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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

Biology Class 10 Chapter 2 (MCQs)

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48 Most Important MCQs

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SST Test Preparation: Biology Class 10 (Chapter 2) Prepared By: Sarwaich Encyclopedia: 0309-3934147
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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

Sarwaich Encyclopedia
Class : 10 Chapter : 2 Total MCQs: 48
Very Important Questions Biology Join our paid groups

01. The internal condition of an organism is referred to as;

A. homeostasis B. internal environment
C. internal metabolism D. feedback mechanism
02. A set of metabolic reactions that maintain the internal environment is:
A. positive feed back B. negative feedback
C. osmoregulation D. homeostasis
03. Removal of extra liquid is:
A. exudation B. guttation
C. respiration D. transpiration
04. Plants grow near coastal area are called
A. xerophytes B. halophyte
C. eplyphyte D. hygrophyte
05. Organ of a human body which is considered as the largest organ is:
A. skin B. digestive tract
C. liver D. brain Sarwaich Encyclopedia
06. The maintenance of body temperature with in suitable limit is called:
A. homoeotherm B. thermoregulation
C. osmoregulation D. heterotherm
07. The kidney is enclosed in a membrane called:
A. pericardium B. peritoneum
C. pleural membrane D. plumule
08. The network of blood capillaries present in the layer of skin:
A. epidermis B. dermis
C. hypodermis D. endodermis
09. Selective re absorption in nephron takes place at:
A. glomerulus B. malpighian body
C. convoluted tubules D. loop of Henle’s
10. The hormone ADH released from:
A. pituitary gland B. kidneys
C. liver D. lungs
11. Organisms maintain internal condition by:
A. feedback mechanism B. thermoregulation
C. osmoregulation D. guttation

SST Test Preparation: Biology Class 10 (Chapter 2) Prepared By: Sarwaich Encyclopedia: 0309-3934147
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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

12. When the rate of photosynthesis will be higher than respiration the plants gets:
A. extra O2 from the air and release extra B. extra CO2 from the air and release extra
CO2 in the air through stomata O2 in the air through stomata
C. extra CO2 from the air and release extra D. extra O2 from the air and release extra H2O
H2O in the air through stomata in the air through stomata
13. It is the maintenance of internal water and salt conditions by osmosis.
A. homeotherm B. thermoregulation
C. osmoregulation D. heterotherm
14. The removal of water in the form of vapours from the aerial part of plant is called:
A. exudation B. guttation
C. respiration D. transpiration Sarwaich Encyclopedia
15. Transpiration occurs at /in
A. day time only B. night time only
C. both day and night D. windy conditions
16. Guttation occurs from the margin of leaves through special pores called:
A. glomerulus B. epidermis
C. plumule D. hydathodes
17. The plants which grow in fresh water are called:
A. Hydrophytes B. Halophytes
C. Mesophytes D. Xerophytes
18. Hydrilla is a :
A. Hydrophytes B. Halophytes
C. Mesophytes D. Xerophytes
19. Plants grow in the soil of low water quantity are called:
A. hydrophytes B. Halophytes
C. Mesophytes D. Xerophytes
20. They grow in desert in desert or steep slopes or at high altitude.
A. Hydrophytes B. xerophytes
C. Halophytes D. mesophytes
21. Cacti is an example of:
A. halophytes B. xerophytes
C. hydrophytes D. mesophytes
22. Amoeba and Paramecium pump out excess water by:
A. skin B. gills
C. contractile vacuole D. kidneys
23. Bodies or cells of fresh water animals have
A. hypertonic conditions B. hypotonic conditions
C. isotonic conditions D. None of these
24. The removal of nitrogenous metabolic waste is called:
A. metabolism B. excretion
C. respiration D. exudation

SST Test Preparation: Biology Class 10 (Chapter 2) Prepared By: Sarwaich Encyclopedia: 0309-3934147
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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

25. Metanephridia is an excretory organ of:

A. planaria B. earthworm
C. cockroach D. arthropods
26. The excretory organ of a cockroach is:
A. Flame cell B. Metanphridia
C. Malpighian tubule D. Arthropods
27. They are called / It is called / filter/s of the body fluids.
A. skin B. lungs
C. liver D. kidneys
28. Human skin consists of:
A. two layers B. three layers
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C. four layers D. five layers
29. The outer layer of skin is called
A. epidermis B. dermis
C. hypodermis D. keratin
30. It is made up of flat, dead cells containing keratin protein.
A. hypodermis B. dermis
C. epidermis D. creatinine
31. The layer of skin contains receptors and sweat glands
A. creatinine B. epidermis
C. hypodermis D. dermis
32. Which statement is correct?
A. Epidermis is the layer present between B. Dermis is the layer present between the
dermis and hypodermis epidermis and hypodermis
C. Hypodermis is the layer present between D. Double layers of hypodermis are present
the dermis and epidermis between dermis and epidermis
33. Hair follicles, serbaceous glands and a network of arterioles are present in:
A. dermis B. hypodermis
C. Keratin D. epidermis
34. The innermost layer of the skin is :
A. epidermis B. dermis
C. hypodermis D. keratin
35. Which statement is correct?
A. Hypodermis contains hair follicles and a B. Hypodermis contains fats and stores
network of arterioles. energy
C. Hypodermis contains sebaceous glands D. Hypodermis contains sweat glands that
which secrete only sebum. secrete sweat on the surface to maintain
36. The level of H in the blood is continuously monitored by special detectors (receptor):
A. carotid bodies B. aortic bodies
C. both a and b D. none of these

SST Test Preparation: Biology Class 10 (Chapter 2) Prepared By: Sarwaich Encyclopedia: 0309-3934147
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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

37. Each kidney has an area in the center of concave surface which faces the vertebral column: this
area is called
A. peritoneum B. cortex
C. pelvis D. hillus
38. A fluid is filled in between peritoneum and kidney called
A. peritoneal fluid B. peritoneum fluid
C. hillus fluid D. peritoneum liquid
39. It is covered and protected by a fibrous capsule.
A. Cortex B. Medulla
C. Pelvis D. Hillus
40. It is the inner lighter portion of the kidney
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A. Cortex B. medulla
C. Pelvis D. Hillus
41. It contains the conical projection called renal pyramids
A. Pelvis B. Cortex
C. Hilus D. Medulla
42. Each afferent arterioles divides into numerous blood capillaries in Bawmann’s capsule are
collectively called:
A. Malpighian body B. renal corpuscle
C. glomerulus D. loop of Henle’s
43. Bowmann’s capsule with glamerulus is collectively called:
A. Malpighian body B. renal corpuscle
C. Both a and b D. None of these
44. Ultra filtration occurs at
A. malpighian body B. glomerulus
C. proximal convoluted tubules D. distal convoluted tubules
45. In the kidney, selective reabsorption occurs at:
A. Malpighian body B. renal corpuscle
C. glomerulus D. Loop of Henle’s
46. They are the functional unit of the kidney.
A. Renal corpuscles B. Nephrons
C. Malpighian bodies D. Glomerulus
47. Urea is formed in:
A. kidney B. pancreas
C. liver D. gall bladder
48. Kidney stone is a solid mass made of:
A. Calcium oxalate B. calcium carbonate
C. both a and b D. none of these

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SST Test Preparation Biology Class 10 Chapter 2

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