-t~;o,J cqui-.·:ilcntt. for f~ B:dincx, of !IO: tnd ~- -r.i-
~ .;:i. ~ ap:ions ,n OK' [1,1qm Q( )btemena :i!iom Salin« cli=. h i:\ Jl;u(l(I. tw cx=pl~ tb:ir t))I: ~
et ~ • . •rated •ffle-o~ it tries to .ai_i("'ocr:rn«rnl,o l.nd dinu:ir In ioltr-pcno!U!: rd:itioi• with the- !tlCldla-.
:c,.! ~ ~ mlffl' ..taoo (ll.t1.1~ ...,b,.-ibcrit be :i crr..$1'~ or~~ o:- of :u:gi::r.
._ ~tic,::,: :ibou.: the psy~W rok wbidi birth. «'I$~ :md =ors on tbc ~ p~. fat tbt-
~. » .-~i( ~ ,ycbo!s.
,.. ~ticx:-.s mtl:t tbc Bali.~ C:u!.Ulliel'of bodily ill.f<-gl'ttiOn ~.d. d.i,..~tczt:nlon.
c. •.

receive a <:a.,ualpresem in his kft h:md.,with uo more punishment than to have some
older child or nearby adult shout "Noet,aJ!,, {"Ask!") which mea11S "Cup the righL
hand in the left," hut the: baby 0£ four months is pc:mlitted no such lccw:iy. O•,e.raud
ewer again, the first spomaneous gcsnirc is dipped off.. and a \XlSsivc;,plastic gesture is
Mc:mwhilt':.Lhechild in the sling. or supported lighdy on the carrier's hip, has
learned w accommodate ir.sdf passivelyto the carric::r·smovements; co sk-<:p,with head
sw·.tyinggroggily from side::LO side. as the C.'trri<:rJX>lmds rice; 01· to hang !in1p on chc
hip of a sJUallgirl who is playing "crack-the-whip." Surrendering :-tllautonomy, :)nd
passively following the words spoken in it-. or chc rhythm of Lhe person who
carries jc or the hand which sn,atchc:s!LS hand back from a spontaneo\ls gt..-sturc.the
child's body l,ecomcs more w·.txyAc::xibleas it grows ol<lcr; and gcst\tT<:$ which all
<:c:hoc:s of an expcrfonccd pallt::n) replace such sp<mraneo\lsgesmre..,of itllancy as the
pounding o[ the c:hil<l'ssih•er brac:clcrson any convenient boaJ'tl. TIUS accommod.a.
tioo. co the movemeulSof others, m <:ucSI.hat come from a pattern rather than ll'Oma
desire, is fut:i1it.aLedby chc extent to ,.,..hicha J3,;i,Jincse child is ('.arric:d.There is a
sL.rongohjt."<:t.iou lO lening a c:hild be seen cmwling - an animal ac.t-ivlt.y - by any b1.1t
the fumily it1liu:t.atcs;:mrl babies, c·venafter tht.."Yan::able co crawl and loddlc, arc sLill
carried nlOSl of chc time. The position on the::hip limit:<.i.pontaneity to eh<:anns and
Lhccarrier's repetitive imerforcnce with hand gcstt1n:sreduces it thcr<:.
Even al its 105+(by bfrlbday, che infant is dressed hi full adult costttmc. The in- boy is seated in a's arms, and a headdoth ten liUles coo large: for him is
arranged at least for a moment on his head. The infant's hands arc put throt1gh the
gestures of prnyer. of receiving holr ,;,..-atcr,ancl of waflitlg the c;s.S<;noc:
of the holy offer
ing coward b..i.mself.By the :! binhcby, lhc child will repeat these g<;sturcShim·
self, siuiug dreamily, after the ceremony, claspi.t1gand unclasping his tiny hat1ds.and
then :.peeolativcly examining th<:rn,fini't't by fing<.--r. :\t age also, befote he on
walk..he ,,~illbe r_aughtsimple hand da.ueegeswrcs, tirSt by manual manipulation, and
later he will learn to follow visual cues. as the pare,H hums the familiar music::a.nd
gc:SlLlrCS before the baby's eyes with his own hand. 'l'his sitt1at.io11. the child dancing
i.t1the soi.:r:ainingarm of the parent and that vibrating rhythmicall}' to the mtL'iic:,
becoroei.:the prototype of Bali!lese learning in ,\lhich as he grows older he will le;tro
,.,.·if.hhis eyes and with his musdes. Bllt the learnin.g with th<:\:)'CS is never scp.u:ited
from a son of physical idcnlificalion with r.hernodel. The baby girl di.tubs rl<lwnoff
her morhcr's h.ip to Jift a bit of an offering to her head, when her mother or ddcr
sister doeSthe same.
Learning to ,v-alk,learning the first appropriate gestures of playing musical it\·
strumcnts, learning to cat, and to d.ancc arc all accomplished with the teacher behind
the pupil, <.:on,·c.yingdirectly l>y pressure, and almost always with a minimum of
words. the &rtsLm·e to be per£orn1e-d.Under such a S}'Stemof lean1iug. one tan only
learn if one is completely 1·elax:edand if will and cousciousue~ as we us:?.ders.tan<l

terms ate almost in abeyance. The flexible body o( the dancing pupil is twisted and
turned in the tear-.heT'shanci"; tclc:hcr and pupil go through rhe proper gesture, then
suddenJy the teacher sprin~ asidt, leaving the pupil to continue t.l1t: pauern w which
he has surrendered himself, sometitnes with the teacher continuing it so I.bat Lhepup~:
can -.,-.,ehhim as he dances. Leaming with the eyes flows directly from learning pas·
sivcly ·whileone's o,vn body is being manipulated by another.
The &linesc learn virrually nothing from verbal instruction and most Balinese
a<luhsare incapable of following out the three con.s.ecuLive orders which we regard as
the sigo of a 1:iontutlt.h.tee.-year-0ldintelligence. The only way in which it is possible
to give complex verbal instructjons is to pause after each deta.i1 and let the listener
repeat the detail, feeling h)s way jnto the jn.strucrion. Thus all orders tend to have 3
p:lnern like this. "You know the::: box?" "\Vhat box?·· ...llu:- black one." ..\VhaL blad
one?" ··111e:black ouc: in t.he east corner of lhe kitchen." "In the ease comer?" "'Yes,,
the black one. Go aud get it." "I should go and get the bbck box in the east comer of
the kitchen?" "Yes." Only by such bh<.>riom;a.-.similationof ,.,iords it)to word gestures.
made by on~d f, do words come to have any meaning for action.
'1'his same peculiarity is found in the pattern of story celling. The Balinese Story
teller does not continue gaily along through a Jong tak, as tl,c story tellers of mOSt
cultures do. but he makes a simple statement, "There was once a prit)cess," to 't\·hich
his auditors allS'\l'er,"\Vh(."fCdid she live?" or ··\\ihat was her name?.. and so on, until
the narrative has bocn communicated in dialogue. A thread, even :1 simple verb:31
thread, in which one's body plays 1~0 role. has no continuous m~ning.
There is any discernible relationship bctwocn the convt:rsation of a group
of Baliuese and the activily which they arc performing. ·words must be captured and
repealed to have mc-~·ming for action, hut there is no need at all co cranslaceaction into
words. One mi_gh(list<:nat :l spy hole for an hour to a busy group, he:?ring every word
spolcc-n,and be:no wiser in the end as co whether they were making off~ings. or paint-
ing pictures. or cooking a meal. The occasional "Gi,•e me that! .. is interspersed with
bits o( comic opera, skits and caric.1tures, s()ngsand punning and repartee. As ...\.meri-
cans doodle on a piece of p:?per while attending to the words of a 1ccture, so the Bali-
nese dood)cs in ,\·orrls, while his body flawlesslyand quick.1.yattends to the:::
job in hand.

All leaIT1ingin Bali depc:n<lsupon :some rocaslire of idendfication, and we may

consider as prototype o( s\lc:h learning. the c:hil<l'soonti1mo,1s adaptation to rocwe.
mcnt.s into which it is guid<:d by the parent who holds it. Lacking s\1c::hidentificition,
no learning \,·ill oc:cor,.'Indthis hec:omcsspeciallyC".onspicuou.~ when one am..-mpLS to
teach ;3 Balinese some new foreign lechnique. Most Balinese: will h:dk and make no
attcwpt Locopy a European, or to pcrfonu any rnauet how simple, which only
a European has been st'en to perform. Bul if once one <-..t.ilpersuade one Balinese to
m:tstcra European skill, lhcn other Bali.ueseof the same or superior caste position 't\·ill
learn it vcry quickly. So in train.iug our I\.1:lineseS<..'<:re1.aric:;,\,re hacl 110 diffic:ullybe·
c:auseJ Made Kalc:.t.our scerctary. educated in Ja\1a. be?licvedchat he could do what
Europeans did, jus.t :1~ he could speak their language, sit un their d1.'\)r.;.a1'1dh::mdle
I.heir t0ols..Otller Balinese boys. seeing ~fade Kaler use a typewriter, lean1ed r.o type
acc:uratel}'an<lweH in a fow days.
This partkula.ris.tic identific:.'l1.i011
w)th the .movetnent :md skill of other bodies,
soc:iallycomparable to one ·sown, h:ti undoubted!)' :;.c:rvedas a conservative clc;ment it'l
Bali. maimaining the d)vision of bbor between the sexes, and pani.:-tllylimiting ccr·
ui11 skills. like writing, to Lhehigh castes. Only by iuvokiug some s1.1chc;xplanarion
can we uudc:-r.;.t:-tnd the division of labor in Bali. ~111esystC"ulworks smoothly and :1t:C::U·
rately lnu with a total absence:o( s:mctions. In the fo\,1 case:. of wo1nen who b~ou1.e
scholarsor musicians. or men ,'1hobc:<;ome:.killed in ,' ont: even bothers to
com1nenron the odd cir<::ums.tancc. And those ·whocross the sex.division of labot arc::
not penalized; they arc not regarded .'IS more or less masculine or kminine nor cOtl•
fused with the occasjonal transvestite, although Lhebtter iudu<les the occ1.1p3tionsof
the opposite sex in his uansvesLicisro.Bul without san(.1.ions~ with fn;c<lotUto c.-:n\bracc
any occup,·u.ion,ninC'lynine out of a hundred Baliw:se arlht:re sirnply to the conven• spinning, weaving. making ruosr.offerings, etc., are woroeu·s ·work, whcn:-..i.s
carving, painting, mosfr., making cc:1tainother offerings, cLC., arc men's work.
Combined with rhis kinac;$thetic type of k:an1ing and ·with the oomim1011sin•
sistenc:e upon lC"velsand directions, ch~re:is a pre0ecupation wiLh bal:m<:e,which e.x•
itself iu •l.'ariousways. \\'hen the young m.alcc:.hildis still learning co walk. loss
of balance 01· any other failure evokes a regular rcsPonsc: he unrncdiatdy dlllchcs :.u
his penis. and often. to be sure of balance, <tv-alks holding on to it. Little girls dasp
their arms. in fn)nt of tltetll, and s0merimes.hold on to their hca<k As chey grow older,
an increased seusc of bafanc:e1n.akc:.iL possible::to stand motionless fot quite a long
time on one foot; bllt <lancing on OllC foot, playing too freely with a preciottsly
achieved :md highly developed balance is assod:ued with \\'itch(:_<; and dcmoos. Just as.

w1 ".\itchcraft, right and left arc reversed, so also in witchcraft, the decem boundaries
• body posn1rc arc tn,::spa~d upon.
&tlinc-.c children. t:spC'ciit.llylittle Balinese girls, spend a h"Tc:al deal of time play-
-; ";lh the joi1)lS o( their fingers.,experimeutiug wilh bending Lhein back until the
;er lies almost p;1mlld with chc b:'lck.o( the hand. The more coordinated and dis•
:-,lin('d the motion of the ho<ly hocomc;c.,the: sm:tllc;r the musde ~"Timp..with which :t
operates. ,vherc: an American or a Ne,.,: Guinea n::Hi\fe "rill i.JH•Ol\fealmost
e. er- muscle in his body to pick up a pin, the Balinese merely uses the muscles imme·
~cly relevant to the act, leaving the rest of chc body 1.mdisturbcd.Tot-11jnvo1vc-
,::r-:z in any activity occurs in and in c:hiJdren·s tanu·umii, but for the rest. an
x . .:.snot pcrfonm:d L>ythe whole body. The invoh•ed muscle does not draw all I.he
m into a unified act, but smoothly and simply. a few small unil'-Sarc moved - the
Z'C'!"5alone, chc hand :md for(:arm alone, or the: cyc:s alone, as in tlie characteri,;t.ic:
~-~ese habit of slewing the eyes to one side without tt.trning the head.

Integration and Disintegration of the Rody (Plates 18 co 25)

These lWO habits, chat of going w::,xylimp in th<: hands of a teacher and permit•
-'Z" ,he horly to he m.:mipul:ucd from without, an<l Lhat o( uioving only I.he minimum
t:!~lc::,; m:c:c.,;saryto any act, find expression iu the ·whole puppet C".omptex~on the
1.:lud.and in L.hefear of decomposition on l'he othc;r. Thr. animated puppet. the
,hich dances on a string, rhc leather puppc:LSmanipulated by the puppeteer, and
,. the little girl tr.)nc:edanct:rs who thetnsekes become exaggeratedly limp and
l( rh('y cbnc-.cto the commands of the aodience, all dramatize chi:;.\,·hole picture
-.olanrnry \\1hich it is not the ·will of the k:irncr. Out the: p:.ttlern o(
tl~UJ.tiona1id Lhe inanipubtion of the teachl:r which p!'c\'ail. In the !ih.ado\•:-play.
p"'.lppctis set against the screen, and while he stands immobile. the llickering and
•-_;i~g of the lamp give hlm .:tfi(..."tionof mon:mt:ut a.ud l..hepuppeteer recites .;t lon11;
ipC'C"Cl> imputing it co the puppcL In the sangiang(leli,,g performJnce, lirtle puppc:u
io.'?Ccdfeet arc stL,;pcu<ledfrotn a slender string supported by ~ticks hdd in the:
'::o of two performers. The hands of the pc.-rformer..1.n:ml>li::. Set up a harmonic
...,.""- ..::.the slrfog, and the pttppct:5 :ire s:1id to .. l>c:in Lr..mce,a1)d to dance ttncon•
bly ·• thus dram-ati,;lng the c-nnfusion which is invoh•ed in all Balinese activity
Ie~ding 0£ chc tc:-~1c:hcr and the taught, tlte u1odel and the copyist.
T:ie ft'".arof disintt:!-,'T:-uiun,cpiLomi.led !1) the shuddering horror :?t the rotti:1g of

the body after death, is equally un<lerslat1dable.This body, which moves.or1ly in parts
and withouL voliLion.batdly seems like a t1nit at all, ~u'ldmay well be:composed of a
series of': units. each with a life o( its own. Such are the jdcas of black magic.
and of protc:ctiou against black tnagic. Folk l>t;lids filled with personified litphs.
legs and :;1nns,and heads, ~eh animated by a 1111..Sc:hic\'Ous will of its. owo. frequenting
the cemetery and existing mt:re.lyto torment ma.iL And in a special sel of sangiang per-
fonnaJ1cesin the District of Kar.:mgasem,there are traJlces in whic:honly the hanrl of
the pc:rfonner is put in Lra.uce;it trembles he himself and the
rest of his body rc,;mai11 uninvolved.
In the:-hands, rnon.::iuten.sely than in any other parL of the body, this disassoda•
tjon, this indep<..-ndeuce- of each smaU ut1il is seen. Balinese hands at rest rarely lit.: with
the fingt:TSin scriau..·dreglllar flexion a"iour hands do, l.,ulone finger stays at one angle
and another at another in a way which wo1.1l<l prove infUUtclytiriftg to us. As a Bali-
nese sili watching two children pl:ty, or LWO cocks fighting. )( is ~omtlimcs possible lO
$et': how the tw(> hands become separate symbols of the t·wo who are being watched,

the hands rn--itchingslightly ;.1srhc scene shifts. Evc-nw·hen one of the fighting cocks
belo11gsto the speclator :md the other to hi$ rival. still the-:two hands play out their
dramaLic counterpoit1t, and from \\'atcbing them one c.1.nfollow I.he 3CLionbut not
gltes.sthe winner. So when a painter ·wasworking with one hand, and the othct lay
on the table unused, it was sornetimes found that that second hand provided the more
interesting sCTicsof pos.rurcs,as if the nc:glt:ctedhand were playing out a little coun-
terpoint of itS own.
\\latching a B.1.linc:sc:
crowd around a vendor'$ stall, an audic:nce at pby, a group
siuit1g by the roadside, or a religious congregadon, <me is stn1C:kby the continuous
(ussing with the surface o( the skin, the: roving of the seosith·e fingers. alert :md search·
iug over the l;ki11.looking for somccbing, some roughm:ss or impc::rfe<:tion on which LO
pause. At first thls appearS lO be au::rt fidgeting, but actually the: people arc unduly
sc:usitivcm skin impcrfoctions. Every break. in the surface of the body is a djsa!Stt:r;
people with open sores c:aunot enter the: temple :m<l<:-.t1u1ot pr-epare offerings for the
gods, nor, if the sore is to<>baJ., can thc;ybe buried in Lhe proper c-emetery.lmpcrfc:c•
tions in the~skin are assoc:i:uedwith loss of a body parl? so no one who has lost a fingt:r•
nail, or has broken an e".trlobe, or has lost a finh"l:rjoint )S eligible co full t<.:mplt:'
bership in J3ajocng Gede. Skin le.~iousare c:eremoni31Jyclassed w:ith pregnancy in
Bajocng- cempor.tT)'distortion$ rendering one unfit for c;r.remoJliallypure occasions.
And the: Balinese !ikiuheals too fast. The whole problem of Lteating a wound is how to


keep the wound open ag-.Jin..1.;t too quick Ilea.ling foUowed by infection which develops
beneath the light scar.
But as one wacc.hcsthese cro·wdswith their fingers playing cxplorjngly ov<..-r the
surface of the face, it l)<,."(:omes
appan.:nt. ; that ·wherever:• rour,,tftspot. is found, some
3bnsion sufficient Loarrest thm strayiug Ji!l$,:er.a sort of cloScd circuit is Set up- finger
and poim o( body surface against which the finger presses. both entering conscious·
'!'lCSS,This circuit from own hand to own body c::m he <liven.eel to lmt:r•pt.,TlionaJUli(:.'Ci,
r.g .. in lousing, one of the few imer•pcr:;onal contac.'ti which niay uJ'1itca whole group
u.Egirls and wor.11eudaring soine long pause in a ceremony.

Orifices of the Body (Plates 26 to 37)

The Balinese have their fantasies of bodily disintegration, but as one watches an
ulull Balinese, one is impr~d with a sense of the whole body, with the ·wayjn which
..!-;.elip of the fin~r is au it1lC:gt-.ale<l pan of the whole. \Vatching a member of our
o.,,,-nculmre, one receives quite a different impression: the body appears as a trunk
1")(j the anns and legs as appcndag<.-s which arc never qulie in unison with it. Peoples
_!:CT strikingiy in the cmphasc-s implicit in tht:ir handling of the body; $<>me think of
~ humau bo<lyas a lrull.k. willt orifice.sat bolh euds. while others lhiok of Lhe trunk

~ merely a central element in a unified body. But the human infant at birth brings to
.. sculrunl cxperienC".c:in almost unCO()rdinau;d body and a series of orifices by which
.:i.c initially m~ts and interpreL~ the ·world. \\/hat his primary interpretation wi.11be
~-.,d whether this )ntcrprctation wi11persist, r.ous-tdepend largely upon the ·way in
ilich those abont handle him.
Jn fi."lli,rhc infant is both suckled and fed from bitth on, so that the two experi-
C'XcS of abs()rbing Jic1uids by sucking and ::;trongt:rsubst.anc~ by ~llmving occur t<r
;e-~. Bul from Lhe, the l\'10 experiences are sharply dilfc:rentiatt:<l;when the
~t is suckled. Lhemother holds ic so chat its mouth is placed down on the nipple,
:-..hcr than in the more common fashion in which the nipple is thrust do'wn into a'smouth. He learns to draw milk v.p into his mouth. From the very beginning:,
~!:1g i$ a~ activity in which the infunt tSgiven roore freedom of movcmcm than
~ be the case whe:!\ the: mo1.herLhru.nshc:r nipple down into a.n infant's mouth, and
_ 3:ddition Lhechild is given freedom lO determine when it shall be suckled.
Exactly the opposite is the case in the method of feedfog solids. TI1e mothc=rpre-
-,c.;s a mixture of ric;can<l banan::1,and then, either '\\"ithher lips or her finger. she
~ a mound of Lhesoft pre<hewed material on the b."lby'smouth, gndually ma-


nipt1lating more and more of it in«> iLSmoulh. The infant spluners and chokes, help-
less and almost ah\l'aysroistanr. t0 the moumain of umsh which is being forced on it.
£.ach feeding bt:com<:sa sort of attack. in which the baby tuslead of being free to draw
up sweet milk at will. is for<:t:<lLO sw.illo"' against its will. Little children, given their
meals in shallow cocomu. shells, Dl:ty be seen tipping these saucers (>vt:rt.hcir faces,
n:procluciug the sutothr:ring sitt1atio11 in which. they learDt'fl to eat.
All through life, the Balincs~:have a se:ositivity ill r<..-g:-tr<l
to opc:n mouths. and
Balinc;sr. betel che"•ing <:Ootairisone special element whi<:h is con~'Tllenc with this.
After the bit of arcca nm and tht: little roll of pepper leaf and lfrnc or the hit of spi<:e
have been che,fcd and sp<1t,the B.'llinc:Setak<.:sa grc:n wad of shredded lobaCGOand
places thi::•in his opc:u mouth. This u.usightly ,vad may re01:1inthcrc fm' hours, pro·
trLtding from the::\\·cdg<:d-opcnmouth, r<:mi1lls("'.cnt
()f the pile o{ mash on r.he £ace of

I.he baby. b\lt alM>serving a sc.:c:oudpurpose -dosing the: tl'.l.O\tthof the :uiull againsl
the world. In gesture; too, the same prote<dvcn~ of the mouth is oft.en seen. TI1e
palm of the ha.n.dis placed ovc:1' the mOlHh, :nu.lsometimes the doth sha"•l, 'l,·on't by
men and women in the coldet pans of Bali, is also drn\,·n from I.he c-.hoLto cover the
mouth, warding of! chc oulSide world.
Rut duTing late infmicy :m<learly childhood, betel is fl.Ot yet <:hewed,and there is
no wad of robacco t,, stop up the alarmiugly open space:through ·which sLtangc things
may be forced upon one. The bahy teecbc,-s-and cc:cthjng i..;,unusually difficult in
Bajoeng Gede, pcrlu\1)5 hcx:auseof mineral ddicienc:ies in the: soil- on a large locket
shapc:<llike::a box, which is h\lng abo\lt its neck on a nc..-c:klace
of s1:n..1.ll
silver medal·
lions, The baby lifts rhc ncckb<:e and thrusts the box into its mouth. leeching as ic.
we-reon a pan o( itsdf. Soon the finger replaces the neeklacc, and the finger is lhnist
clcc:pinm the rooulh, avoiding the lips and exploring d~ply in t.hc ()ml cavity. Onc:e
in so often the finger is drawn out o( the ulO\tth with a slow swish in ·which the auen·
tion is e\ti<le.mlyconcerirr:-Hedon the .finger and not on the mouth. Evc:n ,,•hen O\,tU
fingc..-ris thrust into°'"" mm\tb, it is nor. lhe mouth bnt Lhe finger (,~hic:his eropha-
sited, and the onlooker gees the impression that the child enjoys a pleas;mt sensatfrnl
- located in the finger.
i\·leariwhik, h;ibits of eating al'e dc,•dopc<l, a.n.dc:uiug again falls into two cat.e•
goricS: eating soHd food as a me-a1. and the casual s·wa1lowiugof snacks :mU lid bits and
drinks; which are llS\1:1Hy taken standing, So uncotnfortabfo are the B,ilincse ,d1cn
eating rnc:als that many obscrvel'Shave c.'Otneaway from Bali insisting that the Balinese
will never eat in puhlic if they can avoid it; and that if others arc present they tun1
their backs on each other,. and toss the food into their mouth.s as <p.1icklyas possible:.
F.;1t togcth<..-r they muse, at foascs,at ceremonies, and as members of work groups who
:zrc:fe<lby the ho.c;t,but :ilw.:t)'Sthere is the turning away, the search for privacy rcmi-
:i.scenLof the::search for privacy in def<."(:ation which contrasts so sharply with LheLOLal
..:..:S...-.-e,gardof privacy for uriuatiou. In cvc::ryhou.5e the place of the pigs. the lowest
p~ce in the ground plat), is also a latrine. but only for dcfCCltion. Adults as well as
c-?,ilrlr('nurinate c.1.St1::il1y, in the roidst of a conversation, in the op:n road, where also
~c::)· buy and c:onsume snac:kswith no sign of mode.styor embarrassmern.
Inasmuch ai c':'atiugsolid food is attcnd~d with so much 1.mpleas-antemotion atld
the 'Khole process of iotake and dimination Of food it. so sharply clividf;'-0 belweeo. that
which is liquid, casual, aud a ulaller of choice, and that which i:; solid, heavily serious.
1cld socially enjoined, it is not surprising to find an asu)nishing amount of time dc--
..tcd to the prep;nation of fooil. This is the preliminary reduction of foocl-.from large
....:...·,\ieldy ma.'iSCsto predigested mash. E,•er)i feas.t, every ceremony, is
:-irdaced by group activily in which the meat is chopped into minute bits.. somet!n)t:S
~cd by chc construction of ornamental ,s(J,le, in which the pig fat or omcntum is re-
::J.'-½?oned into efaboratc and fanciful designs. M06t preparation of food, whic.h in-
........1.~ also the pr<:par:u.ionof offcdngs (for offerings ,u·e merely oruament:tlly :u-
n....0 ed. pallcrns of food :md mhcr dcx.orative elements), involves the elimi1'!ation of
the original form of the food and mma11ythe St.1hscitutionof some new form. The meat
pxte m.,y be moklc-dill to a uew shape, or the Jiu.lesticks on ·whichthe paste is smeared
-.::- be "Shapedto a design, or the fOOt.lmay be placed in cQntainers themselves fanci·
:....!·.- ~apcd. 13orhmeac and meal are forced to lend themselves w thii. endless rccom•
.....:...::1-g. this resrruc:ruring of food smffs into forms delightful lO the eye and often
!""":::bo!ic of discarded ceremonial us:iges.The whole r<>:15t pig ·which ocx:orsin a moun-
o-.t1 ceremony is likely to be replaced, in the cen.::monieS of the plains$ by a model
-:?-~.e of rice meal and elaborately colored.

\\.hile the Balinese feel strongly that eating solid food is en1barrm!ng am! Lh.:u
__e-.:.ea.tion should be done in pri\late. their methods of child traiiling are mild and
..,;,ory. and the child !ean1s his t:xcretory manners withom extreme pressure being
-=upon him. The people h.1.velittle genuine objection tQ dirt; they b:1thc a great
__i:_! for the pleast1re chcy receive .from in an open stream aud cooling their

sli..;;s,but lhey cht:<.-rfu11y resume cheir soikd clothing. Infams are carried iu clot.ho
wb.i.chJJC iukn ..h:.mgc:ablybaby slin~ ;md shawls, and the infant's cxcre(a arc deaned
; b~·dogs. ,..·hercver they happen to fall. A urinating infant is not jerked c1okllv
~ so as to prevent his ·wetting his !llother's sarong. a!ld only slowly do children
C:.. to ~k 1.vh:itis the proper pbc.c for dcfC"C"tdon. The ·whole childhood aullude ~\,ti

summed up in the bc:havior of thn::c five-ye3r--olds,vho solemnly reported to me,

"Karsa {ag<.·d d1ree) has jusc dcfoc.·u<::d
over there:· "'\.Vell.don't you dcf<,."<:ate?"
but never in your yard, JVjonj(lh.n And 1 have more chan once oome upon riotous
in \\'lllch grot1ps of children were dancing in t:aunLing delighLaround some un·
happy child who had l>c:eounwary a.nd had stepped in feces.
eating and conc:tin in fact a large dement of
The :utitu<les co,1,,-ard
and a failure to cOillortnmeets with the sanction of mockery, provok·
ing that ac:ute misery which in Bali follo,ll'Sany lapse ftom c:onvt:ntion.:dpropriety.
The c:ompouefl.tof disgust in these:auiludcs is, howcv<:r,more difficult to account for.
The toilet craining is, a..:; \\'e ha,•e seen, not stringent, aud to understand fully the
nature of their f<."Clings
and their cxcension LO both food and foccs. it is ne<:es.saryto sec
them in a wider Cllltural setting. '"le have to bear in minrl, simuh.ane<)usly.lhe chok•
ing wich pre-chewed food; the pre-chopping o( me;.,ls; r.he Balinese notion chat witches
cat chicken dung and that lu1ni11oussaliva drips from I.heir momhs; the scavenging
role of the dog; and the Balinese horror of all signs 0£ animality in m,."?nor woman.
On the cc:remo1liallevel, the dimin.ation of such rubbish the rcmaius of feasts
and offt:riugs has a curious he(."ticql\ality. rcmini$<:cntof Lhe screams of tbc small
chil<l who is being pursued hopefully by a dog. At the e11.dof ceremonies~the lis, a
cerc-wonial broom \,1ilh which various part.'>of the paraphernalia and oounyard are
spritl.kJcdwith \< thrown away, and special offerings arc laid on the ground to
be eaten by the dogs$ representative of the <lemous, or are scramblc:dO\'c:rby human
beings for the pennies which thty c.-omain.Human beings so S<:rambling over cerc·
monia.1excreta become animal-like, replacing r.he dogs, and animality is more abhor•
rem to a Balinese than auy other aspect of huma.u..ity.Bestiality )s a major critne £or
which people arc banished forever, and tltc punishment for incest is a ritual in which
the pannen. it) crime ·wearpig yokes over their necks and must crawl to a pig trough
and cat with their mouths to the trough as animals do. Any situatio11which thus likens
men to animals by giving them a role in the handling c)f tbe tltlclean, p.·uticubrly in
the: handling of corpses, is likely to induce this riotoLlSscrambling and lap.-.efrom
human quality. :\ hwuau being stands upright. never crawls. ls embarrassed by eating,
keeps hi, right hai>dfor hi, food.
Tite insliwtion of the food ventlor brings out the other side of Lhefeeling about
c3ting. Food vending is done outside the home, and one·s O'\'ln mother bccornesa. dif-
£cre1nperson when she takes her little t.1bh.:,set with soCtdrinks and tidbit~.. a11dsits
down by the roadside to sell food for pc:nuio. The situation becomes gay and frivo-
lous, people ch1sccr togctbc;rthinking little of c.1.steor status, except in speech. They


tt? standing without em1Jarr.t$.,;,mcnt,flirt with the vendor, part of whose: stOC:k•in-
trade is quic.k rcp:1rtce. E.·uiug al du.: vcndor•s stall is ca.,;,ualand pfayful. and it must
'&e,compared, not wilh Lhebaby'::,forced eating of pre-chewed food. but with the c:aslul
.andgay suckling. Tiny children. har<lly:1b1cto talk, are gi\·C:npt:nnics, wander beyou<l
~ confining c:irdc o( the home. and r.urn their pennies into snacks and sweetmeat-..
:::,;e ,·agrams who w:mdcr from villag-i:to vi11a.gc,begging a coin herc, doing a half.
-J:'\"~S work there, may eat almost entircl}' from these food .stalls, living outside all Ll1t:
..:m!tations of citizenship and onerous $()(:ialpanicipation.
Food eaten sL1:ndiugat a vc-m.lor•sstall requires no prdimin-:uy or final \\lashing
....3:he mouth, but at t.hc cud of a real mc:,11each Balinese carefully fi11shis mouth with
~er and spc:v,-sthe ·water fonh without swallowing any, thus hrc,king connection
.;.I!! the food which h:is just emered his mouc.h. ...:\ndit is ag-.Unstthis. background
-2:: lhe Balinex cerc:monial use of water must be tu:tdersL()(xl; whc;rhcr ic is the receiv-
..?:3: of holy water, washing one's bc::forcgc>jngco a cereu1ouy, or pouring holy
• z:a over a corpse. \V:uer breaks the corrupting tie, not with dirt, but with having
':x cont.'1ctwith dirL - a very djJfo·rent matter.
It is only when ftx)d is acrnally etllering the body thal lht: &tlinc:;e feel this way
about it. Rice is treated a.,;a ;,,•udand should be set on a pedestal highe1·than the seated
c:a..ter;and there were rules lt) some vilbgcs againsLspeaking to a man who was c:ating,
!>«aUSeit ,\·ould anger c.hc:god th:n was in him. Food is never laid on the bare ground;
T.hcn this is done it becomes, psychologically speaking. nM. food but excreta.
rhmughouc. I.he Balinese is preoccupied with the p.'1nicipation of his own body
c-:m act. rather than in a relationship between himself and :m outside object. Partici•
;a::ioo in the act of ingesting and digc;c.ingsolids is accotnpanied by rcpl.llsion, bul the
:-cpolsion is not <lirected toward the food. '\1/hen the body is seen as a tube thnmgh
wh.ic.hthings pas..:;c1uid:.Jyand relatively unaltered. this ide-.;.1.seems fO be pleasant and
~banassing; while the opposite notion. chat substances arc taken into lhe bcxlr
X'1dthere allen:d, is c-.orrespondinglyunpleasant and embarr.u.sing.

Autocosmic Play (Plates 38 to 44)

The BalineSc Lrt:ata baby as something between a coy and a puppet, ,.,·ith a tittle
of cxc,ra respect if they remember that the baby is recemly returned from the
~ world. Nowhere in all l\.'1U,where people laugh far more readily at a gaff than
..n response lo any <liroct invocation of thcil' emotions. where tears are disallowed at
deltb and when: anger is expressed with gre.:itcr smoothness of speech, is chere any•

thing half a,; rc:sp,onsiveas a baby. The six-month-old h:1hy is car·ried abo,n comiuu-
ally; i( it. frcL'ior grows restless there a.rehalf a dozen hands sLretchcd out to receive it,
and the cartic..-r,pi<1uedal its rcstlcssn,;s.-.$is only too ghrl ro Jet it go. So a baby passes
from hand to haml in a cro,..,·d.S(aying a half-mintnc in one:girl's arms. only to yield to
the bl.1ndishmems of her ncighbor \~·ilhoutstretched anns. No one p.isses a Uaby with-
out stopping to flick its fingers or fiick it llnrlcr the cbi1), or inter :i teas:iog.''W'h<,"Tc
your moLher?"<l to wake the hahy pw.:ke1·ils lips or ro <:ryoutright. A popu-
lar baby, from the ar-,oi: of five or six months to a year, is ;ilways ··\\'andering ahouL for
pleasure" on the: hip of some "'·oman or sm.all girl, a relative or a ncighhor. Only on
1.herarest occ:asiottsdo little girls invent substirur.e clolls.or play with liule carviugs,
or tn.-:.upuppies as babies. MosLof the time t.hc:ypla:~•with rc.""?l babies. gay responsive
1:xlhies,babies whi<.:hrespond to stim\lbtion wilh tears or hughLer as easily as a me•
chanical doll says "mama" when prcc;scdin I.heright pbn:. Babies are ,.,·omen·s toys. so
saLis{yingas toys t.h.atthey seldom, even as children, turn to other toy.:;.
Yee thcn.: is anoLher side to the attitude tow:ird babies.,sun,mc,."dup in the words
which :)TC use<lfor chem hcfort': Lheyarc named- "mouse," "c:atc-rpillar," ..grub" -
Jiu.le crawliog thingi-- an<l significmtly some of these r.c:nnsarc also 1tst:<l as scare
won:lsLOdeter a young child from doing auything which his moth<;rdoes1:t'twant him
LOdo.;same liLLkaeatun:s occur in paintings of c.orpscs,an<la \\'Oman who has
rdUScd to have; c:hildreo on c.1nh is punished by having to sud:Jc a caterpillar in
hell. Mothers of m:w babies. arc addressed as "mother of a mouse·' or "mother of a
caterpill.1t," ;md holy persons, pric:$LS. and chose who h.we bc,x;npurified in the bier--
al'chy of fl:tjocng-Gede m\lst not go uear young haUies.
\•Vhat3 h:l:byis LOa woman - so1uelhing co pby wiLh,to toy with. to titilfatr. and
tease, to d.1wdlc:over, LO carry about, to dress up au<l undress, to SLmkeand to tickle -
a fighting c:oc:kis LOa man. llalinese meri oft.en carry thcit <>WO babies about, in the
mountains even wearing the baby sling ancl carrying quite yow-igbabies tc;mlerl>'and
skillfully, but for grown men these arc always their own children or gr,mckhildrcn.
C::1rryingbabies about is an act of kinship more than a fotrll of amusement. Adol~
cent boys, not yet sure of Lhemsc1v(:s as h.,·ownmen, will o{ten spend time carrying and
toying ,\•ith some young relative, hut it is doubt fol if any boy who was not
to tlu.::1.askby being ldL with a baby to care for, would e,•er prefer a baby to a fighting
<.:ock.The a,•erage Balinese man t.<mfind no pleasamer ,v-ayto p.ts$ the time rku\ to
w·..lkabo\lt with a cock.,testing it. out agai:nsrthe cocksof othc:r meu whom he meets
on the TO:l:d, giving it an onion balh. or puuing red pepper on its anus. or into iLSbeak.
Ruflling it up. smoothing it down, n1ffilng iLup again, siuing-among other men who

uc engaged in similar toying with their c:ocl-$ this passes ina11y hours 0£ Lhc long
hot :ifrcmoons. But if one \-.'atchesa wom:m with a baby and a man wilh a fighti!lg sees a significant dillereocc: the-:m:m il>h:mrlling the cock as an extension of
!l!s own body; the woman is handling t.he child as som(:thing scpar:nc, aparc from
herself. something for whic:h one reaches om a.n.d which one sc:c:ksto actr:tc:t. "When
one man is allowed to handle the cock of another. Lhe men change places r ..uhcr th;m
t!:lecock c:hanging hands. ·111cnewcomer slips.into che place behiod the coc.k,and llu:
:::.anwho w:1s holding il slips LO one side.
Children's first experience 0£ handling live things, which later develops imo play
..,ilh.fighting ccx:ksfor men and play with babic::sfor girls and ·women, is provided by
b.lby birds, bc:-etlc:s. grasshoppers, etc .• ·which are tied an<l given to c:hildn;n as play·
:.hing;. l\.1hy chicks puppi<:Sarc aJso give.n to children quilt: fredy as wys. \Ve
phot0graphc:d one scene in which lwo two-ycar-o1d boys were bouncing puppieS as if
~y were- rubber ha11s.The child is taugi1t nu identifying attitttdcs of pity or care
:oward these live wys on the ends of sLriogs aod all his imcrcst is c:cnt<.."Tcd on the way
:n which the stu.all bird flutters and respou<ls to the: pull of the: string. These living
:...u~~ha,·c a series o{ overtone.-.which h<':<.Of)lC part of Bal.i.o.ese
symbolism. 'l'hc children
!'ilJiug with lht.:m arc at the same time learning ro cxpcrim.ellt with their own bodies:
-;ttlegirls to Hick their pliant fingers as far back as possible, Jittlc hoyi. ro pull .md rng
i:- th('lT genitals. The sense of a body-part symbol which i.s attached, but by a rhrc.:ui,
~<.:.which has a life and willfullncss of its own, becomesstrongly devdoped. In thr
b.Jow-play this i<lca is further devdupt:d. Scpanhlc weapons, lances. spears:.
shower across the stage, and Tol\ralen., the coarse old scn•ant of the hc..-rocs,bas
~ • ·capon spear-shapedat the point ·which he \ISCS - lUilil the puppelc::c:r
draw$ :1 T03T
..: ~ughter from his audience l>y Luming the; kathcr about to show the phallic butt.
~ ~e arn>ws and spears wheo Lhey arc flung, dart aCTossthe screen, but ""1'ow·..i1en ·s
....-eapontr.1.,·ds -wirh a slow, wavy, au<l ponderou.'i motion.
Besides live bird'i and insects there is a \'aricty of oth(:r toys, such as pin·h·heels,
._.!,frJigigs, raltles. am! d.appt:r!>which arc assiiuilated to t.hllisame::pic:tur<;-:.
One of che
=:O!>.t\'i,-id dramatiz.ations of the whole irlca o{ a scp.·u-ableand a.iiimated phallus i$
..ut:::1din the flocks 0£ pigeorL.:;with bdls (foil to their wings. which circle abm·c the dty
♦- Den P:u;ar; and I onc,e wirneSM:da telling dr.:unatic improvisation iH which our
~e:ess houseboys tied a noisy i.d1lrting bum bld>ee to a string and anchored il in
m:.!st o{ a s.prer••ul of do1hcs which the high<:aslegirls fTom r.henext counyard had la.t<l
,...rhe grass to dry.
Thi" o:;cnscthat owu body parts, p.i.rticularly the phallus, are \'ery loosdy zittachc-d

and indepeudcntly ;mimaterl, is mn-:;t<levdopr:d in boys. Girl~, although they are occa·
sionaBygiven live birds to play with, usually aMimilatesuch pets to the idea of a baby,
so that they l,c:c{)me, not part..:.of the own body, but something live -andscpant<;: fmm
the s.t:lf.By Lheti.tne Lheyare four or five, all little girls have an ample opPortuu.ity to
play ·with babies, and more eL1boratcdevelopments of thL5prf.OCcupa.Lion with an own
body which is separate and animated, do nor. occur. Nevertheless, the attenuated ver-
sion, which the girls receive from the toys thcy arc given and Lhemodels whom they
watch, i.senough. T'rue, for thr:m the cultural piclt\re lacks the reinforcement which
each genc:r.i.tionof baby boys must deri\•e from their own bo<lily sensations. But it)
later life both sexes, when I.hey·watch a dancer at a play~ identify not wilh t.he char~
acter who is being portrayed but with the bodies and movements.,skilled or faulty, of
the performers.
Forth<: littk hoy, the handling which he: receives from others strongly rcinforc..cs
the sut,'l,>t:SLivc
symlx)lism 0£ his playlhio.g. A molher dries het baby boy ifter he has
urimned by flicking his genital lightly from side to side, :mcl as he gr<l\\'Solder this
treatment changes to teasing and n1ffling, folfowed by pulling and SLrelching.Little
hoys keep their habnc:c by holding on to their genitals, and learn to stretch the skin
as others havc: stretdu:d it. Ag-aiost this background of conspicuous attention to Lhc: of 1nalechildren. oflcn with the exclamation ''Jf:mdsomc! Handsou1e!'' - an
adjective applicable only to male beauty - the chilcrs body beco111es a sort of stage and
his body parts che actors on chat many <:ullUres, lOJS and pattcm.s of arlult
play with children tend to the child's attenlion a·wayfrom his own body and into
the outside ·world. but ill Bali everything combines rn rc.:foc:usthe child's auenLion
back upon himself. His ·whole body. buc cspec:i:-tllyhis &'°t:nital,is Jik.e a toy or a small
musical )n.strurocm. upon whi<:h thost: about him play; they lllake him toys which tell
the same cal<;and it is not suq>rising thal he develops a bodily consciousnc:s.svc;rydif-
f<;rcntfrom our c)wu.
/'\s childrea gl'OW older. they withdraw iuto themselves., away from tht: oven.tiu)U·
lating and t.Hll'et1.-rardiog
ceasing. T.ittle hoy!i l<'::imto skirt carefully the group o( elders
who will make Ct.Sual snatches at thdr hrt:nit.ab;little girls ,'1alk ·with their abdomens
pushed far out ln s.c:cmlng imitation of pl"Cf,'l1ancy. but I.heysteer dear of the older
women who will sma<:k them on their abdomens and ask if they arc prcgn.'tnt, and
whc:n tht: baby they carry will be boro. TI1ey draw back into thcm,,clv<,'$,and arc
thrown back on Lheir ow11bodies for gratif1cation.The men become narcissistic am.l
uncenaio of the po'l•ter of any woman, no m:.itterhow $tr.mgt: and beautiful. to arouse
their desire, but the wom<.."11remain continu.:tllyreceptive to tua.le-ad·v.:u1ces. Strikingly

e-:lough..all.hough fomaJc homosexuality did occur in the restricted oourlS of the nj2hs
among lheir m.auyguarded wives and sisters.,all L11er(:Cordswe ha,•c indicale that the
11rOrnan who played the man ·s role had to fabricale a complett:: ma le anatomy. The
Balinese fuld it impossible t.o im..igine a sexual drama whic:h does not include one
-:-:-.ale,but they do not find it at all difficult to conceive of one male, left :ilone his
-'"3.m:ui7.edbody, finding satisfactiou within himself. In che most exciting $C(:ncs,riot·
.:..-:govc::T:1 corpse, or at the climax of a cock.fight, are ah...-J.yssome who stand
ttlde, c-un:t-.din upon themselves in the postures typical o( schizophrenic-dreaming.
It is possible to dassi~• play types as autocosmic, when Lhe own lx><lyi.sthe stage
.aswell as the principal actor; microcosmic, whc::na drama is enacted i1'l miniature and
;he player mcrc:ly m:mipul:ncs the pieces. one of which may represent himself; and
=acrocosmic, when the play themes are lived out in the real '1-.·orld,as ,\~hent.hc::would-
be cotd:>oydoes not content himself with riding up and down on a stick shouting (as in
:!:tocosmk play), or in playing out the game with toy cowboys and Indians. but in-
Jrot.C3-d sei1:csa large stick an.d rushes out to beat his father, suddenly seen as an Tndian.
er plays truant from school u1ider the spell of his fantasy.•
,vhcn Balinese children arc:offered a mechanical mouse~or a doll or a toy koola,
:!!e}'do not c:onstn1ctscenes with these toys as chj)dren in many other cultures do.
They take 01)c':toy at a and ha,:a<llc- it as part of o,.,-n body, if they are boy$;
~ they Lrcat the r.oy:1s:l baby, or more oc.·casion:iBy as a hand, if they are girls. Yer;·
IXCiSionallyLht-yprojen cheir whole bodies iruo a play world, as when they become
aa. <.:hasingthe inechauic·.1.lmouse;. 13alinese children idenLify thc:msclvcs in their r.Hh<,-rthan merely drawing mythlcll figures, or realistic porli-.1yabof the
people around them.t 1 have coHec:tt':rl c:hiJdrC'n'sdrawings in seven cullun::$, but only
~ Balinese chlldren do chis. his as if Lht:Baline5ese1r<.:cly discriminale bet\\'t:en the
!ttl;_r;g £or tl1c mvn body and the sense of dramaLic action. This shows up vividly in
;he dram.alic conventions.
In the Balit)ese l.hCalcr,the ordinary division Ullo gi-eenroom, sLagc,:mrl audience
..a.curiouslyhandled. 'l'he aLtdienceis .a hollow square with the stage insi<lcLhesqu.=m::,
JO rhac the actors are al\\'a:ysseen ag:tinst a backdrop o{ human £:acesinslead of a~insc

1.--: c-mpryscreen. The mosLdelicate gestures, which are incredibly lovely when some

..a!r.!cnt of grouudplan makes it pos.,:;ibleco see them etched against a Lemple wall or
• Thee w~ n:ry tueful Ql~M'i~ ()t !•by air b:ui:d on L n. I.tiWn, .. ?rohlems. "' In.fa~ ao-.1WlJ)' Q:.;!,:!.
-t_ c,,!bp,.d.,,. <,/ ,Af<(f#('ttt<, SUTgn')',c.rid SfKd1:ilu..f.(t>h,!~<lclph~: f'. /t. Da•k Cov i~). pp. il5..-,,0· \\'c .:.u
• =.:cbced to Dr. ttiboo f« thccrrcd(:11 <i11rifoaui,uu(.I( lbc: -~~· i."'I.wbich the iulinde ~udic:na;:f l'.«i.llilU.'to
IIZ:'::.h-w,1h 1hc rbaar:ium in a 1•1:syway be ~bed anc!,:r ibc .m~""m.c ~'1in;;.
- Ow-:u;to:r:.$lic,u( the intcrprcuticlni r,h-en hJ,•1hr S...ja••~Wld•ro ...i-,_. d.~wtUoS l<r.C w!.!cacd: by J~r:c klO,.

the: empt}' sky, have to be witnessed, as :t n11e, in the midst of a crowd, so th:tt only
kl1laesthctic identification with the move;;mc:ntitself makes it jJOSSlbleto rc-.alii.eit.
Except in the modctn Chiuese-infiucnc.ed "rdja in which a curtain is stnmg up in the
open between two poles. hiding nmhin_g except about half o{ a single actor's body.
there is no grcenroom. Those :ic:t.orswho arc not pcrforining sit relaxed, pcrh..'tps
asleep, hcaddn::;se..-.taken off for rdic£. while the audience sits :i 11about lhem, inter•
es.tedand unsurprised. 'W:.liting for the moment when I.heywill n:sume their roles. Jn
the shadow-play there is ::'Isc:nx:nof ,o,1hite cloth :tg-.tinstwhich the :;haclowsare thrown,
so that the best effects arc seen from the outside. In spite of this, a.s tn.ltch as h:1lf of the
audit:m:e-.especially c:hildren aJ.tdmen who hope someday to be puppctcCT'S,sit behind
the screen ·wacc:hingthe techniqllcs of creating the illusion. rather than ever surrcn·
<le.ringco the illusion itself. E.'lc.hpuppet is painted on bot..hsides with d-aborate catc~
although only a bfack sh~dow is thrown on the screeu. A n.~Iinc:seandiencc :?t :my
perfonn:n1cc-is a g,:oup of pc-:ople•whoarc cc,•dmicallyiu.tercst(:d; they are unc:.n,1gf1c by
the plight of the prim:ess losL in cbc fon:sL. l>to\,•uaw.1yon her silken c:obwc:bs.but
they are very deeply COt)cerucd·with the twisl of her little finger.
\,\re think of lhe tendency of drama lOspm over iulo real life, but iu Bali, rc.'ll lifo,
il the :mdieuce of evc,'T)•<by pe1-sonsstanding: close packed aroun<l the stage c,1n be so
ca11cd,is alNays spilling ove1·Uuo chc play. 'When a little dance1··ssash has c:ome un•
tied, someone from lhe ,;•lllage1$in pinning it up; or wheu l'IVO unmasked ,\•itches arc
chased down t.0 the brook and ,Juc:kcd by other ;l.Ctors,Lhe whole ;mdic:m::eSllddenly
joins in tht.:chase. The \\Titc:hplay. begun with carefully m.1.rkcdaudieuce lines and
highly styH1.cddancing, Ol:\}'c;nd with rnany of tht.:au<lieo.cein rr:mc:e,or half o( them
pursuing the \,Viu:h \,•ho, crano::clhcn;elf, rushes blimlly th.rollgh rhc village. In che
thc:u.rical pcrforrn:mct:s. is continual reprcsem:.'ttion and exagg(."'T:ttion of Lhose
emotions which i"IO adult Balinese clisplays: grief :.n piirting aud de:nh; broken
hearts; riotous aggression. coupled with a freedom of speech and gesture: aod an
alllount of horseplay never seen ;imong adults; birth scenes ·wlfh vivid <lrauu'l.tiiarion
o( the fear of wilchcr~fr;which surrounds every real birth. The members of the :mdi-
e:ncc, playing out chc;sc:enes \\'ithin their own bodies, 2rc drawn i.tuo the pby, audi•
cnce and actor alike pr'C'occopicd·with their own bodi(:s.
ll is'l}' revealing to ,w,ttdl I.hegroup of Balu1esc-men c:Just.<:rc<labo1.1tan
orchestra. They are the orher me1obers of the dub. ,.,iho will pfay wheo any of chose
now playing relinqt.tish their ins1.rumcnts. l::m~hlll.emhc:rof thaL group is n,-;i,lyto play
an iu::anuuent, and is \,'.l.lting for his diance; chcy :tn: never a passive ::Judicm:e.ltlt"l'ely
listcuiug to mm;ic io which their O\O:U bodies h:-n-eno part. As men ch:,mfi"eplaces hc-

~:.d the same cock, so also tl-it:y~lip in and out from behind the diJierem instrumcnrs,
.ne player raking up ·where the other has left otI. In one of the modern darlct: forms
·"le dancer in the c:cntcr o{ the <:irdc-:flirts with the !UL~icians and adds piquancy to
Hirution by taking a,;•;aythe mallet fmm a leading metallophonc pbycr. Occa-
• Dnally a very small hoy," five- or si.x-year-old wlul5-Cnn1skal virtuo.siLy 1rnsbrought
b...=.nto the front rows of the metalloplumc: pl:t)'crs, will biuedy resent this cc-mpo-
thdt of his tool. He is too much absorbtd in mu~ic-al virtuosity to aC<:eptrhc
ion that the hammer is also another toy detachable from his hody.

Parents and Children (Plates 45 to 68)

lu Bali. the gods ~re thottght of as Lhe children. of the people, not as au&'Ustp.1•
"m.ti'.tl figures. Speaking through the lips of those in trantr:., rhc gods address Lhe \ H- b "p:ipa" and "mama," and che people are said to spoil or indulge their l-,'l><ls.
~ Slme Lenu being u.scd as that which is used wheo .spoiling or indulging a child or
Newborn babies. reincarnated and fresh from heaven, arc addressed wit.h
!lOrific terms and Lhe babe alx)Uc to be born is polilely exhortt:d hy the mid
e ..Sir. jJ!t:a.sccomlcsccnd to <:m(;.-rge, for we are cold and have no more lx-ld nut.
\ ~r should like LO go home: if you, Sir. would only consent to be bom ... During rhc
a:--1·•months 0£ iLS life, before ic ls qoicc certain that Lhechild will <:mL.,;ent to stJX and
• rice ,,ith its relalives. p. slight aur.t of r.hesacred and uncanny su.rroua<ls the child:
_ !"!""JY not yet pot foot to the ground or emcr a temple, and its wilUullnes.s and it:,,
frrv: 23rb1cd phrases are taken as inspired. This attitude toward children is can:et!
,:-.:.J.mlc.:cn:monially expressed in che child u-ances. in whic:h adolcsccm bo~·sa..').d
:.: tut<H Lake ~reat plc:asurc in :)ddrcssing and ador11ing the little tranc:c dancer,

..w i:l turn, p<,s.scsscdby a god, acts as a pelted or petulant child. ,\1lcn the !llUSZc
to dance, rhytllfilically C!lacLingthe familfar scene in
the: litLlc tr:mccrs b<...-gin

-~~h elde1~ allc:mpL Lo Jrc.,,;sa fractious and squirming child.

T!ie-:.c-st.euc:san: vc:ry much enjoyed by everyone. '1 'he more pettish and unrca·
ble the litdc: <.htm:c:r is, Lhc more
the audience becomes. For tfo: tnncer ic.
-mcc-\\·iUful and compliaJ:1.t:she is fussy about the music. rejecting a song b) the: girt
m-e.=1bersof the: dub a.ntl irn,isting upon orchestral music fro1n the boys. but at the
rime she responds acct1.ralclylo hc:r cues. ,Vhen the words of lhe song say ..Swc:cp
;round with your fan" she swee(->S the ground; or wh<..'11 they say "Gi\·e me a
·.(""M"·· c.he (ak<"s a Oower from her hcadtlrc:ss and hands it to a member o{ che audi-
~- l"ranc~d, relaxed, puppet·lik.e. sacred a.u<lyc:t c:omplcu;ly under conrrol. com

pliant and yet willful, the sangirmgdancer is the ideal object for I\."llint:scparental
attitudes. and the audience, relaxed and gay. both participates :,nd looks on. The big
boysaddn:s.~Lhelittle rr:mc:erSwith ovc.-r<lonc: politeness, ..See, your sacred ladyship, it
is going to rain and you have not yet stood on my shouldcn.. Are they not good eOOltgh
for you?" "Surely, your sacred la<lyshipis now willii"l.gto reascend tc) heaven, for we
a.rebored with this and would like co go home."
The lillle dancers are put into tr.mce by incense ;md singing and, in Rajocug
Gede, by holding on to vibrating sticks connected by a string from whic:h are sus-
pended puppets. ·1·hegods first entc-:rI.bepuppet:$,seuing up a violent comu"J.otion of
the s-tring.The girls then grasp Lhesticks and a.reentered by the same gods. Only after
Lhegods have entered them aud they are in trance, may the sacred heiddn.:SM:sand
sacred bibs be pfaccd up,on Lb.em.If. in this sacred St.'ltt, 1..heygo from one Letnple to
ai1other,th~y are carried on me11'ssho1.1ldcrs, and part of the daue:eis danced surtding
on a man·s shoulders. Tf a pie-ceo( the headdress falls to the g1:ooud,it J:TttL.q be censed
befor<:it can be r.;tun1ed to the d.ancer·shead. The girls.. espedally their heads,
$.:tcred,and yet, if the play(ul. overpolite exhonations to rett1m to heaven fail, the
small girls :m: firiallypicked up, summarily and in spite of themselves,the headdresses
are taken off I.heirheads, the bibs untied, and the girls are dumped down facing the
incense and subjected t() t.heritual which will bri:ng r.hetnout of trance and transform
them back into vCTyordiuar;- little girls again. So babies - and go<h- and prjnces -
appear to the Balinese.
.But if the stmgiangdance sums up the gt:neral attitude toward the child, an atti·
Lade which ail adults and older chlldn:n share, what is the particular affect ·which
binds mother and cbil<ltogether io Tlali?The Balinese child is carried either loosely
on the hip. as in m~t of the plains \•illages.or in a sling. as in Bajoe.ngGede. but even
where the hand of tl1e mother is substituted for the sling, the chiltl's adaptation is the
same, passive,adjusting itself by complete lirnpness to the mover.oe1usof the mother's
body. It m3y even sleep with he-adwobbling to the timing of Lhemother's rice pestle.
The baby receives its cues as to whe:1.herthe ouaide: world is to be trusted or feared
from contact with the ulother's body, and though tlle mother may have
schooled herself to smile and uLler courtesy phrases to tbe ~trauger and the high-caste,
and may di.,;playno timorous11essin bcr arti6cially grimacing face, the screaming baby
in ber anns betrays the i.trn•ardpanic. The tendency LO take cues direetly from the
mothCT'sbody is inct"C3scdby Lheinothcr's habit of hiding the child's fact, placing her
hand O\•er its eyes or <.'t)vering it in her cloth shawl, whenever anything untoward is
occurring. Children, surprised in a vil~~ lane by strangers. with no time to take to


their heels and not even d.roe to turn their f:u:c;$r.o the 1\,all, ·will stand it11tnobilc-.the
backsof their hands pressed firmly ~~i! their eyeballs. shutting out the fear stimu-
lus. The Balinese distinguish dearly becween fear aud tltt::expn..."'llSion of fear, and it
bocomcsa commonplace to hear people .say fiercely to cowerU)gor crying children,
~•Da takoe-t" ("Do not act afraid ..), au<l this is r.hc only rc..1sstuance,,•hich is c:vcr at-
kt!lpkd. Nobody would say. ul)a djen:lt/' ("l>on't f,e.afr.iid''). No one even auempts
to furnish enough reassuta.nccso that the child's iinemal fear m:-tyhe dispelled.
As the child grows old enough co run away, to get into mischief, r.omcrlcilewith
the belo1)gi.n~of ol11t"rs,or to upset food cooking on the fire, the mother pamoroimC'S
the fc..-ar
which Lhechild has alre-.i.dy cxperienc.cdso often in her arms. Like an old hen
ducking in panic to call her chicks back under h(...'1' wing, the mother of the sLrayiog
child gives a his.ttfonic fear-laden cry, "Aroh!" followed by the mention of any one 0£
a doit:n sc:aresym.bo1s,chosen at random and without any concern for their rele,;-ance
- "Fire!" "Snake;[" "Fcccs!" "Scorpion!" ..,!" "Elf spirits!" "'\\lhite manr·
••Chituman!" .. Policeman!" "Tiger!" The 1notber is a.~likely to exclaim ''Fire!" t\·hen
die baby toddles iuto a possiblysnake-infestedbanana pau~h;"Fc:ccs!"when it couches
:he betel basket of a visiLor,and ..Tig<;r!"when it crawls under Ule bed. Ther~ is no
reality content h1 the whole perfonuance. The child responds only to the startled !ear
in his mother's "ok.c, and to the theat..riC'.al embrace in which she holds him ,,·hen he
runs back t<>her. This is almost the only occasion on which the mother meets the child
emotionally, giving him her complete. although Lhe,urical,attention. This practice
bys chc ground·work for the contin1.1:1tionof fear as a major sar1ction and stirnulas in
B:tlincselife..It lays che groundwork for an ambivalent attitude lO\-.'aJ'd fear. an C!'!l()-
tiou which the Balinese cultivates as -,veila.~yielcis to, and for the open preference £or
and theatrical bchavior ,.,·hichii $0 char.u:teristic of the B.1lincse.Only in
the lb.eater is Lheovert expression of emotion permiu~ In real life, the F.uropcan is
often at a los.sto tt-11when two Balinese are quarreling, but on Lhestage, emotion~ .2rc
so 3cc:uratcly delineated that uo misukc is possible.
During our first months in &Ji. befor<:I had learned to understand the Baliues.e
pre(eren<:efor th<::¾tric;al emotions. I l\'aS at a loss to explain why my npport dc\·eloped
so slowly wiU1the people of B.1jocngGede. Mothers wh<>Sc babies I had medicated.
ahhough they l'etw·ucd for more medicine, remained so un·wo1). that the b3bies
~e3med in terror in their arms whenever the mothCTSsaw me. The {e\-.'days which it
tal.ei to win c,,·(,..-rthe women a!ld children in a Kew Guinea tribe lengthened into
oonths. and still the mothers smiled false auxiollS su)iles. t.hc:babtes screamed, and
dogs barked. Then I had the opportunity to study the behavior of otht:T Europeans

who had come to Bali as they u1ight go to the thcatcr, and .saw how much more e:lsily
intcrtSt than they did w my affection for
the Balinese.:rtspondcd to tbeir c>-ag.t:;etatcd
imli"idual babies. Rcatljusling my cues, J gave l\P dcpc::nding upon the communlca·
tion of real emotion. upon which I barl depended on all my other field trips. and
learned to c.x;ig_~e.rateand caricature my friendly :illitudcs until the Ralioese could
s..1:fdyac.ccpt them as th~:ilrical rathtr Lhan real. 1'.·tot.hcrswho had not loosened one
tense mtLsdc when I expressed my 1·ealkcling'S for their babies, rda...xed with rdief
,,lbcn I cocx::dand gurgled in tones which no longer hacl any rcfatiou lO my rt:al atti·
tudcs. Their arms relaxed, the babies stopped SCl'eaming.. the dogs ba.tked lc:ss.
Paralld to the devclopmem of fo:1r and its (htatrical pn:sentacion, the Balim:-sc:
baby is st1bjc.."f:ted
to a p<.x:nli.arilyof the rnother-c:hild rdatic.mship whic:h is app:nr:nl
when the c:hild is only five or six month,-;old and which bC<".omes ste:1rlily tnore dcfinile
as the-c.:hildi:;ro,;\f'S
oldc:r.•1'his is :'l series of broken sequences, of nnreachcd dimaxes.
The motl1e1·continua.Uy srimubtc::s the child to show c;motion - love or desire, jeal-
ousy or auger-only lO tun, away. to break the thread. as the c:hil<l,in rising passion,
m:•ikt:Sa demand for some emotional response on hc-t part. 'When the baby fails to
nu1·se, the mother tickles his lips with her nipple~ ouly to look a,-my uuiutcr<
slightest nerve attending. as soon as tfo~baby's lips close tim1ly and il begins to s11ck.
She sels hc..-rbaby in his IJath aft.t'.rsi.'Xmonths this is a round tub - and teasingly
thrusts hc~rfiogcrs between lips. 01lly to look aw:1y,di.sassod:itt:d. as the baby hitt~i.
delightedly at her haud. She hands her baby lO anmher woman, aud then thrcarens to
leave hi111,'Tm off home! You 1 will k:;l\'e." but when the lmb)• b\trsts into tc;1rs. her
:1ttcnlion ha:;-already w.indeted and she takes him ,\rithout looking ::1Lhim, as she con,•
menu to her ,-;isleton the: p1·kc of be-..tusin the: nearest marker.
A.srhc child gets older. from about cightc:e1-.months on, the: teasing, the s.tim-1,1lu.s
LOt.hc m:ver realized diu1ax b<..-<:omes more: palterncd and 1uore intense. For the little
ruffle at his gc:nilal, she;substitutes a sudden sharp pull: lhe girl who \•.'aschucked
under chc;dtiu or p:uled lightly on che vulva wi.Ula gay "Prt:Ltyt Pretty! .. is now poked
in the abdomen. The mothc!' borrows the babies o{ otht:rs. with which to tease her
m·m, by setting tlte srrangc:r, }'O\mgcr baby ovc:r the hc:!d of her own. or giving il the
brc;~st. Bltt she never pbys the so;nc: lhrough. H her own child falls into :i LatHn1m,
she suddenly hands hiin the borrowed b.1hy, bL\t then just as he: is ready to lhrow his
-:!mlS around he.r neck, she wi11take it again or start a conven.alion with a ncighbor.
And in tum, lhe baby plays the role of cite:borrowed baby, finding h:sdf tucanlngicssly
placed in lhe ccntt:r o( a sc<.:neo[ wbic:h it is ont the hero - another mrn"arr:mt.edcall
upon its culotion.s.
For the fu-sLtwo w three years oft.heir lives, children respond to these stimuli.
allhough perhaps the tucrc;1sing srrcngth of the stimul\ls may be Laktn as a measure of
the increasing resistance which Lhcyarc dcvelopir\g. The mother, and in line ,-.ich the
mother, the aum, r.hc sister, and the child nurse tease and t-inuli,;c, while the child
responds with u1ounting emotion which is invariably U!ldc:-.n::ut before the dim:tx.
Lalcr, the child begins w ,,,ithdraw. This wiLf1drawalmay coincide with we;-aning.!t
may pre-cedeit, or it may follow ir. The intensity of the drama is centt:red abom the
mother·s breast, and a Balinese baby h~hic-oilly at one breast and grnsps firmly
3t the Olher nipple, especially when there arc any other children about; but weaning

itself is not the high point in the confl.icl. This is partly to be t:xpbincd by the bet
that a <:hil<lhas been filu"Se<l by other women than his mother, and given the bre.asu oE
young a<lolt$C:<::nt girls or the- worn breasts of a gmndmothc,"Twhere there was no milk,
and partly by tltc fuc:r.that even after wtaning. the chiJd is pern:l.lttcd to s-teal back for
3.n c)('".casionalsip. Fur this he will at first he reprimanded, but lat<:rafter his interest
has ~\'aHe-d, he would hardly be reprimanded al all. The withdra\~'al. howc.•,rcr, ,;,.·hich
m.:?rksthe cu<l of c.1:rlychildho()d for :t 13;1.Jinese, au<l whic:h c-.omcsanywhere f~i;u-ccn
!he ag('.sof three and six, is a withdrawal of .,nrcspoosh•c::nes,,,;. The mother borrow.,
the :u-:ighhor'sbaby. lmt hc:rchild looks on unmoved. He skirts any &'TOUp in which he
think:. thr.rc will be SOU!C'Out: U> reach out a hand toward him. onc:c <"ir,,blishec!.
his l.U)tt:sponsivcncsswill htsl through life.
Most children rc;ach this stale by Lht.:time cbey are thrti: or four, ,!atinz:?7

t.inu:s. falling into deep sulks or violent tetnpc;:r:;,only to resume: :1gain tbejr !:::•'\·:;,
:?cquircd imperviousnts..s. For gids this change usi1ally coiticides with their uk!n;,;-up
tltt! ro1c of child nurse:, and. sr.lning lo carry a baby cvc1;"tvhere with them. Fol' bu~"5 •
• t coincides t\'ith I.he beginning o[ herdi.og - following older bO)'Sto the fidds \\ ith
t~f oxen in Bajoeng Gede, <>rwith che ,,rater buffalo in & A few C'.hilckcnfill.le
the adjwtmc..-nt \'cry lale;<~risric.1Jly means for girls a Serie. of \ioler.:t
·cm.per lautrums, whHc for bo}-SiLmr-::1ns long, almosl Lr.mcclikc sulks and ;nr2d:.s o •
dcrp physical dependency wheJl they will lie leaning ag,1.instsome other pc-t"-Onor
C'\('n against some in:mirnate object. Children mauifesling such bchavior u.sm1k arc
found to have a combination of deviant temperament an<l soc:iotic posilio:1 in rhc
society. They are the: children of a houic::whic:h broke up wiLh unwontcd bit.kmc<;.,
or- thc.-yha-.:cbeen adopted, or they have bcc::nnur.;.cd longer th:.m :my other child. or
:.!:.c-~:.irechildren of ~•:omenbelieved to cany tlte taim: of hereditary witchcraft a.11<l ~
.nc: aH>ided. In New Guinea, mere deviance of lt:mpt:r3mcm l\"'3.S usuaHy enough to
~ure maladjustment; in Bali, w-irhthe much greater <lc..-pcndence upon fear and th.e


systemadc discoungcmenl of inler~pcrson:ilemotion? temperamental deviance is not

enough to bring about inaladjustmcnt unless reinforttd by some gr05S <listorLionin
the social fr.3meworkwithin ·whichr.he Balineseindividual Jives,ft:arfol of che strange
bot relaxed amid the familiar and the conventional.
\Vhile the Balinc;,.c;
child is passing through this first period of responding with
passion to his mother·:;.g"d}', disassociatedteasing- tc:asingwhich is best illustr<1Led by
the audience's tn;.1t,mt:nt of the child;rs - he is also Lhespectator of the
drama in ·whk.h the: Balioese express their feeling-about such a mother-role. The
\,Yicchplay, the Tjal.01w.1'a11g, the definitive <lrawalic theme of Ib1inesc p:m.':nt.cluld
relations? not only e..xprcsscsthe residue in lhe adults of what they experienced as
children., bul also is watched by children and shapes their readi.l)gof the experiences
tQ which they are subje<:teddaily. It colors the child's appreciation of hii. mother's

behavior.,and stylites h.isattitude tow:,;rdher.

The plot 0£ I.heplay, ·whichbegins as a simple theatrical perfi:)nnanceand usually
ends in a series o( vio1cnt trances ,iith full religious par.i.phernalia of offerings and
ritual, varies in detail from village to village.,but is c:s.se11Liallr
uniform. The \\filch is
angry at a king becaw.e he or his son has rejected her daughter., or married her and
then rcje<::tedher, or simply because the king has accused her of witchcraft. She sum-
mons her disciples- played by the mOISl attractive litt1e girls or by link boys <lres.-.c:d
as little girls- and, dt<.'$$Cd as an old hag. she sc.hcx>lsthetn in 'l\>itchcra.£:t.
·they go
forth and spread plague atid disaster over the lal)d. People arc drivc:n from their
homes; babies born and strangled by lhe witches and ~d back dead )nto tlu:
parents' lap<; corpses fill the bnd. All of these horror> are in .the broodcst, slapdash
comedy interspersed with exasgeraLedtheatrical croolions. Then the king of the deso-
b.te<lcountry sends his ambassador, or he may come himseU to fight tl1e.\Vilch, now
no longer an old and infinn ·woman,but ;,i .masked supernatu-r:d being whose tongue
is studded ,v-itbflame:.,
whosenails arc many inches long, whose breasts are abhorrently
hairy and pendulous, and ·whoseteeth are Lusks.Agains.ther the emissary fuils. He
retires from the stage and is transformed it1to LheDragon (a tw<rman mask), who is as
friendly and puppyish a beast as the \r\iitch is terrifying. The Dr.1.r,°On confronts the
\Vitch and they hold altercations in ecdesiasric..1.l old Jav:mese. Follo·wersof the
Dragon. armc:dwich krisses.,enter and approach the 1i\'it<;hready to altack.her. But
she wavesher ma.giccloth - the dmh baby sling- and after each attack they crouch
down before her, magk.a.11y cowed. Finally they rush upon her in pairs, subbing in-
diecti,;relyat the \Vitch who has become a h.11f-limpbundle i.t1their tense arms. She is
wll1woh•edand offers no resisi.ance,but one by one I.heyfall on the ground in deep


tranc.e~!K>mc limp, soine rigid. From this trance they are arnus~d by the Dragon \\'ho his j:m,-sover chem.or by his priest.sprinkling his holy water. Now, able to move
;ipin hut not returned LO norma1consciousness,Lheymove about in a somnainbulistic
state, turning their daggers \\•!tichwere powerless against Lhe\.Yitth, a1s-1in$t rhcir O"t<;'ll
breasts, fixing them against a spot which is said LO itch unbt:ar.tbly. Th1.1s symbolic.all~•
they complete the cycle o( lhe childhood trauma - the appro:u:h to the mother. tht
n-jection and the turn-in upon the self. V'1omenparticipate in these scenes but <lonot
.tttack the 1i\'irc.h.They merely turn their daggers against themselves..The trancers of
both sexes writhe and shriek in ecst.1sy,inccrotiuetttly pausing for a blank moment.
only co begin prtsSing their krissesag-J:insttheir breasts wilh an upward movement if
they are men, but hurling t.hemSc:lvcs in a sharp downward gesture on their hisses if
they arc women. In this violent scene it is rare for anyone to he fojured; priests wea\·c
their way in and out, sprinkling holy water, and the Dragon, who revives them
C:1:ir6.rstdc;<,-p trance, has returned to gi,•e them the suppon and comfort o{ his p:-o-
e-...1c-e.Finally they an: <lisarmed.carried into the temple. ~nd brought out of t:r.mcc
-.-ith holy water and incense an<lan occasional ofiering of a li\!C:chick.•
The participants gal.her in front of the Dragon for a final prayer, the lVitch mask
is packed up and taken home, only to be brought ont soon ag-.J.infor another en.act•
.::..eut.In .someof the old wrim::nversionsof this plot. Ll1eVVitchis killed, but actempcs
to introduce this form onto Lhesrage have failed.
The most explicit fonn of the T jal0?1ara7;.g,and a fonn which i.snot alwaysgi,·en.,
includes Lheappearance of the Dragon at the s.tartof the performance to make a tn:1zic
ci.~e around the stage. At the height of her· po·wer,the \rVitc;h,alone and pathetic in
spite of her ma:;k,stands within the ciTde and calls to the witches from all the four
points o[ the compas:;.But the people stay oursic1erhe circle at1d are safe.
The-fd$Cinationwhich Lhe6&'Urcof the '\\1itch hold.-.for the Balinese imagination
an only be explained when it is recogni,;,.c::d that the '\.YiLchis not only a foar-inspiring
l=i-gure.buL that she is Fear. Her hands with theit long menacing fingernails do n0t
C.:.'.J.tch :md claw at her victims, ahhough children who play at being \'.;tc•.hes do curl
~ei:- hands in just such a t,.<t:Sture. Due the \\iitch herself spreads her arms with palms
• i'« tu ecteWn: delo-ip,rinn <JIB:di.nac tnncc. tbe ~tt iS tdo:t"Ti:d to J::ec: 'Bc:!a's !or:h('()a).iDJ; book o::i
-:=ia: i:i Juli~ (to be pu.b~'ll shortly by c~-.ii»tmi Uni~ty P'rc:ss).Tun~ 4 • Bal.iucse culw.n! fo:'11:1 llr,tt,$-
...c IO UIQi.t Ba.Jim:,;,:b1H «e11ning In v<:r'Jdilk!'C':!t p:opon>Qn, in d:i~ll ax:n.m.:nklec. Thett att vit!.lo--.:s.. ~c:
~ ?::.» been a ,nu.1«1. villai,,-:z wbcrc nn one J\U b,:m ie .1. c-.1.DC'.e. T~.1c ;u,: lWt.. ::s :~ .2S T know, UlJ
-....e..e, .. b., W.,,,: !IQt witr.-1 mncc Olten. The tr.l:'IOC: iudf IIJltMOll.ilU::tlO dOR!y UI the ph~ of hypnasis.
:x ~'"UOn of 4)Cllt~ :md :eocrrdl, tnd tbo« 0: ).[ju l'k!o, lo'i(h«I hypnr..tic. Mlt,,jttu i= ~
ry, b :,:,;c-:ikd :io discrq>3nci<$. c:xoept (u: the :11:h.l;rirn!iOO ()( :z.f=:i!ixai iinia:tiOa far the 1:)1)l)l)Ciu.t~-
:.:.:.oc cl nr>OU$ t)pe, o! &l.irlaC' tr:inc:m: bf• M'(billM n:';'d}c:d markcttly disturbed pupnts.ry 1'dkxa.



oot ;md ha 6i1gers flexed back,vard. in the gesture which lhe Balinese c.aHkapar, a
tenn which they apply to the sudden s.tarde<lteaction of a man who falls from a tree.
The \Vitch rcoonstitu~ tl1e figure of the u1othcr, not only a! tl\e Leasing, po·w<..-rfuJ
unsatisfying pt::~<mwho aroused one's emotions only to throw one back upon oneselE.
but alw as tht' person who cried "Snake!" :md .. \,Vildcatl" and so drew rhc chilc.llO her
bosom by a display of foar. Only when we see the \\1itch as herself afraid. as well :.1s
frighleniug, is ir possible w explain her appeal, and the p,uhos which surrounds her
as she dan(.cs, hairy, forbidding. lUsked, and alone, giving her occasional high ~c:ric:
This figure reappears in the d;mce form which symbolizes the Ralinc:se <:oncep·
tiou of coLtrLShip.the djoge:t. Skilled liLLlegirl dancers, csp<.,x:l:dly <leeked out and
trained, are taken from village to village by an accompanying or<:hesLra.and dance in
che srrccts, soxnc;timi::swit11partnt'l'S who have coroc with tlle"tu,bm more c~c:itingly
with mc;mlX":TS of the crowd. The little djoget oxiucttes a11dfilrts, follows faithfully in
patten) and rhyLhro the leads given hy the \•illager who dances with hc:r~but always
fends hiu1 off wich her fun, 3lw:1ys du<lcs hi.tu, approaches, rctre-.tts. denies, in a fir.fol,
unrewarding sequcm:e, tama! aud remote. Soroer.imc:s,in the very midst of suc:h a
scene, rhc tune pbyc-<lby the orchestra c.h:mg<.:s t<l tJ\e music of Tjalmw:mng (the

\Vitch pby), a doth or a doll aptxars :lS if hy magic, and the little <~,:sneer. still looking
her part as the <:ynosureof all m;1lecyc:s,suddenly becomes the "\Vitc.:h. She scrikcs the:
characteristic: aLLiLUdes, ·waveshc-:rdmh and dances, babnc:<,-dou <me foot, rcm.ativc::ly
thrcateniu.g to step on rhc baby doll which she has jusL fiung upon tht<:ground - a
p:.i.mumiuticSt.ltcrncm. that ,.,itches feed on ncwbon) babies. And after the \\Titch
scene. the djoget will ag-;iin remru to h<.-rrole of the desir.thlc 3nd reu1otcly lovt;ly
gtrL TI)e dance sums up tJ1ebesetting fear, the final knowk<lgc of each Balinese male
that he will_,afLer -all. 110matter how hard he seeks to Jind the lovely and tmknow11
beyond the confines o{ bis familiar viUas-e,inarry ~he \Vitch, marry a \\'Oman whose
anituc!c: wwatd human relations will be exactly rh:u of L.iso·wn mother.
Thc-1e is a conflict which recurs in each gcncnllioo, in which p::lrcms try to force
t.hc:children of hrotht'.rs LO 1uarry each other, to stay \,•ithin tbc same family line and
lO worship the same; ancestral gods, whi](; tht: youug people themsc1ves rebel and., jf
possible, rnarry strangers. Fathers :md brothers 01ay help a boy to c:arT}'ofi a gfrl who
is not kin, but no male relative of a girl. uor the girl hCT:Sc.:lf,c:an adroit complicity in
:my suc:h scheme. An elopcmc:nt (to \,..hich, as .a matter of facL, the girl agr<.-cs)i...:,;ar-
r.mgc:d and staged wj~h every aJJptarance of :m abduction, and so strong is the foeli1\g
a~'3inst lhc complicity of any relative. that th<.,'Te is a special punishment in Hdl ar.


nng:cd fot men who trade sisters~which is spoken of as "trading human beiub~-" The
boy hope-. that by marrying outside::the family he will find a wi{e whose c.harm will not
;nil and upon whoro he: can bcgeL :u'lanyc:hildren. He fears that he will not succeed.
--=::.d rhjs fear is dnmatize<l in the thcaler in a frequent plot, rh:it of the prlnc:c who
attempts to abduct :.i beautiful girl but through 3c:cidem gc:t.-.inst<.-adher ugly sisrcr,
·he ··se-..tst''princess, who is always dressed in lhe distinc.rjvecostume worn by moLhers
2nd mo1.hc:rs-in~law·. IL ii. drama1.i.:!:e-d
again iu the: m::irriage ceremonies of Ke.'\aL:ry:i:
nrinces: tht: bride whom the hridegroom has never sc:en is 'WTappedin white clolh like
- t.orpsc. carried ro his palace so mu.ffied, :tnd alone with her be cots t.hc doth ·with his
L...).~"Cingfor the first time wh:1tfate ha.-.allotced lO him. After one has sat for hours
•.!: the ladies of the court, around a bed on which such a bride lies rootionk-ss~corpse•
~e. c.:ompktelyshrouded, one begins to bdievc that she m:1yindeed lcx>klike any.
·'h n.:,at a11,and lhat is unlikely.
C.Ourtship,dlhtr for marri~Lgcor for a love affair, is a matter of glances and a few
i...v:m,,·01·ds.and the romantic excilt:mcnt steadily <lie:$down after Utefirst encounter.
O_cc man-ied. a fu1ch Lhat the girl married <lots indeed act
like his mother - for she,... -s no o{her paucrn of personal relationship - his brief.
--=-'"cal ardor c-.oolsaml he coums himsc]( lucky if he bcgels children. Bue divorce 1$a
,c."°!ousmauer involving much ritual and croublt:, and second wivt:,::,:ilthoug,h pc;r•
_:~cd in che plains village..., cause quarrcling in the f:amily court}'ard for co wt,o
~c by definition jeaJcms.. For the most part, only accidenu of illness O!'chiJdlcssnes.s
a~s.e men. other Lha.n the rich. to n;son to polyg:uny.. ,<\JJLhmugi, life, some cx<itc·
~: ma~· be found in cp1id:, casual c.:xtnunarital rcbrionships. but t•:bcn his m..-n
--.:htC'r is grown the father attempts to marry her inside rhe family. whic:h she in her
:_ resists. The srupid, lht: ovc:r(.01npliant,chc unfavorc:d arc married by pa.rema.l
'"~:,c-mc·m, as arc the yoll.ugdaughters of high-c.1.slefumilics in many cases. Other
._....,;people obser\'c: their case, C\'c:n less glaumrQus than t.heir own, and pbcc their
~ .i.umarriage \'.'ith .an exciting stranger. or at least wlt.h someone outside the
J~. Girls, espe<:i.:tlly in the plaice.~make a great effort to co11cc:tlmcna.rchc:from
·?' J)".!.R"ntS for fear Lht:y will be hw:t.ledinto m.1.rriagt:.
Ccneratlon afr<..-r
=:!C':l <omluue; to dream of the pri11ce---s aml find themseh-c$ married to the ,Vitch.
R11t,·is a.,-~ the 'Witch there is ah.,...tysLhc Dragon. and it is interesting that al•
.;.~!lJ h;we c-ucounr.crcdmany l>r:?gonsll1 Bali without a "Titch, 1 fla,.c:nc\'Cf en.
axtt.~c:red a ,\"itch nusk wj,hout a Dragon associated with it. The Dragon rcprcscms
DC Cl!ef spirit of the umlcrworld: he rcpr.c:scmsli£c and hcallh.. His hair will insure:
- child a.23,irnot bad dreams of the \Yicchand 1~sold in the streets for a penny, and when

the Dragon roams the village streets, he takes health and safety wi1.hh.itn.The sick and
unfortunate bring him offerings..'\Vhcn he d.:mc<:S he treats his followers not with the
tcrroriicd and tc;;rrorizingc1uality c,£the "\Vitc.h.but like a giant, good-nar.urccl puppy.
he rolls and noses them about. He takes Lhe drnm a~'<lYfrom the orchestr.1.and play-
fully beaLSit wilh his forelegs (the fee1.of 1..heman who supports the front eod 0£ the
animal mask); he riots wit.h the umbrellas which mark the sTAgeentrance. A frenzied
t..rancerhas only lO rub his face in the Dragon's hc;ard to be c:alme<l. Vis-a-visthe v\'itch
there is alwaysthe Dragon; vis-a-visthe teasing_,unsatjsfyiug mother. there is the B.1li-
nese father, gent.le,playful, .satisfying.
Though the Ralinc::semother is always a1.1.ending to other people's babies, albeit
witl1 tlu: <le.sire1.0 1.easeher own by doing so, a Balinese father attend~ very liule to any
chi!<lren excepl his own. As ·weshould expect, among a people \.Vhe.reneither sex
shot-.rsany unconscious doubt about sex memhcrship, the father<hild ties which are
the warmest are fathe1>d.'lughterties, ahhough both boysand girls may be seen nestled
3gainst their fathers· bodie.i.,squirming and 1ffiggling their way back to the relaxation
of infancy. "Whena little baby is fretting, if there is no woman by, the father iuay give
his baby his nipple to suck; and often. in Bajocng Cede, he carries his very•young
infant in a sling. Allhough he shares in the tca$ing which the inother metes out to a
child, plays at frightening the chHd, at hiding and sudden pouncing games, or thtc.1t·
ens it jokingly, "Djoeka!" "You will be carried off!" - the joking is me11owerand encl$
in reparation rather than in broken clima.xes,temper t.'lntrums, an<lte-..trS. Little chil•
dn:n are taught, as soon as they c.1-ntoddle, ro orry the betel tray to their fat.hersand
to take a handful of tobacco and stoff it in their f.uher·s roouLh.LaLer,as adults, they
will take food LO the Dragon. which the priest will place in the moulh or the inask. In
any regressiveapproach to the mother, the child who has been weaned shows trepida·
tion and is expectant of rejection. but no such double-edged emotion surrounds the
relationship to the tuber. I .ying hack ag, his father- and significa:orJythese:re.
gressive scenes usuaUy take this form, rather than a face-to-faceone- the child may
rela.x·with a feeling of utter relie£, a1,;ayfrom the strain of either responding to the
mother's teasing or refusing LO respond at all.
The S(..'C-Urity which the lather gives is like the security which the Balinese re-
ceives from a knO\\luscene. in which the date, the directions. the caste o( all present
are known to hiin - the scene -whichis represented by Lhevillage temple, where the
smalleSt babies toddle abo,it alone, even under the Leet of visiting dancers. Tile
Dragon circles the vilbge and makei it safe against witches and the disease;they bring:
he circles the stage three; times, and the \Vitch pfay. now rigorously <:ottfill~ w·ithitl

saEeli.tnits. can go on. Jf nevertheless, something stran~ and frightening-and all

that is strange and unfamiliar is £righLening- enters the life of a Balinese, he takes
tcfoge in n:lax:uion even deeper than that provided when he lies b:u:k against his
father's body: he gt)C:S qu.ieLl>•LO sleep. The child who is frightened by the tantr1.1m
of his c:hil<lnurse falls asleep as she shrieks out her untcstnin<,·d rage right h<,-sidchis
dosed eat. The-older child who has 1ostc->r broken some valuable thing \\\ill be fowl.d,
when his parems return, not run away, not waiting to confess, but in a deep sleep.
Scenesof birch arc fearful oc:c:a.,;ionsbecause tte\\'born babies attract witches. Children
learn to be afraid of birth, and if they find themselves in the house- which in Ba-
joeng Gede means licerally in chc bed - with a birth, they fall into a deep :;lct':p,and
the watching women say. ·•·rakoet, poeles." "In a fright. ask.-cp."People on tbe scene
of an accidem sit in a paralyicd scmi•sr.upor,not talking, not looking, but nodding;
the thid ·whosecase is being tried slowly falls asleep. The sleep is a perfeclly 1l..1.tural
one: it is possible to arouse people from it as ~ily as from any <lcepslec:pand lhey
show no special sy:mpLomsof c:aulC'j..1$)' or rigidity. But tenseness,expectancy. taumcss,
lead to the \Vitch, to pa1-oxyswand to ll"ance;whereas rela:xar.-ion :1:nrltrust lead to the::
fachcr, and sleep is one SLC'p farther a\,•ayfrom tenseness and ttoublc, whenever the
fright is l()() ~'TC''".cll
lO bear.

Siblings (Plate-. 69 to 74)

The Balinese:have definile, stylized wa)'S of treating not only the baby of tht:
family, buL the knee baby. and even the child who is third from Lhc:: bottom. These
are so cradition·a1and so much a part of Lht:Balinese atLitude coward children that it
is rclath•ely ,mimpon:ant whetltc-.ra givcu child ll..'\Sor has not youogct siblings. The
crc.atmentmcttd out to him by his o~.,nmother. as well as by others. when he is cwoor
rhre<::yt:aTSold, \\'ill assume that he is no·w)n the positfon of knee baby, and later he
will be rrc;ated3$ thou&oi1 he were third from the bottom. Occasional children. ,,·hose
roothc:rstail to make:I.he:transition from one set of attitudes to anoth<;r,appear $Cri•
Dllring the first eighteen monchs of life. the baby is st.iJItltc c:cmcrof attention:
it is ceased, but lightly; it is dr<:sscdup; and its birthdays, n:currlug every 2lO days..
arc occasions for feasting. It. is carried m<JISL
of the Liu1e, sodded lavishly, flirted \•iitb
by older chil<lr~n. a.utl botro,\~ed LO tease other children v.ith. If thCTeis an oldCT
brother or sister, the elder child is continually admonished w give in to the younger,
while the:yow1geris permitted as much aggrcssfonand as,.<;e-rtivem:ss wiih~. Par•


tidpation in tlu: tlrawatlc jealot1sysc-.enes; in the r<>1t:

of Lheborrowed baby, has taught
it a gn;-.ttmat1.ythings, and:,, h:thy of six or seven months nurses with fhc spuc h:md
on t11c:molher's other Jm:asl, ever ready co push off ;m intruder. As the bal,y gets
older. he grabs and kc:C:f-16
t.hemother's hrc:1st, paying JitLlc:l'!Llt':OLion to smrnge objects,
but anychjng r.hat the older chHd has attr.i:t.t'> his au.emion and, and he will
grab at lf. And this applies not only to the i1nmediately older sibling or ncightx>r's
child, hut cv.:n to the five.--
or six-year-old child nurse.
TI1t: more extreme drattlatizaLionsof sibling riv.tlry, sctb"t.'<l by tltc mother to tau-
uliie the knee baby, an: never played our. with rn:tl siblings. hut alw;\yswilh borrowed
babies..Toward an own younger sibling the knc:c:bab)' is required to show solic:ltude,
aud so the knee: baby. at an age when a yow1gestchild would still dutc:h :md push at a
borrowed baby at his moth<.:r· o{ten seen showing demonsLr..ttivethough not
unmixed afiea:ion for a youu::;er sibliug. B,1( two- to thn:e-yea1·--0lds, whether they
have younger siblinh-sor not. are heavily tcJ.sedhy their mothers, somewhat teased by
their fathers, am! teased by those :?round them. ·1·hey respond w)th t::mtrums ;1ndwith
sulks. They slip back into rhc mother·.s lap when the youngi::r::.iblingor the borrowed
baby i$ m.i$$iug,and they ~how asSertiven.esstowatd rhc next ol<lcTchild. They habiw•
ally try to steal the dmho at the birthday feast of any youuger baby, and arc forever
tryiug to pull off their 1nother•sbaby sling or Lohicle their faces in p..irt. of it. It is at
this period rhat Jiu.le boys spcn<l most time: atLxiouslyfeeling thc;ir gc:niutlsa1id little
gfrls walk wiLh pronounced ''pr~'lmnt·· post1.1rcs.
The knee baby is too old Loarry easily and walks, whil~ tl1e s,oallesl child is car•
rie<l and the next oldc..:rchil<l is carrying a b.1by.The: knee baby \'acillatcs h<:twttn
father and moth<.:ra.,;Ll1c:mother's ovcrsdmubtion becomes more and more ,ic:utcand
the father takes more: aud more care of him. The child often sleeps v.ich the fathe1·:
and this is the agi::when the father-child tie is the:sttougest.
'l'r.tditionally Amcric.1n<.:ulturc:only recognizes those of the new
baby and the baby "whose nost: is out c)f joint." But in Bali, for tht: "Lhitd from the
bottom" age there is also a sLyli:r.c:<l position. a formal cxpcc:utioo. ·nusthird-plac:c
child has passed int.() the sla6"C:of w>.responsivcncss., of ::.kining groups and lgnoring
cues ·whichwould have ollc<l for tantrums a y~r ago. Only extreme provocation will
make the :wer.tgcdUJ<lof thitd place age cry, althouhrh a great increase in crying w:,y
occut in the period when the child is moving, either because of age or bc1.:auseo{ the
binh of a new baby, frutn the knt:e-baby to the third-place posit.ion. A.hnost all physi•
cal coutact l'.;rh rhc parents ceases.A mother seldom touches her third place child
except co louse her, an act which is performed bctwet:n aclulls as much as hctween

adullS and children. •1·he knee baby is give1) his food carefully by the mother. but I.he
chird·placc child is in an in-bcrwccn position, hall expected to be caring for the
younger children, half too young to fond for herself. I say "·herself" because thi.."Lhird-
place pt:,siLion is mon; hi;:avilystylized for girls Ulan for boys, and is, in fact. the child-
nurse position. Lillie IJoys. who need not carry sm.alJ siblings, start to folio,,• their
falhers earlier lO lhe fields, and if Lheyare l,ol<leran<l more fo--.,,rless than most they
m:iy uba,,i ke tegal," "dare ro go to the fields alone," at fou.t rnther than at six. Their
mm.hers no Jong~ dn;s.~ th<:m up for rcu1ple feasts, but for the moot pa.rt they still
Center their li\'c.'iat home with their mothers, rather than. out i'n the fields with older
boys. TI1eystill \1/alchfor a chance LO<:r&:pback, to lie with against the father·s
or mother's back, when one of the younger <:hiklrt:n is a,.,..1y.The c!e,'tthof a child
means that the older child, ·who has been in third place, will slip back into the: knc:c.."-
b:.?byrole at onc:c, dinging, hanging on to the mother, reclahalug the physical atten-
tion which has bt:c:nlost.
The third-place period ends wht:n the girl bc::(.omesa willing child nurse -she
may have been an un·willing one before - and when the boy lc:avcc;. the family gro1.1p
for lhc whole <lny and sometimes at night, going OUl lO he-td the oxen or tht: water
bu1Ialoo. ''fo<lay in the pbins this change also coincides wiLh going lO school. Such a
child no lougc:r makc:san)' physical claims on the parents; he or sbe is absorbed into a
c-hilrlren'sg,:oup and the ties to yow'J.gcrclllldren now imitat<..:the parcnt.'tl ties; the
older boy rc.1c:hC".c;.
hi~ younger hrothcr and llllllbles him aboul: the-older girl carries
the babies, teasing and stimulating thc:m :i5her mother has done. This transilion fron·1
the thlrd-pL1.ceposilion. still primarily oriented r.o the: p:lTems in a distant, nostalgic
f:ishion, to the position of fourth or more from tht: bottom where; :?11c.hlMrcn are
:P'upcd wgcthc;r, js one of which the Ballt1eseare articu.laldy con:sc:ious.They regard
,-.ith oonc:c:n1tht Ettie girl of six or seven who still has temper Lautrum! when her
mother ,,:ou't 1.akeher to market and wh(>still wnms to snuggle up, and the little bo;
of ,he s.1mc age who prefers ho?ne LO tltc: fidds. On<; fath<,.-rin Bajocng G<-de refused
.o renew p(:rmis.<..ionto a vendor to keep a food sL.allin front of the house because he
t!wught it cm:our.igcd his six-year-oldson to stay arou!ld the hou...e r.ither than go out
~othe 6dds.
There are frequent lapses from rh<;SC stylized paueros. One :te"Csfour•year~tr. ..
orried ln slings, three year olds unwc:mcd, and fi\'e•ycar-oldswho cling like: thrc:c•
hm alw:.lysin the behaviot of the: pa.rc:nLSand the onlookers there ls the
:rec~nition that the hch:i.vforis aberrant. L'J.AtneTica. although a mother may keep
?!cr four-year-old b<>yin c:urf,.,she and her neighbors all kt'J.owLhat this is unusual and
vaguely improper bchavior. In &li, the stylj,;ation of chilti age is as definite as is our
scyli:r.:nionof sex, and the same sort o{ sclf--oonscioltSllCSS
on the part of the patent and
the child accomp:mics any inappropriate heba,;• is uncltrfoied for the
developing child, whether ir.sparent follow'Sthe pattern or consciously deviates from
ic, 3nd whcth<..'T the child itseU moves smoothly from cme role to the next or r<;siststhe
transition. In spite of clt.:vianceand ),
there rt:maiu chrcc clist..iuctand highly pat·
terued kvc:ls of emotional development before the Balinese child enters htency.

Stages of Child Development (Plates 75 to 83)

L:tt.cncy,that period when a child has finall}•given up any hope of an immedi-
ately complete rcl:uiotlShip to it.-.parents.,and has seeded dowo into a period of wait-
ing to grow up in company with other children, is very marked for boys in Bali, and
mueh less riurked for girls. Boys become members of r.tgamuffin gangs. playing group
games away trom their dders, rioting about in tussles which look violent but in which
aU attack is really shado·wboxing, consisting of feints which never become blows.
\Vhen rhc:y play with girls, it i~ ,\,.ilhgirls eitl1er younger or older than Lhemsclvcs;
olherwise they tend LOplay alone. They spcud most of their cimc away from the \l'illa&re
with their oxen - each ox ii. tended by a separate small boy- and come inr.o thC'vil-
lagt: for food and 0Cc.1sionallyfor feasts. --n>.eyhave:very slight religiotlS dmic:i.LO per·
fonn., such as carrying the pig at a wedding in Bajoeng Ge<le,or dancing in certain
temple feaslS.They hang about men's skilled act.ivit-ics- 1uaking puppets out of dc::a<l
leaves while a cr.tft.'inllU\is cutting new puppeLS,drawing in 1.hesand while an
paints a picnm~, hanging about the edges of otchestn1 re:hearsals:md of1.eubc<'.oming
skille<lplayers at Seven or <.:ighLThey may also be found in gambling groups-,scram•
bling for pennies in discarded offerings, and helping to dismantle a cremation rower.
But Lheir relaticmships with \\'Omen :ire very slight, aud the oc.casiou.alboy who is
much with his mmher docs r.helhings whic:hhis sistcr, if he had one, \'iOuld do - he
helps care for a baby or g.,rhc:rsflowersfort.he offerintJrs.So sure is the Balinese sense
of own sex that such boys do not as a rule develop :my feminine traiLS•
.For a bjgh< boy, marriage may coincide with puberty, but for mosl B:llinest:
boys there is no special puhc::rr.yceremonial. Soul.etime bcL\\1ecn puherLy and young•
manhood his teeth will prob:.iblybe filed, and said to be essential for oomplc:le•
oess; p.'lrCnL-. are saicl to be in debt w their children l'1.ntiltheir teeth ;1rc tiled. Tf he:
lives in T\ajoeogGede;:m<lhe is the ddes.t son :u ho10.e,the village will "ask for hiiri,••
and he will beoomc a member of the young umuarried rnen·s group, owing definite


ceremonial duties to the village. Jte will spend a little less time om in the field. spend
less time jn t.,'Toupsand more with one or t·wo friends who will help arrange
rendC7.vou.s and watch ·while he t:tkes the risk of climbing into his .sweet.heart'scoun-
prd. Finally. at twenty or so he ,.,ill scnlc down, perhaps ,vit.h :• ,.;ife. perhaps with
the hdp of a mother or sister to make up a cornplete household. a full unit in the vil-
lage community. Jn ,he plaios villages, if he is unmarried and has an unmarried sister,
the lWO may sh:ne a. house in the paternal courtyard. In Bajoeng Cede, he and his
sister would have a hoosehold of their O\\'ll. Adulthood is uol definitely associated ·with
marriage, which is p~bably :mother reason why occasional women as \\TtU as men fail
to marry in Bali - a condition um\Sual in a soc.:ictywhich pcrmit.s polygamy.
C iris, <luri11gthis period, are corn between Lwo systems of behavior. that of grt)\"'"n
women a.ud th-at of the lit'Lleboys who :ire their age m:ites. Pauerning their bc::havior
ou a.hatof grown wome!l, they spend a great of their cak.ingcare ot babic:s.,
making offerings, carrying ofic;rinti~,&roiugfor wood and water, and going about in
mixed :thrt:: groups ·whichC()ntainolJ. women :nul sma!l girls. B<..-c.ausc o( lhe ccn·monial
_positionof virgins, little: girls and olrler girls spend a grc::tt deal o{ {heir time: '"'ith
older women who, purified from marriage and past the child-bearing period, can 3lso
approach closer tv sac:Te<l things. P:-tttt:niedalso upon older girls is :-t:st:xconsciousness.
a giggling anyrhing male, which ha:; no counterpart in the bch:wtc>ro{
boys of thc:ir own age.
Rut ruaniug thmug:h tl~is imitative accc:p1.auccof an adult feminine role there is
a :streak o{ rowdyism, Stl"ongcstin the: little girls who are just cnteritig latency, bul
C!-Oppiugup periodically all through this period. Sometimes du: !·ooghho\lsing l..bts
inlo for the girl whose roauy sex affair., begin also in a qllick rooghhou:.e
exch:mge wilh boys near her O\'lll age. This lx:ha\'ior sccrns lo be oot a; rejection o{
femininity but a rc;jcction of adulchoud. an escape fn)m a staid :md c:onL.rolledde•
mca.uor and from endless concern with babies -and otfetiugs in f:.ivor0£ spfashing in
the: umd, throwing coconut shells of ,\f.lter at other children, or n.e:.hi11gshouring
through the village. The rowdiest of such little girl,;;,.,ill be found, ho\\•en:r, making
up or rrying to conceal their cropped heads under wigs o{ grass, pr.tctici.11g.v;iri, little
bi{s of leaf instead of fan:;.,tlte <la.i'l.ces ti:hic:h their older sisu:r., dance. Mur-h c::nher
dun the boys. sometimes at eight or nine, a.heeldest d..aughte!"at home will take on
ccrc:monb.l dmies: in Bajoeug Gede .she will become a <lancer or maker of offerings
for the dllage; in 1.heplains. she will perform :1 huudJ·ed small duties in connection
·" ith the offc:rin~"S whkh arc m:tde every day in I he: house ccrnple, aL the gate, and at
l.!'lei\·atcr jar.


For a high-caste girl, menarche i.smarkt:<lby a cerelllony with m:my offerings.

.Beforethe ccr<..-m(my,
she is kepL iu a special house and finally she is drc:::s:si::d
wiLh Lhe
:;a.mecm: as a bride awl is spe-ciallyblessed by a priest; and eve11if she has
not bc.-cnbeLtX>Lhedbefore, she will be married soon aftt:r. •!lie low-castegirl may be
married by au elopement phrased as :m abduction - evt-n before puberty.

Rit<s de Passage (Plates 84 to 1 oo)

Each Balinese goes through the stages whic:hwe have discttssed-he is a baby. a
knee baby, a third placc child, a bu:nc:y child, an adolescent, finally ;,in ;idu1t.who,

aging surprisingly little, lives to a beautiful old age. wich delicate, lined features and
!eet that are often still willing to dance. 'l'he different periods of life an: hd<l together
by the thrcarl of c-..onsistent pecson.aliLy:Balinese arc said tu be eiLher "serious" or
"n:mghty·• and this dichoLOmyextends from babyhood to old ag-e; it cuts aaoss sex,
caste, and hierarchical lines. Rcmark::ihlyconsincut. Lhe "naughty" old
temple priest will be found to be; a1.& caurant with every love affair in the \'illage. every
gambling debt, cvc:rysc:amlal,IJut t.l1cvery pretcy "seriou.,c;''girl of si..xteenwill know
nothing of such tloiugs. Ot.l1ct personality chancceristics are presumed co be just as
stable; they arc aLLribl\Led. early and conrim1:1 Hy reinforced by chc cxp<..-ctation of tht;
c::ouuuuuity.Some people arc "d:1ring,·• ..poised before those of highc..:r .. l,ol<l..
to couch undc.'ln chin~ like corpst:s or \\·omen past menarche; ull.ien are ..fearfol.''
"shy," "tong,.1<..---ric::<l
in the face of staLus,""timorous" in face <>fthe aura of ceremonial
unclc:mliness surrou11tlingbirlh and death. Some people are ''show-offs"seeking the
limclighr, acting as if Lheythought "they had light.':> on the tops of their hc~id.s";others
are ..embarrassed ones," unwilling w a$k a favor. although chc n:,lin<:sesa.y that '·if
you ·waneto re< must be willing to ask." Some people h:wt; :i "shining" qual•
ity of hiih birth or special beauty and spirit; they are s.1.jrl to meba:w(J,L<>glitter. and

with this inay be joined a high temper. which will make rhem comparable to a sharp
sv;ord whose touch is death. Some love LO go among crowds, to waLchand participate;
others go among crowds only as ml\ch as their affairs demand. All such differencesarc
accepted as innate and are recognized early in life.. Peop1eoomnu~tl.lupon thclll.con·
tinuaUy, as we might. say. ''She has blt1e cyc:s,"or "S1u::is going to be call." Parents
make no ane1npc to modify such bchavior, am! soinetitnes say anicubr.dy, "Oh, the
one who is incarnated in you must be:a gn:at gambler."
.for Balinese life is a $eries of never-ending circles, ha1f of which ate spent in life
ben:,,reenbirth and death, an<l hal£ iu lhe supcrnan1nl world between death and re•

bir:h. Gc-t:1eration:ifo::rgcncrar! ::-:. ...h arc reborn. imo th('ir t,'Te:tl gr:mdchildren,
.:~:-ector They arc o:-ec-ted~ rith ropect as having come from Lhe othC:T
world. ,,nd p:i:.sLb.roughthe series of t::c-remoc:i.ies -whic:hbi:ld them more and mo.c: to
'-...slife:.,1,ey rccefre holy water, are sprinkled with sacred meal. am! pray ac;human
bcin~ w the anc;eslOTS. They set foot on the ground ~u1dhave their h."lircu1:,hm.-ctheir
u:ci.h filed, dope. go through a marriage ceremony, and finally pas.s01.1t of this bod,·
:.u , ..-a.itin the: nexc world until lhe third hreueration brinhrs Lhelllb~c:l..again, perhaft\
to a bem::r ··turn, .. pc:rhaps to a worse one, for eveT)·on<:·'i.akcs1:ums" in having ~me-
"'mcs :.i.good fate, somet.iiuesa poor one. l'coplc say philosophioJly, ..1 am h:wing
:~-ckthis inc::1m:.ttiou." of die ccremonic.c;i:>endlessly 1ikt:the last; for ever} uc, ..•
c_;rrr:cntdistincti\•e of a rhrc:c-rnonth birthday as comp:trcd with a six-month. of a 'h·cd-
-n,; as <:ompared with a tooth-filing, tlu:n: are a hundred ·•whicharc similar. [\·c1:,·
ccrc·rn<m)stresses the:timdcssn~,;, the-solidity of the ritual fo.1rncin which pcopk and
!:'"'Xb :u-c:caught.
£xc,r:ptdeath. Death. necessary as it is to the theory of n::i.t?:carnation,proems a
.,.unhling block to the Balinese of <1uitea different ordc::rfrom th~t which we have
• 11 fac;e.Among them, parting with loved ones js never e.rnphasized anrl te:1.:sarc

.::uppr<>priateex<:cpt for a small baby who might as well not havt: ooule at nll - it
s.a,-ed such a short. while and shared so little food. lndi\•idual innnortaliry, both p:tSt
J""!dfutuie, is :1ffinnedto rhe point of monotony. A child S-nowswho he is..and a nun
pends muc:h titne trying LO seem or avert misforrnnc by paying up the ceremoni.:!.l
..:c-bts\\·hich his soul c:o:ltractcd, either during an earlier incarnarion or in hr:t\en.
\\'hen a guilty man drinks chc m:1glcwatct which is usc:-dto disco,·er \\'hich mc:mbc:-::- of
a group is a th.ieL he c:alisdown leprosy and other horrible deaths. upon his o·wn he:i.d
for .1 ,housand gcner.1t.ions.Titc se1iscof personal uni<io.encssin Bali is slight and
people arc:shy at .mentioning thei1·own names or the names of othc:rS,but c:?ch!us an
impersonal individuality which is completely cough a.ud incontrO\•ercibk.
The t.rol.l h}(: with death i.,;the body; it is the problem of hO\Vto ~-l ri<l of th.:u
bQc-ly\..hich is of such enormous import.:u?ceto evl;ry Balinese. •1·he body is the stagr
0:1 wht(.h his emotions arc pl:tyc:dout in i.,olatio~ cul off from all dose inter-person:11
tit:!>.'='ndlesslygu:i.rded against some disaster which \'1ill dcdare him o!f fro:n the
full )()('ietyof men. The most terrjblc: s,<1eanyordin Bali is "Sakit Cede," the "Great" leprosy- and high c..-isteRal.inesc:in a group will tllrn cold and stek bc-
~vml all pos.iibiliLyof bret:Uiog to hide their fceliugs., if ont: mentions that there is
,a:tl LO be a RrJhtnan priest .iu the lcpc:r colony. Tiu:y dare not think how m:.mypeople
z:-c-lidng whose birch-fc.t$L'> aod m.1rriagesand burials were desecrated by holy \'i,.litCT

which that priest consecrated he \\'.l.S concaminatcd. The problem is impossible
of solution; the body cannot finally be separatcrl from the soul, nor c::mtlu~yfinally be
unitccl. The decaying body, as il falls to hits and is eacen by worms, typifies the Bali-
nese:major fear of witd1es ·whoeac oorp:stsand young babies; but the souls mu.,t be
tt:nderly usher<,'([out o{ life into heaven. Cremation, a Ilindoo itnportat-ion still not
followed in BajOt'ugGede, fa,not a solution: one find.:. in Lhe motmt.iins aod in the
plajns the same tendency- to rc:-crea.let.hebody of,to dispo.c;c of iL. co re-ere·
ate it, to dispose of it, to re-<:rt:at.e
it again. a means of disposal of the
original <:orp.;;eand of its subsequent surrogates. is dramatic; but iL is not a final
Significantly, the Balinese show intc.ttSc: emotion- a riotous, hysterk:11g.t.icLy-
at lhe burials of other people. '\,\ihen lheir o·wn relatives and spouses die;:,Lhc:yare
mcrdy suhducd; but when a new corpse which ha~ been kept in the house:about ten
days is to he carried lO tbc 0,'Tavc:yard for crcmation, all the repul-.icmtoward the fac:.t
of dc."tth c:ropsup. ~kn overcompensate, plunge their arms into the rolling corp.,;eand
bo:tsLLhatlheir skin crawled ·with tn."tg&()LS;or they suddc,.-nly sLOpdead in du: midst of
the .scetie,staring unseeing. only to plunge back into tl\e melec whic:hcharacterizes
Lhe carrying of bodies to be buried, of corpses w be cremated, or of towers ·whic:h
<:01.nainbones only.
The fin.t funeral is a comparatively quiet a.nd orderly Neighbors briag
food ro be cooked for all the gueslS,offerin~ areprepared, am! the body is.w·.lshedand
adorned \,'ith ,,arlous magical devices to insure beauty in lhe next inclTnation. It is
dn;s.-.ed and undrc:s.,;c:<l
Several times, carried to the a mild amount of
riotit)g'- sometimes \.,ith none - and buried. 1lu,; village or casu: group, or ward in
a large city, is sebel (ceremonially unclean) for three days, the household for a long'er
period, which the tie with death is C(.."Tc:;mot1ially
C\lt.The: spirit is orden;d to go
away but still invited ro \\t' over the household, and llfe is resllmcd. This mislead·
ing simplicity, in whlc:ha death is trc:w:clwith no more ritual or {ussthan a big birch·
<layor a marriage, belies lhe real {<..'<;ling about dc,nh~ which is exprcssc.;dio the later
ct::rc-iuonies in which the body is re-<-Tcalt:"d- out of che actual bones in the plai.ilSl"il-
l:tf.»es.or with rice io a basket in Rajoeug Gede - only to be laboriou~Jy clisposedof
again: and again re,-c:n:ated,and ag;1indisposed of.
\Vhen thc:re is to be a great <..TetnaLion in whic:hmany castclcss people will share
jn tJ1egreat ccremunials for a Brahman priest or a me1nberof the priuce·s household,
people prep:?re for weeks, making thousands of prescribed offerings aod selling every-
thing t.hat they have U: order co spend more cm the ceremony. Because of the great

munbe-r of guc.,;t.,;
who oomc co cre1nalions, it is impossible to predict Ll1c: cost, :md this
weight o( 1·isi11g and unguessablc cxpendilures adds to rhc anxiety. Crernati<m.$~re
n::g:irdcd as work by LhOScwhose r<.:Sponsibilitythey are. but they provide a fe.stiva..l
for Ute: surrounding villages.
The- weeks of laborfons preparation culmin3tc in three days of cen:monial. The
graves are first dn-:ssc::din human clothes. then openc<l, and the bones are dug up and
assembled. They ate dn:SSt:dagain :md laid out i.t1a little wwn built in the cemetery.
Delicate little <lollswhich represent the:souls of chc dead a1·ecarried home from the
cemetery lO du: houses where they lived on eanh, there co recl?h·e food and drink, to
pray LO the anc:e:,;-u>r.s,
and finally to ask leave..~
to dcp.1.rt.These little ..souls" arc then
carried back LOtlu: cem(:,t(:ryand placed inside the bundles o( dressed up bones. Thus

the person is again re< On the next <lay,a new sc:tof "souls" is taken w the
priest's house and blessed, and the "bones" are late1·gi•,en a sec:ond bying-om as if
they wt:re corps<.."5.On the third day the bones are burued in coffins shaped like ani.
mals appropriak to c:lc;hcaste, but Lhe cremation fires are no s0011erout than che
people are pokio.g among the .ishcs, gatherir1g the sma11bits of specified bones and
a6"'-inre-creating a body upon which the little ootoucopi;l-sh:tpc..-d prayer leaves an=
laid, so a.~rn define again all 1..hesa<:rc:danatomical points. Repre.~entar.ivcsamples of
this re-crealecl body arc tht."ngro1.1ndto <lust in a mortar. c-achclose rcbtive r..,king a
hand ac the gri1)diug. :md the dnst is placed in still another human replica aud finally
carried to the sea. lL is 1..hrowninto the sea, buc only to be re-cn;atc.,-d again in a new
replica at st.'lt<;dperiods thereafter. \Vhc:nsomeone dies, people may in.sun; themselves
by buying a speciaJ holy water, which permits them to "":lit twenty-five:yc:an.before
uncknaking this clabornte, expensive, and den)anding ritual. After each phase: in the
c?e3rhn:rcmonial - after 1..hereal de,'tth, after the c.reu1a.1..ion,
aftt:r the disposal of later
te c.rcr~tionsof the hody of the dead - c:omcsthe ceremony of mepegat, in 'lo,·hkhthe
souls, carric:<lin thc arms of members of the family like the babies which they "';n
a~in becou1e.t:cremonia11yhrc:."tkthe lie which binds them to the living - but only
for a litde while.

in these various contexts o! life 1..hcBalinese charac,ter is revealed. It is a character
b3.sedupon fear whic:h,bcc..1.1.1seit is learned in the mother's arms, is a value as 1.\'(•H :'iS
3. threat. lt is a character curicn.islycut off from inkr-pc:rsonal relationships. existing
in a state of dreamy rela.xe<ldisas.<:oc:iadon,
with occasionaJ intervals of non•perso:taf
CO!lccntr..nfon- in trance, in g-.imbling.~nd in the pl'aClice0£ Ll:1e an.s. The Balinese



carries t.he metnory of his mother's inu:nsc rhc:irrkal exclatm\Lion of fear, "Amh,'' to
deter him from ever venmring on an untrnd<k:n p:1th; bm: he carries also l11eequally
strong memory of his father's protective long as he::st:tys on a uodden one .. Fear
:md aJ->.<;oluteconfusion will .arise if he does not kno\.,. Lhe day, the directions, and the
caste of Lh0$!: whom he acldn,':;.5<,'S, hut he has such sureness <,f movement wirhin a
known place th.1.t his :.t<:LSrequire only a tithe of his attention.. He is \'u.lncrable, hut
licft and gay, and usually coutem. Alway:sa little frightened of some undefined un-
known, :ilw:1y;5,lrivcn to fill the hours, so empt)' of intcr-pt."Tsonalrcbtions, with a
rhytlunic unattcndc:d indu!>triousncss,he follows the routines b.!<l<lown by c.:alcndars
and Lhe 1·e\•elaLion.s0£ Llu.11St: at the ccnter of any world of which he
in tr,mc<;,rclax<..-d
kno,v-sthe outlines. No appeal has cvr:r ht;cn made to him to achieve ill order to \i.tli•
<late his hum:mity, for that is lakeo as given. From c:u:h ac:c:ordingto his status - from
the: poor and the unfortnn:ue the gods ex.peel but :.··mallofferings; from the tich and
the well.placed Lllfycxpr:ct much. Tfa man follows lhe prescribed fonm,, he may c:...--pcct
safety- and if that safot}' is still mc:agt:r, there will be a different tLU'nlO come in an•
oth<..-rincatn:1don. Life is ·withoul climax. and not th<:ultim.:Hcgoal but rat.her lhe fint
impact of expcric..-ncc,the initial ping of sLarLlc:,is the only stimulus chat has real
power to arou:sc ont;':; inu..-rcst.And there is ahvays Lhe danger that one may not be
aroused at all. Between Lfu;;D<.:athwhich is symbolized by lhe \,Vitch's claws :md the
gr.avcyard orgies, and the death which is sleep into which one retires when frightened,.
life is a rhyrhmk, p:l.ctcrned uurealily of pleasant~ significant movement. cenccred in
one's own hody ro which all emotion long ago wilhclrew.

Taking the Ph<>t0)ll-aphs
Of the 7z,9 photograph! reprochrc<::din this book, c;igh.lcan fairly be: .saidto have
been "•• iu the sense: Lhat the posLUn:s o( the subji::<:lSwere <lirc:cLlyiaflucnC'cd
by Lhcknowledge char a picture was being taken. Of thc:Seeight, four (Pl. 27, fig. 5;
Pl. 46, fi~. 1. !!, and?,} :ire reproduced here to show the:subject's bch:wior in a fright-
ening or embarrassing c.omext; cwo (Pl. 4. fig. 7 anrl PL 97. fig. 6) an: reproduced for
t.hesake of ol>jectswhich the people 3Te holding; an<l the: other C\lfO arc Pl. 82, fig. 6
and Pl. S3, fig. 8.
\Ve tried to use tht.:still and the moving-picwrc otmeras to g<:ta record of Bali-
uese hch:wior. and this is a very different matter from tl,e preparation of ..docurncn·
rn.ry" film or photogr;1phs. \r\ie tried to shoot what happened norm:iHy an<lspontane-
ously, r:uher t.han to decide:upon the nonns and then get Balinese to go through cbesc
behaviors in suilable lighting. \.Vetrc:ucd the ca1ucras in the field as rc:cor<l.iaginsm1•
ments., not as devices for illustrating our theses.
Four factors tn."l)' be mentioned whic:h conttihnr.c:d LOdimini:;h <:ameraconsciou.Y
ness in our subjects:
A. Tht: \'ery 1.irgc:11u.inbcr of phOLographst:.kel'L In two yea.1-swe took aboul
t.5.000 l.t:!<.'aS.lil15:md about 22,000 ft:el of 16 mm. film. and it is alntost impossible to
maintain c<unera c:onsciollsncssaftt:r the first dozen shots.
B. The fact th:it we never asked to take pictu1-es, but j,1st took Lhcm as s matter
of routine. wearing or c:artying th(: two cameos day iu and <lay out. so that the
tographc.r hhnself <:casedto be c:ame:raconsdous.
C. \<\'e habitu.:tlly J.ire<-tcd attt:rn.ion co our photogrnphing of small b."lhic:s.and
the p.irems overlooked Lhe fact that Lhcy :,lso were induclecl in the picnm:s (~ e-;e~ parcntS will. iJ.lsirnibr circumst:tnc:eS).
D. \.Veoccasionally \lscd 3n augttlar view finder for shob \\'hen the suhic:ct might
be (:xpected to dislike being photographed at Lhal particular tllOlllent (e.g., Pl. 29).
Vl/e usuaHy worked cogc..-·tltcr, Marg~r<::tMead keeping verbal note') on the bc-
havior m)d Gregory Bateson moviug aro,md in and out of the scene ,,;th the rwo
camctaS. ·n1e '\•crh:ll rt:cord indude<l frequent noles on the tin1e and oc-<~1sionalnotes
on the pholographc.-:r'smo·\'emcnts, sudi as the direclion from which he was wo:-k!:::;
and whkh insLrumcnt he was using. \VheneveT a nt:,., roll of film ,,:as inserted in the
camera, the dace and time of inscnion \\'ere scribbled on the le-.1.der;and •••hen the
film was removed, the date and time again rcwrded. so that the film c-ould bi:
accurately tilted to the: notes.
.For work o( this sorl il is essential to have at least two workcrS in close coopera-
tion. The photographic sequence is almost valucJes:swiLhout a verbal accoum of ,dut



occurred, :md iL is uot pos.5ibleto take fo11notes while t:tl.1.nipulatingc:amc:r.i.s.The

photographer. ,\rith his eye glued to a view finder and moving about, t-,"t':LSa very itn·
per!ec:t":icw of what is .lctually happening, and Marw.1.reL Mead (who is able: to write
\\)ith only :m occasional ghnct at her notebook) had a !!loch fuller view of the scene
than Gregory Bateson. She was able to do some very necessary directing of the pho-
Lography, c.alling the phm.ogr.tpher·s acccntion ft> one or another child or to some
special pby which ·wasbeginning Oil the other side of the yard. Occasinnally, when we
,\rere working on family S,C:c:neS.we ·wcrc:H;c.ompaoiedby our native sec:n::t.ary.1 Made
Kaler. llc would engage in c:thuographic intervie"1s with the p:m;;nt.s,or take ved>atim
notes on the conversations.
In a ~..-eatmany instances. we acaterl the context in whk:h the noLesaud photo·
gnphs were taken. e.g.• hy paying for the dance. or asking a moth<::rto delay Lhebath·
ing of her child until the sun was high$ hut Lhis is very different fr<>mposing the
photographs. Payment for theacric.,l pc,.-rformaueesis the economic: ba.;;eupon which
the Balim:$e the.lter dr.pends. and the exLnt em.phasis given to the baby served to
diminish the mothc;r·sawareness that she \,r,1sto be photographed. A \'isit ·'to photo-
graph the::baby being bathed" •••ould fast from fifrcen minutes to L\\fO hours., and the
greater patl of the time afcer the bathiug -..,·ouldbe spent watching the family in a
large v.1riet:yof types of play and other bebavior. In soch a setting. a roll of Lcic:1 film
(about .10 exposures) lasted from five LO fifteen minut(!.<;.

Selection of Photographs
Selection of data must occur io any scientific recording and exposition. bm it is
important chat the principle~ of sd~tion be $-t.ated. ill the field, we; wcn: guided first
by cerlain major wumpdons$ e.g.. that p.'lrc:nc.c:hildrelationships and relationships
lx;lweeo. sihlings are likely to be- wore rcv,:irding than agric.ultur:il lt:cllniques. '\,Ve
therefore sclt'.<:tedespecially coute.xts and ~quencc:S of this sore. Vile;recorded as fully
a;spossible what happened while we were in the: houseyar<t and it is so hard lO predict
behavior th3t it wasscarcely possible to select.parlicular poswrcs or g~tures for photo•
graphic recording. ln general, we found chat :my atle-u1ptlo select for special details
was fatal. and that 1.hebcsr results were oht'lined when the photography was most
r:)picl and almost raHdo1n. Pk 71 and 72 illU$tnue Lhis; I.he photogr.,ph<:r assumed
th:n. tlu=:context wa.s itneresring and photographed as fur as possihlc:-cvcry move that
the subjects made, withOllt ·wondr.ring which move..,might be-most signific:ant.
One rather curious type of selection did occ:ur. \Ve \\'ere compdkti to <;c:onomizc
on motion-picture tilm. and disrc:g-,m.liogthe future difficulties o{ cxposirfon$ ·we as•
sumt,·d tltat the sdll pholography aml Lhe motion•pic::turt:film together ·wot1ldc::onsti•
rme our record of hehavior. \\Tc therefore reserved the mmiol'1.-pkturecamera for the;
more acLiveafld inter~ting moment">,an<l recorded the slower a11.dless significant be·
haviots wiLh lhe still c,.1:mc::ra.
The pn:..,ent book )s illustrutec! .soldy by pholOgraphs
taken with Lhe lattct, and as a result, rhc: book contains oo photograph of a f:uht:r
suckling his child at the nipple, and the serit:Sof kris danct..-rs(Pls. 57 and 5$) leaves
muc:h to be desired.
Afte,· taking the pholOg,:aphs, a funht:r selection oc:c.urred.On returning to
,\mcrica, we ha.dchc entire: collection ()f 25.000 frames prin«:d as diapositivcs on strips
of positive Gltll, and in planning this book we roade a list of categories whic:h we i.11•
tt!n<lc<llO illusrrat.e - a list simibr w, but uot with, the grotiping of Lhe
plates i.o.the r.ihle of Contents. '\,Vet.hen projected a11the diaposidvcs, one by one,
aud wrote <atC'gory<:atdsfor chose whicl1 seemed to mcrit forthcr consick:r.ttion for
iuclusion in the lx><>k. \Ve thus obuine<l a list of about 6.000 frames. Of tl\ese. we
enlarged approximately the first ,1.<>00 in chron()1ogic:alOl'der. desisting at this point
hec::ausetime was shorl. F1-01nthr:se4,000, the majority of the prinrs reproduced here
w<:Te selected, and we only drew upon the fatcr ncgalivcs for a few special points which
were not represented in the earlier s.eries..The hook thus cout.1:in.5, a disproportionate
nun\ber of phowgr..tphs taken in the: first thrcc-quaTlerSof owt rime in Bali.
The fin.-ilchoice of phowgr.1phs for each plau: was in ccr:msof relevance. phoi:er
graphic q\lality, and size. In a nutnbel' of cases, relevance to a probl~n is necessarily
two sided:; there would be some photographs making one half of a psychological gen•
c-1ali~t.ion,.1nd mhers making a co1l\'ersc or obverse point. In thc:-secases, we have
tried to .1rr.1nt')re
Lhe photogr.tphs so that most of the plate is ()(:cupic-dwith the more
tfpica1 a~pc:c:t.,while a st:n,cmcnt o( the ohvc:rn: is given by one or l\'10 phorogrnphs at
the bouoin (usually iu the right-hand corner) of the plate (c.f.Pls. 22, 27. 45, ere:.).In
other cases, it has st:cu1cd,,,·on.h-,~·hikto devote: two pl.1tcsto the coutrascing a!>pe(."ts
of the same gcrn:ntlizat.ion(c:f.Ph. 6 and 7; PJs. 45 and 98).
Con.flkt bc-lweensci'cntific rekvancc :mU pholographic merit has us11.allybttn
aslly settled in favot of the fomler. and a large:uumber of pic:tureshave been jndudt:<l
~n spice of photographic frmlrs. Selection by size ,,ias more distressing. Each plate w·J.S
to be reproduced as a t1nlt and therefore we had the task of preparing prints which
\\·ould fit mgether iu L1.yinguul the plate. \Vorking with thi.."large collection of nega-
th·es, it w:.isnot possible w µlan the by-out in advance, and the1·efore, in the case of
the more important photographs. two prints of diffcr<..-nt $izcs v,ere prepared. Even
'>'ith this pr~:amion, the purdy physjc:il problems of space aw.l composition on tht'
plate have:diminated a few photog-raphswhic:h we ·would have liked to include.

,ve have to than\::Mr. Karsten St.ipdfddt for skillful work which he very kindly
performed in sponing ont blemishes in tlic prints. In this \\'Ork. he scrupulously re-
S?«tcd the scieulific c.onvcntious, rerooving fat1lcswhic:h confused the pi<::ture.but
..i.Jdingnothing wir.hour c:onsulting ,1s. After such consultation, he made the fo11ow-
i.:::;additions invohing clr.-tft.s1u,u~bip:
on Pl. 31, fig. 5, he pai1ued in the srrip of

background~which '\\T;l.Sobscured by lichen and erosion: and in PJ. 62~fig. 4, he painted

ovr.r the: hatld and forearm of the man insi<lethe Dragon.
In a large number of c:Zt5cs~.some:;hadingwas done in the procx:ssof eulal'ging the
phorngn,phs. Lull this adds no dr.nlfing to the photograph, only making it possible for
the paper LO g-ivea ruorc oornplc;:terendering o{ what is present in the negative.

'fcchnical l\otes
All the phowgnphs were taken with thi..:L:ica camera, and rhe majority -were
takeu with :m fi.1m.ar50 mm. lens. A "\Vcswni..:xpcJC.ure meter wa.s1.isc,·d c:onstanLly(with
IJoth the Lcica :)nd the ?uo,·lng•picnrrcc:imera) l,ut Lheexposures were-:not recorded
except for ocrn.sion:dtest strjps, none of whic:hare reproduced here. Aftr.r exposure,
the films ·wereston:<l in an ail'tight box with calcium chloride, umil tl1c:rewas a s,1.ffi-
cient accum,1bcion to \\•arrant our devoting an e\fening to developing them. \Ve used
Easunan D 76 dcvdope:.· io a 100-ft .. Corrcx tank., and usu:i1ly<levt'lopedrwo batc:ht:"s
(berwccn 30 :mc.l40}in an evening. The enlarging w:is <lone in Lhe Amcrk;m
Museum of Natural Hi.story and in a suromer camp in New Hampshire. The -p3p~r
usM was Koda bromide f.
The stoc:ku.;;edwas mostly Pan.atomic~but a 11utubero( other typc.:sof
stock ~"'·ereu.<.edat various times- partly itl order ro have:grea.Lerspeed in r<..'C:ording
banana fiher; on PL 49. fig. 5, he iucreased the <:Ontr-LSl between the baby an<l the
scenes of cxurme activity, ;md partly o·wingro rhe difficult}'of obtaining film in bulk
in the F.ascIndies. The first 30 or 40 rolls were of Agfa Supcrp:m <:ommcrciallycut.
and Agfu Superpau in bulk was used for all photographs taken in 1939. Eastman
Supcrsensicivc Pauchromatic was used for a p<:riodin 1937, and E.1.stm.:m Super-X was
used for ~>me:sceoes which inducled da.ncing figures.
In J\pril 1y:j7, lhe photof{r.tphicequipmcm was i.11c1·eased hy the addition of a
Scnoo Rapid ,v-iuder, a Tdyt :?OO m.m. telephoto li.:ns.fuld an F.ln,ar 35 mm. wide•
angle lens. •1·he rapid wind<:rw·.tsin constant u::;efroui then on, except fur a period
whc:n Lhesilk tape wore out. The telephoto lens wa.~used very often, especially for
rc;conlio.gceremonials {111. 8; Pl. 6-R,figs.3 to 6), theatricals (Pl. 22, figs..1 :md ~). and
the hc:havior of audiences {Pl. 5, fig. 6). The phor.ogr.aphsLa.kenwith the tdephoto
lens c:m c-.tsilybe rcc:ogni:tedby the unu.sual perspcc:r-ivc:: (Pl. 15, figs. 1. 2. and 3; Pl. 17.
fig. 7; Pl. 24, fig. 1; <::tc.). 'l'he telephoto leus ·wasalso oscd for all I.hereproductions of
Saline~ <lrawillgsand shadow-pby puppets. The wick-:ingle lens was rarely used (Pl.
1, fig,;.4, 6, and 7).
In 1939, the 50 mm. lens \'1asreplaced wil.h a Hector 7~ mm. f/ 1.9, \\'hkh '\\'aS
u.'\edfor all the photographs taken in that year (Pb. 48 and 64). This Jens enabled the
photographer to work at somewhat greater distance; from his subjects, and especially
its longer focal length made it more nearly equival~t to Lhe 25 mm. 1<..-ns on Lhe
16 mm. :\itovikon.Jr was, therefore. easier LO use the two instruments together.

Notes on the Captions

J::ach pl:,1tcis acco1upa11i<..·d by a genera 1 st:atC:memtelling tht: reader about the::
oontextmtl scujng in which the phot0graphs were taken., and defining the theoretical
points which we think the plate <:<m• ...eys. Each photo~aph, or c:-tchseries of phot<►
graphs, i1i. then described sc:parately. The penultimate paragtaph of this description
gives the names ;md relatfonships o( the principal people in the pbotogr.tphs. and the
last paragt"aph gives the name of the locality in which the photograph was taken, Lhe
date of ta.kiug. anci the: Erainc-number o[ the m-:g-.<1.tive.
The reader is thus provided with scientific st:itt:meots of a number of diff(..'Tc:nl
degrees of objectivity :md generality. F.ach single photograph Dl:lYbe regarded as al-
lllOStp,1rc:lyobjeclivc, but juxtaposition o{ two ditfc:reo.l or contr:isting photogr,1phs
is already a srcp toward sdcntific genc-nlli1.;ition(e.g.• PJ. 5, figs. 4 and 5, or PL 20, figs.
·! aml 6). The imroduc.tOT)'stakwent on each plate pr()vides., in ro:my cases.,an cx 4

treme o( generality. ·whereas the dct."lilc:<l captions contain a blending of objective

descripliou aJ1d:;c:it:ntificgcneralizalion. V1le have assumed dut lhe objcc::tivilyo{ the
phomgraphs themsd\'e-S j1.1stifiessou1e freedom iu the ·writing o( the (:aptio1lS.'\.Ve
b:m:: not hesitated, ll.u::refore,co select for emphasis those features of the photograph
"·hich seemed most revealjng, and to describe those features in ,;1wrdsand syncax
which might convey a .sense of the emphases of Ba.Enc-Secoltore as we unck:rst.aud it.
Cms.~rc-{cren<:cs ft-Otll one phowgraph to a.not.herand from 011e plate LO atlothc-r
h:wc lx:eo inserted often, a:nd such iosenions implicit gencnliza.tions like
those implicit iu the juxi.apositlons. ·ro enable the reader to explore (he plates for
himself. a random suppl}' of aoss n:fcTe11c.csis b' the Gl~ry and Index of
Nati\'< and Pc-:r.son.s. i\s far as poss.iblc, native ,,·ord:. have been kept within
pa.remhcsc:.. They arc- pro\'ided for the use or reader:. already familiar with Balinese
language and custotU, and the ordinary reader need pay no attention to them unless
he ,dshc:. w set side by-$idc-:the various photographs c:om)ectcd with oue-(.crc·monyor
native cou(.cpt, in v.:hichcase tht: Iudcx and Glossary will e!table him to <lothis4 Simi-
brly. it is posslhle from {he mnnes of idcntific:d person:. to obtain an over all view of

wmc: o{ tbc most phot~phc:d iudividu~ls; such as J Karba, I 1',arsa, 1 Gata, 2nd
their l'especrive parents.

Fnunc Nu m hers
Thc:se refer to our ataloguc of the negative: collection, but even without con-
sulting the collection souiething c::m be l' from lhe numhc.n. The films were ar-
rangt-ct iH chronological order in g:rou{JSo( 26. Each suoccssivc group of st6 films 'l\·as
gh-cn an initial m1rnbc:r,and the 26 films in the group were given letters from A to Z.
Finally. each frame was identified by iu ordinal position in the: 6lui. A film u!;ualty



conr:iins bt:t,veeo 35 and 42 frames. Thus, thc frame numbc:r-S.. ,2 f\,t 7. 8. 9. 15: 12-
N 1" would me-ar•:These arc Jive photographs from a se<iueoce.•11,e first Lhree photo.
gr~ph!i were: conseclltive frames and may haw; followed c-.i.chOL.heraL as lilde as two.
second intervals. TI1en! was an interval between the third and fourLh photographs
while five mher photographs ·were c.,kcn, which arc not reproduced here. There was
:roothcr intenral between the fourth and fifrh photographs, in which the n=rnai1)de1· of
film 12 M \\"aS exposed and a new film was ln.serted in the camera. •rhe- fifth photo- \\'as on the beginning o( a :newn>ll, and therefore the: !act diat uo othet photo-
graphs in this sequence are\V-:ts 1wt <lue LO there being no film in Lhe
camera. (It takes about one mlnotc to insert 3 nc:wfilm.)



By c,._,. IIAnaos , to I oo


Plate 1


There arc conspicuous diffc:rnooe!.between 1he 1Ynn1nmlitit,-;; or 1)()0r pl'::'l.<.'lu1s in the m<>um:dnregions or
Bali and those richer, more loosc!y organized communities in the plains. Bajocng ("..odeis a typica! mountain
vilfage .wd conforms dosdy in its plan to the ideal P,."-m.-rn. The village is built about a crossroads with
d~-c.lfingh◊u~ in tlu-ee of tl1e (Jlladr.wt:s. '"!W:: fourth q\!.l.dr,mt, toward the n◊nt,e;..:11 (kt:djll-MngiTJ,Jitcr-
a.n,. tl1e "inkmcl ,e:i::,:t''; <,f.Pl. I(', fig. ,r), the ,i1~t ~,c;n:,l diri:)(;ti,m, i... <1ccupil".d by the O' "ill.age temple
(Pocra Dcsa) a.nd by the temple of origin (P<>Cr3. Pocsch). Each household is walled off fr<>mthe otht'~ wi1.h
mud waJJ.:s. and within these enclosures the buildings arc precisely laid out with il $peci,1I:ire;-ion the north•
efn or t".ts1.e-rn
sidc for shrin<:sof ante$tral and otlu:r gods.
Raj<*.ngGexle i1S .ii~) lil:e tl1e (11.tjurity<.>(Ralim:.·:11:
iu ,nm1mulities i!!cLhcvery poor dc:vclopmc:nt
of ans and 0'3.Ctsand the very rich development of communal ceremonial with emphasis on the: righl$ ;uul
duties of citizenship.
1. View or Btljoc.og Cede, looking &0uth from the~ 5,. Th<: interior of tncn's ccmnon.ial mecti.ngbou~ (fig.
nxsoh a.t dawi:. The 1'idc Jtn'>l:t l<'ith d'l\·dting hou:11,:i~1 4) uith fe.i$t bid ()Ut fQT ::innu:il ci:rcmouy {r1d<b)
citbtt $idC leads down to lhe ttl'C'tt)():.tially lot1--est
gate, ot diviW:tg lltc let.upk bud {CC.Pl. t, 6g, 1). 1\ Jong:
and beyond th:it tQ the oi::meteiy in 1he foreir_ mo\lntain o( cool.:.<'<i
rice ~r("l'lrl~ rh~ wholr. l~gth of tbe
Baj,xug ~de. July 4, i9l0. 1 w i4. building. witb $u:pplics 0£ highly 111::uuu..:d!oods Oil each
$!de.The me.o u<: beginning to gathc-r for tb<' f('M(. Thi:
$C,,iQTQtbci$ will sit in Ol"(tr;r nf s.mio:ity u the fur
ir. ·n1~ iilit·goug ::t lhc crosu~d.'I. TlUl! a kept i:1
{oonh) end.
a bot1~ raised on a pUtdorm. b<;-1;1f<'('-f\ fol1t O"«$. The N;uig C.::ieo.ocog
in right for<:grouod.
&jocnx Ged1:. Ap:-i.l 11:7.19~7. ? I. is.
gong: is us"'1 to wmmon the viJl:.tgt:r:1to meeting,: .:md llll
a tn case ol Uldts.
fbjoen_g C~e. hbrch 5. 19#1-. u l\f 2'().
6. The !~ly Wines in the hoo$~-ard of nj('fo l\:i.,e
Tcl:d;,. Tbis m..,n. thotigh nQ l(,ngcr :t full .,;iti7~ (Am:c
ht$ youngt)t cb.iJd 'IO.·::is
married) was a.u important rdi-
Sioll$ !uncti:<>oacyan<l k<:cper <>f the t'lll.ige <:,,lend::r.
s, It sroalkr $TI'«( in R:1jocng C..i,dc, ,;h,ndng mud 1r.1!!s. ffo, houi;e iihrine~ :ire 11(,mc,,.·h:ict
morr. d..abor,.uo: tb:u:
:md 3".1-tcito !toteJeyards. 'fbe two cnu-anccs to k!t aod WO>!..
rigbt nearest the c:uncn t() minor t(fflp!c,; (J'llUa di n:ijrn'ng \.C'(!c. Nov. ~1, 1937. 19 F u.
r.:inri .:ind r(kT,I. <l: f.boc::11:):beyond ilicse -ce enU'3JlCC$
to hou~. 7. Djrn> l\Aoc Tt-l:c:l.'J hm~cpnl A little u) tl:e ri,gtn
R:ijocng \.ttlc. July 16. 1937. u U irS. of 11H:c~n«:r b: t?1cto:utl hou~ in which he and his wile
s.Iccp. T<>the Jdt o[ tb.e ccnter i,; th~ s.m:ill .didtu v.i1i':r-t
is <:<.u'ritd<'r i$ $Wn-tl ir1 j::iN. All ...,-;a.wr to
i: Th(; <:itfaen$' wcmnni.:il rnf:ding house (ba!,. ago,mg) Geck horu ~ St.J"C';.Un~boot tt m.ik at--ay.011 the Cl-ffcme
iA tlie from cow1.o{ the villatc tcmpk. right is the rice ~m.
Bajoeog Cede. Marcil 5, 193$.. 22 J 27. B:ij0cngGede. N~·. 24, 1gj7. 19f' 3.
--~-,;,~ -


3 4

s 6
Plate 2


Tn the mount.llns, ,·ice is grown in dry fields and the crop i$ small Rice i$,}i.)v.·evcr,the footl will, maxi-
mum prc-stigt-for ftasts and the moumain people contim1e tc:>grm~·it. though u,ai:ui and root c:ro~ pro\'lde a
gr-catpart of 1,hed.ict.
1n addition to the h<>ti.~ (or.rnah)in the village, :i.Jmostall fam.iliel ha\'C a second h<>usc{}out in
th~ fields. and always one ()r more m<:m~ of 1.hefamily ar~ there to look after the oxen and pip.
Land of three major wi:t.'i: foba is a sh;i.rt, in remp!c land which is rc-allow:d each )'C:'ll'; cfahi;.n
is a share in vilbge land which .is :illoucd for life iu recognition of rtg11l:u·scnie<:s to the village; soegihtm is
land prh•a.:clyowm.xlby pi1r('.h:!$C or by inheritance !rom tlme who originally de:m:d it.
1. Tc:i:tp!,: lwd (la.ha) bdo%-ing to th~ villas,: teinp)e U'Olll. :lllOther ~;mmoUWty~-orl:ing te-..nponrily for sa.:i~t'
o! Pc-locdoe, ;11,-nutly:ug Nb-urb of najt>cng Cede wi~h :1 cid"n. of the "tlbge.
socia11.}'~t similu to th:it <lf &jueng b1.1t!1;.\l< mmplclC Bajoe11gC<'de. (kt. i::, 1937. 17 N !5--
and lett strkt, ),{Mt of tltt.' inhabit:1ntl' are people who
bave »o; yet :aua!n«I citiz('n:ihip in K:s.jocugor 'X'hobave 4- A ploughi-ne bee (11kWij<Y..h)~n the field\ n! 1'~
bit cit.ixt!Uh.ip th.rough noa•confonnit}' with the min 4 Roni of 8ajocu:;::Cede. b lhc pkillghing ~!!., a nun
pt rul~ Thill !\c:ld is aboot a thm:s:md yuds in ltflgth will invite hi:1 nc~l,on to come u,gclhc.r and in one 6~
ffn:1:1: left to right i-n the picture) *nd i., :iubdividcd plough his p:ett oi Uln.d.I TcRivts ~ small fe1't with spe-
~· yc.tT "--ith plougl~ed srooves m.:rrking o!! each citi- cbl foods but no c;r:n,:iaa:iy.Tbe ~o::i.~ion i~ in$dc mm"C
~·1- :i:hare. ''aow4,c,:f" {mm,:. d. Pl.~) hy rhe :;o:>uO.d
o{ hea,,y woe')(!~
J>docdoc.Ji,fay 31, to B s,,i, bdb ~ro1.1ndtbe ntda o! I.he o:ten, :i.nd Uy dccoradn&
the oxtn w;m elaborate Je.,thu bcatlW'C'$$C"$ {fig. 6).
~ (Jmmlok) bdo11ging tt.1 N=us; ()('rfl, ;i cirixcn o(
Raj<lol:oK~de. /wg. ,9. 19!7. 13)\ 26.
Ibjl)e:ig Gede.Lil:t- the ho~ iti. the "Vill.:rge. the pondoA:
is carc(uDy ,,s,:d.. JSut bC'l'e the prd is cultf$'$1rtldand, !I· A so:,::e: on N~ng OerJ.'$ {arm i:howi:tg the o,:en te
fa genen!. lifr is pkl:innuir away irom the re,.victions :1bdter, too Qi:c!uUy kno:d bu,:,.
JM Ot:m:i.h {Bfljoc:ng-
Gcde}. l\'l.)g.6,. 1936. t D tl.
o! the village.
IM Ocm:th (Bajocllg Ct1.-!e)- Aug. G, 1936- 2 n 3;.
G. Oxen at ::t p}onghing bct: (cl. fig. -1)~"ins be:!".,r.-.d
S- Unident.i.Gcd U'(>m.:rnwee&~ dry rioc gmwi1tg in. Ba• lcalhcr he:iddTr.,.,~
jocng Cede t=ple l:u:d. She is proh:!bly a.cutt1tl la~ Gede. Jl:!y :6, :9j6.
l¾tjt'IC':l\8 t C s..

Plate 3
Whcre,·cr iL ~ p,,-sril>leto terrace and inig,-,i~ 1Jn:1,uul, we find a way of ure.i.'Ct)•differen,. from that of
Bajomg \IC<!c.Tn p!:!oe(1( 1bc-rih'ld formal commu1)ilit"'s amJ almt.m uu<lcco:r.uedtemples or the IYU)u111ain$,.
we find big sprawling -:·i1!3.SC" ;uul tQwru where family ties bcoome more important than where
1.hetlemr;i1iv~ arts and music and <.brncing0Q1,.1rl$b; and where a man will si>end h~ cl.t.yin working up to his
waist ii, the m1.1<l of W$ 6dds. and his cn-:,1i11gin tl1~ h)l·;d <•rdtt'Stra.
llut in spite or these:very c:Qnspkuous supcrfi<fa..ldJJfcrenoes :tnd in 1,pitt of the many di!krcncc11 in cu.<i-
1om, tbc b.tsic psychologiol cinpl,a.-.e~<if :H.-liu~c culture arc the same both i11R::ijoeng Ctrle .iud in the
plains ...!'be treatment of children i.~viriually 1he :sanK"and the basic ethos is the ~me. Tn the r,fa1e:i whi,;:h
foUow we $l)all trt".atthe: cultures of the ml'>uut:iin.~ :nut 1h~ plain.s •tS a $Ulbtfepsyc-hol-og:icaJ
t. A c.'Uurt)'anl ir,1te in the old JUL-i~ Qf the fQm~C'Th• foot on a OOllrd which is sc-t a.t :'l :J4,1tt angfc to the
j;ib (Anal Ag()ntg) <>f1$-:u~ The :iamc ropn!(,gical ground and dr:::wn by :i p:iir of w.ita: bl.ltiaio«. (In the
the rie-a-~ngi:l.;u-hO~$C')'ardwith il~ S}!lC. lhe ic:lm,:
£:--.::no:. foreground, a bend!. mark o( the Survey.)
oricnunio-n lO the Ba.lim:M: p<>int$,.the s.ame Rt>eleJ~g. nc,c..27, a95G. S Y 5,
oricnt.ui<,>n in time by roca..u o{ dte qx:Lic ( an:
common to lhc mountain pi:.a.,:int :enrj' tbe rajW of the + T ...:-no& and B~ rir.e tidd1, with t.he ri« goowiog
pbi-ni; (c;I.Ph. l and 2). in tb.c water.
)fau~i. JuJy ~9- 19.$7· 1:t 7. 16, !sdl (K:::ang:i~). :\1:g. 9, l!}S7• JS I 51.

::. g-.i.tcw cl~ ,·ilb&: u:mpli: in S:inQM'(Soutb Bali) 5. Small boy bringing hi$ w:i.tcr btiff.alo bad:. from wuh_.
on a kait cby. The g:tte is dc«>ra.lo:d with pt:m!am.s: on .ing it in the streaw.. Thie ca..rie
o! tl~ ox~n and b1.l:f~IOC$
high h.:rmbcl<:i~ :end the :1r:1tu~ .u-e dolhoo. Note lh:u is .an impmt:mt tlnty of the $mnl) boy!.
B:J.iu~~ ;ut )t)lc ).,.,U)~ v,..ry ~I~· fmm tht'! dfor.tivc Ba1oe3.0:.Feb. !!1, Jg3g. je6 N 16.
:1impfki1y o! 6&. 1 m rlle m·enlt•ror:nion Qf fig. :t (cf, Pl.
so,~ $), G. \Voroau carrfing home ${ 1·iccU011l.m,..
S:1m1e:r.Oc·r. 15- '!>?Ii· 19 Y"' ~t h.:in·t".SL11e:n do :tot c:1n-y (m tht'! Ju;ad. They wo.ild
c,1.n1·::,,lwd o{ t!ili Jund by S\l)pc::ndi11$;:
lbc ,hea"ei on
,. A m::m flattening tM. mud i-n hi$ fl')()(!cd fields. "ter the end$ of a pole b:\lanc«i on the shoulder,
pl<)l(tbini:;:uld bc!ote sowi~. He ....
-eWa down with J1i~ IU:--.i..r.~scm.O!Stria.. f,:b. t!, 193-9. 36 S t,1.


-"'~illilll!lo,~ ..~ ., ---


; '

• •
:'\ ...)i. .~
:.. ......

Plate 4

In B:iHnae ~1onials most of the impor1:m1offeriu!f-i•induding the sprinkll':r (lis) which is used !or
Kattering holy "--S.L<:r,:-ire~Jl~l.-tions of gods. spiriL~.$Club,◊t" hoJies of the dead (d. Pb. 97 and 9S). la
ritt:s ~ pas.sag~,it is common to finil t►lTtJ·iuW5 n:prt'$C'ntingthe soul or body ()f the candidate.
J. Au offering (tftmang rcbong) made princip:illy o! 5. A Nini in fuj(lCTlg Ccdt. nili h the mflplcr mar.::;.
flown, .stip-pon«l Oil a «m~l a1rc of b:m:m:i $ti:t'll .ind tain analoi;uoe at tJ1t:<:TC'pt<:$ct\t3.tiono! t?ic-
supported on :i. !iUnd (~kmg). This olferi:ig L'!cmil':'t! Ria. C.nddess. in d>c 1>la.iA$.1t co:uUts only (lof ~ few
wbcnC'i'cr UI~ ~ mo\·t :1bout from on(! ttn,ple to an• hC';Ws<.>lrice tied uigdhu. J, is made <>fthe ! he:J6
other (If gn ro1: purifi<atioa to Un: .Ja dton-: m· to :1Cmic whkh ..irt rot in the harvest -and i." l.:iter po, in lhe t:tt
$pCCtalSP,lill.g.Th~ spt'lC:imr-nw:1$ made for a ngaskm'a bam when die h:in·($( is brous;bt h<>iuc.
ccrcmnny in the ac-ro:uiou $t.'\jU~ncc (d. ri. 9S). The najocng C«'k. April 6, 19r,. 6 Q "·
only J'C'<X>gni:1:1ble
:i.mhrofl(ln)l) is lhc fan-sh:apcd
hc:1ddr~ (tjili) ,-•bieh 5:$dur.s<kri~tic of repr<:::Scntatioos
o( ~ ::md wub. of the dead. 6. A number of rsrr.!rnd i,ff~n~. F<.>rC'\'CI)· .itnpwuet
R:illXI\O. Aug.%~ 191$7• 14 V 1. ,·magc <CrCtnOJl)•.~ad, 0£ ll1e 16 St:niM' dtilt:OS of )b.
jucug (..edc w:nd~ hi$ iuak<iel. The word wak.od ~ etr
%, A fisure (1'<"('$:d} made from tfo~ base of a p:iloo k:lf roologkally rclatcd t<>the 'k'<lnl.-1 uu,ak (body} .tnd ,ul:'1
•..:ith .:i rougtiiy in('i$C(! h\ fa«. The 6:gurc w~n ;a (a ~in who .i.cts as a sub.stitul.: !ur anot1ier). Fxh
.sarons :i.od a :i:::uh.Such 6gur".s are cnTi('(! ;n proc-es.s.t()n fJ1(1:hOdOO!)taim a l:1ifc wirh rht::point rorocd <!()11,n ;w,!
in t·;iffi)u$ rites de f>MUIJ.'.~. 'fhis 1pecii:1t:o 11,-.ii u.~ at .i r,,~,nut, ri«, {n1it, Cle. TI~ i:lm~l!CT b:1.~k1;t;an: a:.kd
lhe u>.;•<liybinhd.iy (n..:l<"i::bo,c4u1in) o( ~ baby ii) Bod,.-. toq:w aud are St:nt h}' rhe gi,•er o( r~ a.,-,d !n
Ieng. and represent! Vadong Budjung (litcr.:illy, ..nM.
nuid gnndmother'"). :in in,.,.~narr nl.ine (ng.:mpoc-) !or CcJ~uway c~ampi gr.JU) of pr~.u.tin,g :l.O 01' to :he
rhc baby. ,·ilbgi:- hd'd.
lloddme. Nn,-.R, 1936, 3, F ,3. Bajc,cugGe:<lc.Jury',6, 193G. ~Ar,.

j. Ao od'cring with ,·ery oomph:re h\Jtnan fo.nn, made

for the periodic kst.i\':J iu lhe temple on tht: £sfand Qf 7. TtJcgf.>l:. 1<>-th-mOMi,~ SnUll double o:mt:1.i=r ~ cl.
S:ikdl:in nt;:ir the town ❖C Dco.~~r. E,·cry tcmp!e has ii., p.,.lm leaf :md u.-.ed i-n rh<-('<'T<:l:ll◊ny (mekbOt"S., o! t~~
$pc:ci::J day (in tJtc: d:ty cydc) wht:n rhe gnd$ ;m~ newly married «>uple,. ~rh.: two ~m t>f rn(': mp nf :~
r:illcd dow~ aQ(l ofkrins$ MC ro3.dc to lhtm. Tbi,. _p.,.r- rwr.« :arc i11d.-11:d wirh roogh bu.nun {aoes. bad. to md.
licu.!ar a-n:inm1y i;, paha~ more tTtm:rl~ thfln D10$t like Siamek twim. The to~o~ o:mt:iins:. pi«< of suit'lf
bcansc the trip out to the id:wd provides: 2 l'lnall ex=• The hrid'e pt'OVidC$one tOflf,tu ::tl:'l.d l!1c groom :i.:lo:!=
.1ionfQT the tO';\"n$J)('Oplc ❖f Denpaw. The oJiering is The sufog from the bridt:':< tM.go,c is tied around c!ltc
nude o! fruit 6xed t-0 .:i c:cnu-al (X)l'e of h:nun:i $tern: i:;ro<>ro'swrist a11d :t piooe o( it i:I pet bc=hind hi-c ~-
the face is a fcuule <ku,oer'i m.:ill. with a d:1m:crs hi::1d• The ming m:>mth,c :1'000l·s U>t:f.tN is tied <Y.l.the hr.&.
dreu of rhc: type t~cd in mod«n secular« (dj4ngeY). 'I'f><go.tlidd by 1 Tjil>loek .:it t MO('(!ri'$ nwnagt'.
Sakt:11.:s!1 (l~npaiQr). (kt. 18. 19!J6. ir Y 1. &.jO('l)g Cede. June 2'6. 19"7. 1 t n 8.

+ All o!!cri1tg at!i:d J'1Hni ().!other) n:p~ntin& U1t:

Rke Codd<:$S(Beum1,SYI)al arcinonits <>lbal'\'CS:l-!t.«ue. 8. A pmtim1 (lf the g~1 (safmd) from a bigb ~-;
'J11c li,cm'c ii built up un :1 cylindrial<!t or ~-akoeL (d. Pl. 11, Lg. s) 3.l 3 hii:;h<::mc (K«aU)·3.) Le=p-le ~
Th~ -a,akr.,d is oovct"t.-Jwith a ~roug. a sash. and a bib. 1t.i, m.idt::hy $fringing to~thet $III.allslats of green ~
TI1<! rtll':'ln.:and fon4h:1pi-rl 111•:iddr('..$.$
,tT(' m-ad<:of l<.>nt3.t'· c::ttu::c.r·1wl1id1 tli.: :Jta<l(>w-p!ay5gu:cs ,m,sc:r:nchM .-v•
pa.1.mle:=!. .-\ruuud die m:r.k i:-1:-1ui:pcmilile!HIO ~m. The u~
great <.arc.The objca dtil:$ up :i.nd $pOils "3: !e-w<?_:...,_
-.,aA<iel <0ruai.o$ I (()(O(ll)t, l CAA, Wloooked ri«, t,a. It i!lu.'IU:ltt".sMc luline,;c h:,bit of "-ith C"l"rrctDr
nam1.-1.fruit. :1 cnmbin.:iri()n Qf spt,cl:11l(-:e,·C${ol~qn) dcuil aud is an e."'ampleo! :mtl:U'Opm:iorp.ll.i= .i&W ~r:
a!ld a JXt(fr.,:tof bc::tel-cl:.:wi:ugU1gn.,J:cJ1ts (&t:g1mtm:1un). an lllrc.idy .inthropomorphic object. tht high o!W.::.r
This b:<t item i$ 'OW,dly jf& (cl. g,:gtJtil#XStm in f:g..! Wow).
8-a.toe:m. Or.t. 5. 1937. 16 N •I· B:mgli. N<.>v.16, t9sG. SC 20.

Plate 5
CRO'\l,'DS (RA}WF.)

The Balinese enjoy very much the gay im_[Xf'Wt1•·tl i1mMphcrc of crowded on :isio1u.. Bodily «;0n1:u:twith
friend or sl.l'3.ngcris pleasant co 1.hem:rnd :i. lktline~ (T(twd will al~t ~lid. ·without any o{ 1hMc spaces
wh~ch ~-c try to pt1:$1:~ :'l1'0ttndOlll"$C!vc:s.Slu.ii (')(.:ttSjonsl!C made "mt)l"C crowded" ('Ind stiU mo~
enjoyable by the aclllition of firecrackers, orehest.ra.s-,and the li.l.:.e.
JJalin~ offerings coru.isc.uf "what is necessary" (umt- pttloe) and othe1· iogrcxlicms {roenH,e-t,m) which :ulded 1.0 make the: offering "more crowdc:d" :Htd more decor.nive.
1. A i;t'(':tt procffil<.mof pe:rbaps a tho~~:md p,:opk {())• .;. A scene at .i m.:irri.:igt:cereaiony, "'·hifo rh~ aN>embkd
low the ;iW.s to the s~. Thi$ w.:iit the t:1\d o( a w.ry rcfa.tfrl•r. Mc: ,.-:iir..i11g
for the an:j,·:il of th~ viJJ;,,ge(lo)T~i.:ib
cbbor.ite a.od costly ~r cn::maliou «rCl»Otl)' (mdigija) Thil' :il1ow)' -,e,,,neat the famih· !C\·o:lA mo,:hM' with lw<>
pcrfortnro b)' ;:hi: R..:ij:ilio! Kanng?~r.rn for the deifica• <>!her o~'"O.<:hildrc:1 and a siMc:r's child (wit.11doth on
tion of hi.~r:ubcr. An imag-ec,f tltc !:=tl1~rwas crcm:itr.d in a 3o.i.ffiCon her ):ip. :\n<.'dchild W:'l{Cht':'1:
lu a leptal o[ th~ origin.a! crc-.ualioU«rl"'rnnny. .:ind tl:c m<>lb.CT's $'its laulthiag. A pbooogr:iJ>hukt!l.
3. kw $('«)n<b !ate:- :J..-owsthe siMCT';d1i!d u.tck wiUl her·:m. Aug. g, t9S7• 1$ J 9·
()wn mother ~nd clut<hing h:m:l .:it btr brc-asc.ind j;:ic'k~:
lhe mod>cr looldng ,·a~nlly away, her son :.1:11i:t her
2. Wnmc:1 -:s!l.dgirls (lo(Jbjr>e:nr.(>i:de a.rcyiog: bo011::nf, Lip lo()l:.inl) o!f il'.lt(lo~ce; hc:r da1.tghttt h.'IS slip~!
krings from :i f~tfra..l in lhc P«r:i T>rn:koe-l~. 2 t«opk ®"''l\ !.tom I.beQTCM,t.
oot in th~ fit:!ds. Meo K11rm.1(•·itb hcadd(loth}: C:in. heT ,on, in (IC1'.I~
C<:de. Dec. 16. 1!>116.8 U St, on hi'$ bp: g,~njocn, hr:T b:1by daughter, to th~ right:
Meo Lin.tar hc.;ind Me'.Ultarn:aa; ~l'!rt:$,. Mc:!'1Linurr's'ghtc:-. with doth on ht:r ncd. :l!td sbo\llden: J Se-
3. ~ proct»i<>n jn fig. 1 n-.;iche,o.$ the bc:i.cb. M~ r.:1nr
pc,c:t1g.unrclatod little g;U.1. winding tn the ldl.
in,s b.OCC$ tind sironL~ am.l -...'<:uinga uniform u! cere-
Bajoeng Cede. June 2$, 1937. a C 1$.
monial d1C'1.'l:cr«!dolh (pokng).
1:s J 30.
Kar.:i.ngasein.Aug. 9. l!,1',117• 6. Fm."I"gi:-h :wd lhc ,.;11;i~ p:-ic,ttss "'1 :indienoe
watching a com<:'dyfoar sctt1e (cl. Pl. 16. i\g. $) per-
+- Crowd on th~ l~adl for tM a:::rc:m:,ny';';hic:b(lri~,$ formed 1:iy.i ,·i."litingt.he:.tuicnlO'O~- (for oilier C3.SC$of
the mi(-1'.:
and,opper.,:ioxl'.d the &eato rh~ Wand of (IQ\·M°ingthe: moulb Wlrh clnth. d. f'L $S, fig. 3: PL 61>,
J.ombok.. The <<-Tcmony...,~ held h)' cm!c:ro{ the Raj:ih. lir.. .;: Pl. 0, Ji~. 1 :md t: etc.).
a.nd pc,opl~ cm1c U'om as f:lr :l:i tv,•od:tys aw~y bri~og Jn frnrir. fc!t tu 1#;bt: I ~g: J lt.ilii.; I K11mi:
~cial <it!ttillgs. T Rinj,tu: and bcl:iind T ~g. Djcro J\a!i:m So..>l.och.
Lcbih (Ci:mj:ir). De<:.3• 1')37• 19 P _;. BfljOCTig C:nc!e.M-:ty ~- •9'7• 10 J} 2.

l 3


- ,.._, ••c,;-"'!111!
--~-~ ·-·........,~--·-
~ '__. @P"'" ,,
" . . ~
, ,
. ,

7 8
Plate 6

Closely oonnee1ed wi1h tlu: .8..1.linese10,1c of rrowdeil .sc.'C•~is the tend-cnC\' .

, to reduce au c:uks to se~)3r.ltt
with a dcfini1e ~quenre o! bodily mov<."lncntsnco::!'.S:i~·21 each st.agt. ·rru:movements 1.""C then per·
formed smootht}· and fa.u. laughing :ind .si.uh•ing.~;th a minimum of ,::on$Cious::u.eenii(m 10 the lask. Then::.,
al-.oa te:n<lc:ncy
to arrange th:n 3 maximmu number of itd:OS can be accomplished s;muh.'tnt'Qv,l,
Thu.i the R.1.tin('$ehabit of muscular rote behavior-(d. Pk J5-:'lml 16) oombint-$ ·with their love of busy 2nd
acti,·c crowd.i to ~ivi:: s,nm•1l1ing which we might call ··nuss producti<m'' mc1h<K!s. TI1eir '"ttl..\$$production ..
di.ffcn, howt.·,:cr. from our own in lacking :'lny ~phasis on dlicicncy. There 3.l'C ah..-ay:trn::ny more peop'c
~t, e.g., at the cooking for a feast, tha.n are ncoess3:ry;:rnd people eruer and lt'ave the working group (Xr.";•
sa:w1ly;ind c-•~ti.a.Jly.
1. A B:·;,Ju.:cmpria..1.(.pedt.mdc br~mt;.'1t; boda) making 5 aod G. Scene. 3t 3. post•mOrtir.s.:ycerem,m· (mnQt'o-.
haly WlHl"T (ioja ptnJ:ntlitS) for tte:l.:!tio:i.,ies.. in ,rh~ch the de,,(! $ w.ou.ili of t?::e,-;.
He sitS W)tJ~ R:V~J ~en pots o( W3.tcr in front o! bi.-u. !age pr!titess {Vft:rt, Ba!Um) i:I u-:mce. \\·omm prc?J...~
gning throo-gh his pr.:,,yen. l l~ pretur"..s anc p<:1t nf ,pe- pil~ of hanao.a kJ:! pb.t«, ncli. Wlcli:i. little cookt'd :":('e
6! !1o!y...-;iu:r, which lbcn is diluted i1uo ::.I!th~ po€,". a.u,l a lllick p! k:te (d. fig. S). Ooc woman bo!O t!:..
BJ.toc-..ul.Aug. ~ 19~7. 1.1 V 16. pfarC'-$; aootbtt adds. thc rioe; ::s::otht:r.the 1cu: .:ir.d ,rb(:-:,_
e::d1 p:t~ o! pb:(".t is. complete jt is ~ up to 6e
priC$tC$$~ho hold, il a momen: :md ·'P'"·:i'h :e~;"·cu-
for :i ceremo-.,y(m~tjar~) tn pnrify
t. Prep::ring nfforin_g:,; !a.r eflmt. After fhe priC$tC$i bu -Spoi.<'U.t?:e p:~e u
:QC' bo-t.':S~~d. f'i.n.1.~ b.:i-e m.1.mbe:rof l:t:le lt.:1i tT:1)'$ b-rokc-llt.ip; ~ the rice i-1pu-t togt:thM" in :e ·'-"'
:i.-e folded .:inf. '1:itcb«!; then the uays uc laid out; lh,m 1c.te in :i.n~n- h;i.,"k«, ;'11)(1 the kal plalo ;,c,.- ~
~.acb. uay is G!!a! (a:s ii: phowgr.1ph) from m:i~ ~mr~ Qf bac.k to thc bc:tinni.u)". o! :!1~ wed.lint-: m he- -.::··i~
ad!. :ippropri:ite ohj('(;t. One 1>--oroan!'Al,ts:!Ispecial l.i:1<l :,,g;i.rtlw:1h mo:,c ric:c :ind s.:te, Ead:1 pik ~r.:.,.t L'<. :..:..o:
of cake it1. e:1d1 tray: :nmd1er di.~rihut~.$ litde pt1ddinp; c.otTect nruubcr o! hyu~ ao::on!.iny. m rh" ttt.~hr of
:=.:-imherbetel; and another Jk,wen, c(c. W:Ju in ili:i: ha::~"N'l~ldtine<- ihe «rcaion~ •~ ~
)J<.'u .\~ma.I,and .\fc::n in fon-gr<>l.ln-d;
1 Maring <,
hcld plate> for u11c.- dc::stb:_; !or twll: 7 or g :01 ::tt"
1(1()kinztip; I Re.ndoct beh.ii:i.! l M:i.ri:t_g. 11 for foul' dt-:irh11,r-,«·.). Tb< ,--ork U)1,o!,cs r.t ·- _,::-
B:s.j~ng Gede. j1dy 11, 193;. u- P 13. c.bao.ictl roo,·caict1ts ~11CO<Ope:r-:i.:.i<m.:am! ~ :IU"=?::.:e:!
:ill tiu: time hy c.nunting. A U1TOpeaopatti(.ifQ~ a
rapidly to a stig!u!y ~utl sme.
). ~fen Jffi'p.,ring h.imhn() pt'g:"I f('lr tbc-Jaod &jadlg Cede. July 10. 19$7· a C ~ lS,,,
in the ~u:!.! sb:i.ri:1gl'.I! u:mp!e !
i.d; t() right: Nang- Singin; Nl'l.ngSonj; N"a11g Ring:in; '1· Cir!:. s!u~!d.i:~g u-= fr·m lr-:wMfQT cooi:ing a, a vtd-
Djcro Ka:d! in lxu:kg:vw:d. dins,. The kallel> lll~ L<:!.tri?pcd fro:!! the =.:b..
fl.ajom,g Cede-. April t7, 1937. 'J R 3. ! Cttlir; T :Kj:1.nt<"I;and J Rc:noc.
Bajoeng Gede.-.Aug. ,s. 19.57. •$ P $0-

+- Thrtee ~rdnp of a man with a dud i.uOtl.<' M:nd :tnd 8. M:11'$p:ut!uc:tl(m of !JJl~ for a wo<.h ~lmg: ~
l ~g fo:· !1~rdine-dm:lu in tlu: oth~. Thi~ s,uhjl'("t w:is. Sate are $0Ulll $dd, on ,·hkh mc:11is spi'tc:d « -,,.J:ptd
fm- :e tin,c- '°<'rypopuJar wilb &linese C3J'\•ets -..'Ori:ug f()(X! is =~red. 1(Ct-: :1evc:~! hum.I.."«! s,,x.; s:;d.t, ai
fm- t!u- mnri.u- m..ui::r-r. Th~,- d1ttf' ~pt"(imt-n$ '11.'l!'re111) food a«: being cooJ:.«1$tm.1,1Jtao<'O\l\ly O\« a Joe: :i.r-
~e- by the rune ::s:ti)<"t. lt is u.,.'l,W to =kc .me,-ltc:u·,,. row ch:irc,»I fi:c. Tiey :in: bdd in pl.:i<" b~ C(k -·
in,gs io parallel stages, First, the C3.l''tt col?«u a number tl:C<"..uhuo a b~uun:a MC!!!.. Thcy mun be l-1..:"~~..!:....c.
of s.~i.ubl,epiece$ of wood: then he ro1,;·« all o( time to time-. Notc the folded pomrrc of the- 00:,-paaq
tbc:n; next. !u: 5:iishes Llu: 0:vi1?r, on :ill: :ind fin:elly in this t:i~i:..
Ou the- e.°'Ct.m:nc-
ri,ght, I Tompe-los:others not :O::l:..-
in P:r.j:mg:m.
(.;a.,i\·e<.l. fic•d.
June 9. 19s;. J1 0 2S. Bt.t«an. Sc-pt. ,o, 1937. 16 C 3-

Plate 7

An obi;·crsc of due Ralincsc love: of (;t(>Wdcdsct"nn, i.$thcir habit of wiLhdntwal in10
theffisclvcssuddenly slip into a mind when= they 3l'C. for the moment. no longer t.ubjcct to lhe impact
of inter•per$()n:d rclatiom. Tbi:s withdrawal 0<.-n1N iu a 11.tJ.,'t \'ariCt)' of cont~xlll, but is _pcrh:.p:iespecially
cow.wou in parent-child ~1,d tcachc.-r-pupil 1'eb.Lions.b.i~ :tnd following .i;omerather d<finitc utivity of wod:.
()r 1)1:'i.)'.
The face of m<)theror child, ()r- both. wilJ 1.ieo:">meva.cmt iutmcdiatdy afo:r mlu~u.llly aci.ive pJay; or
lhc race of an :\rti.~Lwill be :siuiihirly Ufl..resporuiveartcr he has ju~ finished a c.-rvi1,g.
I, ),fo,:hl'.T;md SOilduring a fa~ o( intct-~r:~ou:1.l «>O· 4. •fbe otg;inixc::-o! :'t dao« dub :.its whiJe hi:c dub per•
tact. She ii $C"llit1g f()()I! in tl~,etoad ne::rr tfa:ir b(louse:ind forn,~ Tbi) l!U.Uw~ one of the lll0$t :u:.e:rtive people in
.sits witl:i fa~ v:u::mL He h.1$ hi$ moulh full of food :u.:d the ,·ill-age, and wa:c :s!:<>lhe prit"..sta:td organi11r.r o{ lhe
songi4.-ig dub (cl Ph. ,sand 19). He wa~ .wm.::..,.•battoo
U. pcrb::ipS, a liuk wll:y (d. p&.,tur« of thf: inoth('T
;i~rli·,e for tl:i<:~e:ry ri:,tid cq,1atir:iria.o. c:thos of 1\:ijoe:og
:mJ child in temper. !'IS. 5z ,'Ind 5~).
M~ Singio. s.ud her ~n. 1 Katsa. Cede. and tl~U dance (lub fina.Uy bro);c up bet:ausc: of
Kajuolg C<-de:.~by z. 193,7. 7 X :U· mild dii..~w.Caction witl1 their k.'lr.°CT.
Nang K:imu: l Stdia; T Moe:d:-i..
n:,jo":og Cede. Aug. 16. 193G. l! C 11.
11. :,nd lbught<r vi."lir.itis,out bou~. They arc
$OO'l<-Wh.1tshy Ol' d.i.sorie:ntcd by being in a !>U~ngcpbce,
:md thh pcth~~ brings lbCffl inw closer pilys.inl pn>.i:.•
5. A :rm;ill l,c)yat the 210 day bi.J.1hc1:iy Cd'dnut1y (o:.o-nin)
unity (i:f. Pl. 46). Tbere i:c do~ p;i;r:i11r:lii.,nia po,mm:
h~:l :nothcr :ind ..tau#ucr in the:a~« of 1he:1mo:d .sibling. He is $i(;ing "''ilh the old won!.1'n
<lf JIU )'01.ll'lg.....,.
:wd :re1:,xr:d:,.traii;htn™ of tltc k(t ann~ hut .in spite of who pc:rionno:d cen:mony. ·11i~ pictu:ro: clOO'y :re-
thi., p:milldism .imJ tho:-ir dose ro:ttact, ~· .:ire l':'nto- :\c:nbld Jig. ~ ~bnve:, ,Jwwing th~ s:ime soi:-ki-ngfor dose
tio,naUy :ip:irt.. Each is runu:d away irOO'I rhe: other, and ph)'$ic:tl roma,1. and ,hr: :\:1me complete bd. o( e=•
the mmhct ku o,ve:rl':UUtl' month. titm.:i! 001\l:\Ct. (Sr;e the 11:UU.eio. Pt 39, fi:. ,5·)
Men KQr.boc aud hcr ci..,, 1 Ren4oct. Men C:inf;'la.r and I Soi·,1-:ib a.t oumin o( I Cn.e.
lujne:tJ,t Gede. S<-cpt.S'9· J!W.i, a S Yll- R:ij<ieng G«le. }>fard1 %9, 1937. 6 J l1!S,.

5--A })1-'Y,;,bop:ithic
,:agrMI .,ir:iny, in ou.r prd. Thi! nun
~$ tn,.11hle:to rem:iin ill e:ommnniatiol\ with o)Wcr t). A <::«"'CX'after dtt: cxmapktkm t1! bi:,.«p:r~nt:1tim\ o(
J)l':Opk for mm-c t!w1 .ii few ~u,h, afrt".x ,.-bich he :i dancer, whkb bad tal:t'II him :.C\'cnl <'..11p.Verbal n,c:
s::t)l<, "'He leant b:tck. uucrl~· =ply a.0cl$pent. Asl:.00
wo\l)(I wande:r a ..•ay or singing. He spent a
great pan o( hfa 1il:m:.~lting like: t!th Wnc. He would if he ,.,ot,1c1 h.:i.vt1:1ade1he c:a.rvi.ugany differently, Jtt:
S:.\f& ·no· pos« g:iily lO sbnw how he WQCJ!d!!Ukc
abo <'l<''(l{e:i r,-eat d<.tl t1! !a.bor to l)'l:tl:ing uruaru.eot.11
btadd.l'-e~d for him~lf. ·fti.ese be wCIU.!d\\'CU for :i :\hon ant1rhe:r cuvj:rig. 1 le: begjns to wo:-k.on anmhc:r c:u'\'ing.
time. and the:n would Jc,iTe die:m bs.a:;iogmi t?u: u~ he has (to grt money) to build a lm~:•
Be was an <:xperknrA"d dra(ts:nal'I, <foin~ oo-n-vc.o.tional "Jl1tZCpcri0<L$o{ ;iw:1yi1e::.l' are not followed hy ul3ai.CC$-
dr.1.wjn~ of .$(':J'Oll dC$ip\ ;md :1badcw;-pl;iy t".ha.r..tcleU. t-atlon.\ of fati,,."'"(lc,
:md arc m,~i.:a!Jytcro:tina.l1..-db}' .i :cud·
His.nn·inY. was avclc ;md iJ.i1»-:,•U(r.lli('(t'f. Pl.::;. fig. 3). <fon mvmprion a( at:tnity.
1 Tjo,cngl:Qt"h. s:tid lO b:we hr.e:n limo in Sch:itoe:. l ?,.f9de h.doc~ of ~ (Gianja,).
Getle:. April 6.. 19t7. 6 P 30- ~jDtllf; Cct!e. July\), 19~6. Iz 3t.


5 6

8 9
Plate 8

In most Balinese villa~$ u·a.nre pbys a special role in the social org-.1 ..uix.1.tion..Bajocng Cede has ia
citi,.ens (d. Pl. 9) but these:;coups are oon<>ernedwilh maintaining a well-known. .rtl:!!.a
counciJ:s of a.sit'.tl)Mt::(1
qu<J,;1.ndin tJ,~ir de.liberations. both eh(-d,t,~:s ;11111 their leaders Wink trom any wrt of ;i.t.~ti\·e bclu\i«
ot inno-.--ation.Gharact<Tistko1.UyI he fune.Lion o[ inno,·ation or initfating ne,.,. <:f'.tt:moni-alsequence<;:- c ~ ,
the decision to rtn<.l\':'lle :1.:1old dis.used temple - is left to 1he g<><h,a1ld is performed by the ,•illagi: priNl"'l'I
(VjCT<J 1'<du:n)in 1.1':tft(.C when she sp<:aksas a go<i and is not personally in,·otvrtl in wh<1l~lie l\.'tys.
At almost all , 1illagt: ccn::nu,mi~, I>jao 8t,.!itm goes into traru;e t .....ioe-,but as on the occasion
shovm here-, the god'$ vuc:t\lrlQC!I confined to formal gt'l:'eting:$to the village and ad:.nowlcdgmcnt of 1lw
offering,s iu a $ingso.1l& ,•oicc.
Figures I and z show ch.u-actt1'1$ti<; l,d,avior before going into U-:Jm;e:figs. 3. ,f, S· bch3.,·ior in tr.Ul('C':
and Jigs. 6. 7, S, and 9 Wow ~x),•err from trance.
1. Dj~r() Ral.itm inh::i.ling .,;mokc from tb<:burning dU~ gestt.1-r~ probably do r1tJlcoincide \>.ith tbe punctt'.;.nte
of wooc.l in tfo: fo.OC!l$C b~icr (p4S1epan).Slu.:roll<N« or ~o,s,,: ul htt ~pc«h bot thi:: rcQO-rdi-ngW:1.i noc F-e0X

toba«o frol'I) hl"r mnuih before: ii,,init i1uo uance. Smol:~ CllO\lgh tQ d('ffl()n~u: thU.
1$ u:<.edin U:1li bmh to i.uducc uao<e .1nd to induct: rt-
covc~· fr~ mn«.
6. l'r,1.yiug i.:uwtdiately afttt ooming Mlf of tn::c.e. !I.:;.,.
~. Djt:rQBali~~ )1\WO$, Thi:-1w:,~ bcr rc.gubr habit be,.
lubitually i:n:irb rh.: t'm! of her trJ.Utt b)· t""° 10ddcn
00:c going inm U"'.1.n~ Ou mi.1 occ:isi<>n. the p!1oto-
i!1ru.19',£.n.-1.a. )W''4;c,"'inso( one sboold"r :ind :hen al :::,e
gr.aphic ttwJ'd shows (Mr :o1heyawr:cd lean thr~
othcr. After thi$ ~ prn)-:i.
7, Djti'O,m !or a moment inm rn::.u. ~or
j. DjMo B<1lian mb~ btr bancls togeth(l'. She: ha.bitu..$11:f m:illy llhl': ~ UO\!/ compic:iely norm:1.l. :r.d t!..c. • !.>I!...
m:ir\$ tl1c m<>itl.ento{ goi-ng into um1tt by Sl1d<ieanty k!t her, but ;he n,rcrtll for a cl()!UC'Jltto h,-r ~
plunging her b~nd.~ in«> tbc unl;.cr.s o( rhe incc:..-ucbr.t· apn:.."im?.
~,;r (not :lbown in the vq11CT1ct- of pho~phs). tm-
diatcly ilttt thi$ she: rulxs her hands t~e1her .u :.l~wn.
She h:1.<:1.ln2dy on 1hr: fa(:ial i:x.proiion urual in
8. Djero ltaliar: ~=to look :uuuud bcr, bot is 13;~
C!Tltlyl(l:iU oot £ully oriented.
l!i:r ltallCCS.,an t:x-prel-'iiOllo{ mixed ~ny and t>:i:SCUy
with rhe C)-.:bni"'~ dtan togcth,::r, forchad wrin.Ucd, 9. Djcro Bali,m, app.tre-nrly fuUy oricou.-d 1'o._ t.u- (!:;.u.
a..m.1oori!cttt o{ lhe mm1th dr,hn\ down. :tcter-istic sbr<:wd :md b:is:!:l facial C"<prm~.
njcm fuli:m Socl.ocb.
◄· /Jj<ro 8ali41l in mn<.:r- Iler ha.11dsb;a,·c ret1.1mi,d to lktjocng Code. June 2-5- :9~;. : I Y 34. jj. U Z !- t,.
pt"ition i!t which they ~ whi!t>:sbe was p:t$.-Sive 1%, 1,f, 18. ,.n, 1!6.
'A~it.iux foi· lh,c uauce, h11t her l:cad i3 li£t00 momeo• (Nmc: t!i.t s,equeoce is inoo,mp!:,te, hrri::..; :i =~ .!
tarily wbile s,h.e~p::ik.s. Sb: croplwiies ber ipi:«:h by OCftrty8. mi-nurt: bc:t'tl'~dl lig. .. ~oo6g. s 'llbtn UC c::;a.
rhythmic raiW:ig v! the be3:d fo)low.ed by nodding. 'fhc$(: c:ra Jt.ld w be rcloodcd.)


Plate 9

A <lea:1or cm: is d("'.-Ot<.-d

to the aCC1.J1~1.e
$har~n.g or ccrcmoni.U food, wliic:h is laid out in patten,$
actvnling to the hierarchical stru<.'ture of the romributing group;.
There are two princif:t:11pauerns or sharing in llaj~ng Gede:
Kawcs (fi~. :it ~Ml 3). The members of :;ome gr<>ui)(~.g.. the citizens of the vill:4-,~.<>r I.he members of a
smailC"r lC'rl1pfeclub) contribute whatever f()l)d is cxmvcntiona.llynt:~ry (ri~ Moonuts-. and pig or <.:hickC1))
for 1f1er:a:le1u!ric rcast. This fooc:1is faid <im on banana kaf platitrs in rows. with extra shar~ a, the t<>pend
for s-pcd.:i.lsenior wc:mbe•'lS- of 1he group. The mc:wlxn take their shares and either e.11 1he.n on the spot or
e3rry L'1cm home, accol'<ling to the con\·e-utioo$ tJf 1hat particubr occa:J.ion.
Locr.gsocran (literally, -thin~ whic.:h .lire asked back.'). 'lhtse are ,-;llares o[ food which ha:i l~en offered
to the g(),k E"'cry tncmber tm1$t (.Tin1ribUlc a mc:i.sor«l an«)1mt <if rice and roromu:i. ,..-hidl L~c grot1p, wm-
)lHm:'!.Hy.offers to the tt(id:s .ii. ccmp!c festivals. The ceremonies recur nt n-gvfar i11ccn', an<l ~a<.'h
i-oeinbcr in rotatjou mu.u pm,·idc more ,•<1li:;1hlei1.ems such as pig Qr (hickcn. Other mctnlJ<"r:s,al.'\O in rota•
tion. have 1he duty of re.minding the ntall whose duty it i:s 10 prcwidc r.hc chid:.m.. After 1.he food has bc:cn
made lip i111.()elaborate d«·or.11~11<ilTcrings and offered
L() the gods. it is <:<lrc,follylOrr.<:d. shared bad:. to lh~

contributors ;uuJ gi~en to them infonn:1lly.

i. b'our &('ni(>Tm=ben (M<'.loe .. Jitc;,r:illy ~ba.Y'} o{ a 21·'!be (s1;j4},who prepare aud provide the food,.
temple c;lub (Dadia di Panti) $it in the oourlyard of 1hdr laying out kauia to:- the .tto-d11.yf<'llrh':il in :i 1!1.UlortC.lll.·
:rma!! l!.'!llpk (Po,::,r.idi ~mi) ul the c:n·ly of p!e (l'vo:rJ. di P~nti).
lhe day of 1hdr temp!e festival ((ldA.lttn)discussing the Bajoeng (i(')(!e. July 8, 19~ 1 X 29-
Djc:ru K.ocbaj.1nl'ac:pot, wilh clb<i= nn kn~; Nmg ◄· A fe:ut meal Sf>tt3d (or r('l.uiw':'l :it. ;i 1113.rti.a."c
Katina, the prieit o( the duh, bciug I.he camcra. mony(d. Pi, 29, fig-.1).
R:ljOC11i-Gede. Julys. 1936. l W 25. B.tjQC'!ngGede. April 21, 1937. 7 n l:ist.

S· Feasi: $pn:ad for p1:opk o{ by the people of

Jbjoeng G«lc. v::i~ ;in imp0tunt oc<-asi(m,wbeu.
2. /((Jwa )prcad io:t rhe New Moon (;ikm) m,:~ling o{ under divine iruauc1.tuns ddi,.·~r«t in,. I.he god$ of
full ci~jtcm (lu:mma}.The rv.•r, kn~ pu:ulel line~ the ,..ill~gt:o( !J:toeng Wc;T~ C:1'. .rt:muu.iaU)'bro-tight«> ,:~t
o( plauen: ~ fur the (ll"'(fin:nycilrlcu.s.Ttie two uu1.skk n:13.ted godt jn .R:ijoc:ngG<:dc.The r~t is :pn::i.J
uo e:i.chend of the ctossH-n":ire ror l!u: !our men
:r,h.:m:.-.: rn11in(nl:rt v! ll1e vi)bgc tcropl~ (.>fKajOCll!l;Cede.
(saja}who prm·idec! the foocl rhi:1nmnili. The t'K'Q centcr KajOCtl.S Cede. :,.(:.N',h i:.;. l~J!n. GF Z,
&ham in t.lte CfO:$$ row arc to:- cu·o ~mior ,:itucns
(hod,ajM). The ,-.,miv:-1cCKba.jon'$ .di;ire i1' on the left t> 7. Loe11~r(ln~ ouc person's .sb;m: from the C◊ln·
{illb.nd•~r). Tht: third and fmmh citiiet'I$ (b1we) re- !UU.ll3.l offr:ri-ngs at a 2io-dtly tf'mp!t'! fc:.ti,·al io: <>.UC
ceive the Gnt pfoirr•rs ;it the lOp o( the Imig ~ll-cl the :1m:i!!t:r tCl'll.plC$(ro,:n l'<:1m:teb.n}. In 6g. 7. r?1i:1
lines. The reJl'l:tinill!I, l~ pbt:~ in the lOp line ;m! !oc1f.SOfftm i~ opc210:d:i.ud spread Qm. ln the :1ba.riui;. il

s.hued ber.wi:en the Im( amt t.!ti.rd, and the t,e()lmd :md is ncc~1ry· to sul.idi,.,jdcIDO-$t of the c:U.Ci and puddin~
fourth c:i1.UCU$ r~ivcly. Tbe o:hn o!Jjt-:(:~bid out $0 tha.t, c.."-CCP,t for thr: J>;imma..most o( the food v:hid1 a
:s.:e lhe CMnm:t s!:i.clls3.1)(1 shm·d:1 ,,..hicl:t :u-e U$t:d in rcccii'Cdh$ck i.~in the !o1'1U of sr:n.111 ph:ees of pudding,
me.wrring am! 3.l.n.nging t?u: food. cU.e, ctf'-
&joct'.g C('rl,:. April 11, 1937. 6 Q i:9. l~j(l('.!lj:;: Cede. April i:,t,. 19"7. 7 E u. t-,t.






' 3



This and the four pl..ltcS itluru.te the Balinese of hierarchy ;1nt1n:'1-pc«. fo 3.&.;ti«,c
to the ~)'$tem already noted. ~C(.'Ording to ,,:hkh the inland-east (>.adja•ktmgin) l.$the most honon:d ~-
a great de\l of attention is paid tt>,·ation. and the head i:J o::rero.oniaU-y L1le m~, .sacred pen ol r~ hoe,,,
Respect is expres,,ied by lowt"ring the self or etev.,ting the respected pei'SOa,
£,·cry Balinese. in all hu pc:r.sonalrcfa.tfo1lS-,t0minua.Uy orients himself in tams of the cardinal po:::::..
wd I.he relatiw: dc,-ation of I.he v:tsriou:spersons.
1. A man looCtis Jit :in aeroplane. lo Jooij:it up :it thii Min given (O!' .rule: i.~ that mco. •-ou!d nm '"'
cnngi:. ~nd;:tolij«r. be ha.~.from habit.. put his e:arry them on their $hOUl<!en.
hands ill. :i. pc:ititun: o: <<'Ternonhlres~-ct (d. lig. 5). f'lf f Latt
l ).iisi on s:Jw,u!;
I W~j:in Ke-locpeos. o! B..,dodoc. Ba.joe:ngC~e. May 26. 1957. 9 0 3t.
&jot1tg Gede. July S, l9$G. t T 14-
4-- 1':=:iuti:-ng.i ~gi<mg dui<:ie:-being c~n~
o! Ht...--ct.;;.c
t<'$J)C(tis cxprcs,,;d not only by de\~ bet :a~ h,- ~
we of umhrcllas.
r. The Cocoocog A~n&, tl1e:~ml motmtain o! :Bill.
This ruou.n::tin is. 1'('8lltded u an :sbode of ~..s, and Painting by J. R. Kc. Oidi.og. &wc:u1; boc::,ghtfc~
Hn\:$ togetbci· cb: ~}'l'lemof c:mli.Dal points 3.nd tl1e ~•j. ~4. 19~. R«iu«:id x ½ !inr..:ir. Pkturc 119.
ttl!:I o! die,,iatton. The cudill:.I.! poinu differ from ~uu
in t!ut. t!to.t:glt c:ist (kangin) :ind ·west (kM<-Jz)an: dcte::- 5· Comic .$Cl"\'Ult (ki:Tla!a,,d. Pl. 1$) in'--"'-,!_~
rnined by the ris.i.os;:md seU.U:gcif the 1,1:n, the other two ill ~tion nf respect {.r«,w:uu.t10!o: :he e:: 'or'!o(
ru$ prince.
dirttt:Oru (kaCja ~nd kdo4) arc dctermim:d by rder.
eno: to the cenL":tl mountain. ln Rajcxng Cede :i.nd Ueodj::i!:in. '.I.faya6, 19$(,. i ! 13-
South 6ali gt:n("'r.l:lly,k4dfa,. coillcid~~ with the>pea.n
'"'north" ;uld ?i.:s,: b6e:n so ·in this book. J.u 6. The dream of a Brah.nun ~L. 1 he: c!:icu::.rdu-u oi
Xor.h R:ili, h.OWC'\'tt,kodja coW.cides'wi::hthe European the dre-.1.!1.1 Es:u !ol!,e:,v.-,,::
soulh. :md J>.1:df1: lcangin~ the most booored directinn, is ..Another tiin-e I dteamt o! burning :i.~ The&::.!
Mmrhe.\$t. The tttnsl:uton "in.1:md ci;i" a applictblc in man 1:ad m:.·o::ronce helped (others,,. Luy ,o :o 17.;i..
both Cl.'ieS. and be died. .And no cii.=ns w-e:n to Tis:it 1'Jt~
Photograph Ctonl.a.a:- &jocng Gede. d1e:rc:.J carric:d (him) to the cemucv :J..~ Q::lot' • :tic,
Juoc 17. 1937. 21 R a7. ccoie,cry; and. when ! gut there. there •·ett ~ r_.~ <.;.;..
=:.. -::J! tnged1<;r: ~nd I 'Wa$ ~u:ed 3:t bT ::"r '°' ~
They would not ll!t the 5:-ev.'C)()(l for the b..:..~ .\.::'.r:!
:10 1 :al-one,.1 bunu him. Aud while, it 'W';)S ~ I
S- Tune<: ch.-ictr (sa:r:gi.ang)nn ~ man'$ $houlders. The mumbled to ffl}'l'df. The dtiM:cs •·o::re s;::::; tbffll" Lw
ti.-o little girls who <.Wltt ii) uauoe (d. 1'!1'-18., 19 :ind oft:.Thlt'$ how - ,,..Ji.c:1 alive. :no lazy to btlp 1.;.;-c :,,tip
j.8) :u,e, to somt: t:Xrt!flt ~cred in ordi.ouy daily li.fe am! bun. and nnw $1:trcd at ~· the- ci:t~s. ..
they must a'IOid going uudt:r :ique:<luci.,Qf WfPffldod Note llut the a..rti:st h:1$ teprcscntctl b.;:u,r,f :a1. ~
cl1id:e:n r<K~. ln rr:::mce,when lbcy uc ..~~.. by tfom :he :i~rnbkd cititt:u, ::..-it!th:i: in eh<-dt _ - •
angels (c.!c-dari).th..:y become much more s.acrccl; their bo!.h the "'!.uy" n-..;in:ind tbc o..w .,,!m ~:he~
cnmm:ind\ arc obcy(d a.od lh<:y Wl:lct. not only on the
ground but :d.") ell;'<':ttedon men'$ $h~u!ders. M<isl mtm
Thi,; pairuer WU tulu::h.1-::Uy P='NICOJpicd--~
~use L:: h:id broken t! 1criow aste rnlr ·n ~ ~
= l,c-

normally avoid f!:l.n'y;nga grown wom:in, ~nd women·~ wi(c ol anolhtt Kr.shm:in.
cf()thc:$mt~t n.ot be put on top o{ meu·:s doth~. San- ~~nti-ng- by L B. M. Togog of Jlatoct.e; 1-:g!:.: !\ -
gi1V1P,d:mi.-er:sc:umot d:mu: :iftrr p,1Jxn1, and Lhe:n:a• tG, 19jS.$.Rt'XIUC't'J(! :,: ¼ lin<'U.

Plate 11
On Plate 4. we showed d1.:1ta.he..offerings" in RaJinc«: rc!ig:iou<lreio most cases rcp-rc$tt11:uions o! gods,
spirh.s., .<t)uls.and the likt. Jt ~ thcn:fon:, TJ~J~mllthat offc:~"$ :should be c!c,,·atcd on l1igh Shrines to the high
god~. (Certain offit:"ri1,gsto low <l('tl)01ls and to the dead arc placed on the ground. and btTe ,he upright
anthropomorphic form is rcpla(t(l h)' flat figure:$on LOPof which the food is placed. d. PJ. io, fig. 6.)
1. High .shrine for offering$ .it ;i girl'~ pubcny «;remony. 4 ~nd 5. c.:.eremonyto in$t.ill :1 god itt a ~ "hriuc.
NQte thu the shrioe 4 hen: u-eatoo anthmp:»oo:-phi• TI:~ i:;od(lktar:i T)qc:kod,) had<:rly~u k.cpl (nga-
a!ly. and is (l~\r.d in a: !011gbib (Lamak) 'lli·ilha d«Q, 111,mg)by the 1.:u;:i.{-:unilyio thciT hou~ tttnplc l>ut the
:ratn'e ~t-out design of $('WTI leave {cl, Pl. 93, fig. 4- for ~rim: bad broken and the gixl b.::d i;ouc ba~l. to M
the "'·ho!<:dccorat~ hou.-1e o! I.hept1i>es(;cnt girl. \lnd for tanpk (Pocr.i Dockoch) U: the 6cltl$ north o{ &j()(',ng
olhcr Ca.$C$in which lhc $.brine nr !iouse is oqoited with Cede. Tn &g.4, lhc village prio1.e» :u:compani~
the i.mmwent ~cr«t objt":t.1.). l.a.~Q.u) meet ( i:;odout in rhf: fidt!J. The
& Dee. 8, 19$7. 19 U S'9- pri«tffl pn.)':C,w-ltile-Men LasiJi dncs !1cr pi
is rcpro,;1Hcd by his srihM.itm.c (wa\(ld), lhe hb.d~ b:,J,k.d
li:• .-\lur or :shrine lO the $tin {fkur.1 Socria) :it a g:tttt o!Icri.ogo:o th.i: =L t•lg. s shows rh.r. wa}md, i.e., the
post-mmt-ua.ry (:('[(1)'1()ny (mdigijal,). h .<unch open to god. in:\cuk-d itt hts shrine in cl~ bousic t<'tnple o! t.hc
tht: "1.y,outside ;he j,,'ll.'!llball whic.h wall specially ()On• t~isi:a.fu.:uilf.The :.:.Vlfod:u~dits contents ,,:ill b(' loengu,,:.
w-n,c-ted for the ccremony (d. Pl 5, 6g. 1 fur the pr(> ndlf.4 (".Mkcd back.") nc,.."lmorning :i.ud the contf'..ntswill
~ion th:S «1<:roony). he ca10: like !lO)' Qthc:r o!!Cl'ill.g.
Kar:ing.uc:m. Au:g,.5, 19$7· 13 C. 18. &jocng Gl'lt!i!.July 14, 1957. 1\l' 1' 4, t4.

?I· H-4:boffering curkc1 in pmt.-ess.ion1:>y .:i man. :£,·cry

yc-3;,-d1f: p«>pk o{ ;i. J~-e nuoohM' of ,·ilt'll8« :mend :i
gn,:i.l«retn0ny :it. lknocr &,.,1:mga.uj:.u·to receh·e thtrt a 6. High c:rero;H$mi W1'~r'$ (1'1J(lda.h)bci:i-g earrktl r.n the
s-pe<fal kind o! bolt w.tu:r (U{l,tjO('ff:j(l/wr). A ttl'iC$ of ocmei:1::ry.The- rclattvc::hf:ig?lt and the::n:m:,iuuction of
tbl!$C w:ry high (lfff:rinK! wu c:i.rriedin p1000$$ion ;i.t.this
th~ :u-e con-d~r.,:,,d with the CM•te:intl wealth of the de-
a:reinony. Thq .,,,ere oinit:d b~· incn, hdn.g too hei•·t «ued. lbjali:i Jiave high ('rem:atioo. tow-en with o~ultiple
for worn-en.The rfoeont.ive-top ;, m:ide o! ellt palm. lt>af. roofs, but t21t tOW('r<'lra H~n high priat y,•bo is srill
:md Uci:og o! the l>.1$t: i"Io! cake auachM w :i. co:fi- highf:r in ~t('➔ i" CU'ri<'d in ;m open Slrncn1re $it11il.:::
ll"il wooo~ U'3.lllc. w the sun i-l:ri.lle$,00\\ fig. ~.
..,KT Kalang:mj:u-.April 25-.19$7• 1 £ 27. Rl:ihlxttoc. 1'.hy 28, 1936. ) t. 5.
- ••

. . .. .
. >

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..'$ -

-· .
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-r-."'-'-:• ••

....,__....;._ .

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., .. _


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-~•. -~
'~_., .......,~--•i'r.J.


""ww ••.._
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-~ 6

s 6
Plate , 2
Tbcrc i~ an import:uu conuast br1wc:cn •he Balinese oricm.a1i<m to Lhe cardinal points and Wir CJ:'_
tation LO lc1·ch. J::..uept tor aiuu:stmi:nt w~ ,a,mt: pcnoo ~$ wbuc -OOr'th •• is oc-is COllfmcdin bJ.t J:lCD-
a..UOOaf1ft' aonini; tht island, the urclinal poinL" an: l'3rely s 1ubjcct f<.1r joking. Levc-1.s,Oil the other h:lnd,
contirua.alJy pro,•idt m.1tU:r !or j(,king :and moctcry. 'the a.rdina.1 1l0Ulcs art an hlCDti::11. ·•~u.c:T o( ~ JUnC
~lc:ment in the. C\'C'!")da.ylife:; Wt ~"di snd tbc ~ a»oei2.1ed with lc:\·Cl$arc 1 len cs.Y.ntial tl1emt":thr.,ai
wl,ich t.hM"C is c:uough ..:onstaut 3a'<i"'Y so 1hat il i" amu~ing to cm.broi,lcr upon pM"jble l'f".n-s:ili.. \ bah,
lo.rru tbc c-:it-rd.uulpoin~ in the "--err
cnly wv-s ol. lpCccb. and hi~ oriau.a1M.Jl] bcc:omcs autoautic. E,ut :d;a,,
th-c Je,,~ls 1nd the v;_uiaLiOn.J or l:llttg\Age which gv with rc,pca and ◄'lnCc nc~•er ben,aic autom:uic;
rt1r-1rdcd even h)· the rr'lost expert :adults u duficnlL They arc- a tourcc bi coctinual ~ ;and ...ouu.a:ual

1. .\ vilb~ ofliciM ,. i..tnMSCS~ mllrrCK"-+i'b.i:i U dooc ~ (d. PL 8s- fig,. S _, 4 lu< pb.ywuh lc,c!,- .....
(!DCof d:. lmrct- ~ (~) nf the ,·i',c,but.not An jtinettnt 4jttt1r,c m>upc m>w Sanding.
by oue uf 1hc 6nt low-. I-le aiu on a i,la.tfntrn (ba/~) ,..hili: R.!ljOOlg:Codt:. Oct. t~ 19,t>. 5 A S'·
the n-lalivu. ol. thr brick :and gt;UOCl'Iat on the ~
fie ....ks n.t.hcr- $hup!y ao4 fflffl'Jally :ahoul th.- t)"IK" of 5. A mothM' teatt:1 her- chiM by puuUJi- :i ~ b«>
w-1rrfagc Q)fU.r.uL and undttlwd his pntitioo rowed b:iby on 1w be:ld. TQ pb~· uU'I ,~ ~
mocc- L~ -ld be dooc- i,.- one ot U'IC'.cmarrou:-. aDd ia pOint b the .tt-.-crul o( \hi- l'bp«.f r_,.ua. Tiic
.:\"IT.lg Nib. hc:ul <>fan ddtt bmt11u U ,ar.rc:d,aml n pk:iJh- • micxhrr
~j~ (;t1Cl(-. June t~ 1gs7. 11-C 7 pim bu own JOO"\o"'atdlild un ol mr DOI
ol~. la thi1 ca.c there •·.u: no yoang,tr ddM .me:'. *
hAS tomn,.-ed .:i 11cigb.bc,r'1duJtl 10 6.11out l.b, p&UOS-
t. On,e o( the rd,uv~ at t!u: 1;;,:u1'H~
mani~e f:f"rrmouy.
I le li.ti; Cll'I tbit grm:and. :and {UJ"tbc'-r ~ hi..iwrlf b~ Aher dlia tr21Ullg.the Ycrb::il rccmd M.aLO: -J,1 - C.C-
J..-dint - had. ~ Ull'!,arin: hi,. head WT'ID'td.The nnffig grt'CS up TOf.IS"' (r.!ie: boffo,.,Ttl b.11" - !a..
potturc o( the h111ndJi., t1ho a «uweuue')n~I gU\ture of ..Uoc-h', (llrt own dtikl'1) paw wit.b FP" IO ipaa.
nspcCL hie:. ..
t,.:nic.enti!ia:! n-b1ive or the lnid.- Cron1anotl:ier l Pitlde-r. moth~ of 1.ivnm,:eJ b:ihy ou ,h.- k t.: M'9
viJlage. Cocl!UenC, o:nttt, bulding up t TOD.- l.lrD C..OC...
BalO""i Gede. June ~l- 1937. It CS, ofl )~ tun. T b>rh.. "1, (IQ ~
Hajol'fl$ Gede. Junt: 15, J9117· ir Lt,.
$- A mothct pb}<i upon ehe s1•tdl't o( k,-.-ls,. J 'be pby
tbc,wn ic 1,bk pta.orc ii an ~ TUi,.u:t ffl l)ic pl.ay 6. A o( lWD V."t"ll·lnm,.-r,!ulk et .c-.1-CTffl°' lb
$bown ;n ~ 5- This 1n, the •·ntmcst :1nd lc:o,1 tc-:uiri>J nNC dr.irM and ibaduw pby. They u~ 1 T;o,,pak dais
U!bthcr it• fh<' villa~. SL°" h,u M'ffl9i"td :a Jt,QD~ bal>J ~~ ddo" ~-
gsoei.. boaal:fa1 a.aaJ zn4 • r~
aaJ. :atlQwl her- OWl1 .mn (wc::inC oectbcc') to be abm·.- ung, thr ttfa1ed 10d br:att yi:,.,ntu btt11bu ~ P:. ~
it 11nd to play whh iu J"":id. 'l11t< play lra lhi•,('in- flK, i). The piourc '1,ow,; .1 C"-<T&QDD'"Iba
Yol,~ no rc-rcr,.aJ. of tbc ra-pect ~. '11:c mot!!e:- ot d~ &Jll!~ but xrir,a: -u ,et\ ..:i.t ., ~
lht- bca:io•cd b:a~ protcttc-d a little a.pirbL tMs phy. ·, jnepak'i baud!. And th(' mod of su<l.1nr p:.: Oft ~hidl-
~1c-Aid, ··won't Jw bc:ctu,1-I?I &:"1:1{auorh(t" b;}wu 1'jocp,al will gw,:e- b.imlc-Jf.lo c!ic-SWll 1-hti'p aac •
cnxl .. tm -z:dnDoa. (,q,im.cntNi by a. \\ ::tffl awl I Gc:t--.
"en ~ bt'I' too. I St-pcli.with n~ll{((', :.g~ 276 L,ng cl.irnb, down a ro~ i"lltOtJ,'" deuwn·• bol,r aed. lA
da)'II: r K<k11•:1:.the OOTTO"-·etl, we-.:iringdothcl. ;;V(I Ua,lt d~L I Tjocpak ~ &•Tf dac :opt --.;. FC1
,o d.,.~ l 'S'jn,::a. ~ skctt ol. tb,e bonoe,o:l bi~ be, hnmc ~ cbirm the C.Tccfa.lir-1,::ug I GcnfttL:,; to
hmd h<1'Q)Othcr, Mt'l'l Nj:ll10.i. ttan.'c in th~ (cf. Pl ~o.~. :-).He N(;1.po .,.. ..a.
Jb~C C«e. \priI ~ l!}.fi. 1 V I. ~ z l.aclJc, aa:c o£ the &::i::aoo:1 ., ho:-~ H-" llccDut• 1
baby -and i" ou-c,d for by • fubC"l'l'D.W•• wife. r,l'l&!!:'I'Jw
♦• A dfail'I&"'duaCfs.ThJ• i, ('IC'l'!otmcdbv hoys anti girl• l'Cturn.$ tO "XJIO"C Tjo(p,.L
W'bg form ,I.II OJl'CA
"l.tW'C'1-:!.ffllg~ tht ~ In an(' 'l"!)e •orr giTt'I t!:c dde- brot?:u wb-"+.if!i::!:::::tt1 -
ol. the 6P"" ol thil CWl«, the boy~ rcinn pynrni~ ::i• th" yow1vr is l"ft in lM hole mu r.h.-wu.b f1o1!A1b:Dt11r
tJao,W"llin the picturv-~l.n .nme QI~ the ~I.$ go In pr& ii folL:,wcJ by tdl mcnODpt al:ld pc::,~·
«-a>a tbaocgb
* :m-h. but littk L-::UW:C ~ (-
d. Pl. a,, fig S) ::iftd hiKh Qsto Olnuut <'lo thi•
~bfll b\· I ("'.odti. i..obo< of Oeboeod..
Rrciuc.«I ,: W lmf'.'2f, C:ac.No, °"3•

• i9
Plate 13
ln the rclatioIIWip hen,tcc.1\ a llali~ r.aj:i.hand bis sc-rv.u:i1s,I.he p:ucmalism U almost all on the se,-.
,•ant's side, and master is ..spoiled" (.<, see Glossary) by the $er\';uu (d. Pl. 4:)}. lloth parLies in
this rtl.i1i('IMhip play>it.it1nistic roles-, but wls~..1~:'!S,
in Western Cl1lune 1.hc servant d.r~::; Uf) in 3. vicari-
(H1$exhibition of hi$ ,n.asLcr'sgreatness,. in R:tli the servant dre..,~ in his shabbiest clo1l\es acting as a foil 10
the master.'ly il is a point of virtuosity among ~--ams to ex.~-er.u,e lheir manifcst'.i.tiou'5
of re.pea:
to tbc: point-Of mockery.
tn the Balinc-se th~1er !.he scrv<Lnt:s~lte I.he do,vns and a great pm of die 0011\C<lyis cxtemporir.~
an::>uodthe rdatio.u.ihips between tui'l.liler :rnd scn·ants a.od hcn\°ccn eldit!'r a,,d y◊ur1g:cr brothers, both or whom
arc !,(.T'<-ant:s.
Tl1ei:e photognphs are an from tbl:;':i!Lriol pcrforman.QCli.

1. A prilltt (mantrl) and Jii:l lWO$Cl'\":tnt.s:.~l"ltt prin(,t: 5, Ekitt and yow~ brothtt -$Cn':mts (l'uwak.n and
U1n<h in .i:n ;ifoo! pc,s:to.rc
which sho.,,,-:,ufI his Moc:nbh) in drotm:iti7.Qt!:1bado...,·•pby (~r.jr.r.g uwng).
doch~ while l:t.isbee is ;1vertied:i.ud hl$ foft .um i-1'hcld This lh~tric:,1 fo:i-.i ;:,.~ version of~ J:ivaude L>teauical
stilt i!1 ~ po.mire which lC"$ him from I.he $C:rvanr.s fonn. Thi: ~ubr d.inci"ng (XKtvC!ltiOn$of,Jo-,,,..
to ~..-hom hr. is ut.ting. The dder brolhCT .,t:r,~:t pb.y have been .id:lpted to living d:in(r.n. I te:e the t'll:<I
{pmmta. wil.!1Ws OOd: co the ca:eeJ.'3.)kne("l' :0.1.iffc.x3g- $1:rv:mt.i:ne uyli1ed aloog line;'.:!il(Y.ll~'lut dill<:rent from
~ fo-llowec:1 in t1ch~:rlh!im·.oethcauic:il p<'rlonaanccs,
t'!t::ujon of re~a. The yoWlg<:r brothc:r ll<:l"'ltnt (,'i:e-r• in ;lec<s·de..-s
~i;g('O ru:u~ wjth ex~~ted b\lt the b:1.iic; moti.C o! OOUmt$t herwc:1::1btotheu peniw;.
Tiu: ddcr brother is big bhtct and his jokes ut
!tincrant troupe o! Mdja c;l;i,na:n:froio '}';~ lusty and ct,1:1~. while lhc )'Olln~ 1.m'nher is :rept<:·
ll.:ijoeng-Gede.).fay 12. 19!17• 8 !) 17. -$Cntc:da:< vei,.· J("tngc:r- aml spc:ab in :i d~i.ld::$h
Jn thi.s: J,:,.niOI.W perfonnanoc:. tL...;:elder l;m:idtl'l' "-"M
~. A pri:t-CC:$$(gal~h) :md Ul:r $Ctvant {tjrmd(IJ'I,:).The
sei.,•wt o{ t~ prino.-S, in B11li- thC:UC?'t$ d.:mt.-cd with very limp p0$l\U'C$ 'tlt·hil~ the )'OUJ'.l.gtt
brother had quick. J!vdy tnQ\'«nent.s: and tCMCml.!.'ICli:s.
older ,h;m t!1c ptin«':$$, .:md n:pn:,cou a on~. '111-::p:,.rt
In :ill thc:sic: p:iiT$ t1f bmt?u:n, the (l!)J'Ocdy is, 'll'()d,cd
is u!tt:e\ acted by :i m:m (cl. Pl. u, figs. 1 ::!Id t). The
out on ronmsu. llclwec11 We el<kr .ind the )-OUugcr. b1:rt
prioCC'$$:idopt:i :ui :tloo( pou-11:rr.\·c:y dO$C}y re<=bli!tS
the ;i(%1:a!tlisuibution of rhe mh:,. way vary greatly. in
th:it adop(t.-d by the prince in fig. 1.
one uoupc, the elde::-brother will be $hr,rt. :md b.t wbilc
ldn<'r:int rmupe a! a¥clj4dan()(:'r.<
from ~figa. }'Ollngt:r ill ull and; in ana/J,::- uoop(', thi., oo:~·
Jbjocng Gooc. ).fa)' u, 193;. 8 N So·
r.r.illl !Day be: rC\·crsed: :i.nd ic )'« ttnQ1her troupe the
Dll'Y hr. played in lcml$ of :i.gc (d. !ig, 2 ~~.
z. F.ldc,r ::wd yo\lnger b:ot!u:r servanti knf'r-ling.. waitil'.l.S
where the nonua! 3.(; bet\-rCCnOtl~ :ind prin•
!tw' lhc entry Qf rhc:ir prince. The p:iin«'ll! muu~ch<' of
(1$"1 ii ?'C\'<:'.!'$00),
the }'O\mgt:r bmlhc1: servant, the .i1d:.w-,m!po,,itirm nf hi."1
Itinerant DJa}mig wc>njl'.:tro1,1pefmm l<t-Joewi.
<bgsc:r(Jr.rit) 3.0d h« srif!ly sp!ayed liogcrs :1re ;!11clown 4 Gede. ),fay 13, 191'7. S V 19.

ii.h c.'(aggerationf of his role.
ltint:r;!nt troupe o( Tjallm.arar.1:~l'$ Itom T:i.t:ig.
HajlmlA Cede. M.iy ~9. 19:37. g V l5•

i· Tbe ~c: yo\l'ng:t'\Tbrolltt:: servant ifl p<ll't.ure o-l 6 . .-\ )'Otlng<'Thro:htt 1'.:1V3!'lt {i\ approaching hM
prayer to bi$ prince. fo lhc no-nn:il U:1li1~o:SC pttycr prin«. The: 1>,'('uenl pby$iqne ::md phturiog of thi:s
~rii'>n, th~ fin~r1 3.rC $1:Dight, but :ii<.!,: by aide:, fo. ytmnK""f'broulcr $t:TV:mt\..-e:re m,e those Qf the )"'I.U'tgtt£ beittg splayed out (d. mock prayer pos.itimi ia lm>thcr serv;int (M<~) i.n ni.tj4ng (6g. 5).
I>l. 88, fig. 3). 'Wiu;h p!ay i:1 Do!'.ndjab.n.
fuj<~ng Gede. ).fay t9, 19~- 9 V 1;. t>endj:ilitn. Mar :l{>. i!.>36. 1 i: ~



.... ,

4 .._

5 6
Plate 14

The head i!i 1he highest part of the hc.1<ly,and this theme atse>lieromes a base for comedy. Tb.fa pb1e
sho'm 1he body invcrte<I_:111-d lbc: pubes turned in10 the head (d. Pl. 20, fig. 4). This im•ersion .i.sprobab!y
linked willl 1h~ ~uc-ral notion tll3l. in witchcra!t. ritual is n:vtr.sed. as in the "wtddmruns•• of Eur()pc:a.n
t, 2', ·:md ;s..A $('({\lence frum :s witdt <!r:im., (Tj4tc- 4, 5- 6. :ind 7. A ~ Loi· trying to wind oti. hi:s h"..:id.
,wrang. d. Pb. 55 to 3S for dcta.ib o{ lhe ptm). J.n the llis. .molhtt b.::tlbt*.n intmnittcutly tO::U:ng(lim and he
,·cn.!oo !1~ $bown.. the r.11.inor,.;u.hM.(lcjM} who hve h:i.Jbeen pbyi.n.g at bei1'S'~ dngon (br.-rqr,_g, e!. l'!. 67. lig:-
(.1.1.lScd ~tiknot an: fin.illy Cltpolcd l:rya -.r ,rho, w-ith 7), wbacahe tried t<:>nuke bis cowi.n (I K:irh.1) fri~tc-.ocd
b~s a~i,u:1nt, l«tUJ'd; lhc,:m (fig. ,). In this pict.ur.:. cl1r. of him. Jn the bcgi.n:1ing of the acque::ce (f.g:. 1), he
t'/1,"() witcl:1,.'l'a.n: mdo«d to squau.i:1~nn thi:: ground.
Afa:r thi$, the iett his <1S$istant·•c,.it oJl t!1e:bt::t<t~••
poses. to aw-act his molhcr'i attcnrfon., ·with r~1t =
and l~h kr; C:ttdldd! :ind b.'\Ckfte:-.ed.He th('T'Is1aruh 00.
o! the witd1i,. Temo,fog the ni.:id:~.The witchc3 tl1eu bi! bead. bits roo.rUig, :im! trit'::'.:i.gtiin.
pr.rform h/U( a 101lH,•nau!t fonv:ird_. atri\'iug lxick to b:u;l: ~ scy_uem;e<Xcurrod bcfol"t':the ,fa.ncers did t?i.ce~r
~"1 rfa: p;i~~ Utt (fig. ~). Thr. ()l"Ch«m: su..-u u[Kide-down cla.uu: in rhe Till~. A!te:- the litr!c lx>?'flo
to play, :u:,,dlhc 'lritehe':$be-sin to <b.:1t:t wit?1 their kgs :&jc,c:ngh:id attn tl:c witch d:in« (whiclt 10-;s~ ""-' u,
in the :ti-r. The lll!! tbin pb«d on the wi.t<:hd them). then: w:u a 17".:it rl<"a1<1! this ic,:1 of pby, ;ntcmpt•
ptil>« (~. 3), ...-hi?c rhey c<intinuc to ~ring i-ng ro imitate- the d:man.
w~th thtir leg,s, ti though theh- 1~ were- u.rru. fl:ul!y l Karn.
the ~ :m: ral:en oft lhc-ro and they rhen s:iand up R:ijoeng Cede. M:iy t5. i937. 9 K 19, :o, ::i. ~~-
mnm:illy: the n:u:,k_t :m: gh•en bad:. to then :ind rhc-y
run oil.
Tjr.l()fl(JtMtt d:u:cc by irinttao.t ttOu!)I: from T:inggan.
~a.jocngC-edc.Jt1nc t, 19:,n. 11 C; Lur; u D J, 9.

Plate l 5
An indivitluars character stro(,1urc. bis ttititudcs tow-;,rd hiro:self and his imcrprc-t::aiionsof t-xpcric:nce ,.onditioned not •.mly by what l,c !cam$, hut also h)' the mt1hod.~of his )C2T1tlng..H he is brought up in
habits of i"Otc learning. his character ,\'111he profoundly d.iJTi::rc:m from what would rcstdt froin bahi1s of
k:uni11g by insight.
An,ong the R3.lin~. learning is vc:11•r.trdy dept"11det'ltupon ,-crbal te:!se.hing.Instead, die mcLi\0(.1$of
karniog are virnal and kin:"1.cstlie-1i<;. The pupil eitber-watcb~:5 Mme oth~r individu:tl perform the act or he
i$ m-adc to 1~rform tl1t act by the tclcbc-r ,,•ho holds his lilnhs. and »10\fCStm:m oorrcctly. During tl,i.s p-roces$
1hc:pupil i:sentirely limp ancl :ap-pca.n1 to exhibit no r~$l;3.rlt m\1.~c:ubrtensions. A Balinese band, ff you li<11d
it and manipul.ate the fingers. is pc-:rkcdy )imp like the band or a mo11kt~}' or of il eorpse.
6. The =ic fothr.r te3Ch~ his $()0 m play the xyto-
1, t. :uul 5. TA:arniug tta01:t'f on the hc:i<L'l'hC$<: three
phOlOgt.riplts were all ul:.en on the p.ntc occ:1.~iouand phone.
Naog: Oen; I }.:irba., ai:;cc1391' Jays.
show :t gid (6g. t) ptcp:iring t->g() howc fTm-i1 a temple
lujOt'ltg Ccdr- f<:b. 5, l9?Si• 4 S l.
fc:ist. ~ting ou h<Thead the ol!cring:-; whicll hM" (-:un,-
ily S<:nt tn the cen:mony. Fig:c. 1 anc:I :J ~1->Wtffl> s.roaller
-;. A du.Id nunc tC.'tc;hr.silic ~me baby to wall:. She
gb·h imlt2.ilitg hc:r aod Jn ue.ginning lO in the
hold$ the why hy d.1.eupper pan of tlte arm~ 'l'hcr<:
o-.reinoni:il lik o( ,he val.'\~
\~ no Wh1• in b,:,r hou~okl :im! she ¥'1t a gre2t
'Fig_.1, I Dj:tni: tig. ::. 1 M~c1eri(unrtbtr:<l): fig. ,. 1
Frl o( .her time Jonki!lg ahM' her lathr.r'ii step-brod:cr'i
Oj:tll."I(younxtt si$t(:r o( I Oj:mi). child, Tbtl pho!..0$::t\Ph0£ !caroing to "'":!Ill:w:n. u.l:c:1
B:ijoeug Cede. Jutu: 23. 1937, t 1 Z 50, 26. 33,.
live m->nth-11:lltt tb:in tltC pbo,wp,r,1.phs()f tfa: $:ime <±ild
teaming u.1da.nlZ-
t Djcbtn u·:adwlg T Ka.4>3.,•~1 414 Q:iy,,.
Baj,Qi:ngCede:-.March~ 19:s7. (; F 15.
4 and ;. A fathtt tc.id1d hi.~ :wn to d:ma:. tmmnti..og:i
$. Small higi-e:i:nc 00)~ kaming to (1r:iw i:•1the
tune and Jxi6hlring ~itb his !uod. lu th~ fi™- pktu:,:,
Thr. Wy in the (le:lltt "'~ tlte romt sLi.lkd ~nd the
the C:ither $h~pi-.$ lu$ fad:tl c-irp~ioo. ma. typk:11 <lane<' othcn J.t<ll'P('d tlteir own drawine; t<> w:itdt b..iro.All
$mi!.: ;,.n,d t:1'.,:son inoks at the !".u$('r'Ibaud. In the tWIC\d
thn'JC':boy~ JhO"-' the:: typic:il$<:hi~ ):in:1~:sthcti(;
pidUT<-:,the $On tries to grup rhe :u'Ul. .tnd th.c bthi:!'i
a.warcnds ill thr. k:uids, :ind this-is hei~ten~ by r:1c~r
,c'.)(presWonhc00roC'$inta-~oal in~tr.:1d o( $t)'!n<'d.
using '\'Cf'f $1'11-!111
twiv fot tbc:-ir dni.w-jpg.
Nwg Ol!l-3,. the father. l K.arh:i. the wn. aged ~65
1. B. ~bocb; T l"kw::t }tfoc\ko; l no;:wa1.oq,::ah.
d-ay,. &r<~..m. Oc;t. 5. •937· 16 M ~-
&jocng Gede. Oct. I, 19s6, ~ u 30· 31.

Plate 16

Teaching by r-Olei1l which the pupil h made LOperform the corn:c:t tM,,·emenLSis most s.aik•
il'1glJdC\·dopt"d in 1he dancing lesson.
Mario of T-1h:in311,Ulc teach« in 1his sequence, is the d.i.nrtr ,:hieOy responsible for tht e~·olution.or
the l«:bforda.ooc which has l)(°tvme vc,;rypopular in Ba.Ji io 1he l:lu twenty )'t'<lrS. The dance is performed
.sitting in a square space surrounded by the instronll'!:1lt'Iof the orchestra, hut though the principal t1Dpba)i,
i:s t11i<>nthe he:td and band.~. the dance invoh·~ the whole body, and ?\'fario has introdt1<:«l a •k:11of
virtuMicy into the djffi,:uh feat of rapid locomotion \,ithc..m,rising from the .sitting pOSili(>rl. The chief faults
ill the pupil':s ,fancing 3l"Cthat be d.i1ltel only with his hC:ld 3.nd 3JTO$, <1.mldoe\ not show the disharmonic
tensions ch:c11';1dt.1
istk of the tfanec.
This ~1ue1lCCof photographs illusuatttl L"'1'> cssenti:.d point'i in Balinese chan<.:U::rfonn:uioo. From his
<.fan,·inglc-..s.~n.the pupil Jeams passi\·hy, :rnd he acquire!<;~scpll':rn: a,,-.i.renessin !.he different pans of th-C"
(d. Pl. 20, fig. 1).
1. ·11:e pupil d1tn(i'\ :ilmli: w!uk )1:erio walchei in the 6.. \brio roak.<:4hi1 pupil d:u.1eieCUt.r<:cdyby holding b,
OOckgrou.od.Note the itnpcrkcr de,1dup111eutof the pu· lum<h:end forc:iUS h.i:n to .olhVC;i..-: h~ shou!d. K0<e tt4t
,\briu i:!actually (bm;ing in this p-!wtoyaph, :md rh.u be
pil'l £nxct pOOlufC.<:$ with l~U 6:1&-Cr~c, while holding the pup;:~
h:m..t.~.·nt-e positioo. of Mario'J !dt dl>ow in these ph().
thi'.:pupil bow it sh,:m!d
fol"\\.~rd ~>111:tow
,. Mario OOe'llCS 1.ogra;p,h.-:i~ ".h:i:r:u:t.::-i:sticu-l lhe ten<-il)n< dt"'.·t-J.o~ t::.
tie cboccd, rhis d:ma:.

7. ,\brio c.'.V<:11 a.WJmt:o;the

oom' 1,-·cct impr.-r•
j. Mario \ITgC$ cite pupil «> srr.iighte:n up .sm:ill 0£ :.01\:J &ali.kof the d:um.>r while he)TIQ\'f"<; rhe pcp-1..,.
hi~ h::rl:.. Note that this. itutn.u:tion i:s gh'en by 11:c:.11m: :mn~ :md !ml,h pupil tightly bet,.'Cnl !m la«s •~
r.i.lbe'l·tbatt by v.-orili. correct bi$ t('ndMiq to bend the Sin.Mlo{ bi$ h:ic'k.

S. Mario 11g:iin t..-iC$v:> COtT«t ,he pupil's l11•udult to

+ '.Mario-'$h:md po&UOO ;md f':ici~d t::(S)fC$.$iOO
h('nd his tx,.cl..
demon~tr~ting (d. Pl. :ii).
1 Mario (If T:i.!».n-:li? I n ......·:i P. Dpµ. t:!"
5- ?\fario tal:.C$the puptl by lbc "'TI5t.'Iand swioS$ him TabGnffi, D<'C-1, 19is6. 3 0 o, 15- •-t• 1;. t1, n. :-s.-
aaoss the dancing spl(('. 2,;;.

Plate 17

14. l!h ~rnd 16 takeo together giw: us indiei1jora ilbo\lt 1he Balinese boc!y i1uage. \Ve ha".c, on 1he
on~ hind. the fatH:asyoi the i,wcm:<l hody with il$ head on the Jllllic-.!.;and on the othcr, the lhlinesc ro.e1hods
oi 1~11)ing through thd.r musctes., ihe discrt'[>.illLmusctzfar h~rt!<ionswhid, ~re: cluractt"ri.,1ic o[ thC'ir d:?.ttdn-g,
autJ I.he indepc1,dcnt 1uo,·cment ;·1ndpoim1ring ot the St!:JX!l" i,, dance. \V'e l)avc. in fact., a double
strics of tm;itifs- indi~Lioru tbL tlic OOdy is a :.ingle unit a$ Jll.??foc:tlyinte-.;:r.lted3.~ any siugic organ, :md
c'()f'llTJ.sti»gindka.icms that ll"-':body 1$ made op of scp1r,uc p:ms.. each of whid1 is as r~rfoc:tly integr.u-<:d as
the whvlt"-
·r,,i.s platt illum·,tt~ I.he mo1ir or the pcr(ccdy intcgrat«l body im1.gc,while Plates 18, 19, and .to i11us-
m1e the h\Jl!.:uythilt 1,.hcbod} is m1de u? or scp:1:t!.lCpart$ :l:i\d may fa.ll 1<>pieces (bi:rQek).
ti.<u1einto b.ter life, :md (K'O.II C\'cn m those 10:ho.:i!e
, :im:l :. A :i.lA$ll hor k:inu to st;md :i.ud w:11.k..His
1mwually hc:wily built.
father has iit:l ~1pfo: biO'Iin the homcyil"d a horizonut
1 TeQ(W";':J •fjcrita behind !ter.
The boy
bamboo si.1ppmu.-don two posi:s (pc-negtl!'gcTl'I}.
lbjc>i:ug Ce<k. April r6, l937· 7 H 18.
lcami to \'r.llk. by ;,:..~ingthis ~,. a ruppc,:L
n .. mpOlo,gy n! I.hisarrnugcment 1,. rm:cisc o-ppo-
$i?e o! U)~t of the pfay-pcn or \\'C$1nt1 culror~ The G. 1)(-mnti\·C panel 0:1 :!. tc:mp!e will. Thfa fieu,.-esan.d1
:tll out: of it M::k-s of r~p=tttati◊nli o! mnsfrinued
\\"t~tern cli~!d i~ .r~m!ulcd witliin r""·tri<.t.i.ogli:nitS snd
wit<-h<'$(kfak) and gr.1\·1.•y:ud$pirit.-1(lorigqr...ron.gan,•
v:o,1ld tile i:o ~pc from lh(')'l'I: the ~iine-..;e chi!<! i,
.~uppoHedvdtllul a Qi:ntrtl 11u:1 :tnd is frighlcried o! de--- p~po,:.etc., <f. J'L 2-0, Gg.5). fro:tl thh lluj>port.
Pocn: O:i!te:in,lkingli. NM. 23, 1936. ~ J !,-
ln n.s,-z . ....
11~u uosure o! iii.~ b,,he holds onto
hill pc.ois. ,1d.:i. :nctho:t o( rc:i.~w-;u)C"" illem!l.roon in ~a)j. 1· A :.iu:.>.11
hriy :s.rttdl ...s ?ti:! kg. Jle .,..~ waitine- i!t
=d. unt'r.l"'.::i!\,,:bc-thcr bi$ pl:iym:ite "-'3.-Sfollowiog. 1fa
:!«c h:ibv bo,~.
l iutba. :igtd 4\/4: il:i)•i: I Kc:::jocn, his ccu.lsin. :i.g«l 11~mr.i.Jtn◊t'('ffl~ot is to ni::s,: hi& l~ r.l.ilicr tl~au ~
~.J7{:bys,.bdti.nd hi:u.
lbj(x:tig Cr.rlc. April 19, :937. G ,._., 19,-
lbjoo:Jl~ Ce.:lf!.} :.:U.193;. -0.F ~n. ~t.
$ and g. !'aini:in&- o( a w~i:i!'l. uani;fomUog hrnd.C into
j. J\ bal.>y girl unsure of her lw:1.0«'. She ch.$pr; !t~: :i\\;t<:h (<rntthmct"ell). She _g~ oul 3lon,: at 11igbt, w.13
h:111-6in fmnt ot h~ :i.bdi>m<":n. up a linl=: ).lu'inr-:inJ mak~ oS:eri.o~ on the grouw.! to:>
r Kangu,:A. the dt:m◊lli (d. i'L SS.. fiip. :t. S, :tnd 4). Sbe <!.:in«$be·
lujoe1t_gC.r.,:I~.April ti. l937· 'i A 15. fore lhe shrine with ht:r k{t foot m\ s. fowl. :md bcoo--nes
U't;n.~fo:,:1edinto llupcrn:trur--=.t.sizicand ,!iapc. The: !ao-
t:i:iy rhe b<>d.y i.~:u i.utcgr;ue.:! :=.1a $i-ngh:.orsan i-1
4. A child uun<: pid.s a b:ib~· fr◊m the ~rnd. N"◊te the btte ,t:ina.'Jl ◊ in ~rot~uc b:Jan«. :ind lcttd.< w 3
nraighncss of t.1:csm:ill of th~ b:lct and the mukin;. nieJltttl%re tr.msfurmatfon o: mt.itic: diSSiOciai:fon o! the
~pb:i:si$ n:1 the butwd..s. persooality. Tb.c (lr.nrings ilh!Str-.iu:I.bed~ :i.ssoci.ation
I Nj~ntcl pirl:.~ l!p I )!::irbil; l n:mi Titch~. bctu·,ee1: ::trot"utm: pO:St\lt<::i.nd the ,ec:1:1.~yo! wi.:<:hcni!t
c~de. Mir iat- J937· so s<>-
r...ajocn_g (}S. G ;ind 7).
P'."tjntingsby}. n. ~j. Tjct:i o! &toc.nn.
Pwd&.'1scdF~b. 2. 195lt Reduced ,c }Ii linear. C:it. N"os.
5. A girl )t00p$ to pick 1:p p:u't of :m oJlcring. The Qe,:i,
bilk:,- o! the hotly and th(: ctl)ph:u!s. oo the b~uoci1, em1· 545 and 548.

. 88




The word berock. i:; \iSdl by the lb!in~e to d("•,,rribca. corpse which i.. faUing: co pieces wi:b dt'QT. It ii
here used to epi1c:nni:.:cthe fanta!>). of 1he hcl(!)· 3S made o! sep:1r.41Cindependent pa11... Tbi-. r:.:1ko fonn:-1,:nMing_others th::-notion 1lut the bodr i:, like~ Jlll?pt-:t. just pinnc:dl()gt'lhcr at the jo:i:zu a.,d,.
as atre.\11)' noted (Pl 17. f4.,"S-
$ :rnd 9). the same !s dosdy linl:t(! with phcr.omena of ~\ 2:,,.:
This and the folfo\,·ing sbow various SU&C-S in Wt u·.rnc:c pcrlorman<:c of the Jarigi,,;.:;g ~cen c!.
Pl. 10, fig. 3: Pl. 38. figs.1, 3 and -1)·These arc a Jl.'lir-of little girls "'l\'iw ~'1'.>into 0"3.nce
by g,x .._2nd the: .,1:1u·_They are s.:i~·m<l.2.nd though pP.rform:mce is ~'t,·cn chit'A) ro~ r: •.ct!··::•
mcnt.. the sangi,mg d:rnccrs may aho gi\•e spcc:al holy w:1tei-. which is us,cd for- U'l<'diein.alpurposes. 1 bC'
must not d:wr.,e after men..vdn:.
1. The-: puppets on a string. ·11:c: pcrlorm.,n.;c bt'fftw T b.~~ holding kft-h:ind #id: ! Rrnoe t ..t◄ .lw-
,-ii.b ;t dance hy rhe i,x!s. ,..,J:o~1·c ttpr=nwd bt two 1.,a:scof UU$ $t.idt and sittioS i.t1.bp o( 1 W.1r: :-,;~-
dolls. The}· art-: tlm:adcd on a $trlng whic:!t is:tied ;lt rhc Ngeti;-1ho!dhtg tht ris,ht•ban-6 $tick: t ~i,;i ho~ i.o
ends to th,: lOJ)$ of ~"() Jdds (jxilfJk~} to whid1 bdh b.:uo: :md ~ul.Og in th~ l~p of I Rinjto: ~ang Kn,-,.
arc auacht(I. lh<;h uic:k is held by :1 m~n 'd"!:oscarm i.'I the prit$i of the dul.,. !t·1 U!c r~t !ortgn)u::wi.
(.light!~·fkxcd at lhc cl.bow. A!k: a. kw rninuu,:1. trei:1· Kajoeui. Gede. May ~6. '9.!li· 9 '.\'.~s.
b:..i.ugor chal'lge$ in tcmlo11 o! the $Tring .sd. uv dooic
<OOtT;'l(rimu. itl t.!1C:u'UUo( tM two tl!C11, ~orl the dD!b 4 !i• I Mi$l falh ;n:o tn:1«. Tl:e people s::--; •hCW
begin to ••(bnoe." They ~re to be ··~™"t .. (kr:ra- tht- lii-t!f!(.r!:< hold tfa! Stieb. .nd the gir-1-.~n to ~•
~o, f:>yrhe ~xL~. White waiting for Ute cloo11s,the 'fhis $\'<"ayingheromcs :oore l:l<lfC~-
'l"r.:n woo lmlW !he $tk1: ~r' v.:ry little an,:nr.$fi.naml lnn 1.:ir("l° dmlinishd, ;.,:idthe #eh ~ to ht'~· -.,.:.:. :...e
..!'tu) looks a';\·;iy. :u; in tbi> pi<n1rr-. The na1ivc .inuo-- :iridu ,m tli~ ~upp0ni:og:,$(:inf..~. Thev i:npa,c t:~c lh- 'l.
sp«tivc :i.=>um i) that thr- m:rn drn::;not .au1kcthe dolls of the 11nngon t.:1c :.lids "h.icb arc Q'lmfog:"W!~ :.....
..:.;;uoe '"lhcy d~nc.<;o! thcmSCh'C$ anti The mf:11 c:imlot donic :h~~ ot the tWt> rnrn. •·i=l!..- 1 )1:.u ,a .a
.. l)p rhMl"I... sttt>ngt,r b~r with the- ~o roincid<' '111-i:h 2 finU ~
R.b,·thmic clonk contt:iction is an ("X..imph: o! -:i ya.i.l r,! th<"= :.,cm}t, ;;.00 coll.Aps~ )imp irl thee lip o! L...4 ~
.1! the lx,dy rni:inr,-u1i its own indc1~nd~llt i..otcgra;:inn. who holds her (d. rt 6S !u:-d1~CUS$;00. of f;". ·-- bad
\::::ong tb: I.:mmil of New Guti:i~, miner- i.-1J>ffll:f:Ut'd w:iTd :md s.l«p u forms of n-gr-...-icmwv..1..-tlt!:,,: utbet
~ •. tnJ:k donu:-1.) J Mis.i jn in bp o! l Riujin: !\~ng K·:-r?U. -
I ~\fa. ! the f)<Jtc1kr.n. fnn-groum!: l Ga.ti (chughter of N~r.g K::rr.:i~ :~.. =q:
Bijocn; Cede. ?,.fay 76, 19l7• 9 M SS. the}, 1 KenjO('n.
'.&jot'flg Ci:dc.. \fa~· Y6, t9!i• 9 :,.:-50. 3-:.
1 The stick (t,a.talwn) ~d b.ick vi:cw o! the pt1pp<-r.
7'w p-.1ppct is we.ig.btcdwrth hdb at the lOWC'T end. w 6. t Re:ioc:not ,-et ill tnn«. She i"\ -1:ill MW.;..ngc.;:.e: WX'
:;;at it will u;i~• in :a more ur kss tlprig:ht J)ll!'itioo "-'b.Jlc oi tb: Slick :t.lldbc,uing in t~mt: u, lb(; ~
d):,cing. The m:in who holds tltt stick hu d()S('d ::!is - =
~iotng Gede. A~1g.11,;.19~- is u
19- t1.ppt'~n :o bt on ~e \'C~ of mnC"l". He .s ::ioe ~
to i:;ooe into mintt on 1.tu~uc.~OI:':. t,,.._~t!lcrc 'ICM
s- \ "hrn the puppets arc 1_'1:in(in,: stiW ,nnring one boy (l :,Obl~h.l'L lei, Gs:. l\ in B.1joe-;; c-•.-r..., 'l(iN,
-.n= !.:.$cient ..-ioll'n~. the two little girlt.. I Renae :i.nd V';' ti:i:ies Y.'Cllt into trvt(I'.' wfli1r hot~~-ng t::e ~
: )CM. Com<':ind .sit Laide the mrn with cl1es.tid:s. Tb~· Sud1 U--J.llCC "°as cii=nged.. ~'ld he "-.::;.:!:.:t.tily to:d
b=k! ~he Iowa end of tht- .stk.b tightly wirh lx>th h:u::iW that he cnnld nut hold the sdd any (Ql"ff'T 1:-ks he
.i.rc l.b.1.lS
ih:i.kcn b~· the lllQt'RnM'IU. of the St.ids. g:,"•e up f.Oillg into tr.inr~. Tte wu :ih!.e to f,;;\c .i! ;:.;0
L>;'- rlitk! £a il: Lli.Clap oi olde:- girl wbo i\ n-.:irl~· &.me fl('(')pl,.::u in 6~. j ~bo..-c.
• c:d: ~=- •hm s.}H•hll~ i:uo uan<e. &joc:ng ~,!. ~fay t6, 1937. 9 ~ "'

Plate 19
The liltlc girls are now po~~-'-1cdby the gods which lud po~#! the pupJ>eL<i.They ::;it li:np while::
hcadclresscs and aprons of gilded k:.uher•wor-karc fu:td on them, :l:Odthen thi::y arc ai.rric:-d10 a dear SJiace
where !.hey siand waiting for the orchestra to begin. So-me1imC'.s {for a joke) the orcbt::,:u-;1bcg.i.m 10 play
before tbi:::girb arc rt,.1<ly.They a\11omatically begin to c?:u\cc in the arms of whut\·er is holding I.hem ami
I.he ordte.\.lra must lit stopped before the <,lre1;.ingcan p1'(')ttcd.
A~ is the c.i.llit.with all J\:.lincsc d.uic::ers.their QOStumC$aJJd especially thtir sa.~hcsart \'Cry !oo~ly frxcd
aud oonstan1ly ecunc und<>1lcduring 1hc dance. Mcmb<:n; of the audienre go out onto 1hc dancing :sp:i.c.c and
do the nec:f!isa.ry
repairs (cf. .Pl.15, !igs. 3 :.ind..1; and P1. 61, fig. 2).
adJtd to their n:pc:nolT~ new !A.eP6,.-hfoh t.hey had
1. J Re110C"wa.ifrc1gfor the O'l'cheiL-:tto begfo. Sh<:;t:mili
limp ::od with htr Cl'(-$iJ1ut. 01 thl'.'.sclWO d.:mc~N, 1 <x:>pic:d
fmm tJ:e kgong.
lt<:n« 1°:tthu often ()pencd htt C)'l'S bu.l I Mi11iW,:$ ni,.·cr Ttin,:r.Wt legrmg cbnt:a'8 froo, Tiga.
B:.jocng Cr.dr.. New. 3, 1~,n16, , I. 23-
o~·r.J to do this.
A wotU11.nin Bueldcng, North :S.ili, who llkd tO be ii
~lll'1iUU1gcbuoer in hl'.r childhood )Uf.('$ Th:tt :1he used to .;. A Cigt.ire i:t lhe inn« d:mtt io u-Jii(h the d:uw:n.
(11.Qnge:::cll ol.bc:r, Dke qu.icl:. $irh:way!' )t(p$ (s,.gr<g} in
he:1mconscio11$while &le w:u l.leingput imo tr:ino: :l.lld
unoonsdoru; :again wl,ilr. !>.ti.ew,u beiog i:akcu ◊"1, of oppe,site diTt:n.iot~. A nQn,bu 0£ lhe f,gi1r1"'a1td $lcp,5fa
mine-A:, IJu.l ( !di-t v.';'1$ m1tsdou$ duritig I.he middle the d:tn~ :u:c dict.itffl by Lhe song5-Th.: song $:!}''II that
period while dtt '/NI$ d:im:i11g. It u-:1:11:0l postjblt: lO g~, the da.ncC'f~,(t:~f:!J :u\d the)' s,.g,t<.r:.:
or, The witg tc:-1h
:mr,·eatlcoum Cr<1m1 Ro::uocand l ).foi, ~noe thctn to pick 3- Oowcr Q11t. or lhcir hc.-<ldrc:i)d, and chc-r
pick ct,~1ta Oow-er:icndgi,·e il to The auJ1e.nce. (In cauin
th~ W.tok tninc-A:period i.~nottiUlall)' losL in arnnl'.$!a..
I Renor; '-'l~n Soni lt::utiog fnrw::ml behin<l her. t.r.mcc:-clanQl':Iiu I.beK:n:m,r.c.tlA Di.$tril:t, t.bis p;incm fs
CU1inl to e1ucm~ h:ci,;t.hs, tht: sinK-Cr!gi.,·i-ng vui()~
lb,jt)eng Cede. 1:d>,n, 1939- !6 A 'J· grotc::.<jueAnd ob)«',ne or<lr..nt(> the young men wbn :i:-E:
<mncing in uancc:-, .,., tb:l.t the whnt~ ..,crf<>mun~ be·
2. A m-:d..ed d:inccr reprl'.$t•:uting :i woundM wa?rio-r.
()(io:nesrcrnini~A:nt o[ the p.(yd~>palh<>logy()t lau:h~ tm'
"llli1 pbnrngraph is _gi\'e:nCo-rron1v:ad0ri ,cith fig. 3· hysteria, ,,.-hidl ilso oc~ut':I iu 8:ili.}
fr<mt:.,: series n! tupN'lg m:isb inad~ h)' Pc:dan(!:t !\bck
I MiW, with b:1d, to caroer.i: l Rc:-.noc~fa1:i.u~c;Unen..
of S:u\OCT.
Bajoeng <Yi:dc.Feb. t 1, 19flg. 56 A 1,;.
$an«:r. DL't'. 13, 19~8. l9 X llj,
6. ''Swc:ering t!1t Sf()Und whb b("r fan." This ii
;. 1 RcJ'lttc <l:u)cing. ·11ti.sphO((,xrtpb ~ho•..-3(be c-xueue
Jl\()t'r.mcm which h nijuittc:d on the dancer by I.bewm-6
!ullp-nt:~ whlch is duracrni>-1.ic of dtc d:u)CC. In spite of
or the ~n-g.
thU. it. rt :i quid <l:tncx:.
I }l('noc; 11;1,fa, O!'l. the ri~t,, 1,NlinJ hcr. I !-ifoi.
Rajocng C~r.. Ma:f :?6, 19t7. 9 0 ao.
Raju,:ng Cc-de. M~y ::6, l9S7· 9 0 37•
7. W:iiti..ngto ht- 1:ike11oot of u11nc<',At tit~ end of tbc
4. A feg,:mg w.tlc<'I'."111c:ltgmi!J il> a.d.uw;e,·cry $imil:tr
d:in~ - when either- the :icudtcucc ()T the dancim: ii<>Oc-
tu th:it (lf the liu!r. t.ntnce !±o.uocn (,wr.r.ia,ig), but lhe
cide- t~ liu.le girl1t :i.rc pickccl up and c:irriW to t:IC
l(,grmg, pc:rfom1r.d au nm io i;:r:mtt. Comp,:iri.son hc:,.
rllM~, Thci.r bc:if.<!rts.sics~rt: n!lu◊\'c:rl. :t.nd cbt)' :i!'t
t-tl I.hi; photogr~ph :md lhe others ou :hU pb.te $hmo
$JT'l<lkcd with inclt!OSCfrom a lirazkr, whi!c: the w:ry great diff<:ren« in uu.tscu)ar tc:!Stou in the tWO
d:m(.'(S. Jn :iddit.ion. the legi>ngd:i.llttn :i.n: o::i.tcfotly
I M:de X,,IM"(our $CO"Ct:iry)wilh be:id baud; 1 1.:t,:,,£3,
while: the p."lest or the :i~1~u»tg dub boas..-:-i:
s.ittiug with his t,3,d:, i:n the C3Jlle:rn:1 M.isi in lap of t
hi.$ liu!e girl~ a.rt erirrTl':!r t1.0tmi-nl':'(!and cn:icb!ed to
da!tc:c: bJ the ~od;. It was nociCll'::Wlcthat :ifta leg:ong Sob.
danccn h:td p('ffn:iw.-d io the ,,atage, ,h~ 1,,mt,i<:ngQ.:lnc- n:1jc>eogC('d~. fcb. u, 19!1~· 36 B :19-

- •·
• y1.
' .. · _.,,,,....,,

.,, ,_,.




4 5


Place 20
TI,e puppets of lhe :sh;ulowplay illuslr;\te many aspccL'I (If lhe lsalincsc aui1ud~ to-ward the body -.---'
their fan1.3:1ies;lbout it.

1. Tv.-odanccn (1-tgo,n~d.. PJ. •9· 6g. 4). These pnppcu "faoe So?dfor") is hu m1:m"-U&edas a po~i,:J 4 -...s;
are built cm .i: $il>gk suod, :md they are uude to d:inc;c (magia.l OOject.).Cttat is bu p()wet who~ :.hi"-.. i1«
in ~~et ani«r.i b!· me.ins o! a ~'tiff!(ltk"d wire which ~ =isonCA: in tnwbting thi$ ~cbaic: tC:X-t, wt _ ,: :.,
to lhdr h<:ads. Thc,c puppi-t$ .ire tmusu:illy flexible in thank Utt: J:r,·.irt«.e sdwl.:i-r. Raden A. K. \\."idjn:,C.-
ch.ei-cbodies, bdng made o( lh:-o:ep:i..t1:1-head, oouo. :md modjn.)
kg:s- ~ that lht.-y c:m f~:rn o,·cr bad:.ward r.iU their hinting by l Cocsti Nj. I..eoopad.
be31Ch lUUd1 rhe ground. AU :t.h:ic'-.ow-play puppt:t$ Plrr<bMCdNov. tS, 193G.C.:aLNe,, 16.
p:iinrM on bo<h ,~. Tbc majority or the :u!Cknce $CC$
only r.bc .silhrmctt('J but rmmy, e$.pecially ~:ill bo)'ll, prc-
frr to $it on t?1t:puppetoc:r'$aide o! t.~" w«n. 5,. Sbaduw•pby J'ICIJ)pClS of two gr,tvcyud ipmu. Orw: •
Mod= Norlh lS~nt"r.epuppcu ruadc by 1 F\bde Oil a pcnoni.6.<dh:md (tcm~ong(;n). tbc ochcr 3. pc,,ca.
ot Bocldc:1g. 6ed foot (bali.s-batit o: r:ir.JNHPoe). 'l'he k::en ('Ot ~
C:it. No. t9i. th~ b4ti.s-balis ptit tht:e to m.:ike the 6gu.'"'e'~
a. Puppeu n:prcsenti1tg<: 0£ the five Pcndaw:i. !'fade by Va.I.mgSebeug of Seb:itoc,
Tb~ fit·e bl'OUt1.narc the bc:l'Oe$of the t-:pic. :nernta C.::it.N(>$.31 aod ~1.
Joe<b:. ·111., puppeteer c.ilher ta.kcs hi$ plots !row tM
q,il;. or more o!tcn m.:ik($ u-p his <>"-'Uplot.1 using the
6. Sbadow-pby puppet of S~ng Tjiotj.i:t. ! :..a cz-.-
stool c:h:snct«s. Tht tb:-cc brorhet'$ bett shown al"<: typ.i6ec extreme unity. Hf: h:!$ oo shri!l.cs or o~
\U'OOlkft to right): l D.u-!tl.l,Eheekl.t:st..:iw»eand quiet but be ls <X:ntnl rr.>the who!e p:in,bcon. He. u m:::.."""1"
c.h3nctcr, l :SWU:, tl1e l!Ctnnd, a jovhl m:u:i of gr~t :Joo! .:in(I $ell-oooufoed h1:1rbe is "god of god$• ,k+_.,
strt:l,ttb :md violence and otte of the fa\'oritc ch:U'a(:ll.'n,: ing d~<a). T?1e p:mthoon (X>nUin$ ~ll or..;;:.c ~
l R.n:!, the thinl. ;m exquisite wd pa!ec:t w:n-xior. wbo d:iim the suuc: d.i~inc.tion, "'!w :itt. ~.:cil m.
Tot' other e·wo,not shown here.::sn:twin.$,l Nahoe!a the s:3!1!o:way; rhat is, <nclo.r.eriin thcir o-:.:: e:;_:g.-rq
I S:..hack-..--t.who :rre (:QQ)pu:lth'dy u:timport.:im. Th< or thr.f.C,one of tlu: mOSiirnpott:..m is Reora Soni... ...,,:
puppet (If T Rcdjocna mig?1t .:ibo be tiscd to rep~nt l Sun); :::iothcr is Bcta.r.t Torngg;tl ("Ucit Goe!'").
Canntan,g. in the $tory of Tjo..>-pa.1{d. Pl. 12, tis. 6). Mad-c by D:i.bng Se'lxn.& o! Sc:Wr01:.
A!! tb('S(: puppet:1 were m.,d~ by l War.:. of Negara. .-\.M.N.ll., Ne>.70.0 &1~1.
•-!lo copioct them Crom woc!ch •hi<b. be ob~~oed in
K.loengk,ocng.(Pup~ :rre usually m:sdc:by tracing U'om
an c>!d pcppet.) 7. Sha.dQw-pJaypuppet of J Ccraow:is, "f?w n:AU..lllJ
.-\mcrica.nMwcum of Natural Hilllor')',Nos. 70.c>-S22:3. :ht c-xqu~«: ~mdb,.a,·c JOWlS,O::b:o~h<Tof l Tj«p:z.i. d
8194-,~ml 8199. l'l. a. 5g. G). Wer he 1'1:i.$
been s:W"\·edi-n the ~- •
hole, ::nd h.:!$ b«omc :u.1 -unfortunate'" (l== Tat
5, S~ow-pb.y puppet of 3: gn,·c:prd ;pirit (L:::w<4n). fipc is Bc:xib!e :it the neck :uid 2c the inSO"'tJOCJ of Cir
Th:il i1 a ~ he:idl,e.$,$Jjgu.rt. '1'?1f:two projeC• :ind the lin:ib=ih:ing limp !..-.O:ll :a.'ITpnoti::ioc.!!!.
~ where the base ot W. ned: $hOllldbe. a.rt: wb.idi. the: bQdy i$ bc-ld.
r.mstk o! deap:a;tcd figures iu c.lie,,:luMW play. They It <an be s:hown from othe:- lhli-nc,sc ut.i.tti.cpc-oc!-~
00W t:14.t this is !tOl a Sgurr whose hc3d ha conttactcd tlt:=.ta. fiear c>( ao.ima.l.ityi~ closet, !:::hd t0 tac 00'
lClto the mcs.t bnt a ~if:o:d bc:idl<:$5trunk. dut the body m:iiybe brr-od:.
l,b.Cc by I►.sh.og- Sd~g- of Sctxuoe. lie ~t«l tlut he )f:iCc by I>ab.i:gfan.:i of Scbuoc.
!ad ::.nmterl (ng(f'Cgfllk) this %i,'Te, A.M.Kfl., No. 70.c>-7965.
-...M.XH~ :-.'o.~3-
8. Slu~.q,i,·.pl3.ypuppet o( the' ,rile of l f)dM:Q o::c.;.c
4 l.:irw: drawing c>f :i. protea:i,·< $piriL TbU Jpirirua.1be+ dd<r L:mhn- $Cl'\'ant opposed i:o I TO'lo2len; ri- PL !J.
.ft! ~ ~ mri:pound o( body p:im. r.:ich 0£ ,-·bicb i$ pet· 5g. 5)- 'I",re
coml)incs fut!pms ••fr; the on.: ~.
rr:i:fi~ Th.e text under tht dnwing Te:td$as folfo,.,,-: respon5'i,·ffl<:S$which is to dl>':ex bo:.h d·~
-nh it; n.amed Sm~c flitcnlly ':Meltiplc Sol• .and coatic (et PL '1• 6g. 6). '!be <nmcness o! ~ f::!.-~
dicr'" o: "')JtJ!:ipk Arm:,'') with goldffi m~I elo.:h,. U emph3$ittd by t!l.t:t>~nt ~t-por;t:;::"Q.
l'ft :i.s.a ro.rmbd (=igic=i,1objt«) !o: t.~ coun~·. au..., ~fade:try-Ihl:ing Se-be.up:o!' ~toc:.
u .=- t.':c oiddk o£ th< ·,ri!b~ Ball :Uoaa. (litC'rally A.M.,!\.H., No. ;o.o-'i"98<>,.

Plate 21


Rcli.1ed t0 the llnliocse fantuy or the body a, 111a.dc or separable parts, u»I 2..lso10 the b...bit of learning
½ mlbCUlar fflU'. W."t':fiod t~l BalinCSC"
h2nd,:s, whether in ;111:ti,·iry Or at retl. differ mari:odly t'rcnn
th0$C' in Western cuhurC$..,vc rou10l0nJy plac11: our b:;uidJ w positiom ol RgUlu &e>.ion.c-..,g .. with the
6nges cither cquilly Sexed o• J>~ivdy lnotc Rcttd from one side ur the band w I.he other. The hands
or the 'Ralinde :uc: more usually in positions wb"tt-happear to u.J to be>irrc:gubr. and. in!ar, Lhc Bali•
1\Clt h:uJd l~lu.rt::1 u:nd to cmphasite 1hc tctl.$()1')' fooc:tion$ o! the finger Lifl(I.
1, A boy tying itp I.he dolb aftn- they hart bttn U$Cd r.o 4,, A Mia« with &be$ltlk After TOIJ.iti:
tio, twu.
put thr- d..ocen in trnll..c (d. t•b. JS :uki 19). With IW llbOlllon his lap for tome lune, be .-~l~ with rdu,(d
lcf\ !u.nd be holds, the doll,;. tbidlf Witb tbt rf~ ol hu bands. (ll'or oc.bcauiw~ u{ ~ioo Into the 1:1.pof 1tn
fi1ig<:n,wh.1le the tip l')I his l<"ft in<k-c~ U on 1ht olda" m,~. d. Pb. 6,s Ind 6s,.)
£nt lnop ol. tht: .uing. With hia right I~ hi! pl.l(e( th(, 1 Sambc:h of Sd.:.uholdi~ I Simi. ap tj! day,..
ocher md CJ!~ \Ufug •mend tbe dons. 'l"be tip cl ha lbj,u,tog ~ April ,0.. lffl. 7 P 10.
1''8ht th11.uibii :,g.,.itut lbc .wring. wh!k dit' loJoc 2nd
Httk. Ji.nccn :U't t:ICIII--C extc!ldM Lh1n tlK'. twn Ul.iddle s -and ~. u:.Wg the !ti;nd :1:1 "3 d\l':1:1wcof length. ·n,c.e
•o&= twO picwru show W(' 1IIICllmeuuting lhe stripa o(
t Mai~. which w~ u§Cd to :M.rk t1trt the ciri«:os' ,huu or tcm,.
Jsa_~ ~ Aug. 1&,l9J7. l$ W 9" pk bnd (d. Pl. 1. Gg.,S a.ud Pl. ~. Jig. 1 ). lll oui- cultu-re
~ hn~ ~ Wa o£ kngda bakd "p0P puu or
btxl)' - Che inth, the Coot. the cubit. CCC:.
lo Jbli. lbjs
•· A c:m,·u-srril:.a a po1C"to~ the' posac.~be inteoch •)'$l('fflis "OJ hqdtly <k~lop«l ;and the v-oc.hulUf MO·
for bis Cfl"'ing Tepr'dentiug 1h41IC$:d(T(d4g} of a mod· doaem of \hoe tamJ. It i&~ 1h:at mi§ brgt:
... .i.- (,;,.,d). dC''(lnpmttU ii rd:.11('(1to th(': nal.inctc bma,y o( .cpa.
I W"3jaD.Kdcqx,e of ~loe. rabic body puu.
C(ld~ July g. 19sn. 1 z ,,. Curiorndy. tbe a'ffl'l)()nb!!y pre,a~ dimc0$ioc.> Sew
boosey-.1.rds,dnorpowi. t.:lC,, !lrf: UKll!lllygiVf!n io 1hi,
{om:i; 1'hc pal( sbouSdhi- twauy '?A' (nu) made; 11ivc-
s- A :.l)()thcr. a.fter buhtn;g her li.aby, f.'it:i ,.,.,uc:l,lug
him (rru1~1·p) ••ith 01te middle-fiitr Uldl (•pdi llndjont).-
play- wirh anocbc:r batt,. B~,. ~ Ughtly ~ i..c.,f'O 'J),lN pltu i i.ucb.
O\·cr ~r ba::1 ;,.n(f her bnc!:s. W'bik eotnplttdr n:t:ucd, &joc-ng ApriJ e'j. 1937. i Jt II.
GC'tf'°_ ,6_
1till show the cmpbasic t1u stnMl!r)' fonc-
1.lOQ. ncr btihr ""-" with hu lcfc band oo hit. l.oce Uld ; ;a.Od 8. A father ~dinx bis b~by. Thc ~er,; al bi,
ht~ 6.n.P,trtips ui-1. rigbt !Qod .in- Boeri. IO tfut the- baby i:s~ Oil
Me11~ thf; wocha: l s~rmLher l(IQ. agNI irj! c:bp: the heel of tlw: h:ind ll.Odtb~ linger tips.
I JC.nb.l, aged ,uo cbys. I S,nu. bo,Jdlflg I N~doo. .agted,41 d:ay~
Hajoc-nc(;ede. April ~•· 1957. ; 0 7. Jbjocog C.-cdc,,Dec. to. i9,&. S \' 9- U,


7 8
s 6 7
T!.t h.rnJ.'- and c-spcoallv the fingn,,. an- -::x..-u., m al.: BJ.:.i!. .:SC- ,'...a:t<.1:'.and prO'\idc 1n clf~
mcu-..s o! O:prt""ing if~ dcgant. the >i.=ba..,.~- st:.i!,itl .in<l The- aloof.
Al.most ~:l B.3.!inN" :trf>.ih!r- 10 hc-ocitbei: f.:::gtn back:w:ird frmn the base and also at d.u- join l11t,,w..<0
1he:-first a.~d second pha!angt·s. Chilln:n comtan!!T he.get with lhf'ir tingi:rs, ti:tcm tncl..
r 1:1-d ::.. -\ m:.n d;inclfl;,: a., 1 kUO<.'.og, Tl,e Wnm·, 5- C'..nmi,c$h:lcl<,\,.•-pla~puppet o: ~ •-
½·m,:,n ~
Datigbta rol~ ;m• fttqu('ntly cl.auc.c:d b,t,~•s ltc:id (dangM!tg bar1g'.1.Ht:i:- the CO::nc"l'tMIS ud
boff, 1nc! thit Balint-..: mut.1: ,::ujo,· the: fin.- pnints of i-nc-pdnxl,:, of the Ji&'\Uc::rrc ,-rrM...,.(l~ m.a.Lnz ~ fu:i.
Ul(x iotx mergh.. In rril'l'M"d}'P"fU., it is nut um:ommoa pcrfw:I)' .scr.eigh1.shonttting the miic!& ~ ad
fnr a f<mak d..i.uu:rto pl:i.y;;i fr-ma!" n:ik as it woukl be ......,-.....~ :.c::u,
U'pf('$C'.OtiQst tl~ lon o! t:till' J.-ft (00( M ;a,.1.
bT:. m.1f.t-c>..:incn. l\bd<: hy I ~fade Olo.a u! Bodd.t"og.
lrinn:mt U'OtlJX o! 1)afonaumg pl.1}1tt$iroro Tal:l.g. A.:M.~.1-f_ Ko. ;n.l')-lht8,
&jc>rng C":;Mt.:-.fa) 2!J. l!)ji, 9 U », l9,

)- A «mmh.ip d.u\<.<t{d;u.11:~t. d. l'ts. 59. 6o . .ind 6i). 6. Sh:idow-pLiy puppc1 of tbc \\ ~tth R=t...: n.
)how> l1cr m lu:r :.upe:rn:uural fonn with ~ <tlC.DI
I ~:t: g1.d is:, rrninNI,:cr ,..ho,eU) lhc \ilJ~-c v.-ieh
fmm hl"r ht-:ed and joinb. '!'hu postt:..~ wi::l :h,, .,...
~n iti0ttant ordtc~.1.. S?1c bc,gin." tt.1 r:bncc. and men
raised, .,.hid~' n! Rirngd4,il called ..,,.,
<nmlll' m:t nf rht 11tidicnce t(> d,,n«: to bier, while :.:he u,.
(ri. Pl. tin, fig. ~). On chest~. w! t.'ie Wi:ch ~.-.:IIDN
<;ponds «> tl:-em wiib :in :iloof ooqt>~•. She !euW r.he:
ml> pO'>Ul.f't':, hl"T fm8"""":ll"'(' m.aigbt .and Ult:;,. Th,. 1)11(:
nun off ,..itb SC$lWO ot !1cr h:!t ha.nd (:is in th" pkwr,:,)
ruT't' i<1 nf a ptippct .,.OO)c Sn;..~ b.- 'l'l)t)'l'l'ClTk
or w-i:.h hrr fan, whik lb,:, man'$
Id: bnd of thi,: popp<-t "'.1 used fo:- lb~ cl..e..~ or:i :l:M-
b inte.rue pna:ptl<io:t u! h~ ,...;th hi$ !:I.andO'i'Crhis C)'CS
W\'CTof this bool.)
:md hK 6ng,M"Sit·.:cendcd.
Bouy,ht in R:inglL
IUOtt.tllt d;u1,<tfrom Pebl:tiing: :-flt~MOC$p3.danc-
1ng •irh h(,r. Cat. No. !-i3·
B.ij«ug Gede. ~by 12, l!J~i• 8 R J!.
7. The ftt!We scr,,:uu (t;rmdpng) in ~ ,~uncal ptt·
4- .\.imtftter girl in thr \.ime rypr- of dan« (djogd) ex•« (cf. Pl. is. Gg. 2, for :mur.?~a-~ ol
p:-CSS.:.Ug uotoucha.b!c :iloo!ne,,.-,;wifh fan .tnd k!t baod. lb.ii gi.rl). Sb" i." km•f'ling hMn!"('htT prince.
T TiJ'l')(', itiocrant djt>;,el!tom l¾.J~t. B:ing!i. Jtioerant ordja U'Oupc !."'01!1 Tig2.
&joe:::.gC.«le. :t'S. 1951. 9 R 25. K:ijckng C.r..:lf".May u. 19s;. 8 ~ "-

Plate 23
The cmpl\a..~ison th~ scp3.t:uenes.1of the fingers and on the sc:n:s(wf functioo of L1lcirtip::t is "Cl'Yc:,·idcnt
in the ba11d f>O!mlfCS of 3l"tistSat work. Rd:Wlrkably, where Oociden1.2.l3.rtisi::; ::cccmuatc: the sensory function
in the right or active hand, il ::p.pcus from the plec>tographs drat the ..B:1liutscartist :iocc.nm.tte$ 1his in the
lefi 11:ind.The $:I.meappears to be tn1e 11rthe '(fa.neepostt11-c>_.i1.
The photogr:tpbs illustrating the more elabo•
rate hand positions show 1nosLlythe 1'::flhand in Lhcse posi1.ions. (Unforruna;:dy 1his point was not noticed
in the field iiud thercfo~ <:3.ttnothe stated defi1tltdy or OOdcd u1) by native: .,1:ucment!S.)
For the Balin~, ,here is a vc-.ryprofound difference between !cft aud right. The tcrt band should 1~
used for nnckan d1i118$- the genitals. feocs. etc.- ·while the right baud should he 1:i.~cdfor eating and for
giving or rectiving gifts. Tiu:: appai:eot cmpl~is on the sensory Qr perhaps txf)loratory f1111r.tionof the left
haod may be oooncctrt1 with lW$ <liITcre.uliation.
h:iml, then :it tl:e other. Th~sc picwn=c illustrate :m·
1, :'.l, atid i• A Bnhm:m 311.UC •·orll.Son the pencil dr:iw·
oilier a,1~« of the not:ou that tht'! b<Klyii ro:W.cup o{
ing for~ pkttm::. lu .fig. 1, h~ i,:milcsat tht pbotognphcr.
Hi:!.right h.:ind js in;1c;tiv~while hh ldt i$ in au app:u-•
:ir,p:ir.,b?ep~. In the Dimiu. of Kuaog:i.~rn. there i$.
a oonsidcr.thle v:u-kt}' of dao<~, in wmc o{ which
enrly ~wr,• p<l<"itiOll, tour.hing bot nnt pressing down
d~ edge rif ihe po.per. tn Gg. t, h~ ruki the lind 111$Tl,.
ooly the :mn o( I.bepc:!omtct' is in u-.mce.{J. J\elo. un•
in.g off t!1e .uw-gin of the p.i~r. l.o Ctg.5- he is dro1wir1g. p1,1hli:J:ed mc~mfo:,:.)
~nd t,i.~ ldt lund t:ickcs a p«rition which ~mpM.• M. M.'s t•e.Tba! rocor.-1<l=ibius. I.bepu!onrutn«: of
the Witch\.$ io ,,:hid, thi~ tr/\n(c oCOJ:tt"ed<ont:iim
st?CSthe :,c:n:W!y{tt-naion o{ the f.nsi:l' dps.
1. B. ~fade nj:icti)()CJ'3:o{ BatOU.Q. the fo!k>.,$Sagcs:
Batoc.--.n.Oct. 4, ,nrl Oct. G, 19$7· iG K 9- i~; 16 0
":i:$5 ,u,f. R:ui~a (the Witch)~ off and Baropg
(the Ongou) appe:i~ out ot the temple. Buong. .:ipp.u-
>$· ently in mn<,t'!, <l:cilic$ about mafping, and :;iu-ad.$:or•
-,. A c:tNcr $ha.-vCJtbe .surhcc of clu,' uf b:~ CIU"·i-ng:
thesua. M::i:niu o:-cllw:r.iroa and b~t$ drUlll into the
t'll0t1th c,f lhe :&r<1ng, !toldulg the dnun so rh:it the
,.-ilh :in obliqu~ sC3lpd. la this ;itt,io!l. lb( ~f"\·ing
Bar<1ng'i,:mfil rcw, upon it, and the man in tr:moe in•
is .held u1 the left band. and the prem1re of l!I.Ckft
thwnb on the bad:. of tl1e S<alp<:I
i."tM .oujor force u~ sl<:!etltt Barong van ~ no fa.nhc:- into the cm:bdtrt.
··u:58 .'\..M". Sm'!tt.Vllebu Tt:pfae<:dthe fro:U man in
The rigbt hand chiefly w gut<le du: scalrr-J.
I Made Kd~i,o« of 13,ew)('l~. die :&!ong. lle lie, 'out' (i~ ... ia u~) in~ little group
I){ro,c,n.Tht: Barong .nauds over the man i-n tranoc (cf.
Bajc)i:ns Cede:.July 1, 1956. 1 Oa p.
Pl. 66. £g. G).
"11:59 .-..i.1. rries:l (ppr:angJ:~) -v.;rh holy '1,,'atercomes
5- The ctt'\'er po!jshing earring with :1:rn,l-
out o(!c. 1-k ffic::br.!:cdim. of ha!y wari:r under the
pa.pcr. Oc:rt- lhe fine!!!'$of the left h:in.d which holds the
&rong-'$ ba:d. Sptink.!oS in tr.u>:CC. fN•tb lti.m holy
fignn: 3:'e in ;m i:rcgular pOStttre.
wat~. Mc:a on ~oh .side o( the m.::\ in tnnoe Juve thi:ir
l M3.'de Kdocpoc,i o( Bcd~loe.
band,; a~t in hiit "fir.or. lfa hands :ire i,:prinkled ;uid
.&jfll".'lliCede. Ju!J 4, 19116. l W lO.
ma~g«f to l<l01Cllgrip. He: sits tip. :icrnl3,lill rigid. and
gi\'d a $ef,d of <onvubive jcrb :iml loob rl.:u:tdJr about
6,. A c:3.r\'eth1cisiog lind OD hill figm'e. HU- left h:t.nd.
him. The jctk.s are i.i:uil:u t() d,~ w'hi~h Dj<t-0 Jlalian
1,,ith fin~ incgul:u-ly sprf'~1d.holds the Mad Qf the 6g.
givet (d. Pi. S. !ig. 6), bm invoh·e whole arm.
ure. w!illc the ba.-seof the Ggure i.~i,:upported ag-.i.i.nstthe
··n:oo ).S.. Sltou!dcn j,t:rk COO\-Ub.h-dy. Tbe Buoog
art"cr's abdc»ucn. The: rigb.t h:icnd. holding chc $Ci11pd. is
n~ i! <ovcn:d with ('.'lo<l1.Man who "'-as in uan<c rmw
unwpponcd. uul of tr.mct-, mo,·-r.,;ewer to group md h
T \\'ajan C.:mp;m of Bedocloe.
handt<I .:i bundle of bis dorhc:$...
Baj~& G«ic. July 4, 19J6. l 'Wu. itinc:nnt tN) U'OUl.Pc-
7 .tnd 3. A rn:ut 1-«ovd"ln-gf.toro tr.mcc looks al ngdijangan.
&jOC"Og Gede. Jlfay 17, 1957. 9 A 18, t9-
h.1mb W'bi-c:h:ire nill ••in ttanc.e." He look., G~l u one:
Plate 24

with L"lcemphasis ou 1.hes.t;nsory!unction of the fiogi:r 1ip:1:t.rld the famasy of .separable bod'"
paru is~ common habit of 1i1iv:ning rhc skin and adjlnsti.og the hafr and clothes..
The: llaliut':le ;U(: <.<u,tinually foc!ing wi.1h ,heir finger tips for $Ulall irregul.aritil".s or the body sur..1ce
(fig, .sc).Thr: fixing of llaJin<:$Crom:me l,$ \'Cl) unm~bk and Utt(h <.Vntioual rC'l.djust.mcnc (d. Pi 4:-.. M'S.
3 aod 4). and si.wilar!y the h:tir ~1ylc <>flhc women, in wfii<.:h1he <:hie:nonis suspended in a whp of !ui1·. 14
constantly falling to piec cs.:i.11dbeing rcaclj1.1s1ed(d. Pl 1t. fig. 4).
1. A:1 old nun siuing. ttfu:r sh:iving: bi.~ Ca<X:. He $'\lJ)- bou:;,; o{ i-:w; Djebeo, «:king no ~rt in :101:i.3! lilt:. t.,_+
po,m chin on hi~ ru!mJ. :md his filth .6ngi:-r i~ scp:i -work.iAgat wh.:iu:vn he .,.=
to!d to do. He .spccn 11~
r.i:("(t r,o tli;Jt it oo,·m his ll()S('. rh~ whole o{ lli3 Sp3.rCtime 1baving hi$ fa(<' :md :ta.:
!;C<:-nlos,a dependent :cl:tfiv<: (rOOtm) o( N~ng :wd it ~ .said thu he $h~vt:d hii pubic h-:U:-e,.<.-r,,tw0
K:inn:i. or thrf'e days. In f:u.1.,be Clt'!'iedthe cultural intcrtr ·~
Code. April 19, 1937. i: K ::,1, I.he: l:'ei:{oetiooo( tM $1:in t() p:i,rholO&r-alt:~rr...1U11.
Nang Rentt:t, p!:ull':ot birth wlk.llOw!l.
1'. Br.iliuuu 3:ds.t p:u,sing bd'on:: he lxsi,ns to dr:iw. Baj~ Cede. Feb. 1, l93'i· S V It$, :i6.
Tbc tip of hi,;.1~rt i-ndc:x.!,cr,and pmluhly tlu: tips of
du: £.op;t:~ o! hi! ri,shl!. tm:r.h hi:i fuce (cl. Pl. t3, al a. clu!d'i tio-day birthday. ,\hl"T :b"
6. TT:1irc:11ttiag:
figs. 1, 2, ;md S)· prop,.'t' child bad j1, h~d ~h:wfl(!, rht: man who ;x.:·
J. n .. \fade: Vjali:ioera. foTtnOOtht: opcr.ition wcm on a.ud Wl Cl.e hair of t~if
Batoe3.t'l.Oct. 6, 1937. 16 <>::4. ol&:r <:hi.Id.
I Kanggo cntting h:iiT of l A:a. 1.mrdatc:d..:l.t O!Cl'U9
s, Women lo'!Wng :.t :a wedding, At W('riding:,;.fum::-.i.b or I Mi.rib. I Kiu~o·s brolhe.(a dilld.
:uw! rh,c,lil:e, wlm~ ~ number <>fn:btivo ~w.1ncighbon :8-tj0(1)gCede. April 1-1.1937. 6 T 10.
<0::1elOgtthcr, it b. nr,r unu.<il,l.;!I for .i s,roop o{ ,rom~ to
f.11 in [IC"rindi1ot w:1.ili.01;by Jo1,1,;in3e%cb other. Thi$ 7. P~inting l)f 11mother ,h;1Yine ht:r t:bikl'i, !.a:.i.d•h.ik
a«ivit·y tii,; in with tht' R:i!in~ imt:H'Sl in perf«ti◊n ()f t..'ti: bt!1er a.nd older sibling watch. Tt:1ircvtti!t11:_., tc•
the skin. th"'i-r c-njo)i:1<:uto[ !inc $Cn~rh-c u:w:of t.!1t Git• fa)·ed ontil the atc:>rl:iyhirth<by (otonin. cl. Pb 84 u:!
gen :md their 10\·eo( th" mild 85). Jn ;hii1 p:iintiug. tbe 0-pera.tionis $('('fl :i.~ :in :i.~
pr01-·idedby crowd.~ (c;f. Pl. 5). sive act. :w;d the size of tb.e m()ilier il •
1 ?i.fodo:~.!ook.i.og 3.l auncr:i.: T C:l':(IU-.
lou::,iiu~.i.u ldt ro::npared 'tlt-ith th:it of tltt: oilier Jigurcs..The ~r ... "l-VI
tt.:1te1. )ten Rw lc)u,;ing Men LinlU in right c<-ntt-r. up<m Utt mmht:r't r~)ll elbow, which :ippo..-,. to be an
\fr-n A<!i:in.fn-r right corner. t:$,ct:ntld pm 0-f rhe :i~ioo, ~,a~ ..,:c::-
&j~ C«ie. )hr,h ,. 1937. 5 8 !t. rallstic (c;f.rL 85,.fig. 7).
l":iinting by I. :n.Kr. niding o! 8:i.h>t.-:.ul..
! a.cd5. Man $having wit.½a. llO!t•i.ronkn.i.k. This mildly P~11cba:scd
ScpL ~,. •9!7• Cat. No. 01. Rl"t!1:tfflx ,...,
li\r,ed :U a dcpcod~t {r(»an) in the linear.

Plate 25

A cic1m'3.i fOC:U$of 1he SCLtsory1i1iv:1tion3.lld 6dgt->li11g·with the h;rnds is the an:•~<>f1hc mouth (d. Pl. zS}
;md nose. The f,'.rimn,01,cst posi1io11s of rest in this fi<'-s;cdngare ,hose in which 1he ir1outh is t'O\·~rc:dby the
hand or ~-er.~ 1:mLa grt·.u v:1ricty ol e>:p1oratorypositiom ~L~ ocarrs.
l LO s. t\ .~rn:dlgirl $itting in the- :todi<-nc-,e, :1t :t. thc:urk;il
Ii~ $nd her 6ust:U )ightl}' Hexed in :i. li,rn"litive:~tion
peTfon-.:am.'C.Sh<' g<>l"..s t.luvt,i;h :1 ,-·hole: )eries o{ di:h:n:m (fig. 7). She :rctnm:-1111::r!Qnd lO hl'r mw.uh. hool:ing h~
U)(lc,:- ~mt m.iddk Gngt"'niO\'t:r th,: k,wM inci.wN (Gt. $).
fonus of 6<lgt-tingwith bc-r h;md w her m<.md1:mJ 11~.
She rov<:N hC'J'ro\'luth wilh htr h.~nd ,-·bik h<"r lin~ 1 .\>loe~a, <<-nrn: l Vi.Ja, left forrerouod.
tipi; pi-<.$~ on M!r nose (G!;$, 1 .:md ii}. Sltc opc:,n~hcr fm• &joeng (:.Clk. J.fay 2S. 193;. 9 R 12, i,. 15. iG, i7,

gen :in<l pindu$ bcr )'M)1trih Ut·tw<-cn ind<-:X.:md'rl 1S, :o. 1:1.

fing.~~ w!Uk lx,ntling the tip of hrr thumb in ~g;iiiut Jicr

9, lO, ;ind 11. A girl wau:htt ~ wnrna1: .,.jth tt h.1by. She
•:bcick (Cig. 3}. I l~r lhlllllh rr.;ach<::1 jt\ tow:int the c»nt(1"
<>f.b<'T mouth. wbil.c h(!T imk ..'°"Gng('l"=d1e:s Wl a~ cnver:1 her .oi,omh wir.l?lbrtc" tinK',-"lS.prcs.$ing ou l!ie lip
rhc: thm.ub tow:in! ht:r ,;heck (fig. ,J). She c~p!o~ llu.: n! h1.'1 nose with Wt rir of hu- tn.iddle lin~-cr (Gi;. 9). $hf!
wge5 o{ hl"r u:ei.!1 wilb her tl1uml,, •;,,bile e-xtcmli~ ,ill rc,nnn:s her firtgeN tm1ll h« mouth :ul.d restlioJu,: d:,;,tl
b('T frn~ (fis.. ;,). She Lw·i~ tht whnlc Jund anrl Rf!Xt-.s on 1.b<.:in(fig. 10). Sht ff.:xo:i.tit<: linger,,;. :u:tl We little
;Jte 6:tj:;Ct$,'l\·hilf! her lhum.h Tfflil:iillll in h<:'Tmouth (Us.
.6.ogM' ,.1m1<:>bad: to the $.>rt(-
of lb.: uosc (fig. i 1).
G). She TM"lm\•,::,; bcr t,~n<t fro:u b« l"l'K)uthaad }ooZ:.c<. 1 W:r.lldri "-·,ud1i.n~ikn R~i wilh l R~, her d:,uir;bter.
(!o\'.-n. ,,,.-itl.i.F.hc cip of !1tr tongoe in tltt: o>mcr nf her &jOl'ng (>t.'d,:. Nov. 15- ,9,7. 19 I. :$7, jS., S9·


2 3 •

9 'I
6 7
Plate 26

f'l:ucs :t6 I() i7 are <.'vnc.crnc.·d

with the moulll and thr- !'lous. and with the \'::triolls psyd1016gkal m.,.!,-.
whic'h :lTC rcJ:.100 to d1c:,;,t>
orib<-~li eating, drinking, l;"Snt:tion, dimin:ttion, pmifiotion, c:1c.From J.s;~liuNC
bc·havior .tnd symbvli.~11,. it appears tha;: iu dcscribiJ'lg their nih m-e it is nt<~~t"f w divide lhis whok fidd
into 1wo c.ont~ting catc-gnrics. The eating of meats and 1lefccatio,1 :,re both invested whh 1:{)llSid(.'r.i,h\.t
shame and fonn one t.1tegory. as mnl.l'3St<.·d wi1h drinki,1g, urination. and the i-.:,ting of $lJ;ad,s.all of which
-are pcrfonm'Xl c1st1.;~lly and wi1h;')utshatm"-
'l'his great did1ot0my h C\'idcnt in 1h<:kt"<.lingo{ the- \·e,) young wlu:, ret:Ci\'CStwQ s<>ruo( foocl:
he i-.<::l.Su:tlty S1.1ddcdat th" inothe:r·~brc:1$t;1111!at stated intcr\'ab (u.-.ual!ywbt1l he is in his bath) ID$ mouth
is. swlfcd wilh :.i lwe-chcwed mixuu~ of rice :rnd ban;ain:.. As the c;hild ~W$ older, the 1:".il.ingof n~~ be-
• umcs more itnportam, a.nd it is our dt~is that the eating of r>rc-c.bewrtl fo,od is tbt prototype: for the eating
o! m<:ah, while the suckling is Lhc prc.,rot) l)Cfor the eating of ~suck..s,111<1 for drinkiu_g.
lx>llt5C$ i:ofp~Ul('w,:,d focxl when lying <m the h;ick..
t :end ~. A h:ilhy i.~fed iu bi..: bath. l-k lie-. on hi~ 1nd.
,.·hik bis. molhei· <.b.,.., :i mb.lllTt' f)f rke and lxu\11JUI. 1 l.1:k.a.
&jocng Gt.'d,:. J~,l~· 1:J- 19:li• )2 l. ti:.
~be,c :i brg" holu." ,A thi.s: mi,;u,Tl"' on bis. n,()1:1.h.
nuring lbh pmi:i:~ h.:iby usually c:ries (perh:e~ lx--
;,, 6. ;. Thi$ s-.:"l.ucll~ ,;ht·,w:1;,. father hi,
uw.t th~ VO".ttcr o( (lu- h:1tb O ((lld or bC(tUlM' ?rn,;iuomh
son·'$ Jl-o51' ;md the 60o·s mb.c.<c:ju('l\t rr17d,i\'( bch:n,ur
t, M·erlilkd or hcause be fN"L~J1clp}C$.<:). Wbi:k .he aic.,,
with fo(x!. lu ~ 5, the falhcr holds lh<: b<>ypinio:1cd
ha 1uochcr :e:idjmts. thr rnc>wuain of food on hi" mouth,
:rnd puk.d 3.t the ltlUtll~ ....•ith hi.~ fu~('($. 1fo pu~urc- h.n
10 rh:.n it :ib;,.Uoor fall off, :1ntl sllc sometiml'..i;pOk('S rht-:
:u:'l.ll:f('-1Mnentllin commcm with 0£ the tn(lrhr.t .:i
,-i~.-.ud iuto hi$ moulh wi1h hr.i: fmSCT·
food do ....
Jig. 3. ln lig,s.6 and 7, the M>n )p,:;u,•ls nn rhe i;r..,.und
'.\frn Ng,mdoo f«•rdi11-gbcr mn. ! Ng('ndnn. ~i,.cd ; 1
,.,,~ with a $3.1)':ege $b:,,pc:-cj
lump •>{ rice hi<; mom..:•.
},f. M:s \·et'btl ri:.cxi:d '$l:'lt~
&j~g G«i('- J.oan.19. t9Si· ·• f' S, 1· -1 G:i.t.l (rhe :1011}has !I li,:i{ ivll or ria c-..11< ,r,,fii-mbe
slowly (lpt!!ll, He ollt':l':1!W .bthM" th1: l<>ng'.<::il:U.:iL. ~
rire p;uli:, whicli be get4 ()~It c,! tb,:, k:if. F:itbct" ll)("Tt-''I
1· A ulCtthri: adjusting the bo11"'of food on l1i:: OOhy's
r:nomh. She hvl-ds rhc baby ri_g:lulyw ;t i:, JX>WM'le-.s. mxls...
"1 c;,,,u;,.drop.,: du: IClii :1nd puu lh< c:el:t-:•~u...,g,-·
lr.d :,;Jj~Ku, The (ood with ilie tip nf lu::r little G:\S.CT,
UV':S\'f.i~ in hi:1 moulh, whic:h 21l'l.\lSCS
-.ilh h~ in di..,r.1d.<:rl$ti'-illyBalinNof' po:.ition.
..I C:et:1 in&'>l(lndly .
f<-edi:11,! $;'1tni, :igm "i d.:i~)',.
'.\l. Sa.tUa
.. lli,c bith<'r wipi:'$ I Ciir,•,; nOOC'{.lg;.in) am! s.ti<i:<1
B.a.j(>('ngGede. J~n. •1. 1937. ,t 11 t$.
!m::,cr 11p nch nostri1:·
\\'h~r.ltt:i: rr~:011 is <onuei:trtl 1(i1h dtc: fm-t •••
-1· A <;m.;tUboy t:lti'ng-. lie iwnds wi!.hbi~ hc:a.J thrown 1:1d, Oiltbe l\l'ISI:':i:1 ll◊t pcn~i:Lly ft i:1 n:t<ord«l:h_:
a ku- momo.1us.c,.oaditcrhd fath("T h:td bctn pb,·mg 11,•jth
Wei licl:il:s Ute-l:isL<.of ri« (Im o! the coomul
T C:1ta.·s pcni.s:. ,ml th.'lt T Gata. t<>uche-db~ pcni~ :uu.
ih,:-11.!be ('lltinr, o( roeJL<1
i:1 tl,.<n1;lllydurn: ,,ith fflr. b.--a(I
iClUSl)'ahtt lht: l'CS~llringc:n:di-ol'I h.:td ,cubsid('d.
W:t ~ck. :,o th:1t du,: (ood i..: tb:o-:."n d1J::.•,1~11lfd into
! C.uii. wilh h.i<.f.uh":, N,1ng ~:ut-a.
1.,Vmouth (cf. rt 'f'9}.Thi,; !iltppom tht-:thM rh:n this
lbjvc:;nj:, ~rk Sept. )1'1, 19lii, ~ U 1;, 18, 19
r•·pt uf e:eting is. ,1nnddl1:d on the earli("I' r.:1llf.t$; or

Plate 27
Related to 1he almost forrihle feeding of ,he baby with he;1ps of pre<hewc,l food pl:i.ced on 1hc:mouth
:tnd to the ~uer:tl m·tt$li11mlation of tbt b:1by (d. l'l. 47), ,,;c find a <lc:vtl◊ptn<'...Ot of unrespot~i\·cncss. wbkh
hf ()lugging the mouth or hr I i3ht closure of l11elip!-. Both pluggiug aad tight ~lo..;;111-c
is conunonly c:xpr<."$SC:d
ar,e mOOc:s·with au::11-a~wcll as orul si_gnilk.-utce.
1 :ul.d 2. A rn:in plugging hi.~ moulh with tob:woo. lo ixul('(), t:}'('..s dowl\CMt, Stnt! :ims~ !old<'<l ,,m!I'.?"Jxr
Bali, :iftr_.r d:e· he:el. p1..-opkl\-ipi- OUl tbe iusidC-$,,! hlankr.t.
d\1:i:$ tdrh toU:i.oco ari<.f th11:11place 1hc ml,:,.(.'(r,) l Gcloch, ffith Men (;«11()('ng holdiJ* l Riloeh in l.!te
ill th<-irmom!1.'<wl:tei~ it protrue.k~. hdr! kx~dr bC"tw«n 00ck"'1'~m<l..
the I:~. This ph1g t-<noE.JClUO\'Cc:Ifor wn,•(U.irinn. but Ba.j«o.s' C~r. Ju:u: ii.(I, 19sG, 1 !\ 1,s.
:serve, &0D1ewrult to isob.rl" the imli.vidtul whi!,: be i$
la.ll:ing. {Jli~•Castc people and !(>lm8 women tl."lu:dly 6. A ~y,:bo~rhk n&nUt be,s.$tob.:.un. The tmltl. on the
with wipi-n3 the mouth
c:ontt:ut thC1T1$C:lve1 ,cith ~o l'igbt i~ l"I! ;i type talhtt common in S:ili. In pb(c or t!:c
a.od do nnt keep lhc ph:g in L\cir lips.) no:-r:1.3!&linese lln'l"t:,:poa:.,sivCUCS6,
S Ami,~, :m <t~·er•r«prm~ivt-:m.'ii 1-1bich is!.y C:Cpro$SCd in tbc
B.1.j~e- <~Jc. Sepe. zo.19:16. t T s11,:,..'1- loosr-, oo:1:.,11.:u1lly
smi)il".g mouth {cl. Pl. io. 6&. G for a
lblim::se euic..tt1.m:.ot thii lYrt} Tl:i: m.3(1 from whom
11·Quvin-_g by a. pSfcllocic::\·asr,ml (d, portr:iit a.nd c.b~r- is begging per.nits the to t'U.Clx-rd fro:n bi$
11cu-r.dtt:!dl. PL 7. 6g. 3). In tbh vin-ing the m<mth i~ htiil:<-r, but he presm-r..s a.loo!ue..s with :i tiK!ucncd, v-r:-
p!~KCd with .:i pieo: o( silver pa._pIT,and th<!i:1t..e:ilulCS mtili:1g mo1.nh.
(ot vul~!) t<::ptc$entr.d Ly a snU-elil:~,pi:r:J. I P.1~h. ,·~ant Jrom Kincuuani, bt!tzins Crom an
(!a:vi.n~ by I Tjo1m~oeb, ~id to b:;i,\•e 1)('(!:nhnm iu t1nidc:nti&<:dJn$tn.
Scbatoe. l:ktjoct1g-
\-.le. J:tn. 13, l9:!17• u Q 23.
R:ijoc:ngC«te. June !:J, 1937. 11 X j.

4- TC)()th&li~. Thi,: i~ ~n imron:1n1. rik <k p,uta?.< ;. ito3$t sm;l:ing pig io. th~ oltt:rius;.s:\t ;i b.1by'$::io-day
whld~ takei ptm: in la.le a~lr.soc:noe Ol' at marrfagt: {cl. binlxby a:rcmou-y. i\ mm: o( rice (to~mpmf(} pm:nH!a.c
l'l. 8,6 f,:,r ~neral ;:tCC(IUnt u! the CC'T(ffltmy: aud ~ from the :\llll$ of r?te pii:;:.
cfall)' Pl. &:;, fig. 5. for the fo.cfal n:pn:iiion1 o( ipi:Cl:I· Ou :inmhcr (K'(':l.1iol\,Stt whidt a slroibr ro~i;t pi_gV::\\
tOl-.}.The tiling ~ very p.:iinful :md ii fol, to be an at• P)"('ran,d, ;m old WQm;:ml!Olic«l tl:C 1>«'$ ,'.In\~ w:i.s
rnr"..t0:1 Lhe lll.O\lth (d. l'!. t4. Ciz.-; fm" tln: <»trosponding dnpty. Sb<:told t!1Ctn that they b:tcl put the rice COJlC at
uvUon lh:ir h :igerr..).-.:iYe}. Ule -wrm1g ead." Thr.rc was a grr:u dt:"".tlo( bn_ghtcr
J. n. Made !Utji 6lin3 teeili of J Kt-tt?,. :,.bout tbrt wd thr. misukc w;u mrrca«'l. That i.-utba
&tocan. 5(-pr. $<•• 1937. )6 n 6. m; (()'Id<!ooc::uri.ndk:itl".stl~at the pln~:x-in_gmotif i,
a.nd may h:m: dlhtt oral <ir ;iuu) 0t·rnm1es.
5,. IJurespoush•c.r.c.~ ln an a,lol~r.m~irl. She w:i.i:a:sl:..ed O!f1':n1ttSat oumin prt~r<'c:I :u· tl> Sr.!a.t (&n-

to nand for :1 porm:tit h~1t wa.'$ not ~ in :u1y way. gli} Sl j'lc.
Htt n:a(:tiou ~ c,:trmi~ 1-·ilhdnwat. ·witlt !1c:td bent, Ii~ B11joengGede. April $(>, 1937. 7 W b,:t.



Plate 28
Thuml>ruc.l.iug of the E1.1.rope.1.n type, in which the sco~ory pJcamre i:. locar.edchid!y in 1he mouth. is
not <'.haracto-istic.(lf&ilincse ehildrm. Inu«ld we find OrJ.lm:mipul.ation in -."'1Uch the seruory cmpl1.i:sisis on
the .hand <ir lingers. The lips of a. Eua:opc:mdlild shape ~ponSt? t() the pmsiem.-c: of the Ulumb;
t~ of the R.:i.lincscchild typically do not respond in this wa.y (fig. 6 :ihowsa tr:'I~ of rcspouse in the lip).
Sc\' lypcs of 1J1i$bduvior tan be ob.,erw:d; the fi.u.,~ may be hooked over the it1cisors,or lh,ey !I.UYbe
thrust deep into the mouth in what appc;u1 w be exploratory :1e1..ivity or thP.ymay scrv.eas .a plug blocking
oral rcspou~fren<.-ss.These bc-havlon,: <lr-enot rcprw.m:d.cxoep1,in the presence or $uperiors, lnit they normally
di$;tppc:arwilh ~ onset of lat<.-ncy.
•· t. :::id 3. A ,m;zll bo}' with hi$ 6nget"Bin bi:I mouth. surrivins d1ild o! three,. but a: still youogu child tud
He , beside 1w father with hU :ihc:lomcu p~
ditd (d. Pl 3,;. fig. S for ;i ~ion
c;.,lK:ot to chiJdis!l
~in$t hi.a fatJ1e:r-'$ knee. Hi~ kft h:and t:tk~ a $Cl'"iCSof rote a.Cttt de;ith of yu1:nztt cbiJd}. Behiud him. is ~
positfom: i-n his
boy with bis 11.:mdto Im mot11b.
In GS,•· ffi: !eds in,dck his liJ)l Wlth his inde."t lin~. I ~; I l.i.nt:!-r h<-hind ltill)..
fn fig. 2, he f1.u loW<:rcdha ?1.andand plaee:d the I.bud U:ijoc:OAGcd.e,Mar. 1, 1937. ,t Z 1:3.
lingtt in his mouth, while the index 5nger lOu.dir.s.his
bn: near-tb: m»cril.
In 5g. s., he thrui:ts both indo: .and third finger deep ? and S. A baby with han<b tu rooul.h.ln. fig. 7 -ShefCCU
into his mouth. her Ji~, at:td in. fig. 8 llhe puts h1.Tfist (0 her liJX. At this
l &ntok wilh his,N.:=ng R.i!ll.pcn. ~e. the .senw.y pl~rc ap~rs to Le:in tbe liP' ra.Ulu
:&joe:igC:rtk Dec.?• 1936. 3 S 19,:n, u. th.:ui in l11c hand.
Men R.itnp,m hnlding ! J.(C$0W. (}-n11~er si:lta of. I
4 and 5... , small bor 1rith bu 6~'C'!'Z' in his moud~ while Oontok wiio i$ $!\own in Jiga. 1 tQ 3).
~ faur;bs. m., fing,:r rc::che:s in. pro!nbly $idcW3:ys Bajoeng ~t.111'- n«:.; . ,936. ! S 15, 17.
to~m the prc-.i:obn. His lip!i a~ unr~nsi~~ to &he
presence of hi$ finger, :i.nd smiling ~xprt$Sion ls un.
9- A eiotheT wilh her $ick 6l0n. On the <h.ybcfott !!:ls
p! W'.I.< taken. J K:rrfn, lhe ~o, b.:tdi-t
He sunds just bdiind his undc :1r1d(;fdtt b.rot!u:r, :rnd
eoot1,ghfor hi, father to be seriously •'<>mffi, and on c.~
l:ig. s $hov.·sthe uncle 11·il.hhis mouth ph.-w<f wilh to-
Weyhi$ bdmior w:is Vf:I'}' chao~b)('. His mmha tried
i)l('()().and the ddoer brother with llli h.and raiscJ to,r.rrd
S('Vt!'lal tirncs to :<tim1,lruc!1itn and to m:d:~ hie .esp,.~
rQour prcw:nce,~1<! Jtf: .11«uaU~· h.ffl $C\'Cr.:.I momer:tu oi
I Degeng: hi, htrn:r·s b:rorl1er, Nang .and his
norm.tlhi.gh11pirit$.He npidly rt,·crted, hoWC\·i::t, to lb:
cider bu)thr.r T ldet,. ,..ho bas bft:o .adopwd br N.ang
!Art. mood shown ia this pboto,p-:iph.Here he l1 see:: wi.b
s,dl:y '11,•ilhtlr.twnc:ic.pre1$ion.Hi.1 romhe hu gi'i'C:!!I.9
Ba~ng C-edc.April 30, 19'7. 'l R. 28, 24. trying to stimulate ;:md has her h:ind lO !:n moo::h,
p-:roba.blybiting a:t some s:n:tlJ callus.
6. A boy •·hh hl1 6n.~ in mouth. ThU. boy was ~Ol❖
M('Q Ot~ "Kithber snn, I Ka:b:i, .aged ,;61 d.ays..
w?ut r«ard,.-d in hi$ dC\•e.lopmt-nt.
He -·~ tbc )'O\Ulge'lt B:ij~ng· <A..Jc.Atig, 19, 1937. 14 R t(),.


Plate 29

The eating ur mca!s U :11cromp.:u1il:'l1by con$idcrabk sh:m,c. Th~ \,,ho arc e,11ing urualJy 1utl\ their
bm:b lOWard anybody who ,nay be pre.~nt. aml hunch d,etn$ClH"S ovt>r 1hcir food. Ti fa not poli1c to SJ)Qk
to anyhody who is rotio:;. The ~-a.mesh:nuc shows iL'>d(in the ,1ukk movt.11u:ntsof t;11ing. The foi"Ki is pi:ck,:d
up in Lhc tin:-,>i:r:<.,:ilh:lc.k into 1lic palm 1..1£ Lhc hancl :H,d then pushed or 1hrow11into 1he mou,h in a
singlP. quid gc~turc. while the mouth is opl:"ued ,·cry wide undt<r cMcr of the h.a11d,and 1l1ceyes are zilmost
cl<»Cd- a mr.Lhod which :i.ppt:"<m~ "'cry co..1~c to tht: F.uropcan (>bsCJTcr,·rt1cre is also a fftorc poli1r. method
uf e:.uin~ in which th~ rood is put into 1ht':mouth wilh tht: fingers (Jig. 8). hut this ri:fiucm-cnt is ~,tmo~tne,;:-1
$CC!l iu 1hc mow11.si11 Yilb~~- although the sh:nuc attadu·'Xl to cati11g is as dearly dcn-:lop<:rl th<'.r<:as in 1hc
plain~ (\.ontta~1 this. pl.a(e with Pl. 3(1which :1h<>ws the <'.3.tingof :111.:l.rl:.s.)
~pngu (r<'>IUK:trau~:.Ctt\; th~ o,t.h,:Js:'O't nll of ~jocfl:;
l, A (lt!r<:ulO)\i:ilft::,,Sl,Thi,: least \',';U i,tl''('.0 ,u poM-:nor•
1ua.ry CCTt"moaics{t'W'..ttJl'!<mt, er. Pl. 6, Ji~. 5 :md G).Titt: Gale.
(oorl i:,;:,;pu:ad Qn a [,ol,g Jim~ 1,( h:imboc1 or p:md.:n\l.lS lbj,(wnr, G«le. :\pril 14. J!)3i· 6 T et, :3, ::6.
m;n..tit!i;, anrl t?1t: ;U.<;('mblcd1d-,rin·~ :'l.lld )\1;ig.h!Jotsiit
6. t:b,i)ilun about m t::11 at ~ pwt•monu~ry oin:ttlO!l!
in lW(l Tl"l'MI, fa(.tl)gfo c.-pposi:t:dir,~ti.<>n~ Tbey iit ;,:idt:
((he- ):;(fl\C OCCUi(m a~ (b.'l! jhOWII in Jig. 1). ~<>tC i:1'.c-
,-•~,'$M1thal (':lrh m.:u\'$right ba.o(1(rhc: o,in'<:Cth:md for
f(1<1<I)is t<>w:m.lWe £0<1<I.,;,.bik hill liad i1. toward hU wh.ik w~itiuK to e:-r.
l'\tlky uu,:.a,sfru•
1 ,\$in ho!di.og htt fr:ct; l ?lfondd holding c<:c2:L
R:1j1>1:ug Cfflc. July 10-,1937. 1e C 19.
n:,jl)c:ugCef.c:.Julr )C), '!tti• J2 c :::.
?- Children ,:;iring. ~fbis si~uc occurred dtiring ;.!:.c:
'.!, A g:irl <::ninz-.S!1<:is in tl1<:act of pushiog rht: food
for a l:irgc birthc:by (~l't'.1t10ny (r,tonir:
into !1cr n:,Qutb wilh rhe p;1lm of ha J1aJ)(i,
wb.icb VQS to be hf'lcl t!,c $.itmt'- -::i!tno~. rcrl~aps ih~
J M;aderi; ~~ng l>pt1i i.n rht: liack~Ynun<l.
or n1m1l,,::n o( ,,i•imtt in 1he hvu.-.Cy.lrdrn.:U.u
U:1joC1\g Ce-dc:.J:tu. 15. '9:$7• ,t C n.
the? <hildrt:n .waic~h:it more sdr.-r.onscioos than U,(l:el
Th<-y wi1hd-D'/l1l lO 3 ((lmt:r oi tht: y:ml, ~ ;it!
~ 4. anti 3 .. \le» ~ting a :1f1..:rlldping in the
-;,.·on n! t~tlmilding. Thi~ (\"<I;$ a mvch l~ (vrro.Jl have: their h:u:b wrn,:il.
I R=t: 1 t>csengbebiud him: :md a ~n11-ngt:link giT-l
()<.Q)i.Ooih:m that $how:1 io.fig:.1. and •he mw h:m: 1tut
fn1m Al,aog.
turoo:-d dtc:U' 'boub ml e;ich•.
:S3jc)i-ngGede. Jl1n~ :. 19~;. 1, C ir.
ln fig. 3, du: m.\l'I on right j,. just putti.og frind
iuto bis moulb ,vitl1 ll1c h.,,;e o( bis fin1,1:n. (Tl1i.>10
S.. Th..: ,·ilfag<-priestcs,; wi1h o[,:rin,;:s ;u)d ~r.:iplmO.J.' ~
prohabl~· :'I.little more rn!itc lh3.o n~ng t.lte p.tlm of the
laid O\lt in tmut o{ he:-, p~1uin3 bc:ld i.o hn m(M.tlhdt::
h:tud.) iug .i pa.we in ..... muon.i;.I. lkr gcsmr~ illusuatf'!. t.:..: ..
ln fig. <i• tlic i,,mt: matt is :i,boul to pm another h:md
innre p0}jtc mt:dmd o( e-:uing io ,,,hicl1 Lt,<:(ooci is pt:m-A
fol n! loud inm h£~ tn0mh. lli:1 .11('}:"r molion will Uc lO
in the rn,outll with rllt: fiu~(':1'$. (AttW!ll:f h<-td cb,:,,:"ni
thro...- barl: hi:,;!icad with bi$ b:tnrl nn:r his rnouth.
bas a p.•ydiologfr:11 ,,a.foe sornt:wha! difl'en,nl fr«n ib~
In fig. 5. the )'nunp; ll'l:l.n on the let, i~ fno<l
nf e:itlug .171<-~"lkh j$ done ;ilmo,l without sham<' :am! t..t
into his :UOl1th ,,;tJ~ tht lower ym of hi:1 palm,
Th:oi1ghtM1t this ;,:c•rit':$,there is uo llp~r.u?t.'<: of
o?l·rspbMt"' is oll p}i,gging the "10U1h r.Hbcr th:rn on 1h-.
imer•pM'w11.:1:J communid.ti<>n d1:rin~ eating.
sorption. d. Pl. ::6.)
Ctnd.."•.l).(':N;mg SaOOl'h (calii:tg in fig:. j): I $.:lfii:i: l J>jc-ro :B,.,li:m&doch.
Bajoe-ng c;o.k. ,,pril ::,t, i9.$J· ? E 1e.
\1/ap.tlg (u:irh p1:ocil in ..:ar): ~trng Roni. I is 3.

, "™



6 I

Plate 30

Tn lioc with the early focding o( pre<hc•wcd food (l'J. 1C6):iml ,Ji" sh:um~ whid1 i., .i:-,sur:i~•t"tl ho1h ,..,i h
cating and dcCecation, the pn:paration of forwl i-, tNt:11ly rcfcn-cd ID as ..chopping .. {ttgr.bat).and ill fact t!le
nujority of foods for fc:--<-..i."1!>
.tml mt'~1ts :ire <.h<ippcdin this ·way. ln many c.a.scs,the cboppc:d foods are b..'t~
on $tkh :md tb~n «,:ool~I rn make what arc caUed "sate," The :simp1~• sate :in: mm}(:l1y spiking :1 numht
of ~-n1,:1ll
()f meat on small sticks and then m;,1s1i11g <wer :l ~man fire (d. Pl. 6, fig. 8) but \'Cl'\" m~
more d2.bor.tlC types are made out of raw pig'... fat. built up imo pendant scrolls and tr«•like stnicturn.
These forms are not eookt"rl; 1hty ~1'(' <lct-Or3th·cckmcnts in offo:Ongs.
1. (:h.-.pring men toT a ,·i!bg,: !tast ($Oh() TI1c: :l.nd i:o casethe <<mr.U figure. a myd1ologi<#l h •~;1
met\ :ux: $;:tlbC!-cd a!O\ln<l a nongh ~mil.:ir t,, tlmsc u,.__-J (g4l'()r.da) wifh ;i ~n.11kein it!' mouth i.~:tlTTl<)Cl;t "n.t~~;.,.
io {«'(ling :mimah; but cm1u.i;liug mc.<ct. They ulw CK>'><:u:c:Jby ilic ~oil wo,1..'l11.Ul~·peo! dC'<w~t.iuu u
picoc, of mc::t out o! tbe no~1gb .n•<lchop tl1em, u."liag nm a.<.~ri.irt-d wirh rhe :<..'lmt:~rt (If ("()lfflp1lb.iw• :in,cil"'t"<"
:i.ud kuiu:; th<'
their h('.wy l:nh·('t. l')n du: l':oodcn c...Ji;,c: wlildt V.'I.' :tl,;Suciatc: with a.u~oi;::vu:,: iu1.1lifl in l.wvpc.
dmppec! pi~c)'. !:dJ l.,ad i1HO the U'<>U~, 'fhe &Un('.se cr.~flAA.'ln (ir;iws wo11$ wi1h -.v-rygr,- •
Bonj()h (n<':U'n,yic-ng ('""""). Or.l.. 6. 191J6. 1 .\l jl, facilir.y :md c::,~ and 't\'t: muJt t.llinl u! tlicm a:,: ::m rl= >
l't$C('n« o( muscular rol<' {d. Ph. G ~nd 15) rath('r thaa
1:. .\bl.iux l'oa1.1>a&e1fo1 a Yill~ fc.iu (mr.tjaro~. c!. l'L of car<;(uln.-~ and enn<~ntr;u.l'>C!clfo:-1. They ~
jj.. G.:;.1). Tb<$(',gi-,:;.ire. made u! chopped me-at <:iated with auto:natic lw1uiouin,i:; of tbe uud) athc-
<.mffNJimo pi(.l'oiute!d.iue. Tb.ey are Uot twistt-rl \')ff inm lha.o. ·with t('n:,e ct.mtrQI.
lo!..•onk.u~lh.s M in F.1rr"'pt-. The .,..-Jmle!onF, !>pU.-al.i$ Jb.uxti. No,., 2:';, J9:li• J9 M 8.
CflilkN:Iit1 boililix wat~· :md :.dterward cm ,:r.
J;ajoetag Cede-. ,\prj) 3, '')17· 6 O 1:ll
6. fig.utc: of p!:i.itcd cuc:onut leaf with fo1x! b~ oe. .~
Thi.~ Qhj«t ,,.,$a pan of the Jay~1t of ofkrin-g'l lar a
l- ll'tt·hk,: )uft:. 'lb.i$ $U\l"C(m<'it. about six !<:~:lUigb.
It, cirnrrnl <"'re- a a h.:m.i11.atrunk, aud imo th.i$ the ,·ar-i.
S;JC-..-.t «rcmuuy (dl:'1<1
r.'le:;alwpnn a more: c:b!x,ntt:
<>!,rutjtJt<>e), wb..i<hw.i;s pcrCounOOto puti() ut
: =
m:,1 ,ic,p:t~t<: sa.te, ~cll ma<k of r;rw pig'l'o fa1., -aa: in•
after :t cise of ino:,,'t. The oF.ering,c ~ hid c,n •
scnOO.h w;,$ one of tlH: offerinv at -a tooili•filulf; ('t'r<'· g.,_OWld{d. l~l. ,3) uu ft\c: Ugu:o o( t!U!> ..u:t, ar.-:-n;.,uc.._
ing ((> rh,:, "lw<: diT"Ntion~" (r1;,I poi-n·\
B...ioean. Sept. 3,0, l!)$i· 16 I 6.
Cl.'"lllO'), ·uu: pbu~ph :J:uw~ ~a.(e laid uu l..;.1,. -·
cOOl, tin<:I, hN1p <or cQfl\'.r<Irkc- on i1<.ht'',- t
_. Thr<'e s.1u:. A ~ingfe :-tnu:twl".. l'oud1as tl~-at forf'17<m11dis .11 bamboo t:ont:m1C(rfo~- palm bt-n OC"U
Ulr,.'io.-nin fig. 3. may umuiu twenty or more diF.('l't-nf Oilier olk.rings ar(' ,•hibk in the ba<l:ground.
:,p,;, o! im:1hidu..$l .sate,~Do( whkh a~ n:1m~!. lt1 the t\.ijoeng C:~!r. Ft:b. :,, 19,;'· .IJ W :µ. St1\1(t"\l're,the: det.iils of the $1:parnu: 1alt: ('(>Al•
plr:dr losl.. The: thtc:e )uk :.bow-n here ar<' (rrom krt TO
i •..,bt'. sot<,oig ("m-nbrc-11.:i'')made from t11c: pig"s i• T>rying <hopri:n $\>:rM pc)U(O (kivlrt'.1, Jn tht' ffllOlt"I·
trr.1t-nmm: sr.u k4ijmwn ("tn~ ..): ~ate Qe·11d:id-<>m1b~l ui11:1,!..lit:n:ry pc,o:- rio1: n-op i:1:1upp!,rr.irmffl •·.ili •
;x1m"A!ll,"' "{. Pl. 4.0, Gg. ,t), root <rop o( Mar,bt The tubch .~:<'<lwppcd up
R.ajMng(':"""- June ·1• 19tj. 11 G t-~. inrn ri~ ;i lilt!<- brgM' rh..,n ri«' g,-:iint. ;mtl ·:'>- ·~"
dried iu tbc :,;uu lO p:v,:i<le a W:-t c>! ..u! :-.a
5, ('u'lr.:ing rm a 1emple ir.i:t:. &Ji!H:)(! C',u--,i.1)~aud p:i.i.Ut· (<j<lljM).
~ax:m, o!tc:u uH:tl:,wd<.:iledwilh -S(fOUd<$ign.5,{Mk.irr.l'I}, Hajot:ng Crdf'- Aug. 6. 1936. : n ~1·

Plate 31
Thi.s plate sho"'-sa fonn of pby made l)<.)S>ible
br culu.ire <.:0nt-'lc1,
which b.u provi<l-.d1he sweater-a1"!
the baU mam1factt1n:d in J;•p;m. The phif is, however. pcrfocd)' wnsonant with lhc: Balinc-..secultural cm•
whidt cl-01$S-tfy
e;itiug wi1h dc:kc.3.tion.:md defocacion with birth.
1 t<>9. A sai;tl! bOf p!:tyswith ii. b,;ttl i-n~<!ehi:1 llWQ.tcr. "He di:ops it, ruu.s a(te.1·jl (lis.:.~).
H<: 1lm ~•~?$ the h.,11 in :a !c:if. then holds il to b,js -1 It: ~rnnd,; ~m! hifi. ir.
-;ilx!ome:11by l.,t:nJfot 0\'\.'1' ~I.; b.t<:r, he !)'llt.$ it in.<idie?1i:1 "'He pieb up ll!C pio:oeo{ L:ui:i.ualea.£,10·llichhe h:!:d
:s.,.-ea.tnflvw lb<: top, AAc:I wnrk.< it down till it CJOmdout Thmt\'O dn....-n,nnd V.'T:'lf1$ the ball in it {fig. 3).
ttt tb<: hotrom, Fin.:illy. he pu1$ it .in fro1!l the bouom :in<l "I le .scull!,; the lxdl wi1.h t.!tt: leaf, :md tC::N of£ a fo:tg
wmlu it up to tlic top. piece o( banao.a 61)(,r,
M, M:s ,•c,fui1 notf'.S.nn this beb:wfo:- oom.aul tht fo)- "Iii: pu~ W!l between hill !1:t7r,~ he twi,;u tile 6:bc:-
lowi-ng detaib:: (&g.• ~
"Meu Si.n#o (F.bc ooy-., motlu:r) c..u:1c:w our house "llc put.~ !~ll 1m(!t::-:inn. :rnd twi~I.$fifw.r (fig. 5,).
!o.x is ,·is.iblci-n the
with Karha (her 1ii~tt':1 :l(m,·v,1h0$C "He i:,ut, ball io. L"t<:top o( his $\o,'-<:3.ttt(fig.G).It Wls
top ldt (Xlmc:-o! fig:.S) in a sling. K.:irb:i h;is bc:,::nrillu onr.
~> iavor sin(<' 1';:i~:1 (the louy with <he $Wtat<:T) "'He pulS bm:Jtu I.be1.M:,uo-.ll of lti.1 sw~ter aud pulls
'W(':11'.lod him.~df. J.-:m;a.W';,!t> a.1SlC>
"''ilh ,h("r. mr {fig,,;.7 ;md S).'"
ir up rn"K",:irdrhc
··t V"'c Ka= a. b.~e p;trti<<>k>irr<-d1~11.the :1:unel.ind Later }i(! ~s of! :ind squ.1u b~·his molhtt {6._g.
Ka.rlr.thad had y(:s.ti::rrl:iy. <»ily la.~a., Th<: roinotc K:iri~ Tluou~hout the $C(J\l('O«, hi; mod~r.r l'I drue by (':ll"r
saw it he gave :i. d<.:»l'Ous<:ry. ,:troni ~ "Uible in !igs..~ to &} ~:\d is hotding hi., ri\';U
.. K:11', and d:in.ced with it, it with hi-s cousin, I Kuba. It is: probabJc tbat the 0011:u;qain,d
bao&. ll1at !U:1rival, 1 Ra.:ba.
extr.i ")'ffllmlir. v:duc: ;is :11m1etll.iltf;
-K:1rs::it!tcu put the ball inside h~ swc:u.::r,3.0d kt it wanted; -and this t--ould give shape ro the notion of the
bulge OU.l,11:ndstmkr.d tile l.iu.4;,:. lull ~~ "food'· - f.(m,t:thing to be wmppi,:d in a la!, a.ud
"'Kan.); thdl Ice tJi<: ball ran(>ll( of .U•.'C:llt::-, pid<:d il )('Wiug to be pti'SCd lhrouib. the $Jl)lbo.Jicn1he of hi<.
up :tn<! p:1Sj<:d1t up and down iu front o! h.iilu,::,Tr. .$'11.'<':HM'. Tn rhe fin.ii pinurc, wh~ they :i:it, h~ mm.he::-i,

~K:in.a v.o!'.ntover m :.he pbn~ c.:rtcfully bu!J• still <'.cm1p!1,.-«:lyu!l.t(:spons.i\•(:lO him, :tnd he sqool$ with
it)~ ball, whirh !ell O!tOC and l\-':l:\ immn:!~,a.tdy r-tui<:'\'Cd; a s.ulky (:')("fU~i('>n.
hml:c o!I a. piece o{ h:in.:m:i ka.f :u1d \.\'rnflj'l('rlThe li.,11 T K~n:i: Mc:ns:n::;j:\. his :nother: I K.ub:t, Men Sin•
in this."s s.istcr"$son, ag«1 517,;.
"l c:il!e:d G. B., whc:>p,iotograp!1<.:d th<: remainder of lujncny. Ge<le. July l6. 19,:r,. .it Q it, 13, 1G,17, 1$.
,cqu<:n<:e. 19. ~- ,~. 2:4.
'$..ln:i u:m1J lh<: ball nmund on hU die« - :uom,d
;md :uound (fig. l).



s 6


, l,(,i



1 2

_ 8
Plate 32

Fo:r the Balinese, the two pro<.hict$of bodily exaction, urine and fcccs, ha•tc ,,er)' dilTei,eutfll<yd1<,logiW
,·aJuc. J/cccsarc regarded with disgu.u. while uri1le is unimpor1.i:11t ;md llic act of urin.·uion is performed ,-ery
c:tswlly otndwithout cons.picuous modtsty.
l to !,.. A baby (l Karba} s"'t:epl up the :>::o:Wa o! :.m "'Men Singin .r.xdaim$,.'The white man is c:tlkd br !
or.mge :ifrM' his t1t1n( hu jl.1st S"-·cpc:\lJ) his {ooc-s. Hj, K.;irha.'
~uuen.t o! the ur ..mgc: ilh.m.r.ile$ the intcn!iky of hi!i "She r:iiM::$ her Mn<h abo,·e her he::td. nx:1.jug i.n ,,..-::uh
repudi:uti)n of the f««. $tfk, wr.iM;titlghtT 6~
E:xtncu !rum .\f. M.':1 ri:o:.wd: "She i;houts, po.inu at Karb3..
~K.,Tb.aS({\lUS on the ucps u! G. 8.'s "'..-r.1.n<b.uri "He ~a w cry."
o:itd, then derer.un. 1 Karh.,_.:iged 4?9 (fayi_ Re em.not yet.
''Meo Sin&in (his motl:,:Ts 11Ulter) <:xda.i:ns(bccrnse fr Baj«lli; Gede. Ju.:11:18. 1937. 11 R 3,3,34, '6, 17, ,g.
is ,,.e!)' wnml{ m ddt-:c:1te in 1mnr.:l)Qrly('1$«:'$ ho1.Jscy:m:I).
'"Men Siui;tu picb ltim up and ~~ ?iim dm.m o-n rh(:
grnnnd. From. ~ be watchC8 his, kcts awl, at onoc: 6 and?• A mull boy get$ of( ~ u:utl:u.'l":,i!:tp t.o u.r.=~
climt,,c U:u:k a:1 the ver.mda.. H» molhet imilt':i while he l$ getting down and looL •:
"Mc.o Sing;iu tclb :i liu!o: girl (1 Koir) w pid up a blm inattentively. 'White b: ill n:1 cl1c e,"(mnd. 1h~ t:m~
piei;c of \>rQwnpaper from back of me. She js ~id but Lut l!'o'idcurly at ~<'thing ebc. His cider sutc ,t!.!r
another girl (! Ridjel) get.'! it and gfru it tn M~ Singin, t'lo<l.( ~u.i.ns e.lown. :ind then Jean$ forward to
whn lift$ oft tbe kc«. w-.ud1him min.-tc, btll she do« thi.! wi:lt no reprno! n:-
··.\11!11Sineiri llu:n g.r.ri:a br<>Qmanr! $W<:~ the $1:<'p lemion.. He g<:ti dow:1 mniling (fig. 6) and sits t,qtU~·-=x
.ind $tandi broom ~aiiul the w:ill. nn th<:gr❖\lnd, playio.g with h.i.sfu:igm :i.ftcr he !in t::"'.-
-Karl>:i t;(IC'll :md p the hr()()(O and Ix-gins to weep. ll:l.led (!lg. 7).
He $'\\'ttpi the grouo<l. no.:.the :m:p (6g. 1). r K11fflli(dder ffltcr); Men l<.a.nna.(mmh"'): T C..aa..
-He tal:<:;Sthe pk:r«d orange •,,.,hich he bad iu bis. 8:i.iot:IY.C.a!c. Nov. t3. 19$1· l') D 2'(), ti.
bacd. tluOVrr.1it cm the ground (6g. 2).
"'He swnp$ on it (ligcs.. s 3.lld 4).
"I fc ,,..t:ep' :i,r♦iin in :i cirde (fig. ~)- 8. C2u.ldreo l'V<'~ping rhe hOt1$C-yard at a
''He picks up lhc dUty 01';,J.!lg,:: rotb it ii: hi.J hamL~ cnemony (m.M1U-ni1t 'fX(di). The girl hlc'I ;i r.iic ~~ ,._
::m! t?1ro.,.-i,:
it dnwn ~g:iin :ind s.t:imps on it. boy euri~ ::i broom in one band and :t CXXUU1J.t ..:Jr ~
"He $(J~ti. piW up t!1c or:uige :»,ll?in: ,r.:nnp, it intn <'ence i:n the other. '!"hi:<i~ a pu:rdy ~onial c·t' ;
the gi-0111'\d
ag:\in. r.if the y;\T'rljn which the ch.ildt-engo a.round th,:, "Q:'d
"He get, b?'omn :i.nd bc::gin$«> s,,.·-cep it away. p:'1:'l<:m,liugto 11wce:p.
"He $C.'C$the cine eamer.i. a.nd tn walk oowanl.~ Two dilldreo. ~rL lt P. Sc:modao.
G. 6. &uM'::m.Oa.. $, i957. 16 N' tG.

Plate 33
Thi~ pl:a1eillus1r,u1.~1hm- $)'ntbolic t'quations: the identification of food with feo:~; the: identification
of dogs wit.h 1.hc lower .i;piri1...-:;,ml lhe i1Jwtifi<.<1ljonof J)c:'Qpkwith lower spirits.
for ceremonial purific:i.tion. offcrin~ made of food :'lre !:'!id f1111 <m rht gromi<l for the lower spirits 3.lld
dtmons (boeta, J:ala~i:tc.). Thcs<: offerings arc normally eaten by dogs. Tn :;c1tr)e<.J:"t"emonj~,tlt<'$c:offerings
ukc the forul or :.:t foasL euen 1,y 1u:uple ~i11ing on t.bc:"-'TI.>t1od.
1. Annl.ttJ !~Sl (rn<fjar- dc-J<.t)!o:- Ilic: lowt:r ~pirits. This type o! spr~.1.doccun in :ilm171,u ~II <<-r«oook$
Thi:. rwt i; b-dd in the road leading lo the ccrcmoniall1 in addidon co the nised of.kritl.f.$fo:" tlli! high ~xt.i. The
Iow,:l'l (coa:ita.1'lt'c:st)g.irc of the ,·m:igt:. The g;m: £s 1.,£1. !mm, the firc:, ;in,d rhe !»5itiou on tbc i;touud
ibk in the bad.S!Ouud. T1tt food il' Uul Un I.lap, Ou ar<-<<>(ol!, the dc:mom,.
1he gm,nnd, 11ndth.- whr1le l'ill~g<-.~ir5on rh<' g,-nunrl to Hatuea.o. Dec 1. 19~. 19 M ::u,
t:a.t, l!1e mtu in um: gn)Up, the: :iui::s.JJ boy:1 ia ;mm.!u:r :md
1h.- m>mt'n :md childr<-n in; an.other. The <Miug ""'a$ a<• 5 :uiJ 6. A baby whil(" cr;iwling in the hou:se-
WQ:11p::um:<l Uy :1 fut ol shouting :::md g:iy sr.r.imbling m put, and a cloS; :l.t <>uc,:<.'O".Uaup to .:at the f«,e-..'. The
find plac<si,wd C'\'ct~~y ,·cs1·WL Tbi:tsc '11'$$ w::11<: ~Uy is reit-:nt.fol :ind h('lpkss. and aawJi as fan as pOf,-
'l'O'l>-rlyiro> of bthA\"i(')r (11g1;1(Jp~ cf. J>J.9;,) fo ~hk :l.(l'OS$ the )W w w!1c::-c:the othn (nilcir<-o. ~re.
?u:1d!inr, a corp,ie. l.aLo::r.,,mall p; of fond ,o·c:n: The dog fo!l"to:$,.:i.nclthe o.btt children i»Y 1m at.ten
bun~ on lhC UC'C-$ •t lbc W('$t g;atc and StU:Jl 00~'$$0;.uA• tion.
bh:d for 1h"~ f Sc:pd:. 1he h:tby, aged ~(G day:.; l Ld.d waJiing:
oaclulf,$ to dc~,u ~re u~tlllll~· ool.Wd,;:,:J uuCit to I De~-Ct\tkaning,tthe VQ)l.
~,. R:ijn,r.-ngr.Mc. April 30, J9:l'i· 'i u 10, 14.
:&ijOC'Jlj!;Gede. Ap::iJ j, tg:,;,. 6 1' 16.
7 .in.d $, A small boy {C'iU.) poutt Out his f(xxl for a dog.
T. A p;iinting of :t low tl"ffl()n (S:ing K:il:t Ng:irl..,ng) f'At• ·nti:s im:idcn( oocin-red immediately arc« '1-te c.ntc1'00 the
ins oUeri.o~ ($c-~c-han)ii.l ilic ~~ ·nu: hou$C, and ii lhcl'dore 1:1, n!l:unl or 1he am.l'lln!
are of the 530'.I(typ( M tbOIS<' $bOWOi.n fig. 4. t:nl c:\·cnts. M. M.'J T«<Wd i$ U {olloW$:
rainting b)' L n.. Ma-de Jktb of 6:itoea.n. ",::50 P.)L RCJ1jc1t:n(the b.aby girl) c::iring om of b:."<-
PtirCMscd Feb. 10, 11sS..Cat. ~o. t7. k.t:t: G::ii;,;lot.anding nhc)I)( (fog.7).
'"3:51 Y...).f. Gab uvertunt.1 hii ri~ (fig. R;).
;j.- A 1010.·-0.~u:
prie:.'t (1;.emt:ngk~) ~ke:i o!fcrilig:c (l·.ege- ''Tht-ir m(')1hcr $bot•lS ''ti! 'ti!' (c:Jlio.g to Catt, the
~) lo th<sJo-..'<:r.spirits on lhc g,:ound, a.nd :it d~ COOJ:« okkr ihtcr), .u .a d4f gc:u :it the rk<s, Sb< n1$b« do.rn
up ro e:it the Qffi:rlngt- and tesrnes the tOJ) layer :md 1:11:f'..i it. into 1hc htlu~.
D,;:uJj::t!au.. \fay rii, 19;s6. t Ji :ro. "C:iu Ji~ :.nd cries.
"C.ati pid,; up the tCT:tp.< mixed wirb c.anh and puti
+ Olkringi; ()·c-v:Jum) spre11d ou lhc g,roo.ud fo-r the lhcro in ~ lin o( p4;: food.
)OWC'T $pi:ril$, They ((ml(i~t (If: :i ring of five $.1Tl:tlllnf "3:56 1•• .w. C.:it:t cri« for money, and i, gi\•(m a ash
tr.l)~ amt:siuing :-ia:: t-wu bun.Uni;: eot.vuut J1d!:,. one Ou (worth aboul :t. fourteenth et! an Am~ric:,;:in~,).'·
top of the other; aod twQ tra}'$ (tj1;~g gtntcn) con- I Kcnjocn, babr girl: I Cati, dde:- -»M.t:r:1 C::i.t::i.
tail.'ling h~ekn~ing ingtt:ic!ienb. toh:io:.,o. :ind om;,. bro.her.
mental !ta! u.u-ouu. Bajoc:ug Gt:Je. Aug. 19, t911;. 1,4 J .{, 5.


8 -

,r ,-
I' • '-' ~r
~ _.~#.
"' " 4 ...

~ -;.,;,,
.' .
r ....-:

i.... • +i , ---
Plate 34
Cl~ly rcl:uod to the m.-xu,sof idi:-4'.$ illustnu?d in the last plate i$ th-c notion that $<.T;nnhliogfor monC'V
i$ a means of eliminating the um:le:an. \Ve noted that the ,:(i1P.11cc of eating gh~ way 10 rowdyism when the
people- are eating unc~I'! offerings to the lowc::rdemo1)S(Pl. 3S, fig. 1), and later we shall note the::rowd)i~:n
which occu~ ir"1 the ha.11<ilingo( corp:si:$.Tn pan. this rowdyi'$tn in faoe of the unclean a.n 1~ regarded :u.
over-<'.lOmpc-nsation for an undc::rlying di.:.g.ustand fear~ and 11te1)will C'\"cnboast of tl1eir i1lscn!.ith·?tyto uz.
dean stimuli. claiming 1(1 he "Japta" (et Pl. 95). Rut, in addition. the role of 1he dog as a scavenger pro\ idf'I
a .sort of l~ric, in 1erm:1or which rowdy .sc,arc:hingand saambling fol' money becomes natt1n.lly ;l l'ucthOCof
puri fiea.tion.
l to 4- Scrambling for mom:y Ul 2 «:re01<>nr (m~pcgat) thr<>wn out inm the road as une:kan. The "'-o= ..,
in ,,,.h:chrd:uio~ art' '"C\lt off" hetwcd'I tltc living and ~:1rd1ing for C"..tShin this obj,:,ct and iu o!kri.llgs ""-h.icb
P.bedead. ' riw:t.l i:$ pc:form~ :tl the conch1$ion of w~ thrown om ~ftcr they bad betn o«crcd ro cl=ioo.
.:iny ~ucncc of :m:,nw.ry «remoni«, e.g., aht2' burial Ratoon. Oct. 6, 1937. 16 S 1$.
or a.her acmation; and in S(trnc <Xml!llUAitics jc i$ abr.a
pt:rfo.rmi:d :it m.:uTi::ig,.>j,
:,,s a St.atcm<:nt of fin.ility. The in the mCl'l1nt:airui.'l'he ~
6- A runcr-.i.l p:-Oc.'<'Uion.
c;.r.T6ltonycxm~~ es.sco.ttflllyin 1,.".llkingtJi.rou;gba thread siou.,C:art)'ingthe <fe-adfrom tlu: ,·i!!:q:;<:to tb<: ccmetiM"'I',
,wpc.ndcd bc~·«n n,-o .stid1'. t!1~ break.iog of the gue., at a !a.'lt excited pa«. tlOO<l$T :n a run. T!:ic~ i:> ~
being The :cym.bofo:)Utcro.e.nt of ;:he brokt:u--o!I rd:ttion• p,3ust in th<: la$t fi<:ld,o -w.uh tl1t: dtaJ. l:te!ot<:going or,
.hip. t<> lhc- «metcry in the !uttsl. At this pr,ini. r~ wo:=.
Jn the ph,otogr.tpll-1, the «rco,ony i~ bcing hdd :Uttt drop c,ut ai lhc proccssicm,w th.u onl~·men uc pric,er:·
a !uncrtl, a.od I.he or the dt:ad w<>mtn, $tanding on at th<: 6.riat burying. ·n1c WOOlC.lltb:row c.a'lh2!:.~ !!:C'
the kft in fig. 1 :md holdi~ a d<>ll TC"j»~ntinK the dr.p.irtin~ g-ruup o( men. wbc, aT~ hac seen ,-·t!.h thci:r
dr~id. ,.;n ,;~lk. t!u~ the ;Tring. Ila laughter is con- bbnk.c:u sp:-<:adto C:lt('h Tht: Clish.
vt:mioiul bcb:;wi<>rin the !ace <>(death. AftCT t~ lxxty ha.<1b«:n buried, funhcr i»rt;1:1~ 11r.!ts
Thr parti(:ipa.11u. itl t.h<: riw:i,I ::m:. hi~~t<: Brah· (bdd) of c:.uh ~ present~! to Tht: dead. 'J'he ash. •
man,. wh<>ue scrambling for Chit?o!9<: <:ashconcea.1«'1in lhro1,.-n onto rhe men whei rhC"g:nTC.
the o(krin~. In Eg. 4,, l-...'()me.n are $('-:m·.hingiroldc :tn They s=mble v.iolcndy 1o-Tthe c:2,;h and tfat ~
offering- for c:ash. over lb<: body is (hereby ~mpoo down. The m<:n ttt=
Mc/)'gr.t c:r.r=onr, following the d<:.iThof t. B. Nj. t◊ t~ ,,m.::gc :iud gunb!<: with the ~Ul which ~ u.•
Sa.'C!k'swUe. qu..ircd ~t the !uncnl.
Datocao. ScpL ~ 19?1i• J6 F u, 18, 19, n. 'Fl)n('rnl nf B:Ji:.u.i.Dapct.
&jueug Gede. Sept. 8, ,936. : M m.
5. ,\n c,ld 1\-oman looking !or cub in dil\QrdW. offcri!\S,S,
·111i.~.,ttm: cxcuncd at :i. «rcmony l<> <»nsc,crat<:a ne·w 7, ("Jiild-rr.n :n:·.m:hiugfor in the "'·M:rc t fv.-
b0tl$<'~t-mple in a ridt low-em<: houschokl. 1'11 d:1b<1r.i.te ut:rtl ptoe<:$$i0llb:1$ just JUiStd.
bruum·l~k.t: ~pt.ullkr (pring, a sort of li-s) ~$ used to l Rer.::: 1 D~!!;, :).l the foncral of &ng ).fen&_.
scattt:T h()ly 'll'atr.r, and ::i.(i..a US<: lhis $"w.u Bajoeog C<:dc. o«. 9. 19$7· 16 z g.
Plate 35
In introducing Pfa1.e~6, we noted that in J3..lline$eculture the gamut of acLiY'ilicsM,,;·ingto do wi1h the
bodily ori6m fa:11$into two catei,.••.ni~ ~1iog of meals and dtf«ation, which are acwro~nied by;
auJ e.u.i1)gof snacks. drinking, and urination which are r~im,ncd cuuallJ and without shame. Plates 26 to
35 t<1 37 il!ustratt' the $CW.1.1dhalf.
31: illusaatc the fmt h;~lf of 1his di(.hotomy. 1'1:.:tt(:S
Suckling differ$ from the eating oi prt.ehewcd food in that: it is performed casually, .it .f'l<) fixed times;
it i!S performed in such a positi,"ln.1.h3..t the food come$ up:;urrd into the mouth, jn:sJe:-idof dowmea-rd a:s i,
~ in I.he absorption of pre-chewed food and in the e&Liilg of meals.; and- V(th:tps more signincant tfom
any of these diffc-rt'llcQ- che baby is uncou:i,:lr.'lioedand has Ulf:initiative in free :icccssto the bre;l.$1~
1. A mochc:- Sttd.l~ her b11hy.Nott: t!u: pee.itioo. o{ the 5. A ~by $l..lCk.krl:it :1 dry• brc::m.. 'fhc w~n in this.
bltby's lwlds and the extreme :i.bdu<tionof the h:tt little pi<:t~ w:i:1:m old ut.Ud who had ncv~ had a baby.
MJl<'· l Nell suddiog 1 {.i nf:ighbc:ir',ktby).
Mt:ll K:.l.n:lUsudiling J Kcnjoen, 3g'td 152 cla}'$, &joc:ng C'-1t:. Mar. tg, l9'7- 6 J 13-
Bajo,eng Cech:. A~. u, 19,sG.. 2 H ~
6. A bftbypby:1with I.he ristu bm1$t while lie is
:;:.A mQthc:r ~uckks her bl'lby. Thi~ plmt<>-;;riphshov.'$ .it tbc !dL Thi~ bCM,·ior )$ .i(,n:nttmed in proscmc <,f
lhe'Clll<:development o! the po.srn:rcs whi<h pla.a: riv3.l babies (cf. PL 70). but ooeurs COl:1$t:intly
.:,·en with-
tbe b.iby .:ib<wetlu: brtut. out thi; o:a-.1 rutnulus. (Thi$ pootogr.i.p!ti:s<:!
Utl! wo.w;n from St:,hrd~ !row the series $hc;rim un l'L 4;.)
:Bajo:ieng-Cede. Aus-. u, 19sG. .t H 27. Men C:cw:noentrucl:.ling 1 Raoeh, :1gw 580 cb~&.
Bajoeng Cede. /mg. 19, 191$7• 14 C so.
S· /\ 171QthcroftmtlSher baby the hTf"~i:it.The: at.1.o{
eiUering confflU in w,ming du: nipple u.powd. 7. Statue in a temple. rep:-cstttlitlg a moth~ :iadt.liug her
Men Nj:iwi with ha son, I K«"-'Al, agffl ,i:.: d:iy"- baby. Thi$ photc> $ho,;."$ tbe habit o! playing wi.h
H:ijoeug Gede. Apnl 14, '93'i· 6 U tJ\. rhe othc:r btelst., oanu:tli$tie:i.lly repr~ntcd in Bafu:o:se
4- A m«her .rud:le, htt baby. This c:,.sc: 1~ p.:o!uliar in Poer.i Medocwc, Koe:boc TambahAn, North
that die ulOLhcrhad been :idvi~ by her ht1$hanct·.s F,ur<>· B.$li.
pcan «nplQy.u to keep the baby Qfl :i sd1~ulc:. Un.Cor- Now.$, 19sG,. SF 26.
t.un:1tdy. il ""~ !l(){ possible ta to!!ow thn lnby'$ tlcv~1.
opmrnt r(I rh,:iil, but it i'S worth notiog that the: p:opk s. A b.iby rouses the bre.lit. hii bll.nd in.:1t~d.
o? (he: ,·i!l::g<:o:Y.Uroentod on the b:ihy"t ex.treQle quiet- This babr wu si:ffd'lng £romvcry scvc:re 1ctl.1ies,and bi$
!l.ffl and oo. tbe grc.1t. :mu,uut o! lime which it ~t moth~ wa:i :1lu.tti::ilia.nd ueated him C:tSuillyat1d witl1
a,leep. W(! ,o;·c:re::b!e to 00$0'Ve lhi.~b.iby :1:1!c:cpeve11in cli:dik He died .i ft:-,,.days btcr, :l.'O:dhi:s elder
lu b:uh. The child i$ d~ up tot ilS 424:ly bfn.hd.1y. brolhtt who been weaned ,.~ :i.llowcd to retum tQ
w~ring :i golden lontaoelk omamr.nt .:ind :: flower in the hre:i:iL
the Mir. Men Reta, with her utu'l:ttl!cd. $00., 11gi::d
with her cbitd, 11gn:l,4.~ days.
Wife <",fJ T:i..~t..":3.. 100 daf$-
K!a.mlis,Denp3.Sal'.Feb. 2$. 1939. 36 'f ,. Rajoe:llg Cede. June .:o. 1936. l N 2.



6 7
Plate 36

Long bt=for,ehe is weaned, a Balinese bab) is gi,..t:n a::ilt which he spends on sn:u:ks. On some da~'I Ms
nwn mother will up 3. tray of <l1·inh,.<..ik~ and pc:muc:i, and $it .sclliog d1~m on the side l)f the strttL
He wiU then be 3ble 10 #this small rcfre.,,hmerus free. On other d.t)'$ it will be an .tllnt or a ncig-hhor who is
sclliflg, ~md his one or 1wo cash wil! buy him a :i'l1pp}y of pca1)u1.~. ln early lire. 1J1i::vendor is i1) 1hi:sSC'nse2
mothcr-suh~1i1vtc. For adolc-~ut:s and adults, the g:r1J1.1p which forms arr:,,and the sclleJ"'..,: l.lbk is a se·uit!;
for mild Jlir1:uion and m:my :1eJle-1"$ <:ulti,-atc their skill in rcpance.
Most of the loo(}$which arc eaten in 1}1)$ v,.-a.y arc not pre d1op_pc:d,but :1;rewlid units. like ctkcs or sau-
sages, ou1 of which 1..hee:tt<:rcan tllc a bile. of throwing th·e food downw:ml in10 his mouth ;i.s be
docs at meal:;.
1. t, ;ind 3. A m1:1IIboy, not )'et "'!,~:iring rice-got (;, A ~mup nf <:hildren :lJ'Ound :i velld<>rin the ,i!1:tgt
ll'<ml :i sel!ct'$ table. He e:us it hc>ri1ontally. fo t!w a.'lt:. temple. There i:s a ru.le in BajOC'ngGede :igailut e:i..1,~,
rhe $Cller wa.~hi.~own mother (d. figs. 6 :,n<:f7). in lhe vill.:ig,etetnple while $~:in(ljn_gup; bu-r rhis ruk
l K:iT$a., .,nly appJj~ to the ~ting<>( me:11$:.ind $M.f(:j of fr.:.:e-<
May ~,t. 191'7. 9 F 1· 5, G.
Baj()(:ngGf:ICk. ll d~ nQt apply to t!te: e:iting o! ~ and ~llllUli gee.
fT<>mthe vemlot$,
•I· A h.i#i-cute 'K'Qoo.tO. e:ttiug c:w:1lly :.ift~ *
dwJ'a In rhe pbotOgnpll. the &('iler is t•aible on the ?et.
::10.d~y binh<b~·ttn:mnny. $h(' hol<h l1er ,mm~ du1d botdi~ a pl.:ite. In il:ont t1f hf!t' ue tw() j:i.""S <11! ca'kca
in htr a:rn$. :tnd ptlts ria: !mo he moolh h<>riwuully. bought fr<>u:t-a Cflinam:t.n at lfte ne:1'(($t; .:me!
from a pJ;ue whid1 w:1$handed «> ?1er :.l'tn- ,he «re• gathered amnnd arc cbiJdren who b:11.\'I?<11the te:t-
mony. ple ro watcli l11t::i:rio1.l$,
Wik o! l. B. W:tjan Cede :md he cfliJd. M~ Siogin, thi.' vend.,r: three, dti.!dn,n of !-:'tt~
Katoe:in. Attg. 4, 193;. 13 C 54. Mo«p:i. ~ide her; 1 C3:U with cig:i~ne; I Reocw.. r.•'r
bbd: $1\J'Ortg_ )ool:.i:ng d<)wn at l Re:m3'11t-t;l ~a:::~
~· A group o[ t•cndu~ wi.tb th1-:i'rr.ible-s:at a big a-n-.. with OUL>tff:t,c;hed band.
mony. \\'!u:m:,·e:r cr,w:d, <0.tne tog<:thc:r for the.anicals, !bjM-ng Ctdc. Oct. 1<11,1936. :( X 15.
dan~. g:,mbliog, ettcmmfa.1. C'!tt-.many sc!!m se:t 1:p
r.he.U:t:i.b!c:icm rhe «1tWru o! the ao'IC'd..On thd <>c.'OI·
$«m, $~•cr!I} hundred pi,:nple bad oo,.ue t'Wlhn- fTQm
otulying ~,11~es brin~g their gnd~ ro the sea (rndts). the side o!
7. Two womt:u :idling tlrjnks and pe:u1Ubl; <11n
MOS{o( the ~lien w!'te dowu wilh the C7mrd <>n the tfo: vitbgi-- $U'(ct. 1'hc :IOll of tbe \\~1 c.m t!lt' kft
badi. b11ceh.isi;roup ~t up t11<:ittables ii~ t!1e $h:ide-of S(!U3.1$W the fnr~nd.
a tetnp!e dose by. MM1Singin :uld l Radin. $<:lling; ! K:tr:Q ~1atdnig.
&h:., South Bui. April n. )~SG. 1 A 25. lbjueng C>ffle. May 2, i93;. 'i X
Plate 37

Drinking, like lhc eating of mad,s, h: done casually and "itl101>t~Mme. \\iatcr is. in fact, anually rt-
gan!ed a~ purifJing. Bdore ~ling, a Balinese ·w3.shnhis hands iMl his mouth; after catiug. he usu:llly washes
his mouth again ancl then clriilb.
At tbi: :spring,,.where pcop!c go to \'l;tsh, a little gutter is iso I.hat the water comes out in a jet,
and there :ire many special bathing pfa«s in temples, wh~rt J1<.)(1b:ire oonstrUctcd under :such ~t\1~hing jets

l- A man_ drinking .:i.fte: :l. in<:al. }ic h()ld.~ :1 CI.ICOU\lt 1· Tligh-OUU:8ra!1.m:ul men :retthing boty ,,::itcr on tbe
.<hell above hi!' mouth and pcxtris the wa.ter-so Lb.ata frc:e S:i!lle (l((3Jt(>O.
,o.e-..unnuu into bi$ mout.\. ,..ithout his lips wm:hiug Datoc-~-n.Dc:c. 1. 19f1. 1!} 1-f6.
th<:Uldl, Tn t,hf:pfa.i.nsvilb.gcs, :special pouuy contnin-
en. with :: spout 01.1t o{ -·hid!. the wa.t<:rCOJJle$in ~ 5. The w::m:rp« o! au :tdolcscent gjrl. Thi$- J)Mtngr.iph
me-am, l.lSerlfor is lileu l.rom.ootsidc the hou."lr..y:mJ
and .show$ We cot·
Nm.g Salx>e:hdrinking: Nang Rnui Ldlidc-him {<:f, oer ;.-bere the J)Mple go £or defeestion. The pot oon-
Pl. tg. 6g:i. S, 4, and 5 fQr ml1n p.icture. io this ;,equt:no::).'.3 the special water supply for th~ toi!t:t o( et bj~.
&jocng Coed~ April tf. 1937. 6 T Jl. girl at men:irdie. It sumh ei:'I the ,-.-all whkb
bounds J1t:r :1peci:i.1Jy
deco~ted home (d. PJ. 93 fm' di5-
cuuion <>fthe S)'Dlbolk rc.fatfon betwee:n the howc and
the booy).
t, Bo)'S ~thing in :t u:i:npk pool. lbthing ill .Bill is a :83.locau..Dec. 5, 19$7• 19 tr 3n.
$r.rl$0ry plc::uurc ntth<'t' than an dturl lO get de:in. In
i:;;euCl':J,I.heB,;t)jnese.u-c:not a C001pl.llsn' people. 6 ~d 7, Blthing at :t mmmuin spring, The~ s«'tl.CS OC·
They lil:e the .sme!J o! people (d. nr.m~, PL 5). Md, cil'ITM :it an :snnu::Jttl'Clll01lf (SM,einjth) :tt which oF.c:r-
thnueh they t.ailic o!ten, thdt> clothes arc t1roally dirty. U~ w.:s-.:.aude to the gods of cla: :1p:-fas,;!ro::n wb.icl:1
They a.reC$pe(i:illy fond ol lhc !cnsatio;i of coo! v.'::t.ter tbc villa~ gd:'l iu wati::-.Tbe o( the «r~mnny
m-nning over the slin, :tnd will ~t for J1oun in a 60,ring Wall oonduned .u1the t(fflpl~. but a priest 3.lld

SU'Catoor vndcr :i jt-:to! w:l.lo:l'.Alter l)athtng. thcr s::i.y ~·o girh WCTC~t with :t !e:w o!lt:.1:U~g.s to the springi.
that the hQdy ill ··,rs," neither tN"i hot nor W<>oold. They On a.mvU1g thttt they offer«'! to th~ g,,d~ and :?:en
use t!ie ~c word t() d~I.Jt: the Scns3tion aftf;T :i bout took the opportu11it}· of h:ithing.
o( mal:iri:i.. Djero lbOC' Kecuc-1:l.l the jct; I Pin{i Ming h~r h:1ir.
T:m1_pak..,U'iug.Pho«>gnph by J:me lk!o. Bajocng Cede. Nov. 25,, 1937. 19 G zi6, ai•

8. Washiug a <o.rr~C".~,. o{ holy water Ot'cr

the ~ :,m e.~i:mi::tl feature of &fin~r. rnonuan
3- Girls rcce,.,·mg holy water cm a cakndric h~id:i.y =mni::J.. pho<ograph $hows the: fu:1tnl proces-
(C4Wengan). This ti :t d.,y on wbich pc,op!c m:d:,e dabo- sion ch:,tertd ar<.mnd the body while holy water froro :t oflt:riJtKS for their born~ tcr.11p!a. wett thtir hc$r $f!«i;iil .,pring i:1pc:,w·cdover it. Th~ w.-~ ill (Xmt:1.Uln!
clothes and ,·isi, (::!di other. The Bnb.m;in$ shown in in :s lo:i.g b:unboo (cf. Pl. S!), fir. 4 a.ud 6-, :s.ndPl 99-
Uli$ :1-ndthe next pl:totoWaph stm the d:iy by ?t'<:d.\•Eng Jig, sl,
holy w:ntr from tt prie.,r~. ·n1cy drink sou1e, w.d sprin• N~ng holding the bamboo at the fllnt:r.el u!
lle the rem:..ind(:I'on tlu:ir 'tnd bodiC$. Dong Mcrada.
B:i.toe:m. Dec. ,. 1937, 19 N 1n. Bajoeng C(lde. Oa. 9. 1937. 16 Z 9.


. ..
' •

.:---~·-· d.'
. ~--

• 7

\ .

Plate 38

Plat~ 38 to 4z arc concerned \\ith autocosmic gcniul symbofo.m. Tt i$ n()t.enough to .state that a gi,·cn
object i~ :a geui1.1.l~ymliol. lx:c.tusc such .symbolism is probably univcrill in hum31) cultu?'€'_<1:. Some tn◊re $fll:·
cjtic st:ucmcnt is ne<:C'l!\.'!l'f in m·<for10 1hrt1w light on ch."U"actcrstnicnm:-. We need to know what sort of
tbing:s arc symbolic in this sense-. so that we m3f know what J'le\yCh◊IOgi(al rofe the gtnitaJ organs thcmseh·cs.
pfay in 11,~ d1:tr.i(:1~r; a.rvl wt: need to know of any gi,·cn item whether it is 3. symbolic exteill!i◊u of own body
or rcprcscnt.1somcL~iug:lp:lrt ffflln t111~ ~If, wme po\,·er to which the self must bow. genital symbolism is almost entirely of the :'lU1.()t't),l1ni<.: 1ypt; i.t.., wme object in the outside
WMic1is irlrtttificd as an cxtcns?on of o,m body. The \"3.S-t majority o! these !>ymhols, ~) far ::i.~ we h.;1veolr
served, re-present the 1lui~ gi::uit:111, ;m: ;1IJ .-liiC' in that the- ~ymbol is in some .sense rcsponsh·c to
.iml 1h1;":"<
Of s1.1di.$)'Wbols, thC' most important is the baby. llaJinac adul!.1 avoid ovef'•l't"sJl()n~iven~ in intc-r•
personal relation$, hut 1l1ey<.<utobtain n,i-1<.m~ hf ;e;pplying C'ither pleasant or unpleasant .stimuli to babics
who have not yet kll'ned Ille unresponsive habit.
1. Onl.wingo( a Ialher who child who h~ a tlowc:r. 1· Or«sing a !xtby for his l0!,4ay bin.he.lay.Tb: wum:m d..-;;.wing:(wlu.tcvc:r 1:1'.:l)' ?u.,·c been iu mrtning
to on t!tc right ii in :i.di·:inecd Fegn;i._ncy(her baby WU
lbe artl$t) providC$u.s with a d.iag):an:i.maticstatement o( horn five wetb kuer), 2:ud sbc: holch the baby up a1 :i.n
the inter-pi:r:um.:ilp,uu:ms. which follo,,.· from tl:c: role: angle, wpportiog bis. f«t on b<:rabdomen. The gir-1Od'.l
o! the d:uld all :m :nuooosmi.cgenital s:rrobol. The clill.d tl1c ri]:';ht i.~n.x.ingtl1c b.:iby'~hc,2ddnth.
is i.n the m.iddk of a series; be » tre.ited .1$ ;in ~•ens.icm l Taah; I Scpck., aged 105 <lays:1 Ma.rUtg.
u! b!,I fathc::r':1pt:r.ll)mdi,:y :md ht": l'2rn:1 to collc:ct :w:tlo, R:ijoc•:nt Geck. Ott. 2, 1936. 2 V 3.
go:tlSo:te1Uiom o( h.unscl.l
Thf' fa1ht:r :n rhi,, dl"Z'lring-orriC':I .:i nkc and h:u :1
5· A $4ll('(':ling OlllCl.1$OUl o( her daughu:r'$ OO$iC..
sicl< in h:s heh. 'rhi)' ill do11-e-to ba.bic:Jmcm: fn.:(iu~dy dun is ne«,r.Ur,-.
P.:iinring by J T:1weng of futQt"~in. ~nd. Jiie the pulling of the genitals, it i$ ~ouc "';c _
P'urclw.oo. Aug. 2S, J93i• O\L No. 499. suddcm sharp motion. fee-ting the nt1$e slip through U'!se
6n,gen.. An o!dct· wO!Jr.u\w:tt<:bo.~,
2. Ce1Ul:J lll3.Uipu!:tLiou o( the baby. This takes S<'Vct,11 Kesir. T Mr.r<"..s;
Men N~mi.
forms; «>mmonly thC'lJ'l(l(hc:rp<p,: the pe:ni, ~md giv~ &jocng G<.-de.APJ'a 14. :9z7. 6 v 2,;.
it a <{uici tug whiJ,: letting it sll_p thz.-ou,shdte ~
u if ..pu.Uiog it oa." In other cu«, the mother pass«
!1c: l1;md r~pc•.u(':(!lyupw:1nt o,·c::- the pub,::1 and abdo- before ptttting ba
6. A mother washiDgher !)~by'$he:1<.!'
men i.u i;ucb :,. way that lhe pcWs i$ pr~ llp'lf;mi hy
ill tht":bm1in. She lm!(b the b.:.loy,;o Cut tltc: bab'f', l~
~eh p:1$$.~ge o( the h.:ind; ,ir .~he m:iy ruf!le the pci1U proj«ts !orwud O\'cr the basin o( water (cl. Gg.4 abc:wc-
Mt:n Sing-in '!l-;islliflg l Oj:1mcl(-l:.
up'll':l.rd wit11 n:pt:att..l liu!c Jlid.s. tbitis ah:oost the c:-:aet
gesture I.bat a man uses wbco be rnffl('S,:p th~ h:i.c;l:le B11.joe.u;Cede. Feb. it, l939· 36 U e;.
fe,:ithc:r:sof hi.s fighting oock w ma.kc it :u1sry {d. J'L
~,. Jig. 4). These beb:i.vio:1 3.11play; lhey are not n» 7. A mu:lifion:11fl'lmiU\m,ent in hdl ... Jlad :i. 1"111::l:l::t o:u-
tivatOOl>ythe desire «> ql1ict the child, h1tt.hy the desire ,c:hitd only :met this d1:h! c:,.me w die ::.nd ho.-:c,o.1.t?i c.
to ~i: the <".hildn:-ipond. woroan foJlo,.-ed her cluld by $0ITOW10 the b.nrl or ·'iir
Me.o Nj~"1i hold.i.Af;I K.oe"""t,:i,scd 30 d:1ys. got to vlrT'f :i v~ ,~~ Clt.epibt O!l ::ia
d(":t(!, (hen $11<:
R.ij,w-ng C.Nle. :\pril 3n, 1937. 7 V 1· du:)(. !lO'll· the wo-.i:ia.utried «> rcpudwc thu ~
from bcrscl.(. it $<ayedb.mging on her chc:est.-(Ix~
,.. A little girl with_.t (U<:nmbr.T doll. She ea.Tries it i.n a !mm ~n =y nn ''T11r. Crema.ticm in Ha.If' writtcc,1b, 1
:iling likr .:i b::aby. Pfay wit11 dolls is oo,, .'•ladt": Ra!cr o( Bodt!cng, while he W1S !earning !Qg-
stou:-mo)t of the S;irl:shave :re-ath:'1.hi<'.$whkh (hry m1w llsb.}
lool:. after ttrn:1,ci1h whirli rhey rnn play (d. l'I. ?8, for l';iinring i;kr.1dl(':(!by l l>j:its. :=.ud fmi:.bcd br I. H. P.
;anothu b:iliyo:1ub,.1itute). Boen. of Batoea.o.
l N"1'.tpah. P,,,-reh:i.wl$,rp:. 6. 1937.C:it. Nn. S·t6. R~n«d it '~
l\.ij~g ~ Oa.. i-. 19~ ll tJ 3i:. fo1ca.r.
Plate 39
Par.-.1ld~ith tlu~LrcattCl<:in of the d'!Hd a.s:in aut0<.X)S1ttlc symbol, we find 1.hatmanipulath·e phay
~ith the genital is permitted to the chi!d. l~unhcr. eilher-asa,31. the cona.inU:3.ld~tr.tndfor response
or ;1.s a n."ltvral c:xteru:ioo from i,he pkawre o[ thh incro•;er1,f)!ay, we find btcr, in <llildrt» and adL1k-1,many
pn'ltural bal,iL,;o( ", The m~t cx.trttne of these is a sit1ing position in which the head i.sbent do...,.n
,wcr the knees.
tta·ings:into the temple. ·r'he prooc:»ion is p~i:ng within
t, :md g. /l =ll bo)' iu W$ (.)thcr"l bp.
lo tbii t1po,5Ni ~tio~
a f~ k•ct of the i.M:o)S, om'.!boy
111{ig. 1. t.111: father U ~king M. M. for a j;ii-J:.ctfo-r
:du l~ing up fror.n :a pc)muc in "'·hich .he w-.d lol<:!cd
while the liOn p).tys with hiJ peti.fa:.
Ws $1C.m,
in on hini:sd(; thi::othCJ squ:ars with bis b:u:ds vnda hi$
fa 6g. ~. th,: hl.ber'1 :mcorion bu shifted away ffuro.
thigh:{, pUlling !USpcr.ii1, ,ci,kv,"1J$,
the 50n, :md lhc $Cm'llbwd11 (()fflc L<>gcth~ on hi.s
l Soewak.:i:I J,Jna. (wuchu:d buys).
d,cu. Cede. ),1a:rcb.11· 1937. 6 F. M·
In ~- 3. the Sl>O'slcut<h ON>Vt: up to hU fa« ,and thc
rigbt h:mtl auru 10 yfay v.-ith ms lip.
6. A low c.l!te bc.>y{tocn :mmhcr ,:ilbg,e io :i gr<>up of
(rtW' d>.ild was kft,hauded. Tbe o.niiu.,ry B:ilinc~
,oulkr hig:h-=u? boy:c v,ho .-re duwiog in the :{:tnd.
n.1.k U :h:1t ilie right band mwt not be used for Lao•
The $-tr:ingcr l\lm~ !U'Sbacl: ,m the othr.n 3Jlc1draws by the g:cniub, :t0d thi:s diild "'"" comt:i.utly cnr•
him~. Ol.n ~t"lUj (low cas.:e, :,~ 1t1) gu~
n:t:lCd. L,1tr.:-they will prot.,.,hly tlcode that he ()Ug!UlO
that this bch.:ii.i'iorw:!i $hyn= ul the p:t$CO<:eof an
Collowthe: t'C'\'~ o! the ordi.iury n:lt: and 'rdm·e bis
left b:md {o'rgi!t:1 and food :md ow: h.¼right !or oru;lr.a.u
:tdult high-<:a"~artist (not "dibk in the phowgraph).
The boy bim:1el£ , tha.~ it -w:u bccal)~ ot lh<: -trttle
things.) ono": th:it he did not w:int I.hem to .seehi,. dr.t"-'iog
l'i:lng Ka.nri.i. the lather. I Gata, the son.
(-wbirh W3~ more: s\illlful Ihm thcin). The pholngnph
Baj«og C.etk. Juni:: 18. 1937. t I S z, 3- 4.
illmtrat« witbdraw:d io ao (;'fflb:an~ing s,cuing. where
4. A nWe (1.:moeraftr.r W$ dance. He had jus.t gi,·i:n an
~ n:nd dtStC gm:00.oflic:;tfo;:(UC$.
t Sun'bch n! Se3at,top k!t; t. U. P. T-endo of Jbtoe:i.o..
1::xhibiti-c,ndance with hi$ J.i:.1trwhom he h;id L--3.incd1'i
a oomt:.iUp d:enn>f' (djngd, cf. rt 59, fi~ : 3.0(1i, for '-'<-'nter.
futOCUl, Oa.. 5, 19$'7· 1GL 34·
phmograph:< o! his daucing). He OO'IC:.:its !oldt:d U). <1n
fUl'n$('lf. ;. ,'\ h.igh~e ~ withdt'3.W$:ifu:r he b;i$ be<:n Qrnwi:-ig
1 lh1"CgQf Seht. lungli. in the $3.0d ,,,ilh.the othm. 1114 is:the ,ainc boy showo
Ba.jocng Ge&. \.fay tS, 19$7. 9 Q 1.
in the a:atcr (l! 6:g.ti, bnt the phl'.ltogt'3.pbw:u lak('fl on
5- T-:.--o:{mill OOy,;wuching: a proeoi;:ioo. Th~ :'lfe $it. anot.!1erda)'·
ting in the out:1ldi:porch o( th~ ,·ii~ tc:mpk. watchi1ig L B. f'. T<:nOO.
a strc:un of vilb;get'l' :tlld $(f:ll!l;'tl'$ 0t")'iU& goc:f.1 :md of•
natu(:3.ll, Oct. 7. 1937. ,G V a•
, ' '

.. J



1 l



. !✓•t


A 'ff)' Jarge varic-:yc,f obj«u lali mto ~ and their idem1bca1ion u g<'l'lital~.nhoh nt:t bt:
suj)pO?'tcdfrom the-extt>:ru.i,·c Xorth Ba!iticse s•-...; TOG.bub.ryof mc-ta.pb<.>rSfo:- the penis (''pnp!)y'·; -crurd-;
-i.r:s··; ··$-pear": "leg ..; ..shon Ji:g'': ..w!-; "wan.:og-s:id"; ..Dragon"; etc.).
1t v.ill he nored that m.(nyc>fLhcobjects sbo'llt.--n on this and following p?ate$001?\binc s.utonomc.:i\is mMe-
ttk"lll with responsive~- M2.11yof them ~re s.lh-c (babiQ, puppies. Sghti:ng t't'ds., crickets, etc.). :tl'ld C\"C'll
UKl$e which arc not ali\•e capable o! movement (it>f>-hC3.'\'}' pcnn.a.nt$ which bend in tl1e wir'ld. kites., piD-
,,..bcc!s, etc.).
l :t.nd t. A :.!llall boy with :t. dtOppt:r (bdtliw:s). Tb.a boy w.-uiillfaITa\'lgt'{i :ro tli.:tt thC}'make :i noix m the ,rind.
s=ttcd arounrl for ~,-tr:tl minutci 1..-ithtlm chopper J nw..c.,,tc wom:tn with .. girl.
bdd .:i; ,·:irio!Jll :wpjl,cs. &tocan. Oct. 5. 191'7• lti N to.
fa 6g. 1. the chopper U pointing<.Uy3.t eh<:c:im·
era, and (he lmy iii i:t'l I.bea« of tuni.i.ns;witb :i nril1i;iu& 6. A painting nf boy$ 0ying kite$. TI~ill)pc)lt Esa form. of
movement. \ic.iffi.)n,; n:m!lict. like c.odtfigbting and crkl:f'r.tignw:g.
Io. Jig. 2, h-c:sunds ~ for a momem with hi$ shoul· Tw-o 00)1 "fight .. with their k.itt$..<".. eh to CW:e
«n thrown back and his fcc:t turued io. tht suing of hi,; kite cut lbe ming o! t!ie other's (cf. Pb.
l Kana. 41 .ind i%• for a\ltoo,gnic :1)1U!b<t!s oo wini').
ibjocng G~e. Dec. u, 19~. i Xu, %3,- l':tlnting by I. B. Kt. &r,x of lbtnc:i.n.
Pu~ Nov. 1937. C:iL No. 57. itedur.ed x 1..,
S. .:,,. spear dltn<e (bans toentbolt). These mol.mtllin !:ne::a-.
tb.uees uc pc.rfon:n.ed by a nnmbo- o( men d;inc;ing Ut
wtison. TI:er arc $low daun':ll alld l,Un:lliy per!<>rtl)(d 'i· A ~imii>g o{ crida:l·{i#lting. The :?lCll ha1't- the.:-
.,it!1 \'CJ~· lildC l:in:u:1tltetic t'(:rve, In I.he pbologr.ipli. cr:ickeu in ~J bit!nboo ~go. ~f<> t-'-:c c:-.d.t--.$
lhe d.lnc:n ,t:m<l.-iholding hill si,eu at a niscd a.ngk. ;11ngry, t!1ey :UC t(11$(d witJ1 bni.1-b~. \!,.'hc,n tl:.-1;~lrt" ,-1;..

lfa grip Q:1the ipc:ir U liruilcd to the tip:1 o{ the fi.ngcn ciently angry-. two crick.CC$ 3:f'e pi.H ~ hT ~
of hi1 left h:ind. thcir ,.:i~ t:0.d to end 1nd ~in: rh,c,p;c:-u~ ~
l W:mder:t. WCl'lbet on the: T'<':$Uh o{ the (()nfti<.."t.
&j~g Cf'i!e Nuv. 25, 1937. 19 l 32:. that m:c!r"'w the Ing., r.u1.rt _
Tbc- :in.i,t :s1,.;1,ted me
f«-o:gruund oJ (he piaurt ti a ··$1gn··(trm ol. ,r~i• :!x-
4- A high pmn:mt (oerttbt!-M.mbel) which is a,rrifl<! in picnuc-r""pn:se:1ted.
~i01ls ·...-ilhlhc P"-
Tbis $j)('Ctll1<'.'n
h:n a myth<>- f':tfotulg by L 1\. M1d11:
logOS ol B,atCld::..
?$Crp<-nt(~) e:U.Uted ❖o the ooth.. Pur<b:1$-edFeb. l~ l9$7• C;i,. Net. f40A.
Souih Bali (village of origin not l'C«>rdcd).
Sa.b:t. April u, 1956. 1 S 9· S. Two bjgh.o;su: boys teWng 2 cricket. One- b:l'f
the cricket with a gr.i~ :,;ten. while the other w,tc:WS.
:J- A woro:in giving : pin9"bec1 m ~ =ill girl. Pin. Ulc-;r-f:u:i:d e:<pressW,n~,,:itb t."i.-MCon Pl. 4+
,i,-ht'l"I$ and propdkn arc very coi:u.mon in lbli. Tllli::~· L IL M:iri: 1. B. M. S:iOOd1..
re Stt up on the hom,~:tnpSan.d in the fidili a.nd U(' Raw,ea.n.Feb. 3. 19tS.. 2:1 I. 6.
Plate 41
,-~.11 id~l combination of $p<:>nuneousmo'l('meut ji provided by t.hosietoys which
oonsist of a lh·ing animal on a string. The Ust of animab whkh :m: treated in lh.i.sway is considerable (bees,
ccncipcdc:s,babies. birds. puppies, etc.), and several sorts of inanimate objeca arc treated in the same way
(kites, banana Bowers,e«:.).
as ~rtniw1 .syrnhot.s<an be ha.d not o,,ly from 1he beh:wior of the children in
ldt:ntifa-.ttion of th.~ t<>y.s
their play wilh t.hem, hut aJM>from 1.hejinglinz rhymes whkh the c..fl.ildn:nsing. Such rhymes typically con•
sist of two paired coupkts. The first couplet is superficially meaning.le:», e.g.,
"A o.u a ~triug,
A < in a baslet"';
while the s«ond elal>or.i1~ on die ~\1;d theme init,licit in the lirsL
The R.1liu~ ti..thit c;.( 31.uchiug such symOO!sto strings instead of ho!ding them directly is pcrbap$
rcl:u.ed to Ehcir fanusy th.3.cthe body is made ot separable autonowous parls, and to ,1·1~i..-
h~bit of gi,.·i1lga
sudden tug at the baby's penis.
1 and ~. A man ti~ t,..o b:tbiei u~thcr. 1n !tg-.1, he is ;. S, :i.<).d9. A .s:uall boy with a banana flower Qn .:i. h:im,
lyi.ns a to bjs SOO.'$ wrist For a 11o·hile
he pby«l hQo thnng:. Th~ toy w:i,:,m:u!c for th~ duJd by h~ pu•
widl him on the mirig Jikc .i. bird. The:n lie tit":d both lie ,.~!H ofl wil.b jt :Jooc, alld bce:aincco01p.Jetcly
wris0t;,'6mC'OUepwilihed £or al»ori>cdin slowly f,l(t$--i.rring wirh if.
Men Sin.gin (I xusa·s mother) iu,ggew:d that he ,fo hi fig. ; , be b:ti the ti1oogm·cr bh head and is slowly
:ind Karb:i wrm.!<ttb~
K;rrb.:. ro K:iY'$..l -be an me (i.e., ptlti.og the thong with a rbytlunk .movemi:nt.J ;nt:r he
yolu:<l). p.;iu~ hi$, h(:.lld in the J:lffll': way.
Fjg, ! $hows (he- lWO <hildrcn tied rog<-th<-.t'. Jn fig. S., !1c h:lj tu.mtd lOwud the caoier.i. tTe hold~
Nang Oe:r:1: l K.;iM, hiic ~on, -aged 5uis da)-:,i; 1 k~. LOO~ h:w.ds to his head a\'ld look$ Qnt U'Omb~~n h~
oousin ot I KuOO. :ITTl'l:'I.

Uajt)Mlg Cede-_ June •u, 1937. 11 X 6, 4!>', fo L.g.9, be ha& .returned to hi$ ()()fflp!t":u:;il»urpcio:'l,
Mc.1nQW h:i.~ th~ thci:ig bent cwei· ja. :t gr:tcc!u! c~c
a, ,i. 5. ::md6. A boy with a will p3.tTOt on a perch. He p.t,»,ig: bctwca\ his legs to the l:>$n$1niihud which i;,
is le~ ovcr lhc t<>wbarrier which p~enr,.: rhe pi.g,: tdwld him. The ··handtc.. t:nd c,f d«: t.hua:g t.\ ;i;gainst
m)ffl t!nU•ring rhf: hoiuc,~nl J.n £g. l'i• be foob Jo-..·~ lb,: .bii <:h~.
road, igm>ri:1gthe bird. ·nu: unopeoed ba.LUIU b,1d (pot11;oh~ li=lly ... heut'1
lo 6g-. 4, he lifu the binl and it. wl1ik his is 1.1scdin Balin~ $ymOO!ism in p!acc o( the Joni$ bnd
right ,:irm,whiclt !ml<h the pcr<h. also c:ucHts his ch(d. of Hinduoi,.-:0. !t appc3.1'$ as a $tl1T~te foe the
In Gg.5, he lilts the perch high ..,,ith both .b:md$ and d:itd tl'.teaemonials. (W,. m-tleafllta r.:ir-.fog ot a prin•
1ook.s up ;it the bird through cli.c -areh made by !U:S:mull. cc» cradling: $tlcl1 a bud i.n her Ul:ll-1.)
In fiK,G. tht bUtl hu turned :round on its perch and l G:ita.
$tans to flap its him. lhjocng Cede. J:in. 19- '9$1· ~ G 6, 3. 9.
t K;i:na.
Btjocng Cede. Aug. 18, 1937. lS X 17, 20, :n, U,

1 9

4 s

7 8

10 11 12

Plate 42
Thi$ .sequence illustr.-1~ Lhcvaric-tyof bch:1\·ior.1.l1~uerns which a $lngk child cxhihi1s in playing with
an ;,uu>e:Mnticgenital $)'mbol.The whole s.equc:no:,as recorded in M. M.'s notes, la)i.ed about 15 mim,.11ei,, bet
of 1hi$ period only ahout 'i mimHC'.Swu!edwith the cai:nera. At this poinL Lhe film in the :s,1il1 c:u:t'l.'C:"a
finished, and lhe remainder o{ the scqut-oee w·a.srccor<led ~•ith the motion•fiicwrc camct.\,
F..l:tnc:ts U'o,n M. M:.s n01.c~ ··Kana holds the hinl ovc:r the step" (6~. 7. 8, and 9
..Suddenly, while looking a, ~=v~ (br<.mght by a Vo.ring chi$ cpt$0de M. M. ()(mk! not see v.11.u K.l::u
~11('1'},1 noticed that 1 Kun bad A tiny bird Ut'la h.irk. "'':i~duiup:. Ll .6g. ?, he I= the bird on the eoo~ J.!l:d.
srring. whidl. be w:1:1 d~gsing 11.hom. dropping the end holds hi:sbanrl$ in 2n open V, Jn fig. s. be W the h~
c,.n rhe ~ o{ lhe ,•cz;,,-ncb ;i.:1djs slowly p:min}; ~! ~t
(){ I.he s.:ring, so tltzl it Olltt,,.cd aw:t)'- dr.iggiuj:, it abo\lt
ag:iin. ~na took rhe bird cwtr «> M., b.ilicr, "~ r.i:»ne wiW his right h:ind (d. 1'1. 41, 6,g. ;). tn iig. g. be b.u
ques.tions.about it :md 1.ri«l tQ hide it in hi:. falhtt's kt th~ hird fa.JI down over Ule ec!g-c. v.·bcre i, h.a:1:;e,,
"·hilr. !u: looks bacl:. ;11:l1i:1mother .
blanJ:ct (cf. J'l. 04, fig. 2).
"K:t= drops the :<uil~ Watch.,,: the bird Jrottt.:r, ..Kam tlc:$ the bml lO ano){her p<ISt (6g:s. JO anrl t:
"H<: !alls on it- feet Jockcd~cthc:r. )hitu:rs ~·cr it (Appv:ently l:e .6.m tiffi it by LwisU.n,_~ the m-t end o(
rhe llt.riu~ 3100.l)d the pc»tdi: fig. 1n,.:md then qri('d lr.;s
with hi:<mouth rjght over it. Qrrls n,·c1riL
··nc a11~1$ with it in hi.i ful~u r()'IO";lrdinothCT. by carrying the: bird it$e-\f round We post in iig. 11.
··K:ina !citlu at pouncing on tbe l)in:l 11i·ilb both hands
D!'Op$it. S.iy,1"16 dead." Uc: climb$ np mi his tn<>thn':i
bacl:., rollickS. kicl:$ hill heeb up, mi !USmoth(!r·:1bad.. cupped.
"'Anmbtt 'U'QmZn"llW bim ,um(: q\1~tion :&bo-utthe
··ne :1:i.)'j'Oh! It"$ t!t"~d•and holds it Qut to his rt'IOtl:!c
bi.ttl. Kars:i s:.ys ·ru tie it up." Cotnr,;. ewer to the corm::· Uc: beati 11.thi5 motb:r with bi$ h%nd.She says 'Xo. l: i
fl(lr.l (uf our vcr.inda) and ri.~ou Lhe bird with two we··· (itg. it).
!11 the SOO>ndh:iJ! o{ the g,equena:, !1e ;;;gain r)el. t;x
,wi."lt:1 :o~md the pOOt (6g. l). (At this poim, K~ :1a.1
bad:. aw-.:i\'from the loola:d a.l il, while exteil:d· bitd to :i pu:rt; U>.dagi1.inplay$ with the n(ltioa i.;.;;it bis
mnther ill te3pon$ihle for bird"~!l." In add~tioe
ing bis l~~ ~ ".adl Wde <>fthe- ~t. Tnill beluvjor i.~
shown in 6g. ~. bt1t "-""ZJ not .rc«:>n:lt:din the ,•CTml ac- to WC$<, he &tam % new l}'f)Cof p1n b'I p ...u.rc
th~ bird be-tw«n hi:r k~ leaving it for :i. t'!>OOJff!~ ~
"K.ars.i loc~ns ming. :md the hinl. U"C<:'d. ftntten biti.d bis Q,11ckprcteudi.n_gcc, fo;gotten i: ,d. Pt ,;t
;ic:rcui;;the noor. F::ina hurts bi&finF as be~ :t!ter jc fig. 5). Thea be wdf.mly wmed and "fm:m!' :t. • if
After th;$ pb.y witb the bud be~
surp..;__,,.,d,. his :,:rt
(fig,..S and -1)· ltc hcld tbe bird in the o~ni:ig of his m,:iutb. >.L~
..$am"' - rolls over. ayjng (fig-.s).
··1 :ay '\\'here'$ tl1c:bitcff '-fade Iuler (nu'!' secretary) ft1.mer;1S3insthl$ lip:!.
:1:i.y~'ls t~ hin! tun?' K,ar.p goes and gd."I tfa: bitd .ig:iin. 1 K:uSl.
..lte ho!W. it ttp mme ta his upniK'<l Mnd :ind !e:u it T\.:ijoc:ugCede~ 1'fan:i1 4, i957. 5 G -r, ~- -;. S..9, t: •
ftnttd" do~-n (6g. 6). 'lS- 14, 15, 16. 18, :10.
-Rcpcati thii. The bin! cries.
Plate 43
Of the brgc ,'Ulcty of .sulOCOSm.iC tor or dlildhoo<l, ooe or the most imj')(')l'Wlt or ~ which persist
into a< is the figluing cod:.. c.:od:.fighListg. in Da)i, i~ 3. gunbling :1p<ll'L
which is indulged in by a very
lari,,reproportion of the mak p,pulaLion. Thi:n- :nt: ce:ruin, howt.-vcr,whtt arc partirula.Jy ad•
dir':tcd to it. who keep many flgluing cocks, g0 (':OnSunt!yto OO(;kfights, and bet more than they t:\O afford.
).kn who:;t ciLiu:nship is inoompktc or who h:l.\'Cbct'n di~ppointed in wine way ..take to" <Xleldighting.a:s
men ju <.>i:r<:h'ilization t2ke to drink.
The C\'idcno: for regarding ,.he fighting"«:oc.:l:. a.~3. ~ital symbol comes fwm the postures of meo hold•
ing cocls, the sex shn-g and sex jing!es, and rrom llalitte<e cirvings of men wilh fighting <.·<>ek:\:. The postut"t$
imagir,ed by the carv~ arc C\'C?l: more diagnostic than those of du: )i"ing men.
1. Watd,jug a cockfighL ~l'hc men in the front T:ink.c,! odds llU}' b<'given.) &:!ore the ~t. c-ich m:w botds th.e
the :iudicnc-e, :ind cspcciaUy tffl~c whose cocb :u~ fight· other 1T1•:m".s rod. &O that be cin !ed I.beenemy o::id.":1
icg,. U$U:slly~Ul.1 in thl'I vr.ty wilh d1~i-ranuS ruprc,m:d JUl':l'lgthand mat.c$1.1~ that it is 00< mtx:h itronger than
"n tfa: lu:i.CC$ .it a point just 1100\•r:t!1t-:elbows, T1w:mm his own. 'When the are O"l:t~cht'lC! ::md ~-, tbc-y
on th<' right. bad loM. hfa citi:u:mhlp in the vill:.tgc be- :u,;d a kmg :1=1 :1pur is ca:rclolly bou:\d
are ~p;,:--.1.1.,.,d
cauM- hi:1ou!y child h;id been a girl. lh: was an addic:t \1!1tothe lower ;,rrf:t.oe o{ each <oc:l($kft foot. The cock.s
of M. M. obsc-m:d thal wb<:n he W":lS CX· ~re ;ilf-lill brought tog<:th<:r;ind 2ftc:r £utthcr teMi-ng ar-c
cited W":ird1inghis ~ in battle, be :mQ\•t:d h~ baod$ :u (rec:d to fight e.ich Qcilc. The round, are Tcgu!:tted by a11
if he ideni:if)'ine- wllh the ronf!ict<:r than wilh vmpire with :i water-dock.
his own c<X:l:.,fa bis Mln.cimllvc:mi:l'H.$, it appe:a.rtd thttt &t0<'3.n. Oct. 5• '957· ,6 it !$3-
one hand rcpre&('nrNIm1i: rock 'Wbil.ctltC Ol.h<:rband n:p-
Tf'..,;1mtcd the otha-. :i.nd :oiling them .:i11191·.
4. M::l.dtiut;::the ccxk.<1 '"!'he roan
l.inidrcnri5t-:d tu.."'Ul in ldt !orcgrotmd; I Kari on th~ being- th<-r.imt-:r.1~ ruffling t1p the li:sd.k {~th<:n under
rbe md.'ll a<:ck t.-ith quick up~d-puring fflO\'c:mt!llS
Gede:. J:ul. u. 1957. 4 Ct 37·
B11jc)t-ng: (cl. Pl. -,,.,fig. ,).
N::mg Otrt b.cit1g the omt-:n; Na.ut;~lib h<:hind !U.:o.
~- Watclling a rocldight. Tht-: tu:ul on the ktt i3 squ~t· &jo<'ag C~te. 1:d>.:, 19~. 4 1' ,6.
ting in the t}•pia.l po$iti<>n.and lu:s hU fiugets o:tcn<tc:d
~ Mui holding :s cock. He is ri~ng from 3. $Qmttti-ng
so dut thc~· jtlSl tQt!ch th<:grot1nd.
pos.iti:,on.Many mCJl $pcnd hot:N »uing, pl.t)ing with
Nwg Oc•u: N:mg Salil>-
:B:sjo,t:ngGede. F<'h.2, 19:r;. 4 K 20. tM.iT ads.
Naog ~nn:...
3- M:ucbing tlte ood$ ;rnd nu~ rhdt1 :i.usry. Fin.t t!~t Jbj<)l':ng Gode. J11n. i7, 19117. 4 C.$,
CQCb :a:c u'lcd c:>nr:ag-.i..i.ost
anoth~-r to find two 1"'bich
mn fight. Thi; ii doll<' by hnldfr1g them ,;o that they br.e the le:e}'Ic.!3 code. Ev(:ry 5ght.ulg cock
6. ~fan
h:1:1a.n cfaboTMt-:toilet ~---«r d.iy including a ht1rh {li.k.e otht:r. while tbei-r owUC1$pluck at their c:on11».
ffmrc:r tfo:i!- hacl:lc (o.thel$ t1nrl make Lh<:c«l:$ ped. tt ll131o! ~ ~by) with water :md vuiou-s
ncb. other (as. i!1 this phot<:>gr.iph). Th<: fin;t bet is placed kave-$.
I 1.:mc)CS.,,· wo..-¼.erand bnhitua:1 down..
by the c,.-m,:rs, and thi., bet is alW;lllY,.C'\'en. (Later betll
arc pl:i.otd by both o-.·ucrt and .spuuton and ,·:eri(Ml.'I Bajo<'l'.lgC.fflr:. (kt. t4, 19$0- 3 A H.
• 'lt ,


- ... --
+ ....

• •



Plate 44

.Plate$38 lO 13 h3.veshown a series of the facial cxprrnion$ .1nd l)()dilf f)OS'turcswhic.h occur in the ban·
dJing 0£ autoCOSmicgenital symbols. plare .i,how$ I.he :!:\me c:xprcss.ionsand postures in a variety of OOO·
texts. The habit of regarding txtertt:il, and ~pcci.:aUy living. objects a.s symbolic.:.t'Xh::nsi()fl$
<if 01,<,,'ll bod'
recurs (.Vnstamly, and (3.1l even be recognized in the behavior of the a11dien()e:n a theatrical pcrfornuntt.
TI1e $pecutors are not interested in the plot and never iden1ify with the characters portrayed in the play;
but, as tcdmicians, they arc int~(tcl in lhe -acting. and thcir identification is with the a~◊r$ a.sexi.en$ic»li
or kinaesthetic repliCi\1$ of. thefr own bodies.
Thi.$ generaliution adds a new facet to the Balinese r,teasu.rein crowded occasions (d. PL 5. rome.•
'When lhc fodh·iduars attention is :6xed (m 1he play of autocosmic symbols (actors, firccr.i.ckci:'$, ocx:kfigbtl.
processions. etc.) he brt:oroes 1-esr)(Jnsivcto the symbol, and tht need foi: itt~r•J)tl"SX)r):'tl disu.i,ce dimir.:•
ishes or is forg<>ttt'n,The W:'t}' is open. then. for scnSll0\1$ pl~~$urt in $l:in oonuc.ts cit.hcr with other peop!c: or
wi1h own limbs (d. figs..4, !i• 6, and 7 on tlm plate; Pl. 5, fig. 6: Pl. 38, fig. 5; Pl. 40, 6g. $; Pl. 41,
figs..4 and 5; Pl. 42, ng.11; l'L 47, fig. 1). Con-.~c:rscty.dose intcr•pcrwnal skin <<11y ~~ off :'tulO<',X'lS!lllc
play (d. !'1. 39, 6~ t, i, a.nd 3: Pl G4. figs.3 and 5).
1. t". :u-.1d3. A &cii:tg group 3.l a cockfigb.t.Jn the ir.tu• in de« phy:-..i.cdoont;ict with e:1d1 othCT. Aftc:- t? i.ttj.
,,aJsof dle oocklightiog, n,:my of the me:n gu -and ~k r.fal n:aci.iu:i to tlu: su-.1.ustOobjt«, I.hey approached l::.
with dirz (lr pl::s.yut!
. fur l4CXl.ty.The dice arc tcnuth'ely, and tot1ch«l ooly iu h.,ir.
,pun with I.he luud. Such groops ate Vf;T'f noi$f, the i:m::1 t Ngc:mbat; I J.fuc:kK1;l Moeeglock.; l Ca:~ tll bot·
:r:ouing ac the clkc: tQ m.:zkcthem faU :,.$ tl!.:.•ywW>:,aud t(lta k!t.
rn:u'ing :i.t thc WJ wb:n :t i3 rt'\'caltd. In fig. t, the m.:in )µj(.W!tlgCede:. Ott. 9- 1937. 16 X 3i.
in the centtt is just about co tbrc,w the dia: and iu !is, :s,
he ha$ jmt thrown. (Gorup:u-e the facifl e.,pr('$$ion, in 6, 71n·« m'l:tll bny,;with a mcd1.1mial !l:IOIJSe.
The, pc't--
fig. 1 "'ilh Pl. sS.Jig. 5; and the h.:zndpug-= in fig. 3 «:ndt.<dto be C3.1$ and jw:npcd abot1t on all !Qt1n,. be:
widi Pl. ,t3. 6.g:",1 .:znd i.) l'le'>'C'.1'tQu(h<;drhc: mnme. Finally J N:mdoc:-.the ~
l ~e,.• ill eeu.ter, ~s. e and 3; I Omong co ch4:right of tl:tc group ( !roin c:amera.)pounced QO€ oo. U'IC'
ot I K:ilcr; the Qthcn .:ire :« ,.,·ho cu:1e: to lhe uwu~ but ott I Celi$ (neues, to c.:zm(r.l).
w,c:k~tl from mlte:r villag~. I Cc.Ii$«t to ,c:iml':l".i.; l Doerod iii the u:..i(!Ce-.; !
Ba~gC-e(lc. Jt1n, .u, '9'7· ,f \.;i 10, n, 1~ N::u:tWl:'r !arlbdl frolll. ~a.
Biajoeng Cttlir:. M::y 18,.19!17· 9 n 9.
4:.Children the hnt,cheri-ng o! :i.n ox. The ~
on i,; on tlu: grou.mi and lhe iutesLines ue being I<> ;. Childreu playing with a b:iaby crow. The: g:.:-100: the
Jl:10\'cd. AJJ lhc cluldren $how thtir ;itt.,ntwm by ,light ri_ghi:i.~tryinz w make it ~t some rice oo a k.U. Tbcc
pmrru$l<>n<>frhc: Ii?' (d. fi~. !: ::md 3). TLe l'M.-0 ch.iJ.. dlilw'UI ;!.l'C in tWO groups close physical cne:::ia.
dn-n on tht kft a.rein clooc physical contact.,*' :i1$0:m: i!i.1tde each g:roo-p.and the two d1ildr~n nil tb: !';#:-t
the three on the ~c. s.howor.:zl«:$p<>Wi\'C:n~t to the bi.Id.
The cbildrcn (from ldt to rig!tt) - I Goe ...-tt.; I Gclis; ln the o! play with the bird, I C<li$ ("•dth (tlrly
l; 1 Hader.1.:and 011e:.tnngcr to me villa;:e. Nang b.,Jr), the owner ot the biTrl, Qle·wed up ~:i:~ r~ !or it
Cocnoeng i, in tht (cn<<-rQf rhc: frrrc:grmmd :md; ~nd ,wl'::f.fillc:dlhe: b~rd'i mouth •,•iili lb:$ u:t.tcrial (d. be:m!ine- font:ird uo tfa: rigla. PJ. ~6. fil}", 1 ;md Y). ~tcr ht opened the bird'• ~
:&jotng C<-dc.Sept. 1, )9~ :t J 1:r. :u"td spa:t into it a, a :rn.1n~ ....-hoU ~a~ hl$
5,- Gi.ds !ookills; :.t a doll -which M. M. bas j\m un• l Gd.i:1;l Nandoc:r: I Cocwcc; I Djelxn.; I K.:z:-ini:i
pac:l:ed. The tWQ girl~ whn :rrc: .:zttc:nding tn the rlnU lap o{ I Djebeo.
~u,,; ni..:itlo:don! n:,-pon:.i,•nto.sto it :aud :m: .)U:idiug B:ij«ng Ccdt!. M;ry,i, 1937. ; Z r6.

Plate 45
ChHdrcn uc trc:m:d not only as aut{.)(.wwic::,:ymboh,bu1.;al3<> 3.$ god<i(d. PJ. g8 for the converse proposi•
tion that gods arc treattd as ("hildrtJJ),Thi:s mo1if iii s.cro1lgcst:u birth. Before and immcdiatdy after <leliver)',
the-chil<lj~ ad<l~ in 1.hemou cow·tcous (alof.'.s}language and is accorded the tide ":sir" (dj1;TOTU:), whic-h
i$ otherwise reserved fo't' ,•ilhgc functionaric-s and so:an~.
The Slrnc motif persists through infancy and i, expret.~d h)' eleV3.tingthe baby and dressing it up. In
later childhood (Pl. $3) tbe ttQrm:tldlil<l lMeSLhcscattributes but they arc retained, and ind~l ex:aggerat.ed,
i.n 1..heliu.le gir-lswho dance as gods in trance (d. PL 10). £vt.u whro no1 itt m:ine.e,ther.e gfrls are sacred and
must protect thcir s:mctity by not walking under ;up1educts <>rhen MMt.1. In l.T3.0C.C,the girls arc ,~iUfuLand
an important pan of the audieooe's enjoyment comes from the conventional ··$JX)" uf the Jiule girls
(c..i.PJ. 1!, for 1he oon,·entiona.1U'Clunmt of princes, in which they m:e ":sp0ilt" - like (:hildreo).
:. A d.ui.ccr faJb iAto the 11udicnccitnd the i!(>W• ;. A Wj,.h-eeue baby 1tt iu $.io•<fayhirthcby. The baby
crs in her headdress arc rcp;iin:d. One: uf wat!ul girl is being bclc1high by ;i,n old W<•rnan.The baby weua
tri,b af the (Unccn U fu.llin.g suddc.rll}"into the 11.ur!i- ,ilvcr br:iicdc~ :wd :s i,."O!d
O.rU:w.\ClllOil her fontanclJc.
em*.. ::m :ict wb:cli. is gtectcd "Withgre:tt amusemc:nL The J)ajoc C.;,oob!IXhc-M hy .i n·l:itive of hc-:"r
lill!e danccn 11hoexhibit pt:tti:lhm:~. sutnpitlg lhcir &wc:m. A«,g. 4. 193;. 13 D 6.
fl'!d :mr:! i.mpatittH lll()VCOlCOts 1-ith their f:m,;
when I.hey want to dal'.ICCr() the nr<.he/tn imk'.ul o{ to 6. A bat.,y lx,y ~this hea-ddrC'$.S i$ of
tbc $01'.lt}S$Ung by r.he :mdii:m:c. sGuhtd 3.Jld cot palm kl:v~. by the "2fflC tecl1niqt0e
1 D:i.mpotl rcf)3.iring I Misi".$headc:tr«-;; T '.'.foduh 4'$ (hl:t nM-.din ni.;ildng olrerinll,". The baby was with a
(fa« hill covered by fan): T Sal.a: J Djcbt:n: 1 N:unjXlh; g,:ou_po( "'°'1ncu who wcre mtildng Qff'erin~ .:i:nd p?:i.y-
TT:i.mboen with mouth open. behind I Nampah. I\llly they m;,d~ this ht'!:tdllreu. for lti:m.
&jocng C<de. Feb. 11, 1959. 56 n 6. :Srahina.o boy adopted hy J. :S.P. Senr,:it:bn.
lur~n. A1-.--g.
r3. 1937. 14 U Y,1-

,. A b:iby at iti 105~;1,ybinbd;i;y. The mot?1er !iokh the

7. A mOU\cr h()lding np fn:r baby. •!11t b:d>y wean the
b:lby SU'l up in ber .:um.,, wh.iJ~ tw<>little girls {«>miM of daborue ncd.!ac.~ on which be ems his teeth.
the h:1hy) lnak. at it. Compare the facial ~ionll i:1 )kn Njawi hoMi:ng I KJX11.·:it . .:igM 1 r9 d:&ys.
thi:I pit.1.w-,:wilh the Otf'T~<;ion,; nf the ,::nne gin'! i.o the
fujoeng C> 1937. 14- K 2G.
bouom right-hand mmtr u{ Gj;. 1.
I Nmi.~ holding I ltarbtc; l t,nijad ho!ding 1 Rt)-4
8. A painting of th~ hinh of the i:!,:pbaut $:od. C.neslia
aged 105<:b.ys.; I n~. {c.illed '"Tktan G:m:l·' iu Btli). Th<" b.frhxmi;h:,hy god
&jocng G<.-de.Julf u, 1937, Jt Hl\ ,2.
lid <>1~Weground ,,:ith. if.1rou:r-1~! p!ar.enb. (the Ao11-
iunnpaz or "U)1rr brnther:f'} wblle ii.$ mother dances.
3 snd 4, A man rcp:1.iri:1g the COM\llneo( ~ giTl n:intt Thill pkwn: il!wu-ates the cxtreooc .c,ppc,$ir.eo! U'..c:
d:in«:r. Thill nu:1 "-;u uruo.arriod aod was ;i. w:ry dc:\-oted theme of lhi~ pb.te. The h;i.hy in thU (ase :sd.u:illy i$ ~
:iittc::id::wto( the little gfr1$ .:it thtiT ptdo~noos. god bt1t the mothdll rca1:Lionto it ~ e:u'Oss.i&tkavmion
It ~.$ Qn hfa ;OOuldcl":'Ithat tht:y ptektted to dan« (cf. {d. Pl. ~)- Acootd.ittg lO the ~ni:S($ rl~c:riprinn die
rL 10. fig. z). lie WO c,;pr(>$$('dhi$ dt-Votion by 6):itiJ.; mOOlcrof C$nesba i$ Ciri Poetri. TI~u god&:.$is the' b(addr<:'$$C'$f(IT thdfl and rq,a..iriug tl1tir sub« wife of Shiva, :ind ,h~ c:xhts in 1.wo£onns. one beat1tifol
when th~ arnc undone in the du«:. :u. in thi,; dr.twiuA:. lh~ other witchlil:.c.
r u~ fixing 1 '.\<tisi·$$1.$h. l~inting by I ('o0e$ri Knbnc of (kb(led.
B~joeng CC'lde.1:eb. : 1. t9» 36 B: 16. 17. Pi,m:h:ti1NIfrom Pita. Mah:.t. a.Wu' club.





4 5

7 8
Plate 46

Pbtet16 lO61 are concerned with the n:btion.ship between the Ualinesc mother-and het" duld, and "-"ith
the symbolic re-sl~lttmctus of this rd:u.ion...:hipin ritual and coutL~hip.
1-·carplays a ,•ery itnpOrtant part in this reb1ionsh.ip, but fear with the motbc:r rat.her Li?anfe2r of htt,
Whenever the child w:i.m!er-$and she ·wants to r«:ill him_, she suddenly excl:~irrnsin simulated fear ... Aroh!
,v-ndr.:u?" or "Arohl Catcrpilbr!" or slat may im'oke sn:tkt>.s,1igtrs, policemen. white men- and this ·when
the child i.~sc1i1l
100 young to auach s-pecifi(;1t~ng to her words. The cluld respond~. howeve1·,ro her wnc
and $0 she succ«d.1, :l.l a hrn docs. in rculliog her driW by her own sim,Jbttd fear.
This method of couuulling the: child is rcl:ued l() eh.rte important themes io &lines<: character:
A. F~r c.,f many sorts become$.t pleasant emotion, sidc-.e in d1ildhood sh.arcd !C3l' bl·(mght mother and
child ,ogether.
B. The Balinese: develop a n:tmeless. au<l unpleasant fear i1l face of ,he unfamiliu or or :rny «>ntex-t in•
volving foili:uivt-➔ "fbe known conven1.i()O$ of the culture arc re:t.1&uring nther dun restricting (d. the:
topology described iu Pl. 17. 6g. 1).
<1rg:mi7;·1tion,instead of domin:rnee-submission based on fe:ir of tli.t supoior indi•
C. ln JJ.alincsc r.oci.;'11
, idutsl, we wh:tt may be de$Crilx:d as startle systems in wl1ic·h tlte bcha,ior of th~ $upe:rior is ch:tractcr•
izcd by ~uil<)tuuess in speech and gesw,~. ne d:ips the premonilOry ll)'lfablcs oli his word.,; while the inferior
individml indu4.~ in long smooth pcripbl':l.\t"~
1, t, :tzld S- ~lul11t:r :md ~:hild :ifr.ei(I. In this s«Juen«. The outline for lhis piclU:re W:l.'i drn-wn by l Ng,clldoo.;
t.hc m<Khn w;is :Unid o! lhe pl!.Otognpher. She c.orn- th<: futishing ,.=
done by J. D,. P. MOC<b.:both af fb.
munictt« hi::- !~r m the cNld by the tenseness o{ lu:r we:i.o.
musrld. Pl.lrdused Oct. 7. 19'7· CaL No. j6j.
In ~$- 1, t:iongh she appean ci..u....~dJy n:.laxed,. :1he
tu., 2t«:ady C'01llW.uuiQu,:d ltt:r fe:ir.
fo 5g. :. her act of rC3;djuatiug lb~ d1i!d ('In hCT.hip is 7. f'<:;ir sio:tub.t<:d by a a:imU: d;am~r. The pkasant ~
probably render~ ;n,.1:w.iTdboth by her own fea.r and lion whi<.h we are ber<: calling "'{ear" or ...,cantc.- r.n:c:n
b,- her -r<'$ponselO the- dlild':1 !"..:ir. into a ~t lll:l.ny a>ntelCr$wfl<:r<:thcrt is. no1.b:in.gof
!u !ig. 3, she hiis lxgun to tt«h·tr. but Me <hiki is "'hi(;h t<>he atnid. l'syoci:tlly i:1 the the:iitM', tbe Balindc
um 11fraid~d watcbei th~ photogr.lph<:r -w-hili.: ,.1.illbud (00$l:tntly portr.iy :i 43nkl:, hdgbt<:n«t a-..=i::icu ,o,'fli(h
t!!mg: dr.-. to th<:mo<htr-. h:i.i ;n it $01ll.<:wjngot rc:ir. TJti$ high<astc- actor is ptt-
""i Ccdjtt. %,w u yeu.s.with hcr <:bitd. fomUng :, .mto d.ince in which he po:t:':l.)'ll .:anun goiQg
Sapn (Ci.mjar). M:UU1!, 19~. 56 V 15, 16, 17. <>t>( to catch &o.g:..The d20« begins ruher Wtrll'!yin .:a pn~tion and "-orb up wirh sudden 1?!.H-....,ic
~ al')d S· Mothtt aoochild :dn:d. The-:,•wee Ti$ftiog3.l risi.Ag mo,·C'ffl~t$ till lhc lM!l; U a.I.mostertct. .\t the:
ot:: OOu,;.e2nd wcrc Crig:htentdof the p!l(>lllgr.iph" :tnd <:n.d o( th<: d::tmt:. he ,;<i:h$ides,limp.
o! Lbe Af:U2g.::li.tuatm"n.Tn fig. s, th<:<lwd js ayp:m:11t1r Ur.ih~n dan«r, iumc unknm,:n,
tl'W\'cring and ful(b him:,\cl! brought by ft:ll't dostr to :Balot:tn. April 19,, l!)jti. 1 :S t6.
J ::wt.her.
Men Sloe with !u:r child. t Mirih, iigcd 22J (U.~1. S. 'T\,.•oboy.<cb.m:ing a~ mi:<.ehit''C>\lS
and !rig;!::m!ed7.:,
B:ijorngCede. April :!}t7• 6 o 31. 32. ia (m~~di). Iu I.heir d:ma_ tb~• cha~ each othtt ~
Ctv<:rtli-e d.inci-ng ~« and U\w the alldie:nce. mali:Qg
~ \(oihtt and child ia me !~. The n-.nrhds right (rom-<:ach oclter t!te ,·:iric:'iosltms (a ras.:. buu.,dh, ccc.)
.;..-:i is r:iisc;,dand she g-,es on tip(()(: wit!: bent kttct,1, a which tb<:yba.,-,<:inherited (mm their father .
of f~r 2nd wirdlcrall (cl. Pl 61, tTOtipe o( kt,mt,iar• d.:.n= m,t:'l Taro.
6g 3; Pl. ,45,Jig..S: PL Go, figs. ii: ::mJ 8). ~joen.g Guill'- J1:m: 1, 1957. 10 B 6.
Plate 47
"\Vehave alr~dy noted (Pl. 3$) that the t'hiJd"$ rei.poruivencss)$ pls.y«l upon by the mot.hcr.ln fif3.ctict,
this m~ris U' the gh,-e-;rnd-take
or stim1.1lusand rcspon:.ehctw«n mother a.nd child lacks the sort or cliroix
strucw:rc which is cha~ctcrutic of 10,·e and bat.c m <mr Owtl culwre~ The :0:.alincsemothcr stimulat~ her
child, but whe11bt res.pon% she is vnrcs.pollsivc and nC'\'tt ;,llo'ws the flirtatjc;u\ to cud in any sort of aff«•
tion-ate diroa.x.
In thi:1 sicqnc::n«. the m(lU)(:'l"i,
gnture in fig$. 1 and l
1 to 9. About tv,-nru.ulut<!Su{ intei--per,ooil l'K-ba,~ be- w:1:1in rC$pO:ue to the chil,d'i, fretting. but whem he Te-
t\O.'C~ molhcr and child. Exu-;icb Crom M. M."s verl>.11
:ip<>ndswith a«oction her ;im:ution i.~:J.vla'f· Iauncdfa.tdy
rro:l!d: alter he:r ad~ncc. bcr face toes c::o:npktd)' blank (%. s)
"lt::t<H'-'1. M~ Goenocn.g (the l!t<»b('T) cails t Raoch and she laogb_s:it 9l)tnC u:ueeorrle:d outside stitnul~
(her i;tlll) o,·u t0 }w-. H.~ got:" 10 her, :u1d holds bc:r
(fig. of}-Tt ~ prohaLk tb:it t!1e "rh-ythtnic patU.tlg Qf his
b=.ut.; ho!'lh hi$ pc:!US;.holds his lmtt, 31nd begin.~ lO
lr.s.d:.··rco:>rdt:d ill the n-01« 1r.1,;. pcrlormo:d without pay-
!Jct. ing :u1y .a,ttcmiot'I to the child. In fig.?, the camcra n·
"Men C.~:11:M<:ng bw».Jl$h~ bead :i,g;titut him (* 1
m:-ds he with ht:r b:..nd ill a c.;;e.ressJng ge~ure on the
i.Od 2). dlilcr,. t-ead, while $ht: look.$up. 1:mghiug at. ~ing
-Mel\ C,odwcng!csl Rauth astrido: hcr bp :u1d t
clK (d. Pl. 41 for the conne<:ttOn~t ...-een :ipc:ctatonbip
R.:wcll pl:tp with both nip-pi« (fig. ~- and MflWO\lS:ikin ooi,tae.ts).
"l ltaoch $1;1<,:b(fig. <i)at\d tmkh the Qtbcr bte11.n(lis,&.
At the (:fld o( the seqncntx:, bo<h niothe-r :md child
5 aml 6). 2p~ bo:ed (fig. 9).
··Men (.OC:OO(:ng pm his bnck tl'tytb.rnk..1.Uy. wd 1
Mr..nGoen(lCUi:;and h1.Tson t boeh, .:icged$8(>c!ays.
R.i.oe:h-Kttmi the right breMt 11~y ot·er t0 the centt-:r o( G«ic. A~. 19, 19'7. 14 G 22, !$,, l7, ,:R. rg,
the body.
-).r.:n Cor.nocag tr.u.-e!a p;itt.:r.u oo the side of hl'l" jO, 3, . iS• );aJ.t.
foot with her own hand (figs.? and $).
"1 :R;iochh<>IWlhe Qdu;r brc:::i:ttin a.tight g?ip •
.. a:22 i•.)1. J Raoeh loob uonnd: h-an(i :iti!I on
b~ .. (fit- 9).


2 3

5 6

Fi f~
I I p'

----- - -- -- -- --

Plate 18
We:ha,·e noted the B31in~-'\e l1.:lbit<,{ {~ling and titivating the skin wit.h the tip$ of the: fingers (Pls. tf
and 1:5),1hi:ir .b..1.bit
of intro,·crsion (Pl. 39), I.heir fant:1.$)'
of the body as made of scpar:thle f'-'t'l:S (Pl. 20) and
their avoidance of i1u,er,perwnal clima.'C.(Pl. 47). These themes together JU.ll:.eup a personality which ~ <:an
Jescribe as ..narcissistic:· This q~1ity in the moth-er is apparently frustnLing t(l the child who has not yet
lC3J'ncdi.Ji.edrawb.lcb of rcsponsb:cncss and the S3.tisfacLion."
(If R.dinesc:gaiety.

I to S. J\bo\1t (>l):t tuUlu~ of m:m,:rnal be:h:t.viOT,in '/l>'hi<b In fig. ~ Men Si.aSi,nhu dropped her lclt hand lO ba-
We muclu:r d= her ban' and adjum htr sling (anfmg). !ap. ~m! r-c:ft1."CS.the food, pu$h.i.nt:;;il ba•:k tow.ud the
Thi$ pie« o( doth U c:nricd hy .iJmost all 1'"'0lllClland little co~ "·il11 bCT right h:inrt. I Kam bas stOOd u.p
s,ru ~-rdl<-.M o{ whether th..:y have ba.b!c:s:it i:1n.'W:d.:i.; and mm·cd over toward hu !tlutl1er. fie i,i; f.inishil;'lghis
a sling in wbidt ~ is S\lpponed on the hip (et. mouth.Cul o! cake and h.11$apparcndy just! S(~
Pl. 79) or as a ctrCU'.IO:ml!ii:tllh (cf. rt s~. fig. 6). The crumb.t off hi$ ti.o~. 'l.'hc: $u.lly dtprC$sion ha, diSli>
\,;itcb'lcloth is ;i1$0 called "<Ui:enx·(d. .PL.;6. fig. a$), pc:ued !,.'1)-
..n hi."1fat>~.
Jn fig. 1, Men Singio lm:d:c wi:h hu ding acros.s htt Tn.fig. 7, ).fen SiAS;,i.u:Wjw.ti her $ling which bad fa!k:.i
bretSt :md covd"lng her hands. ·while she loob over down wward hf!T wri$t; $bC ~wings it up onto her llhol.ll•
t(>'l<,':trdthe uf the hou~r,n·d. T .Ka1'$il,btt son, <ler, u-bik lookmg over wward l Kam. He bas ::JCJ\'~
~u r:HhM",<ulky on a 4tonc on the rii;ht. J le !$ M<w.iyun. a'iO-a.yfrom hi$ motllcr and the 11u!l.yexpress.inn iu< T<"·
,.Tappiil:; lltc: kmg strip of ~hn le.a{ in which 2. cake turned «> his ba:. tn fig. (i, he c:n:n :and
.:bental) '°'f rice paste i1 wnpped. Iler- b:ihy d;mghter happy, with hi$ kgs ~U"aight :m<l hill foct W'(::11 planted,
(,a:e abou.t 8 month..;) $iu on the ground :u the mother', but i:11fig. ? lie h.u to Jose this bold s::zucc. .a.:'ld
knr,e,;, This ~by has a ~ing ~.:Ide from rhe T>r.lgon·, hii foH .ire bC£inning to tum im,-.ard.
~ tic:<!to her righc wti$l (d. Pl. &;. fit.. 9). !u Sg. 8 (ablnu to _..Qnt1$ later lhao fig. 1), ~1c.-ns;n.
Jn 6g. 2, Men SUq'.;iu takes her ti.and< ()Ut frflfl'l \ll'M:'kr gin'.s. face bu bt its bright cxpra-si()l) .ind she $its w;t!::.
tht sling .:md suru «> adjust beJ hail•. ! K:m.:::1p,ive• :m hl'T'bamb limp in her bp, aod her eyes fut('U ~-.aantly o:i.
~pcrimetual l'4; a.t l11cming- on the h!'1hy°$·wri$t. I K.tina. Hi$ aucnt:On b~ rc:rumcd to bis ak.<:. hu ~
fo fi~ s
:ind 1, the mother oon~nuei doin& hr.r h.air, t:11.p-re,:,iioni$ $Ul\:y and his kct ;u,:- tum~ i.ntir.i:d ::ii
U2d 1 R:ui.: i.:;uc,i;<m unwrapping hi$ caJ.e. they ·were in 6g. 1. T?1~ littk COO$inbas $tancd. lO at.
In fig. 5, a $mall girl (a tint oot.Wn n! the other t"-'O t\fen Si-ngin; I Kana, her oou; ! Dj:muw:l:. h('T ('4~.
c:!8d:c:1) o:imo in with fric,d in btt band. Stte ?10!& the tcr, :l3ctl ®out 8 mcmilit; T J.farti, Men Si.ogin•s hi.:,.
iDnd 1:p rQ ).fen Si-ogio.who ):Dito :i.t it while $till doiilg band"$ bT()(htt'$ dau,Sbtc-s·,3:J'.,.~ 9:i:9 da~
be ?uu:. 1 Kana takes :i luge bice out o! hi,i;c::iie.. &j~ng GeJe feb. 1:i:,1959. 36 C 1, S. 9. 1t, 16. So,
Jt, '4·
Plate 49
01\e of the commone$l ways in which a ,nolhcr .stimulatesl•t.t C'.hildto acth·c r~ponsc is by borrowing
aod nur.;iug !IOmcother woman.'$h:lby in the prcsem:e o! hc:r own. Thi:s is 3. game which is pfaycd con~~1Hly
3.nd which is oftt:n cxmcludeclby givltlg the borrowed baby to the jealous child I.O hold for a few :;econds.
tl:ic new why. l Njav.i hides behind Mc:t Lcke, (d. 1•1.
) . A muthcr nUNCSher own bal>y ,..hHc boldins: a bor-
r6v.'cd Mb)' on bcr lutes. The: m-olhcr is her ?,. fig, 5}
Jn lig. 4, km~ 1 Njawi (d- l'L ?S, fig. 4),
own b:iby wbo i.i: rt:SJ)01lriing«> the p:-den~ n! lhe in•
while I lSjaw:i hu tl:rncd her tb look directly at
uud-tt hy murt pa;.sion:i.lC$1.l('king.~'he girl (l:.'l. tht'! ex.·
acme Jdl .is rh-e:ddct $i.'Clt:rwho w:is <:hild
h<'Tniothd' and the !l<'Wb:il.>y.
ll J$ pl"()lbablcthat t~ i.ntC..O$ity of f~eling $how:1 by
nune to tbe ba:rowod bQ;by.and fn1c:uwhom ~ mother
the two gi.rh in fig:i. ,. 8, and ·1• is cuha.oced by the faCt
borrowed iL She ii in-:r.ucntn·c to lhc $CC:ne.
th:at the oc(;U;an w:.l:s.the c;,deb:ttion r,! the babfs w-.;•
1 K:u:tu.i.eldc::-l~tt of 1 Kcnjoen; M~n Oer:i: 1 Kub.t,
Mcn o,en·, son, :tp1 ~o d.i)':i: l KcnjOdl, I R:n·~·, dlt birthday.
Mcu Lcker; wilh h<"tl'lier.c~ l :-J'jaw:i.(with white bl:m.
((ltl~in, ased,,s J3.ys. kl) l'lnd i Njawi.
Ba~g G«tc. .Aug.6, 1936. :t l 3$,
Uajo<'t'l.gCede. JW.y JS, 19$7· 1!t N )!)- 11.

::. An adQpti,·e mother boao~-s :i miby. Men, the 5,- lo. !ll:l.lUeof the Witch (l(Cln#:da) wilh 3. h.iby. She
~-oman (Ill the right, bas adopted the boy, I Leb:L lt\ holds I.he b:iby by OM :im1 t.nd c;,n.r.leg, while ib bead
thi:I pict\.'Tt:. Meo Lcht li:tS borrow~ the y,:,un~i:st o( bang,;. do-..·n to the tig!:t. Comp;i-n: this $l.1,~pt:!11iou. of the
th<' c,hildrc:-1belonging to b~ :ci:iti:r{who :iiu on the fo!t) luby in the :inus of a h<,:1ti!eu:,,otht':T' >)'I!l.bolv.-it!i UlC"
;md pla)'S witi? it. while I $':limb. on lhe ground po«lrr.-.1,in figs. 3 :md 4 and with l'L 50, fig-.9. It $C'('fflS
:u h<:r km:cl'. The :mnt "M'ttcb« 1 t..:kel's Xt"~aion, btn he th:at tfa.: fa.nt;;.-<yi$ Mt n:,r.rr.!r a oig:hun:i.N',.btrt rh:at the
i< ht:gi.nning m vnTe1p<>n:sivcn= :u1d stw<l.< wilh cluldr<"R :iho play .,ut the po$t1md roles whit:h cql.l-:itc b:cc v:u::1.t1t,
aploring his momll wilh bi; finF, the motbtt with r.he \\Titch,
Tht: t'M'O litde girb ~t with nr.ult f:'iCt' with .Bclahntrn:b..May :S. l9£16. t T. '4·
h;mds CO\'crcd U~sidc tht:ir li.W'l:gs (ar:t,rnt). The ~M.I.~
clwd ha1, r.-o·cnco,·crW her niom .. 11..Mo1 i~ !ooki-ng- 6. ?, 3.0rl &. A tCO'lpert:,u1m1m$1.iluul.atcdby borro1,:~og
:=it d1e,e tv.•o(hfldr(:n. 3 b:ihy. Men Singin bu her nephew rm hcr hip and s."'ic
M<'n Njawi: I Njawi: I :Kj:iw:a; Meo Uh:t holding 1 bughs gaily :a>hcr own wn cc;,m,:-:1 up crying :wd $tril'.d
Knt:'l\·a.t,~('rl u" Jays: I T.d:,ct ~oiling. at }ll".x. ).kn Singin a,•oidshill I.II◊\'/$ 'hy ca£1l:allyho!ding
BajO('flg <..cde. Jvly it, 1937. a M 6. bim o([ (fig. fi}. Thi$ bdl.a,·ior is typk.a1 ot &Jinoc
muthell. T;1e cllild's u:wptt t:mtnlJDS C':\•okcno r-e!c:o.·an.t
xup<1:m- UOD1dtt. motht':T'.:ii>th3.t the diiwrxei o! angcr-
21aud -4-/,. w-0m-m with two o( h~'sc::hildnm. Men
.ite: !.i'O$tr:itc:d11}:'.c
o! 3.ff(:('.tim!.
Lckl"t (the woro:in on the :right i.n fig. 2} :1t:1mlulg,cith
fo Jjg. 8. Me» Singi.o. her 110nllp i:I J::;a
1 Njawi and T Nj;twa, the two daughtr.r.1 o! b<'r :ci:4u.
3l1'0$while he wrilhe, and kids, nnw :.he attr::t,,
"l'he $i~r.r is i,ilting on the risbt o::1tsidethe pi<::t1m:with
n(I-,,.,.!or whir.h he wai fighting. Meu Singia bugh\ ~t
bM' m:w lxtby, l Ko<:Yr.l.t.
butl, and J\.<.'.c,ovt"r.l:hi! eyes ~n "'itbclr.:nr.i! (d. Pl.&;).
1.n Jig. 3. Meu Lcl:ct g:u~ st«tight«i,holding I
Me:11Siog-in c:u'1ffng: he:r n~hc:w. f Karh:i. 2ged. t.r,
Njaw" by th<:dhmr.i. { Nja,..-:i ho!J.s onto Mr.:1 Leket's
d~ys. on her hip: t K:u-:,::t. b('I' :sou, in tr.mptt i:inuu:o..
QUt :i.ud b<-t,d.~O\d b;.(;{o,:anl ,;,.·bill"he,:-eyes ~rt: di•
B:ijna1g Code. A~ig.y:-, 19~. 2 l 34-!$> g6.
rttted to the: extrttne right.. looktng at her mothd" :w.d


6 -

9 I
Plate 50
Many young R:.tlinescchi!dren dc:vdop one m· tht other of tWo PQttcm.s of reaction to their rer~tcd
frustr3tion in intcr•pef'S()nalsequcnocs. Some chi!dret) learn to sulk, while others h:ave ti:wpcr tanui.:ams.
Both sexes $h<)wboth pc.iut:rn.s,but it seem~ 1h;u the more din:c1ly assertive <:hi1d~n of bolh $ex.cs develop
t.:mtrum bcb.avior wbik the more p.;t..SSivc of both ~x~ <levdop sulks. Both these p:u.tem$ nonna!ly di11;1ppc,ar
in C3.rly l.ltrncy. but they p~sist in a rew dtildrcn wh0$Cde-.·dopmcnt h:'1$bi:c:n delayed.
Adults uslzaUy do not rt::1-J.X>nd
to either tlie sulb or the L~1Hrums of their children, but a yOl1ngc:r chiJd
will often au.empt to stimul3.te 3 .wlk.ingolder child.
t. A =11 boy iu! :.lone in. the hou.'lt:p,rd. ThtS in i.omc WA}',e.g., by not gh-ing hc.t SU-.nep~nt \vhi.dt w:u r:il:('o!y .:i~r tht tewpcr tan- bad been pmmi!l«'I,
trum of tlw boy's etdei- $istcr (Pl. 65. fig,;. 1 :ind 2), and Site i$ already r.1.tbfl:!'
()Id to be indulging in su!b. and
the wjtli.Jr.:w:il into sulks 11-u prnh:i.bly hi$ response t(I her dcl:il.yed::tdjusonc-nt to !a.tcncy is prOOOLly:i T<"$t1lt
ht:r t:mmuo. !u:r na, being a.-00e:_p«:d the children's group.
I Cua. I Rii:n~n ui!l:ing; I Mewmi. her )'Ow~-er IQlrM",try•
&jl,i:ng Cede. July JI• 1936. :t C 36. ing ta .uilnulue b::r.
Baj,octlg Gn:k, Aug. 19- 19$7• i4 J> 37·
#. A w3Jl UOv,ulks and 3 b:sby trir.11tQ scimt1latc him ...
J. K::trb:i, tbc ,; in dili pho«> h:id lxen
-4 to 9,, A boy :sulks and then ,-bowsregress.i~ bdlarior.
the CCll.lCl' of .:ittentioo. W-hl!t:hil mother bathed hin1 :ind
~ .mll:i-ng ·was a.pp;ircndy precipitated hy the amount
11.inm with hi!::. Uu:r t ~ the baloy in Mi$ picture,
of ancnti()n givc::nto I li..:trb:,. the you~ child in ligs.
WM btth«l .and auenti<r.1 fc101"'-,tdon him. 1 Kal'WI
4 and 5. The Q!Jer Mr. T Celis, wc:m .and kaned O\--r.r a
pl:2f'Cdat bathiug I S:imi fQr a little wh.ik. ::ind
"''OOdet"tri(lC mc,n:ir for about five xuinu!d, m,wing his
the W-rpn~ nf hi$ moc.!:t::-'i pm"C$ (tn<>tionpi«i1rc k~ fmm tiroc w time, bm remaining "-ith hi, he:ic!
ttalnl)- Aher l!Us, he W<"O.t olI. apd J:iy down alom:. I
dowi: on the mortar. I K.:trba WC'llt to him ;and :IHC!O.ptc.-d
Sa.mi :m«te twQ OT t.lm:e .11ttcmptsto $limul:u.e hirn l>ut to n:m$(' ~ (6g. •I) hut went a.way :igai.o (J¼:.5).
he nnly li!teJ fol he.;td for :t t!.•omr.nt and star1.-d at the
fo 6g. 6, l Cclis Sta:ru W TOl1$Cbi:1Uelf from hu Ju.k
and looks up toward Ule p!1omgr.1ph«,
t Kn~. 3:~'U ~ days, sulkine: TSnmj, ,s~d t56 da.ys. In fig.7, be t.lVM" IQ (WOolder 00}'$!=
Bajoe:ng Gt:d'C'.April ~• l!)!l7• 7 J>36. ing ~a.iit,,t ci1c ft•ni:e o! t?tc bou~rd.
In fig. S, be att.r.u:ts tht- attention uf nn(' or t!i.c:~-s
:i- A v.-iri:h'$ gran&.!:mghtcr $Ul.ks. 'l11il giTl't molher':s who js leaning nvcr the fonce from the (1(1:,::rside.
mochet w::.s:su.·~p«wd o! l*.inr, an hercdit:1.ry wiec-.h,aod fn fig. 9, ~bo-ut :.:a $«onds l:u..tT, hr- stands with hi,
,,,.frd1n-:1ftis supposed to be p;i:~ t!uwn in the !em.11Je aruu up :;.md bis ban,!;; Ju,Jd hy the t1?dd- boy tQ\o.'ard
line .• .:1..s a re$tilt, the mothM" of tl\i5 girl '"-':\$ alrc.ady who:n h;.$ bac.:l:js turned. ·111i11ptis..-ure i, p:ob:iMy 1'('-
:i,•,,med by ot?1r.rpt'Qpk ia t!u: vill:ige and t!1f:('.hildrcn l7C"1<.<.h-e
~nd .re.Jato:!ro Th(' ~turcl :1hawn in PL 49, f.g'l-
w~ to =e e:i:teut ilt'rr.1ri100.. Tlu:y Wdlt to theatdrnl S.. 4, and 5.
ffiC)Vo"$and <ie:l"ffl'lnnie;,but u..s:uallystayed tog.-rhct and
t CdU. lUU,ing: t Kar'oo. tryi:1g: ro TOll~ l~~m: t '\fi<i
did ouc mix with the ci:htr cl)jJdrcn. This gill iu pattic:o- (m:de) ()n for $tdc of fr.n«; I )foedri wirh bis b~ eo
ta.r wu H:ry .ui~icious. and th.ou,sb she oftr.n came ta th(' ca:ucr.:. in fig. $.
our bo~l~r-,$be 'll"'ZS :ih.·ays ;Ur'.1:idwe would )Windle hcr
8.:ij<IMigCodt. (kt.~ 19$7. 16 X 8, 1~, J4, t;i, 16, :5.

Mai>ydllldren develop untnm, bch;"·ior ire11tcad()[ sufl""i-UM!-c ma, rq_.rd ~ u a
c.w..nam.s b,_q
aucmpt oo the pu, of the child to ffltn,ducc some -on: of di.!?U., io:, dw -.~ of ("\'Cf:dl\· tnlt'T•ptT·
~nal lic-bavit>r. Tantrum 1,cha,for db.1ppca-' "'ith the successful 6!1K" :n?o b.:cDC'J'... ~ in !J.ter !:..~. Le-
b.t.,--iorsequences with a dear di.m.a.x sav<1urc ocu;u· 0,11)1in 'fl°)' S-pi:"fi.a.1coi1tcxts '-Uf.h;u t.ran~ (d. J'ls. SS
to 58. and Pl. 46, fig. 7).
1 to ... A s:Dall bof fn -a .. le io.t~t~ ~ tan looks at b.i:.obut wilhdr.i.w~ rn,n.-d hu !..uhn-. "'ho u
t.rom -:i..iid,.,!lit.,. At &his$l~fr w» not dta'T wbC'ther J tmds to kt- 2:lld .one10 I ~
Jtan:a wmud &ho•· ta.ntn.w:1 or N!ly bdla!/inf". :tild hi LW, hl fi:, IS, 1 J{:ir.1;1.r<>lh,U\CI' On ~r.k Ul" parw;~
.cqom« M 6.-it ~ ~<ii: inotbct- ffl (c$. 1 u( crp~ 'lmb ~ hr:id and ~ lx-nt bark !II() th,,t u
and t., an(! then xoa limp in fi:i;.,$- Iii, motl~c,•,i re- l>ndy is :ird1ed b.1d•'11rd ir. l.h~ du::u't. HIS ~ t,a
,i,por,ik a ~ dpt'CiallJ m ~ 5,, tu ftc.4- &be run1t.-dcnw:ttd hr.r bthr.r v.tht>:1tlend'- tu bn- ;md n« w
pkb bia>1:p and (proh:abl~ J;n:gbing) a,,,<n hi, be:td
in~ rJi:l.g (d. J>LCio:J>L67, fig. 2: Pl. 52, fig. 4).
·•~A1lCT thi~ tflnuwn. :motb("r pell(:fl ~ offt:n!d ;o :
)r"' Singfo with btt $(11'1. 1 Kana. ~ but ~ rd.V§t't! 1L Thii final n;(usal o£ I.M
8:,joe,ng Cttlr.. !Jee. 1+ 1936. ! V :, !, ,i. 7. which "' daittd lx'Are tbC' canznnn i$ .,....,atO"' lQ .a.
:aud ,h.., i1idrridual who l.icb:ivo in rhiJ "''aY iJ de,tribc,.,;.
6 lO 8. '(h(, a,ue &T1•.-~U
boy. 6.~eJnd a b:1U won.tb. btl'!I'", n .tim-bllL
in typiQil Ubtrn.m t,ch.a-viot'. Hi:I ll)Qthu (not viiiblr. in l :K:rr~ in tllilr'Wl'I! Nang /1,b."Ull."ilh h.. cL:n:,'-.c I
due-~ph,,) tJ W1in:MUby •t her littk 1•bk s,el1. Muti.. •&«I 4oG day,;.
iog £uod :end payin~ no :i.u,c;-nria,nto J K~•,i bcb.aTiair. lbjQt-w,,;~ lla, •> igS7. 9 ff S- :7. •~ ,.,.
The Plntrwn ,;tart(rl ••hat 1 Madc- Kaler (our Sl"f'n:l:il"y)
remxJ IQ gi~c I K~ :a pcoc:i1.~, du.~ pc:rlPpt, 9, 10,, aod11. A bo!a,-iog. ,.4- hny lm p=-:-d W liC"
cm!y a tin.:i.!pr~pit11ting can~. $.Od it is pro,b:d,ly mote tit .. ·hio.h t;i.ntntm bduTiar h mcm:oon. bd'c be • dw
a.igo.iic::luu r!u.t be hu d'i,moa for bit: mrr;n.a;.:o.a ,pot nn WNltlg,-nchild iu a. bn1U)' nl 1.ilt ch!ldrto aud h2~ btl"II
the ground at tht: !ttt o,! hiJ 1mclc ,rt,., d pf.:r~lQgwith Mlopred: i>1"rwo ok!: people (Djcm, ~ Tdri: u.1 D
bn' da.lJg:ht.u-. wlft:). Hi" adoprfvt: Ol()lhcr, wtw, i, cflildl~ \ffl~
tn Gg, s, ~ h:aa llU had da..a on hi, ~ and b :wd •-h.i.QiQg.rtta.C$hiaa io 2 way ,·c·:i:yun~IW in • •
kiWJ\i: tW hC't!b i.n the ~J'r ·with a sci:win t:'.l()ticm.I ru~ni; (YV~ him ;ind lndu!;:;~, !=3.
Unti. WI ~ ( ~ forward w.itb !~r font hi the p,ttS"nt U)$(2noe:, ,h,-,t, crying (11,'t'T ll Nl)2tl b.."fn
ta-v.·ud hb h(,.\d (d. PL 1!', fig. 5; Pl. 61, fic.6).. Hn- b- t0 l:IOCfoot. :md in ~ 9- rwo other- du..'ldtc:i (f'llrl:IC ur .-d
i.her 'U.':atcll('( htt and bclr\ her to hat:a.u,c in tlus ro11ition. l(l(1l 3.t h.
In 'c, &. I K,arg D quid for a fflOIDC'nt .aod Joou, up :u. Jn 6Jt, ~o. he h,i\ uopped Cl'ling :i.nd ~ Jt tbc 1r.t.
his tine!.:. bm hi,; Un(lt: i.-;IOOki~ IC tb,: tllm.t:r.i, !Ind w Jn !::g. 11. bt •pill staru to ay; ~ has bcftM•
baby cowiri ~ ~i~ *"""'~· i• due ,o bucnniucot .,..~ ndltt than co p;tlo.
In r.,.;. I Aa-n:2 nm,."":1.W11y from b.isuad,c 2nd t;g;ain ll-,~.
atam c.ocry with hii kg,, ,,1Cdo:spt1":\Cl. Thr Lia.bycumin Uajocnc~(:. June 4, 1957. u D 1!. t!). .a.

~ 1•q
...~ --~-
. ~ 3 4

•J--1! --~/
•• ;;-;;~
- ~
·- - l--..__

.,, c.:·
..>! • ....a,.1-;_


The sequence: of bc:ha.,ior sho·wn on t.hi:sand the next plate fasted for about. six. minutes and oocul'TOO
ac.a wcc.r! Singi1) and her son were 1mong the nutt)ef(')USrdati~ afld ndghbors who gathered in
!!'.w:~ of. U'le bridegroom·$ parents .
. \1 tbe beginning of the :ie<iucncc,motht. ;md !!Onarc filning happl!y, until she: picb up wother baV).
Htt 11.KJ. I Karsa. show, jc:1.lousywhen $1Jesuckles this other baby. and as the $ee)u.encc:i:ontinues,. his be-
1,.rnot-i:.tematc:s ~lw~n impotent .m.i$eryand rage .. His fflO!.herremains for a long time comp1ettly ur_--c•
~ to him and C\-c:nstarts a~i,l to flirt with the other baby. At th·e e-.ndof the sequcnoe. )kn Singin
:;s,:b him up ""h.i?ehe stn1ggies :t~nst her, aud his struggling $Ub$ideswhen she g<tS a plate of food.
• a. :=. cg.i. ~en Wlgin :md herson, I K2n:l,.are on wb.i.di. the camera Ni a.ught him v; rornmon in &Eo.cse
~ _.:,.ol the pi<::t=c=d be is Jlining with htt, kanjDg cl:illd:r<:o,:tnd tJu:ywm<:dmC$ in thjs J)O'itiOQ fo:-
~ he bees. His cl~'$ 2rc in her lap and hi:,;bee ;c,·er.:.l M-'COtlds. not $t'l'iking bu.t sunding impotent.
,,_ o,b.<n. In fig. 6. Men S~ bas lO$t intuest in the baby, I
I:i. i.g T. a~t go ,ccon<h Law (:a!tcr the camcia h.:id Meres, :.w.d she $its t.'Tln::spow.iveto I l{~~. She g:ues
lier:s :-ek:adcd). Meo Singin sW096 !orw;1ffl to pid. up -ne1n.tly at the a:m::-.i. while hcr .D'IQl:th is b!Odod
?lie axtt, I i\fen:s. wl-o bas torohled fun,,,W oo. the:: betd or tob:.tOOO. She Tcnuin.s. in thiJ s~ate until \'lft« fig.
~ At thls .moment t K:ln:i. is behind Mc::n Singiu 2 on. the next pbtc, only altcriDg the di~ of !:et
,n :og f°"'411rd into lu:r lap. Hi$ fac:i:t.1cx.prtssion il guc ind L~c posi.Uon.of her
di i.,pp,. { ~ in 6g. 6. st2n<h :i.wk.wudly behind hi,; -mot.lla,
::. ~- '- Men Singin h.:is up I ?\(ere,., who ls sun...,-and in:u:t:Ve.
a"lililf _,,d ho!.&og Men Singin.'$blT;:ULl Kusa app:ir• In 6&. 7 ;wd 8., I 'Kl.r.p mO\·a 1t:·ound till he ~ l.l"mast
~ ,um a $Ort of g:im""q=du.Iii; forward ~=lthily OU bis m~•,; o£ ,·CltOnand U)(.TChe ~tu.rt$ vitb
'adct b4 mochd's um ~d to-wud tic::rbrc:ut.. bis h:mW ru~ to>hi$ h,e;id. TbOIC mo~·erncm:sml.y be
la ifg. 4, Men Si.ugi.n has lift,i:xl 1 )l,:rcs :uld pt~hed 3.bottivc pt~r.i,im~ to SLril:.ehis mocher <1r t!1ey !l:U:Y
t:.c--s...::::;;uidc p:repar.itm-yto giving her t.hie b~. I be g~ w,,.~.udsh.1.ncingo,F. ?1a :i.wucness of her (d.
l..,,a. still COTltin= !1ill ~e but i$ now f:ruw:ltcd by I fig.ii. 3 :u:id 4 oo the next p!a.te). )ten Singin b%S gh"t:l
Jilk-rn' ieg"-z:id Men' the ~y back to it:1; child n1.1ne,but be-.r,·3.ant $ol.-rie
:~ ~. ;. M:en Sin.gin ~did- I MO"C$,:md her aon conrintu:1 unbroken.
~ to $how;y. He hu drnwn :S."-':lY irom hi,; Men Sin.gin; l iu.""::..bc:r $OD; 1 '.\fad, htt«,
=--brr, .i:ld iacW. cxprcui~1. with the lipc-1u:mcd about a ycr -a.ad3. half old..
-~ sbo\,.-s dut he ~ on the ,·crgie 0£ crying. Hi$ Bajoeng Cc&:,. M:udl. 1, 1937. 1 7. t5: 5 A 2., 4, 5•
rct:•~"inid is n.i.wd to strike at his mothtt. On this ()(Ct• ;. s .. 9, 10.

~ be ttn:d. u her $-eV~ times:, but tbie posture 1n

1 59
Plate 53

The photographs on this plate conclude the bchavior .sequenoebegun on PL 52.

1 to S. ln figs. 1 ~me!t, Men Singio. rema.ins v:ao.nt :md whom &bef;Xtenth ha b:mch itt a gegrure of i.nritation.
~oot with her mouth ron Qf betel, while her son pos- la 6g. 5, the little girl carrying 1 Mere ~ ~ OVC't
rom iT:iixnpme,,t.::uigt:r.Hls posture in fig. 2 iJ ;iJmo,t a to Men Singin :i.nd now 11t::wdsben.-een her and her
minor ~ o! that in fig. 1; hll'! 11.u tumo:d but still tO!l.. I luna still has his band; o,·er-hill c:i:n. but is oow
retains. the wnc: $Uncc with Jcgsslightly bent and tn:nk loolting OCl't tbrotigh d1t: tp-te.
t.mi:l:lt forwa.."<i.81s head is &tiJlat the ,:;une awl.wud In 6g. 6. Men Si.ngin again Joob at l K:ln:i., but sl!e-
angle, though oow he kx>b 1011-00 hls mother O'l'<:r hi$ redoo::s btt mponsi: by holding her hand up in front
Tight .Umc!dn in~e;:.d o( his kft. of her fuot".
ltt 6g. 3, ~en Singin h:i; moTc:d over to the wall and In ~ 7 (after ;in i-nterv:tlduriog which fi,•e pbot~
is now 1<:x>i: in-g at I Kan:. - her tint TC$])0fl$1:: to hiru'clof ~ther group were tu.en}, Me:n Singut tw.
siua: abe pictcd tip the q,ther ~)' in %, t ()[ lhc pre- picked trp I l<a1'$.i .1nd fixed him in her sling. He rerisu
V)OV$ rbt~. F.w:nm)w she holds:her &lingdoth O'°a he:r :wd pu:d'.ld her fac-c2;wayfrom him.
mouth. thus redtlcing t~ v:duc of !u,:rrtsponse. I Kana. In fig. 3, Men Sin.gin hal<b a p!:ue o! (ood ~ co
on the other ruum, hu ceased to look at bcr a'04 ;r:inlh her by one o{ lhe woroen in the group in the lower rig!l.t·
with h.i, feet turned U:W.irda-nd his. fi;,.u6 dallped O'i'er hand corn« of ~h~ pictun-:, :md ! Kana W boooo:ic
hi$ head, Thi$ ~ricm o£ the h:tnds is proi>abJy:i form quiet. look.iug at the food.
of withdnw3.l (cl Pl. 4-1,fig;. 'i, S, :ind 9). Men Singi.n; I K:rn:i, hu mm; ! Mud, the bab1 ill
In fig, 4, l l<..mah.u wmcd tOwud his mother, oovtt• fig,i. 4- 5. ::u:d6; l Ng,embon curyjng T Meres.
ing hit. c:rni with his band&.She. on the odtcr hand. h:::lj &jocng Cede. N'Md'i 1, 19?17• 5 Au, llt, 1G, 18. 19-
now turned ~in tow:ml the ~by, I Meres. toward t(), ir6, irS.


- ..,._..


1• 11t.,~•I

7 8
5 6

. _,,

10 11

\\·e did not dctca an)' pos.iti,-e difkrencn ~ d::.eta."'1t!'U!I? posru!C$ o! Ue ~-o sexes..althou_,$ such
_4en:nccs arc to be expected from the diffi:n:n« wh:kh occun in the-JXll$tUXC$of climactic u-an~ (d. Pt 56,
that we hive uo de:Jreue of a girl in r.21nrumbending her trunk b3e.k:w:ud
~- 8). It U perh.lps s4,rnific-.uu
rl. P1. 57, fig. 8).
s 2.l>d:t. A t:mu-um in tl?C roa<!. road. M('.D I.nt'kb. Kami•$ grc,.ir-;n:-nt,c:am,e\lp i:ria rngc-.
in 6;-. ,. the gi:rl i; shown sacami:og, wid1 hM" h:.nru dtui:15 l Kami to oWc: her i"O :ui-d work 0:1 o!'cri.n19
~ to her- b:ad in. a pmturc clostty rebted to tbost for a big-ccrffllony :u Men Endeh'; bot1sc. Sbe t~ bold
o! Ci! boy in Pt 5~ of Karni's ?~-ids: :md J.C:mlj J"e$ :m.<!writh-
in fig. t. $he. h:.s n,n tQ h~ motht:r :i.nd db1y' to hc:- ing. Men Endeb kt out a long meaa,, o{ invccttve, $COld-
!q.;s. '!"he motbei's n-S)>Ollieto llli$ is n,e_gligent
::::ur..!ic·l> ing l:i~ ;i,nd t:t1king ro rhe .audien" who g:t.V<:K:ami no
ID!ldrdnc,:L Sh<'lt".ini forw:m3 wirh hc:r :tTm M;:tn:cl,• in saytnp:uhy.
cxi:t;id. wittt tfo:: i;:i.r!":1:.!.iug clutk 'f! 1>i(lu.t-e,tl1 19sG, While Men t:nd<ch wc:>lrlrd, Kami on the:. gro1mt!
p-rC"vs the fint <lve (or the fQmn:l:uion rh:tt rh~ luli- (~.Sand<).
-~ tT>mhll'T :i,·o:ds :1de-:qu::ite-: rei.po:ui: u) the eluua.xe-so! K;imi tool: :\ p:ece n! h.:ln2n2 lt-:tf ;:and hNrl it
!:c c:!illd's uga- and lo\"C. ae:ro,s,!m· upp,.T lip and th,:n dropped it.
Mc::ntfarma an<:!her 41:ghtcr. 1 C:iti. M<:n End~ who j; $irting ()n rhe n:tfffflt right in 5g.
&joco;;:C' j1, 1936. ~ C $4, S!>- 4, got up :md ,ta.rtW to d.-"6 Ka.mi dowu the :rood
(fig. 5).
1 to 9- A ~eat-aunt mpond; to .invr wicl1 ~mger. ·n~ At this point. !\frn Sitlgi:1 (who i, ~c:t t:iugl:tni,; ~n
~,r.-r,:il Mh:trioT o! :tdu!t.s;,a, :stated ab<n'C',!$ a"°oidanc,e fig. 4) wili~~- oacred a plate of wt Jl('ppcr p;u;t(' to
"'! rn.;,o~ t,:, lhc cluld's cannvrm. owi,.;cm:illy. b01'" Md) F.ndch, who taok :iomc: :am! rublxld it i11 K:t.rni"°~
""• a wrnn:in vdll I= hn- ti:mpt:r )"~tli her child in a fuc:e while she strogsled (this m.u;t have oco.."IT<:rl j11.1r
~ cxp!o~,·,: inanner. In roch c~«,. rh<: mnw:n, befQ'°t::; fig. 6).

tiocal act of the :uhtlt i$ m put r.hc:wedheld or nu:shcd Tht:re ellSued a pawe, and Kami cbaogc:dthe tempo
n,c! pcppc: o::t tlu: chilcl:> eyc1. M. M . .sawMl"n Singin of hcr c:rying (fig. 7)-
do t?t.isto bc:r son after he b;id hc::c-:n whining !o:- ::t !Oll.S Mcn 1£l1&.-h:it~ tried le) dug K.aro.i,,and rb(,n mt<I
~- The rnothc:- showed no prc~ry anger, hi~t to carry her (fig. S), bt:t pnt iu:r dnwo afU:Ta £c...,, Step!,
w;.th 2. ,~os!c quick mo"°emeat took.~td ham her mouth (~g. 9)·
ltJd struck with it :it the child·, cya. We bclic,.·c that the M('I) Singin offend mo:c Ted pq,pcr. but '.',!e1: £.ndw
e:xp!<lcl~m1t:.s o! tliis incident a typk:il of the and Kami were now some v.-ay down the ro:id. F'm:dty
n.."'C oocu.ions on ,-·hkh Jtilin-r..v: mothcn i.:;e the red J(ami ,--alkcd off with Mc:n £Tidch.
pt:ppi"'I' Men Endc:h:I I<zrni(h3lf :tdoptcd by bcr gnndnl.otber,
A sj•n;!ar suddenness is ch:incrMilitii; of t.l1e:~ 1,;,h,:, is Men Endcb."s $iitet); Mm Singio (u.nrdatcd)-

siTc:1!rare oce:t$iQTl$ on whirh :adults rcson t,:, pbysiCAl B:ijot;ng C.cdc. M:i.y 25. 1937. 9 I S; 15; 20: t4: 29;
"r.nlenC":C. Only two su~ cuu occurred among thi: fi,-e ,l. $t•
!i.:.:Adt'tdpeople o! Bajocng Cede in the two )~a.tS I.bat
-. were rheno:.Both o! th= were !u.dden outbllnt$ QVCT ,o ;ind l l. A d1ild ll.urte in a temper. In 6g-. 10, t.'1<-
.;'".e o.... u! k:U,,cs and one o( th~ p:ilticip:ana ~11 pays no apparCt'.lt:irr~r)t)n, bm fo fig. l l. llhe bu suned
o~ o! these ot1(bt11"$C$ on()!: be:!orc l<l$lhis tetnpcr tQ cry.
ic the $.1.tni:5tl(!dcn 1<-:ayovcr the owncnbjp of llnotht:t° l Ga.t.i.aJTfing her )-Ol.JngM° Uun-, J K~joen.
k::Uk Bajoeng Cc:,de.J:in. 1g,,. l937• 4 F 21. tt.
The scquCllce of phot<igr.tpla :dio....·n here is abnormal
fm 1\:ali, in Wt tb~ wo-.:n::ui w:u unusoally b~-t~mpcn:J, a :tncl 13. A moLJie-:rdnf? her d:'l.t.tghtct hOOle. Sb<: i$
~ red pepper wu ·wggesteid and pro-v:d.edby a by• curying: htr }'OungtSt Nby on her left hip, .ind in ~-
undtr, :ind fnnher, the &rl •~ e.'l.ctptionally bigb- 1:t, $he $t00p$ down to pick up the :1c:r.t. o!dcr girl ~ilo
sp.rited am! tm:.ladjusted ~ a reruh of btt f:lthd':1 dcv:. i, h:i,·i:ig a ta11t.rr.un.
aott and bis J'<'lDaniagr.. lo. fig. lS, ;he wall:; off. holding the child h)· the
)(. M.'s n:con! m.t~s Wt the whole incident «x>k dbow.
UOu: S m..ino.tcs. I Karni came.nm»ing up the road )'Cl!• Men Doer,:,«; I Karti, her d:il)ght,:r, t K:tlU, he:-
t!lg .md was $Copped hy the small group wb.ich wu gath- boy.
ered 2:mund lien Siugiu )d).jn.g food on the ;idi: of tbe B:i.jocnsGede. May 24, 1937. 9 E t6i. 17.
Plate 55
This and Lhc following ~ pfa.tcs de:al with successive phases in 1he pcrform:tflOC of the '\¥itch play
(J'falorummg). Thi$ drama chroWll more lighL on Bali»i:se charac.ta structure th;ut any otru:r. and it differs
from the othcn jn th.3.t the pl◊L ccntc.n ;m)und two':dand $yu1bolic 6,,.~ the Witch (Rangda, li1erally
-""idov.•:· 3lso C1.11edTfalonarnng) and 1he Dragon (Rarong).
Thi$ dn:n1:'l is cMllD..inedhere, at the end o( the series of J)htc!i dcaJfog with the tJ\()thcr-chiM relation•
ship, bccalll>1:the relationship between the Witch and the v,en who attack her n:s,e111bll.'$ in mat1y ways the
re-13.tionship hctv.ttn ,nol.hcr and child. (l"ht 1-cscmblanc.iebetween l11e'\Vitcb-l>r.igon rclacionship and (he
father mo1her rclatio1tship is ilJuj.tratcd on Pl. 6z. and the role of ,he Dr:agon i$ oomp.u-ct1 with th.1.tor the

father (m Pts.. 56 and Cry.)

The photog:1'3.phsare Mrangt:d in plot order, but to show :'lll the n«eS't:uy p~ or lhc plot, jt h3.s bc:cn
ne~ to use phowgraphs taktn ()!'l dilfcrt:11t occasio»3 and in v:.irious village$. The perform3.nccs were
ordered arul for by us and given in the day1jmt'!. lh!ine~ lheatrical$ are usuall)' (In 3. co1mne:r<:fal
basis, somebody (an i1,dh,idual ()r a temple dub) payi1lg the dance club to J..riveits - p<lnly as an
offcriug to the t,-od.'Iand p;lrdy to cmhe1li.s.hsome rcligiou:s fei.ti.\13.l (d. ram~, Pl. 5). Large perform.ances of
th.i$ son are ll$1l:ll!y, but nm always, gi~·cn at nighL
tnnsfQrm thclnsclv~ iuto fade witd:cs ancl c:m~ plague
•· ·1'be Dnagon dl.nces. Th.iJ js 1hr. fornul opening of
.:md ptttilci:ioc in th-c land. They amwr.r hi:r ,pce<h ln
the dnm:i.. In &Qmr.vilbges it ~ Clcnittcd; in others the
circl~ the dancing ground three limes to mfil
l'a.gocun. Di:c. 16, 1937. ro i:· t2,
off $ bound:u-y wbk:h no witch (lt:falt) an m:,$1. Re U
,i: of Ji~ecue» and mmkal pupp~j)b beh:wiot-,
:iml ID$ oompktcly fln:ib?e body e:ubles him U) turn (Afti:r this, thcrt: arc K:'i'er.J iH.-tne,;of pe;liknoc, hinh
:uotind upo~t b.imk:lf. :md deatb. Tbd<: m:i.~bTe subj~ :ire ucatcd 'lrith up-
P:L,&«ta».Feb.$, l939- "6 C 9- dov.'Jling. iJ1own in PU. 14 ffld SS,.and end wi.h
the cxpos.1~ o{ the miTIQT,-·il<:heswho b3.vebce:n pbt·
t, The Witch'; dil'oUpJcs(riiia). The plot begini wilh ing pnnk.$ on rhe poopk $.ll'liHcn with ~r.i!em:e.)
one to tbTcc boun of d..,.nci.og by tbeK litt1r. girls. In the
vjJb~ o( Pagocr:m they d:mce in pain.. i:a.cll ~ir d:u1c- 4. Thr. Witch ap~ tnnsfon:100. She ii 11ow-w~ring
ing for .-tlx>m~ m.irmtd. "Wben <.mi: pair nf J.?-flsbave a mask. with ~<>n:OO\l$ tr.dh $nd pcndt::tt tongue:. She
fuusb('(i their dame. the:r $it on :i mat at th~ edge of t!te >tand; in t!1e temple g,.tc and i:s awckcd hy the kfog:.
s.t:ige.a.ud l.beiT p!:i.«-i, 12lumby another ,:,:ur.
Thi:s con• In $hC lies < teroplr. :SlC'pS.tnnmi:U·
tinUC$ lfflril :ill the cli~le, al't' ~u!-ng .-tnd w:UU.OgfoT t:i.rilt '1:i1hid" by the ki-ng. She OC)\'Cff her lace with bcr
the Witc:h. white clot.b.
Their- d:ina: doscly T~.sentbles ~h:it o! kg('ll'lg « .um• 1•3.gooui.n.fd>. S, 1939. 115J 13.
giang lkdcri (Pl. ,9).
P~o«an, Feb. $, l9S9· ts:5H 7• 5· ,11,i: Wilch cb.nt:tl Sbe rises ftom thr. :si.epsMd rl:11.'ICCS:
wlo. SM rnl!s out to Qther wit<:ltt:Jto come: trod!. the
3. ·nu: Wltch iti.SU'\lCU hi':!'disciples. ·11i.e of the cast .ind !toa:t the wdt, and the north ;.mt lhc $t)Uth,
Witdl. js played by .i m:w. whQ hobbles a~ the mgr. .-ind she laoghs and roan ;ar. she: wat'C$!ter doth.
3idcd by :,. $tafC, At thi-s $T.lgt: o( W.e clrnma, lhc Witch PagoeUn. Doc. 16, •9$7· zo TT •'1·
M "'" {matah)- n<,>:. )~t mn~fnmu:d into her .wptt· fonn - aoc:Ii;,'tr.therefore ,.~:,n no -rn:ui..
6. The \\'jt,ch
:~C!I li~: di.&cip!e1. Both s.he a1td tbc:y
The Witch is.angry with rJ1t k.i.ogof dti: O)Uf)O'}', Th<:
~ l'l9W in .supcn1atuffi f(lffll aud ag;ti-n .sb.-ckcrurd
n::i::KlUSfol' fa:: fflg<"' vary with di.tfcrau t•cnicm:i o{ the
them ~ .she d:d irt fig. $- (!'his <"pi.'IOOe
is omitted in
myth. T!tt: linsfs $(m has r<'fnnd to marry lti:: &tughtcr.
m~t pcrf(mna.llOCS..and we $3.Wi't only in Pagoc:tan, f)M'•
the k.itig bJ.Sm:nricd her and c:tSt her o!! lxc:m,~r.o! tier
witchcntft; ur Jtc tool: to ":itch~ft btUll$C W.t:wu ~u
haps beausc only rl1c:hgoct~n dU<e club lud ~ush
oJL Thi: 'A1itcb :ippnx.!ches hr.r ddcipl~ aml, iu 111<:hi:ic -m%SUto $t:tgt-: thi.$ sc('nr..)
Tcitgiouslangu:i.t-t:,giv~ them insm;aions.. ~y :i.rt" to
p~. Dec. 16, 19:r,. ZO TTN.
-- ' .. ~


,,,,., ' ..


ln some\·crs.ion~of the myth, the~ r a t4:-t!lk:d iruo the Dragon: in .any c.'i'lt'I, -v.ith or "'-it.bout c:.E.,
the nc>:1~e in the c!ra:rz..?...?:t. 'Vet ben,.·cen the Wiu.h :1:1dthe Dragon (d Pl. 6-:-,f.g. -!
TI1is conflic-t is a brtcf s.colding nutc.."l er! i:1 art"bak !angu.:,ge, Neither side is \'i<1orious. but 1bc
Dr:,:goo ?.iL1ldr:!\\."$and his p!aoe is tlleo tJ" ~ ; "'foll:ow-crs. •• young men«) with lrl$Ses.
l. The Or.ignn'$ followt:fl ttady co"l: the \\.:di..
(The bbdt mart O\·er Utt- foot 0£ the tmco!Ucious :-,,.ua
T'hn- 'Q\lal iu b:illet foreutio-n in cwo Ums. holding U :l hlcmtWl .U:the photogr.rp.'i..)
kri!;ll('Sttady :o rush forward. ·111e \Vitch tl behind
t!if:-....r P,as0t:b.n. Dec. J6, ,937. 20 I 1,.
the camen ;it the ochcr cm! of the dancing grou?td.
P::1e,~n. Dec 16. 19n. 20 I 4.
6. Lifliog the llUu ~wn in 6g. 5. H<: ill
:. T!?c nni:on•s fol.!m,:ma.t lht end of thcir rwb.. As Jimp,. but hill le!t ann rrt:iin$ its posirion a~ CX
:.yY ~di the Witch, .die tum.1 upon thei:1 :md they sub- pull of gr.-vity.
~ hachtud fou, b..alf-squ.:it.ting
J)l'A'UtrC$, cringing Pagoet.3.!t.nix. 16, 19~. 20 I 15-
b3d. ...-m before he:-. She fattgbs u.-d ro.1.""'.ind wt.\·es
hn doth, :md theri runs Uelwt-:~:i,he two dcnm
to the other end o! the d:incing growtd. 7. The unmnsclous :ncn l~id OUl nt-..:itlyin lwo rows,
Pa:oeu.n. Dec, J6, 19~. :.:o T 10. ·11tey Ii<:,stilJ boJc;ling the:r kri\$C'$,$0tlle of than gi:•o=g
$pUum<lic ;witche!. A priest wa.Jh br.tWC('1) <he nm TQw,
s, Ttr.-o of the Drasol.l.'i1 foll<n.-.'t?'$
li-e on the gt'Q-111'.ld, .,,prink.lins hc>ly~tcr O'-'e?°tht:m, and i:1 the b.lclgrocni:!:
po-i.·crtm ag;ij:tst the Witdl's white dnth (a.nteng, Jitcr- the Dr.,g(>n is vj:.ib!t:. fk ia dapping hls jaw,s O\°l'T the-
alt-.. the"' in which a m(l{hcr curies bt:r !i.:.hy).The end nun on the kft, a.:1-d:111i:le d«:i tl1i:c. i:h(: i::b.ll:isa
Witch Sl"llll<kthn-~iT<-ningI.boa ,.;th the dolh. to his feet. In this -;,.-:iy aJJ the men .trt m.iHiJ. i:nro ~~­
Panuet:rn. Feb. 8. 19~. ,s J ~ icy and they ron o1Ts~ srill UftCOll.$001~"1, but U! xi::--c
M)rf of SOill.U:u:limlistk su.te.
i· Tv.·o mo~ of the D~m·:1•CI'$ auack the Witcll,
hgue:un. O«:. 16. 1937. 20 I t,.
A!:r.r .i. series of rn1Wld n1shcs a;, the W1tch. ti1t-:
:rotmi ::r..cnwilh k.rU$C$unnt-: nmning up lO her two :u a $. Worm:n ent<:rwilb. kr'~. \'le had -.n wome::i.6.::ce
time, and ~tu:n1pc rQ $tab h<:'!".S!te does not min. b1:t with 1:Ti~ ;tt temple festivah at night a.'ld bzd ~
?tth wirh hcr anw !imp :it her $Kies, lik ;a r.ig doll (o?' that thC:iTd:incing. tlmllgb nomiu:dty the $S!t:e:u :.:"~t
like a &!mei:e mother rdwfrtg to ~pond to her :r,on·tt of rhe mi:u. w:,., f'(lndtrtl.eutally d'i!Tcrtnt (d. ri. SJ). We
umru:m). They :u-c po~less ~a.i.m.1.hi:?"iinc:1 collapse wa.n(.t:(!w g-ct a mocian-pi«wc- recm-d o( the "'"IX:';~·•
on the .ground, dlhcr limp ur rigid. but unoorucioo.s. d:mdng. ::md tb<:r<:fore ~ed. to the <U"ndng c.!A>uf
P:i&')C'tfln.D~ 16, 1937. 20 ! 19.
l~gQCtan,. 1n :93;, that they lJ:.mJ3di:oclud,: i.n their ptt·
formaooe $OIUC wo::nc:n with b':S.SO.Thi$ t!3etdid 111.:h-
5. The colhpse o! t'll."Oof the Dr~m·i fo1J01''-Cr.!;. T~ rntt :my hel-io.tit'N\,and by ,939 the wo:aicr. W't:«'an e•
Wiu:h is Tt'<'li-ogoJl 3;ud lrill $honly be au:::r.1:ectby an.• u:bti.sbM pan of
rnhtt pair of young me.o, whi!e the l"-i'O who !~,·e ju$t The womr.n come 01: .,,tig-cin C\,,'Oli:1es ;i;shere ~.
2tt=prrd ,o $Ub l:c:Tlie Q,n the gi.·oumL Other m<:mbm ;and after ''-"-cm! ballet 1n:met1"\'M'$ they So into a-ai:ttt
of tbc &.oa: ch.1bo:::m:ieto pfrl: rhem up. 'l11c man on :md tvm th<:ir hi= ()Q'I th<:!llScl·•~ v.ithout :uiv;
~ e:xtrem<:right gin~rty tak:i; hold of the uncxnuril'.lll$ on lhe Wfoc:hor co!llplet~ p~limir:ury c:o!l:lpsc-.
man'a kri:1.
Pagoctan. f'd>. 8, 1939. j5 j l-'St,

Plate 57
The men n:wri), still in a wnll'~:'l.mbulistic s1:ue, and after a few simplt ~lleL nuncUYt:r$, they strut about
singly. Suddmly, first one and then anotl1ter gi\'PS a loud yell a11d turn:s ~1p1)nhis O't\'llches1,t.he kris with w11ich
he attackt<l the Vtitch. •fbjli in-turned a.ggre~ion is aooompanicd l>ya.roo.ring noi\iieand posruring iri which
the body i,$ lntddcn!J and repeatedly hem bad.ward wit.b a rising 111{1vcmcnt of the ;·mriS(fig. 3). ln i,hi!i action.
the .tc:cent is on the vpv.-ard motion c,f the ll'lllS and on the forw:m1 thrust of the f)Ubis..After a few seconds
of I.his acthity, tbt: rn:!...nwill st.v'l SU'Utting again$ tense and Silent. only t◊ re\·en. with another loud ydl. 10
his spasmodic JIOSUL"ing. Some men actually fall backw.u:d onto the grour1d with an cxu."t.1nebad.vard he1,d·
i.ugof the mrnk, a.nd tie on 1.hcground writ.hing in wtne $OT£ of org:i:1.mkclima:s..
Me;mwhifc the women ha,.-c:alw turned their his.,;cs on tbc:111:-eh•cs.. llut tlitir bch:l\'ior differ.i from that
of t.he men in that t.hey accent the downward l,e11ding mo\•eu\e.t\t. while 1lte 11pward and b:1.ckward move-
mt..nt. which U JCO:::ntcd by the l'llen, is. in the W()tncn, only a recovery or prep:l!:ition for ~molhcr downward
movemc:.otQf the hands, a forward bending 1.1f the trunk aJld a or the pubis. This difkrt-n~ and
the v.Titb.iug beh:l\'ior of the men indic:at~ a. dose rcfal.ion between thi$ t.rancc bc:.h.lviorand St.-xualclimax.
We: }i.;·wenoted that the iendcncy of children to look for dima.~e.$ of affection aud :ing,cr is fru~tr.tted and
pr,,l,;tbly in some $eo.serepressed. Y1iii probablc lhcrcforc, that 1his c:mwcntionili:i:cd tranc:it:'heha.vior is a

ttturn co patt~rns <>fbcha\·ior which h:l'\'Cbce.u extinguish~ or inhibitc<l.

t. N.ttivc:: paimi:ng showing the suges of going into 1u .G~. i .:im! 5, lhc i:n,,n strul.$ with hi~ kW ht!d
mmcc. The m.m ~nd;ns: to the 1<:rtof ilie v.rit<:h is ag,;iin,t.hi~ upper ann by the a':Ullpcd sup::iutlon of the
::.uailing h~ ,.,;th ll \:.r.isin hi$ ha.ud; the m,.;mon the fur(.':UtU,
grmmd h;u pr<::w.snably jwt bllcn /Tom the ;m,::.Opt to In fig. 6, ht: is jumping. ·11us nuin. pnrorn1cd a .serlC$

Sbb her; md thi::m;m <'In the rigbt ho!oh lWOkr~ and of Q)IISCWliVC j1,mp,; iu t.h.i.$ }'W'l:'tUn:.

~$ mrnc<! tht':!tiOU him$c!f. The Witcb her:-ldf h. 3ppat• Dendj,ibn. N~~. ~8, 1936. J I 14, ,~. ir5. 28.
eoil)' pn:,:ning .h~ h;1ir with her riglit hand wbil~ iihc:
wa\'C$ ber dt,d1 with tbc JefL '1· A m~n krh:.iAg hinuelf. J.u ,:ontTa$twith the high de-
P~int~ug by I Cocsi:i Njcmwi l..cmp,lrl 0£ Ocboed. g,-= o! tctUk>n ,bo-,..u io. Cig.3. a :1wnber o! me11 kris
Dal~ by W :iniiit .. M'.trcb, 19~ ... thcin.1cka in ,·cry -Qffh:md" nutnnr:r, mitig only oat
band. Sume of the. obsctne cal'\·in~ :ilio-.•po,.<r.urei ''.-:'t"f
~. Po,uait of :i. m:l.Oiqm.r. t!1e attack on the Witcb. Hr. dosdy rcLit.ed w lhis. In t.bc lnd.g;ro~rod,tit~ pl'iat, wf1(>
is uildnr.: fX,Ulin tbc::p:diaiioary balh:t llil.d hol& ::s.krl$ WM lc,>oki.ugaitcr ,he men in tnn~ :'IJ'ldgiring t!1<:lll.
pi-.;ed hir;b in his right b;mcl Nole I.hat the pw"6ingor holy 'lf;;iu:r, hM him:d.C gone into U:'i.OCC
:md D bc.iog
the lips at tJ:i:, }t;tge h;u :m cxnowrt or ~c$$ive ap- $1.1ppo1tedby two club rnt:1n~ who .ire not in ,r.icm,c. Wrply m:1lr~ttog with the:2pparent imr<>Vtt• Dcntlj.:i!au. May %6, 1936. I K 2.

ii<m on the /;t()t".i u{ J)).Ctl :u:tually in

.. \fa)' a6, 19)$6. 1 J it.
1>tn,dj.1i~m S. A pn:11! boy in ;i t:mtrwn. Thi1 photograph i.lll!>U:ltCS
tbe n:1:u.ionsh.ipbctw(:(:n l:ris.,.ing bch,Wi<.>T
:s!td tantrum
z.4, 5, and 6. A scri~ o! postt1T't'!'Iof :t man in u-.wce. bth.t~•M)r.Tn Loothwe Jind t!1c C-Xtr<'mt:. bad:w:u:d lk.'.ud·
Fig:. ?I 'lohOW$ the high point o! hi:. l:rissing mO\'Cmtnt. ulg of the lx!dy and tht: CW'lla.x.
lfiii 1,:,.cl:,i$ ~nt far OOd::;the point Qf his k.ris ii again,-. ){~ G<>cu.oc-n3huld.i.og 1 Racieh. chest: anJ he bc,tds tl1c baod!r. o! the kri$ with both &jocng Cede. O.:t. JT, 19'7. 17 N ~'1·
bal'lf;.$high above lt~ h~d. In dancing in tbi:. 11.'a)'with
the Juis, th~rt: is, 'SO f:n ;Ill we cotsld obK£'1.'e,very little
Jk,:M u:rnJon in the biocp$- lniildd there ill :,. suong: 9. ).!en ~ng thC01$,;l,·t~on tbe gmuud. Thill phot~
g1apb was tilm :it. :t. rdigioe~1 ~}' (the so-c:illed
pmu.,.tOl' 1e~itm i.11bo(h ::tm1s,which hQ!ds.the point o!
the kris ag;iin:,it I.he m~n·i d\est. 1f tlu,: man', body were "'paarlf. M.w .. or "fight ()f the tods"), bu1.1.he mnQI: b(--
lia'lior il mmi.i.n:illy rhc. $:UUCti in the 'Witch dr.uta. It
m>t <beri:.tlte point of the l:ris would move dov.·n:wwd
in an a.rewith thc-cent« iu the m:in•:,i balld.$, Jn the appc:tr:c th:!t in thii vill~ t!ie COO.\•entimi-:Jclitn:i,c
h:ldgr<>un<fof fig. S, i1 :i le<»nd nun jutnpirtg in the :I.ix
position on the gro,uod i.~ly!~ on the bdly, imtr~d o£
~ncl yelling -u tb~ muul.COt.of l.t3..0sirinn fru::l smitting ou the h:ir.' 1n P~tan (d. PL 5:).
P:il:.~ooli.()(;t. t?, l9~- ii: y 13.
lO kriici:~ b.irrud.L



Plate 58
The dima.'t of ttaooe is .i mixture of agony :ui.dt(:$(;1,$)' simil:u- to that whic.:bwe ha,·e alrc::tdyn()(ed in
t.he fess dl-3m:t1ic trance of the ,·illab,epriestess (Pl. S). F.i1J11:r
just before or during this stage. the men att
disarmed by other dub mem.bc:nwho ~•:ncb to sec that they Shall uot bun themselves;and when dis:mned.
lt,e,yarc ca.rricd()!I either limp or rigid into the temple to be brought OOclc to normality. They are laid out m
the-t.ewplc.and arc gi~u holy water and smoked wllh incense. Some individu:tl$ m:ovt.-rmuch m-0rerapicl't-
u.a.n m.heri, ;·md the r:uc o( recovery depends to some ex1eut upon status. The mo~ important iildi~·icluals
whoare suppo$eClirpossessedby named dritic:s, instead of by 1he m.meless minor ~m<>ns (boa.a, / who
J)C~ the D;l:tjorityof the young mcLl, :resistr-eoovery until special oJietfogt;(s-cgch,d. PL 33, fig. 4) hue boen
nude u) their deities.
A few or these special individuals gather for this ceremony, which is conducted by c.bcpriest of the club,
,.,.hilcthe Drago1\:i:landso•.-crthem. The D1.-gt,nthus appears in the final $CCDe. as he did iu the opening d.
t, z, aad z. Agony and C(Stuy i.n a m:m "'irh-xtt a bis. 5. A man ~mg e,,rried itHO the t=plc. His 8lll?S b.t.og
Tht$ man went fot.o tn.n« too $000, wbl!e sti!J i~tting limp. Some n:icn are rigid :i,, this $t3gC.
with cl:c oc.hcr- JQ-1:ll)f men 11·ho "'-c~c going tQ .t« a& "fol• D,mt!j:i.1.:m.No,-. t3, 1936. a lfa t'9,
!oY.·enof the· The tbc.·uriC3.lpt.."l 0£ the per•
!or.:l:mee w:1; not yet over,aml the: yocng men mre in
the audience. It llellflll th;it the appeat:Ulce r.,!the Wfr(n G and 'J. Lmde the tecnpk, :t "nv:o:i.o w:m,ng 10 ht
o:i. t!1c .n;igi::1-;u &ufficicnt~'ti.muhn tQ Sf:.1ld brought o{ ttartoe. !n ne-. ~ 6.~
6, ~h(" $its -SObbUl'.g:
rrantt. 7, SM h:a oolb~ ~w:ud 1.11d ex.tended her legs
others hcld h:01.-aiciicichown in th.<:'$C
·Th<-: pbOlQSnph,. until ~c U approxim::i.u:lyin the postUllt o! the =:::-
until the p:opcr- til'l)e came for ;JI to k.ri:1 rhem:<.elvt-$; roeniu %-8.
±er: he-1-·,u gh-en ~ k.ri.,and pi,r-fc:mncdwith the olhers.. Pago,etao. Doe. 16, '9?17• :n J ~ 3·
T'hc:K- p!tutogr.iph; $how two q,u.ite tli~'tina faQ;d e'l("•
p.~ns: one, wtud1 the: B:llin~ Ql)l "botd.jod1," in
,r.h:ch l!u-: lip:1 :i,""' pt1$hcd Corwnd an O $b:tpe,. 8. Yotlng men fo. tra.noe Q'ltt ill tbe tt:'!lplt ro ~:
while the nun roo.....,;.:1:1t!:mother- in which the :nou.tb i:1 (o:- holy Wl,tcT.
e!oug-.itc:d and the for~ad wrfol.lcd. while the P:igoeun. Doe. 16. 1g.z;. :n l <1t•
lkndj;ibn. May 2'6, l936. l J 11, n. 14.
9. The Ji.nal tt::e1m:my in front of the Dragon.T°be' =-~
+ A m;m lying nn th<:ground, rouin; :nd kri:Hfog him• i:1 :!triped tromeT$ ba$ danood ,u t?1c:front lc-g,:o( tbt
s,eJ{. This pho«>i:;r:iph:1ho11-sth;it it 4 the fist a.nd not Dragon.He had gone itttn mn« and w;u ttµ'..un! w
~ point uf rht- l:Tis which ptt:3SCSon Llic .skin. d1~~n.
flc,ndja!an. l\fay !:6. 1936. 1 J b$t. Pagoctan. Dec. 16. 19J7. ~ J 15-
Plate 59
In ;my culture.. tht' behavior ~ucrns which the: man adopL~toward the opposiu: sex in ~p 2tt
r.i~ly rdarM to tboec which he J.c:amt,clas a dtild to a.dope to•-a.rd bis l'l'IO~r. lhc ~rfa mu« be related
to hC'r expcrieo"C of her earlier J'l(!l:uionshipto her father. furthCT, lhcre must he some mtirUU ~
bcn.een tbc boy"s u,c:t the girt·s bdu:rioc patta-ns it COtU11ib.ip i., to progre,-1- Unfnrtunat.ely it. is 001.pc)mble
to dcmon$U'3tc th~ rel.,,1ionsb.ipSwith photogt1pbs <>tacttttl wu:rtship. but it is ~ble to d,emorutn1t
tb:m with piau~ of those cbntt:s which~ a nyfued J"CJJl'CSCnlWoa 0£ couruhip.
The djQget danett is a preadolc:)('Cnt~rl who is carefully tr-a.ilttdin this dm~ She is «tc- of UK' mcm-
bcn of~ itin,ennt d:2-nc:c dub ,r,.iloa:o from viJh1,gcto villa# carrying thti1· muJSiCllins1.nunencsand giving
perlorrnanc.~ wh,cre,,·crUleyuc to do ,o.
The ptrfonmntt begins with Lhc:djoget dancing alone, but ~n a 1nan juins her and they d.'\1ttt to e:ach
other. l."!Jt'nun may be either a regubr panrttt o( hers wbo acco:npa.oi,csthe c.lub, or bt: may 'be a member
of the audience "·bom ~he:has never ,net ~fore. <111d a part of htt ,'U"tuosityconsUu in 6tdng btT da:nrlng to
bis fig\1rft.. She must nC\-c:rttbx. }:er pofuhcd .st~le. ctN! ahc mmt try to avoid giggling when.. .u oflen hap-
pent her partner decide, to skit hill couruhip role.
t. A 1/.j'°'"t da.nCM" (WJ()O •ith bet hmtbcc. This pi 3- A (ftln"Clltioaal b<:bl ~ In counwi.i-pd•ncing.
h::d bcetl tr•ined by hm). and together ,hey tAve the is rh~ ,:une m:a.nas in Gg. ,. ::u~ he wears:r Wll.per-
best pc:r:fonm:oocl ol tbh JUrt that ~ .-f1"aaed Thb {ng tin,:issistiecxprt:!15io.o.
,,:hicb i• C0014'1<>nly
pblllO~pl, lhc:,v.'1thc.rn .J.t. a mcxn,,:1uwbcn thir bod:es by nwc d.:mccn(d. PL. 16). His boclifypoa,uttl: -.ay be
a;.~ facing QCb. Olhtt. wh.ilc their faa:s U"C tum(d :a.way. o:icnparcJ wi1hd~ or tlu: m11n(PJ.4fi,nft. 7) llii.o, d:mc-
Fxi:-,~-i\n- moo~ruu an- brief. 2&ld the duc-c mar b« mgdoi, ,mri,c,d cp LO • di=u •nd then colbJ)'ct.l
~ tn amiil( ,..C11.brgdy or the intd't'uptior, of Q)Ul't• 1 I))wi:g of Pling,oed (daa<fngto l Ti.roe).
ibi?, "fbc, pa.rtnm OXll'ffl~ brea): •w.-ay hoei,. ea,di, R:i.jocngC:,:dc. ).by t:S.,193'7. !) 'R.4.
other, pirout,ti:ng off in oppoeiitc rlU'rctioni,. uacil L'icy
aJTfvc at •nolhc:r ~f:u')' &tr. l~r .. l;'.l)C()unter (cf. 4. A djogct dancer coqt1mioii; whi!1tkndinl( olf' her pan-
Pl. ~,. fig. f (or :r t.J.«,,.u, btt enc:owato). In Sf"l'Uingol ncr- vitb htt hand. Tii.i:I J)h«osn:ph -wu flb-.:wl<'dby
res1 (!Ml.mhlp. tl:c D,:ilincsc lilcQ rhr ~havior of boy entering eh~ st• :.nd d:.-nciog to the: f!iof;d> ~ m
aDrl g:id to c.b..:tof t.wo coclu m11in~ t~-a.rd CM:ltotba hand. •~ if pl'ltlltogtarhiug were :a.(»urbhip 11r.1..
witl, lb('i-rI~ down :md dtm brile- (cuhrn op (d. ~ d:inc:cr ir,- Sdn . .ts.a.og!i.
l'l O· £g. !). &jo,ng Ccdr- June~ 1g57. 11 J 29.
t Oa.w-r::•Ith his liscCT.1 Thoe. itinn'.J.D.ldit.l'ICCt'Smidi.
Scbt, Jb:'lt,11. O· A djOJd d;1ncicr cbnatlC' .do, and ,howii::ig: bft" wir-
&jofflg C..,_,:le.May :t9- 19!7• 9 y l,S. u,10fiity
by hl'nding h!ld.wnrd.
B;ij, J\lM g. 193;. 1 M f:$,
t. parttin. -..o. kft the- •uJ..ic:oce to kt<ti
/t o.'ICl1ic
11 mW:. from our- colJec;tioa. He p.,it it on whit. hiding 5. A djogrl cbn«r" flt &be-,-,-d. of rhc: CWICLSb(-
in lh~ aud.ic-not a!'ld the:o suddetil)' ~ppcd out intn the limp -:ind witl.dra.wn "''Aitin;; £or,he m~k to $t:trt ~in
duiring gn,uod t1' cuofroru the- 4~: cbnctt. (d. Pl. ;. Sg. e).
Nt.0g-Ona ,.,-c:Lrln~ :i. tllUk from St:h:at.OC, Di"P' da~ from Pdal:tli:z,g.
Bajod2: ("'-«le. Janeg. ,g,;. 11 0 2. n:i.jocogGede. M:a.y1a. 19s7, s s a1.


l 3




s 7

l\·e ba-.-eall't'2d) noted tPL 56. 6g. S ....,. 1 ::o: pan of Uc Witch'a po,,-1tt is SV"::llbofucdin her whltc
clo:!l. &nd U\at t.~is c!oth. is called "t:':!!~~ - c 1.-.,.l:?!:l'C tc:rm .\:$ the mother's in which she carrio
::.::c bah} on her hip. This plate shows in toort" • ~""! ~ this "'-eapon is ~..dlcd.
~ p!ate also sho"'~ a djogt:t dano::r i-pe-nue1.,;'"'3 the WilCb.. This is one of the special solo dances little girh perform. That tlie bei'=.~u! and deiinble girl who ,chiefly plaj$ a court.$hij) ro!e
...:-d ~!so plaJ the role o! Witch n,:t wilh our assumptions that the Witt'h ls comparable 10 I.hi!'! mother,
. ,__~:courtship pancms an: t~~ly rcl.a.tedto parent-child patterns. There art two $ONS of women
T!:io __.y ht wil.t'.hcsaccording lO the con•;cndoos of lhliru:se dnma. - th0$C who ,~ret:ilher very old and
~ cg!)' or those who art vt:ry }'Oung and very beautiful (cf. the Vvltch's disciples, Pl. 55. fig. z and f>l, 61.
ig,.. t 2.nd ~)- Such dr.una, commonly J1;wefor plot some St.Offin which a prim-:eabducts what he thought
-a, a beautiful girl; later he fook:sbehind him and find'I that he has a mistake 3.Dd alxh1c;te<l3.n ugly
_,....,_:m - ,.,.ho:!epan is usually .teted by a man.

t IO1· Tbc Witch daocirig with her cloth. Jn €.g. i. s:1..-e i$ not cl.ear. On the one tund. we ht\'C the ~!
" ~ one of the (l()ffl.l,: SC!Vt.llt$ (d. Pl. l8, Gg. 5). mylhological tht:mc of the priooe wbo doo; noe :u !il,.t
1n f.g. 2, ,,,.ith' cloth in her right lwld,. ;he r.i.i:IG &eehir. bride ::mdb.tcr diKl()\'cnth:it W is bldeous: and
bo6 ::t..-::is high .aOO\·eher ~tun:, which lhe the 3ctUal «r<:monial of royal w~ i-n which the
,,1tch in-q-u~uly :dopl.S and J:D:tyreuiu !or k:V~l sec. .. bride i$ delivered lO the graom wn.ppcd. in
oi=6. .is ct.lkd Mpar - a word abo t,r;ed !or lhe posnm:, white cloth and pTe11iou.sly wlSlCtn. On th.i::othC?" hand.
, tddl':Olyassumed by -aman ,-·hen he bib out o( .i (:000- we inn.1t <Xm:ip:i.relh.i$ ges,n.rr~of the ·with che
:;:: ~ « when be sce,; :i. m:i.k.~. We io.taptt1 tha ti mothd~ h:i.bit o! oovf:ring her h«: (cs.ptei:tllv hc:-
u ..!ldicationth:ct the Witch ii not mud}· :l. !J,jgb.tening ro.outb) to htt:t.k imd"-pcr$0oal oont:i~ • her child
igl."tt. ba.t i:s: -penooifi.atrionat £c:u or o( $tartle in the {d, Pl. 5$- Sg. ~. and with the d,i:ldrtn's lubit o: w,-c-,
lf'ffllC tb.L she hCl'$('1! is afraid. So<h :m inmprcution ing: lhe Cy<'$in fe:ir (Pl. 6j).
!:.!. with ocr- :uutp:s o{ UlCrd:ttion bcu,-ccn Witdi :md P,,~n. 8, l9S9· 35 J 1S.
1-~eb. Uld our an.:ily,:i:lof the role whid~ ,-!i:ued (ear
pb'_l'Sin rh<' mat?tcr-cb.i!d rdationship (Pl. 46). Tn gt::tt· 6 :nd ;. All unfmished sketch ot the Witc:b ::Ad the
cral. one would not gi:~ th:u lhc Wit<'h is acting fear, Dragan. Fir,. '7 is 3.ll enlarg<:dp.Wtogr.tph o[ tht Witch'i
o;:.t •C once µw :i pe:r!onuanoe :tt night in which the b.nd :l.Uddoth in thil d.r.1wing.In this qtrid fret!w:i.d
ao« g,ve to this part a curiouily patbetie :tnd !ondy sketch tbc eloth, the \\!itch'$ w-e:ipon. :ippean limp :i::id
q,:a.fav. eylindrial.
In 6g. $- she ,toop,s (orv,7ffl at the end o! a down One infonn:mt ( Ocra, bom in M:ilct. living in
-.::-mke•·ith btt doth. :&joeng Gede) told tl$ that :i mau, wbt!o. be is frig!:.t•
Iti Ilg, 4, she .suoch wjth cloth n.i-1 itt one hand, :i.s his te2r by oil hi1-s:i.roi:g aod
ened, ni:i.y :roc:h.:sce
she would when challenging the Dragon. (The: =ct o:>n• $h:t.i:ingit rn.lL He said that bi:,,cl.£bad done th.a oe
:ext of this phntogr.1ph wu not r~ed.) one oecuioo "-·hen he ~ ~ of wjt<hcs, at n~gbt.
ltinennt uvupc o( Wlllji:ng ::.• from Kc- Un.finish('(!dr:iwU~gby I. B. Nj. Tjeta. Not purcbakd.
<!o<wi Jb:oc::m. Aut,. 22, 1937. 14 U to, 21.
&jocng Gede. :t.fay13, 1937. s v <J;-.
37, se..s~

> The Wirth <n\·en her;e ,.,ith her cloth..Thi$ phntoo S :l.tld9. A cou."'Uhipdancer (djogt::) im~tiog tbt
pph was taken iromed.i:ttdy:l..CtttPl. 55, fig. 4 il1 whk:h Wit<,:h. hi fig..S, $bC $t:t.nd~ ~n the k,4:>4r po$lric:m.&.
ihc is $00\',-n tying 011 the temple steps. ''Jilllod" by the cussed above (fig:. :): •·hi!c in fig, 9. $ht: m.nds hW2Ched
1c::~g.flee she ris(-$wirh her hoe hidden. Thi$. ii :i com• (onr,-affl with !:er wrist fl.e:cedaod ? !oreum $}op;tig
:::::ongiestuTcof the Wilch, Mel it ii ~t usu:tlly done du,.,•nwud after :i wc-.:i.i:
do,,;nwud scrol:c of her doth.
when .s..~ €.m comes on the: ,~~. It i~ we premmc, tt- I Til'()r. of raugsocd. the rootif of fe:u though il$ J'lrr.cise.s~nWea.nce Da.joengCede. M;;iy29. 19'7. 9 Y 11, u.
- Plate 61
This pfa1e gives further illustr.-1io1u ot the postures ::tndroles of the litdc: girls who act as witches and of
thcir aansformatioru.
picrun:) '"1d ng:iin ho!di it up -:md admi~ it. Finally
1. The 'Witch'! doop1e d:.ulcing -·ith rai$C'd btcd. Thi$
~ i$ very <JOorotOOn m c:il'\'ingl ;md paioring:i o! .die Jlin~ it from hcr :1-ndd:mc« o-.·u iL
such Jl-gtrrd (d. Pl. )7. Sgs,.S ;ind 9). lo the thettcr, l>jogd chnccr from Mtlet.
mipor u-lllSfonn~ witchC$ playing a cmnic rote $1'1mf:- Kajocng Gede. June:-,. 19:\7• l't A 10.

tin1es hop :ibuul the sage with one lnoe rai.~ed.. licrc Ji:t!c gl.r-ls$how tru$ ~c .<l'ltheil" cbucing before 5. A tn.n1fonnied witch. VariQU."t)'ptt of gmtt::squc mMK$
m.1y be nu:<! for t\·itcheo1(heads -,,dih a :ia.ns)e 1:lrge eye,
t?1~ir U3.0µQrm:uion intn hid<:Ol1$,.,itches.
e1:c.).This ~--.$, one o{ the roou d!eCti\'C th:tt we saw. She:
h~ta.u. Dec. 16, 1937. :x> E to.
fw bnlli:int bl:,,cl:.ttJ'ki white oo}oring W that her slwp
t<'Hh :i.~ $«cnted, :u1d her ~ appear to ft:t."11.
2. Reprul'i»g the 005ttlmc o! one of the W'ic(;b's disci-
W1tjar.g wrmg pcrformanoe in $:tn()CT,
ples. lf~e "',e sicc the liuk gil-1who is, thr::iaL~c:Jlfspeak-
$.inoc::-.M:a.1• ~ 19!16, t C u.
ing, a bab~• witch. :-cttMng the 6-Wlc:wm of r~:t and
wlicitude which is l:wi) on the girl who UIpoSSC$1,l'Jd
6 :md j, A .;nurtihip dancer •·ilh a dolJ ttptCSC'"ting a
hy :i e;uJ(cC.Pl. 4;. li.g$.3 :md 4).
btlhy. (Thi:. iii lhe µme d;;.nccr M io fig. 4>but the pbotti,,
Pt1gr,wr.m.l>Cc. l6. 1937. 2Q f. 1~.
gr.1.ptd wer<: t.:iken on tbe following day.) lo. 6g. 6, 11llt-
bu {hmg the baby on the g:ro,tmd :md da.ocNt with her
g. /\ minor wild, in the $h:apc o! ~ xncmk.<:y.Thi,; bot,
k.nt-r.:r.»900 nnd hi-:r !00€ over it, in thr.: witcll posture
11,·ithhis flt~ paiincd :i.nd hi$ 1:ail, w:!S on,c Q! tl.--emn~
,Jiown in fig. : .
!onocd ,,:itche. in cl!t- ~11 play. He :ran :arou.l!d
In fig.;. she bM m(>''o:d.and £Umh away frnm the baby
with hls arm~ :1ml kg,; ;md<'niin lb.est ''d"f <lishflr.
monic ~tuteS and pl:.ty(d 'i'.;trioUSprtinks. on the Jmman witl1 open rtjectiug b,1.ncb.
&jncnr, Cede. J1mc 1'$, 1937. 1t-B 16, 17.
bdnJ? in tbc: p!ay-$t('.aling the: b:tby frOO'I the co111ic
bUth $(enc. to~ng it in the 31iT.aod f('mmi.1:i;: it dt"::ld.
8, A wjtcll t1~cd. The part o( the inn,{orm~d wilch
hgot:t:.iJl.. Dec. 16, 1937. :o F 32.
wu pl:i~'f:dby~ ;(IUng man, ;ind :i.hcr tbe ,·uio1.1s co:(l'lic
~i:tlt:) in which ltC plfl)~ pr.m.ks on the mom~ h~ i:sUO·
◄· A co1:m:Jh~pd:tl'.l("Cl"impenon:i.L:ng the Wiu:b with a
U!.$t.kod by a ooothJ.:.ycr (b4lfon). lt\ phololl,l'apb, he
baby. The \Vi.tell i~ ~ougint'.(l tu cat and tt:U- lµbio (Pl.
,t!), %, :,,),~nd whc.o.thiJ Clt-epr~ted OD the '$Uf;C,the
,it~ b.~g. withru, JTl:t,d,011 the grouud bc$ide bim.
He i, [landcull<:<I hy tying hi~ h.,:ids to :i r,ufag ,
rtb:tion~hip b«w~ Wjtch :md b!b)' (ttpre3cntcd by~
doll) ha.s !I. ,c,rriow C3.h).nd,m.Oll$C
'}U:1lity; $be !told$ the tm'Ot1gh .:i tube of h:iml.ioo.
Dc-Jldj.iL,n. 1fay ~6. ig;sG. t l u. up :md ~~ \t, swj11g:iit downwanl (as in thi>

I .,

\!~~ ~


. A;
.,.;'>- ~
'-, I

6 7 8

Thts p:ace ilhm:r.ues the concra-stb,e:,:- :::..? ~ • 1.~ r::ioth-er"$n::bt~?- to child. the l::io-
gous contrast ~1wee11.Dragon and Witt!: ... ~ '6c :2f'tholo!i.a.l conflict between the t ....·o figures.
t. A mo;:her pfaying with her stm on hEs.105~ ... .....:-- Iu £1;-4• we sec the ronBkt bc,r,ree:1 D~--oo. ud.
d:i.y. She: holds tiim up :s..bovebe:r hcd. :ac'- ...~ 11c Witch , consi~u of 2 sco!ili!ig match in ~:ch.;.c
, btt lips d.""1wn back fflllln ber tttth \d Pt. ti:. t=~c (KAJi). The satures rypk:d o! tha: c:on!!:a re
fig. 4). dearly $hown - the Drap ~preuing anger by ~
Bockleng. N~ .. 6, 1936. 3 f u. thrusu of hi$ head. wd the WiWI st=~
f()l!"ll,·:s..rcl oat
her am:, 'lrith :ill five<:nspl:t-yed~ ~ a ~
t. A father holds his SOil 'lrhilt: hill foot is m(dic,a:ed. not of physicnJ Mt:tt".kbul ?3.thtr oriented t0 ~ :.bit
TM: bad a (light sabii:s on bi$ foor. ;i.nd i.n Lhe oppo.nent ptv,•,:z.ics.,.
trt3.t0l<:l'ltit ~ neoes».ry to remnve tltc ~- The father Itfatrsnt ~ of rf/Jorta1cng dano:rs fro::::, Tu:ag.
halt!%h!j child in an emhr.u:iug way,end0$1ng 1he's Baj~g Gedo:. May 29, 1937. 9 W r6. 16.
body in bis c::w.-n.H~ £3.ocis in QQntltt with I.bat of the
Mhy :mtl !u: :mends to the wby't facial c,,:ym:s.~on,,,bite
!lOldi.og the fonr fi-rml)' tn W$ band. TI:1: b:tby. slightly 5. The \'1.riu:h.Thi$ phowgnph :,.:how,bet oorn:i'!:io::~
frigh:"rn-:i!· lw. M CJC$ shut.. tht' s.usc. Her dath. which Ulc bol<!1in her rigbl ~
~fang~ holding 1 Kuba. aged ll.{ll <h.)1, i$ drnped ~t.ross her Jeft !o=r:t:1. 3Sc tbotl:gh it ~ :t.

&j0C:ng G<:de.Oct .. ,. 1936. t V l5• The photn(t?"'J.p!ltlso s.bO'KlS he tedh 200 tOl'lpe
.U)d ht:r euO.!'.ulQ.US fingnn:Ul:1. (She v."C4in ~ !:.>
~ :md 4. The «>nrlic:t bet'lftt!'l k.irig :md Witch. In fig. 11·hicbthe 6~:i.illi a.-...:atucb('(!.) h 2ppa."'S from ...,...
!, the king's rcprac-Ami\"e (pt:pldih) ~~ the \Vit,:·J~'s bcbavim- tbat tht f-unctiQn of thee M~il.$ is ::iot to
nil;S('St ,c:ratching m' p!1)'»cal aggre«W)n. It is t1'tlt UIM
cbagtuer o! witcbcr.ifr. 11,: bo!ds a t...i.sin ll~ <>Ut·
."ttcb<-d right h:md pOint.iPg lit het". pose is $l:d-
:l: .
snull ,children. playing .it tlte \',:tcll,. oftcr1 hoal.
dl'nly ::i:;:.uui~J. :c-taio-ed for o~<: or tv:l"I !INXim~ aad thc:i.r~ to give ;:m mlp!'CS.S.ion of ('l:tW$(d. 11. ;4'. ig
:¥uddcnly term;n::itcd ty a q~1i(':tmm of t!1c .,.-,;ju""iii~ G),but th;$ is oot mie of the n::tl Witdt i.n co,m:~ o: cl
adulu, without axm.ullC, btlt ,.~~ .. by t!:.t \';-.acb.
Hfr-"die kris oil it$ aim. lS a mo,m('nr:u-y ~tw'C of
tlW'CDlCinti:wit·y :u1d is oso.tlly pt:rfor.ucd withrnit :s The Witch's fi.nscn arc more oflo:ft splayed 0t:~ =~
as in the left h:u:id il: lhis pho(~?-~· ;i::i.J t!':.t.c'.!ttt oi
kri~. u.'cil:~i!1$letd the ~xu:nded ind('l( and n1MJ?,: ful.
g,c:-sto point fQT :t mo:i:ic.ntat the QF.t:ndi.ugpC't'$Ofl. The the !?ng,ent:sils 1$ to give c:mp! to wch pn:ns :a:s
timing o! the i,cs:wrc is ('.fflflpar.i.b!cto tb.c timing which that sbo,-"D in fig. 4. :md to the iu;par gestu."'t rt!. Pl. '°-
w,: n<>ttd in th~ (IOl!roitip d3Jl(('$. Tht: :(tJC.ldtnesubfoh- 6~. 2 :ind S).
meo, o.f int,::t;jc hcMo-f~ce rd-atimil>lup. whid, is hcld Dendjalao. i\foy ,::6. 19t6. 1 J 7.
for ::i u:ointnt and the:1 :iii suddenly hrl"lkc:11 o!!, is chu· bnth of thcatric11l murt.-J:i:p :u1d ol :he:tL-ic:tl
:ing"':. (So far as w~ know lhc g:C$t1ire occU!$ only in 6. The nr:i~u with a m:in in tr.:.noe. One o! the ..._
thcatric:ab,. thor.q;:hv.·e heard o! one Ew.-opcan bdy wh<> cuu fcatl.lT<:'$ of the D:--'4iOll'tsr:roctttre. a the c~
1~1 it afr.l.U~~her cook :u:d thereby tli~1ry,-.1l1i.-loo her gaping hole j!'l. the front of hi:; cfa:st. thtot:gb r_:o tllC
litcbcn mat\ ios.ide th~ front 0£ the ll'U'tsk !$ able rn r..;i:i.-:,r~
1\ftc-r t?1i:i i.-:1-00ontcr hc:tweca. ki:og'$ n:prf'..seJ:ulfte the head. T?~is bo!c and tb«: Or.ignn's UC:d ~ tbc:
;md Wi.tcll"sd.at1gbtl'"rin human form, the ~:mcr kft dtr. n1.riuw property o{ TC<ludng the ,.,fotcncc ot C'2~~ =!
1u:P,e. Hcr pl.:io:: w:u taken by ht:r ~!ISCorm,uion, the U'3..0tt d$nl?M"l' push thcir bc::ld, ~n.u,~ Ct"f•
Witch in full -OOStll.m«:, :im.l'd :i cxm8i« bc- iry. Tn thill pbotogrJ:ph. :1 u-:ina: dzn«r h being~-~ '-
twct.'.11the Wi~ :tm! the king'~ n,pri=nt::t.i\i:, !n which front of the hok: while: the Dr3g0n lift$ hi1 hem .;,_~
the ,vitt".h w:u "killed'" :md bid out on a m:aL Tht: (cf. the::child's attempts tQ g<-t in."i<lcthe Ut?tcr. Pt 6t·li:1.-prescn~th·e t?u::n kh the .s.~. :i.m.1his place and the lather'~ :iut:mp<s to en.compass the dii1d, &g. ,.
wu taken by d~ J):44:on, iotQ which !ie lud uan~mm~I above).
himself. The Witch, mt•.:mwh]k, revived. Ocndj3lan. NO'\·.ti, l9'6· 3 I ~-


Plate 63
This reb.tiQt~hip is cha.racteriied hy 1.hrcc -;•cryconspiC1.lOlt$1h~u1t-t: f:,,\ t:l.e c1->i'dtriC'S~<,ge.t inside the
father or the fat.her- tries to en<..·f1mp:issthe child; (b) the father romps with the chilc1, roughness wilh
and (c) the child {ee,d.i the father.
This plate ilh1SU.lle$ 1.he first of th~ 1hemcs. In gtm:r.-1, i1 -SieM'IS
that the attC'tllpt to "get ins?de" the-.
fatlli::r is made facing :m"3y rrom him aud foaning backw-.lrd.
1 to (;, Marti. :s..<tdhis dal)ghta, l Ma.11.l.Tbis. fa. '] a.od $. A f.nlu:r w!TJ1ha daughter ;ind youogn- ~.
th~ !~d :u1 ex«p,tion:i.lly da!le tild ~-.rm :clatio::!Ship The: <!:iu.g;httt"sfoot is. being ~r..atl!d with pouffitim per•
with h.i$ h.,hy da!J8f:tter.The mothr.r, Mc:n Mani, h.,d .IWtngan.iat~:ind the: fawt'r holds her foot on the: ~s,e
h:td a qu:urtl with N.:ing: M:mi:'s brolh<:r's •ifc (Men of the: ba!li.nof dution (cf. Pl. M. 61;:.i). Hi$ aw:ntion
Si.ngin} before T l'\brti w:.u born, ,and N::m.gMarti sp,:nt goes chi<:Oyto hi, ~n who comes, and k:in, h:ick :ig:sinst
a grc:tt de:i! u! time wj(h hi~ hnitb~ The moth~ would him. t"ll,"Opictlll'e' $how the ,on in diffcr-
m)l go :'1.nywh<:re where ,he wu li\:ely to nH:d. Men Sin• <:!l.l Jlirtatiotls OT ~ive PffiUJtcS, the second Qf 11,·b.:ch
gin. .nd t.'t~fore N3.0g ),!:mi wl':l'lt :doue wilh the b:tby. 1»,iy he ~,mnp:u~ wilh Pl. 49• fil}'S,3 :ind 4, wl:e?e 3. girl

In fig. ,, he Q\J'ri~ 1 M::i.rli,~ l~ days. c:nclo,sing & :shown with her t'(fltr.el s.urhoe turned toward ba
he.r in tht- wb.ich ~ .tTQand bu own fflovl(!en. l\ll)t,
In ~. e to 5• :"fang '-lan.i i1 s.itdng. pbyi1:i; wilh I !'-:~ng Lok.a: I Loh, hi,i; d.:tugltlo.T, on the righr: I
Muti, ~,~ni11 days. In fig-,2. $he !ti:!Son hcr b.ick in Ihna, hi, .50,i, on the ldt.
hi:1 lap. llli$hll)" ):kldng :md pulling dol\-n the (l()J.l:.u' o{ Baj,oeng Gede. May :, 1937. 'J Y 6, ;.
his ai.Jlgkt. Tn fi&· ?I (fout pho<ogr.iphx-pcrbap$ ten $('C.-
ond,- lau::-). she bas cnnrr.ia.e<l !ter leg$ tm $he bc:comes
a. bill, <:xccpcfor her rigtlt h.:tndwhich is cx«:i:td<:d.The
pos.itfon Qf t21,;:bthcr"$ he:id :iltt:ri.:d in the i-ntervcnias;
p1:1oiw.1ph&,but in Sg. 3 h<:bu rct1:mtl& to the same-
:ine;h: th:tt 11:ppe.rTedin fig-.~- In fig. -1, tl~c b·
11:tt<:l'l(n'c g. m, and u. A fatheT ·with !W youngest (bnghu:r. fa
thcr J~ull down to her !ac~ wirh hill n<>SC or lips,. fig. !), $hr. T'r.:ldlt":,Iup to borrow bis cig+.u'CltC, V.'l'.iggti:ng
whik $hr g:,n,:,i up at him with !1cr head back :ind her her b:u:J ill \1nde'C hi$ ro n:ad1 L>tebtsc of the cig.u-c:ue.
:im~ abdua.ed. Jn fig. ~- 11chu m:,ngffi Jiu i:n his lat» lot('l"Vening p!100,g.i-apbs(not npm<luo::d) show her
iosid<"hi, :.TT11e1 and stoopi.og d,crt, )>c) that only p;in of :m1oking:ili<' cignre«f".
b-:r faot: :illows. Fig. 10 tihnWl' her still seated on ht:T"s lap bc-
fo fig, 6, T ?-.brti, ~~ 4')3 d:i)'l(-m:ui.dsbctW«-n her r:m:cn hU<:$ao.d (½ri-niing a vet)' burning ~pery
fath~·-' km:<:s while hr r.c1u::il.'I. H.i:sarms ()()mt: !orwUd driol {ocr°'djal:) out o! 3. ()O(O]l\lt $11('11 wl1i1:bhtr father
arouud lli$ krie« :ind !Js 1<'1'ist$ .:tre A:cxedtoward clo~ holrb for htt. Sbe sphntcred .t tittle UvCl'it.
At this point. hf:r tathcr tent bcr to gtt hi,i;
ing hCT i-n.

Kaug Mani; J M:ini. (For a $1'.4llcnet:o{ the $..'\me (kompd,) in w?Ucllhe Garries bi$ oob::m.V"S.ndb<'tcl, :ind
bth<'.r 11nr!d:rngbl.Cl'18 D)(lnth,:, see next pi:ite.) fig. 1i ahows h("I' tl",; to get 3-t the content-I of this
Rajocui;Cd('.J\ng. 18, 19.,S.. 2 CU (fig. t). basket, 1..-hkh hu fut!1tr is opening. with hi, 2.-in 3..000:0d
M:ar. l,,l, 1937. 6 n 16, io, z6, 33 (6.~. ....
:, 5,, 1• $)·
Nang<:ri;l MW, his daughter.
/mg. ~n. 19~;. 14 L $ (ng. 6). B:ij~g C"n':de.Mu. 30, i937. 6 K 15. 18, ig..



13 11
y •w tr'TT"'
a rr.--:;.rr11: .,.,.•6a -1·
•r'! r ec· 1' qr rr
1 1 l I ,;r :• ~
I I ' I l
r .. rrrr~- r ,rrr~r'
,1d,l,) ! ~ ,t ~ I
,.. I rI ..- -

1•• ,~ ..... "

1 2 3

4 s 6

7 8 9
Plate 64
Thi$ plate shows the hehavioral themes which were outlfrted in the prc\'fous plate-. "gettfog inside tb.e
fa.tl1er;·and £«ding: 1ht'fathet. And. :n the rod of the soq1:c,occ.ther,e is 3.0 intcrcuing brca.kin the ttgressh·e
bcll:3.,·iorafter lhe father attcm~s to pull away his daughter.s hand, with which she Wik$co,·cring bc:r e)·r::.
The photog:1.iphsue ~lcctcd (rom a seric-.sof 40, ocn·c.ringabout 6ve minutes; they fan naturally into
tn)uos and arc therdore so handled i11 the dc:1:iiJedcaptious.
1, t, al'ld 3, Pn:vioo$ U"'J.m~ ;how t!t~ fatbcr leaning Ior-
bl-utkcc. le is pmh.Ablc th:n the rnlriml 0£ putting food
wan-1O\'t: the tny on the ldt <.>ftb.e p!cum::,pttparing
a nut Co:,.he,,.in$, Jn 6g. ,, he h.:&$given tl-.e pre•
in«:> be.r !:nhcr's =rh is, P5Ycholo~c::dty,~y akin
co We notion uf gettlft.g "'ins..idethe Cather" - putting
par<'d &outhf'ul to his d.t0#1tt-:r, and :,;.l:eis it h" own liudy insldc: hi$.
into his mouth.
ln .6.g.::, $he h::tsgot under his bfa.oir.(, and l11,:Cll·
COu.""3pht:- in this by hQlding the edge o{ the blanlct 'i· The t!:mghter :.ib in her bthtt"s bp,. leaning bad•
in hi$ left h:ind :md .strcEchi11git O\'tt !tcr. Ward ..;tb h~ legs Spn'!:'lrt ,_u_Jher UUll' r.:iis(d :md
1n f.ig. 3, ,i1~ ha,; eom~ ()l)t !rtr.n under the blanket ffex<'d.Htr eye$ att dii;,t.
;i:nd sit.,. wirh hcr kg$ \\·idbprr.:id. Hc::r-father b~ hi$
left !1.:indon her tb.igb. while he ~djusc, thi?"lin M
m,:,Qlh with his tight hand. 8 :ind 9- Tile d:tusf1t,er bas now spn,..tcd fo~-d. still
lying oo btt tmcl: but cu.'lh!olliog!1cr head on her right
:ilTI) white .1he"°"'1.-n her ldt .:.)~wjlh he:r hand - prob-
.f, 5, 3.Ud 6. Thu scn« i$ almost .i rcpe:it of, ably tQ keep oi:t me llltense iun::sbine.Her !:uhc:r, t~
The father, i!1 tfo::pbotogr,ephs wb.id1 intervene between
i-ng. .:i( her ....n~ tryi:t1,; to ancove:r c 1~.
fig;. 3 ::md i• bas pN:parcd the wad of robao:o 'lritb.
Utl(>)-'$her, ::i.udin fig-.9. ,:he is &iuingup. away from her
11'hichhe will wipe out bis mot1th after eh<:bad. ~nd in
f:uher with 2. slightly $Uliy cxpr<:&ic.n. while h $'it$
fig. 4, !1i."Id.:mgtncr put$ this w6.tcco imn Ju$ mouth, lool:ing :u hc:T.
holding it in heT cupped !i;inrl.
in ~ 5. tbe UfJ1cr-.:ic:ljuru th~ oobua, hctwcen his
N:mg Mani: with hi$ daug!UCT,I M.trti. :rg«i 2' }"2n,.
9 months.
lips. while hi" d.,1:gluer <m·eu h~r- ;ihdoint:1 lrith h{:r
&joeng Cede. 1·eb. t:!, 19~ ~Lg. 11, 18, 18. 19-
,pread kmds. lo fin. 6, she ~g-.iintries tn g.c:cW'.ldcrhis :.:n, ~ '7, tO.

Plate 65
This pfau: illU$1r.ucs the third theme in the fathcr-<hild relati◊O$hip- that o[ rough. friendly pb.y.
fathc::rs ,,lry in the degrtt to which they show thi~ bcha,•ior, and perhaps none $how it so markedly as. it ap-
pears in the second scque:m::eor picwrcs. 'llo'htrethe •'father-subscitut.e''is a Il0$Udold0etlt boy.
The tint .sequence» inserted here to mark a par-'lle.1bctwttn the chiJd•s p!asticily in face or the father's
ro,1ghncss an<l the pupil's plasticity in th~ hands of the dancing teacher (Pl. 10J. Tn both relation:shiflll,.the
child is rehtxed \\ith his back. 1.011.'3l'd
the senior (d. also Pl. 66. ~<':S-G, 7. and 8: Pl. 39, fig. 1).
5 to s. Romping play wirh ::s.snutU be>y.Earl)cr £nroC$
1 to 4. A falhtt with his &0n. in this -$C:rid show rh:i.t the p:i.tti::n\ is :r~m:nt. The
ln !ig. 1. the sion lie,; li.:Jf 3;'Sl=p with hi~ h~d p;t.
poslildo!ac<'t'lt boy fi.o:tlies t(')p o! 1 K;tna, the
lowed on !U! fathr.r's lncc. TI1c bth1:r appar<:ntly de-
m1-:JJboy. :i.nd I.hen sirs up; I !urn I.hen t~~ to make
cided to wake him and mak.c him sit up.
lll fig. i:, Lhc father jc1'k$ the boy ru.~d •w:ith a him lie ~ a:t?in.
In 6i;. 5, T Kars:t ba~ his ;U"ID$ .in.mad tb~ boy's ncdt.
brtl$1)uei:oovC'ffl~nt, boJclit:Khim by Lti.coppcr pan m pulling :1t turo. The btsgcr OOypretend" to ~y no ::t.t·
the ~i~t amt. The m::.:.tCrnme (not r~uccc1) ihows
I.he :tnd ~n ,udon;ny, in pt'l'turcs !imib:- tl) those t~tioll.
In fig. 6, the boy fas bac-~on tOp of J Kana, ,..-ho!>
in 4 a, excq>l th.:it the f,;nhe:- ia leaning brrhe:r (OJ··
alnwsl 001Tlpletdyrot•err.d. Otte of his Ies,, $bo'll"ll on the
w:ud :i.nd the $Im 111:tows to f:ill l».ck into chi:
.:i tendC'.flC)'
po,;it.ion from whkh he: l'fM 11row«l. side tow:uili the c:ernt:~.
Jn 6g. 7, rhe bot siu up ~. and 1 Kuµ .u:i.11 lies
In fig. 3. the b:.l:ct h:t1 iu!tcd his giasp to t?:c boy';
on ha - si.d!;;ingnow bcc:eusc the boy's. ::t..ttentionis.
kft :um, in <,m!«iv~ly u:, nutl:e the boy sit up.
lo fig. 4, the f.:tthcr bl\$ withdrawn snn ;md is no aw-Ay!romhim.
lo Jig. s. the boy :ig-.i.inlean; bad, aod T K:usa cries
longer lool:ing at bi$ 'SOU, bt1t the: ton"s :i.rm ~)'$ up in
om in :i,sonit<:djuy (d. Pl. 5~ lig..1).
.:Jro.osc:the prec;ilc posirion in whi~ it was $(:t by his I Ka.1""2,w'itb T Rt:peu (orph::t.nirom M:i!et, pm!y
fatha. adnptt:d by Nan$ Ocra, whu is Kan;i"s h.thtt's brother).
Nang Ka.uua., with bjs. so14 I Cat:1-
Bajor.ngCede. M::s.y 2:,. 1937. 9 K 32, SS· 34, S!,-
D:1.jocngCede. J1.1nctO, 193;. 11 V 4,. 6. S. 9.
- -~
... ~

6 7
This p1ue illwuatet bow the major themes of the father-child relationship~ rtproduccd in the ttb·
play it!
tloru?lip bc-n•:ecnthe Dragon md mortals. It shows the theme of !ceding the Dt3g01l, 2.nd the l"01.Jgh
which tht: Dragon ovcrru.m the mortals who tease him. (A third parallel w.u illustrated on Pl. 6z.)
i. A priest feed$ the lff.igon. ITc i, bee seen holding up were s:tid to have beet mir.::cul0tl$ly pt"O'idcd. (Tbc
!ood to the 11::iotuh o! the ~•s mas,k. which ls $OJ> h.goctan Dragoo in fi:gs.2 and 4 \\'U o:w<:!'00wi~ '-'~
; oo pOI"- In ~ ~Cl: du1:i$,chi$ feeding of the {c:ithcn, probably fowl~ feather$ which ari:: ks:s d~;
Dngoa is doo.e every &t while the club is o-n tour-. !Qoown.J
Soic=trn".o it is done while the mast 'is b;,ing ll"Qffl, the Tcg-llt:unoe. May l, l9$6. 1 C i,s.
ea:l !niide the front o! Dngon o~ the tnooth
oi thi: muk :rnd m-ct~fflg his hitnd forw::ml to receive 4. Th~ ~ start& p0:led !o: a momct:1t u:1ha
""food. Tbe men imidc the mauarc on tiptoe.
Itiocnllt troupe from Pcog:eliangan. P~. Dec. 16. 19Z7. t<> D 18,
&jocog Gede. M:ry 18. 1937. g C t4-
5- ~r~ng the lr...igon. One o! the stmplcst of tfM:chc;lt,
rical form; wbich invoke the Dragon is t?ut in r.Jd:
t. The D~ ilimoe:s. His d:tt1CU!gi:s -rery g;t)' in tone
he U downs (dja.odt). ::md then :u$o'lCSat me&
r..d is done by bo<hthe m('ll inside the ma.$1- dan®g in
Thi$ pcrformaDoci$ oomroonlygivc.ou :t. son o! •o.::-
o! qutd!y pO~ o£ the !ett.
a:uoll.. h eoo.sEsts
~i:mma of the h~d and clapping of the jaw,. While ~· at the beginning o! .i. 'Witch pfay (Tj~.c-
ce ~en eh.nee. ripp!es pus dowtl the kngth of the =lfl•
1mg<,o·, body. l":igoccan.Dec. 16, 1937. t<> E u.
hgoeun. Dec. 16. 19.57. 20 D 32-.
6, 7, :ind 8. The Dr.igon 21t.:1(;h :i down. In 6g, 6,. the
Dragon :rom up «> the clown who aits with hh b2cl
l- The :':rap pose$ on f:fftt:ring the $t.tge. Thi$ lfU turned. In 6g. 7, the Dr.ignn p:u1:10.,comically c.:;:rea:,er:.
ttt ~t handsome ~n. tlut we uw, and he "'" e,. ing and ready to pounce. In fig. 8, the Dngoa. rushes
~ly bn:i00$ for hi$ b1ackbody. U$l.lally the body of O\'CT the down.

~ Dr3:gon is made o! £.ber (a! in fig. 1) but this Itinerant aoopc from Taro.
c;in·• body was.coYert'd with blad; aows:fcathen, which D:ij«ng: Cede. J\by ,so,1957. 9 Y tf, t.5,, 21·
A nmnber- o[ thcme:5or Balinese-cul Lure which are illustrated elsewhere are rek\'ant to t.hi!t.wd the fol•
lowing plate. and are reopitulated here. ,ve have noted that:
A. Fear is in part a pl~-anL emotion which brlng$ uW)lh<:rand child together, bllt also, evcr:y time this
ooeurs. the child is impre$:Std with the notio11 that the world beyond the known cvkural arta i!J rraught with
a great but wldcfmod dall8C'.l'(d. Pl. 17).
J3. In topologic.~1terms. J3alittes.e culture i!t I.beinnne of our own- it is a ~e,n of SMur-edsafety .md
~k,m rather than a systetn (If Jimitacions (d. Pl. 1;, figs. 1 and x).
C. The Dngon can U);\rl:.out artt!t which art de from witehc:r:lft (d. l"l. 56~fig. 1) a.1?d:?!so he (:l.n ro.ark
out sttt'tcl:ies o! time, e.g... by op:uing and tcrutinating the '\Vitch play.
D. The child's regressive attitudes tow·ard the father arc 4:,-:pres.<;Cd by p06lUl'CS in which the bad:. is
tum.eel t.0w:ud the father aml the bcd-y be1lt forward (Pb. 63 to 66). The ~ponding au.itUdC$towa.rd the
mother arc the oppooite o( this (cf. Pls. -49.58,etc.). Impotc:ut against the Witch. the young man £alls back-
wud aw<ly{rom her wilh bent spine into a c,u.alepsy from which he i$ rcvfred by 1hc Dragon (d. PL 57).
E. The dilld is an auto«>$mic genital ~ymbol (d. Pl. 39• c:specia.Ily6g. 1. which show$ the child wilh his
back. l(J his father). ~
This and the following plate are conccrntd with Balinese bchavjor in ,-~e fear of the l1n1utown,.and
they show fi,·c method$ of deallllg with thi$ Ccu: (a) by co,·erint I.he cy~. <ir turning the face to the "'~11.
(b) by using the l)tit80U. to delimit spa.ot and mark. it as :safelyencircled; (<;,)by t)iug $0mc of the Dngon·s
hair around the wrist; (d) hy getting inside a 111:1$k and beooming a Dragon; an<l (e) by going t◊ sleep.
1. A clul:d nurse bo)ding a. irightcu:d child, The child
pani~ lo)'a I>ntg<m{ M protect th= in the°.:
w:mdmn~ in su-...ngepfaco). lo. a<lclitio~to joinll!g:in
,.,.a, afn~ o! us.;md ~Cl'«l hu cycs with ta hand.
the tht:ttrfoal perlor.aatlCCjn the vinsigc ~pk. V.e
l Saroboet ho?ding I Radet'3,a ndgbbor'$ c:hild.
J>ra~a perfoml.i a tO\lt' of all the ~t:1 o! the ,·i!bge..
Baj.~ Gede. Oct. t~ 19'6· SA 2l,
'Nhile ma.k.i.nghi$ rn.u.ud..the l)r.agun sclls.bii b.i.r.
2. A mother holding her child while a $0:t: on bi$ <'.hel$l In':4-.'Qll
1rom Pettgcliang::m.
is being rnedtc:rted. She: co-lcn hi~ ~yea l><ithbe:' hand, Ba~g Gede. }.!:ry ,s. 1957. s z 29.
showing Wt the bdia,•ior of die cb.i1din fi.g:.1 is in put
t:iught by tbi: :aothcr. 7. A small boy playing :u being a D:-.t$0tl.lte ~ Goeooeng ltoldiug be wn, 1 R.iodi.. agC(i 1150 completely eovc:r(ldby ::s.mat of pbitcd p:in~U$ ka:~
days. J-ti,; mother if. riufag ju:st l~hind the (:Utlcrt, &elling!ooc
J:l.ajocngC.«lc. O<:t.114.19~ i A s, on the ~dt: 0£ the $creet.
3-,4, and 5. A baby giTl w::Jksou: ioto She is in
$(1:IQI':. J:l.ajoengC..ede.),fay t5. 1937. 9 J 51.
the big court of the village tcropk aod has ,..•aJl«l out
away from he:r Ul.Otber or dw.d n;,.'T$c. bchavi(lr per•
s:im for ;:i \'et'}' $11Qrt Gnc-aft" a baby b:i$nt••ly le.imt:d S. CbJ1chcn£rishtCJ'ed.ThC}'V."e'('e frightened o£ ~ .-:-:id

to 10-:tlk. It i~ r.l.pidly i::,.:tiu.,;wihed,

p-:mly by QCmlit\Ual stood ,-•ilh tb~T raoos tume:d to,,.-ud the wall of :..;.r
pwJing b:sdi.ud p:utly by tht: mothcr'4 c:xda.m:ttion$of ,u«L
B:ij()engCede. Aug. tG, 19~ 2 I $5·
'=·Infig. ,t, the baby U ~crompa.niedbf her r.!d.e:rsister;
and in fig. 5, the:elder $il;te1" pidr.s:her up :dtcr $hi: W
g.. W=-ing a br.u;t:ltt of ~gon·s hair, As the~
I Dootloen with ha sister, 1 K~.sir; I Delot w,u.rsthe n1bt,:. he &ellsM hair at the bOU$C$he ~
lt is bought !o: 11 few cash and ~ tlod oo the , •
Ule m:i:illcr d1ildn::u - to prt\'ent them !tom hi., !:,r
Gede. M:i:r.~. 1957. 6 A eS; 6 J\ 5. g.
nigh.ullare1about the Witch.
G..A Ong(>!l dtcl~ tl'te village. When idnennt uoopes I Nj;i."~ lookjng at bc:r 'Y.Til'L
or <h.nccn c::ometo the ,;, the)• :in: U$«mn· Gec.!t.May 9. 19:t;. 8 1 S.


4 5


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• -·-··
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··- --


t E..\R ..\:\ !) SLEEP

TI~ R..linne tl"'3di1)go to sleep ch::::.g :?lt 6:T. 1.'?d in particular, they go 10 ~lt-tp whm 11~ are fright•
~!. This bch:wtOr is summarized in the co:nmon Balin~ p?1r.-:se,""!r:lw,:lfmt:1,:.-t• (literally. "'afraid .JH:i:"").
O?l one occasion ·wesent our cook boys l)y oro.nil.n.i3t() ()Ur Rangli camp. orrying knives and forks and ot.'l:er
ki:chcn ~uipmc:nt. When we .'lrri\o't>.d we fou:)d them all :tSlccp in the llang!i ltitchc:-nand no attC1Dpt
'° opc,-11he (:trn1•• They had left the kni...-csand forks in the bus and were afraid. Similarly, small chilrfrtn
fte\"tt witness c.h.i!dbinh. not because they are' drivtn aw;ly hut hP.e.:'1-uS!e I.hey sleep throu&h it, 1)ing SIC')!...fbC
:..s.:ttp often on the S31llebro as the worna.n in Jabot'.
"'ID.ishandling of f"ar hy means or sleep may be regarded as a r<:gressivctechnique and is probabh· c.01::-
J.1.1:-.tbl,e10 tl,e rcfaxcd resrcs.,.ion o! the child toward the father.

~ A !'lan ti;cep. In c.uc, thi:: d-p wa:1 due to c:.u~ _p:UU!u!and disgl(C'ft11
holy water -..hicll •11-ou!.d
£11.::i;u,c,Th<: m:m h:,d bttn out a.U tl.>t: ptt'·iO\lS night rll"11rhin m.,ny 1,1:~t•e ui:u::imJ1dnn.1 it h<- ~ r.:::l: ...
c::nmg z mes~ for OS.. Oue ot the w:c,·d ::woidcd d.-il'lling b! pos.tpo:ting
I Conti o! Odmed. re:sidettlin Ba- p.trrid"~rfon in the::<;~ony unril neicT c!:w: t.'l-e ot..'ic
p-ng (..:de). clr.i.ol. a.nd w.ffmd Wm p:tin., in the nighL ~c-c.t rb,..
~jo(-ng C('de. ).fa)• ,f, 19$7· SA t;. the~· both conf(:$$(!C.
to decide what showd he:
The citize:ni1 t,..-:::'11.erc.:d
• \ boy :ulcep in bis mmhers uou. The baby, 011TiM donC' witb thC' lbi(',·C$-whcdler they <lw>111rl be h1l'ldcd
:.n • ~u:i::;, !UW.l kam lO be t•n:y ffcxiblc :ind rcl.:ixcd i! cwrr ro ;:;_~\.O\'M'Ttfflcntc,~ punUh<:lt!ill the \ ab:ge. The
~ i, to ~re j()l~ :md ndt~ e~y and n3.tur3l!y~ilh thil:'·e,c n.t with the other l!\Cll in thi.1: diSC'l:-oion,hm
- ::;iu1..b:r·~body. This i$ espedaUy tlVc of b.abiei or- took. n<> part io it b~-ond an~wr-ring: one. nr two (j;tlO'-
n.-d by ,hil.t! nu~. :utd it is rmt ui1coaum>n to S1C(' a ti(mL
....:.i.>,. ~ttp i.1) Lbe slult, wb.ik iu n"t)T$ei$ 4'.'ng:,ging in ·1~.e ph~pbs $bow both mcn slowly $lt1mping fo..
VJff'-"hm<fl'MUl g::imc will1 othe:r i:bi!ilieu o.r cvCt1 b3.V• ~ tow:1rd slecp. J Arnpiag (!tJ.;s.s :u:d 4 ~et1.u!J•
.:..;; .j tauper uin1.rom. wt:nt m s!<'le:p::s:1d!wl to be wai.cttcd 3.t O:\t $tag(' ill the
\ft-n Singin. r.irryi-ng h~ ll!m, J ~=· iii!eussioo.; Nang Rcho (fif'· 5 .and 6) IM'l!-y k::=ed fm--
&jorng G«le. Oct. 13, t9-S6. ~ Z ,r w~rd on the:: ,·rrgt, of llt-r..p. witl1out ac.tuatt, J<lue, ..:. .?;
It is iotcrc«ing that ?\aog RcOO ~ n·,
d1i1' t"..K'
J to 6. Two thi~·a hl!ins :uktp dtnir)g thcir trLtl. blwk.ct in the hot $Un.
!'~ S aod 4 $hi()'\\•on<- thil'f; flgit. .'>:1nd 6 i.?1owtltc ot!te:r. I :\olpfag (.;cnu:r ~n figs.j ·:md4}: N':.ulSRcbo 10'WU
Th~ t,o,-u 1:1<:o!~J )loku ~ colliidtnl>k wm (aho11t ldt in ~ 5 :u1d 6): l Made K:il('T (in whit<- lhin hehin<!
"'O ruildcn) from i:hc-tilbgr rrC".;il1:ryand had r,:m1blffi I Ampi:ig): :"li;mg: Ka.r:na. (!ook.i:og 2t Ci.tUCT.l in r.g. s•
v:.t.'i th~ prooecck L:it('.r tJ~ J<m wa, di.&rot•('l'('d$Ind .:i 1':mt; DjdKu, I Aro.pi.lg', eld'rs brorhcr (to the ri&fl.tof
o.ufaional oath (d«tl•(I.SOk.ti<ln)
v.~, adminim:rcd to aU .Ka.og!(arm~).
-~ "rl('n of the village. facb l:l:tll b:'.l.dto drink special 1\ajor.n.gGede. Jan. to, 195$. :o X 29, ?I§· 5. 10.
Plate 69

The iriaogub.r n:-la1ionshipbctwceo the mother, the youn~~t OObyand the dispos:;~-.P.<l or -mt-e" baby
i.sswidardilCd. in many different wa}* in diffen:ru ,,ullurcs. 'fbe hch!l,ior of I.hek.n« 1,aby may be hMtik or
afft<:tiona.tcand d(her- pam:m rn:iy be dm:ctt<l ci!.hcr tow;u·(lthe motber or tow;ml the new 1,aby.
lo Bali. the heha,-ior of tlte l.ncc baby U r> directed toward the ,nothcr and consiSL'! or bids
for her attit'tllif>n 3.ltcmatiog with or mixNl 'lol.<ith
fiu of .!lulkywithilra:wal. The knee baby r.11dy resorts to
direct ~Si;ivc bcba\'ior either ag-,1,inill.
the mother or agai.n:Athe youngi'.r llibling, though such aggre!1.i\"'C
bclw.vior is c.ommon in Lhoseea~ wl,r.rc the 1u()1hcrhas borrowed another- baby as a tnt:'!.OSof stimt1l:11fog
ha ow:n cltlld (d. f•l. 50). The wolhcr·s ~.l,;1vior colmst~ ()f attcntioo paid to the y<nlngcs-tbaby, i,,cn:asing
tin~ponsiYen~ to the knt"e baby. and fti:(1uem aueJ:nr,u to m.'1.\.C 1he knoe baby pay ltwing :tttc-uli1111
t<I the
youngest baby. This. in fac:t, is the only conrcxt iu Ra.linesc:life in which anylhi,,g like an cmf.>ti()l'l:3.l
s.i.onis artic:ul:u.clydi:n1.'111dcd..
1, 2, ;tnd 11·A b't~ b:il.lygets $.tt,i:ntiol'lCrom.he molhcr fiCW l:>.1by.On iliese o«:i.~ionl(, ,..,bc:o the nt:'W ~· i,
~:i.Uy drCSS<'dup. the 1,m('e b:1hy abMst in,·,
on lh<: 11c,,,·b:tbf, 42<>-<f.i'ly
birthday. Th1: mother 4 hDld
ing the new lx\by, d~d up for the «rcmony. on hc:r tries to g.-it hold o! -SOo:teQf the dolh, either d.r~ing ar
the molhtt's cN)1h~ :is in this pict1m: o:· holding on w
1m=. at:d in fig. 1 9-heis $.m:ndiug-lO the: new baby while
.wine of the l~y'S OC"i',' duthei. lr'I put thfa i:s::in :i.ttCOlp·
the k.n("t:t>2by glares :tt it.
to attr.lct attcn;iQn, but it is 3.UO;i. gr.ispiag 3.ftCT:i :i:~
Jn f'lx-2, tb<: mother ttachi, Dut lO g« $1ffllt: cal:.efmm
!>'!.itutesatisbcticm. 1n this phf)toi;r.tph, th~ k.m:e batw,r
a my on 1he c:bk and dte lo.« hnhy':s:,r.c(o!"fo3JO"'"l'btt
J)()t rmly pulls ttt the molher"$ doth, hu~ abo botds. lt
hand. (rhe ln<:r.-ii-tby bad been u1·i.og to :s:to::tlcal:~
:igajnst her own check.
dwin:g the nm.:mony.) ).frn Nj;:i.wi wfrh rhc no:w h$hy, 1 Koew:.u. ~ 105
Tn fig. j, d1("mmhds hand nu «turned to het kn«,
day:i:,and I Nj:1wa. her okkr d:1ugh1cr.
buL her h~:id :-C!Uains.tu:m.-d "'s it w:i,: iu fig. 2, o:a:pt
t.b:tt now- lhe knee baby ~$ .;:me;Ju rn,other'a :men• :&j~g Gede. July lll, 193,7. l't N 14.
tion and l.iuglts up Ulm h..-r !a«.
)-frn ,\.sa with h~ :1ou. I Min, .g::o <h)'$ old. aml her
dlkr ciulght,:r. I Asa.
B,.,joene-<~de. ~[)t. 13. 1936. ? M :i!6,z7, ::S.
6, 7, and 8. A l:11~ l»hy ,«ks. $1'.lhstitut.e:S:\tisf.1('fion;..;..
4. A knee baby withtlr:tv.,s tmm the mo1ht:r clutclwlg me nC'\,' hahy":1 m.-dlac<: :ind ill the: rnotho··a tn«c
food ill its h:tnd.i. Jk{or(" the birth o{ them:,..· b11hy.rh,i: Throogbout We vqtu:no.: o( pkm~. lhc m<K":l.erF _
kott" b:1hy ill this piaurc \\'a.1$1'Jlt away to the buwe 0£ no :mtnlion tu th,: i.oce h:ihy: i..11fig. 6, she )~U r
n:bti,·es o( hU bthcr, h&:iwe hi$ :mmli.e:rwa$ in -;i a vac.1;111 cxptC$Sfot1,:md iu lhe OW.: two picn~n-s ~
ui.ild.lyfl"}'<:l1op:uhici;t:su: duri.l'.lg-her<=y :ind in• auemb to lhc new baby.
hi Gg. 6, the ls.neeb.ihy pb.ys with tbe ae.,,·?--.:i:W)
1is.te<lou sta}ing indoon and doing uoC:hing. \'lbeo the
~cl:1.i'ltr., pulli.ngjt whh both h;inds w Wt i: p:tc9Cf
piCUJtt w;:i,; uk..en,the "kntlt:b3.'by.had :rooe.ntlyre-
romed. He is ~ :1iu..i:-~$Jo;,e 0:1 lhe dool'llu:po! th(' h;ml :i;.r~u hc:t uppet· lip. Thi:1 Uthe necl:l:i~ o~ wti·
house ,..-hilr hi:1molhct play, wilh the ne1" L,aby. In ("ach Lti.cbaby ( iEst,:icth.
bani:1he l:olds a h:mdlu! o! food (d'. PL 70. fii?. ,s :md G; Jn fig.7, the l:ntt b:il.,yle.·u» her head on her :oo-:!Jcr
Pl. ;s.:,,(ig, ~ fo: tb: bahy'i; h:abit o( hol~ing the mothM.$ 1:ip and d~..1 hc:r cy«. The u«tlac"' is 1i-o·,... b:~:-:.r~
down from lhc kn~ bal.,)''S h.anf,s.
.\1~u Sain.a with her n(":r h.1by, 1 &.tni, :ip! ::16 days, In !1g. S, the k:1ce bahy h:i:1 pul on the ucw bi.t-1-•
ucd:lan;. .:ind its- $tri-ng i:1viwbk $g.:iirot btt )uiT, :.:~
:md I Sama. bet older $C>n.
lbjoel:i;i: Ce(k. April !O, 1937. 7 Q $!,, ;he preud hc:r bee deep into h" molhct's b.p. J{t-:eiT,with her baby. 1 Docro(l('n. ::~ 'lbot:c• ·I
5. A knee baby pulliuS at the motbet's baby :ding. 'l'h_;s lllODt'"· am.I.her olrlc:T(fol.l$,htcr. T K.-..,;i:.-aged5-1 \~!.
Rajocag C('(h:. ju!y 1~ 1937. n R S, ::p. ::6.
phO-logr:tph ~ lakcn :it the 105-d-1ybirthday o( the

.. WILMUI 4U:€iil& •
. ---•
•r1 11 tf'I

:::::? '
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....,_ .....,,

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' ,.



Plate 70

Thi$ pl.3.tefurther iltUSU'3.lCS the knee'sreaction to the mother and the new OOby.and cspcdally
the lines along which this reaction is gencnfued so that it becomC$a theme in Jlalincse character. \Ve ha\-C
already noted (Pl. 69) that this tri.m,.,<tUlar rdationship i.:sthe only oontext in which o:>n~·eri.ti<>nal en10tion is
de,n:mded; :and we hi:ivt 1101t~1l (Pl. 1 2, fig. 6 :i.nd Pl. 13) t.hat in R3Uocse mythology and in the theater I.he
sibling rclatio1'1Sbip is a focal point for comical in\·ersion:sof the convcntion.1.lpatt~m:; of behavior-thc
elder brother bcing stylized as awkward and even ~- '\\le $hall see (J>J.75) that. the R.1.liMsechiM very
often pa~ thro1,1gha l,ITQl:S$ ;~nr!~ulky unrcspons.h-c pb:lsc in early childhood, and that this phase i.s followed
:Hlju.~-tmcntin later childhood. lt is legitimate to suppose that contexts of .siblir.g
by 3 more io1per:.x'l1l.:tl
riv:llry pfay their part in cstablis.hing this :soll:y b:ihit thii. earlier h:i.hit underlie:i the l:uer im1~r.
sonal adjusoncnt.
1. ,\ no1th'e rim.wing $hl'.IWing:1ib!i1.1grivalry ~d adult mO<her'4 h:ind iJ; cx~d-cd downw:ird inviting the baby
Ba.lim:i.c men <.'.ttg"Jgod jtl the 11XlpttSQl'.l.\1ncrivity of tO COUl.(:
c:atving gcomcr;rivil clf'1.ign,;on ., dnor. ThU (!r..t,..· "°" In .fig.1• tl:lc baby girl h:i$ risc::n to hc-:rfeet :md the
dune for tl1c Pit:s. .\h!ta. Club o{ &lin~ arti$tS ,., be muU1e:- lmlW h<:r by lhe ul'per f)Ul o{ her arin prepar•
used as a poster ad,•cni$ing :i µ!"' of B:dime:~ wo:-U of t<>l)'to lifting het 1,1p. Th<' kgc:c b.lby"s. ~nM: to tha
i~ tu pre:; Li:. d~ck. clme:- to I.he u..-olhcr':slitflt bre.ut
hinting by I Go«U Njoman ~mp:id of Oebacd. and to grasp her kft brnst with hi$ h:imL
R«iuecd x ¾ line:rr. Jn fig. 5. the mother l::u UQU: duJJ= oi~ her lap and
bu one um 3.J'OtlJ)d <'acb of tJu:m. Rl"r far~ is o:mr:--.u:ted
a. ,\ o:itfrc drawing o! , ri,'W'1. This $))OW$the widt the effort of lk:ttli.t:g, the two cbi!d.--en,but she il
yoc.ui:gt:r child clt»C to the moth~r. :ir:indin& on a. bishcr ffi<'ady beginning to $Tl'lile ;;it rh('. .tirn.:iticm 1"hkh u.~
level Md drinking: while tl1c elder brother is ianh« h:1$ c, ·n11: t:!dcr <:bi!d b:n UO~' ahi!tcd hi$ grasp
Cn:nuLilem◊lhcr, on a lower kvc1, \nec:ling :ind holding lO her right breast and lool::1 ttp inr<>hi< mnthcr's ba:
a di$h o( food in hi, ldt h:lnd (et l'ls. tO and S7 !or die ((;f. l"l. 69- fig. ;S).The yow~g,c:-dilld rt ,culing hcncif
~ydmlogic:al ro:11.r.c<lbetwcea eating and chi'Oking). The lO ruck.
mow«·, faoc i$ n:rncrf tow:mi the )'OWtgtt child and Tn fig. 6, rhr. 1mi:t: baby loots row:d 3.t the phoc.or-
:,;h"'hold.~ ;i: bo"·I in her hands. ,-a_p?icrbut lltill holds the bre-A.stin bis h:inrl. Tfa rnot:I~
The bodi« o! bo(h chilcfr<:n ar"' ~ -:1-ml thid, bu.t w:iteht:$ him. la1:ghing.
tha.t of the "'Id.erill rn\ech c.v:incr. 1n addidon, the ('lrl~ In fig. ;. t!ic.- lnee baby'.s band hM hi-Ml di1,pt:,ttd,
holds O\lt his right bUl.d with the indl".x and middle fut• while bj$ mothn ru!lc'Ihr.r b:c::i:stto ma.L: th,e t.cill COIDt.
~ o:t~m!ed and the Jnlm turocd upwud. (Tiu$ last Sh~ looks a..ny still b.ugbicg.
(<'3.lU!Cdilicrcuti:atC3 the child'.s gt$Wrc ftqm the am, Men Karma with ht:Tf.On. I Gata (lu:tce b:iliy) i.00 btt Dati-,,C$C $001ding gc,:turc described itl Pl. G:, d.11:ghta. I Ki:njoet, :,,gcd520 days.
Gg. 11·} Hajocus;Cede. Aug. 19, l93i· t,S I 8. g. n. 15. 18.
Painting by I CoestiNj()lTl:in T.emp:idof ()f:bocd.
J>1m:h:1~1:d J;i11. 6. 19yl. C:aL No. oe9. Rodu«.'d X ¼ 8. TI~ , mol!t<'!'with her two youn~ <'.h:k!rrtt.. l::I
linCU'. thi$ picttJT<', i~ 1otam!i..uga.ud t.bc ~
c.iti!d i~ sud:.u:g: at one b!'etit ao\i tt:i<hi-ng m:t •-i:h ~
JS tu ;. A ~t',fl.ti:!l.ct o( bcbavior in\'Ofving mnth"· lmc:c lclt h3.od to hold th~ otha. Tltc: knee: baby :!. oo lbc
baby, and yo11ng«r h:iby in ,._.h!d.1. L:tc baby ill<!!.$j>bced ,;round .stuining up to10'Ud bU motbcr ,,dth hi, :ar.:i
in fawr. of the young,er. 01.:t$.--rcic:ha! to hold her $:imng. Note: t!u:: p::..--:.1!1.1bc-
In f.g. s. the knee h:ihy i.~c:mh~ mot!1r.r-'s bp :m<l lu:1 t-n this pkn.-r~:end the fflwil'ls in 6g. l,
hit h,cad.mting :ag:iiiut her br~-=lL lsoth he and lhc Men K:1nn:1 with I Gata and I K~j~. aged 4!-o
mocl11:r att loo,k.wi do..m at the )'O\lng~t child. a h:ihy d;i:)'-·
t;irl.. who is $(tring Jx;IQw them on the ground. The Bajocng:C:n:h:.Ju.m: ::o. :9s7. u U 21.
Plate 71

The mother's beh3.v'iorin tbi:s ;u1d lhc following plate i:s a c.onw::ntion2lgame whkh is ()ftcn played-
cspeciaUy when 1here is an a1.1dienreof visitOrS in the ho1.1$ coru.i:st$of putting the oew baby in the knee
baby's lap a,1d urging the to treat ,he rival a:s"younger sibliug.,.
M. ?,.f.'$ ,·crl.,al re<o:d u{ I.he sequence of beh:wior "Njawa·~ arm;<;tt:ou..ti,,cly :m,und b:i.b1;she pb):i wi:lh
$hi,v.-n in ll:us pl:ire ri:-.i.US
u follnws: her o,m mouth.
"Men Np,.,i µp •c;i:s.iurtp/' ('Hold !tl'). Nj11w:1gis:s:lcs
"Njaw.-. (r!ic k.U~ b:iby. a girl) nm:s ewer :md b:i,ng,
~U<0mc:i171u.'(ly" (fig. 6).
on mot!ie:r.
(The ru!l-1.ind<:rQf t?1e,·crbal 1'eco:d ~od ®cuscion of
"Nj~'k-'11 tri~ to suck.
''Nj;i1'':t given the h:eby lO bold by ha toothM" (f\g. 1). the: whole vqu!:!1et 3l'C ini;:ludl':'Uill the dc;.,aiption of
-RduSieS,.dbow:1 slicking l'IUt (Gg. 2). I.he next pl:u.e.)
..),!en Njawi {tbe mother) $3.}$ •Gil't,mg.' gis£ang!' Mc:n ~jawi with h~ <btizhtcr, 1 Nj:,:wa, al\O nf:W?r.tby,
('ffold it! hold it!') (Gg. s). 1 ::KCdSo d;iys.
najoolg Cc:de. ApriJ i!O,J9$7· ? Va6, ~7, 2S, :i9.31, ,a.
'":Kjaw, pu13 hcr bi;c <!ow-nby the h2by's (fig. 5).

1 4


I 3
SIBL R!\ .-\.LRY I\"

M. ) ttwrd of rhr 5«00<! ~ cl 6c !,,e-. ~ds ~ith :i. ,;gnm,,~1 dlou to m.:i.1:it bcr atttm! tu the
b \ iffl- ~W ~ foHn1""1:
bct.b•. The moth<'T~u-~q,;:hteru. Njawa:~!~ eu;.
-:s"j.1,.~ pu:s htt fu.ce down to ba~ :io ~ c. The wotbier', .U\<"1ltionshi.!u; :e,..,":lYCrow <hiJ.
"~j.1w-~ po!o.e b.i;by"«t "'·tl:1 her finra- ~ :_.,-. dreo (Pl. ;s-, fig. 5) and ~j-z,~·:i.wds :tt tJ:i,, l:irc-.:m PL ;t
pau h1.T linvr hchind !1er .and rub$ it o~ ..;g,• 11 ill oc fig. 4). iJ wh:11she '"i\'atl.led :n do .it the k-g~~:~mg
!:e tuci:; of her s:i:rong. of Ilic: :1n3tu,n«~
··).trn !\'j:n.-i sa-ys'Sit bcm:r: put }'OW' lrgt OUit • ~ H. Njawa loc>b :it tile baby wit.i .:i cdumpb:,mt o:p:-~
~1.e $!T.1.igbtc.ns Jes)':md l.:iy:,;hal>you ili=-i. ~!S
Nj.:iw.11·$ Sown.,,;lundng her tet:t!1 (f'('(Qf(icd ~c:rb:llly v.-ithout ~-
•Ci$!"Mother stem." (This dt:.u::01:of position tool: m("nt on tht"f:icfa.l expre~o,:, .:tnd in PI, 7t, fi.s.:.. 6\.
pt:icc bct11-t.-enPl. 71, fig, 6 :md Pl. 7-t, fig. 1.) Th~ n,.·o sees or d:iu OO'l'Opkwcm other on .a
~}'$ 'NJ!.ela:.'4r:Sflt•s re<i:ning'},
..Xj:no.-;i. nl.'lm.btt o! points,. and neitheT gh-es tl,c wbo?c U'1f'V
.. ).fr:1 Nj:iwi TC'pe-3.b lbi11. L,1:gbiog, 'She say~ it", tts!>t• ·«-ith.,ut the olhc!·. The ('.tl0tt3. did not T«Ord ~ja~·J
~ng: Toe baby is ~lfr :\bsoluttly p.,~~ive aml ~xx!. initial attempt ro $ll<-knor :my uf the mot!1cr'• bdutior
"Njaw:i. ign<>ringbaby lc:in$ ~inst lm:ai,.'t(fi~. 3 and w!u:n ~he Wti Ul(X"t ~erg-1'.·tkally ttying :<) make :,.:p...,';1
:utc:nd to rh<: ~by. While chi.~WM happening 1hr ~
-·Pud,:.~ (ft's 3.1,kep' -prol>abl1 ~id hy T))e molher). togtapbtt' had w mov~ ~nd tefOOJ.:I the: <.:irn«a. bu.t the
"'-;ja'll'a looks :it h.lby, fmgt:r in mnvth"' (6g. 6). i:-.i:i:t:r.ldid T«ol'd Njaw:1·~ n:hii)itionistic :utt"mion co
Putting the ,•ttN} rc,mrd and lh: phnrogtlphs w- rhe ph◊t◊gr.lpb~. h(l' .suoucnfol c-ffon ,o $utk. a.1u!.
~her, the even:.,; faU into eii,;heem,1()$: !11::-bci:tl Cl'j)ro»fon when ,;hr. looked at lbc baby .a; the
A. !-.j:rwa attCl.:lpt.'<u1 ~ncl: (rtton!~I ,·erbally), and enrl o( ID~
rhl' moilicr n:pl:t$ by 1-'w:i:ig:rhe baby fa Kj:t-w:t";lap The s,equtnoe i:lhmr.ues the knte baby's. :in,hit·aka.«.
(P!. 7,. fig. 1).
md l1c:r:iucmpt co .make Jc:wing:h(' l>abytn01'Cpa-!.:t::.,hle
)3:. Njawa. v.-i:hdr;rws(n-wn:lc:d vct'balJy :md in Pt. 7J, by ("Xl)ibitioo.isw. lt :ii.~ i111.1Stl'UCSthe <":l.:ar:t(::«isli( ul·
!is-•)· o:>1i.,iMene:y uf chc 1l>Ot!ier',beh:it-ior- in first :na.k.inp,::i.
C. :--tja.wa.p!1t;<1 btt faoe &nm in (Ont;.;:ct "-'ith that o! oon:sidcrab!e effort to pr~ent the knee b:ihy fro,ro·
tl~ l>.:1h~• (T('(Y.)a!ed,:rrh~lly aud in Pl. 71, ~- ;Jr., 5), iug by m:ii:ing )l('.r pay a.ttcntire, to the new b:i:by, 2nd
and theu :miilt-$ ttt the photrigr.tpber (6K",6). fat(.-r f) hM" to ;uck. It i:s trne rh.:i: 1he o:t,0,Lba"J
n. Kjaw~ with<'o'lfrom ll1c !uhy to pby v.;th her :ittemion l'C't"ttts LOthe lm:,- h~by alu:r lbc ,.'llcking. hut
owa muu.1h (r«ordcd ,-erb.11ly)and the mothtt :renews no rcbul:~ follnw<:d, and th,; pho«~ph\ :\how no W..7
!1("r in.\istCll«.'.on :tttentioll tQ t!tl': b:thy.
mo,·<":OlC'nt o( the maclie:'s bnrly or kit h:u:d.
E. Kj%'1Qag;1,in"ii-..~•· ih(' baby (=rd«i ,·erbaJJy). Mc:n Nj:nd with I ~ja"-'a a.ud. I KOt"'
f', Nj2'-':l n:p:!:dfat('$. I.he baby- poking it .:tnd then Ibjocng Gede. April 3(). 1937. i V M• 35- !(i. Si• $S,
w.ipi:nghtt Jinse:-(n:mrdrd t•C"mlly). To this the moc.hrr
Plate 73
This pb1e shows i fa.thtt .1.ndmothei· (:-.l'sn.g;1nd Men Karma) with each of thdr three youngest d1il•
<.lreo.They h.:wc tbr«: oLhcr children olcler than t.hosc show,, here-~b11t they <ltP. now pa,t the period of m:t>:i•
mum d-epP.:odcntxon the p:11-cnts..The three- youngest childrt"U, however, illusuatt the variou.s ~ <'If di-
mini:shi1,g dc.-r:ndcncc, and cspeci;;i;Hythe {:let that ;,,dependence is achieved by the a<.fopLionof different
bc:fo1\·ioral roles :lC<:ordiitg to tbe LCmporary po.siti<.>no! the child in 1.-hescrle$ <>fsiblinW'-
Thc bch:h·ioral ~le played by any d,ild and 1hc trcatulcnt whid, it rtte:i,·,~ dcpcncl partly UJ'l<:lll the a~
of I.he chiltl· hut still more upon its ordinal ~itiM. counting fro;u the yot:ngcst. Tb<:-fii~t (i.e.., the youngt'!st)
('.hild i:si1l the mo.-,.1.
favored position~ far as the motl1t,..ris conotl"ncd, ln,11is not yet given Ytrf mutll .iucn-
tion l,>· I.he father. Th~ #,'<Jnd chihl (or kn~} is passing Lhrough :.l period during whi<:h he is $harply
prohibited from a.Coe$$ lO the mother's breast. tb◊u_gh he :.lm steal$ t◊ the brt::'ISLH~ i¾ howc,·er, io ma.xi-
mum favQr with the fath1.-r. 'flie third (hild i;$ :,:1ill anxious to ~t aLtcntiQn from. the parents, lrnt gets very
little and will W<>II adopt ;·1 ,,cw role :'lSn~. c.urying the }'OUJ\gCstchild :-iround jn a s!ing (d'. Pl. 79).
the mother-:i.lm0$l tbe nnly form of attcnti()n
1. The mother with I.M you.ngest Ghild.:u the hn:a:H,
t?i.u is (:')(te:idl!d to this ,:hi]({.
Men J;::inna ,..,ilh T K.eojocn, :igt,d J8S Q:iy~
Mni K:uroa; 1 <;a.Liand t Kcajocn.
B.ijr>c:~tCc(k. Se:pt.20, •9116. 2 Qt.
Bajoeng: Gc:Jc. A\lg- 1g. l937· 14- 1 S9'
:i and z. 'fbe mcKhi::-with the se<:ond duld (knee 5- The third from yuu.ngw: child bid~ behind the
These pbowgrt.pb; were ukca 0:1 the same Jat u fig. 1, mother while the m.othM'.$au.C11li<mgoes t() cl1e s«ond
wd they show rhe::se,:ond child ;tc:ilil~g to the bl'C11$\. fro~ )'OtingesL Thi$ pout.ion ili OllC T~ cxmunonty 35-
ti-rsL"·ilh hi." band 11nd then with his mo11rJ1. $\lmecl by lhe third child {d. !lg, 8), :iml <:nRhlt"..s her to
).f. M.'l' "erbal Tew:d oft.his incident~> u followi:
keep J)hyi,i(::11Wlll3.<:t.with the p;1n:ut tbongh making no
MGal:\ ( kntt bRhy) went over to the nunh side: 0£
dcmand'Son th<' pare11t'$attemion.
the )'tml and ddecatecL :E,·(':T)~lllC dis;:ippro,•o:d.m..ildly I Cati bi-hind Men K%n'.l.1.with 1 ~a in !ront.
crying Oul 3. litdc. .'1len K:irma (the mmhtt) qu.i<:tlywent
Gede. No'\', t1, 19$7· 1~ B 57.
:md got ~mm: dry ),:.1.vd and deaacd it u.p. tbl:TI wok
Gat:'t up gently ~n<l with01)t n:l:>uke,and c:urii::<1 hitn off 6. The bt!ta' with the )'()lJ~l diild. At the pd"iod
to cie:m hiro ,,,.ilhsome more leaves. She Kuuned with
shown in fig:. 1, Lb.ii baby ,.-11; :i!m~t enriroy Dl hi:1
him in the )!i:ug''"''t'f <»ntent.c:tl He h.:i,;~ Jod ftuit io hi:i
mul.her•~ care.I.hough we b.we two rocm,h o[ the !:uhcr
hand, bn:::,.li it open :end suru ,queczing the ju.i<-t'on
rucl:Ung the b.tby at his nipple dt--rin&tha.t period. Nr.n-',
the g:-o~1)'1d; rd>uked by both F,?ents, :rnol othen. who
:six.:uonth; b.ttr, the li:tb)· U hr.giuni.og to tfoplit.oe the
took it ;i1o-ayfrom him (cf. PL 32, fig,;. 1 to 5).. He blowll
k.nce h.:iby in the !al.her'$ ;im:rttioo. whe:11at home. But
bubbtei, pJa)'-S, with the cdb<eof tfa: clo<h which Ji~ U\'Cf
it i"I :.till lhc lmee baby tli.:1t lhe father t:i.1:t>.-,;
with him
hi,; mQthet',; bre:i,.t,. doc~ not touch the bre:ut.
when be ~Id oot,
'foudu:s nipple,. l,)(),z.r M he::..toes$(). Theo t,,,·Uts
N:mg Kanoa witb I Kenjoen. agecl 3S3 daJ$,
a bit o{ his own (lOOrinto 3. }:not 3.0d pb)'~ with iL P3.t$
&joeng r.ate. April 4. 1~S7· 6 I' 6.
h~ roo,ihr:', s.hotilde::rrhythmiwl)', •••
-c:i,1.a finally )'id-dod :mJ $ to sud !US mother';
7. The:: Utbcr wir.!i the ~md from )'0,.lllg<:$t. d:iild. The
b~ }fo, mutll<:r :ind C">«ynm:ds,e.~cd v.-ith disap
father is :icti.i:i.g~$ priest at :i tr.tace pc:!ouoanc-e (ntn-
provat, :rnJ his. mother (ool:. the fbt oi br7 ;md
giang) while the (hiJd i$ curled UP> h:ipp)· in }li."Itap.
pushed his Ji,e:1d.a.1,;ay.good-humoredly ~nd absnlu.tdy
without iF.ect. He np~ted this twia and ,,..:i, p~1ibed N:ir:g K.arrn:i.wilh. I C:it:i.
K:tjoeog <..edc. Jl1ly 8, 1956. 1 y 13,
aw3.y. Tle did nc,t ay but hung onto her should-er with a
bliJ.'dut c,,i.prt>fflOn.Th~~ tool: her nipple in orie fund
S. TI,o: fath<':Twjth the' thW i:W?d.'I1w: girl ha$ :still
:,md ~:tin <ffl'cted it w-jth the OUler.-
not Ul)ly aoocp.~J the cbild,uut'$C posit.ioo and !lliu to
{\frn K.3.n:oaholding 1 G3.ta.
11nr.ia. b~r f.:ithds atu-mioo.. oftt::~ tuing up 3. po$ition
lhjoe1tg Ct-:de. .xpt. t-0, ,936. t Q. ~· g.
Nang K.:am:1.w!th I C.:iti beside him and I v.l.t3. in
4. '111~ morher v,lith the thrrd child an<! the youngest.
right foregnmod.
The baby ~ at the lit<:3.$tbi:twoen die U)O(hu a.11dthe
lh.ird d:tad,. l:>ut the bc-ter is b,.i1'ing her h~d loused b)'
~jocng cede. ScpL 27, 1~ns6. 2 S 4.


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The po!:tlon o! e.ub siblin; .n :!:lie,r;,,.,.,, p :a .Xlt nn.; ~ ttecss co p:u-enu! 2.ttel::.ion. b:.:.12!.to
bis bc-h.ati:ortoY.Wd the other nbb.n.n... I :I -- CCIIC'ISi-XIIOUSi.n 1h~ (;ii$.: of the:relationship betwCC"n. 0'5t
a.nd third sibling (OO"Unting from the ,,-°"",c:, W ddcr (hild becomes a parent.,:1,1~u.1:t. The role
ol the serond thild is leu dearly dcfl.f'l('C.P. t he cm or parental attention. :a.ndm:t}, 2..\ ....e lu~,e
get a srcat deal of attention fro:::: ~ .i:!:c:::" T=t second child"s suco:u v.ith the father is apparcn:2y
much fJ.lrdc:rfor the third child to ot".u-than n we:-CI.Uok'Uc,:e (If lbe )'(IUJ)~t. c;hild.

1 to j. Sibling :1:kt:ow.lups i:1 a. ~ly with ~-- oo-~ MC'OK.:armawith l Kcnjoco at the breast, I Cw oo.
lo fig. 1, tM o!dest child bas the baby in hll lap,. whlk !tu kntt: 1 G:i.ti ~tting on titt: grot:nd. I K.:uu, :z(DCE::.
t?:.c SC'(;undchild sit%fa the father'.i fap. o! tbCK" <hildreo, stands on the C'Xtl'C'.mt!ri#).L
In 6g. 2. th<:I.uhtt p-hyswith the baby while lht old- B:ij<>eng(rt"dt:. Jw:t :io. 193;. n V 57.
°' child w:ndu,~ h:ippily. Th.c-:M'JCXttld chi.Id is a:i.wling
O\'tt tOY.'Ud Ul<:fa.I.her. 6 :md 7. l'by bei.~n the scound and thfrd (hile~. t.i:1
Jn 5g. 3, the .$(')Q()ndc;hnd i$ $prnwling in rhc f:uh~'$ fig. 6, tbc older mtcr plays at bcing the Witcll (3. pt..-o-
lap whil<: tht olden dwd Joob on jetlously and th<: ~ n,k) with hctr 6ng=c spfaycd out. The 5ngi:n of t~
bahy pl::iy$:atone. left hand t11e bent as il to claw at her bro'-.""e,2-ni:!he
S~ ~- the !alhcr, wicl~ 1 Dc:gc:ug.ddeit 90c: £:w: ~ oontr.u:ted into :i r.oc:>Wl.(Chil~. wbt:n tb~ pi;ly
~~ring bbci $born); I, $00>nd $On (with shirt at being the Wit<:b,,urually 3(.'(Cot\.13.te the th.--e:u~g_
bu: :tO 9.boru:):1 Stpck.. the: youngest. a.gcd 140 days. In :upecu (lt tht: p:in;: :i<luJa, ,.,.hi;n they pLaythe \\ltQ••
the- bacl:;ground,Nang Lclm,, brothcr o! N3.llgOcgcng. ro!e oo t!i.(: ~~. do uot J!ex the ~~ U!to c:1:.:-q, d.
who l= pa.n:i;:d!y.-idoptcd I l ,du:t. I I .eket ii; tht:refQ1'e Pi. 6o, fig$. t to ,4.) The $CCOOd child SW1dsf.aciag bier
in an abnormal sutus; he is Nutg ~ns;'a ~00000clwd in what appe:u-s w be a st:utled f'O"U:C.. The :noc.~ a
:i."tc! f\.:mg Let.c:·s. only chilcL lool:ing at htt }'OW'lgt'$t child who sucb at ooe bteut
Bajo,:ng Code. April ,o, i93;. 7· S 7, t4, !3• and ho!w on to the othc.
ln fig, 'i, the mother and rotu1o~t child b1c,"etlk"'U'd
tO w:i.tcb tl.><lOndchild who i$ no-w bW'JU)glUl bead
4. ·n~e diildn,n with the ;id()p1:fremodler of the in his cider s.istcr·~lap, u~ting her as ~ p:uttL
K"Cond duld. Hc:-et!:e o!d~l i:I ~~in bth:l.ving like :t Men K;en:;µ; I Ke:njocn; l C~ti.; I Adjer. a ncigbbor"•
p:in-::r.t. '-fc:n J.t"k« to h:\tbe the baby. He holds chi!d, on t!i.e right; 1 Gau wil.h hls hd.d ue 1 t;2u's- up.
!um w:dcr hh = w!uk :J:i:. ,-p!.:utte.sW2tcT on him. In
the b.:cd,gn:mnd, l L<:l:~r. the $('('1()nd child, is playing by
iuj~g Cede. N<w. 1:$, 1937. 19 n J> ,&.

hu:!lsd!. 8. A father and his !our cbildttn.. lo thl! pbooogn.pb.

Men Lek.etbathing I Scpck.,aged 140 daySc;I Dcgeng L}u:dtiJdn:n h:iitc :i:rr.m~ tbcmM:h-es .:cb:icm ~.:i-
hdping. 1 I..eket :n the b.:cckground. cally :tee0rd.i.og: to their to!!?$ in Ul.(: !a.:::lily«i:J:11e,,.
Bajocn: Cede. April !O, 1937. i U "!g. The foon:h child (oonnring from the }'OQng,t:SI., si.:s ._
liu!e ~p;srt &om.the othen - he :zl:r-c:idysperub. mos: «
his time oot~de eh<:family ll.ith other boys of U oir.t
5. A mmht:r widi throe youog«t cb.iJdreu. TI.WS age. The thin! child, ~ girl. si:a ne:i:- he:r-fathc:r i-:-U: ea....
photogn.pb sbo-i.1; the 9t00nd dti!d pb)ing :. role p:n-:tl- ries the !irsl (youngest) child in :? dins, The ~ cl;,_
kl •o Wt of the youngest. The baby sits ~s<.tideou t!1e with her bqick.tow:1.rdi1cr tatbcr ..od in coo.~
tuOtht:r"_,c bp and pulls .-it rh'('!hreat.t, :.nd the $CCOlld with hi,
child s.its, tlso titride. bi)!di:ig hu -i.·bile she hold$ N:uig Llntar; I M<:rC$(&econd c:h.ild'):l ~:.-c:::!,oe
him under iht: ;innpit$. The older third child mew• (thlTd <;hild) wi-th then~ fuby; ~nd I );ga:is.
,,,h.ile sits. sulky and withd:--.nrn, in the !dt forqp-oood. &joeog Gede. 1-'c:b.n-. 19». 36~! 16.
Plate 75

Plates 75 to 83 deal with su1;ee....,.ive

stages in the dcvdopm~t of the dtild from inf.ancy to young adult,-
hood, the 6m two of I he_oie sugcs bcing sho·wnon thi$ plate.
A babr, according to the l3a!ine$C'clich6, ill nl()U happy at its :no-day birthllay. Actu;llly !.he period of
and rcsponsiven~ ex\emh ()Onsidcnbly beyond this oca1:-;ion, and most bab!cs do not berome
unresponsive till they a~ :alJt'>ut. LYIO yc:,_rsold. ln infan.<..)'
die b:i.hf is pl.3.ycd·with and stimulated 3nd re-
sponds happily to 1l1i:,; r<msuot stimul:lti-on. Cra<.h.1a.lly. however. this stitnlil:ufon her.omes a source of frus-
tration., and t.he child o! two or thrtt:, U-;\ve.i'!ling a group of adults, will w;1lkca1-efuUy.taking !ong detol1n
lO ;l,v()idcoming within reach of <LUY adulL's arm which might reach out r.oplay with the child or pl1ll at his
ln addition to 1hi:,;(':lulion. the child's h.tbiLual poscurcs and facial expret-.:ion change wwud coarseness.
The oomen of lhc mouth become Jmwn in so that the lip$ pmtrUdc. as though the child wc-e t;OnM.aody
ore 1l1e verge of tears..
These cbang~ oc;currc_ga.rd.kss ol whether another youngtt child is horn to the family, but it is lil:.dy
th-at bcin:; dU.pJ.ifeilfrom the mothcr'.s au.cmion would h!l~1eothe: change (d. Pl. ;o, when: it is it1ggt$~d
that the 0Xl.r$-efl<:SS stereotype i$ ~la.tcd to this stage of childboo1l).
or the cl<ler..J.irl)1her-

i. ::. :md 3. A b31:>y

girl at two 1t:<.S« of (l~d(lptm:!ll. !\fen l.imar, the rocxher; I Ng<-JTthon,the el<!er &istcr;
In C.g,1, ~he i"I ,89 days old, anrl her is pfaying N3.t1.gLint:ar, the btha: 1 Akres, t!u: baby girl.
wi1h ht"J'.·nu: :wther bo! ~ and faughs. up :s.t B:ijoc0g (k,J,:. Mltrth So, 1937 .ind Feb. 1 :. 19lS9· 6 L
hcr. enjoying-her (d. J>L6::, fig. J). 26, 10; $6 M 27.
Fig. :t ,.,'.l~ ~!l. on the ~me cby al' !ii::;.1, bvt '™)~ a
mcmtCUW':f fall in rhe bat.(~ spirit$, which we mrty 7 :i.od 3. A S!XlaO bo)' .it t'WQ 1'CI~ u! J,.,,ek,pmeu.,
regard a; ;in i-ndicuion oi bow hr::r bcia.l expression will In fig. 'i• he iii brtidt his fath('l' ;ind l~s. b~
df':\·dup. h.:im!.~nn b~ futhtr'J sho\lkier. The next }"'u.ngcr cllild is
fo 6t;, s,. she i$ two ytan olMr, ,;i:llen :md uor«pon- s.ittit\s betw«n the btlu:r'.s k.:1eo.-s.The o«asion ,,. the:
$1"e,bl'.lnr. 1::uTi:edby her ek!c-:r,~ta. Oill-d :rmTV.seujuy birrhd:iy of lho: yvuutcr cb..ild,actn.illy Ge!cbntd o:i. the
cu.ryius $.o,;.11b:abid, aud 3. Sl'Oall h:iby. e,!p«.i:illy il it
,vsth day (d. Pl. 7'1• fi~ 1 to .f for a still carli« $eries
be livt-ly. is cagaly so\lght :af«:r atl.d <»nK;.ntly p;i~ of photogr.tpWI o( this fa.ailly).
from o::ie little gil-1 to :mm.her; but ;hi~ girl ~ uow too b fig. 8,, taken tW'Q y~r:i later, tfo: ! s.inall boy ii;
hta~•, aocl i." pnh:1:>lt carri<:0 n.•1Jyby her own elil~ mnding :ilmte with b1s bee pl1cker«I :ind ~ullcn.
$i$tc:T. Nang- Dei::;cn:g.the fath<:r: 1 l .d:.ct. the l.Jltc- baby: I
Meo Kmna; T K.-:njoeu (aged 289 d.:i}'lli.n fi.&'8.I and Scpcl:. the yo1.n1g<1.n
d:ild, aged ill$ da"f$in fig. 7.
2; 1062 d:iys in &.g.s); I F.a.nni. 1\.ijaeng- Gede. April 30, 1937 ~1'.ldft:b. n. 19t9, 'J S
H:aji,clig Cede. J:in. 30. 19-s7and Feb. u:, 19is9, 4 K
5; j6 }( 9.
4. 9; sGD 19.

4,. s..and
6. A baby ,,_-itl:u two st:i~ o! df?'\•elopmou. 9. A u:othcr with two cflildnm. ·t11t group is s:iniog::i;t
In fig. 4, she is playing: on her molhcr's bp: and i:t the edge Qf the hoincy:u-d., withdrawn b'om. the oc:m!t. ...
Sg-.5, taken the µme day. she is ~kig ~me:d by her ;ion of other rebti\'CS and l'.l.<:ighhtl,n wl10 ?~,i: ooroe for
ne:i:t elder $i"lu:r. a mmi1tgc fc.t'1, Not,c th"' nmchc:r'l' ~tied C)(prcs-
Jn fig. 6, ulen l"''<>'I fatcr, she staods ber;,,.•r.enher $ion, th~ <,lder &aui;J:ttt's tignt mot1th, :ind the you.ti.gtt!1ds knees with :i ,J.i~tl)' suOy ~p~:on bcr cbild $ friglttet!ed s.nd bo:st.ilc $t.1.rc.Tm" old v."OOUtnon

arros fofdn:1 ins!t.k her blanket. The ddtr sister who w:a,. t!1~ right hu her h.:ind Letwrt!l htr fa« tmd th~ crowd.
~l'T'}·ing-her in fig. 5 is now ~~ tbc re~nt?y borl1 Men Kr:cir bo!dlng her<:r.l ~1o=: 1 Kctir, (Pl. 7•1•6g. 8 includes aMtht:r pb~ph o( thi$ bottom ldt; and an unrelated strattgC!" on the rigtu.
<hi!d Ml tltt sameday.) B:t.jOttlgC.ed~ Aug. 8, 1937. 15 S t,t.
1 3


- --
- -,



7 t..:, ____ .;..,. __

Plate 76

This and the following ,wo pbu.esshow play bchavior of small girls $000 aft~ they h:avebeoome a group
of -,geem:ues, cuui1)g3.cr0$S astc and family lines.
Their play is very .largdy imitative of tbe theines ()( adult culture. but it also contains com·mtional
games of the ""cnc:l•tlle<wl1ip" ,ype, scmi:s_pontaneous elements (c..g.,jumping over the p11p-py,a.<i io Pt. ;7}
and a number of element$ derived from the handling of babic:$.Th~ liule girl:s :u-ealready acting some-
time$ as ('l,ild irurscs but this does not;ltt the tendency L() play with substitute babies of variow sorts
(cC.PL 38, fig. 5). The puppy in tbe:$eph◊togr-3.phs is mostly cast £or the role of corpse, but several times it U
ucatod as a baby.
The play here reoordcd took p!ace on two cb:ys.We were doing a deuiled s,1.udyor ail ;iduh
Br:1h100.o. artist at ·1>,.-0:rk.
and the children were pla.yingin his courtyard.
1 to 8. Two smaJl Jk;ihman gi:'b b.y out a poppy as the Qlildren ha,·e WT the moment ! Wt tht1
th<>oghit wc:rc:i corpse. ~ playing ~t "fun~" The lint girl is poUing d:.e
Ju fig. l, one girl hol<h the ptippy wh.ik t!li" (II.Mr ar- pl.lppf$ t~n 11i 11 mt-.:in.1of rni.1ing i.tll iO
r3Jlt<4 $tone$ on die ground «> mile a bed ot gr:ivi:. tJw ,be cm ptao:- a le:J' under ilS 3.llW,m·ating it u
In fi8J-::, 8, ::md 4, she takes h« $ling doth and by$ a baby. (The kaf i& visi"bkin pla« in fig. 8.)
it sa:loolbJyover the iro:md.,going bad:. iu fig. 4 to adj'1S, Tn fig. 7, bnth girl, have: fo:- :i. moment lost interest in
the Jtone. um.~ t!t~ cl.olh. The girl who i$ hnkling the: the pue.Pr3J1da«: g:rin.o.ingat M. M.
puppy i:ncanwhik iiu. ,p:ii:t,. paying ,1:ry little aucntion Fig. S ~ the by.out o! L:lie poppy. It t't i.u.t~
to the pn::p.:tr.i.tfo:1o! lhe Sti\'C a.od no attent.ilm to the t0 n<>tclh-u I.hey lave m,·crtcd the $ta.od.ird method of
puppy till. in Jig. 4, be tJ"i('$ ,o f',.sope :md W holds him. la)'Wg out .t (;()'I"}"«• Thq h;i,,·e pbocd the body o:i. tOp
ti#itiy by the hind leg. o( its ~:!mh~ fr~te:id o! uuder them (cl. PL 92).
Jn 6,:. 5, tl1c hetd.clotb <>fthe $CCondgil-1l= ~~ I Daijoc Ril>ek., -' nt"igt,hm', leaning ag:ti0$t tt"Ct; I
out 3~ a mb o-r,i:r the sling doth. :r.nd the tim girl i$ lbijnl: Soi:1:.n. 1.bc d:u,glutt o! I.he house, byi.Qg oo:t
.ibotit to pl.;i~ tl1~puppy on its pt'<'pattd gnve. puppy.
fa £S, G, the pop-pyi$ lying quicd~· <>nthe g:rave, hnt B4itoean.<>er~
6. 19:37. 16 P lS-4, &, -;. 9, u. 1~. l!,
Plate 77

This plate contima~ du: ~tlen(:ie !°Jl1()',\'non Lhe previou.i pfat.c.

1 tn 8.. Th,:,:Litt.Ii:girb !t:ase lhe puppy covered up md kh'es. crwscd). Tfie dc:$ign fa tbcn ioacascd iod,e6nitdy
surt to dn,.,• io th<: $aO.d, Some $ffl.:t11 00)':I mme and by drJ.wi:18 :t oou.t:inuousl!Ue around :ud a.tOWld the
w:itdt them, :md tl1t: giffi .!Urt a g;uue o! jw:nping over «ntral cr()l$.1{ct.
du: puppy. fim jOl'Uping fon.-ard and th<:n jumping ln 6g. 4, tbc boy$ ba,·c come :u:ros:. tlu: r.u-d lO ~tch
bad,--ard. lhc girls. who htvc $W'lcd to pby with the poppy :.gain.
In &g. 1. tlu? Gest ~l covers the puppy. Sbe lui$ T(:- Tn fig. ~· dtt!. girt~ ,suml _,-,dfmnr.c:iow.iy. t!1~ scoond
~m! now p!ac;,,,ait
ni,ovod th<: bcaddotb from 1,1ndi::mt::1th bchilld the fint $.nd wilh her ,xnu around her. The)·
on tnp nf the :mi.rm1?.thus pc!i?ti:illyoon-ccting the tint l.:mghing:ind 11,•;iu;hing M. J.f.
by•Out ln which F.hcpupp)' w:1$ on top of the clothe. Tn 6g.i. 6 :r.nd?, a. new i;aroe hM stan<il. The gil-1$:.,-e
Tn fig. 1-, tht: ~l$ have leCLthe puppy oovettd up a.od ~• jumpi~ ovcr tb<: peppy.
h::vc st::u1.cdto dnw in th<-$alld. In tbe bQ.ttomright i5 Jn fig. 8, :i. va."'W1t Es addOOto this. game-jumping
a {:.1'Qll}')o! m,~U bay,i wl~ bavt: :i!so been d.i,;i..,,ing in I.he ba.dw:ud fo.rward.
~nd. ThC::$eas.~lh1: boy, who join megirls in fig. ·1· n,1i~ S(>t:kn: Daijoe Ribck.; 1. s. ·renug. the boy
In fig, S. the pl.lppy i1 still lying unffl iu uwtr ::i.ud wid: "'·bite clolh; L B. Sabocb, the other boy.
dtt: girls :ire tlr,1,wifl.g"ho!.UCl$' n<:$U'' (lab~on). Thi$ & Oct. 6, •!t.!17· l6 r :,. t,i, ::;: 16 Q 5,. 8, g.
is a oo,n,• des.igi, whkh i.~l>l!gnnat the et:i1tcr Loy 10, l I.
drnwing .:i cr(li!,,'lld (i.e.. a cross who,sc "°ms uc them•



This plate shows the same girls playing with the puppy ou Lhe cb:y:l.Clcrthe bcha'\ior rccor<lc:don the
1 to S. The liulc:: girl, h:we two ! 6nt girl U:Ub lC) tci!Sieit by b1ttiug at it with btt !Lower.
thty have spiied on lhe ends 1>[ small wit:b to ncsb In ftg,.4. the .$(()1.)J'ld
girl is n()W putting rhe puppy to
them into umbrellas. The role Qf the puppJ ,·a.ties.It l$ bC'JUo:i. he:r lap :am! oo,.·,:ring il wit!i. a doth. The tint
.a Dngon in fig. t, :i. oorp_,,:u1 (q;. ft, a baby in fig,i. i girl $till teas« the puppy with her fto,.:er.
:illd 4. fo 5g. 5. tit~ ffowt"n ha\'" bcc:n dix:m.kd, :md the ~b
ln fig. 1. nm: girl tm!d.~the puppy in her bp, 11:nd$he uc mrting to bury the puppy with cloth..
hokb oue o( the 001«:n in her right h~n<l. :\nal!te:T girl Jn fig:-;.<i.ind ;. thq ml\·c to Jic on tht::puppy.
(:tlt)per.ttf:S.,. holding the od1e,:r flow~. ro dtt.t the two appil'l..-ntlyusing it u ~ pillow.
Bowers mille :i:11udl (.,vtt I.he pt1ppy'$hr~id. The puppy In fig. $, a new g:un~·ha.s ~ned. The girl on tht::right
l$ b~ being honc,r~ '11.ithuml>relb:,, (d. PL 10, fiS, 4), a but.y mJ!ea.i11& dust in her bp and lhe little boy (with
w!u!e the $U'hliUtg D::-agon musk ~ck to camera) is helping h~. l,;ttt::'1' du: "''cut ae:rt>!i$
fo fig. ~, the girl who w1, holding tht' pupp)' ru:~ now put ,hi~ gnd into the bolt:: which bd beee used ti
lost inu:rt':lt in it ::md i.; usiug her Oo~"'<'l'to hi( one of''fo1·the puppy in ymcrdaf$ pJay. After th~ .ilJ
lhe othc!' girls. The girl who held the M:oom! ftowa- is the cl:iil(lrcn ht-g:ln ro dmw in tbc ,;iml.
now to cover cJ1e puppy wjth a doth, tre:ning soelr.l.: ~joc ltibcl:.; I R<"n.tjcn,on the kft
il all a 00l'p$C. in fig. 3; L B. Toempt::k, on the lert in fig. ;; D.Ujoe
In fig. 3- thr: ,eoo.nd tirl b:cs uow tU.en c.ompkteJ)O$- Mescr, ou the right in 6.g.6.
st.,,:i01l.0£ lh<: puppy and holds it on hu bp. '11.'hilcthe Batoean.. Oct. 7, 1937. 1<iS 31. 31-,$7· 40: 16 T 8, 19,
to. 23.

21 !
Plate 79
The major rok which srm11lgirl:$ pfay in social life: is as nu~. Chiefly they carry an)uod lhcir o·wn
younger siblings, but jf there is no other baby in the ho~ where a girl lives, she will 1)()rrowother babiC$
to carry. Ther-e i:s2 gi"t':atdc3.J of interchange: of 1.IQ.bie$so tlu.t. though a baby nl::'lylC3VC home in the hi',m,4
of one girl, it will pa~sthrough the ham.h of rn:rny <nhc:rs.before one of lhen1 brings it back to the mo1hti-.
The rclationsf>Jpbctwct'.llchild m:1'$Cand baby is not of ~1.1d,.s kiod :is would result in itun)jet:Lion o! a
pcrsooa!izcd supcr-q;o. Tl1e OObylc:m:is wher",the nurse is pl.""cr.tclH.hc-whip., (called
"goak-goako:n" or "flOoc'l. or crow$''). it is best not «> st.iffeil3.ny muscles - and il lt:H1l!Ii.o sleep ii the child
nurse has a teUlper l.3lltrum.
Tlie br3byis treated Dl0$llynot ."1$ a person capable of lt'.aming by ~'3.rd and punishmmt, b1.1t~imply
~$ a more or kss awkw-.m.1 h~indJe_
R\·Cnwhen the child 11v1~eplays wilh the baby, her :mimdc tow-ard it is the dtar.acr.tri$tie!tllyBalinese
delight in stimulating $C)fl'le responsive object. She ttt'.tl,$ die child :i.s an autocosmic $)'1nbol(d. Pls. ssto 44).
This may be cle:sc;ribe,las treating the child a,s "different from the ~U" (r::,,;ceptin.~.1for Mi ooc·s ow11 body or
its parts are aut.()(;()S;lnksymbols), but the: rd.i1,i()nshi1;bCt\\'CC1l Balinese child m.inie and l~hy is um very
far from lieir,g oomparab!e to the rw::latiou:.l1ip$ in which. in \Vcstcrn cultures, th~ it'n.-ige()f siomc adult is
introje::c.:~ LOform -a pcrsonafo,ed super-ego. For the W<.-stemtype Q{ dtar,:1ct~r$1ruc'iurt>., it is surely nc<:es•
$a_rf that there be gr~l <.•f1111rastbetween the two per.sou,:,.Thi$ OOCU!'S where the baby is looked after by
adults,. but where the baby is looked after by child mi only a little older than itself, the contrast is necessarily
1 «> 8. A child nulloewith he youngersister. Jloth dill· across. the 1).ihy'i n.::tt":.,.
:i,nd pulli t!1em up bch,'CC1lth<
dren c;1me ro m.-r bo:usc to get trcarm~nt for ~me minor h:ibf$ 1~ ,o t.bat •·hen tl~ baby h again Jo~-er~. ia
i-nfoaion u( the eyes ($Uch infi:ctior-..$:uc Vet')'<ommnn wt:ig!u will bold the c.nd.$in place.
in the lllOtmtain, dminp; the cxlrco::te dry $C"..:uri:m),~00 In fi~ '; :tnd 8. di~ Why i.i limp :u1d as!ttp.
both w,::n: :i !itlk: !rcl{ul on this p,ntiru!ar day. In addi- ht fig. 8, the bab)' bas awakenrd :ind ii; crying, but t.bc
tio:1. the child n\11'$<: w;1:o;
,riU k.mU~ hc.r~. :ind Wall child ovne nm~ JU)-:C1m :ittt:o.tion - b:r futcdly looking
not yet ftilly $kiUe:di:11the an of frlcing ,h~ tW() end& of in the oppw:w di.i.tttiou.
,he :,;lingwulcr lhc baby. The whole $(Tie'$ (;m't':T'lt :about two mi.out<'$ of bc-
ln G~ J to $, tl:icbaby ii yclli.og, the nurse. tf1" ha,·ior.
ing to quict h.e:r.dUtw:bs the $et of m~ :,;ling. J (;ati. wilh her yotingcr iii;tCT. l K=j~. :aged 5:Q
Tn fi&· 4. !,, :.J.nd~ the n1:r:se i:.1adjusti.og ,be ili-ng. <bys.
She h:ss I.he r;,--oenf.J h;mjp:1g down from bet $houhlc:-. Gt-:de.Aug. J9, 1937. 11, n 1. :. t• 4, 5, 6, 7,
3-t\d $.he rai&eSthe high. Then me the ends s. g.
' .....

-i r- 11

. I I~
r··· ,.._

J ) .
~~ - -... . r
- ....

• ; 6

11 J 1
1~ i I-

' ' .
r (~
~ ,~-1 "\
' .' t~\~
.~ \

\>~, "'-
.. ~



Plate 80

During the p(!riod bctwe!en early childhood :rnd ;idoJesccnce. girls h.a\"C a \'l:ry definiie yru-t in the 50Cll!
Jife of the vil~..-e. Tn ;iddition to 1!1e care or llwhic:s.s.lrcady illustra:.a!, rh('"girls do a considC!'3hlc:pan of tbt
·wcwl:.of preparing offerings for t<:mpl~feasts anil ttrem0niet in the hou.<,eho!d;they r.irry the of{c,.rings t() th<-
tcmple and remain there :t~ .i.n imporunt part of chc con~tion. Jn faci:. the b1J.~inessof ri11,.1al
is c:nricd
on chic-fly by older people :iml girls. while the young rtWTicd pc:ople 31lll the 00)'$ play 3 \'c:I'}· s.i:nallpa:n
except wl1i:n they :'lt"e ~al!) invoh·ed in i,omc particular ccrcm<>ny.
Charncltristica11y~;c gToup 3t work on th~ prcp:?nt.ion of 0J!ering5 con.~i.:l'ts of a few o!dcr 'A'QlnCll :tnd
tuorc:girls 1hin arc n~ry for the work, and in such a gn:nrp any given girl 1$wmctitne$ worling,. so=e-
t.in1eswatching, .some.ii~ playing either \\ith a b;1hy or with other girl$ and sm;sller boy:s.
The girls :ihc:,have a n,.m~bcrof 001h·tutionali1,edforms of play of 1be or3ngt"S-and•lewonsam! end·
the-whip types. Hert again the 1ypical play group consist$ o! ol~r gir!s ~ml younger bo)..., while die 00,..
who wuul<lbe contemporary with tl1e girls arc out with thei.r oxen or playing in scpa.r.ue groups.
1. Cirls :tnd ,:m;tQ boy., ;:it :i mt1dhok ~n:~ hole, :ln: ITIOO}'amt .UC Slill wc.ariug-tht-fT bead c:lochs ~ r-~
by tbe :.u1.•nin ,:irdtt to gt:t :nud for lhe w;db:which pa<],.
$UTrOUndthe hollS<ey:i.nk The bud worl: ()f pucldling
I A.Uni $it1ing: I Njaott:1 1d1b her hands to he N'ad_
th:! m1)() is don~ by the men. but the chil.:L.~1 ;:i!M.>play l R,r,no,con tbi:: Jc(1; l Mir.i 01l the 'f1#bt.
jn it. 0;1 thh occasion. they fe!t lblt ~bit"JC <m the l.,:mi Cede. .~1:g. t8, 193;. tj S
Baj<>E:ng »
1''heri:-th<'y sm::n:i:icd until thc:y W('re 1>idcd up. The
pl:i.y con:<i:<tOO 0£ cha.s:ing.mod sfappill.g, ll-'T('$tliug.:md
trt"ff"ri:og OU the edge until thr:y lc)S{ bllb.ncc ;:i:,d ju.myed <i· Cira in :i group v.wrlting on oikri.ngs. They !:;z..,,,,~
into ffil:! pit .. -\I.I thi1, "'a$ done clothed., but witJi thf" Some Qf tht' white day f"'i:pared for the o!c--~p 10 p.u.--:~
rhe fa~ of the Sm;:itl boys.
,.;n-ong luc:kM up hi#i (d. rht-~~'\Olero•wdybc-.h:l\'ior asso-
ci:rn:d ";lb ;md mud i:i tb: o.nying o! lhc a,~t-., l D(s-J.S; M:tde b; ~illtins,
sbowo fr! Pl. 95). lhtoe~n. Sept. ~, 19,;. 16 C 4-j.
I R~oc <::i.::yiug:f Malen; 1 C-.edj:aron left: ! K::ir:CI
in fort'8munrl. 5•• \not!!c: p:in o! t?i.eegrnap ~'IO,,,-n in fig. + The~
tbjocng Gi:tl~. ~fay u. 19_s;. S M 25. uu the left U laying the !we for a b.i.,b oB~ ,r.trJ,e
()nc gjt-1help., hl:u bv stl"...tdyiogI.he Jtand. 11:.cOlber two
::. C:irl$ at ::t -..~ding «•«tn(Uly. Jn the i-nce.t\:i.bof pr.-. gjrl-1 pla~· -with the flab!.
pt.riug the feast, lh-:y lt:ivi::made "long h.,ir .. for th1.-:n· Baloean. Sept. 27. 193;. 16 C it.
,w;lvcs out o! =.., o( UlC pa!:n-k.i.( sui!'l' "i1i('h ~«"re
used iu pr<-parillg the Qfferings.
6. Hi;h-c:ate girls p~,·tng ··aad-1.!le..-bip' .,co.:i::,,,_.·
I Rtm:lf: on 1he Jdt: l K:imi ~·<-:nins;"long hair'"; l on, J.iter.illy "!lud nf crow-r). Th.ii pbocogr\pb ~
Kt:mit Qn the rig!1t(cf. PL 54 £or ! K.:imi$ 13.lltru:m be.
p:rrt o! a long- line o! (.r1$ ro..r.unng.:ind e.u..' bo...!·
iug rhe girl i.n f"int of bcr. ~ k-.edc triM to~:.&.. :hr
l\ajocng Gtck. April l-4, l93'i· 6 V 22. girl nn 1hc cud o! the <:hai.n.
D.:iji:lf: Pnc:-toe Mi.mi:<: Oaijoe ronne 5-:b: n::ijo(
11·(:iris Wind:ng Qn the Lin~ of th" ~.i.tion ;\I a Snt-'kr.\.
«t~:1(mr. They b,·t j11:"1tb-rousht o!tmni$ 10 lhe cc:r,r,. il::irl)C-~O. Feb. 111, 1939. s6 Q 16.
Plate 81
1n this period, the staius of the girl gets fonnal recog:oition (in the mount.'lin com1m1oitics)when $he
beoomcsa xw::mbcrof the d44 g:rouf>in which she remaim until man"i.ageor 1.1nLilthe villitge officiah (:'In no
longer ovc:rlookher ~ual indfacrctions. Thoorctically each houi;eho!d .should be r~ntcd by ooe girl in
t..bis organix.:uion.
The girts· o<.x:.upation-sremain .1()l-iroxiw;llel)' what (hey were at an earlier ~- the ca,e of babiC$,
prepar.-.tionof oltei·i.ngs.weeding the fields. e1e.- but a:sa daa sht ha$ certain o;reinonial d~1tic-.s.
She i::;$till
c::crcmoniallypure and (all c:nkr I.he ~-ial temples. from wbid, }'Oung married people :ire excluded. She
shou)d bcoo111~ a member of the vi11¾,"e maidens' d;u\CCgroup (rr:djatlg) which performs at tt:mpk feasu, hut
if $he is too shy to d.-inccshe may cb()().S'le rath~ to work. on F.hcotferiu~.
dent Qf tt'Ce'fflOnial. ofiering ba.'ll:.~tSof f(IOO.
,. The )t;:id1':r1
of the redj(:ng danoe i.n Bajoeng Gede-
mw:ml the c,emetd"\'. The cier<:monialaCl$ which fall to
The d,:mct is .i ilow p~ion with gmOQth movcm~
the de,;;ig:mup art ~sually pr.rfurmcd ,--ith gigg.ling.
o{ the :unn :md baoc:l$.
l D:dxfab> l ?{gem.bat; 1 Rocxoi; l Kamti> l M~loek;
! Sok..i !c:adi.og; t 'l'e00<$ behind hc:r.
1 !teinin.
lbjoeng Cede De<. n, l9S7· n> Q 35· Baj0e11g:Gede. O«. 2. 19j6. z V $.
z and 3- Tht; -.·hok 'l'Cdjcmggmup cbnQng in twt,1 liu.;.-s,
;,. Girls Wfflcd op foT mljM'lg ~O!l.. Thi; photO-
The pn:ccit":r#!ls :md the ~tit.I' d;tnc.:n ar<: pul at the
hoot end or rhl': oo}Ul)'ln,ao.d )t is possible to s« i-n t!1c $bow\~ how much JTl()tt clabo!'3.te thi:: CJett.Ol()J)i:il
may bl':r.omc:in other Q:1s-nmu.nitics,;i:-1 amlpued 1'ith the
photograph that the f<>rmiil~~ion of lh< fnmt COO
:.,. not prc,ervM ~ the h:ick. A gn:al deal 0£ the :mdi· exui:wc- &iO'lplicityo{ Bajocng Gede.
R4ldjcmg £roro.Boe.,ij;:mg;i:·1in the K:u--.i.u~m msr.rlcL
C'ln-:', atte11tion ~ to lhc n~ and inf:Xpericooed da1l❖
= ~t the mcli:.who :we &elf'~u." aud &by.and who,
Kan.ng3;SCffl.Aug. 8, J9Si· 1i G 33·
i.( they {ttl the=scl\•~ mod.od .it ( gi,·e np
6. ~ IUJa gronp ol &jocng Gi:de d~ning the T<:ropl~
the tcd-jmig at\d ~ 00; nfft";:s i~tdd.
ln 6g. 3, the <!a.neeh;i,; just fi-nislt«\. .ind all ~re :uo-
of Origin {P<1c:r.1. Poek:h). TM tempi!':i:stoo $llQ'cd tc. be
.:ntcred by m.a~n:t people 1,mlet$lhcy h:1\·e pedOl'll'I~
t1ing:ofi •he 1n· c;uurt giggtiug.
c;en_aio.'fi:e,, de pOJ.$ag~(mt:Nioc:). Thi: ...wt of wet:Jing
I W.indri lcllding on the lclt; t Salib leiidi.ugon the
aud <li:::ini~ tb4 tm1ple is :i duty of thi:: r!a4 group.
righL Onoi: ::i month tb,: ,·ilfage aitr ,;.ram~ tbc,ut that on the
Jfajocng Gede. Nov. tl!,, 19!7. t9 1. 4, ;,.
mo:.row they lll\Ulperlonu tb.i$ t:i.d:.. They are not ruper•
vj$('(! :md do not work very hard ~t it.
,i.The daa gr:o,1p ofkrirtg toward the ttro(1'ery. Ccmh1
t lurmi ho!di.of:;l K:iTl~: l T;unhc>en holding nkc.
detailx ot c('1'r.motual ~n only bt: ~onncd by the vil•
B.ajoe:ngCede, ,.fay 2-6.1957. 9 M l'],
b,:ct: in:Uderu, and Uu: sifls arc sbown !1tre, in :in inci•

. ' .

• !~

4;1,J ~:J
Ii -
.... ill)

__ ~--i

.~ l
• ,··r. ,
..::::: ... ~-
..~£-• •• .;.,
4 3


.. .....
• -.
~ L ___

FE;\fALE A'.lOLESCE::--:CE II plate illustrates the c~-emoafal routines of the adol~t tbughter in a B!'3h.aun household. In
addition to ~ .ic:1:-sihe ::tbo doc$ her shan: ol. the ~ork in the household- cooking, $\\·i:,eping.going ttl
market. etc.
All the ph<>tognphs J.rC of the $3me girl, D:i!joc Ketot"t Siti.
l, SITT:
ii bcrc seen offt'ring m dte K"Cxlof Cocnoeng 4 :!:t\d 5. Th~ phOt()gt':tphi Wd'e t:tken on tlu: a?c:W:i.c
.¼,«Ilg (tbe cenrr:il m,ou:1tai.uo{ the IsL,nd} :i:t a li.bTiue Ita$t of Koening.m . .,..hich Wl.1 tcn dtys ~ttr Cal«ngan •
erececl just oulwdc the cnm1.nct;to the howieyud. The K0t.:nin~n is a periodic, 21o-c:l:iy!<::"riv'.:tl whk.b !ndttl.!es
j, the fo:tn of c-~1.otngau, whkh reeu:s C'\'o:J.)' $p«i.:il rito;:ih for t.~ do-.ridti:C :1.ni1:n3)$.In fig, 4, $lie i,:
i(IO d:t)':', At !.his ~n the enu-:um: lO illn0$l i,·r.ry· ~prink.ling holy ~-atcr on the pig; a..-ndin fig. ;. she U
L-ow;eyatdti d«<>rued with an c:nonno~1; b:imboo peud· giving i;pcci:i.lfe:i:,itfood to :i (:).g(-d cock.
t1inr ~ndjnr). ag:,.i.i)i.twhich the ~hrine is $CL
&wc- ..ut. I>cc. 1, )!);7• 19 M rj. G. The $lUnc gi-Tldr~d up for !1~r r.gnadfailian !~t
11:h;chi; oe!cbr.i.tcd ~t rocn:uchc. It took al:>ot1tf\\-Ohoun
:: 3- The s:ime girl to the lower dt:Jnou:1. {or ao. c:.:pert high-QSt~ ~ to :u:h.ic:vc t!i.u resv.!t.
Thi$ i~ :mn&.c pa.rt o{ !.he C:ik11,ng;m c=uonial $Ind :md t!u: gr=u:r ~t o! t.itne wu devoted to the
'llo-:U 1aJ:.c:non the pme: d:i.y a., Jig. i. ~ o.'ft:rinp,:s coiffurt. Th< b:1.irat the top of the forehod 'IO-u ,.>ui\·00
(m~gek) m tltt: luv.·,;,TdetUOIU (cf. f'L JS, ~ t, S, nM o.."f,dic,n the n:"1 of ilic !tlU!"w:.u! in exact PQ$i.tioo
4) ~ 3: pan of ;i,tm(lCCt evC".ry«ttt110n.UI) .i(.%.. A!te:r the with "''l'll4tht Iraogipani Ii= wr,rc cudu!!)' ;iU.'ldl.ed.
cooking of evd')' priucipal me~I, the: girl:1ukc O\lt :'I fow :md finally the csh:m:u =s.r&,U w~ with paint,
little k:d ll'4tysof (Ot)ked flee and by thr.rn un the ,.l'h<: biodiog of tbc hT('a.'\tllwith 2 lonr, ,pir.d :cn!i
ground {QT ate dt:uions. (.wpor.t) U the ~'l !on=! Sl}k for both S(::,;,C-S-..hen
to. 6g. ~. she b..'\S.plllrffi the burnins <oconnt- ihclh on :..ppc;tl'tl).g bcfo-:rc stipcriOT$ or r:il:ing part in nli)Ciocs
the groond, :and i:I a.bout to by om .the <!i:00:atcd tnJ$ <:i::t'i:moni2l.(The girl o:i lhe -.:im,:m<:rl&,lu is -...::ui~ a
of bc<el iug.rcdknt; (rj,man_g ,:lftll~). On hn :irm :,ihe S.U:Oplwcdvcnion or thfa bio.di-ng; her i5 jt:.s.t2
bas a uay with :wo glasses o( holy w:i,ter. doth tied .tTQund the top o! the saroo.gtnd not cO\·crio.g
lu 6.g. 8, lhe lay~ut i5 c:ompkt<: with CiTtin tlu: o::ntc:r, t.l1c 1.1:~a.:s!.$.)
n--o d('(()r:ited t.":ly$3.nd li>e linle l~f l,uxes o! ~ The ph~ in the c:1r lobes uc <>1~lywom by uru::te·
i-io,:. ·111c #fl is shown tcnnjiia.tins::; lhe CM'Mnoni.:ila.c:l ri,:d i,:U'h. Ll: mi$ photogapb they .ire of gQld. but on
wilb ;in offering gdlUt"e of her right h.:md """·h her palm cv<·ry~byl'lm1.~ionsthe girl would SOnl.CLimesWe:u' pl~
toward t!1c ua-.:tinga al\d :1 Smv-erbetwocn h(T fmga'S- ol :ullc..J.-up!)',\ltn l~f.
Bftoocan. nn. 1, i911;, 19 !\i iS, .to. {¼-mMtn. 01:(:. 7. 19~. 19 U 17.

Plate 83
The indcptndcnce which boy-s achieve at the e,,d of babyhood is ml1ch more complete than that of girls.
Tl~ boy join$ :1 gang of other 00)'$ of his owu age. wh0$e C)(')Cupatioru m) lcu:tgcrctnier in their ho11\P.S.They
look :rlter Olten. each h<>ftaking out one animal. washing it in the sti:t::sm. tcLi?cring it in the 6.ekh, and brini;•
ing it in at. oight . .,\tul ,\·hilt: tJ,e o":C
is grn;,;iog.the boy:sroam the fi~tds. scan: lLt m<inieys otn (l.f the ma.izt,,
and 00.n:ma!> from thc ne::.rcstgar<l~1.The boy$ have nrltx.tUy no part in 1hc ccr<.-moni,1.l lifc of the vil•
tag<:,beyond spc:(:1:uorship;ii I.he show$. "Rut in & Gede, while I.he girls .wcl older people are
offering to the gulls..there is usually 'A: t3..0Sof liulc boys ch~sin&each other 3.round d,c t'Xlgcso[ the tit:tople
com1:1,and before the t't',«:monybegins, tltt-~ OOysarc QI.It in the tlUclcUco! the tc::mplecourt playing m.i1d
kfoling g-.i.nia. The-rt is actually "'CT'/little ro11ghn~ jo their rotigh play. The- only hurts th.-it ~re rcc.civcd
result from ucidc1lLi, a.nd there ir. alm~ no aggres..,:ii.•e attempt. 1() hurt <."axh01ller. The kicl:ing gami:$ are
typical or this n<.m:=gercssivtplay..and 1l1e kicking n)c)~cment:; whi(.h are directed tO\\"atd {lu~ Of>poncnt,always
fall sh()rt of touching him.
1. A wall hny uu a fe.:ut da.y. This t.,O)'00$ not yet noted on Pl. 75. a.nd DO{1mti:tthi!! is pMt will be bttOt.'OC
reached indcp,:.ndent du!dhood. l!e i, dr~~ctl up io: fntl a proper!)· puticip.,ring wc:.inbc:r of the g.w.g.
1 Karb:t, :iged 1 tOS d:iys.; t Ribuct with. :i.rm, round J
adult oos:n1meand ,.,,iJl:tOOOQ:upany
his mother or child
nw'St to the letnplt:. F:slhel'$ .iho Wtlltti:mr.-1 take lhefr ('..:ir.:i; 1 K:u-sa.
drew-d up soo.s: w tei:nple fea:stS. Thil d.rei:;ingup for &joc:ng Cffie- fd>. a, 193!)- 36 £ S.
~o,:,uies wilJ b.1t till lt~ is three or four yeani old and
a.{ter tb:u lie will be !dt dITTJ:md unkecn~ 6. A group of ,,;m:,,llbo)'$ :rompiltg. Tim $(:C'!nc:occuttcd
1 ~t.,a., ag~ 654 dayt,. during a ::io<iay birthda.y «remonial. when the boy:i
Bajoeng:C>t:de.NQ\'. ,;. 1937. 19 C 2. hut t.ak.i.ogno p:in in
wae :tto,1nd in tho: L-O\U<:y.i:fd,
«remcmy. 'fltc: pbowgr::tph WM ttiken jusl before the
2. Small boy.$ pb1ing W the ~rert. Thi~ is a. pushing w-!IOkultl$$ t:1fboys £c:Uto ~ ground in a "Tithing-heap
anrt puJLiog g:,me ill ,,:hidi. as in the kidung. the boy( (cf. rtlffl,., Pl 5).
bodies $(:lrody roroe intc>m.1.m:aloY.Hact. ~:'tjOCOg' C~ie. JuilC 4, 1931· 11 !::.20.
I N~ndo,;! fa<i-ngthe Qm= 00 thie left; I Ctrljc.
Uajoc:og Ce:ith:.April 5- 19$7, 8 C 17. 7. A c::rnwdo! $1Dtlllhny,.at ~ foner:il. 1tc:n: again, lhc:
bo}~ t1 (Urt 0£ a aowd which has gathc•n:d in the
$- Soys pbying uoe trunl.. The t,oV bigger hov$cy:ird udurc: the rorp$C to the c~i:etcry, hut
bo1-s:i~ playing :i huAA\ngg; v.ilicb the littlr. Wy they fot,·<:no p:in in 1.hc:«.1:co:ioni:i.L ·n~ty sponr11nt,m.:sly
h.u join«'I. This tfl)C Qf pla)' j; :lf'.OCl'lU!,'it.nied by a.grc:ir lint:11op in this ~y to w:Hd1
deal of roaring 11nd:1bouti-og. WM :i littk pushlng in the line .:ind mhu: pbotn~p!~
l Rcpcn with !:us back to the m::,r.:1 Ret.a. the sin.'111 :,.how lhat (he o:dcr of the boy:i <X1tHint1allydl:.u~oi 3,1
t.oy. some wtn: pushed out a.od Sliltc-d ~g.:iin at the end.
Rajoettg C,ede. M:iy ,3-, '9li• SU 39- l Oir.t; I TO<"gU~: I Sln<fr.:i: l Madera: I T)(~nlod.
8:1.j()('.l)gC.t:t.l.e.Jan. 17, 19$7• 4 C 26.
4. One bo)' wilh htS 3.l'Jl'.1$ a.."'Uutt.d11nothe:t boy'; ned..
rhyJic::J (hi:l :10rl, in whid1 one hoy has bi.1
back to the other, i:1r.:1.c:tcdingiy <:OOll])M(d. Pl. 58.fig. S. An :malogou; group o! !mall bo)'l' iu JS..< ,1~u
, ). 1lt:n: the Jarg,.7 boy hzs ru~h:tnc:..":1uper~ on the phow,gtaph $hows ll»;t CVC'fl.:imo~ higb<a..:ld i:t the
,uaJkr hny':1 ch«t, while the s:llalkr boy':. !c:lt ):i:ind rich viUagei o{ the pfains. t!1c little ho)'l' b:s,,e (be $:Imo:::
di:-tim::.Sa.ud neglect. They ~re not quite $0 sh.:abby3S
bolds th"' ind~ £.ngc:rof his own b:tnd.
1 ~ancmc b( t Kma. lhe OOyi in fig. ?, and the::y:1pend rather more ol their
time i.n wdl activities as drawing:. pu.intiog. IC31mingto
:n.,jcic,:ngCede. ?\by 1$, 19$7. 8 Z o.
re;id. ele., but the: ~ bigb..c::a!lto:boy$ of 8:itoe:a.n con-
lt3St 3.$ :,ha.rply with their ixueots :u Jo ilie bo}'$ 0£
5. ,\ :-m;r!lboy juu b<:gi,,ningLO booome a. :'ll«nhc:-r of
the Tht: boy on tho:::Ml in this pbotogr::ipb is 1 B:ejc>
Cede., who i, sbc,,m in fig. 1. Now, fi.hoen rn<>11ths l•rr.r. The t~1o%t Loy .is v,~de:,.-1; L'.l\eothe::ni Brth.m:11:1
he is beginning to join <.>the.1: 'boYJ..a little older tl~-a.u and Kc::,2u1-a.'wcl(. He i_.,nID in the Unl'~poi..~~'C$t:i.gc which we Batoc:an. Feb. h., 19~ ,6 0 u.



7 I

-,.__ 8
Plate 84
P!ate:s 3..Jt(> 100 deal with Balinese rites de pa..t$age~ the~ ..-h;da 2..~ c.::mcd oc.:t 11 bi."U!da,,
m:u~ .trHl:1rtcr death.;\$ in other paru <)f Lb.isbook. -.n::'lln!: ("O:::rin... t'M ri!.CS as oce2-'Uoru
for emotional c;,c.pfe:$.'lion.and touch on. the formal minutiae only indu :u UJ:C"(th~ light OD R:tl:incSI!
charactc::r.Fu:rlhcr, we shall oonfi11c our attC'ntio.nto those ctrt1nonics wikh .-o co tt"'t'al 11),()Stof Balinele
cbar.ccier and of which we have good phot<>gra.phicrecords, omitting thOl5tconr:ected with birth, ,.,itb the
ma.king of new priesL<:,and with pn>gres..<i in the village hicr3rchy.
The .il1 <>daybirthday is the 13.rg-estof t.hrtie more or le$$:simifa:rccrcmo:tlc:s•1hich follow birth and m.lik.
in the baby':s entry into. social li(e. The first of these ceremonies is held on the u:th day after birth
(or the 4it.O<lday in ca:scof a 6rst-00m child}; i~marks the end of du: period of seclusion and impwjty ru the
partnts. The .second .i.$ncloeboelanin> htl<l on the 1o;;th day, at which the baby is gh·cn a nao1e (before this
date. the baby i11gi¥cn a nid:.n.nne, such as "}.fo1.1$t" or "Caterpillar"). The third is on I.he !!toth day, the
otonin, whi<'h is illU$trated on this plate. At this oe:rcmony the biby's Mir is cut for the fint time.
The baby's feet. ar-e rirually put I.O the gl"Ollndin either otonin or ncl<Jr:b<Jelar:iri., according to 1ht>.?oul•
ity and caste.
, tn 8. '!'he uo-day birtfuby !or a baby Dr.ihm:m girl ill 10 Gg. $, the pri<:JtboJW up ~ s.prinldc:r(lis) :c!de of
B:ltoean,. h~ bt:i.og repeated oo the fourth such binh• mips. of palm 1eu. ' is a oo,mplc,:xritl.lMobject; csec!.
day (i.e., Lhe8.foth day). na. whlle not nt-.:1rlyu dat» in ~0$l til &Jin~ a:rc:wonies. It oonuim -J ~
nte :u tbc <X>TT~pimdiug eeremooy for ;a baby Kesa.try.I vuicty of $)>fflbo!icd<:lllents. rep:rt$t<:Ot:ltiOCS of Ti$a:n..
prinCI:;is mudl mo-recb.hor.u.c t!utl. the ~nWUS et('_, ~nd it is bound ril"Qnnd1<' of pfaitcd p!l::o
~r in the::mrnrnt:um. The Bnhma..nC'e"1'Cl'.tlo-ny l$ 1-.-atJn the photogr,1,pbthe baby i$ being !U:ldc-to ~ft
cclcbratc:d by :z.Brahman pric;e (J,eda.-i@) ing;ead of .:in ( tbo: ,:~nee (vm) of the lis tOWUd htffd!. Lett
old woiM.n o-f the::,•ill;i:gc:. 'l'hc prjes~ $its on :a cushion the lit will he dipped to holy l\-au:r ,:md !J$oCd• :i
on • raised pfatto:in or bC<l(bak}. "'·hik tbe .mother sprinklu.
:=b.l:,th on Ute earth ~ holdi~ the Mhy on the edge
1n fig$.t -;ind 5. tl.>-tl»;by is being =de to her
o-(the bed 1'-ith no cusbjon and thcrdott Jo'M'Cr than the han.d.$in :i position of pnycr.
1n 6g$. 6 ~nd ?, the lxtby w.tits while t!l.c pries.. +:-- ..
lo. 6g. 1, the prib't a-prink1C$holy w:lttt with a fr.In. ton« (m.e-m.antta) a puyn-. hu!diu.$; his b.;nd~ m :-'.tial
gip:mi f:la.,.'t!f.while ~ mother ho-hu the b-hy's h:md! pom.r.fd (moe4rn).
in a rceq>tive ~c wilh (he pa~ upwud. lo fig,$. the baby r«eives soari.A, a !cixtutc o( cbopptd
In fig. 2. we rece-J\·~haly water tluotigh a filta $pielel, wbkh is pla-<:edcm the fo.rchead.
(.it.«s.lwe1a1i),a cioo\ing ub:nsil tl$Cd :u: :1. cob.ndtt in lda PC'c1;ind:t.
Made; I D;)ijoc Rc,.i. the mo-t.';I ri<:e. The b3.bymmt drink. this holy 1/<,"'atC't',
;1.nd Daijc:>c G:mib:U',the Nby, ~ 8-40day,..
tht: mo<ltt:r <$0mc of il iu ber hand, .:md !tolw il 8:i.tocw. i\og. ,., tgf7. is B 17. 20. 24, i5; ,s C 1. s,.
to the babf$ liJ')". •· g.
Plate 85
The 6nt. fire tigun-t, in lhil\ phte arc a cont.inw.tion of the ~oenc.c shown on Pt Sf- The others $1ww
hair<:utting at z1cxlay oercmonics in &toean and llajoeug Gede.
1 to 5. Pl~y :iecm:$ :dltt the pridt ms conclOOed hi:1 pc:rl()ffll the a:ra:n.<>.o.y
))~~ this panic:ular f.aro.ily!:ul
ritu~L Tbt: ~ony t~in:itb by giving food to kut !our prl:'fo1)$ ~biei. Utually in R:ijocng Cede, the
bab~· Cromooc Qf the <1JI~ (1<1eforng oerip). This: ceremony it per{orn>td by 11.nQld wma:w. (d. Pl. 1c,n, 6g
keeling o! t!t~ b:'@'yboo:ime,;. pl.:i.)·,in which th~ father up in the villagt-: bi1.-r.u'dl:y,bot no< :i wi!e o! one
t) bi1:1,b.
a.nd :t.n old Cem.iien:b.tive join. oi d:te m'llt four ciWCO$, wh') :if"II'! wo pure to come in
In. fig. 1, the i:notbe-rho&!htht: U>t:~ ~rip by its, o:mta.t:l with a an;i.11 mlby.
ba:se.3tld she bold$ wme o! I.befood from it in her right In the Mckgrou.rtd, the .lather of tm' baby c~u ji; ~
hand while d~ eats out nf ha fXUlll. (u.'(jn1:1,
our medicine $Ci.'UO:S) while the ~ligiou<i practi•
In !~ ~ and 3, the £ Wes t~ fodrm,g oerip, tfoncr bold,; the a:~ in meright ~nd 3.0d ring,; the
and, b.aghing. pu!$ il in the ~by'11 hands. bdJ 11,•iththe left.
~ from T.iudj~ Nang Qc:n, the b.ther; I K.llrb:t,
Jn fi&· 4. the baby $Ju -.,:ith the u,c~g oerip in her
bp, and $10-'11.'ly
e21:1 bits o{ the f(.)0(1. ~ f'by. :,_gtdtlO day;.
Jn 6g. ;. the baby $iti1 ~:.m·i&her mothd'i 12.p, out• Bajoc:ngCt:de. Sept. t. 19sG, .t K l.

,~e the bou$-e in w!ud!. the ~ny 'W'ti oon<f~ed.

She :itill hu the toelc<:ngDmp and is &'till~- 7. A :1o-d:1y binhd:1y in B:.ltoe:m, Tbc iz
1 Inijoe RC$i..the molher; I 1):ii~ G2mbu-, the baby, :1.t the m<>thd:s brt:dt wbi.C a nn.!imu,. woman c:uu im
aged 840 d~ys: I. B. Mndc Togog_ the fath«. h;ii:' with s rat0r, Tb.e: tc:i:ale Brahm:1n p?'le!tCS$~-
8a.toem. Aog. 4, 1937. 13 C l.4, 17, 18, t1, 8t. dcn.44i.stcn) who will perform the o::rei:nony i5 viN>!e
in the b;td:.f;rou.nd.
Cuu:}CS$ wife of !. B. Tanm: h(»d.i:I);; ht:r $OD, ~
6. A 21o-day binhda.y in Ba~ C-.edc.The man in
whi.te in the forcgrol)nd ii a. rt!¼;iow prac;xitioncr (b~ uo d;i.p. wbik I Daijoe RW cutS the b:iby', h:1.iT.
liim} from 8 Oll'!igi1burill:g
,·~. W'ffl v.~.I.Sbrougbt jn t() l3alOCW., ,,\ng. U, 1937, 14 $ ~.
2 3

Plate 86
·roo·rH-FTI .{NG is the on!y common .B3.!incscrite IU pas.sag~ in '14thkh physical viok:nre is inniacd upon the pro-
tagonist (apart, that is, from cases of psydwlo~>iallviolence-:sudt <I.$ oc~:u.rsin h.tircutting, d. 1'1.24, fig. 7, and
1be rn:ndjog of corp.sei.,d. 1'1.95), And, in tooth-filing the paiu ji; i.uAietedon 1he momh, the rtgi<m which,
:is we have ~1,(d. Pl. 27) 1hP.R:'!:lin~e fed to he especially vulnerable uid which they habimal!y pmto::t. Tt
is hardly surprising, therefore. that this plate .sh.Ol+."Smore intense: an<l mon: overt expression of emotion than
;my ollicr.
Appru-c-mly the oontc:xt of tooth-li!ing is one which cffcc.t!vdy assails lhc Ba.lincsc prot.ection :ig:tinst
identi6cacion ·with pain. They can 3lld do a\·oid being pn:sent at rc-al birth s,cencs(while enjoying thcat.rlc:al
repre;.ent:llie)uS of l1ir1l1)<lml 1l11~y .i~·oid witue.siog p,'liu in others unlP.t-. for~1l hy iin!:>hip duli<:.s lo be
pr<-.scnt.A fatl1er h<ildi1lghi.$child "'-'hile it.<i$C' bci1lg t:rea.lcd·will ~)'. "If lhi.s were not my dJikl, l
would not dare to be here." But tooth-filing is :t ceremonial occasion which rcl:tth·cs attend in their bcu
clothc:s,and it i:sc::~ptdallythe b~um<lc::r:s who jovohmt.irily show (.he.irm),sitivity to the pain located in the
prota.g<i11ist's m<iuth. The boy wh~ teeth were being Cited ·wa.sStoia!. but his y<iuoger :ciiltt,r wlmse tc:eth
ll.'t'.r<:also to be filed that day show<.-dfear durfrtg-the pt-riod of waiting wlK.-nshe was a spectator.

l, '11u: )~>1.mgerll:$ of !be bor W!t<~ U:cth ~~,e juSt and pll."rodmouth; ~nd :WO i.n her pwtul'('; 1''itb bm:! to
b«:n filC'd.She is adjusting btt sub (s.apQC:,
d. Pl. Sa, chin.
fig. 6} bcf()re lying dri,m o.n the: hfl(t to hl-vt: he-:r teeth &tocan. Sc!?(- go. 19.3;. 16 ft 8.
Y()nnget"sister o{ l R«<'g, 5. Gill.$ brous;ht to the tooth-fi!:ll$. '!11c ooi1H:mi0:.:;:.;
~n. Sept. :$0, ?!Ui• 16 H Wt. p:-ecmt.,; for thiJ. ~,sion inclurled 11ncookl'.'drice ,1.nd :
·nu"e!: wo:ncn ;rr~ ,'l!iihlt: bc-hi?ld th(' gifts. .1nd lbci:r
t. A ymmg Rr.ih.m:i.n. who i,s t."'(linmg«> become: a priC't, jd<'ntffiat.tion with the r.ufktiilg Esevlckm j:i l,;;.c' t::~·
filing th<' }'l)Ung man'* teelh. The roorc dr'41stkfiling to m:,..; of their mnu.ths. ·ni.".JC(:1'"'()ffl,:t, are TC"hs:n:-s«
n:duc;1:the ~~.s. of .:ill the vir.ible«-t;:rh in the: upper j:n-: n<'igbbon o{ the boy and girl w!1<net«t!1 ~:-c bcin~ :!a!.
to :t uui.!onn w.1.i.gl11Lu:,: tool a.bout 4.5 tni:llu.t«, ~nd and the: phowgr.iph w:i.,;.t:tl:('fl i,:hc-n work ,..~, just bc--
this v.-as{oll0"''"('dby 6.ftecn millutcs of poli$h.i-ng. gi.nniug<>Uthe Ki.d'!;((:(:t!1., :i.!LCTtJn• lxry':1tcrtb h>tl ben:I
~otc the: ,;e:t o! the op..-r.ltor's mau.tb, :md the w:dcly dcmc.
opened eye. l:S.atOC$!l.. Stpl. 3(1, 19:s7. 16 I 1.
l. n. M.idt: K:nji Qp<:r.:iringqn 1 Kcteg.
B:uoe:ui..Sept. i<>,1937. :6 n 1;. G. Tb<' filing o{ the boy's u.-t:t!t.1'!1e ooyi;, bid rn:r Iii"
a <X>rpse(f;f. Pt 92 :i.nd Pl. 76, fig, S} and keeps ~ h::.u6
3. T Keti-g',;.lli-'UT wh(~ tn:th will bi: fil<'lC!
next. She ill io. 3. correct po,ture wilh t!w. right nn mp of the- !~fr.
"''itcl:uug her brotbo:r uud~oi11g the <>penUon,, 3.l'ld
Note the .spl.iy<il~utposition of lhe up<,'.ni:tix'> I'm~
kc-ling 1:1<:r
own t«th with somt: smaO ohject. i. B. Made KaJji <•1=:ing nn t K«eg (d. L :B ).flfk
Younger si5tf1"o! l Kctcg. Katji. in Pl. 90}.
Batoew. Sept. go, •9!7• 16 H 24. ~t~n. Sept. 50. 1937. 16 H 6.

7. J R<'ctg e,,:a.m.ininghis teeth in :t mfrro:-, z~d !tt:;r,._

4, A v.•onun wal1:biu1';llit: opc:-.ilion. Sb: ill :.t n-!l.:tive:or 1hm1 with hill :ing~n during 2 pau~ in tb<' ~-
ncigbbor but her identification with {be wlTo:ringis C\'i• I Ketcg-.
d.t:nt in her fa(:i~I ~ion. 'lride ~· lt:iring nos:ril. &t()(';ln. ~- SQ,. 1937, 16 H tt.
Plate 87

illustrated on this plate 0<,x:urrcdbctw~n two Bnhma» families in the village <if &1ooa.n,
Tbt ;n:'l:rf'i.agc
and i:s typiC:3! in U1::trl.i1lg the end of a period of elopement. it is \'cry wrong in R;1li for the pareoL1 of the
girl to appear 10 h:tve any pa« in 1he .arrangement <>fthe marri.lge unless it l>et() marry thtit daughter to a
c:h~ oousin. Us\Q.11ythe bride':t P31Cntsare presented with a fait accomf,ii and bri1le .3.nd bridtgr<>om
.suy -rudtkn" in the house of $()merelative unti1 the paml.L~ arc williog to rocci\'e tl1i,n 00.d:..The <:;eremony
here i1Jul)0'3.tcdmarl.s1.1hc return of the bride and groom from i,npure c-lopernent to normal soda.I partid•
In folklore. I.he distnlmtio1l o! initiative bct·w~"D. tl)t sexes S\'\-ing$ between taJ~ ◊f forcible abduction
o£ ,he girl and the: folk be.lief in J.t.;1j1*.11& Gede where it is said th:it if a girl suau;:hcsa. man's Jif,-.l<ldmh • .she
roay demand th.:i1he marry her. 'Rut I.hough the~ extremes r.irely o,ccur as form~ of proposal or oourtsb.ip. we
find hoth o( them symbolically rep-resented in llie marriage rituals. In the 111.lrriageof Msul)'a princt:s, the
bride is c:uritd oomplctdy p;•~"-ivc.wrapped from head to f<>OLin whit< <.:l<>th whid1 1ht'!bridegroom nwst
remove l.k:1(11-e he sees her fa(:(:. In llaj~ng ("~de, certain irregular 1u:u1•i.3.gcs m\l$l he form:ifu.t<1 hy the
bride's publicly matdting I.he bridegroom•:\ doth timler tlle ,;·iJl.a.,""e J.."Ong.
The parLicipation of lhc bride <ltt1l groom in the ceremony seen.1.sto depeml u1)0n the rtbiLivc impor•
tance- of citizcn:.hip i.uld kinship. We noted th;u iil Bajoe:o.g-('~ citizemhip is pcaratm.1uu1,a.nd there the
bride and groom play ,•irtually no part in lhe <.crcmonial: there is no dressjng up and only one rui.-11riw3l
incident (d.1'}. 1· fig. 7} whi~ im·oh·n. Lhem. For the rcn. the <.-t:temonyis orierued to purifying 1.hevilbgc
and rc-csubli.sl1i113norm:d relations 1,etwccn the l\\'◊ familie$ and the •·ill.-ge. Each side nuL<tt pay an ox t<.)
the •'lllagt )1crd togctl1t..1"·with olt~i11gs con1aining casl,, si11cc\\ithout Lhese pa)•ruents the village will be
t.1ruihlcto perform any of its t:1kndric <.·~re:monials.The two families must ba\ 1C :'I formal con\·cr~uion about
the ,,ratria.gc arnngcme.nt~ "''imCS$C<.l by two senior$ (not. hov.~er, !.he most .senior citittns who UJI.J$l
prcscr..-e their purity}. and finally the two families fe:tst together.
~gcnan) on a po!e O\'CT his mol)!dt:l". A coco.o.l.!ti" :1~
I to s. A lk:,.hmar.i
tn lir,. 1, the bride: aod gro<i!ll an:frc outside the en-
pendcd ilt one end o( the pole :tt\d OUl<'ffocx!sat the
tnucc to the l!Ou~Td of the bridcgroo,to.·sfamily. 0[- other end. Thi$ method 0£ carrying i.~ c-.h:sr.t<:l<:risri(; o!
men wd is.a p.1n 0£ the ritl).1.1. Simifa.dy, the bride ls
kJing:- :n~ spread o,n the ground !or t~ d~ :md
made to carry ••things fQ1' m:i:k.o.'t'jn the ba.~k.cto,.o her

green bM)MM ;1t1: burn«! over :t. .6l"Cuntil tbcy explode.

h~d. 1u cbily life. Bniliuuns avoid the.<: mt:rhotb o(
(Si.Ol.ilarb:nd.>OO e.xplclCliOU$ al"C u:...-d in mon.uary cen:•
rooni:tl.) Both hritle 3Ud groo:n mnd in \·<:rykif-con• c.:i.rrying ju Qnler to p~e their c:utc position.
J(:iow po$tiln:s w3.itmgfor lh<:comp!ction of tile rirn.11, Jn fig:c. 6 2nd 7, the bride and bri<l,v<JOOt !or
:i:(tcr whidl. the bride will v.-:ill:.o,'tt the oi!'ttin~, fol,
2 ~ud scri~ of a:ri:.-monieswhich wru be <onduru.-d by
~ Bnhman prie3L They go t.O :l. stre;im to wuh. The
lQv.•i:dby the g,-<1<1eU. u1d rhcy •.'ill t:t,lcr lh<:bou:w:yard.
lll fig. t. the bride i:nkN Mu.«c:ya.rdof thi: brid<:·
bridtgrocnt\ (fig. 6} ,-·;islte:1 Upstlt'o11:n
of the bride (fig. ;).
:md when be of! his sarong. he ku it fl()at down•
groom·,.fumil:f. ~ to utr. bride who pil:b it up. The :,aro:~gis •·is.Jl:>le
ln !iS, j, the bride 3..0clbrid<:gtOO\n :itand .i.nthe :1a.n1<:
.$C]f<Ol'l$<:ious au.itl,»Cit'!ll
in:Jd<:the howc:)'Ud, waiting fot' in th.e foreground of fig. 6 aud behind the bride in fig. 7•
A CJ.O"--dof lOX)lll(:'Q and ~ild.n'.u follow" the bride;
the nc,:t St<:pin lhe co.-tem<my. 111the f<,l~1:tu.ndon the
nobotly payi<'lllly :i.ttt:ntion to the brid~.n.
rigltl there i:, :i stri.l'lg.stn:u:bcd ~:t two s.cie:b of
a sp<:cfal:\Ortof tree (dadap). Thr. b1·ide,foll<.>walby the Jn !ls-.8, the hri<!ca.ud brl(tcgrocnn:wd brut~•s
gT01J1n . .,..ilJ\qll:. throogh th.i:.sttio.g, hrcalung it :M :ihc fathtt sj( Qn a. mat. in th,eh-mo,.1. dcoorative clothe'!.They
goes: thl.l~ :iymbolili.ngtfa: !inaliry <lf the cexenu:my(d.
pray. h(1ldii:g Oowcn i-rat.!1<:irrutnds. ,.,·ht!i:a priC$t in•
tones the Ji.a.ali:,crn11<m)-.
PL 99, 6g. 5, whn-e the same ritual c-pisndt: is used m
1. B. Nj. Tjeta.. the brid,v<1<nu; l Daijoc
··ciit off• r('1:nioni with the dead).
lo fig. •t• the bride :uid gr«nn :i.~ about to receive bride; l. U. Rooopiang K<ld'Ucll.the hrid~af, f::uhn-.
n:1toiea.11. Jan. 9. 19zS. 20 v 1, 2(1. 25, tS. 33: 20 ,..,, i,
la fig.5- th<:brirlt-gtwul is c:arryi.ogui offrring (Cef.e7t· !,. 15-

.. s




~ ..~_
~, .....,.~



attiuides toward de:uh and the forge series.of mortua.ry ~t..-,

The rffll.tining p!atC$illusintc the R:i.ti1lCSC
de P.,,<>s<-
or thcsc-auitudcs, and it may be: argut-d that th,e,e '°'!'C"
Tl1i:l pbtc illustr.atcs. the: tlti=.11ri~lcxprmon
~prcscmatiom; :,,rei11 a scn~ roorc "r<.-a1."
or more direct., than the <(mventiona~ bcb2.,ior U1the !.lo: d.
3.aual dcalh. C".cnainlythe 1hcaaical <:◊nvcntion.s are more comprehensible t<>LheEuro~an obilcn'c::
The ;he:uric:tl beh;~vior can be deu:ribcd .a,'S- based dirtctl)' upon \\-:l)'S of exp~ing horror, trr
grid w·a,s·which ;iire familiar 1c.:>Lhe Europe,111,so that the only unfamiliar ckn1t"lll.'Iii\ the pi,cli,;. .!!'!! 'QIC-
e:aggcration <)f the cxpressio,tt and the:ll.,1ldlingof funeral sc<ne!!I
3!1broad cx>fflcdy.
The llali.~ 'l.rc one M I.hevery fov1people:,:in the world among whom mourning i,. not :r-~: Neither hlac.knor white gannents.. no ~(:ial disfigurements. and rH)special orname1m mark 1hit-~
who has .s-u.ffcrcda btreavcm<.-nt.Smelring with ()f the cotnm01lCStsigns of mmxming in 1~: • !'C':'lOCl
on the stage. wh<:n:i1 is used to nuke the dow1ls more ridiculous.. We on<"tsa,,_·.a pr:::10II,
of lhe world, 0<:.._,us
weep at a n:al foncral. hu1 he was a deaf-mute, ;and the other p,eoptc sttpposed that this wa.'l;the reason {cw!::s
On the st;lgt death Q<X;urstog.ether with birth i1l the scc:ne$of pestilence which conslitute the middle
section Qf the Witch pfa)' (Tjalon(J,J'ta,g). and both death aud birth art infested witb grotesque minor "'·itches.
who terrify the ptrforrncrs with pn.c.ticaJ jole.<i-and pinchings.
:Oe::i1halso OOC1.1r'Soccasiolla.Uyin the plots of osher types of dt'3..11U (e.g•• R.Mt.aja'llaand Sczmpik)when a
~utifuUy pofohcd h«<.>or heroine is bcrc--avc:<l of a. lover. l1l these c.ues., the cxprt'$$iOn of grief is d~oid
or comedy {unlcS-$ the <,:}ownsintrude) and may even be ,•('!r)'moving 10 I.heEuropc-.1Jls.pccutor. Th~ RaUncr.c:
audi~ce is in gc::m~t'-3.1 intent upon jtidging the actor's technique'! a.nd do n◊t feel the cwoti1111sw-tuch the
polished aclOl'i portray.
5. Racn:1.the- hero ot the epic..""tt'?
1 to 1· l~um:r.J.sccru:sfrom tb<:Witdl play.
In fig-.1, the pn:$.]dtnt ,.--mnan(i<:bosepan is acted b)' £01 hi."1wi!c, Sit:i,,.who h3.Sbeen ~oh:n.
a :nan) :r.i1:,;wailing loudly besidC'!the rough. bier on ItiDcnnt uoupc ot W4jang wong players froco Ko::-
-·hich tbe ..c:or_psic"i:r.c::irded, '\\itilc a Ul11D.up:ats lean• cloc:wi.
ing 1wcr the corpse t.0 in$f1rct iL Oo the ri~ a man Bajocng (:C'>C!c.
May 15- '9?17• 8 W $6-
st:ind:,; with a torch o! pll:m lf".:wesin hi~ band to 1\-arJ.
~ the wi,du·.s wbo come to e.$(the o:ir~.
ln fj~, i :md ,. tJH• men :l?'C frighteacd and )Utt to G. A ~I fo.ncral in the mot1nui.r:s.from. i:hi.,ipbot~
pray in grotcsqnt-au.itudes- with fi.og~ daspcd ;ind gnph. one migliLsuppose that grid w:i:1-cx.pres&edi!";
prottudiog. bt 6g. g. a By :.wiu:h i$ ;isfb!i:. lying <.m clic real li{e by bowing the haJ.. ACt'(l.;lllyt!1de people b:r-.-e
their heads dO'-"n:u::archingfQI' ash '11-'bicb i..<1 lhtoW'n
""'P"· after the p~on M :1 brev.-tU p~nt to the CW'..u!..
Jn fig. 4, Ulc rocn c:ury th.;r 1<.1)rldly
~osions.. Thc-y
:irc pbg1.1f'.$,.,-ridl.en
r('[ugec:i Otting from their rill~ On tbe left, r.hc:reare se:vcrtl p«)plc whh their blanltu
and act M tho~1 tbejr b:1:ik.CU of f'(l~:ons were very $prnd :.tbo~cth,e::irbead, to catd1 the thro,,.~
funcrnl t1£ J)o~
be.i.''Y· lbj()Cng Cede. Ckt. 9, 1937. 16 Z 20.
De11djW.n.'.';fay2-6.19~ 1 I t9, SQ.,,. 3,8.
Plate 89
Balinese m◊rtua.ry rites an: ~Jle'I i1ive :'Ind ncn:r complete. The rimal w}1ichis performed at the fu1tcral
is Jate-r,.~ilt'::ncdwith greater ela.hontion at the c:1:ema1it1n,~d may be rtJ>eatcd }'Ct again in s1ill more elabo-
rate J)(')l'lt1Uortuaryctte,uonics (mtligifa, etc.). Only t.hc richc!>tprim~ :mcmpt to perform these more efaho-
r.ue rites. but the 1Joo4 of ritual provide for rites cn·n mon: e1:tb<>tatc and costly thu1 the princr:s c.111 afford.
The rites con:1i:1,in purifi.CTttionit <1! the body followed by its d(.'Stttu,:::1i(m or disposal. Tb.e aCLof dcstruc•
tion is followed by a tinal farewcl! to the OOdy.This makes it nt(,,'C:$.-:ary· to dispose of the body-substitute of
11.tbichthe Wt furew~11v.•asukcu.. and th~ :i_ga.i.n must be d<)ne by purification and destruction.
The system is dn;ufar. like the R~1lincsccalendar, QI' like the Oalin~ (;01,ccption of the lift t.:yde with
its alternations of dt':3.thand n:i.uearn.ation. and tlie graded sncrecht~ <)f the human being which is high in
infancy. falls iu the middle of life. and riS!:$ ;1g:1in i11 old age as the individtu! again .ippr(l:'lchc:q,the super•
naturaL lt i$ Lhc mtruidon.s between the sccub.r and the st1pen,:.11.ural,the phenomen.t o{ bit!.h and death..
whicl1 are fratto"n.twith horror and IDlpurity, and the tr.i.m;i1.ionthrough d~th mus1, be endlessly n:pcaced
in. incompl-ttCie:fforLi to insure fui.;ility.
Q:'1; the purely .secuhr !evcl, however. the d-:.uh of 3.n individual is followed very rapidly by forgetful•
ne!'S.The naroe$ of the dc:.u.lare soon forg<>tten and it l.$ Ka.rcely possible to obtain any description of the of 3. dead pcnoo. The dead, like the g:~ have oo personal char.tcteris1i<1
(For otha phot0gr3.phs of d. PL 34 figs. 6 and 7; PL 37, Jig. 8; Pl. 76:Pl. 94, fig.2.}
1 to j;. s«nes :it 1hc £w1cu.lof rhe m.mbcr oi a l\r.ih.m:m clo1h~ .:md s:ub. ·n1<: pouring ot quantitic; of ho!y w3.tcr
priest. mgti.casle people ,1\'oid burying thl"!ili::,.dil pos- ovt"r this bod)' j~ tbe fin:il ri~ bc.!w,: burial, nnd it i"
~bk ::md kocp the body io the hou.-1t:Wt i:uonthi or r,:-pc.;m~d
hi::Orc at':lu:n:On.
are (X>1nph:tetnd the nlt:?tdar is
yem uiiril pn:pa.r.:ui:OU$ lhwe,·ut. Aug. 24, 1987· 1,i; Z.S.
propitiuw !o1• lhe c-=u.t..ioo. It i$ rhe ru!C' tlut a high
pdt>? mt1$t nt1t t~ buried. In the: present ins1:mne. ho•,.;. 5. Pn:p:1ring, a body for burial in lbjot:ng <.«k. lo
ever, thi: dead was no~ :i prit:;l 3.0d the bmily did l'l◊t mall)' u:»untAin vilb~ there i:!no crl!'".uatiou.The hod)·
widt to .incur the:~tn tll.peU$e inw,lved io kttping t.!1t h h:rriOO in the cm:etery in the ,-,"OOl'4 bed o!.
{or i-n 1111<:
bCtd.yfor :i la:15 period rhlrinx which b0$p:i.ality romt a il il be tbe ))otly nf :i lcpr.r u:-a t.Lud ei.ugbt in
conrimQIIybe sho"'-n«> ,·i:Wtors. They t!1e:rdorel;mric:d the act}, Thi$ p,.---rtic.ufar t.,od~·"'·u of a r«<:nt immigr.m1
rllt: body in the ,.t:mttCl1'· to R:1joe:ug:md therefore had t<>h~ buri.:U in t'clocdoe,
Fi_g.1 !i!1ow11a group n! llr.ili:nan ,rom<":ng-.ilhetcd in :s.tubutb outside the vilfag,::.
the ho~fard, Wl.td1i.ngthe prr,p:ir.ition o( the body for Tn rhe ph<.i.~ph, the ndghbo?l .:md rc:L-:tth•esare hu! tb,eir band$ over the: g.:nitah of the <OrpGC ,hrr.
lo fig. :, the prk1.1 (rht: sou of the: dc::icl woman} i.~ iog tbe w:1,\hing-.M. M:$. ll'erbal record deKril>f".srli-t:
p:-.iyiug o>cr tlu:. body whi<h h;u bcc:u hid O~tt on a whole: proc:1:l>:Io( preparing the <Pl'J)-'IC:u "done with no
i=k«hiri bed <We.rwhkh :1 w!1itt shttt b inupendcd, c:notion ~cq,t :i kind of &n,:liug hatle - none o{ thi:
The: body itself is c.;,w:red except for rhe bu, and a SMb feeling of .i 11urging,tmuS tueh » thc1-e W:1$:it two pre-
i., a~ the: ditil. vious funer.ili."' The b.-utc "-'1<,. in p:in. du"" 00 the need
In fig. ~ a group of nnhm:'<n men :in: the to get the body burit'(! b-.:forc smuct.
bQdy for buri~l. Thi:! work is done: !tutt.i«Ur, ailmc:.~t 0£ Nai:.g Moes-pa'$ fotbc;r.
with vjol~a. ~ttd U\O$Cwho ~t rc.ich the: body Bajoeus Cede. SC'pt.s-, 19,s6. :t 1> 20.
p«r at it O\"ct the ,J1ou!tkt~ of the oth~.
i:w~er:tlof the m(l(bcr of Pc:d:m(b Rh (i. Washing tl:e bodr on lhe w:iy to t1u: ci:metery. This>c:c.5, l937· 19 R 19, 3$; 19 S l.f· M!,:r,,.1the Bajoeog Ct:(!c ,>ernoo o( lig. 4- Th,e corp$C i~
b\1nierlly rnrrio.l to Lhe b.$t fieki 'bc:fQrc entering the
wcKIWI.. Ha-c I.he proc<:$$ion.stops for :t fc.wminutes 'l\iUk
·1· Hr.Jwtans v.-:uh.i11g a body bdore a<a'Jtlalion. In thi$ from ;i ,;pi:t:i:11
:!priug is p0urcd ~er the d~d.
case th~ ..btxly'' oonii~ of cxhi):ncd bone:'$,.-hkh h:t,'t: Funcr:il of Dong Mcrnda.
been laid o,1t in :i eoffiu Ul:d covcn::,ct,li~e a <i0rp$C,with &joeug Cede. O<;t. 9- l9l7· 16 2. 9.

~ ,, .. r ..--
- .....-;r--- ..__ - ~-..r-
,,,... C --~ .,,. --. , ,.., .. ,. ..,

, •. I/.-~•..-. .... /,,~#" •

. i .... 4. •

. . .


Plate 90
Def>e1ldi11gon Lhe type of boly watt. ~ in the hu.ri.:3.1, :i. b()dy may be left rrom three lO l,,.,'eoty•li\t
years in the gra,·c before cremation is necessary. The more C)..-pcnsivcholy water has a more enduring cffoct.
but finally# in the: platns vil!agcs, the body or the bones must be e:-.:humcdan-d cremated.
:Exhumation is \1$\lally<lone in the early morning. and the c:ontext britlg$ OI.Jt the auiw<les toward datb
both of those -who uke Jl3l'1 and those who onlt \\':31<::h. A Raline.e man wi11boost that bP. is sapll:- thu hi!
can withstand unclean smells and cont:ic.t"';Ul the unclean without nausea - and whenc\'C!'there is a corOK:
to be carried to the «metery or to be exhumed. he ";u show off this cbanct(:ristic by grotesque and vio:e::.t
beh3.vior. (A in:rn who i~ $t:f1ta will t\'en dare to Cl.IT)'au :uluh wom::u~.)
fo I.hi$ way, the horror of the oody which is falUng to pioccs (beroek, d. Pls. 18 to to} becomes in,'t!UC
and L1lcbody pro,•idcs a stimulus for cx.bibitionistic daring - but some men a,·oid these contexts.
ln .Bajomg Cede, the ,illagc priestess and the senior citizens have to m.-iintain their purity by .a~·oiC;::-
:ill 001ll:'let. v,i1h <lro1h; 1)111 in the pl:ii1t~ 1he R~hm:'H\ prit_<i;t<i;
:'lre $0 holy that lht':y can :i!for<l~Jc.-h(()ntao.
TM Ruddhi$tic Brahmans C\o·c-n underline their frc:«lom to contaet the unclean. They will cat beef . .and :a.
Budd.histic Drahman priest may have his house in the oemetc'l'y.
The people ~howrt in Ll\esiepllotogn.phs are Si'13.isticBl'abina.M, c:xoe-ptthe old mari in fig$. 1 2nd 7.
1. An old $0"\•:u)t $"brt$ to <lii:;up a ~vc while three 6, A grotip of Bra.hmu girl& and m-cnmndirig: beride
little ho}'$ lool: on. the openal pvc: and joking about the :-1mr.U.One girl
B:U(H.':itU.Aus, u. 19:;7. l¾ p 17. bas her- dolh to her nose-.Actually this w-a, a kmg-
buricd boe!y. :au<! t!ic:rc: w:u no ~ocll cx.a:pl t!ut o!
lbtoc::tn. Aug. Y::, 19t,. 1,4 R +
~ lO 5. Bnhm:m umt ~uatting on tbcc-ed~ t1! the uew!y
upcnM w:wc-jokiog 1thot1t the corpse and {))("money. 7. An o!d f:i.ltiiJ}' ~t:S.U~,::-
(~tcl~)) wod,iug ul the grave
•n~(: old m~m slmwn in i\g. ; i.1 working down ?u the and passing tip hotie$ to thr-, nr.ihm:in!i on :M' t<fge. Thh
gr:we p;
tip the bone, and scraps oI cloth to lhe m:m al10 played :'I. C:01:m:Jyrole i:l jok.ins about the
The m::m on the I~ with the (;l.'1"1y h:1ir 'K'U bones.
joker on this ~on
a ve11•c-otUp-iCUOO$ and duclJ}' &r.oc:m. Aug. tll. l9Si· 14 Jt 1t.
jol:.r.d :ibnut the monr.y th:it h:id bc:en b1:rid with the
d~d. lie ..,'Ou!dSit of SIC.layo! cloth., --Thi:s per• 8. W~slti.oglbe bones after exhumation. Th:is work rtn·
h:ips mnt.:iilu money. Si-~,TmiL PM'h:ip., yr,o11 Snd s5 d:C'T$ the h~nd~ imp1m: in :i ritl.l3! sen,;e, :md 011 :b .., p;:i..-
,-cnta:· c:..:t~e::uii·is; the ~it,i!itf,.-s siuce on!y ~;sb :,. ticu!:sr <xx:i.>:onlhc body ru!d not bec-n burkd Ion&, so
bmierl wirh the de:i.4,{Cf. PJ. ~ fig. 2 for ti-,efacial~- lhat the ritual imp1:rity ·w:1.1c,mph:i.,Ulllld.The nt!i.c
•.m.-~ion o! We , Hr.1-hor.u, i:1 :mot!tcr Ulldt::s.n cxm• bodici: all be:t:n ~:<lu.w:ed!a. I.beetrly ::i:orolcg. but
tc,:t, tooth-filing. The tooth-Cikr mtm not tO\ldi. food P.tusone ~ postpooc-d (lnriJ .iftemoon h«;i1ci;e t.1-ien::
with !1i:-1h.:in<i-1,m.-t in the tooth,fili-ng thr-T'Cis no oon- w.i~ $00le on'll--illingne.." to work. <m il.
vcntioo for ro11.-d}·
and roac:tl>rcbcllavio:-.) The :mw in r.hc !o«groood holds his hands a11r.1y
J. ll. Made Ka.tji. his body.
&we:m. Aug. ::::, 19]17. :4 Q !5. 36. 37, 38.. ..:m. Ai:g. tt, l9'7·
luu1c-· 14 T 25.
Plate 91


Wlk'll all the bones have been dug up. they arc pvt in water aml washed. The long bone$ a11'! oountc<l
and laid out to ~<.-on::,:1rur.tthe body in di-agramm.i1ic; form, md thtil the smalltr bones :m: hc:arX:!d on thcnt.
During the exln.un:ui.on,a ~oond ccn:ru-c>t1yh:u been raking place. Small tcprcs.c:ntat-io,,s(fang.gah ~P~
(:f. Pl. 9S}of ihe rollls of the dt'::'!.d at the beginning of lbe e:<humation. These
·were brought to the <.-.::metcry
an: <lullsm:idc o{ palm le:'l.f.and they ;ire carried like l)abics by the women. The: dolls go to vhit 1l1ehome of
the dc2d man and :ne there riw:ally fed and gi-.·en bctcL aftei: which th~ are curled bad, LOthe ceme•ery
3.0d plat'd wilh the collected hones..
The bones arc:fut....lly·wrap~l jn m:uting and )::id out under clothes and S<1$ht:1,. repeating the fa.Jing out
uf t,he body at the burying.
i :wd 2. A 1\nhman 'il"$s.hl-ngthe bones. l'\l'.lt~ that ht 6. ·11:e amall<:r ho:ies uc n<>wh(::i.~ 011 lOp ('If tl1-t: Jong

lat,-gh.,. but wod:.s with hi." :.u-nu oom~cho:tl to kcq, hii 1,o.,...
body av,~y fr()m lm' ).ptubing. ..0..-an.Aug. u:. 1937. 14 Q :n.
J. n. r. Se,.uodan.
8:i.lot3.0. ;\\lg. U, :9j7, ),J Q W.

7, The T«<mSLiwt<-r1hotly :u:d the dnU (J~<1h ~p),

.3. A B!3.b.xnR.n My p!:i.y(ully s.-.:i.rtingt<>b.y <>Utthe buud 1cpreenti~ the ,,uul. UC (l(IWpl:m::dside by s.iolc.The
~ they :tre p:i.1itdt<>.him afta ~·,uhing. sa,iggah tN:r.'pvtith 1he doth {aJttcng) in w-hi<.b:";:,ns
n,u.Cle.!.n.Aug .. u. 19~. 14 Q 1 t. eu,-itid :i:c lyiog on a m.1\t in du: fon:grouod, :md lhe UUIS$in t!1t top kft U lbe fflp nf bom:s.
+ The il:u11 :iml mhcr bon~ lying in a h<-.:iptlf p!:Uted ~u-le'.2:1... Aug. u. 1937. >1 Q .31:.
c<>00nct a.he,- ,,.-:i:d,iug.
B:H<>CM,Aug-. le~, :937, 14 Q t3.
$. The fh::U wr:ippi:1g of the b<xly in ml\r..&" is $.
5. Uying ('lut t!1e loog h(mes ~-id the $lm11to recow.ti•
n:p,:_tition of tb: ~, o! ,.·npping cl1e body .tl the
n1te the blx!y. Th<y :rn: <>UtQn a loO&C•'k'<>VCTI
<X,k,rcd !:abric with :t plaited mat UJldcrn(:ith it. !i.mcr:-11
(d. l•L 89, fig. ~}.
1\aWC3n, Aug. U, 1937. 1¼ T 40,.
Bat<>e:m.Allg. u, 19m. 14 Q 16.

Plate 92

, clear if w.e bri!":gt•-thtt

The repcritivt: 1l3ture of Balinese mortt1.iry rites: i$ fflO"-'n,·c:n:
the various ocCMion!Ion which either the \>ody.or the bones. or some:wl:c::::.2
p:c.turcs o(
for the body. is laid 001 "'ilh
its fo)l .set of clothes.
of wi!IS tied ~he (d. P'L 91, fig. t), a:1d OD thi,- !:g-
1. !"be lay~m o! lhe booy ror purifia.tioll by :a prien
urc ant bid ~t;t!! coo..ia.l twU~ (kotw4ngt,n) of betel·
before burial (cl. Pl. 89, US- t).
chewing ing.rcdi.rnt1. Tbne- twisu are c:m:!uUt ptx:ed oa
1:ut1(:ralof Peda.uda lhi's. -n10lhtt.
:ill t~ no,:bl polti.ts jn ibc: body (d. Pl ao,. fig."}- t!lt:
:&tQt".:m.I>«.~ 19s1- 19R 27.
i«t. d..--clooes, th.e n:i,'d. the &bouldefll, thc>ows,J::nd
the band$ with ~ wlxlhiditrl twists to ttpr~u !be
t, The gr.t"« io rhc ot:mClCl1"dn:lStd u badic:11before
the beginning <l£ e.'\bumu)()u ... The two i:; the tinge."'l.
Under the::figurt: i.san openwo:-k kwlboo lattiC'JI': (Ua:!·
bad:gwund uc complddy dr~L 14 the foreground j;
:mothtr b~p of dolh<-$ for a i,':l-'3.VCwhich had Jmt. ?et
!tat Jt.1c-dam.al4) aod under L'iis th-e .shroud 10·h:cbis d«o-
:-xt<:d with $)1fflbolied«ign~ of tl1c Sivai.stic 13nb:r-.:i..<U.
b«n l0ct«.<d.and i-n the fottgronnc:l o.."'lthe left an: oiler•
(The ::m:.tlogow $hrnud Cl. a 13o(!c,'lhi~tBr-~ «r()•
. .,!'his dn,.,ring o{ the: gr.we j~ call~ -d..-.:s.siog-up the
roony would on jt a $fffibo!ic picture o{ the c!e:i.d.
~d'" (n,tesehin um.g $1:'da).Tb( 4;Jocl:1:Sfm a ma.le body
a>u:.iscto( .s;1ron:s,sub, lx-lr, sapad (:in outer .sub) :md :.. Bat1>1::i.u.
Aug. :15- 1937. 1-4U 3$..
litt1(' ('"6=1uncil ha.ndJ:ttducf; fm· a {eroale body, sltirc,
p=u.icoo.t, cloth :ding. ».Sb.and b;,wd](,~qt;ct 6. The: body•substiti.m~ of coin1, $hffl.o.-n~ll 6.g. 4,
!13~now b«n ()()Vcr-ed with clothes. like :i. ttal body. and
Aug. u, 1957. 1-4P 3·
()11 top o! ili<: dolh« the sash and b.;indkerdud are
,,i,ible. The by.out is, ho'l(('V<'.r, $till iuCOl!lplcte, On the
~ 'l1le dolb {sanggah «Tip) repn-:scn~ the llUuh of
pilW,W:..t tl«: hC3.d thc:tt is ~ m3U o( pt:.iu-d ~-k.a.f
the dezd are $CC: up io a $ininy. pOtitfon in the (C:cnprn-.iry
house hui!t iu. the gr:i.veyud, The wuh .ire !t!t b<:T<:
u:iucri.alwhic:h when opened will be t!u« tnOTC- !itrips
t-imibr- to lh:i.t which i11.~l:-c:idy l)·ing -'~ thc 6:ltong,
until t?1t c:m,rm:u:io:1 is oomplet.e.
Thtie plaitt-:1 ,;r-rip,,ate called kadjang siMm and :he
B3.tQtlln. ,~ui,t. 22, 19$7· 14 Q 26.
!our of th= ar<: .s.1id to CX>\t P.h.ebca.d. chdt. thig;bs.
;ind lcgs <>{eh<:dt".ad (cl. P'L 93. fig. 1).
~- A btcr Tiiew o{ the imo:'l'iot of the tempor.iry house
Baooean. Aug.~!, 1957. 14 U 39.
in the gr:iveyud. The$ now complete, Tht:
b<)ne, rul"°e bet:n W3:Shed ~md $$(':f(lblcd and WT:ipped in
?• T~ a.she$ :JfUT the burning. Tlu• :remains o.f ~
1n1tting. 'l.1ii:r bave been pet ,--itl: the dolb. which r~•
~t the .soul;, :md the cl()thcs Irotn the gt;'i.VCh.ivc: boen boOC$al"Cca.rdull1· <Ollt"nci:lfrotu the dying cm.bas, aod
the hc,p ~ 1m1ppcdiu nutting tn ,~:utitute ;i bod!.
p!actd ()Tcr cxdl bundle which now conr;iiru tiotb bro)'
B.atoc:in. A~. 15, 1937. 14 Z ;\$,
and l'Oul.
A more d:i.bontte v~o.ioo of the !tmt'DI .:etemony
is perfor.ncd io rhi:: t,:ropon.ry he:!ore
(11()(!:l't:n&) 8. The body ret.'OllStitllttrl £mm the ashes. Jn t!ih cas,c~
the ;u;lics at(' that nf :i ~dcs.1 p<1'$0n ~nd :t.~ pla(t(! ne
th~ bundlu a.o be: 3.1'"'3.Y for r.h<:<f'('ffl:ttiO!\, and
when rht:y u<: r~od.. tht:')' ;u-c lifted over thi:- :u.,.r- a $U'Ct<bcr(d'. P!. SS. Llg. 1) ~ the sround... whff= ~
rouudulg fcna.. n<>l c;in-icd thmngh the cotr.i.n<1'..(In Mhl!ltin £.g. 7 are th~ of :t B~n :ind :ire put on a
3Jl orrlinur fo.ncr:il the body i"' ca.i::icdthrnugh lhe ~foor hii.h pbt(onn.
of the OOtise:i,ml thro-1.lghthe <:ntnmrA:o! the bouJCY:ud.) In thh p21otogt3.pb, tbe n:«nl$tr'U<tfon i11.coeip~ctc.• \
-hcm:se.. o( cloch is ~t up aro1.1t1ddt~ n.o:Y.Ut.itutc<:l
Bator:m. Au~ 2.2, 19117. 11 R ~
:uld a clO<h CUIOP)' is $Uqw,nded ()\·er i.t a1 "'211, &.i::.e a.t
s- A hn,:l:y11ubstitnlebid 01.n on :l. WO(ld. In this rue, the fl..-n=! (d. fig. 1).
the n:pr~or, o( the body i$ a figim: (~kof.7') i=de & Aug. ~s.19g.7. l•I 7. $9--
Plate 93

Thtrt j$ a \·ery dose relationship lx.'t\'lct:n the bou$t and 1..he<:0rpsc.The picture which is ~J)C'.1.ti:<1
aud <wer 3.g:afoin the morruary o::rcmon~ ~ that of the body lying on a bt'd in rhe dw~lling h<>u::ie: it i$
repeated in the housc:yardwb~n dtt: bc:Klyi:'t pbr.ed on 3. bed under a canopy (P). 92, figs. 1 :rnd 8). and again
()11 the way to the cemetery when lhc body is carried in a'!ble house (di,.,lt). In cremation, tht

"house·· in which the body is carried becomes still more elahor:u.e. and for the dead of rich families an enor.
mous 1C) is constructed (Yl 11, fig-.6), :'Ind the body is canit'd in one of tbe upper $!Ori~ of this
portable pagoda. On arrival at the re1neu:ry it is placed in an animal i1) another "hou.~c."
The: Ba.linescdwdliog bow:e is bc-.auti[ullycarpc:ntcn:d 01,11, of $tp:tr:uc picx-a. held together by mortise
joints. Th~ pii::<.·~:ne l)rcfabriotcd and when all are ready, Lhchouse is put togcthcr in a sing-leaftttnoon.
The house can later 1~ u.ken apart and c.u·riecl to ::U\other pan of the village, and there n:h\1ih. Sudt a Sl.r'IJC-
ture dearly :fits with the•:i~y,dut the body i.s made up of .separable p:iro whkh may hll apart
(d. 1,e.r("fk, Pls. 18 to ,o).
In an-)·iog the house the same \1$ed a\ in carrying the acmation tower. ft Jattic'! of largt
bamh(K)$is oonstntctc::duodcr the frame and the arricrs enter tlm lattio:: - one man in each Sc.11,1;'1..,;e- a..nd
lirt lhc bamboos on 1.hcirshou.lder.s.
1. Tl:ie hou.'lt: a! a K~trp £:irniJyio. wbjch a body b,;u {cl. l'L ,-,. ft. 5) !-or lhe g;rl, on the wall dM<iitig the
been k.cpl until aem:u~m. ThU pho<ogr;iph wn lilcn ho\1$-C fTQm the pl:i< pec,ple go for dde:c:rtion. IA
just before the arricrs aimt m Cl.TI')' th,: body ,o the this ?wtne iilii: 10--:is<l.ra,cd !-orlh<: cttttuony (d. Pl. 8~).
<:emc:tcryfor bun»ng. The house i~ $llrr-,1.mdttl by :l and the bot1sc b'" it$ $pcci.&1 i,hrine to Uk: Sun. vil'iblc:iu
,pccitl «:r('.m,onfal foncc (probably tiu: prot<>ty-peor the the !<m:grouud ol WU pi<:hire.
luuljang sfr1qm shown in Pl 92, lig. 6) ro,rl i5 dc:mr.n,:d Batocan. Dec. 5. 193;. 19 U 10.
with pahn-k~f
HQtue n! 1 J.>t:w-a
Paijoek. 5- A :.mall acn1:u;o11 tO~J' (wodo.h). Tb.ii ;hOW$ th~
&tottJl. Aog. :i,i, 19~. :~ X 6. housc:-likeCorm .ind the fattioe of ?>;smbooswhich is wed
tn arry tht: tuwcr ,,rith the oorp,sc insid<: it to the (C'ffl(>
2. The: ttmponry vi.!L;g-ein the oc:mi.:tt'f)', \<\l'bc:-n
2n im· le'J)'. (Pl 11, fig. G $hoW$ a vcr:ym1)ch brgu to'll·t:r.)
poltlm person i$ bdnr, creuutcd, a l.lrge number- o( Kffim.:in. M.:iy ,m, 19116. l G h.
other UU)'lili"-":i!so aem:ue theiT de:i.d. 'Ilwi a hig ~
rn.ition may be th<-~rnsi<m for burning fifty Or niorc G. A house c-onstn:ct,c,r!over the body <1f:. wom:i..n"1ho
bodies. Some bod.iei ha,·c bC'C' in th,: bOU.SC$ of the di,:d in d1ilc!btd before thi: binh o! the duld. S1.1dt.:i
rich, but the majority :ire exhw.ucd. For tht'$t: :i. tem.· L,ody is ldt exposed in a b.01.lScin i:h1:~u:ry ..until
porary l'i!hgc i$ bui!t i1l the ccml"lcry. f-'.=d1house c-on- (he body c,f rh~ dti!d ii apd!t:d ... Wftcu :i. body is kept
tain$ the bcxl:esbelonging to o:1e fa.wily,.arwi k'I rlcm· by the family in their dwelling house, a s.:imiLu tmt
;.1tW :i.11dknc.ed like the h<>llscin fig. t. amalkr'<tttrc U boilt in the ~etr.ry to amt~:t ~
Batocan. ,\t11;.Yo. 1~137. l-4 N 16. p« into which the juices !ro::o tl,: deoomposing body
an: paurcd t,~<:rrday.
3. ·n:c =:'PSC from tlt-c hou.9Cshown in fig. 1 w:i.ll tint Sa.nocr. Oct. 19. 1916- 2 Z 22.
c:3:rrj,:d in :i u:Jdtio "·ilh the riotous bdl-avior .shown ii•
Ph- 9-1 and 95. bttl before rt:a.chiog the cemr.1.r.:y,I.he 7. An unfinished dwelling hoWIC, phot-ogaph in•
o:np$C W$$ pl.:ia:d in t]u; portable bc,tne (dj()f,) shown dudes. ouc comer o( the rcmrignfaT tnme v&icb sup-
h<:r<:.The arc n1nnine up the .slopeartier c;n:IS."• porn tbc roof and the ,;loping- b:i.mbo<'isoo. which the
ing: :l :.U"C:till. th:lu-.h •·ill be fuu:d. The cloncnts. of the: fnmc :in: :ill
B:llotan... Aug. .24, l9!7- l4 Y l!>- mortised togethtt and the fr.i.m1: ibdf i" temponrily
wpported on b:unh<)():I;.in th,e !orcsround is one of the
·1· The Lawe for $1 )lr.ehm:m ~·s 6ru m('tutnution pc~u., wbic::hwill fattt support the fr.lme. h i:I cut t<> :=.
ceremoni:11.It i~ decorated with palm leaf :1u-c:m1en$.00 tenon, an(! the ITH)rti.~e into whidi. this tenon will lit i$
'T"'l:i:dly £0::ua:dfile the hau.~ in lit,. 1. The bol1:;e i., ,iiiiblc on the uodtffidc o! ilic frame.
oocnplcte jo i«df. •ith special ~, ;,:i1eu1S B:i.joettgCede. :\priJ 1.1.,a957. 6 S 17.
PI:= 94

'l"his .ta:i,'ity. otkd ··ni,r:ro;, i.m.~u .. 0. ~ ~·- (liu'ftlJy. -.; ..UM' LY boo) .. ot • working De
tower''). is noisy, riotous. ~d mUchiE'-.Ou,s. \\"Jxn .::c or.:cn net. ~~ UI cxotftDl:nt, Janzhi'IIJmd
sbouting. splubing up the 1nud in C\'C'I'"\ ,u-eam ~ a~t upscuing tht acniati.on 1c,wcror «::Uing: t!:e
corpse in piccd. it i:. unu..lly s;iid lh:tt chcy ~ ~ ~ vith &befatail.T" of <hi:~• Ou: obec::••
tiom iudicat~ hcno.·e-.·cr, tha.t the dcgn-t- of m11 iwt~· hi thi..:riotous bc::b.t-.
ior in~ with the-1QCU:1
,-bnD of
the dcttascd,. the 'WlCof 1hc tower. d.e nc,irnt9 , l :hr bocfy. an<l Cl,: vu:e..bc.Tof arricrs.
on whic:h:t youug rmn CSpc'Ciallysho·ws th"l;t he b," U'..:!tbe -a..""a .. U) ?:w::tc:le
'l'hilS i, the c)t'..(',asfon
,he W>cl<= (d. PL 90).
The l:t)t t·wo 1,hotOgr.1pb:s on thi:-.pb.ti: :m: the bc:ginning of~ k'quenet: which is continued oc CX ..,_~
1. CIUT}i.nga cn:malion towrr to tbc «clC'fery. Thi, ac-- 3. A nun d.i:iokingpalm ~ brft1re.wctli:,g u I a:•
:narW!o11tU held in~,-~ nct.r lbjocng Cede :md r.u lkr uudtt t11c tO'lttr ,.1!)()-..0in fi~. 1,
orpsw(d bf • rich low c.:at(' =c. who wn npffk-J. • Scbbz!:I.. ~ ,,. 1951. .. s 1.5-
:..n ur,.t:uL llr. e~•tfl lllmstn.lC:tcd a l'iKUfC o( a "'"'' (lr.m·
bor) iA .-bidt. to bwu th~ hoer-• h~te F~ 4, A c:losierric:w of the l!l.(n u.ndtt thr Lo~boo lal;U(>"
tin. On ii1M.nw:t~o, f:rocD the local prin«: ftl$l 1lckn Clt'l'l iTtg the to.-tt abotm io ~ 1. ~ !Mn ~ ~ :c.ft
the CN:1X1a1ic1u,thir :a.nirn.:i1WU o:invert.:d into fll\ .:le-- f<>r(J")u!'l.d •hn•~ 111incbri.A;;<"rl f; nt~ ~
pin•• rrriatic of men in th» wi"1ty. n.,.
;i.:tSlllrin~ w.dl ~
At armation. the rr;uoo given for the ,;ioll"'!KI: ~ h2tld and~ thoctiog ~.WO~ .\c,
of die bchnlor %.nd the l!Wlying or the tn...,"t:r w:1i I.Mlt ru:1!1y,th~b p.ilm IJttr and ~,c-nd~('(I ,pu-.. 11
mte propk ot Scbhan 1toppcd t:n't'l'iDg f« .a'W'hlca.nd ::iay be pN)\~ 21 ~ll()M, rnnt ~ I'llll •to'ri-
Id, ~IC 11<,"ffl'\ to peupk !Tull) ;1 vi•ifinit vilbnt c:IIN, bm Mltb(T •tint; ~ Ul<".r a.ultd ~ .a.
5(-bhn!. SC'pL 1~ 19,G. • N 3l. ,·cry in:cru'littcm. ,\ m:i.u will be' sbo=:nin,:aoc:!~
in I.betbitk of c..~cz1)llri'i!at uoe ~r . ..uaJ• (cw.__.
and, l;u.,a h<"will he- pu!«dy qultt ~ IKICl."..1;1 .. h•
hMU,·i.orm1 the frl1)ges_

z. 1'1.uni1tg 11.had)' in B-:ajO<'ng- C«lc:. a~ r.b(,Tw-u o,o Schmn. $t-pc. 1g. 19:J;. 2 'S lj.
cn-mari<m. hut a trace o1 1hr cx<itf'd be}u, i,or, charac.u:r-
.istico£ C'l"ffl,l;tiQm .,o; CX pbim fllb.!,,.-a. tw.:atn iD. UM°' 5 :uld 6. <~.rryi»g~ boil'\' m a «ii!!in contanu.:.ii; 11 i.n>
funernl pn;,ce~un en t.llec~ictery. lbe a,'2 bod~ rn.. tbt hou::,t, ro rhc <WtuT. 'Ibe calia ha
on a ,trt'rl'htt, and. hrf<lof(- cUlCTinK lh(' (ofl"\t th<- juit b(('fl b1u~1ghrout or ,ta.:bon~ Mlownm Pt 'IJ. ~
wcu:bcr i:. t~ud thT-ec-or four ff!n($. 1"lM:P:.'!H' ritcal :. The !:lffl nv.d ~"ffl.l:ld t ud pnlUng int,
b followed '" 1.hc rl:1ins wi1b. Cf'fflllllil'm lOW'CN M every in nut Cffl'Clwel11nd tbc-ft • dOCbn. (]'his ~ l1
~ •!Id oo ~v:il :st the OCfflctcry. routlDued on the ntx, pbtc-.)
&joeng C(,de. J~- I;. 11):J7. '4 C '2· Jl.uoe:aA. \ug. -'C· 19.J:'. 1f X Ml. u.
Plate 95
A £urope:an obscn•cr at one of these scenesof violent $1l"llgg!ing o,,er-a r,11•1).Se
or a coffin is ~u.rpl'iscdthat
the men do not get hurt in ail)' '¾'3.)' - but a pa" o( the 3.nswcr to till'$ pt0hkm is provide<l hy the photo-
g:r.tph.1.\Ve have no1ied(Pls. f! to 23} th.o R:'!Ji1lcschand pootu~ dHfcr markedly from I.hose usual iu
We.sterncultur<.-s,and wt'! have noted the 1:rrgcpare which :tnd startle pJay in R.llincsccbara<:ter(N. 46).
Tn the photogra 1)hs of mttt $1ru_gg:li1lg over bodies, ,,.:efind a ,·ery bigh proportion of these diiharmonic
hand pon~, :\od this prob;i.blydenotes p~p:i~lnc.s.'l for startle, a high degree of r~diness to jump away
from sudden <hngcr.
The pfml.O&raphs al~) show that m:my of the mcmber.sof I.hisstruggling <n>wdh:l,·c thcir hands (m 1he
shoutde~ of I.hosein from of tbe:rn, ,~rtly using the hand as 3. ~ org<ul to &htc warning of $t1<l<leilswirls
in the crowd and partly using the arm as a buffer to !i:lVC tb.emstlves{rom sudden prC$$1.1re.
(All the photograph$ 911 thi$ p!ate were ukc-n on the ti:noeoo:-.asionas the ).1,$1, 1,woon PL gi5,but they are
not amngcd in cbrouological order.)
1. 011 the h:inb of :i: su'el'lro- tn clti:s pbotogDplt. tl~c gr,iphs ;:irf'!i11t.erening: es.pecblly. in fit. j. ~ of the
cro,,•(I i.~goiui;: up froro thr. ,.trcil!U.wbcrt:: d1t:y have been men<:the Q"Qwclin the top lcll o( the p;cu,:rc aud
.$.pl:iihing-and p1,11ing:tltC (()(fin thU way and th;it. But o( the m:in lrith the white 4ing;tt:t w-11(~ fu:1-gcrs:ITC
,,..hi!e the (':l"()Wdis going ttp. thert' UC 11Jsom.-:n jumping $pl:iyC'l(lout on the coffi:o;,im!, iu Sg.4, ~ of the man
down into the crowrl fn:,:1: Lhe l».nl:s. i.u lhc ccntCT of the ~nurc.
Katotao. Ang. s:4. 19$7. •• Y 9· 1\:iu1t2u.. A~ :4, 1937. 1.1 X d,), St.

!. Spoct:itcm1 on the !,;ink:$ watdung the ,u'.Jle i:n rhe

hed of tL.e Sc:vcnl of th".se nu:tt !ud bc,en t:1.ki11g
acti\·e p,in in the stroggle .:i !c-.r $1.'Cfln<bbefore, C'.'$~ 5 ~nd 6. Clo$cr \'~ Qf the ,u,.q;sli.og Q"010.•d n:n:t'.wdi-
cfally the. m:.W Utti-ng on lhe h:1nk :ind I.he man who is. alC"l)'after thf: a)ffii:i w:u broogbt oi1t of tht house. Fig.
JhOl.uing and pointing dO'lvn into the o:owd. Thi,- point• 5 $her•~ tbo: i::,.t·e:uf;\ng-c of d~ly in the fai;i:il cxpn:v
iog wi1h the iudoc: finger i:1one or 1hr. g,c:)(ute$ ( i:itnn.. from tht: bugbing ~:cprcssion of the :u:i.Uwearing
i.1tic 0£ I.hi$ oc<:ililon. a C()fflic dia..1't03l 010\l$t:uji.c to t.b: frighteru,1 expn,:s.-
Ba.toc:m. A~ :4, 19t7. t,t. Y 1. :1itms<>{ lhe (\','(I )'OUllt ClCn on the e:,ctn:me rtghl. Fig. 6
sbOW$how tl:c lllCn pL,Q::utcir bands on tb<' $houldr.N
S :ind ~- Fighting <n·ei· lhc coffin ita a o.arrow part u( F.he 0£ the tncn in front tJ! thetn.
~n:aiu. Sever.:iJo{ the h:tnd pmtum in tbot tit.'O phor~ ~tQc•;.;m. Aug. 24, )!)37· J.t X tll, t4.
. .,...
..•...... • <

... ': ~

-~ !\r


1 2




The body wh~_nit finally r~u;hei the ce:ncttt) 11 p!attd in a hot1o,-·animal Gg\lre (petodanr;c'I, litcr
ally, '":l thing [or bones.,) which stands on a h;gh root:ed platform (bale pcbasm,-ar,). The body recej,-es ~
final wa$hing and puri6c.-:~tion,and ~1)od is l!TJ.n~ t,mc!crLiic bctly of Lhea.nimal 6gt1r~ A priest lights
a torrh and from lhi$ the m:iny '1~ 3.rc !it.
·11~ burning rn.kes:SC\'cralhiJuts. and the people do all in 1heir po"'·cr to ha.sle.n
it by poking the fl.1.1~
and :urninJ;<.wer-the less co1nbustibk fr.1gments.
i. Tbc :iffl,·;J o! the body :it the cemetery. Thi$ phn:<► pon.ry• howc.t l>uilt in the gr:mry:ud fur the ('l(hu::eec!
gr.1ph ~ the last of the scquen<'-cshown in Pl. 9:)• 'fhc bcKl.ic:i.
m.11nt,,'Jth :1 :ttrip,:d p,ajama <X>:t.. sut~ing on I.he pbt- B.< ~ !937• 14 Z 31.
form., i:1 t!l.C head of t111:Kesau-y:i fam.ily from w!~
hou:3C (be hMy V-'ll$ brought. lie $l:l.Od.$p;ij;l(i\'O:, WJ"\ 1(1'- 4, The c-,n<ci::r.iticm{meiaspg.,} of :m a11::0W ~c. Thrt
ing the ~ c.xcitcd orrie-s, while::one o( lbcm, m<1:C pho:ognph s.ho,;,,-sthe: hc::sd11£ oil<: of these (:l('nl"J.. wi:h 1n
excilCd than 1he rcl. SU.Oc'I$ abo._.e hiol $hriuting to the o[~ng (b<,intm cdjoanan) b:ilitn('td nn it.s !orclttld :;..'"Id
foc;w!pla<:t.'d iA iu mo1,1th. lt,; bo:-IU UC d«or.m•<l 1".!.!t
Uau)d.Jl.. Alig. :.:4. 19~. 11 Y :t:t. :sit'ltt f»J'>C?',
fuwc:m. A~~!!, 19S7• '·1 T i.

:,. An :mi:mal fir,we (Ptiotl.angan) !or the o{ a

body. TI11: :i!niroal in th;$ dSIC i$ a (::I If - fur the hQdy ot 5, Th<; :inima! Ji.;urc sihcr the burning, This phot~
a liigh•rutc child. gnph sbows tbe figure o! a lion i.r.:i!lding Oil the pu;.
Th~ %"1.1.lU are e,ud"ulJ)· C3Xpcntd"c:d.Uld the bad form, ~nd tb,:- n>$.,: the See und('TD(::nh t!:.e .:.:-·
o! the .\n.i.niallift." on.file a lid. for I.bei,uen.ioa o( the m:d's lxlly. A ,·ay little buro.iJtg ~ sufhci~t to ~
body. the pbnb o! whidi the belly ;:t o:adc, and 1be bocts
?.by tt. 1936. l C i:5.
KoSut:13..0.. rhea !all dou-n in:o lhe !ire, where thei:" tlcstructioo c.:.n
be,:1b}· the 6~ ~!I~ adding fot-1.
lJ., A g,en<nl ,'lr.w of the burning i.u lhc graveyard. This 1\c!o..-ethe crnhl"n art: i.k:ld.the p:optc <V:!.-C to ooll«t
ph<>togr:ip:t,-tiows, $e\'(' of the rooft:{! pfatCorms (btr.k t.ltt rem:1i1·"o! Lhc bol'Jes- to tmsl.e them \'IP i:i:o
p<basm~art) each with one or more ~ilitllal 6~ l>w1l· oon.~tituted body n-:i.dy !~ the oc,ct q(le 0£ ot:re:'
ing. The th:ttchod roof nn t!te right j' of o:1c ol the \nn- Kesim:i.n.:S.fayu. 1936. 1 IT 5.
Plate 97
l 113.dditfon to the body it~lr. tht' hnnc:s and the collo:!t:tcdasht.'I, tbc ,-iuul al-so involve$ a long:
k'rics of ri1 ual objeciJ:.which ,~prc~n• pan:; of 1.hcbody or Wt body as ;1 whole.
W}1ile the b(i(ly and 1hc doll which .represent:; the so\1I :ire lying in a single bundle in tbt i.empor.iry
hou~ in the (,.s large ~'trc:,nony (ugaskorC1)is held in the lmu$cy:i.rd()f a ilrdhll'l:m pric;L Thi~ c'4!rc-
mouy is perhaps a won~ an.lloguc: of d•~ simpl<"r ritual in ·whidt 1hc:do!l representing Ehe v.-as
taken homt from the c:xhu.o,;,1Lion to he red and to visit Lhc hot1M:holdgods. To j1 :ire brought in procession
reprcscnuuions of 1hc bodie$ and the souls o( all the dead wlw arc bdnt; crcro:.tiOO.Ah('.!' ugaslum:, Lhc vari•
ous n-p1l'>..!X:ntacioMo! the dead are ukcn t◊ the cttnetcry and placw:,1beside the: body.
palw. ie;;f. (a]l('(t t~wmpak., :n:.pocstt1ri:1g.the anw: .frv<'
l .ind ~. Th4:- m::ucria1$ n~ry !or laying 01.ll the
me.isu:b o! rict:. rc-r,rt-.umt.i..ugthe ()(ml.CD\$of the body:
(The fisure of t.?1t d~d made of <lC1i.M., cf. J>L9~, 1:.:5(3;Sh, n::pt<'$etHi"ngthe ..moll(·; l(IIX1ash ri::prescnt•
Jigs..5 :u:td 6}, The:st UC c;:ITT'ied (o t.hC ngadar4 «n:• 1ng rhe "oo\·C,T"';two (Xml:l.i.ncn cac:h c<1nt:1i1:iugte.'1.
nmny, ,,,here tfa: 6g\l'l"(:i:1! out :> a corp~ onions, reprc,;, the fi.ogcN :md toe,;: dC\'en g::u!,e
1n fig. 1, the CJclu,,:-ri$ covt:red by :i t.ray cont:ibiog :i
roots (kt:'J'«-:14) (t'.ln!yten of tbo.-se fi» :i wooi.:m, bul our-
little mau.reu .ind pillov:s. ::i sroaller 1.r,1,y of dmppcd :md irifort!l3l1t 1':lid these h::i.d no mc:m.i.l'.g)::i >plit gomd.
~uled lt-.:wd,.dC\'C'n fulded rict haulms (k,:Jr.e:j~r), ClC,
rt:l)!cscnting ili<' lips.: a ~·,dking stic'l: and l\ nu.-nlK:r of
In fig. x, lhe tny b:l.Sb~ ftiOO\·~ u) $ho\'.• tltc: oekoCT
other itig,cdient:i o{ t1nknuv.11$ignifiain<<'·
figure On the !dl is :1mau of p!:Uted p:il:n !~f whid'i.
lll{orm.ant: L It P. i'octing, a Si.\·ai.«ic snbrr.:i.n.
cm be opened to fonn the $lripS (Mdjant, .sinom, cl. Pl.
B,:itoeall. A1;1g.i.!, 1937. 14 X 5·
92. fig. 6) which :u'C laid :u:r06,$The <X)n).plcu:by-o\lt.
&toe;i11. Aug. 21, 19~1• l1, 0 13, J6.
~ Ang<tiOl'l, ::!!'l.Oth("rrcyrcscnr:u.;o:111i offl"li!l.g i-n the
n.((:JiM«. tt.i-ctnOllJ'• 1.'hi$ i.~,a«l, lO he ::he «l'N!loetl #ti'•
S· All anthropO-OlOTJ"lh:C <>flcrin&(PCJcpr,,::hr.m)
\l~d u1 a \the bead of the liver7. Th.e h:i.\e ~ :nadc o( :.\ ooQcmu.t
posononua.ty «n::IUOO)' (m,:.:lnin) iu :&jncmg Ce<ie.
()(werc:d with ootorcd ~per. To I.he m:ut•fill" ~ru«urc
Hett. -·here tbett is no e.'<bum.iug and no cr~:itioo,
ate $U.~ended fou:r sqti.;tre :1p00k ~f Lh!~ of four cofon
there j$ nr:\·crthd~ ::i o.--rttnony which rh<:people ~qua,c (yellow, bl.l(:l. whit~, and red) for lhe four rlirccrion.s.
with the: crem,,tion cerctnO!I)' o! the p!:,;,ior,.This is c:illed
~ a support for 3. little
·11te ntltt:r half 0£ the ()llf!.er:C:'tl
m.oanin and it is held :mnt1.illy. Lamp utade af an <'gg,dtd!. Thii la.m.pii !~t bt<T ..,,.hen
The ~besd" of tl:u$ offa-il!g h :it ilie right ba.Udt:nd
thU QOject is set up on the d:«t ".>ft!u: bid-out body.
of :he pho(ognpb. and tl1e body ~ (()fflpw""'1of :i long The &liuese :ire \'ery little intercrted in -putpose·· :u:id
mouotafr1 o! chopped {oO(! (r,,:;roban) sun'01.1nded by Jc-:if
-mi::auing." l.'ai· th~m prtpq,ne-im: compktdy m:l"l'Sh:td~
pl:miM"l'u! cool:cd rioc. ,11is arnnge.mcnt :11.1~M$dut ow$ CQM1.1rnoution.::!!ldit would ~ JlC')'c:hO}ogia!!!' fa.he
th-e body i$ div;dcd into ro.aoy p:uu (cf. iawe.s, PL g). to $..1.Jd11t tJw:."purpo:si::- o( the n.g.<15kar,.: eP:"rcroonv,.~ ofh:.ring i$ rt'.Ithe gr:wcyatd ;ind is tbcrc
m prep.arc Ot' ,·alid:m: the cng.maii and oilier rit~ ob-
divided between t.hc ~ who :itu:nd the ti:rt:nony.
jc:m, f<> tlut thq wuld mt'".ll.-ti.ngfnlly be pl:icxd be$.idc
&iocng Gede. J1.Jne t8, 1937. U Q + lhc cnrpse. A lh!i.o.~r. vdl say th.:it the 411geri(m, tt~. ue
p~ fot> ngiukDra !he:'!bu-.1·dispo.-;,:dof hy p~acittg
4. O!kri-n~ fur the: rtgC-$k11Ta «rcrnony in (;rl'ln:Uion. beside tl!t: <Ol'}Ue(d. di1',("!l
of ~li:na.'<., Pl~ -1cG
to 59},
·nese are called m:riagc m- LMcn.g ~u,1g (bc!lie$},
lht~n. Aug. 21, 19'!1i• 4 :N 116.
said tlul the gtw6cts(fal'ig pi-rnJa) come -:tl night and
n::ad: in rhrottgh du: cntnna.'. to:>gr:al the f(.l(ld. One
6 wd 7. Fis,u.:ros(djefona-djddll,Utnj 0£ lhe d~d m.ade
Bnb,rn:in wom11nJo."$0'ihed tlili offeri.ilg as."!tin cwak,..
o! dathi:S. The 5,nu:rc jn fig. 6 w:ii clcn to a Brahm=.
(the CXK1lcnt,; a! the hn<ly). nFMta «TCl!'l.ony :ind later placed ~ic!e- the bod:y.
This offc:ri.og conta.i.os: :i cxxontit (r:j~h tjt:m1ming) obje« \1$1:'din lhc gre:=.t
l~i& 7 $Slow!llhc an:t!o,SOI.I$ p0$t•
wnourn:kd by TeJ. white. and hl:lc:k lhre.:d (~ni(!r..rm:}:
monuary meligi}a ~remnny pcrforn1ed by the Regent o!
(\',-a l.laoan.i: ~c:m$ tied with $imib! lhr-ad,. rc·p're1,etui.og
:.hi: bone,;: two~· rtprC$cntin.g the tC!>te$
(ontr one t-gg
Bat(>(':ln.Aug. 23- 1937. 14 1.1~9 (fig. 6).
in ~e o! a wom-a.o); one pi11eappk n:pn:liCUtfog t.L>t
f.:tnll~SCTl'I· Aug. 9• 19t7. 15 J :t9.
noc'k: !i-"e c:ikd rtprcM:llting ar.'ln; .i pi,!(C o:' p!aited
....: ~----
# •• ,(,


Plate 98
illustr3te.,l on Pl. 45. lt was there .shown Wt dtildrc::. plate prcscnL, th~ converse or lhe propcd-iU.on
:'!:rein 50mcsen9:-..gods.'; and here it is sbown that pls and souls (atma) of the dead arc in some:sense •dail-
dre.n." When a ma11 in trance, 1~d by a god o:r ~ul, addrcsset :an ordinary w.onal. he t1ays .. ~;.=:-
\father'") or "memf."'' ("mother"). :?nd when a doll is prepared to represent. the soul, it. is carried ln a ~
like a baby, a CU$lomwhfoh pccists C\'en in llatocan where babie$ not carried iu $lings.
1 and !t.. T:tking We SQUls~e ffimi tbe cxhum:ttion. &hub - to llW;e nine pi<:cocm all- U'e' c::o!
The $01;1)$ repteScnted by ~11$ (umggait tH'fip) nude gether with tongi :uid put in a J.jtt?c monar :.r....J A
of JXW:1fc:af and CL~ in alill6'5by the lo'Olmen.
of sugar one or a picu: o! dadt.p wood U l2$CJG.
pie<::ie • _
To 6,g. , .. L-'iesouls an: in thcir home courtyard. in pestle :i.-nd the bits of bnne uh ue gr-oo.nd.up _ ~
front of the Wlli!r :ihrines aud att bcing giva1 flo"·crs (jch k<>tmktJt:"mt:n) in \which :t aone ---
with which to rtar to lh~ f.:lmijygods :!...,d:mcmon. The eod.1)h:u hoe:n dipped. The multing mixnee ~ ~
women go the motiom of prayer, hn'ding up into the OOOlmnin the ~ of the sd.o.h .sbmr: la __...
the Bo"'~ bc1wcen tfu:U' fi-ngm and letting them dn:>p ph<,«,gr.,pb.
(d. Pl. &,, lig. 8). Uwally Utt::- this a WOOlan will
The td.ah ;i'f'elater taken t<>the sea.or ::o w IC•
pat one (If the flowen in her lt;:ir, but in tha c:;:l,$C a :md tn«<: thrown u-ay (d. l'L 99).
pe~I l$ uufli:d in$ the dolt.
'.&t00n. A.~ 23, 19~• l<f U !l.
Jn 6g. 2, tbc .souh ~ bu:-e}jng bi:rcidethe gnvc .i.t the
beginning of cxf11.rmatlon.
&toe::n. Atig. u. 19n. 14 ~r 1-4:14 P 10.
o( god$. Ta.esc lr.:1e dri.111-
5. Figures {/,crC1'.t1) w'_ -=
fomdketthicl, were .;e:c-trp in the ~ ~ t,=-,!:lll
for-~ ot:n:ml)ny(iMlospas) canseaa!l:~ ~ ~
3. Rq,tC$CO.l2ti~ (tjili ompih:n) o( the .wol at th<:ii.mi.I lutoc-an. 0a. 6, l9S7. 16 Q ri.
"sending ort"' c<:rc:'l)Ony (nrf.rim). 'fhi, C<"J'ct00ny fol.low$
t!u: hi.uning. and for lt 3.ll tli.e r<:pra,cnt:i.tion,o( the dead 6. O.rryiog o!tcings {pis.,ng d;e:,; .-!-:;eh ~:..#Slit....... Jlc
from. t!ic ngos.Aoro:Cl':Tcn)Ony:UC brwght Out,. llOOJlg soul {alrna) qf the de3d at the ft~ a,;. .,,.,. ":'=
which are ~ tjili 1.»r1f,ilan.. The)· have faoes and fun. cnnsi.n, of a b:uket (WIW.kl, d. PL. 4, ~ ~
shaped head~ of p:tlol kal. :i.nd the lt:m:ile 6gurcs arow:d :it ml! top wi!h ;i pato.!.a! ill ~
b.1Vc:canings. f;ach liuJe 6gim: is Kt up on a box. •·h:~
there: is an opening for the g!liOStS (d. .P1.r-. !.~ t.; 'i'ilr
U covered witb cloth n:,pU$Cntingthe mb. bam!kcrchid.
CO!tt.entll :rrc "'the s:tt:i:e:IS thot,C or« ffl. ~ -
cte.,.o( the &-~id, and C'2chfigure 1tt--.a.N 100 cash aiuched The f>i,ang dj1.rri bas a h,;gb mQll>like !:a!:..~ a;;;c.
to t?1c wing ,..hic:b binds P.befigure to the box (d. Pl luir (m:tde of v<:i;euble fibcr). A r:,.,e of thii _. s
100, fig. 4).
vuil>k .in the photograph. hanging~ a:: ~ a;r llidt
Nc:tt BansJ.i.
Aag. 4, 19'7. 1.5 0 16. of the: ncare,,t pi=g d.ja!i.
Piiang dj,4i are cmied in sling, Uc babies C ~
4- r·igurt:S (sekoh) which rcp~t :he dead in the ..5e.Od· ffl,()1)1).tain \·i!bga.
ing oJI" a=n:iony (nY,:rim).Each f~!"C js buill o~ a :&wc:m. Aug. tS, :937. If t; ~
~n (Xl(QOUt "·hic:h is opened :tt the top, :u:d in wb.ich
:i ce.otnl stid- (U>tr; 44) is set up. l\11:litecloth 4 'i• Soe:nein the prie$t'11hoUS<;tcmpk • .-!I.en ~ ~ :-t'?
wnpped :U'Ou.n:d the stid. ~"l.d QOGOOUlto gi...e tbe ('()ru- $CO.taclonso! the many deu! ue g;;.tbettd !ot t.Y 1tps-
c:al!O."'ffl :ind a hu•sbapcd h<:ad&eu q.f palro !caf is 6xcd lvn-aOM"t:mony.
tQ the f.r:CmL Thc: figure i:sfurther p:ovu!~ ,.ith a hand.
The photograph sho~ .a group of tj;:li. c._-..~ e!.
len:tiid, tt5 ~h. etc.
fig. 3) Wd out on the,.utd .z g:roup of WJ= ~
These: 6gurC$ art brnoght out a.fte:r the burning for oilie1"type of rcpmenutiQn of the ,ow lritb WI.~~
the! (ll!f'('.fllony ol?cd<ka, .it ~iticl: Llu::bod~· U ffl. headdress) oo the le-ft. fo U'.c b.i~d is ~
constiu:ted from the a~hC'S.In this «:r<:mooy. :i pi«c 3-nt.hmpom<>rpb.ic o!L:ring (tj.tMng n-baffg. c!. r_ .f. ig.
of ,1:u.n. tw-0 pit:iee$of humt:rn$, two piea:s of n-diu.:$or l) awie of fil'.'IWers,
ulna. ~'<> pi«ies o! fnTI.ur, and two pieces of n'hia or Jl.atocan..Aus, t3- 1937. I~ V l I.
f.\RE\ 'E!.!. TO THE DEAD

Thi, plate illustrates t!"~ mtthor!.\ o{ cc....::.-;:my 'Series of monua.."1' ritesc-by ca.11:SSing rcpresenutioci
o£ the dcu!. gi\ir:g money as a tarev.-c:.gfft ~,kl\ to t.hc dead. scr:i..'l'Jl.bling O\er the figure of the dead, uk-
irig the- ashes out to sea, <.21'T)·ingthe-do:J :epracnting the wtil through a sl'.l'Ctcbcdstri.u.g. and lcning this
con1ic:•dvp to the tnmk or3. tree.
These melbods art, however. not £i.n3.J.Tiuere arc further scri:C$of morwa.ry rites to be perforuml if the
rcprcscnwions ()f the=body and soul 0£ the
b.mily can afford it,. :u)d tl,~ ,..-ouldbe cs.rricd out with <>th<:r
1. Poscoottuuy a:::-emnn: (m"1ti1t} in ltt.joeog Gede:. -..'a$ooly -a.more ci.i.borate;cm in whkh, in pJa«
~ ~ (ad~gc:-1)of th4:c
l',o:-e..':"('.1"1"(1J)O]v <:cad is made 0£ :i. bQdy, a ~ rep=.ti-ng the dead W:.tS burn~
Olllt o(;:. ~kc:. (udod) rovctcd ,.,,jt.b.;l. S&'0:1g.Sa.'lb. bdt, The ashes wee ~l«ted and put i:n :mother figure T('J)-
1!ld hr.:id<lotb..Its co::ue::1tsindw:!t:: n m-eMUreo{ ritt: =enting the, and this W:t$ taken out to seL
Cffl w!::.:t.e ekes (b(:nul poetih); teo oilicr cal:c:::s (bant4/. Tbc m2:1 in the front o! I.heci.ooc nu on hi$ kn«s a
e~,,.;'l: tJ C:..lll; a. k.:is (en- :i knife: in case<he Ggw,: tr.iy ~nWniug th"" :u:l:es. He will throw these ashes into
!t'pta1::::b .:i 1-1'\l'l"::tn);
and !our ~ttc:rned p.ilm k.i,·« the !lea. a ft:-i,.· hundred )'ud.s £row.the ~
pro,j«tioo Uo:i: t!ll: b:i., K:iraogucin. Aug. 9· 19$1· 15 K 9-
·r ?:a figt:T'C is made in !«)we. !'\fonming ,tisiw,n
~ a.ud. pu.! into it and rub oU o:: tlic: four .f· An OUO"ing(p,:merrDl:n)frOOlthe ngo;:-kan:=ony.
palm ln'f't'l which rc~t :..~ bi?' o:' •~ dead. Tb1t o!cring iIJ0$0"41tC$ a oon!w:On of k:q\lence ~O!I
F« t!:e-cx.-c:iony. c.'!< figure is tak1.t to the vil!:i_v in Balinese ritu:tl. ·nu, whnl,e crematio:l ~-de win <1'ld
=:,k ,1.nd OUl wit?: :t sptt2d n! nfft"ring-sa. &bowe -·ith ngirim, rhe c«cmooy o! ••seowng oit·· in which Lht:
..:! ~ p?totognp.."i.Rcb.ti\·cs c«nc in turn ;i.lld lift i: up ~!)($ will be th...,;,-...-n
in the sea, l>ut, hc:-e 1:i one o-f the
£x- a mc-tt!Cll.t. ~ i! U"\·; iu """ighr. im..-:mi:dfa:rectrcmonies we Sm! th~ double ouuiggu
:\f-.n- rhi~ th<:figure is ttlen to t. ~ p?:ia: (:~g<:l canoe ~e:ited by :i t<>yin one o.f thi: o!"crin~ at ao
11:1<1fa) t!u.-t=plc.. a-nd rhn-f' it ii $Ct11:tnbkdo,.•,;-r t:i.rlit";r «rtt00ny.
bT t:V.,m1rtg mcn 'd. Ph. t! ~d 95 !c: Mhc:-OOC2sions Btt~. Aug. :1. 1s-37. 14 0 t~
oc ...~ x==!>Ung is u.'ICXI as a means of cl.iitwl.-a.tieg
the rmclnnj. 5- WC string. This ritual (rm:~p;a.c, li=tiy
!'\:.:.!ISS:i.:.:"b<scr.i ot medead 1r,·omao}bo!ding the: ··cutting off'') ocain ln ~ (d. ?l. s-,.fig. 5). alter
&.-fr::"; };attg DuU: (de::.! oute) behi:i.d him: ~nd I !unculs. alld alter acm:irion. E.ssentfa.Uyit scc:m tn bell
to the :igr.t.
C.:...:'!.1 st:ne:nent of fiMlicy and pcrli.:ps :i. symbolic ht(' olI
&joc°' Cede. J= i:s, 1957. n Q a. o{ eonu« "ll-ilh-a rn:-m~.mite. Thu~ tht ®L."?'ictlmuple
od from the Wlpuri.!.ywhic-.hfollo'"ll"('d
br<::i'k. tbcir c:topc-
~- F~il olicri..ogsto au w. be!a:n:.,t U et::'emnni:.tfy men: :ind the de:i-d hr('al;s o1ihis co:ua.c:t 11,•itl:1
the .-nrld. •rbu ~ :in incicieot in one of the puri&e:uory- lo this phou),t!ti: =y i$ being hcld Utt
cecmonics cocn«l<.-d "•lh re::u:l~~ng high r:mk in .be the fonenl nf the s.is1e-ro{ the w0m2:1 ...-bo is ciffji:ng
,~ f:iier.m·hy. Th~ c:,,:ndidate must«au ox. the doll t'tp~emi:ig tl~ ck:id (d. Pl. $4, Ggs. 1 LO4,
anehis soo :$ brte oilmg ~Ji.ebonl.' o! the ox before it il for the $1"Tlltmbiingl>ebavior-on this oc:cuion).
kili,d. In the =~ticm ()!:t"ef!IOny. the original dolls whidi.
The o,. is tied with its ~-c:ld bc::.w~cnt9i-o posu, and Wt'flt to ,·i:Sit their botnc:s -:rftt,: the e,:hum:itioo.
:be ch'd priest o{ the v~ sun6 on tl:e !dt with a burncx! up wiU? the bones, but in.ore dol!s.cur tJtc J1:1::nc
"-1-,:lt,:l of ! "·hich he will bold up ln front o! the son are m3.dc Co:thU mep<ga:~ony.
CIC"! 0Clltoe,,. cl~ it i:1 his l:~nd. :i.~:i i:m,~l'<:tlptC$Cnt futoe:in. Sept. 291,J9S7- !6 i" 15.
~r t0 the ox.
~,ue::.:;.; ~i:. !\by 5- 1936. : L J1,. 6. The doth (sd'tl;.g4h om-j,). ...-hichrq,TC$('n; cbe-$00ls
or the dt2d. :ift,:,,rtbiey ba,·e- ritually off' tbefr
! Talittg tbe ~ o,,,;u to sa:. ThU 11,•u:i 6-:u1incid~t connection with t!ie !:~ing. :o:e riffl up to \1: aec: O'U:Ol:
-:i: the K:rnnp$CTll m.c:igija ceremony (d. Pl. 5. 6.g. 1). by di~ $ide of the roa:d and arc left Wen: w c!eoy.
'I"-~ wu a. pc»tcr.:--.::.tion ccrcmaoy. but t:tn:a:unily it &wc::t:1.Sept. ::9, 1937. 16 F 19.
P ·e 100


l"ht- Balin~ know c.Jit- day of tl~ ,;.«J. n ,.?.iJ. th~· ,,:ere born. but i.b<:)' do not l:nm.. h,,.,.,.old thn
3:l'e.Climax is 3.bscm froru lhdr scquciw::s o! {O\'C ~~d l:?.:ttc.They ari:-.lft'Sot1l~ifr1.e to intc:rrup-tion. and bow-
C\'ct strong the emphasis upon 6nality may be:. no monuary i.-,;e,·er l"C3.l!}'final.
AU these pccutfaritics oi the: culture- appear r.('g<zt~·vc10 u.'t. ,,~e have our Olt.-n·wa)">of pum:m~1ing L~
suom of life, and whm we watdt the &line:~ and c.ryt() undcm,und them, we Dli5$ the wmm;~-,.;tttd ptriods.
the lJar-line~ and p;1n>:11th~ iu 1e11n~<,( which .,.,,ehlbitU3.Uy or:;anizc the <.mg0i11g~rC3.m. ,vc bcccr.:::::£"
dazc,d wbm we try to disse(t Oll~ Lhe ~h<'u'te which (1<.·cthink) must undcdje, the d<'tai!!i.or the thol.tS.U!lh'Ol.
<>ffc:.rin~which 1;0 l<) a ~ingle a-cmaLion ceremony. We look for .i $}'tl(tm of ends 3.lld purposes. and J()$C ou-
io 3. muc wh.idl is not co11Structcdon the principle.s w-i1.hwhich we arc
Rtit the RatinC$C arc not tost in tbU mow:. ~f11eyli,·e in :t rigidly organitcd univttSC:, and wh::t.t2ppt:c'l
LOus to be ncgath 1e- a lack of p\lnctlfol.tion ;1ppt".3rs to them :is continuity. The sc>uh(>f the dead 2l"C bJ.bics
who must be taught to prny; and 1he babiP.t are souh or tbc dead, and •h~· lOI•11111:-1 be taught to pnT. T::c
great•~-r,mdf:1thcr i.$ rt'im~m;Hell in the grc::n-grandc.b.Hd,md e,·c-ry iollividu:tl is $0me,,:bcre in this ttrtt-
gcncration cycle in which his 1miLion is. determined by t«nouyu1y. Tf he is 2. child he is called ..! ~
So"; if he i:sa pan>ni he is C:3.llcd"f'athcr of So.and.SO'': aud if he is a grandparent he- h, ~llecl ''G1-auC!.uher
o( SC>-:tnd•So.''On.ty i! a man sul'\·iv~ 1<>1.w.
a trc:tL·8t'a.ildparcnt docs an o,·erl.ap 0<,,:·-ur: and there ~c co::vro•
tions to meet this anomaly. In ~jooug Gede. the birth of i.ermin:HC:i:i. mm's
and if he meets hi$ great,g:r.todC'hild. he ought to give him <l p~...1lL before speaking to him.
bcry indi\'idual is wmewhere also on the otht'r g.ea.t q·de or B~inc:sc life. the r.:·dc which altc:TUatn
bctwccn Jilc cmd (]~1h., betwocn the s«tilar and die supcmatun!. U he U a!h"=, his ~tioo c.kpen.<4t.:poi'
<.'Oniple1tdrites~ 1,,usageand upon hls ,,gi:. Tn i1)faocy and o!d age he is dose to the ~uptr112tunl. 100 ooh"
a wins a measure of secularity in.tal'lj' married life. lf hc is <lead, lt.i'SJl().,i!i()n lik~isc depc:r.ds upon rites de
passage: only after mt<anin(Pl. 99. fig. 1) may thc ghost c-mer the temple.
These two contitrnl'.>US cycles sre symboJi1C:llin Rlli h) circu!ar skcias of tbrca.d held <lCYA'D 1~· ri,)~
In v.uic1u$ritt:sde ,passage(ind1.1ding cremaLioo) there is a rirual (mcpc.rC"..J) in whiN'I 2111he c!cscendm;:s bo!t
a r(lpt~in 1he order of their (]~nt. The soul is tic<lto i1~hox bf a skein to \o."hichmonev is suspended rt
98.fig. 3) and iu d1is pb1e ,;,,,c sec the ,i!law,:: prie$t<:s:.iiit tnnce. possessed b~· the- :.ouls o( tht fkad. Pnt
along the .,il.Jat<e,s-lre(:L
held by a similar skein.
J ;tnd :.:. A l,aby at its 21(1.(f.:I)'birlh<h~·. "Fint,h rroub!ie!Go baa:c! So t.b.u O,ij« S.
l!t !ig, 1, the baby boy i, hdd Uy the old wom:in who ma.ysoon be mature:· (D.tijoe Siti 10!. ht'\ 6ugfaer aX
is yw:-rfomiing dt-t: um:m<>uy, aud $he pat.-1hii h:.i.uchiA her men:ir-('ru"v.-:1.,I.ate in ooming.)
the pwillon of p~yr-r while: he !o<>l.sat I.he anncn. lli.ijoc Sil: :i.t Lbe !ar end of the knttl'ng: r~ t a
After this ('1;r1;monybdd in the hO\lse remp!c. the baby Koeroeb, bcr father. on ~ right..
m;ty enter the ,·illa~ R:itoe:i.n. Sepe. 29. 1937. 16 £ JO.
fo ~- 2, a few %f:conili fal,.T, he repe.lts rhc- IN111:m
which he h:u ju$l k:m)cd. (We ~rve!<! th;:I rep,:litioi~ 1· ~ ,·ilb~ !o: the mt-t~~
prie:.<tC':'I.<in t.<>:m.c:e a::c--
in SC\'e:al bl.tbics at the 210-day <ll:r<Cll'l.ooy.) mony (d. Pt 6, Ggs.; :i.nd G). is a poKm(,iiwa:.:
J hO<'fl held hy n:1<!QngPoc-poe in 6g;. 1: ;and hdd by ce.remony which follows m,o..,u:in (d. Pl. ~ fig. i • ~
hh mo1.her. ~lcu G< fig. ::. tint p:in o! the ~remony ii ~idd in a s:ic:cd !:2:! u!fll
:&.jot-IlgCede. At1g. 15, i9J6. e C s.4. s«lji) ~!\d Lbcre the prksu.-ssJx-iins bcr mntt. S;o: a
~~~ h,· 1he:soul!! uf the dead :i.nd s.po.l,,.!I f...-u;u oec
~ The $0llls of rhr. dead bei1~srmde tQ pny in d1r. and then as a.uoilier.She is in this trance ~e :o
m.cpegat ai~o1r.1y wb.i,b termin:nes the cttmati<>nrit• the hoose, 11nrlthr <.."Ting:ipp:in,nr1y mar-1:\ the mn=-:::
ual. .\{tcr this. rim:11. the: cwuls break the $U.~dor.d ity of the :wo bah·n..
$(ring :md lxm1bc)() lirtu;id,en :.~ hu::ied. In icrn!tog: Djtro & Scd.eb leading: ;\kn ).fargi f61~
the Ktuh :iw:l.y.the Br:ihm.:inh.r..:ido! the boU$1Cboidwd_, :&;joeogCtide. July 10. 19:P· 13 G t3-
Bali is a :miall island with an area of ~905 square miles and a population of ap-
proximately one million. It lies just off the east coast of Java. The Balinese arc found
only on this small island~on the ncighboring isfand <>fLombok (the much mun: nu•
mc-rousS.1 ..ssakpopulation 0£ ,,;hi<:hwas conquered an<lheld by Ralinese from 1692 to
about 1710), and in small exile scttlt:mC'nlSin E.'lstJava and on tl\e island of Noesa
Pc:nida (both said to have been founded by exiles who had vl()btcd lhe role against
tnarri.lgc with a ·womanof higher <:a~eor who had been invo1vc,-d in some other deep
social trouble). In appearance the Raliuese are enough like the Javanese, M> that the
style of hc:adclothand wayo( movement are s,1perficiallythe easiest method elf telling
them apan.
Tht:y have an Indonesian culture which has received progressive wave.,;; of cul•
tural influence from Rudd.histand l Iindoo sources, wiLha Jes::;important Chinese im·
pact, a very slight Mohammedan influence. and finally a prog,-&ive overlay of older
sysu;msof authority by the immigr.i.tioudtJring the cenn1rics of Javanese high-castes
who fled Java before Lhe'.Moh:i:mmedanization. ~n\.t"eec:isrc:s,Brahman. Kc:satrya.and
Vesia, are rccogni:1.1:d. and hyp<:>g-,noyis pcrroitted Lothe males o( all three castes, the
women so ma:rri<..-<l being pro~.,-essivelyraised in stams by successive generations of
higher caste descendants. The bulk o( the popufa.don is spoken of a.,;,"outsiders"
(djaba). lacking ntetnbcnhip in these castes. The language, which is related lO Malay,
is graded to express diffcrenc:csiu caste, status, and jmimacy, these gT:tdadonsde·
pending upon subsLimtion of widely different vocabularies. These substitutions apply
t0 all parts of speech. though personal pronouns arc most highly diffcreuliated. A
small proportion of the populalion (prfosts, set?rs.,diviners. scribes, and clerks) arc
1iter.ue in rhe syllabic script, which is derived from Sanskrit letters and traced 'lrith a
stylus on the leavesof the Jontar palm. cut into ;;u)even series and L<>~lher.
The political organiT.atfrm,before nuu:h occupation, consisted of a number of
kingdoms, cac:hruled by a Rajah (Anak Agotmg) of the Kesatrya caste, assisted by•
large numb<..-r of his rebtivt:5 who acted as his provincial rt:presentat.ivc::s a.ud tax col•
lectors. This system ovcrbys a syslem of aut(momous vi11ages,each ,\;th ils own local
la'l\tS(adat)a<lmiuisteredhy 3 village council <:<'>Usisting of full resident n,alo. who also
administered the village templt:i.. I.hesystem of laud tenure, and the elaborale calcn•
d.ricalsystem of feasts.The Rajahs levied taxes in kind or in corvee, maintained courts
which tried a few 1najor offcnses,patronized the arts. conscripted the labor of artists,
occasiona.11y s.eited more lands or oL.herwiseexpropriated relatively helples.'>citizens.
aod exerdsorl an occasional veto ou I.hetenure of officeof the Brahman pric:sLS. These
priests, divided into nvo principal sects, Bt1ddhistic and Sivaistic, owed a sc:<:ularalle·
giauce to their Rajahs and n.--spectto Lhepriests who had taught lhem. Each priest, in
1()()5c: collaboration with others, served as a religious center, fi-rSt for his own family


and extended f:.unily, sccrmrl for othc:-rfamilies from th<::two other asto. J.m! ~.:.:-.:!~
constellations of the c.1src:l<":S..,
pmplc. who ~upr.rimposed upon Lhcir \·ill:tgc-;im.:.!:!:__
rituals, Brahman rirn:ils ·whc·n;h<·vc-ouMafford to pay for tlu:m. ~ests l\t..:;
tied to Lheorganization of kingdoms. but not to any locd mg-.i.uiation except throu;!i
the rouLitie membership of their hou5c:hold.$in viHai,,re amm1u11es an<l by their duties
to the home temples o( their own ancestors.
''lhe three castes maintain cxtcnsiYc kin:;hip n;l:uionships w!Lh intc-n1unia.30
bet.\'ee"n n\c:'tnbers of different kingdoms, oi~rv:mc:t,-s of death tabcx,s by t.bc- c-mitc-
rebniooship group, and periodic offerings in family t<..·mplcs.Anumg Lhc caste!ess
people, allegiance to the vHhlgc of rcsidcn,.c is the strongt:st tie, with a secondary t:e
to the larger patrilineal family groop. ·which often became g<.."ner:1lin-d into member•
ship in a temple:-.).fauy people :dso have me;:ul>ershipin one or more temples (Other
than the village temples} aml these subsidiary temples were pmhahly originally d:e
fan.lily temples of senior lines, th()ugh now this orihriu is fot'g()lteo.. Kinship terms are
bilateral, ·wichth<;addiclon of phras.t:sto in<licalt: collaleral distance, so that
is falhel', reraman di tnisan, father's or mothc:r·s Ul-stcousit), aud reramon di mindnn,
father's or mother's second cousin. Di:sli.t1ctiousare made between elder and yonngn
siblings; and ord.c:,--of-birchterms in .sets of fom· ai·e the custom3ry modes of ad<lr~.
·rccnonymy occurs systematically :imong mosc c1stdess pe()ple a1)d in a modified
fonn, among hiah castes. whe,re the .approprl:-ttr.c:aste tenn for ..!al.her" or '·mother"
issubstirnted for the personal name ,,,1iLhoutb.o,\·cvetincluding the name of the: child.
as is don<:among casLclos people.
Kinship ties with;n the pat.rillueal family :,;res.trc.-sscdand given comiouity by a
variety of ctisroms. If a mao has no son, he m:ty :ulopt a prospe<:live SOfl•i•1la,f who
lheu becotncs a son and worships t.he ancestors o{ his wife. Tf a man has several son:..
the d.dest and the have a so,rte\\'hac greater share of power chan the others;
the eldest .. bct.:au.sehe is senior'' and rhe your1r,'d.tbecaase, afo?r the others have kit
h<>mc:md built up tl.telr o,\~nestablishmc::mswith t.he falher·s help. he usually inherits
the paternal house and most of such land ~s the f.imi1y owns priv:ttdy. The parents
cndeavor (usu:tlly without success, except in rhc high-ctste families) to make their
children marry cousins. Tn thc plaittS \1!llages. the preferred manfage i.c;t\·ith rht:
fat.he1.,sbtolher's. child, but in flajot:ng Gede this marriage is rcg3.rdc,,•d "3.S
:md th<: prcforrc:d m:11.rriage is with a p;nrilincal sr.c:<md<:ousio of own generation.
Th<..-rcis a strong prohibition against a man's m:1rrying a feniale rebtl\re of ascendant
generation. Such a marriage: would "cut the pine ofl rcspcc(," hoc~'lU!;C :1ro:m shoulrl
worship tbe dcarl of asccndanl ge1l.eraliOilS but a woman 5ho1.1ldworship ht"T<lc.:?rl
husbaml. The hypcrgamoos. scxwl union between a <.'a.Steless male and a high casLe
woruau would, of co1.1rsc,be a sti11 more dr.:istit breaking of I.his taboo, and such
offonscs arc punished by death or exile. There arc ~lso c:<::r<:moniafobjcctiom (.sanc-
tion<..-dby supernaturally caused sickness or disaster) ag:,in~r a ;c;tr:mger'sbuilding hi~
SPi.C!AL PCBf.lC.ITIOSS, Y. l. .~c.~r, SCI.

hoe.<;('hct,,·ee-n the.-howes of d05e rdati\ c:.. cspcdally bet,,e~n a man's hou,;,c;holdand

3: hou--chold couta.ining ~ sc-nior house lc:mpk belonging LO thC'~"lmefamil}··
The: et:onomi<: sysrt:"m o[ exchange is based on pt:riodic markets which arc hehl in
brge cemers to which both professional vendors and imlividual peasants with a han<l-
(u} of v~tab1cs cake !.heir ware..:,.The (" ...
i,sh nexu.s between individuab ls ~c up £mm
t..bc:time :i t1••0-ycarold child pun:hascs peanuts from a female relative or ueig_bl.,or
who is maintaining a street st.aH.and continues through life in the payment of fines.
lc:Yics,. and all exch:mgt""s of goods between persons. Chinese cash (value in 1938. ! 1 of a
Dutch cent) ,,·as tht=only mon(·y before Dutch c.omacc,and htrgcr unics are fonncd by
stringing the <::t.'>h on hamboo Lhonf>-S. (',cnain villag-esspt:<:l:!li1cin certain manufac.
wres. such a:. pob (m:!dc on the potter's ,,·hc-d), baskets. and metal objects. The- iroa
\,Orkcrs and the indigo workers cons-tirnte virtual sulx.:astes of high and low :.l:i.tus
ropecti\dy. Rice, ho,,·c,·er. is the- m:ijor product and the irrigated rice <rops an:-
gc:-rcrlso that some disLricl:sare h:?n'csting while others .axeplam!!ig. and purch.uo m
COYCf thoc di:,crcp:-mc:lcs:?re made in lhe markets. ~fany families .srll rice al oue pc:riod
of the yea!·aml pun:lrnsc other periods.
fo :uldition to specialization by loolitics, lhere arc also spc-iriali:.u in e3ch com
Uluuity in a number o[ skills., such as tuning orchestntl instruments. making masks.
weaviug fine fabric;, teaching dancing. can;ng tufu. tr,uisbting anciem lcxL,;. cfr\;in
ing. providing magic atnu!eL"i.~tc:.,and the services of ,hcsc spcdali:.l:s on he
for a fee. A Rajah or wc::.i1thynohkman iuaimaim:d an encourage of such ,pc-ciali:.i.:..
<rn<lof a numhc-r of k>w•( who Cell our,,;idc of the: :;chcmc
of viUagc org:miz:.ition.
Lau<ltc:nun: is of m,'lny kinds, espc:c:iaJlyin the m.oumaius . .-\ man may perw:1.a!Jy
c:mu lau<l which was c:lc:i.rcdby an am:·esmr or which be has bought or acqu1r~ a,;
S<:<:urityon a lapsed loan from somebody ·whose ances.LO!·cleared it. But the m.:tjorin:
of land around Bajcx':ng (rl':d~ is owned by che community and the rights of u~ufr.ict
arc assi,h,'Tit:d in v:trious ways. Each foll <:iliten (a m:m ,\ich household :md l~:xh-C:O!:!•
plelc. whose young(.':SC child has llOl tilarrie<l and who is not yet a grc:n-gr.mdpare::t
h:?s:.isttip share oft.he enonuuus fidcls (/( redivided C'\·c-n,· year. He al,;o
has :1 piC('.cof land (ajtJltan)a!Jou.c::dto him ju rc-cognilion <)fhis work for the ,illagl".
:md may have other extra piece..;(bi!kti) if he holds r~u~kingoffic:.cin the ,·illagt> hicr•
archy. 01.her l:md ls sh;irc..-damong meo who It.ave rctin;d from citizenship. Thcre .tr~
also many fonns of share-farming. n•:uLing, and mongaging: and u)lny indi,;du:ib.
who own no L-md,live as more or k-ssvagrant casual labcm:rs ren·iving a shlrc: in th('
nop and/or their board and lodging.
"fhe pursuit of W(::.1lrh, eilher through t.r.:H1ing,. lending money OH l:md. or lend
ing money 01101.her sc:c.utiticsat high int<."T<:St, is regarded as oue possible- ,·oncion
just as 3rc rhc activities of du: :inist, the diviner. the pric:st, the. g:,mhlcr; aad all ;.in-
overbid upon an ag,.·icu!turnl b.1sc.The gteal majority of rhc population. ho\,c"\c:r.

arc prim:trily f.nmcrs., :md pr3cticc orhcr occupations merely as supplemt:nt.ary or

lcmporary aw,c:arions. '\,Ver rir(' fid<lS-,c-uhiYnted by water bul.Toloand itrig-ated by
c:lal>oralt!system!'>(handled hy ~ocial otganization units called soebaJ,in which meo
coopcr.1tivcly k<..~pthe <lhch<."S in repair and super,;·ise the Jlo"r and disLribution of
wau:::r).an;;the rule f~)rmost of lhc island, except in the very rnoum.aiuous parts. when:
dry rice fidds and <:ultivation by oxen arc substituted. Hotses. o[ which there: arc a ft:w
on the island. are used 01tly for tran:.tx>rtation. Herding. cxcr,pr for the half-wild
sacred herds which belo1)g LO t..hc-communes, is :m individu:11 matt<:r, with a herding
boy for each ox or water buffalo. Otht:r <lmm:stic::-mim:tl!-indudc; the pig, d1.1d:s,
chkke11s. a.t1occasional goose. aud Lhc:ubiquitous <logwhich acL.:. as a ::;<-.:wcngct.
iug tod: ..s fonn an imporrnm l<:isur<.:time hem, and princes and peasanlS alike keep
lx>Lhfi~hLingc:ocks:md cagt<l songbir<l,;.
The dicL has a hc-::n-yc.:arbohydr:nc base of rice. s,;,,·cctpotatoes. or m.a.ize.gar-
nished with a v·.1.rit:tyof vc~ot:tablcsand small quantities of dried .fishaod meat. These
garnishings an: highly se-.i.soned:m<l"hot'' with red peppers aod rnrrne1·ic. In 1936 the
Il.'1lincsc wcrc cstimatcil co commmc aho\lt two pounds 0£ ,·ice per pen,ou per d:1y. as
ag,'linst 0.7 pound for a Javancsc. Although there is occasional famine in pan,; of
Bali. due LO rat.s. r,•Tasshoppt:rs.8oo<ls.etc .. they have a form of social organii.1.tio1land
a me1..hodof using the land whidt is adc.-<1n.atc for fc,."f;dingthe people.
Baliuc-scdaily life is organized on a principle of ,•oluntary association with others
a.-;a member of a irilbgc, a rice ch1b, a temple club, an orchestra, etc., aml member-
ship C.'lrrics l\;th it obHg3tions and privileges; failure to discharge or claim thc::seis
punished by fines and finally b~•expttlsioo. \Vithiu each of, thc
~rtidpams are arrnuged in a fi.xedorder of .respousibilit}' for t..he:<lisc:hargc.: of ('.Crc-
mouial and cc:onomi<:ol,Jig-.ttions, ac<:omp:micd in many cases by sacerdotal respon-
The religious $Y$U.-:ro is <:omplcx, <".Ontaininga large pantheon o{ itnperSonal.
polynomial god~, some of whom arc e<p1at<:dwith the \la,rious Hindoo gods. Th!~ pan-
theon merges indisti.ngoishably into cults o! ancestors and the ancestors asso-
ci::ucd with larger kinship tcmpk.s, and into the c:ullSoft.he g<xlsof lhe villag<",{he
Temple of Origin. aml the T~mple of Dc:-u.h.Individual tr,-tnCC.."l"S and seers may from
time Lo time. in their uLLernutes. parLic:ularizcthe bc;havior ;md inccr·pcrsonal tio of
such gods and order that these rd.ationships be expressed as social Lie.,; ber-wccndttbs.
tcmpks, or villages. The gods. especially those geoeralized deities who personify lhe
social organi1.ation (Bc:tar.i. De.-.a.··cod of the: Vilbgc," ('{<..), are arciculate:<l wirh
village c-.i.Jt:n<lricalfeasts an<l work rituals. Part.ic:ubr village funccionaries tna}' keep
(ngam<mg)special gods )n thdt own home temples. The whole paut.hc:onat ir,; '-.t.rious
levels of personalization may be ,·ariously invoked in ceremo?1ial by the villag<"rdi•
giou.s functionaries. the: keepers <>fshrines or family rcmpks, the- seers. a.tld <lhiw:TS.
and t.hc Br:,hman pric-.sL-.. '.\lone of the s.c-tsof r<"rc:-monialfonnulae, l•dth their -:u.:,om-

panying offerings and ritual bchaviors arc regarded as exclusive of lht: others, and
moS>tBalinese <;:t:remonicsan: a repetitive conglomcr:lt<:of rituals from difiercnr. vil-
lages, dil£ercnt cults. and Oitfc:reoldegrees of .H.i11dooistic, Buddhisti<:.or Indonesian
.-\.llc:mt.;,picuousc<>US\lmption of food and lhe pc:rfonn.auc.cof thearricab :ne
phrased as "olfered" to the gods. Aud such c:onspicuo,1sc:on.suu1ption may be
tu \'lhethcr dtc: occasion be a village cercm,mia.l. a feast for Lhe hous(:hold gods. or a
<:creinoni:11for the marriage or birthday of some The majority of suc:h
occasions :irt= <lefincdby the calendar, UuLconspicuous <;on:mt'updonmay also c;cle-
br.ue some speei~ event. A woman whose pig is sick uiay even pro1nise the gods that.
if it recovers witl1iu Lhrec <lays,she ·will take a plcJsure crip on a. inowr bus al the
calendric: feasLof G(Llm~ngan.Religious act.sare plca,;;ur.1ble,;.md Lhemaking of offer-
ings oo::upics a com;idc:rable prop<)rlion of a Balinese w<nn.1.n'stime. Every occasion
of religious imp<>rtanccin her own household, in Lhat of :¾ relative, or in Lhevillage
etlen<lar, m.1ISL be marktd by the construction of dozens or h\lnrln:<ls of offorin&~
(ba11tr.n~ca.rdully specified cmnbinacions of food, c.;1sh.flo·h·crs,betel ingrc:dieots, etc.,
cf. Pl. 97, fig. 4 for :m e.x."t.Olplc).And in these consu·L\Ction:;,an en<lles.snuu1bcr of
<lc:tailsarc ~dfied M .. usual" (bia..fa)or "necess.1.ry''(perloe): tlte materi:11used- red
rice or white rice, raw or cooked; the method of cooking: the sh:¾peinto which it should
be prc:ssed- cin:uht.r, sqnnre. conical. h.ut»:m or animal; how it ~hould be wrnpped;
the way in ,vhich the wr:ipping should be ricd; the colon. o( the striog; the pauern to
be:pa.intc;dor pressed upon the so..rfaC(;; the conrnine.r in which the specified combina
tion of elt:t11c11ts is w be placed- one of scores of different Lype:sof lmskecs,lc:'!f-trays,
pots. <'u:i.dcc,cmnns in different c:oJorsand dt:grees of ripeness; tJ1c:clothes in \\1hich the:
comainershoukl be':drcs.scd:and rhc Lypcof pedest.'11upon which the oonLairtershould
ht: set - a wooden pedestal, a tray, a mat, or perhaps some spe<:i:tllitde stn.1cLureof
sdc:b. Some of the m:(:essarycoustin1ent element.;, are standard and formal, like the
little squan? tr:ty (ljatu1.nggt:11,teti)of flowers aud betel i.t1gr<..-<licnts
whic:h is called the
"pollen•· o( the olfering aud is left on the shrine for the go<ls after the offering is
"asked b;H:k:· Othr.r dements are special to sornc:parcic:ular rite de filJSSa.gein a given
familv, in a ...-ive11
:-, vilb...,e.
J£ach clc::menci!>rcdllplicatcd a specified number of tin~es in each combination,
and each combination is reduplicated a specified number of times for a given cc:re-

in a sm::i.11
monv. .. All.d the numht:r o( combinations ··necess:ny" varie:; widelv, fr<ml ftve or six
birthcby ceremony for the sixth child o( a p<xu·man in the mountains, to
many thousands fur the C..'T<.."lnalion of a prince.
1n addition to c:omaining the "necessary" ingredienrs, most off<:rin&"i arc-cmbel.
1is.hcdby qu:mtiLies of ~tock m.1.t.erials- c:akes, fruit, flowers, :-1ndintricate- cut-oms of
young paltn leave:;- and it is perhaps this embellish.roent which, rnore than anything
else, giv<::sLhechaTJctc:l'istic<"ppearanccto e,•ery hrge aggrc&rationof offerings. \Vher-


e,1er offerings arc sprc:a<lout - ::! !..~t of a shrine, insir.!ez ~ouse. on the groun<l of
the house tcmp1e.,or on high tables set up beside the sea - L~eypresent \·cry much the
same appcar.mcc:: from a distance - a ~ of bright colors, towers and pbc1ua a:1d
patterns of floW(,"I'S,
colorcd patterns made of meat and meal. decorath-c pieces
of c;loth,carved and painted wooden supporu and pendants, umbrellas. banners, and
anthropomorphic figures. It t.'lkesa pr;1cticedeye to pick out the constant elements -
the pract.itiom:r'sbaskeL·with its skein of thn;:!d and bell and holy w:!t<;r,the offerings
which will be;<lto lust.rate the other offeringsand various paresof the pn::miScS.the
offerings which constitute: the toilet articles fot the go<lsor ancestors for whom the
£eastis being givc.--n.
The same apparent meaningless repetitiveness is also ch:rracteris-
tie of tbe rittuls for which the o[erings are prcp:1r<.~cl. It takes experience to n.-cognii.c
the scqucnc.:esof lum-ation and purification; the invit:ttion to the gods to come down;
the waftings o( the csscnc.:cof fhe offerings tO~\'ardthe gods and the wafl..ingstov;ard
the self (in rites de pa.tsngr.)of tho.,:;e
offeringswhich arc offcnxl to the candidate or to
the soul i.ucar1~tedin him; the formal trances 111 which the gods. through the mot!th
of the religious pracLiLioner.acknowlcrlg<"= n:ct:ipt of Lheofferings; the rcc1uestto the
gods to give IJackthe offerings; the invif.1c_icm to the gods to return to hc:!vcn: and the
final sharing back of tlte offeringsamong th(>.-.e who ha,•e made them or contributed to
them. Except in caseswhere tllc::foods are offered co fhe <lad or to demons, or where of the ceremony demands tbat the offering.:-be so atensive lhat many of chm,
must be made weeks before, so I.hat they cease to be cdilJle, offerings become food to
be eaten infonnally by the family .anrldistributed co relatives and neighbors. with the
careful specification, ''This js food which has been asked back front the gods;' i.e., it
c;.'lnnotbe used for offeringsagain.
In addition to Lhe elabonue seri~s 0£ pleasant but very mildly e1uotional am
which constir.ute the normal religion, there is in Bali a belief (itself not Yery highly
toned) Lb.atthe blac.:kart.,;of \\'itchcraft arc highly emotional. In addition to many 0£
the fallliliar bt:licf...about ·witches- the belief in witchcraft hereditary in
the matt:n1al line, in were-animals, in syr:npathetic magic.,and in re,•ersed or left·
handed rituals - there is a c1.1tiousbody 0£ belief about the ways in whkh ~,·itches.
·wantingto practice thdr at'L.. go about seeking situations ·which will make them suffi.
cie.nLlyangry. The witch may know how to k.ill by magic, but before she can work her
charms she; must pick a quarrel (n.galih lih) with her TI1e problem.
for the Balincs-e,is ho,., to want to kill.
Some women arc bdicveJ lO be witches and arc to some extent shunn(,-din social
life, and some women probably believe them.selvesto be:'!'Witches;but the actual dis-
ruption o( social life due lo suspicion o( ·witchc:nftand black magic is "CTYslight. Fur
the Balinese:,death is a part of lifo, :md in their religio1.1s system witchcraft is an elabo--
ration of a minor t.hemein a reHgion which recognizestwo exttcmes of the sacred: the
SP£Cl 11. Pl"BL/ .~T!OSS: .\ , .. L.!D SCI.

bi~esi and pur-cstauribmcs of the !L;h ~ at o:1e e:1Co! the scale bein; no less
supcrnaturaHy v;tliti rh;m rhc cxcrcm-cs0£ horror and impurity do\\·n in the cemetery
at che orhcr cnrl of rh(' ",Clft-. Th<' \\Itch. par excellenct, ,,.-hosedis.ciplesare the m.inor
witches a11dthe mortals who transform themselves into monkeys, is Rangda, ,\·hose
tn:bk is that of Durga (t..hcHimloo go<l<lc:s.-..
Death) :m<l who !!>the ne<:os:try C<)umer•
pan of the prutcc.."Livc: Dr.1.gou.
The: chaugt::-. rfiuhing from Eu.rop(:"'
.•m culture: cont.act in Bali ha\'c: bct:n dc-tt:r•
mint:<l by B:tliuoe limited compliat~ccand Duu:.:h self-restraint. For huntl.rc:<lsof yc:arS
th(' R:ilin~ h:in: been adopting and n::c.isting c:nlrura1 details from other p<'Oplcs,
~pcc:i.:illy from Chin~ and from highc:r cenren of I findooism; ;md urn c-.hann:cri,;-
lics o( B:.1linc.5c
n11rurc :ire the ready acc,cptance of those small details of C\lStom and
technology which ("~'ln h(' ah;.orhc:d without changing the basic premises of life, and
the uuer in;ibi1iry :mcJunwlllingnc:ss to contemplate any more drastic changc-s.The
Dutc.:h.ou lheir side. ha\'e showo a preference for using U1eexisting native social :.truc-
lure as fully as possibk. They ha\'e indulge<l iu no arbilr.u-y iulel"fe~ucc: with nath·e
Efc. and h:.t\c not allo"·ed themselves to be pressed into supponing missionary eliorlS
among 1:hoscof thtfr r,:ubjt:c:tpt:0plcs whc), like the U;3lincsc, espouse the higher c;,rien•
tal rdjgion~.
The: non hem kinKdom of Bali wirh its <:apiral ln Rocldeng c:ame under Dutch
ruk in rhe period 1 S.1~£.1· The Dutc:h sc-::uof government wa.s est.abli:,hed in Sio-
g3ra<lja, adjac:cm to Roddeng. and tht: whole: souLht:m pan of Lhe i:sfand "HclS taken
o,·er in 1!)00.At that dme rhc Balinese showed the extreme of their nonc.ompliam:c.
T,,·o of the Rajahs of S<>,1thBali walked out to suicide drcss<..-d ln sratc :mcl ac:c:om-!e<lby 'l.:\'i,·es
and retainers - a procession into the fire of the nurch guns. Rm thi~
initial rdusa1 m accept foreign rule was not followed by years of discontent. The
Ourch TC"pbccdthe: dead Rajahs with .successorsfron1 Lhesame frunily lines who be·
came R.c:-gtnt.s, in which t.he Rajahs had died rather than
M) th:u the social :s:u-uc:t.urc,

lfre after it was disroptcd, ·was n..--csrahlishc..·d . ..\rt:H:h<.-d

ro cac:h Reg-cm was a Dutdt
district official or Comro1cur, and Jlmost the whole of the official t:ontac:t bc:lwc:cn
Dutch and mni~re go,·ernmemal systems ,\·:tsconc:cntrat.ccl at this point - thr. Regent
rctajncd th(' olcl ~y:,.tt:mof local native officials, while the Controleur communicated
\\;th this native sy:Stcmcml}'through the Regent. Thus, when we arrfred in Bali, t•re
"ere 1dcn~d by the Dutch Go,·c-rnmc-ntro rhe Regcnt of R.1ngli in whose kingdom
we proposed to reside. The Regent g:n·e us kttcrs of introduction to his local official
or PoenggaiJ'a in Kimamani. the market town nearest lO Bajocug Gede, under ,,·hose
:5upcrv-ision we would be. The actual form of t.he relationship bec-wcc-nC.ontrokur
and Regent h.'tSundergone slow changes sinc:c 1906 when, following Lhemilitary con-
quest, the Controk\lr may be supposed r.ohave had ..contro1. ·• Sintc Lhen his functiO:b
lun:: bctouu:: more ancl more "advisory.,. until in June 193S this change in funnlOn fomiilly recognized by the Hetstel vari Zelfbestuttr- a legal change by ,,·hkh foll

authority was vested in che R<"g('m:md the functions of the-C.omroleur became con•
s.ultaLiverather than advisory.
J:£conomicasp<..-cr.sof .society have: w1<lc:.rgoue !llore profound changes than the
admitllsuacivc system. The introduclion of Dutch roouey and access to cheap calico,
pajainas. lamps, bicycles, and even automobiles. have changed the supcrfidal appear·
ance of the Balinese p(,,.-oplc. The Regents have express their prestige more
and more in terms of less by the patronage of the ans. On the othcr
hand, tourists have bought pictures and carving-s,aud thanks to the wise guicbocc of
European artis.t.sre.')ident in Bali - especially W'altcr Spies ·whocnc:ouoged the 13,.,Ji-
ncsc to follow what was best in lhe new Balinese art - there has bc;en a. renaissance
rather than a dec:adt:nct:in paimiug and canring. The tourist r:raffichas been carcfu11y
orvni:r.ed hy the::Koniok.lijke Pakctvaarc i\faatscappij, the shipping c:<>mpany, which
could nc,n.atfor<l to have clients ·wandering off a.nd c;oropl:tining when they missed
chcir shipping counections. l\S a result. the tourists are helped to see the: best ~ighr..s
and the Lest daJ.tCiJ.lg' in the island, and but only a few hundred of tltc: one million
population co1ne in comact wlfh tourisL". Jhjoeng Gede:. four mil~s from
road aml a holel. had never hc,x:nvisited by a tc)u.rist aml ha<lonly Lwice:been visited
t1nof:1idallyby a Dulch Controlcur interested in village organization.
Jn tlle field o( public health, the Dutch ha\'C:coucc:ntr.ued upon preventing cpi•
demics, and have avoided the constant imerfcrcnce with the: population whic:h ·wouln
be involved in any altempt to deal with the rn::mlfoJdindividual ilk The corpS(':.5 of
princes .1.ndpriests are still kept in hottSCS,:mcl the dogs arc still the only {and very
e[ective) 5:mit.aryinspectors, bt1t t1nh·cr.sa1"V.1c:cim:1cionand slrin&rentqmmmtinc: rulc::s
have diminatt'!d the epidemics. The population was rapidly increasing when we were
on the island~ :md for several years the Govemmt:nt h.a<lbeen cnooun.giug the e:xces&
population in du: $<:)t:tthernand c.1stcrn p.·nts of the island to migrate lO \VeSt Bali
,,,here there arc large: areas of virgin forest ;md still an ()(:casionaltiger.
All in :111,from 1936 lO 1939, we !:i:lW a lli]i which lud untlergone many super•
6.cialchanges as a result of culnn:c (.ontsc:t. Cheap foreign to,~·els,,·erereplacillg !t.atfre
woven bhri<5, aud auiline ,\·as rcpbc:lng native vegetable dyes. bt:tt the Balinese were
content and g-.iy;l.hey enjoyed rhc m;w c:olqrS,ao<l Lhe Balinese character remained
unchanged, not ground down hy exploitation and nol outraged by violeace. How the
Balinese bchav<."dwhen the island wa.sinvaded by the Japanese: we do not yet know-
probably ba,·ing had a pleasant cxpt.-:ricnceof dominion by (me power. the Balinoc:
wc:-te not OY<.'lfright.c:nedby the substitution of an01.her. But the Dutch have a recon.l
o( self·rc:s.r:raintand respect for n:uivc customs; the Japanese are nolorious c:-xploilers
of the helplc-ss, :u)d that firm hue p;tssivc:st1·eak o( .1)oncomplianceh) Balinese charac
ter illay well imrok.e extra savagery from Japa!lese Ul"v-aders. The history of cullure
contact in Japan Lhrough the agc,,-s has nOL be-enhappy, and the Japanese, fa.eking re-
spect for their own ct?lturc, pe-r<:eiveLheit inevitable inferiority and (eel insulted
when they mec:l this sdf-n;spc:ct in o~ers. G ?vf.M ., G. B.
2 3
B!Bi.iOGR.-\PHIC :--:OT~
"'fhere is an cnonnou-; J!:.enture on Balinese culture. most of it in Dutch. and
.?!most all of it ts concerned ,dth matters of ar<:heologiol. li!'!gutstic. and scholarly in•
terest '\·cry far removed from the subject matter of this mcmogr.iph. T\\'O bibliog·
r.tphic:. of lhe lileralUre on Bali have bc:cn pubEshe<l: the first by wh?ch
covers public..i.tionsbe-lore 19!9, aad the SC('.()nd
rec.cntly compiled by Goris and con::r•
ing the lacer litcrat:urc up to 1935-36.
\\"e list here only manuscripts and publication.,;by those collabonuon with whom
t\"C -ac:ma11y worked in Bali and upon whose insjghts or concrete Ulalerials 't'-"C h:ffc
dra,-;n either for manerl) of actual fact or for Lhose intangible undcrstandit)gs ·which
arc more difficult to document. "\Ve aim list publicatio1)S of our o,,-n oont."tiningdata
or theory ba.,;c:don the Balinese field work .

•.1.'aT.t.. T:S:EOOO!Ls\. M.
.,Free Designs of Lln1i1ed Scope as a Personality lndex,'' Clumu:rer and Personaliiy~ Vil
(,93S). 5o-<;2,
BAnso:.., CRt:(,()ttY
..:\n Old Temple and a Nc:w '.\fylh," Djc.t::a?XVll (Scpt~her, ,937).
-. •'F.quilibrium ;uul C::linu.x in ln.crpcnomtl Rel:u.ions .. (Paper read a, ~he \Auf~renc:e of
Top<>log:ic.tlPsychol(>gi:,:t$,held at Smith Colle:gie,North:i.mpton. Mass., D«t-wbet 31, 1910-
Janoary ~- 19-11).
-. "F.xpcriments in Thinking about Obse:rve<lEiJrnologiC3.l Material,'" l'hi.l()wp1,y t,f Stienu,
VIU, No. 1 (1941), 53 6$.
- ... The fro~u-.iLion-Aggr«sion" Psychological J(r,1ie:», Xl.Vlll (t9!l), 350-355 •
. "(".ommcnt on "'l'be Comp:rr:uJve Study of Cl1hure and the Purposin: Cl1lti\"a1ion of ~
cr.atic Va!uC$,' by Marg:1re1 Mead." Scienc-~.Phil()$ophy; artd Religion, Sc<:ond Sympo~ium
(published by the Cunft-rtm:4:"(Ul Sdcncc. Philosophy, and Religion). N~~- Yorl:, 191:.-.
- ... ~io:rak and NaLion:11Charactc,-," Ci~tili,m .\{Male, Second fl;'.lrhool of the Sodety for the
Study of Social J:..<1u~Goodwin Watwn, F.dilor. Boston and Nt'w Vc'>rk:Houghton-~limin..
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··.\.Study(>( Custorr>.sPertaining to Twins in &.li;' Tijds<:hrifl w,or !r.d. Taal-, lAn,I·, r.
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- ... A Study of a n..~liucsc Family:·American Anthropc!ogiJt, XXXVTrt. :Ko. l (1936), 1~ :s,.
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llu.o, JA:ST. AXT> ML~liox, KA"l"lL-\kA)(~

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des Ar<hin:s lnt<.-mationaks de la 1.>.umt(l~9). P:lri*: Maiso1\nC:UYC, t939. Pp. S6.
. Au.Lly(i<-,d(;;lt.dogluf:of n,Uec:1joo or,,c..c C'..3l'Vings in the American Mt1$c,l11noi Nawnl
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LU ..U.ltU.Jl.ltf:R., C.
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ht-t Jla.Ji.ll)$ti.wt). Rij$wljl:: Rfankw:l.irdt &:S<-.hoon.hovcn.1920.
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Lies E.arly Childhood," Childhot>d 'F.dutll.liort, XVIII (19-p). 58-61.
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- . --,r;.duci1jveF.ffcc.L,;of Socul Environment as Di:scl~l lJy Studi~$ of Primid,·e Societies,·· in
SymfJOSiu.mon. Environment and J:'.duc.a.ti◊n (E. ,v. Burges.,;,W. L Warner. F?3IU :\.tcxan<le-r,
M:ugarct Mead), Univeni~y <Jf Chic;:i.go, Suj>pkrru:ttUtr)' Ed!tcari<mal MorwtJT(,l,J,Jt$., J.T\'
(>942), ·48-6,.
-. on .rrimitiu•: a::.::i!!-e:... H,W
•·Rl:"'IC':U'ch 1 & Chi!-d Pt'fc"- r s. > t.ror-..ard
r.,foor. Boston: Hough.ton ~lliiwl 1•ns.
- ... The fa.tnii} in Primitiw.: Scl(it-t): Its Rote in the- T>efioition o! Pc:rsnn:11li1~
... TJ:e Role of
the Pcrniiy £11 Cont<mf,o,4,)' S«:~ty, Scic:no: ()! Culture Scrit"S,. JTJ. 'K<"W Yorl:.: l-larw11rt
R1'3C:C (in press).

lo TT. Bun. !)ls,A.'l> S'f'!'f'_<;_

"'Dance ;J1ndDnma in Bali" (p1~f-;:U!t': by Arthur Waley). Xcw York and T.oudon: Harper.

A:-SD PERSO:'\AL :--;A~f£S
The personal name is ah ..·ays the last compom:nt in the series of wor<lc.used to
re:{erto an iud)vidtt::i1.f Kan.a is therefore listed uncler K:.usa. 1, and Ida fugoc:S~lade
Togog is listed under Togog. 1. B. )1ade, etc.
The Iollot1.'ing ahlm:viations ha,;•e been u.scd for the cou1tnonest titles:
B. (Dogocs),a tit!• for Brahman males.
I. (Ida), :m honorific personal pronoun. us<..'Cl as a personifyingprefix Uc-fore
the ritfo!iand names of Brahrnans and those Kesatryas ·who h:nre tl1c title,
I (not an ablm:viation). a pe1-sonifyiogpr<:frx used before tbc n:.tmc:so! :ill
persons cx<:<:pttlu)Scentitled 10 "Id:1."
,v. (\1/'aj,n), P. (Poctoe). aud K. (Kompiang), order-of birth tcnns applied to
the first bon1 in each series of four c:hildrcn.

M. (Made) .. the term for the SC<'.onrl-homchild.

Nj. (Njom:m). the lerin for rhe chird•lmrn child.
Kr. (Kc:toct), the term for the fourth•born child. (The fifth child may be
allcd .. ,vajan" or "Poctoc"' or, if uo futtber child,c:n are expected to
make up the second sec of four, the fifth child tn.'l}' be: called ..Ketoct.")
Among casteless people~ p:trents arc-usually referred to as .. Father of So-and-So..
3nd "MoLhC'ro( So-and-So," using the n.arneof the eldest c:hil< I Gang-.."?rm.:n•
rial I Adjin and thch: el<lestchild ,\ras 1 Karm.'l. The: parenlS arc therefore now c:.l!!ed
Naug Karma (the father) and Men Karma (the mother). Tills systc:m of tocnonymy
has beeo used jn the c:ros.,;rdc!'euces. The members of the most phorogr:1phcd how.e
holds are lislcd undct rhc names o{ the tccnonyrnous c.:hiklren.Under Karma. I. will
be fouud a list or J Karma·s bt'OLhersand sisters in or<ler; atld under Gata. l. will be
fo1111d a cross reforem:c to the tecnonymous elder brolher. Katma, T.
The spelling of n:ul\'c \oJOnis and names is that 0£ our nati,·e secrc:t.:ny.I :'-.fade

ader,an. au :.llllhropo,norphic rc:prt>5C:U3.lion

of the r.jab, Ul wa(t 3.W3.Ylrom oneir,df. a. riu.1:.J SC$l\lfC'
$0\11i-n crc,m.:ition oerononics. Pt !)$.. n. s.,.
.-\dj~r. l. Pl. 14. ajt:htm (!r, "~lbing for which sc.... ice is
t1dj~lttt, $hrw:i-ng-nfi, d~li:VC, PJ. 96, but to
S;i\'Cll}, land Qwned by tl.-e ,•ilhc,'"("
11gor..Ulirnlt<mr. (o-, eowncrath'e .s.ingub: prefu:: whidi ,he citizcmobuia r_ightaf m:11fruct bv
g~li, tcrJl' joint (lf 6:iger: liru!jong,the eorvt.~. Pl. t.
middle fotg~r). :: ul'.Uto( kt1grh. Pl. t 1. (lira:illy,-.sowc:thi!lgpc-rt4!ini-ngto :l:.c
ogOC'n.(,grett,. big {tdOC$). fott!it..,). :abunch o{ $J'l('ci:1lJn\'C'I. .,.!m..h is an
1Jijoe-,be.i\ltifu). a fr.mi. for pb)'S.ica! be.\tlt)', nnly i.J\.c;rodientin m:1ny offc:ri.up. P,J.4,
.applied tu fom~I« {d. 0.,i_jc)C). #i~~~ Jl()liWd. This ,;,-ord i.11.lsed m~pho=ll~
to rlM;Cnhe: the !:i.u,.,'"'13:ge ai:id =llu!ary o( b.iu vilhges, in whidl t!t<: citiz<'t'1$ml!et for
r<'4J'l"O meet ~lw~cn &raDgc:T$or by :ul i.nfc. tt'l"t,lin o:rtmonjal kut1- Pl. 1.
rior- in ~dd~lng 3: ~\lp<:riOT.1n i,(l'lO~C3SCS- bide p,:br..,-,,1u:,m,the roofed pbt!oi':11 on whkh d?e
\'O('othnLiry is :idt:t:l00 aooo-rd.i.ngt0 du: >U.tUJ OOt,>3<' is humrd at u-c:uution, Pl. !)6-
of the Qwna- of the' objca t<'fe,Tt'(I to, ,ir 2c- bali411.>a pnlfo,:.i<>n:J rcijgi<>m or magie:tl pr.1:cti•
tfonc::r !'?Olam1(hed r.o any h.ierarcbic;i1 group.
cor<1fr,gto rht":~nu ot lhc snbj«:t of the vrtb
8,, are n! many l..ioos nc-«l"ding tU their
tlS('(I, Tht111 it U moN: polite to ~ ngam4h
rf:~i-rc: of skills, whim m:iy i.udude <!ivin:i-
(eqtti~le:nt. to the Genua.o /re.sscn) when men•!l, trfm«:. medici!'.IC, magic-,$0T('ery. etc. In
ti.oning: nne:'s OWi! to a $tt-pe:rmr pe:r:soll..
J\1jnM'lg, the Dj,;r() nr.lian U au i.mpnr-
The: nppo~u: u! aloes is k.i.,ar. rough or
um tdig.iOU$ hmctionary, :t wom:in who ~
1.v:mc, rekrr-ing ro the 1:mgwsg<:and vocabo•

!:l.f1· used jn s:~king to in!aiors and inti.

Ampi.ig, T (11rt:Oe:ra. Nau~'). Pb. 27, ~.

into -:it al.ul.~t ;1U vill.:ige cercmooi~
;i,nd :iO rcprescn(.S rhe ph. Her (u:o(ti<,m., :md
appointment aN: i.mkpcncl~t (If hc:r ~tatus lo
th~ ,,Pb. 8, Ch, 85.
~, :t pr.nm1: An4,~ Ag<k"l'I~ a ruling priuoe. :t
b1.mjtN!n tjof.OT (prol:>abJy ;i corruption o( l,>t:ij~.
Reg~nt. huU. .1ft()'1'1gi$ alsQ a ('.ommc:mli1.k, ~ tjok"r, WO(}, a sfl('('i;i,lu,rt <l{ holy
::t.pplie:d w cit!1er s,e:c:jn the: K~01-::i. cute.
~~Ter. l'L u.
Pl S· lnmta.1, a. rue whidi i" in :'I le-:if-wnpptt.
itr.gcncn~ n rim:tl obje,d re:pn:s1.•mingthe "he::id of ),fanydi-tff:'reut,ons arc n;i,mf:'d.rts. 48,96, 9?·
the live:r.. of th"' ddld. Pt. 97. Ihv>e,title 21pp!£cdlO tbe $rd and 4th cit.iJCl1$ in
anung. ;r, !one; pico: o{ cloth wram :1:1 :: )!~wl and tl:c- vilbge hic;nr<.lry' in &jocn.g Cede. f'L g.
u1-ffi by wome:u iu Bajoeng Gf:de a:s2 sliog in bapo, bthn. f'k fn, GS, gS.
,..-hir.h the: lxl.b)' i) Sl.lpptirre:d OU the woman·$ b1.trit, :i q-pe uf dance, us,i..illy d:a.noed b:r m<'n in
hip. !t is used jn tbc pl:iit1.i for (:.U'rying c'lol11 fo1~atioo e,urying- w-eapous (~ni. 1,o.,..'ll, ot
wh.id1 !1.1)n.'.S1."lltgods ~ .soul!I.The $ll.tnt: term $hieltl:1). Mcx;t wouu1:1in vm:igc:1 ?ia~·e sC'i·
u wtJ {or tbc Witrh':1 doth. Pb. 46, 1S, 36. typtt o{ bm-U, wl1kh :m: pedonncd .ii an 1.~u-
tio. (h. rig. 79. 9l, gS. belti$hmf:'1ttto ldjgio,is ('enmo:lics. l'l. 40.
1:ralt, :i.dru\k. :n11:deby tli$rilbti<'m o{ ~oy krmcntcd, L :8. Kt. Pl. .10.
liquor. PL 9-4. &tong, th~ Dngou ous):. Pk 1.1. :.:11.,4S,5,5. 58-.
.udjtJ, a. ie.:ubr Thotric:J fo.nn. PI:-:.111•'t:L 6:.:. 66, &;.
..\J.a, L Pls.. 24. 6g. busa,1g-~g (mclupliem:d fron, b,uang, a bell!~·
-~ Men. P'l.~ :1 t}pc of uffcri.og o$t!d in acm:u.ion. P). 97.
-~tl.. I, )'Ollng,t,r brothel' of I A"<:i.l'l:1. t-g, "9- b01.isbutis (:rec'll.lpliote<l !tom b1;ri1, :i leg), '!. lfP(:
llt"""1:> Hindoc>i:;tit t.:un fo-r t..'w: "°ul o{ tbc tle:id. c,{ ~irit w!licb h.\\lnt-5 gnvc:ya.rds anoi ,chkh
Pl. 98. w-it)iSU of :t ltg whid'l. his 3. Pl. i:Q.
~. body. Pl. + &~-a.LPL 1::.
bdid, ::i sift t<> a flM'l"'m wbo is dc:-p:ining. P!s
Wen. L tecnon)-n101a .w!l. o( 1':ing n:id.::-.1..Pls. ,.., 99-
H· &;. b~iAkr..f~:i. hc:wy chop~ made o£ sio!t iron- Pl. 40.
Back-r:1. ~:i.111,;,fortuCTl)' 1 Mebct, tem<m;.nous Rdot. !. Pl. 6,,
$Of) c,! and M~ Mebet. Thl"iT chi?t!:-,m tk::-.i.t~Jo,:,d11,:i llim!oo cplc. PL t<>,
.arc-: X:mg BMcr;i: I (~tor (boy): T Gt<h.r bmxk, tlf"r.iying. falling to pieces {o! CQrp-.
(hriy): 1 Gcdit (girl); I Getler (gi:rl); I C:e<!l)l.>t hui!d.i!lp. etc.). Pl.~. 17, iS, 19, 20. 91), 93·
(Kin): I Ced_jt-r(boy): I C<-dj:ir (boy). Ucb.r.t, a tit!~ fo: _gods.
bc:gon,Mnd'S()ml". :i. tt::-m for phy,.ir..i.lbeauty only betel, the la{ o! Piper bt:llt:. Th:$ is chc--.d ...-i.ili
:i.µpli<.-dto m:.!cs. This {("l"ffl ill usc:J a$ 3. title tbo: fruit of Art:ca «uchi.,., lime. :i.i~dsoo:te-
{or m:.le mt-.ubc.n of the,r;re. times. nd1t:r insrcditfl~
Bafa.. 1. 8. )fade. Pl.!,~ Birn:i. I, mithologk:il hero. PL !O,
~~. ~.owe. pbtform. tit':\!, la.bk. Pls. 1:. 14-93- b0t:djo('h (·«>nnem-d with b~dj(X", .tn
Jla!"' AJ!«Tlf. ( "g:-1.~t hooy,"). tlte tong i<!int o: luiutic),:, fac:i::1!opttS,S.ion. PL sS·
house. U$U:i.Uy io the,i,. ~nph:: io !UOUO· ll<:>i:n,I. B. P()t«)e. l'L 3$.


boetn>:i species (lo{ minor <!~moo.Pb. g. 3-S.j$ "CJ,tlo::,,: c:~~~~. • hnsincu o! ,,.hkb p! is
nrmtok., I($« Rimpcit, l). Pl. :is. \toitnt"U). :m ~;al c,e,re:::0:1~.i.n •'hXh .:ill
so.,p1•ru dnuk of if>l"ci'.:i1 !tol~· water, thim-by
da:.:.(11ko~.-ll.,:t dc:110),an urutUJTi('d ·1,;,es- in"\"'Ol:ing:i. oondition:.1 n:n.c a Ul.'"y.uc: guil~-y.
peic:ially 3 s.irl ·11:h,iill :l. i:nemb.,- ()! the doh 0~ Pl. 66.
v.iJb,g<:virgins. PL St. Didi-ng, l. B. Kt. Pls. 10, 2,t.

D,dxhl)., T. l'l. $1. !>in, I (s« Moopa. I), Pb. ::5. 83.
4;,dap, a !pccfo.1,<if utt, rott(.h ~d i.o B:ilim::1e Jll()(l:tle! (o:- )Otll.efailure ,,r wclne$$, Pl.
riwal. pcrbap$ beau~ l!1~ cuttin~ t:u.C root S,.
wh,;,:r,.-..·ttthey ~re p!.tntcd, Pk 81;. 98. Djaj::,,I Dc:·w:i.P. l'l. 16.
dadia, 3: \"(llnnt:1rymeinbtmlip group, u~nally :u:so- nj:in:. 1 (see 1). PJ. J5.
ci:u.<'ltlwi:th3. p.inic:ubr t<:mple. l-.l. 9. df<:nger,a<<:fQr.n whith b.a;s rr( bcxome
@dol'lg. ht!1er'i mother or m,o1hl':T':1mother, :i very popular. nnys sit facing inward on ~·o
t~nn pretixrd t(> lhe name: 0£ 3: grandchild to oppnsite s.idcsof :t hoUow girl:. on the
gj,·~ :i; tcm1 for the gr.mdru<>tbcr. ochr.r two $ides. Tiii: d::.ncc h:i:c lM:.<c::t intln•
~rig Badjung. :Pl. ,i. ("'lin't! by lbe- ?,.bby Oper3., 11nd that of the
cwg,lh<: centnJ A~ut<:who :u:b a1 01."! «.rc- hQy,.<x)1rti~ la:rg.::ly<'1!uroba6c."- l'!s. !~, u.
m,mid il: the Jl'lodf:Tn d}o1tgerdamli:. :Pl. .U, Viau.i. I. tc,c:nouyi.nou$ d:.nghle!l· of N:tng :iml Meo.
n:iijcx:. :t titk for Ur.thnun fdl:l:,.!Cs.The w-m-d is TL.W children ate: l Opni; I l>}Ua
uS-lully pn-u.-dod by t..'tc uon-bonorinc: pei."SOhl· (hoy): l Kanggixn (8i.rl .St bfCilU). PL :5-
f)inS; prdllt, thui.: I Vaijoe. Thii c<»nbi-n:uSon
l>j:wi. N:tng .. PL 29-
i$ p:robahty :i. OOtrllptfon fro:n Ida ,\ijoe (cl
nj:mwd.. 1 (~ K:u-:,:-i. I). PI$. 38, 48.
lllj<>e:md bagoa}-
dfr.('r.!c, do'lt.'.OS who perform whh lhe ~-
Dal:.ttt, Na.ox.. deaf-crrntc !3.lh<:Tof N:wg 5'.lib. PL
Thi:1 v.vtd !$ :tho ~d for mo~ p<tfob.«id:in.
99· «n 11·bo~,<'11r11:h!tero.ula in ,·,:irm.:c
dalo1tg,th~ n:.m~uo.r;ind tn3.0ipl.lbtor <>£ pup-
of <lrn:oa. Pl. 66.
p<:'tsin lhe .<h%cl1tn,..,pby.
D:uupoc\, t. tc:t:uonyi;nnu:cwn. o! N;iu'> an-d Men Djau1,1. P!. isS.
Tnmpe,ck. Tht:ir <:hildrcn :ire: I D-.Jmpod.; I Di:ttisocn_. 1. U. M.sde, br?1t-:ro{ I Daij<:>eSocm.
W:tdi (girl); 1 Riojin (gilt panly a<.'-opt<:dby Pls. 2,- ~-
DjC'.!fflUaoc:Tel:ek): 1 Cfri~,. (boy); I Kc:mit njd,cn., 1. tccwuyulOl.l~ daug!ntt of Nang: and
(girl. lives witb Men Pod:.d}: I Sidcp (g.irl); .\{en Djebt-:n...Thcir <.:hi.ldrtnar~ I Djeben; 1
! K$11:1(boy): I t,.blcu (boy). PL 45. Ntmp:ih (Kirt). Pb. 1s, -H, 45·
Damii,.1 ()1:C lhh, l). l'l Gs, DjC™:n.Naog. Pb. it-4, GS.
I>angd.:mg:Sang. 1. aimicl h<>ne•head«ifigure in djtlerrm (r-cdupliamid fonu o{ ~;'ckma.
!li.-adow-pby. f'l ~- a i.m-ar lcrro for .:i !1uinan be;ns). Pl. 97·
v~.1 (f.n: L..ob, 1). Pl. 17. dj,m> t:>rd;'aOM, term of rep<:« .ipplie:d oo-smn-
Da~. Ojero B.ilfan. Pl S1· ~rs and 10 ,upcri~ wit!i.out caste. c-5-, head$
l)-..u,!;U, 1, Pl. YO. ,:,{ the ,·i:lbgt h.ienrdiy. astcleq: wh'($ oi
Daw<'g, I. Pb. 39, 5!)-$,d.c-4 FI. 45.
Dcg('ng, 1. tocno.nymm.1..~ SC>nof N2ng and Men d.jimta., ::i. 0~1gicalQbjn::t. Pl. 10.
Dt-:jte1)g.Tbeil- d~n :ttt: 1 Dcgcng: l Lel<:t d;'r,td, i'l rr.iinell .iti.ocr.entfc:mik <01m.shi}Jd.anoc:r,
(boy, p.:i,,.tlyadoptod by Naog<-t, brother U$U3.Jl)' p=dolCSCM'lt. J'IS. u, 39, ;~ 6o.
of N;;mg Dcgeng): l Se-pd. (h:iby boy at 1;,rt".:i~'t).
djoli, a. :.mill decor;iu:d houiC•liie sttucture u$«l
Pls.. 29, 33- M• ;4- fo,. c:u-rying corpsei. !'L 9$•
Dcgc.og, Mr.n. !'L u. dm:lang, i'I cin:ub.r stand 01:<b oecriup;,; or
De~ng. N:s.n._~ Pl. ';',J, '15•
!000$ arc pbccd. Pi. -t·
tkli::u, ta ,cnm!c-scr,.·l\nt in tl1<:Wd◊w-play, cldcr
t}(U':W. (o.le:ri\·edfrnm tk"!ot, h~i!),. ~ r:;eneral te."'m
i)l"Q,:hu o{ I SatiggntL Pl 2().
fi:,,r the S<:ni~r ciLitttU in l\:ajoeng C<-d("- ris.
<fem~thi: ~ ilbge; .,oa1cW.O,:$ prnc,uil!cd as ..t Desa."
dt!'W4rli1'«{l.iternlly -guaof ga<b''). 3. title 9, l t.
d.iml~ by m;iny dd:UC$.Pl. :m. !>oetrN)r.n, l (see KC$ir. 1). P1s. 67,6tj. '15·
Doc.roes,. J, tc,:monymou~ $On of Na.Ilg and 1-fc,:n Coen~g AgQI.~ lbe cenml tuOw\Uln, born~ of
Doe:roc.1.Their <:hild?"tn :uc: I DOI.T(ld: I the: gods. Pl. m.
Qx,yat. bTQ)t). Pls. 41, $5-
K.anj (girl}; T K:ut, Cocw<-c,T, you.ngtr brothcr of 1 Rrn::d. f'l 44·
Docrocs,Men. rt 54.
;$i, conten~; is.i'n a~,aJ:, content$ c,f the: uudy. Pl.
Em3eh,Men. PL 51· 97·

C;:i.c.1 (~ Socwa.b, T). Pb. '1, 3$,

1t4dfel,one of tfo:!cudioal pc,int.,. tl1e diJo..-Ct.ion
wt' Gocnoeng- Agoe:n.gor cc.nter of rht: i:d;md.
gaJod1, prillCC$.Si-n dr.nn:s. PJ. lS,
Goloengan; a c:ilr.ndric !cut wbi<:h mr.un cw:ry
»onh in Soulh &Ji 3nd ,roinh in Noe-t.hBIili.
·1111:OJ)J>O$iteof ka.dfa i1 J:dod, Th<" mhf:r
un d:iyi, w-J:1:t1 the dead ;ir,:, ,aid to visit the point.s ~ A&ttgin, th~ din-a:ion o(
wror!d. l'h. 57. $2.
the riSU:; )UJl, and M"'~h the dir«tion of the Daijo<-,rbughtc:- o{ I. )3.. l\f.:ickTogog,
lC'tliU-g Sl.ln., Pl. Hl,
Pls:.45, S.1,83. ,;acJ.j~gin, die most sacr<'d <lfrcct.ion: 1\orthC3.$t
Gau3, Bctan, &lillC$C ttaO\C for Ga..i:oha, the cle-
in South Bali, ~1:r.hf:a..~ti1: North J\:tli. Pb.
p!1.:1m•l~tadcdgod of tli.ndooiuo. Pl. ◄5·
J, 10.
0::m~. l. unrcbrrd to M<:11 Cffl.o~T. PL «·
1:<:djang ~·:mnn, a $null fcm.-e•li1.c $1.n.lCttlT~b.:d
Ga:tpi:, I Waj>'ln,rnrvt'.r o{ Bcdoeloe. PL ~j. O\'tr the body !o moruiary «rcrnuu.i~. Pls.
Ga11t,SU',MCJl., motbc,x o! Nwg JC:mn:a. PJ. 7.
9:t, 9~ 97.
t,ttrotda, a mythnh)Kir.Ubird wbic:;h 01:1 mylMlo;i- kala.:11,on o{ minor demon. Fh. 9, SS, 58..
(::11~dllS (M:g4). .Pl. $0. Kaler, 1 J\,f:idf:.our ,ttrctro-y,a hny :1!.x,ut %1 ycm
C.i~. 1 (wt Kuina, I). Pk. 5. ~6. ~. SS,39, .,, .50,
of. 1'tK-ldf:U1} l'h. i9, $8, 1-(. 51.
old, l'.l.11.ti\•(
65, 70, 73,, "1:· 83. Go.6$.
Cati, 1 (see l'.irm::i. !). Ph. 18, S3, ~- 5-1.7:S,74, 79. k.:mbe:n, -:u\y -,.--ovenfabric:, f:spcci:Jly 11:!ai:..,mg. Pl.
g~d~, big. gr('.:it (.i:tlSar). Go.
Cede, L n. W:iaj:u:i.!'!. 3G. Ju:ndmnfi,at, tb.c ••four hrntitcni··: the cnrd, du:
Cc:-djet',T ($ee B::i.dtt:l,,Nang). Pl. S~ blood, the pb.c,:,;nu aOO the: imnintic: ftuid. Pl.
Cc-cljet",Ni, w1rtlatcd to N.,ng Rader.a..Pl 46, .,;.
g~g,mtoaan, 3. d«or..ttld cm1iell conl3.intr for- K:mgso, L Pl :t4.
bctd'<bcwing ~tcri.:ils, a c:uumi.on component,1 (xx: uj~ni, I). PJ. )j,
of o!kring,;. Pl. .f· .langin (·"'JI'!
Cc:ti:I,! (l>rt Ka~b, I). PJi. 44, So· •MC.h (rn: ki.idjd}.Pl. 1c,.
Gc:!.od'I.,L Pl. 21· kaprff', gC$Wrc c,£ .w.4k.n (righr or :£t:u-tle, the
gaifns, 3. virgiP, \Vitt"h',: p01urc with :inn,: n!Sed. Pls. :t:t, 00..
)l~ng. Pl. ::,t. 6%,
C<:ru.taog. J, ymm3.:i- l,tolhcr of T TjDi:J»k. Pl:s. Kuba,. l, only :.l!n'i\-iog son Qf N:mg and )f('n
u, ~ Oen. l'b. 14, )~ 1;. 21. ,1, 41, 44, 45• 49· ;o.., i. :Pl. 99- Ge, Si, Ss, 85.
C ::ti J>oelri. a name for D~ Death Codd~ in Kari, I ($~ K:mn1,. MC1l).Pl. 43-
!ux bcauti( form. Pl. 4zj. K:iri.::i,J {llte l<.asoe'b,J). Pl. ::S.
i-.ritmg (iropcrati\·c frmn gi:i, t0 hol<I)... ftc,ld {it) K.:imu.. !. eldest $On of and )kn K:arn:1:r.
!or [oo,e]!"'ru. 7•, ;z. Their <hildr~1 ::re: 1 ~ {;idolem:m boy);
£Cd• {:i plur-.J forro with $t1h-lanti·v:Usu.ffix, t Ka.r:a!(:11dolesc('ntgirl): 1 Ridjt'.k (pru<'-old-
fro:1:1 ~()QA,a crow; lit~lly. ": Q'OW'Hhing'"), <:eU.t girl); T Cat~ ~); I Cat:i {ooy. bee
s game r~bling the American• h.ahy): J J...c:oj<X'll (girl $' lm-..:i$1).Pl. ::6.
"'-bjp,.. Pi. 79- Kanna., Men, {ormn-ly 1 Adji.u, tccnonymnus
~g. I, tea1onyroom $00 of N;:mg ::m! Mo:1l dai,ght('l' of Xa.nK :i.nd )kn ;\,:!jin. Thei:- duJ..
<ioc:tux~. Thc:ir c:hi"!drc:nut: I COC1lOC1tg.
.i dn:l:I '.\ten K.u:ma: M('ll l.i.uw; 1 Kari:
Cdecth't' hny: I Raocll. baby boy. ),kn Kcsir; Men Ocr.1: 1 Kaler (\lnm.%:ried
GocDOCOg.}f~. Pb. :::, t7, $5, 67, )00. boy): Men Rib<ict; Men SiT1gin:1 X::i:1u (3&>
C«noeng, N':l.!lg, Pls. l, 41· l~tit boy). Pls. 5, ~• 36· 5-t, 70. ?'- ?4, 7S-
lUmta, N:.u:i:;,Pb. 'J, 9. 1S, t.1, 119•4,. 6:,.. C.S.;5, 1.:.1.:t•t s~d4 ,n.alr., a i::n:all bamboo frame pl:uM
lUrn:\i, I (sec K1trOUI,1). Pk 3::. 4g,,7;;. S!. t:n(!c:r t!:e u~/t.lXJ'.Pl, 9~·
Kun;. I (s« Loi-a, J). rt 5. Koboc.. J Goesti. P1$. u, ·1S- t only $'1n-vit-in31'1m o( N:tng md )kn Koebcjcr:, tit!<" or tl:e lirtl two cm:eru. in tb:
Singin. to whom a d:u.q;htcr, I nj:inmek, w:u 8:,.jneoi;:Cede hkrttrchy. Pl. 9.
llorn ju :.wnc1er of 193&. Pls. i- 1,t. ~e.~- 40, Koeb«, J, 1~nymotu :w1·1o( !{3.0_gaod Mni
KodJcic,:.·11:eir cl}jidrtn :icre: 1 Koeboc:; J Wao-
41, 4$, 49. 5'· 5~. 53· 65, 68. 74. So. Ss-
Kart;\, T (1"<'n~. I). rt 54--, dri (~ol.ew-nt gfrl): J W:s!!&ra (boy); I Ren
K:m:i, t (unrc•l:itc:d to I K:trl;t, W!l o{ Naog nac:-. drn-..c{:mQJI 1-i.d); 1 NM(!(X'l' (m,;:,U bor pu·
lia!J}' adopted 'by njrm R:mc Tcl:.ek).
rod}. Ph.. 44, S,-
Kard, I (.s«' Oor:rni-s.I). Pl. M· Kocboe. ,-{Mt. r1. 7.
Kat:1tinjl;lm, ~ C3kndrk fl'.'$~. 1n (fays ::.her C..
4as~r(S<C Oic<.f).
/«ng{m. Pl. Sr.
K:i_.h, t, rNTio..,ymo,u~ d:1ur)uer of :-I'~ 1tnd
J(,ocTl'.lffl, t. 8. K<>-.:npiAog (f<"eTcroc1'·i, !. B. W
M<-n K1~l'lrh. Thcir cbi!J:,m ;u,:: I K.1$«h; I
l'!s. 87.100,
Celi.1 (!,o)j: J Kari:,. (boy). {S« MOOOO,J.)
kO~far:, :i wid,: <.VOical Mnt("fll'tl." n! b:uk.c::-_,d
K:itji. I. n. ~fade:. lk.Jmun 6-mdyiog to ~ :i
u~ a:, a contai.nCTf()T11tc:m1ingritt ~
I'!,;, ::7. $6, 90.
prie-..lot. i.og-mun, :snd u:;c:,l 3:~ a sm,inn for bo:
kaw,·s. <.ttu:1<)oial disU'ib-ution or fntld➔ Pk 9- !n·
w.:iu-:rin many Pl. 14.
Kawi, :i ~ncral term for arch.ii(; rdigii,u:c l;mgu~ f.lX"W<l»gcn,11t,m:all ronic;tl lwi$l o( bctd ~! ox.
cont~i.ning OM J:i,·:moc: :md &u'!Slrit dcrivt• taining ct,_,iug insw:lir-nn;., a m=i:,on cL__
tives. Pl. 6:::r. ing ◊t componM'lt of uf!er• The m0liC
ktbiaT, a $0}0 d,ince pi,rformt:d »ui.ui,:. l'L 11>. dab~l'lt~ lweu.vmg,:,1,b.<wc tni~ C'J! ~::::._-up, Pl. 'Ji· morphism. l'l. 9!.
kl;Uld {l(tt J,.r.dja). Pl. 10. Ktx:wat, 1 (sec N'j:icwi.1). l'b. 1~. :l), ,S 0- 49, 6g.
Rcl-o<poc:s,I M;tde. ftls. 7. ::i. 7 1 ,7:.
i-<"U>I"~. J W:.jan. uncle: o! l ~fade K<"!ocpoos. J:cnnp~k. a bask« in whit:!: :i. man ba.b.:-tU'1Tnr
Pb. lO, r1. rlt$ his small ~'I.. betee~--c:heew,!:V::::..UC-, I (s« D\'lm~k. I). rl. Su. ri:ili, etc. Pt 63.
K<:nf'h, njem. Pl. 6. X.OJnpi:icng. 1 C°"..sci. P!. 6$..
Kcnjc>r.n.1 ( Kuuu. !). rls. ;, J7, 1$, SS, SS, 19, kris, word for a doublc-a!,:;cd ~er ol
S4, 'jO, 13, 74• 7!,, 79· s.i.oOO\lSform. rl,:. 13, 40, ;;6, j;, 5~ £t. 99-
Kcmt-1.Djcro &oe. rt 3;.
lt.cr41M de.fa, a full (:itiu,:n u[ the Pl. ~ liliffl. :t sh:trc 1>ftemple lane!. Pt ~-
A,er~h/µt (.ii p.i~ive mb.staMiv:d fu= &Ol:ll. 1'(1.0eh, 14m4 1t, :ic (;Cr(:m<mi:Ubib. Pl. 11.
to ,come), a u.:nu {or, wpc:rnat1; ~.,;,q<m: t .:m:s. Dalang. Pl. :io.
Otle ioto "'·ho.In ;\ g<X!h.:iJ ama:. l'l. 18.. .Un.gtir, Daijo~ Pl. Si;.
Jt,:1(4Ja,, ''}'Ot1ng("rhrothd"" in :s pair o{ oom.ic L:tm>l".s.L l'L 4ll-
servant$ ln lhlinNol" dr~m.,. •~ts. w, 111, t~:i.. l. 10n of Men T_,:1i:i.r1,. 10, 18. 19, 45.
KCS1U}'l ($CCT,-i'.ruan§fa). Pl.~. -1.8,1. 93, 9-f· Lasfa., )kn. Pl. n.
lt:#do, a $On or swttt pnr:icrn. Pl. in. l<,tah, '.\faby '>\'Ord for a J\<yrilop:uhic amdit.iou
K<,I, lCChOll)'Ol0\1$ <hild Qf N:icng ;md M~ iuvol\'ing i:mif.,Ti\'r. bdi.;,vior. !'L 1~
K~n'. ThciT diildren :ire: 1 Kd!r (girl); I ~,:,;\type of gr.wc~ud spirit. Pl. zo.
Doeu!Ol:fl (.g.irl ;'tl b«, died 1938}. PJs. 3--:. kg<>ng,a f)-pc of J:mce pc.'ffonncd by ~da,lcs,.
0,Gt).. aJ1t gim. i'b. 19, 20, 55·
K«ir, ).,f<-n. Pk 3-S,fig, 75. l~joA, a gcn('Tlll r= for- tfa: wpenutural forms
kaocn4,.a .wn nf' g;arlic_ l'I. 97. a»l:med br thn,,:e 1'.'hOpraa:i« wit(h(r.lfr, :md
Mu»1tria,1, a 1~ rh~.:itrkal fonu ,.,jth a p-loL for the minor 6-pidu :1.~2tc<.1 with Sr,i\'c,
Pl. ,16. yards u.d birth.~. Pb. 14, 17. to, $!,, 61.
Kcrtcg, 1. J'ls. t7, 8Ci. Lt,\~r, 1 (r.t-:1! l>c:geo)t, l}, 3.d◊ptive tCCOOD)TM>US
kimbuT, the u.-ood jn 't\'hkb a <hild ti-nl\lly refn~ i100 o{ N:wr; aod Men lA:kcc.. l'!s. i!6. iS, 35,

the thi:og £Qrwhid1 he 1'-:SS ayi:og. l'L 51. 49. 74, 75·
S!'ECIAT. T'l!BLIGA·r10Ns, N. Y. ACAi). SCI.
Wet. Men, i.i:ctc:-of Mcu Njawi. Pb•. -t9, ';,t, Marti. '.\h:u. I'l. 6:l,.
l.dCl. ~:L'\&, brolhcr of Nang n~ui,;:. Pls. !8, i◄ • \ !'-':Ulg.Pl&.~1, 65- 6.t,
l.cmb<>e,$:l(ffdot:il :.emu !or a oow, :Pl. 91· m4tah~ r:iw, unripe, ti.1<:dtnctt1phO;'k:1lly to rdtt
l.l'ffld:. Men. l'!. 6. to tl!e Wilch when $he :ipfW'.:ini:1 bu.n..,a11form
L.-wpw.l, l Co«li Njom.:in.. rb. ::o, :,;. ,;o. lxforc h<"t rr:ins.fmmation. l'I. 55.
t.i-nr.rT, I, ~nm1~1oow sion oi Nar:tg :md ,_ie:1 me411-in, :. _r,uunCl:lUU)' ccr<croon1· in HaiOCoS
L~uiu. 'rbcit ch.ildl'(11 :m:: I (adof«. Gede. ~qu:tlCd with rhe cr~m:ition ccrcroony
<en( hc:',y):r ~~is (UO)·): I Kt<:inbon (girl); ()( the pbifl'. Pk 97. 99. tOO,
1 Mera (prl): 1md a b:iby l:>om in l!mS, Pt. l:8. Mel>et.,N:ing (~e B.<t.:kr11, N111ng).Pl. 37.
Llntar, l,.frn. Pk 5,. '15· mdt'fokin. to ,·isit ~ hot1.'>t!!o which~ ritt' de
Llntar, N:mg-.J>!. lt· ~Mgr. U bci11g p<:rform<'d, ('l;pl'rially a house-
lU, :m e!aOOi~«:broom-li:::e ht.-ndle o{ you11gpilm in wbidt ~ dt,uh h:c:!-Teccntly octurrcd. Pl. HI,
kat'C$ '1)$('(i :,:1 .:i :.p:-iulkt for holy w;,.rt:r. lt md.isp(f$, a (1("tt"ll'l<my of o::mscaattOn or v:llidatiou
(Xmt:ain:1;i \-.ui-.>tyof ipcci.,l it(ffill n:pr~llt· for :i m:w !mu~, shrine. ~~ r!s. 96, ~. 1:1a.iuo( the hmTl.:inbody, ~:Id it ti bound mdiy,iju. a \·cry clah.,ratf: p1x-u1~1lull)' ccrc,mony.
with a gi-rdk. ·11u: ••fo.1-U'' oi the iis i$ vi:t in Pis. 5, ll, S9. 97• 99-
a:rt:i.i.n ritt:1 d~ ~t;gc. Pb. ,4. ?l-f,84. f'IU:lis (inc--.1.11,,iti,·<:
or pas.iw• fonn frum fo), a puri•
fod11 a 1i'QI0.1.l.'I, fom:11':. Ji.cation ceremony. !'L l6,
foaigsm:nm, tll.lltg::,asked from a .utperinr, u!fo:-- t1Vmantro: (w:d,a.l forll\ rrom mantra, a pr;iifct or
i.~"Sc~'hich have hcen :111ked bad. !rom tbc i.urauutioo.). Pl. S1.
ga<!.s, Pb. 9, n. mt'ffl<:, ITW"lrhei-.Pl. 98.
l..oC'pi:.ih.1 D1:V.·a.. J>l 15. i1luvid a!ld m.iKhi,-,'Ous spiriu.. l'L 4G.
1.ob, 1. tc(!).OJlYtnOU:S (faughtt:r ot N:mg aud Men mnrte>tJn,, (fmm mtmdalt, to ;.,,"'Oto ul«t $C:»m<:boxly
Lob. Tbei,- ('.hi!dren arC; I l.<lbi; I l>;ma whn U nientug). the i.u.itfa.l~rt .,f ;a <ll':remony,
(boy): I l.n!ti ~,id). 1 Kami, ;m oll.!t:r Jaui:;htcr going to ll'l«'t ot in,•i~ tbt" gud-s.l'L u.
o! Nans Lok..ahy a p~·:Uus .m.uriagc:, Ii\'~ mttpq.{U {{roo, pt:tg4t, to cut off), rttn.,_Irpi:11x!t i:1
.-irh lw:r mml:ict's parcnti, l Njantd, n:»doot <riu.t rk pa.Nr.ig_;: i.o which Ute aud«:!att brtt1.b
w~th N;Wg l.oka, is .;i d:1ugt1u::r(){ ~11ng 0('r.l a litn:tdi«'I thi:e:id by it. P!s.
by (li,'Ql'(f'd wiff: wbo is$. s.istcr of Nang t.ok.:s.. '4• 9?• l 1)1>.

ra. g. fit. m(.'/'t:'N.t,ritu'ld cpiso<k in ritt's dt' f,:JUQt,ein whkh

Lok.a., t,::ulg. Pb. ,H,. 63. t!1e J:.inof the (andiiliu~ su.nd in gcnt--1logi1:ll!
order bold.fog: .r()pC'. Pl. lo,().
)J.idi.=. l (i11:e.\ladci::i, I). Pl. 8-5- M<:Dd.:t,Dong. FI. $$,
).bdc.rl; L tccnonymrne1 d;nzgftltr o{ Nang and m,rrr.hJ w :uxjuirc rupem:,runl power of lile son
Meo .M:t<ldi. Thcir children :tTr.: l Mado:ri; 1 ~ate<! wirh ,...itc:ba-a!l. f;!'i"·~•-ud$. dt'- !'!.
M:til= (boy); I M:in.i (gfrl). Pb. l5, 2!1. 17.
).{adcri, r1. 6~ M~N-.J;, l (li<.~ Li.ou1r, t}. Pk,;. JS, .;it. 53,. 74, 75•
\blc-n, I (~t: DamJAA-'1,.1).Pl. $0. r::~~tri~.f, ~rific;u.ior. ccrC-.?lOnyin B.lj(l(ng Cole.
)b.l.!1, !. !'ls. tS, 21, PI, 81.
).fanis, i Oaijtie P. Pl. So. m,,:.w.iu:p'<.m.
:. purification ecrc:no:1y. Th.i$ tcn:n.
:,-..:r.i~n;n ,p,u1i, the «ttmQDf for the eu~111ucm:,t:• :Qay rdcr to :a I.a~ ~:ritly of ceremonies
1:1e1uo! rioc harvest. Pl$. 4. ,::. (marr:fagc:, t·,onM>:cr.i.tion of a din(er. ptm!i.a•
r,uin:ri, the prin(f: in ardia and othtt thtanial tion .:t!ttr :noe«., et<,). Pl. 3().
forn1.~.J'L I z. i\fr..x,.m, 1 (~ Rim~. I). PL 5Q.
mJJl1rt(t, (s« ungg~h PL :n. .'1ltstl', J n,,ijl'lf"- Pl. 1S.
~3l'S). ).fen. Pl. 100. rn<todjoei.,:1 ,ptite:iug o{ ue.ighix>n :ind ~b.ti,cs
Mati. L :S. PJ.. 10. to hdp i.o plou:s):,.ing-.Pl. ~.
).fario. l. Pl. 1 6. =t~brm (~ss.h·c or inn-:m,;iti,·e form from te:bou.
\f:u""i, I ('>tt ).fadcri, J). Pl. 6l- to tic), .i: rim:il cpuodt in ,•a,riou,crit~ de~-
).farti, L tcci:ionymo\~ datq;.l:lt'r o( Naoc an<! M~ 14gr. in whid1 3tring is \ls«t, fi i-c tied arou!ld
~bni. Tfu:~r dildrcn arc: t '.\f:rni: l Marta the ,,,rbl ◊t p~c<ccih<-hind the ear of tht: can•
(girl bom jan.-Frh. 1935). l'b. ~. !P, 63, (4. Pl. ,f•
li.!Ll .£ -< ;-, .4 R 4 C - - -

md,a0t J.puri.G<1rirln ~·" • - 'C,=eC,. IO _,, .. '- <.<Xpk -~

o! o!.!crings to thl" 10'lll·nU=~ .1. !Dl!lft'
r.ocou5 c;.;..."!"'__ ,o( ,. ~ ~C'l r:'IC,a,::::eter-
r.ttc ~e,emoni:.J :in;ilogue o.f .1,.t 1 Ph. 6. :,;,. l".). ,,. 1)1-
·l"C:·l.t:...=. m,c,- -.l t?lt' a.:-..:::ioc.a in acaur:<'ln ra.
mdot:ri<n, a pu:,t.u.-onuuy ceremn::i.v ~=a£ 4• g,;. gS.
Gede. i:n "-'hich thl' <!r:u! .ipea}.t!'uOO"'~VF:,, ·.,(!';.., to pr~Tt' it'Wld b,· choppm;.. P!. !O
Balian in U'.tn({". Pls. 6. ~ No. :'l;"la::a·c:-:, m a~ rn rl"U"I
Ot, <'Sp('<'i::ilh-

Miu.ah, Metl. Pl. 6- t!:,e-decisions o.f lb<' oo,m<:nnnitv. rt ;::.

>:gcinh.1i:, f. Pk. 1-1• S1.
mitail ci>di, !I p~m~ 1'1on~.!'L s,S.
Min"b, l, d:Rt1ghrr:rnf '-fan Saoe. P!s. 24, i6. ;,.;~lxm, ! (Y.:cLi,nar, I). Pb. 5$--H· ;5.
nit:m:,,«, ~ uw-sc, 1l c~p.,ni(ln n! rh~ nnd~tt
Mis.i, l, girl. umgir:ng cla.t10t:t{sec T:u:n.'bocn, I). Pb.
in '\".uiOllSrita dr. ptwage. Pl. 4.
10, )$., l!), ,i,;, $(~
!Sgemfo:i., I, ,:cm of )fang alld Men ~g('nrlnn Ph.
MU:i, J, bre ;1"1fol~nt Lio~·,uurdated to I Misi
t I, t6.
(girl). Pl. 50.
Ngtncion, T, :inist, umdalcd lO ;"\'.w.g '.S"g<"Qdoo.
Mot'!Qh, l, ill~rim:ite daup,lucr o{ Nang K:t'(>('h,
Pl. 46.
~ni.,lly ;:idopu::d by llja-o &oc Td:cl:, Ph.
Ngcndon, )kn, formC!Tlyt M:i:ring. (Site did oot
2,f. <i<I••1-5- qt ht-:r =no:1ymow :1:m:ic until the 1()5-<°, ..n·
ml), :i. ma.u. tm<lc.
]l,fQC,C!:t.l. B...l'. (siet Tcroewi, l. n. Vit.:ij:m).l't 46.
binhday or h-er chi1rl, w-ltif'.h... lali:r t.h:ut t!'!t
phntognph.cs :.ltOW!tbCl'C,f>ut tht ttcnon~mf)';:,
mr,t:dra,ritual hand gC$WT~ pc:rlomt1:d by Br.t.h· f1':l!UC'is us«! her<- foT mw;~ni('flo, of :-.:!er•
m.:m prie«s. Pl. $.t, ence.) Pk 6, ~6. ~s.
M=!ri. l <~e Ocra, Nang). Pk '1· '1· _!')(I. Ny,c:do11, N:u:g. seukr in ~jnM1g C.«k, bum i.n
Maeglock, I. Pb. 44, S1. Sdat. <>ldcr brotht:r o! 1 S=ibth and fathc:T
Moeb, &fa., a roin<>rdemon. rt to. . .t'ls. !l1, 69.
of 1 :-.i,._'t'.ll1,km
Mucl.ku, 1 l)c,,,,a. Pt 1~. rtgMM~ 1 purifir.irnry and ,•;dic!at~iig~dl:eO:'!.y.
MocrdlUI, I, ~>onng:rrhrothC'f of I To11-:i!en.~rv;uH Pl. gi:.
in F.beWa<:low-phy. t'I. 13. ngerograg (w:htplic:urtl fomt of ra;,i, We body.
)!O('Sp:., i, r<-monymnu1' <taug!1h-r ,o( N:.\ttg and the M:lf). w i:1v<:.utor oo.u:'ll'O~•Pl. ,en.
Mt:n MQelp;i, ~,u....
.1~ il: Baj,c)ettSCede from n}!ertktJ, a oc:tC'.Ol◊ny in rhr =nation ~ie,i; to
Manik Ac:lji.Thdr diildn:u ind~1de: I MOC$pl.l th(: (xxly i.s n.Xvo$!.ilUtcd Crom die
inrl t nin (girl). rt ::5. bon~ OT ::ish<:S.Pls. 91. 9S.
M~. }fang. rt Hg. rJgt-roro#n (fr<>mmms, twdvt.), the cc:t:llOll) hcld
Mood(:l. f. f'J. :r9- on ti1t-:1::tlt <hy a(lCI· b.U.1h.Pl. $.f.
ngr.~hi'r. ~ng )'ttd./.1,to d,.~ up the d":e.d. l-'L 9e.
Ngclis-, l (~ Linr:-rr, l). Pl. H·
naga~ a rnyi:halngi,~,1 :i~nt. r1. 40.
Ng"ti.~ N:mg. lmrd:tted to! Ngctis. Pt lS,
Nahocla, l (f.('(:P<-nd.1,•::1).Pl. ~o. ngirim (liu:~Uy. "lO send"), «:r=iony in wbiw
N.ami, Men. Pl. sS. lh<::ashe.s :ir(' rhrown ir. the se:!. illtt ac.m.a-
Narnp.1h, T ,~I'<' n~hc:n. I). Pb. 36. 116,'45· tk'ln. Pb.. 98, 99.
Nand(IC"r, 1 (~ Koc•hl'N";1). l'I:!. 4•1•5l, Si. Nir:! (:m:ha.ic w<>id {or ··mo-:hM"'), :i iigur~ o! lht'
r.ang/l)f:k, oer=ony -cxpdling gn»Jwppc:rl lUcc- Cottt!~~. Pl. '1·
:m<l r.:i:,;. Pl. 5. Nj:entd, I (:1e~Loka., 1). .Pls.G, 17, $o.
N<-h, t. ?t 3,.~ ni,ap~, a spc:-cirsof gr.wfl:'l·:u'tl dcrnl(m. Pt 17.
nc/<.b. c;x,rcrrunlyin r~joC":ngC'..cdc,:, t.-onm.:ctc:dy,·ith Njawa-. T (i;ee Njawi.1). Pb. l2, -19',GJ,71, 7,e.
the :umu:11,Jcirinr, of ,~mp!e b.nd. J>!. 1. Nj.,v:t, I. tcc:mu\'mo~ J:.wsb1tr o( N.ang :end
ndaeimt'!amn {from ttdo,:, t!u'I:.~; -:i.m.1i.ottlcm, -:: .\k!l. i,:jawi. Ttieh: <hilri:r-n :n-c: l Nja-.i,: !
moo,n a:r :nonth of 1:5day.i). 105-0ay bi.rtbd:i.y Njnw!I (girl): I 1-.o<-:wat (l.,o~ at btcasl), P), 4~
("l:'l'M:rl(my fo:r :t b:1br. Pts. .g. 8,J. Nj:nvi, ).11:u.l'b. t2, 3:i, $$, ,15, •I?,,6q. 71. 7:.
~g:ufang. S:mg Kab. :1 minor <l,,:mon. rt :$3· n;Q<"h,a (O(()nm. Pl. 97.
ng,:mon!,, ta i:e:c.p:i )ptcial god in the. hml$c tr.m. 11Q< :e fo:i:1 o! !un.e?':ll ceremony pcrfonnC'd
pk. P!. 11, "-'ilh t.-x!iumcd bon« hcfor~ C'Cffl,uio:1..!'L 91r.


<ompliated d«ign.~ o! k.a\·~ scroll. pe~> tltt: ~·aoc or aw.btisRdffl' o! a. king in
v:ork il, cuving Q1" paulti.og. rt 30. R.'lliuc,e th('.:ttt:r. Pl. 62,
Qt:!wttT,a ~ mad<:oi coins ~d rqm:,;co.ting Lhe a/Qcs1''<inl !or fac.e. tl,: Ue<:of :i god.
tb<:<fr.-:td.Pb. g~, 97· Pl <jl.
oclocn r.:t (literally, the: "head of dtc: li'1cr"°).Pl. 97. p,:1lce,ru:c;c,..-ory,requfr1.:d. pr('$(71bt:<l.(l'hi$ fflffl!
Mmah, the hnu'lt: or hom~ in th<: vi11:t;gt:,as op- il used in lka:a:'l.1' M:i!a.yto lTl'lrulate E.t1r<>pc,:in
pc»cel tu lb<: ~do.'<.. l'L 2. notion~ o! ...pt1rpo.,:e.") Pl. 5-
l)~bd-oembcl, ~ peru:i:i.nt o.nicd in pn~Zon. ju:t~lrmgan (litc1:~lly "a thing fo-r l>oll.($"). the
Pb. 30. 40. ~nt:u.lltt in wbidi the bond 2r<' i'mmOO. Pl.
Ott1'1.,Mc:u {!1.>e
K:irma., Meo), mother o[ J K:trlx!.. 9G.
Pb. 2S, 49· . l'ind«, t. modt<-r <>fI T01lg,», Pl. 12.
~- "N.:mg(st.<CLok.,. l). bili(r of 1 K:u'ba.N;mg I'inti, t. Pl. 37.
Oer.l Y13;S fOmtf".rlyl Bi.n:i, t.c:c1tonyDlc:>US
dilld pirau,.(from. the $.imc root as t,itru, a ghnett pu:.i•
o! Nang :mtl .\o!enni-na. Th,cir ri1il&tn arc::: f,,i:-d afto:r (l'('m.:ition), a gho5t bdor<' <n!lt'la•
}fang Oi:til.: Nl'ng: Marti; N:mx Siogi-n. Men tioll. Pl. 97.
8i.oa, by
UU;rri;i,gc:,uad other dU)dtc.n: pi.,rmg d,~i, :in o!kriog ~prdenti-ng the Sl()U}<>f Oj-ebeo; Mc:n M:tdri; t Ampi.,g (m:ilc:): U)(' dead. t•I. ')S,
1 :-.1jdod (hoy): Men Ri:i-i: :snd one illes,iti• Pil3., )-bh:i. :i. club of Balinese :inist$. Pls. 15-·;o.
!WITI"'wn, l Moorjri. Pb.~. l?i,, .p. 48. 50• 6o, f>O('k.,,d~p. Pl. 12,
th. 65,, 8$,. ~'IU4, the "older brother" in :t fXtil'of crnnic SC1·
oa:'a?,a, an riffc:ring t<:pre,; the vinr.1. o{ tbc \--a:ll~it1 n:ilinoc dr;im:i. Pl. 13.
dc:ld. rl!'. g;, ')S, P~ Dado:mg.u.>0th('Tn! Djcro Koebaj:t.0 Poe-
otrMdjah, a borly spitt:d drinl:. I'!. Gs, poc. wh0$C$On ii Nau::; N~enp;. :-:-angXe:dettg
Ok.a, J Made. Pb. tto, 22. w:u I P~ ~mtil the blltb <>f hill son. t
Omnn~ l. f'J. 44. ~('d:M'ly,. f'L ioo.
Q:on.:.n, oerci:nony ttkhr:irinK the rc-.eur-rcntt o( :i l'.:i,:-poc-,Dje."O Koth.:ija.n, 2oil rifr.-cu io Jbjacns;
spc:-ci,,1tlay in i.ltr. oron (uo<t-ay) cycle::.c~pi:• G~e ~hy. l'!. 9·
ci:illy lbc 1-u1 &:y bir.h1fay ol a h:iby. Pls. 7, ('ot:pr,chtm, tin :::ntm:01'.)(lfflorphieotr<"ring fo ,,v·-
4 21, 'f9, tt1, anir.. Pl. gi;.
po<ra,a tt:mple.
Pagth, l. P!. 27. roerJ. Dalt"m (fro-.:ud/W.m, di.'<'.p),ihc !kl.tb T('O
P:i.ijock. I DC"V::i.. l'l. 93· pk. 1?.-<u::illy locatrd nc,::s:"tbt:- ocrnctcry- .:ind
?f"tjorr.n, a :,po11t for w~tCI', Pt 3';, l(:()( m f.d-M o{ the ·,·ill;t;g(',Pl. 17.
paolt.U1, a $tkl: nr suppon (f:ot.n.tJw:.~:ime root ;i~ 1'01:r-a~:i. the JT1:lin\ill:i.g<' itempk. Pl ,.,::ssltl.Dd far u!krinftl; ::ud t1tpt:i:r.n,a POX-!3, rli t':illti.. a mim1r tenip'!c in Bajn,t-ny.Gede
rr.mcc dan('(T). Pl. 1S. run by :? ,·olunt::.ry a1,~alWO. of R:ijoc~
~r!tt.nd4, a lka..!m~.n pri~t. Pb, 6, 19, 84, S!,, Sg,
people. Pl. 9.
~•-,!tot',a priol Cir n-ligiow pr.u:titioru:-r ;'It•
Poi,-:i Doekoch (from <l«koe!i, a bmnitt :uir,M
tc::uple in tl1t: fidds out.side I!,;ijoen:t C<-dr-n:u
ucb('n to a ttrople, usuill)' of no (:a$(e. Pb.
b)' 1ht: vitl:3.o--c.Pb. ,;. u.
t3, 33· roa;\ Medocwc K"r.i:ig. l)l. 3-~
p,m.att.101tn,.:i ~pca..-s of r1P.em~g.Pl. 99-
J>ocr-aPemetdao. Pl. g.
~4Ulr> :i 3"'--l!c-u.l tt't"ffl fo: (:Otflic:1e:-vant$i-n &E·
Pocra P<>t'-'ch,Temple <>1 Origin. Ph- 1, S:. tbcatn. Pl. 1,. f,Ot'.$()(.h, the b(';nt, z ban:in:i Pl. .fc!.
P.rndo~'4, clu- ti,·e broth.e~. ber~ of the Hi:rid<,o
epic. Jmb. Th<'it n:il.inC$C1\,imec :uc: poetih, white.
tbn~:t . .Bim:l. 1"...cdjQC"'ll:i, tfaboc-b. &.lu.dcw:i. !'<>Cling.1. B. p, Pl. 97.
twJ('tl_g,a dl.eckcrffi fabric u.,;ed !or ci,,re:uoni:,,k.
J'L tr1,
~jo-r, :t <k<.orari,·c pend11nt. P!. S2. Pl. 5.
,enrftt'f.d" (li:eedl~ a "$bllding thing"), 3. 1:>.IJn. Po!ili, N;1ng. l'!. u.
pmWQA>:i howc ot f:ino outside t!1<: ,,at,~. Pt 2.
boo wlticb wp~ the bah)· whik ii<:i"' !c:trtl·
pring, ,,. ,,on. o[ li.s.Pl. M•
ing to walk. l'L lj-

R~tiin, t. rt j6. saba, :i typ,: ut a.nrm:i1 f~;;.i ul &jocng Go:dc;

m5, a 1::i.e:mrr<:of !e:n~. a 'I>-'"· r1. h. Sab1t Dai-. Pl. ;$<>:SObQn]t:h. Pl. 'SJ.
ltlii, l ~al: T\.bde.Pl. So- Saboch, L :n.Pb:. 15, 40, 77.
R.:ibi. L l'!. 5. Saboeb, N:mg-. l'b. ~ 87•
R:m:iajana, old tlindw epic.. Pl. 88. &tdja, I. Pb. 7. ::9.
rqt'l'U'.crowded. (ull of d1i111?happ<"ning. :iuch 3.S S:ili.adcw:i. 1 (,.ce Pcndaw:i). r1. ::u.
l'i.rC·CntCktTl. (.>rdtC3U'aS, (1;:en(r.l, t:tc. (•ls. 2:, 5• Sa~, in R:ijcwttg Cede, the m2u whoic (imy iris to
83. prnvidi: -:u:d lay o,,:1t_focx! for a vilb~ ftast.
R:mp,,.b (Littr-.Jly, "Widow"), a cnmn1on 1.,:nn !or Tlu-~ dutjcs d,:,,vnl\'r. upOll a diffc:rr.:lt :a:u:i
th<' Wird,. I'!~ t!, t3, 15· 5-5.5~ Go, 61, M. t::ac:hm(n'nh io r,,ation .. 1•!.g.
1 ($tt C«naeng, I). PJs.. l2, i7. l.1\-37, 67,
:R:u'.K'"Jt, u,.jr.nganga ())1$$.ivefonn frm!l 3. root mc:initix "to
,oo. v.n•~" ,cc 4j;,hr.n, '11:ia).used M :in :idjec:1.hc
Raooc-ng. I. tlic d11ughr("Tof ilie Witch in :1omc m de1cr~ prin(~ or d~o who very
Tjofo71Mirng,;torit!". l'l. et, mm:h l'l:tvcd, or -s.poi!OO"by tbci.r ~=n~ Ott
Rd:,o. Nang. Pl. 68. pa.rents. i>ls. I$, '15·
u:djm,g. a prOCC$$iona! dautt for wom,r.n a.nd girb. S:ilib, l. PL 81.
f>l. Si. Sa.lib. Nan.g. .wu of N-:Ulf;Dakt~. Pk 43. ~
RMjot:na, thUd o{ the Fi!ntk:'..~. Pl. %0- Sawa, I. 1r,mrmymmn 'f<>ilof N:mg :md ) S.1-.a
Ri:miu, L 1)1.$1. Their d,i!J.rcn arc: T S:im:i: 1 Suni (bry+-2:
RC"t.-doct,t (~e Kueboc, J). rb. 6, 7, 36- hrt":Ut). .\itn $am$ h:id nuo~t!Ol.1$chiidr= ln
Renne..£. Ui:~g"tar.g d;im.-tr, daoghtcr o! :-l~ng '.Rin. ~rfo:r m.uria.g~. mme of whnm ,:ppt:..-r _
gin. Pb. 6. 18, 19- j:6, SQ. thi:c book. .Pl. ~.
Rentet, ~:eng. l'L t4. S:im:t, ).t,,,11. Pb. 21, ::6, 6g.
R<-ntje1:. l. Pl. 78. S:imb1:h. l, }OOl'lgr.Tbrother of 'X;an.g ~~
Repen, I, a n.:tti,·c of Millet. rd:stive o{ N:ing Otn. Pb. ,1, 3S.
Pb. 6;, s,.
S.,.mbm:t,.1. i'l G:7.
uregelt~• figure piobably "'l'(.:.~oti.og chc Qt'tdt• $.imi, 1 (SCCSacrui, l). Pb. 1H, 26, 50, flg-
d.ate or h.i$ ttgcmpm~ill aA'itc,k ,xu.sage.Pl. ·1·
S:impil, I, c1>0nymou, !t<:ro of :t R:l!.imx open.
Rdi. 1 Dai}X', d;rnghtcr of J. 8. M. Tog,,g:. Pb.
Pl 88.
S,. S$- S:inrlr.i. 1. l'l. 83.
R~$i~T. l'L,. :1;;,4$• S;)ng, :i:-cb:Ucpc:non:il prououl1 used .t\ 2 pc~·
Reii, Men. P'l$. t5. 4_;.. f)ing ptcfix in v:i:fou$ rcligiM:.;;. nmtuu..
Rei~. T, rtimonymom $On c,f ,'nd Men Reta. ducOy for :cupi:r~tun.l'I,. t::.g.. 1,m.scu-d.ti,t..~
Their childrt:n are: I Rc(:1; .:iml -:t baby \\-hid1
di«'I,l..f'3$, ~9. 1:H·S.3.
Jqnggr.h, th~ lwuse t~mp!e, :i gwup of <.brines for
R~r.i. Mo:n. Pl 55,. :inr.c,;tors :i.nd family goch ~n 3 si:n.allc-ndo:,.•.:.a:
Ribc¥., I DaijOC'"-ru. 'JG.,s.
m1 the Wjtt or kar:;<in $i(k r>f c,·ct1 housc-
RibOC<,T, b:iby cb~1ghtM'of r-t:mg :ind Mell Jt.ih(IN
(i;, M~n). !'I. S.3.
~-,i;rd.Pb.. 1. n, 9S..
sarttg(l:h o,:rif, (0<.'t'ipm~n:c "li!<:N or "':ili~/ . .s
R.ioljd;,, I(~ K:sro~ I). Pl. 31:.
sm:1.IIdoll nui.t!~ of p:ilm lea"« :ind ri:ptts<:nt•
Run~. I. Lccoonynmus Jaur;bter uf N:i.~ an<!
ing the ~11 u! the drn. f'k ~. 91, gt, 97.
Mo:u R.unr"""· Tbdt' cbilr!Tl!:11 :u-e: I Rimpcn:
I :2oni<>l:(bc>y);I M(:S(':ffl(girl). Pl. s,c>. 9S, 99·
u;ngittnr.. a !Xl,Qiornimic: u-,ul« c'l,1n..:n-.~fan, t~pn
Rimr('.n. N~. Pt. ~s.
o! sgngitti:g oa.-ur find :iu 0:,:1:mooJ~ n:rmec!
Ri-n(.n, N3.D_g.fatlti:t' o! I Jl,e-i,~. PL 6.
art"' the object p:inw,"ll~mtd. c g;.• sar._(:a::1,:
Riuj,i.n. 1 (~ U:unpoclt, I). Pl.1. ;;. lS,
,-(lbmt., a ~,,,ant or maU~'C who, wurk.s for b«trd. ddirz~ 'l\'bO imitat,: dolh; u:ng:cn,.s: tft1~g
who im.i1;:1:cpig$: «c.
l'J. 14.
lt<ldn.i, l, ~ldl':l"W>ttt of I (;«wet. :Pl. St. Sa<~. Mtn, .m.<>thc:r o! I M.irt'h. Pl. .;6.
toe,itot:tan, !.rui(,&w~. ietc.. aclded tu -:tn off('l"ing sapo<i,w.i<l<: i-:i.<hwanl by both mMi ::00 w0m<:n.
w mile it more showy. r1. ,;. oblii,;atory wher: ~1ucri:og; tl"mplei or rcttting
Rou.i, Nang. r!l'. t', t!), 3<;. !,"\.lpct·iors.Pb. ~. 86, g.2.

.fOpta, daring Ul face of impurity, unclcann~ (girl); l Tjo.:bl1iQ. (i:;id); I Scpoeog (girl). Pls.
ClC., al>k to e..n in prrieilCC o( an \.>npb,:1:1:i.nt J9, 45 ► ~h.
$m~ll. P!:1.~ 90. 94. Soni. Nang (k..- T.:imfl(,c:n, l}. l'l:.. 6, 19. 21.
sari, Pollen, us«'I tnl'Utphraric~Uy foi• ilitt C$SCDCC Sri. lkr:er.i. t!te: Rk-c Coddess...Pl. 4.
o.f the offering:,: which is tak~ by the g<x!::I.
rn- for t?1e rjtm4'11,t
get'ltcn whif:h i.~lt:ft ou the Ulbod:rm, a horoel$' n«r. the n:ime nf .a g:m:c in
i.!u-inc,.-hen the removed. Pl. 8.1, wbicb the d1l!dr.:n (!:met- :n "boro.ets., on a
$3.sak, I. Jl.. Nj. Pl. M· clrawit15!u the 63.lld. 'PJ.77·
JIJ$t:ran, a.n u.'\!ortunate ~ing. Pt ~- 'f'a.inboco., L drl= i:un-idng d1i!d ot ~::u~ aud
Sasih, I ~ijoe P. Pl. &>. ).fe:n Soni (!it.'CPuep<ie.1). Their chilr!l"('n l'lfr:
f.()tC, food .sm-1:aM o~ -$piked on :i wcxx!t::1Ue"Yo'tt l ·t'a.iubocn; I Mis.i (girl): T $:lri (boy): I N~
:u~d cooked o,·cr .-n Opdl f!:uuc. Pls. ~ so, no,e (hoy). PI$. '15· St.
Sebcng. 1):ibng. Pl. ::Q. tr.ne1:m um,:.,m(reJu.,Jie:ued futtn Crom rm:g.<ffl_, :1

segd:, sqs,ehan, meug4h, e<c. (~ mdfar«), o!kr• h:md}, a :,pecies of gr:mry:inl i:piriL r!lt. 1 7, 20.
Ulg;shid on the gmund !a,: the dcrooni. Pl~ Tam.:-~ L B,. P. Pl. S5.
J'J, S$- ,58.8::. T~ntn, l M:tde:, uorelitcd to I. B. P. T:intr.t. Pl.
St!f"J!.,to (bncc with $idew.:i)':'I
su:p:s. l'l. lQ. il5•
sdah, a cont:::iinc-rn:pn·~otUli::; I.heSO\Jl,i:nto whi(h 'r:.tah,. I. PJ. 3$.
the :ohes :;.re somctim~ put ::rE«:rO"t:'llatioo. T :i-we:ng,t r1. flS.
PL </3, Tt:bQI.-S,L Ph. 17, 81.
ie-na<,a mi:i.11 mmur. 3. 13.tnp. J>l. !)S. tega.l.£(1Ctji, -a ,.:u:rc:ddC"".t.tcdspace.. I" .»:iji>e:ng
Smmc!an. !. B. P. Pb. s~, 15· 91. <wide. it is. Oil the ~d h~=n tbc Vi:lh!;('
~pd:., I (sec D<-gcng.t}- Pill lt, 33, 3S, 7-f, 75· Tempk :u,d the T.:mple: 0£ Ot@.n. Monthly
~g. T (~~ Sok.a, 1}. PL 5. (hm:ir) k.u-u and ocher «rNnnni.,l,i; :in: bar.Id
sffldatoe, ccrei»0o.ial thl"<"..:id (lf thrtt oofors, l'C'd, tfa::.:. Pb. 99, lOO.
"-°hit<:.;md hbd. P!. 'YJ. (from, to carry oo ;i p<>le),:in
S<rijncet. nm. Pl. to. offe:riuKt.vmposcd ol food :ind cKfa:: objoou
~miA, 2 llilictuTc-(')f i:pi=i ::ipp!ted to th-e onrli. )USJ)('Odcdl:rnm the two ends o( a pok~ Pl. &7.
d~te in rild de 1Jf1J.Sag(', Pl. S-t· Tl:'ccl:, nje:ro l~oe. t:tkudric c,.-pen in R:i.joo~g
Sfflgin. Meu (~ lurma, M<:n),motl:c:- oi I K~. C.ede (seeDaro~l:. t. Modob. l, a1)d K.ocboe,
P'ts. 7, 51, ,,. $6, lls.. ~s.49, 51, ;;,s.M• 65; 6S. I). Pls. >, 51.
S~ ~ang {<re O=. !'\ bthcr o! l K:m:i. Tcn<!n, T. R. P. l'L 3S.
Pl. 6. 1. :8. PL Ti·
r.sia, :i no,rke, espcci..:illy:i di,cipk o-{ the 'Witch. 'fer0t1,·i, J. n. ,-.•::i.jan.d<lest $01) of l. R. K<=
Pl,. 55. 61. piany, Koet-ocb, 11o~c <.hildn:n 1. B. '\\-'.
S~ri. I l):s.ijoe KL {sec T~. I. B. W.). Pb. 82, Tcrocwi; t. n. Nj. Tjeta: I Daijoc K(. Sid:
,oo. J. n. P. Mocd::.
soegihari (,,;i:bs,t:mtiH:fornl £roro s~gii:. ridt), laud u-u:mtx,;k.l>!. 97,
w!! ~ pri•·atdy own-NI. Pl. ~. tib,m, tbc 3-griC'ldtu:-.:.l )'C::U-oi t1>:clvc:-
Soel.oe:h, Djcro B,ali.,n. Pb .. .;. 6. 8. 2S, .:9, 100. mo:iths. J>L97.
Sod.ra. I Daijoe, (f;mgh1n o! 1. B. Made nJ:tri- T:l~m. t!1t !can o( New :-.rl)l)n. N. ~
s,ocra, PI~. ;fi. ;7. ;S, So-. Ti:uti!n, Nang. Pi. 27.
s«Mbai:. ::i.ptw.u:e o( seH-cit>p=r:Qn :mtl K>pC«. Tir<1c:-~ l. Pls. ii::, ;9. 6o..
1•!. 10. :is. rJ. ~i'-
Soc:ria. B<:u.n. th,., St:n <~ Pl. u. "J'j4lf:m(J'fi;:'!l.g,.:i n:ime !o:- tlte Witch. cponymnfflh•
~-W, I. rN'Tlnm·mow wl'l o1 ~ang .ind MC':TI ;ipplit:d m tl:.: Witch pby. 'Pk 13- 14. tt. !j.
~k:t.. Thcit <hildren :iTe: 1 51,ewili (boy); 5; to :>3,(io, 61, fh. 66. SS..
l (girl":.'.T C:.:ie(gir{). Pb. 7, sg.
).!Ol.~ tjanlff'lg,, mi:all l.:a(•u~y o( Oo...:crs,hcu,:
~ I, t«nonymt)ui: daughter of Nang ;ind ~h:n ch('Wir.:g:in1{!'t:illCtl.tsand Ga$h (~ san"'I. PL.
Soh. Their ch.ildrcn .ir...: t &>k.::..:l l'otkcl ~ S1.
(Wy ::i.:ktptcdby J-;:ing rockd); I Sockdl (girl): Yebong, :1 high ~-r ...mid:tl ofkriog d.
I Ca.mpUng (bo•(1; l Djocmab {hoy): I Pack Oowe:n.t'!.s. 4. 98.


ij,o!jAh,:1 fond re11:mlo1i11S

rice-nude hy c:fmppin8 TQ~ !. H. )fade. falhcr of I Dajoe Ph ..
aocl drying tuJ>t:oo( kctdtJ,.Pl. so, )◊) i"• $5-.
Tjcrita, J. Pl. 11. toja ( ulurt word for water), holy ~tcr. Pis. 6"
Tjcut, I. B. Nj. (~ Ti:mi:,,:L l. B. W.). Pb. i7, 6ai- ~- 56, s,, "" 89, 98.
ll7. Tomprlm, T. Pl. 6.
Tjiblod,. L Pl 4, Tm1gr.,,_l, l'ou (If l l'i.udet. l'!. :~.
ljili. a hu.nuu Ii.gore "'·ith ;i fan :1haped h~ tcpcng, a mMl;.. a th.(':ttriCl\l fmm rvp:o!!..- ~

Pl. '1· by .:i .single pcrl'o:mcr

v;?io SP!)C&n oc :.e:
1jili 4-mpiran. an offering con:1~ring:(lf :1 hum:m st:q.,<e
in a we«'SSionof d:ffC"T'l"'r.· -ub P1. 19-
Sii:ur,:LiedlO PJ.9S. To\\-;1Jc:,n.l. r.ami<: 'le:rn;::t in ~ c.. ~
Tjimjia, Sai:q:.r.m_<;.,
$.dcily, $00'.l('ti-mc::s
r.qmttcd w~tb !,:oilier of ! ~oct~ P'ls..: !, ~
lk:tarJ. Soera. I.he Sun. J>I,20, Tri~-,ngM, :l <n1ltnfrt- tMm W. ~u
r::!l"t' =p,,r,
the i!l!'."t rn'!e: !> the Brs 1 , ..... , !.."Vo::. ,-~
tjiri, :s wlen. especi;lll)' a tOl:('n ll('t, e.g.. if it is
on~. :.tud :.t d-:mce Jllust i>e ,he d.:n1o,
pJ'iC$ti .ue rtcruited. lb(' s«ood is the hn.
ny.t :md i-ndudts the rnl:ng pri-n(:t"I:the third
cc:- wm pc:,slw"t' fut' a moment M :i :jiri of the
the \'~fa. owJy rich kudcd ~--is:.oo:,.~.
,.-t--,k chnoe. Pl. 40.
Less than i.o ptt cent o{ the popul.ation ~
Tjoe:nglmeb. !, a sc::hiroid,'3grant. Pfa. 7, ~- T'rinH:nf,$4; the n,m:i.i-ndcr bci.n11;c!joba <>:"
Tj01."})U,I, ooanc- dckr brothc,- <1f T in •• (lu ts.;!c-i'S...
a story commonly $bown i1> ch"ati:r :md
..phy. l'!s.. 12, ~o.
sf!!!UO,,, :cm!ah. ;s (Xmta~nt:r. C)pcci:i.UyUte W"-'C!" i:t, w?iid!
tjor:c!ong.,ilic nu.rsc and sct\'ant of the prinC(:$'1in Ul('ooi·psc is carried to the «metcry for cre-
Bali.nest LI\C1ttt. Pls. lS, tt. mation. PI$. 11. 93. '91·
u,,:aJ:, a W:iuk m-;tdc by !cn:oenting the j'<,eof a W::nli. t (-. D:m1p1>e:k.1). Pl. d!.
polm. Pl. jO. W~ja.:ag,I . .Pl. ~!I·
ic,egoc, a $implt:r form Qf fir. M. 4 :,mjar:g. the sh:11towpl:i.y, a puppet used in l!b:i.,fow
t~ng ~rip, :i 1ip"d<% of offering:. rt 8_;. pby. Pl to.
t<M"mbrJ,fc, :s ~pt:a.r. l'l. 40. :.mjtmg::.vmg(wrmg i~ :t J:w:me;e wnrd fo:r
Toa:npd:" I. It PI, 78. bc!ug). a th,::i.uic:I! form i.u which hu:ua.n ac-
:«mpeng, 11 <<me
Ol:ftdco( ri<e past<', :i cnmmon l◊n arc $t1hstin1tOOfor the p1)ppm of the
ulhroporoorphic constirnent of o.'Teri»t,S·Pl. ~h:i,tow-p!:1y. r1,-. 1.11-oo. 61. S1l
,7. w-akoel(Uvm th<: s:u:ncroot" ,:,u,4k-_ a body; w4Ail,
T«"ngg;il, Rl"bT:i. rhc .. Cnit" God. l'I. :m. al\ .ig.cnt OT l"~e$C'tlt.:ltivr:.. ~,.;.). :I qii-ndric:al
to,,:r.gMd, :i 1''.:i1king$tid:. rJ. ss. l~dt-:l u)ffl in lltt: o:m:.,11.:-ua.i<m o! ~w.t.:-o~
Tat:t~, T. Pl. S11. roorrJiic off~v,.. Pls. ,i. 11, 98,99.
todr,cg lwmbrndu:rs. cen::nony bdd ,ti dayll ::ihc:- \'l:mder.i. t (:1ee Kcx:boe. 1). l'L ,JI).
birth o! a Ul'$t baby *nd i.c.nnjn'llt.ingthe scdu• W::nded .. I (St,: Rocboc. I). P-Js.t;. 81.
sion of the p;!T~ts. Pl. S4. \ 1{ar.t, I. Pl. ao.

• 2 77

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