Energy - Carbon Management Week 4 V1.1

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MSS40122 Cert IV Sustainable Operations


Investigate energy management as a business issue
Develop required sustainability reports

© Insight Academy 2023 RTO 41393 | CRICOS03467G


Please switch off all devices

How are you?
Talk to the person next to you
& connect with how you both FEEL
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Internal Weather Report Check-In

Please check in and identify the following:

1. Stress/anxiety level from 1-10.

2. What emotions you are currently experiencing.
3. How open your heart is from 1-10.

What factors contribute to your current state?

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Warm up: Share an image

Look through your phone or
laptop for a recent photo.

Share with a partner.

Ask 5 questions about the pic.

Get to know each other more.

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Block Context: Where are we?

Week 1: All about energy
Week 2: Uses, carbon and EnMS
Week 3: EnMS & Frameworks
Week 4: Energy & Business
Week 5: Your Footprint + Sustainability Reporting
Week 6: Footprint + Report structure
Week 7: Reports, Templates + Assessments
Week 8: Block summary
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Assessment Timeline
Week 1: -
Week 2: -
Week 3: -
Week 4: -
Week 5: - : Assessment Workbook 1
Week 6: -
Week 7:
Week 8: - Assessment Workbook 2 + Preso
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Insight Advantage



What have you been engaging with?

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Class: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (with short break)

Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm

a lity
Class: 1:00 to 5:00 pm (with short break)
n ctu
P u = ect
e s p
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Question Time

What are some ways you can change

your energy habits or influence those
around you to change their habits to
be more efficient?

Are there any barriers stopping you?

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Today's Agenda

• Review
• EnMS + Related Topics
• Energy and Business
• Offsetting
• Net zero
• Assessment help
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Review (from week 3)

• More on EnMS
• Standards, legislations &
• ISO 50001 + identifying potential
EM opportunities
• Vic regulatory context in energy
EnMS + Related Themes
The next section of the lesson will look at
Energy Management Systems and it's
relationship with relevant sustainability topics.

This is specific to some of the

questions in your first assessment.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

EnMS + Relationship to:

• Efficiency
• Carbon emissions
• Fuel Switching
• Sustainability
• Identifying potential energy management
opportunities for organisations
• Risk identification
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Efficiency

How can EnMS create Efficiency?

• Using less energy to achieve the same outcome

• Achieving goals through planned EnMS
• Using efficient appliances
• Using smart technologies

What else?
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Co2 emissions

What is the relationship between carbon emissions and EnMS?

• EnMS can aim for zero emission goals by using renewable energy.
• Planned & implemented EnMS ultimately reduces energy consumption
which reduces carbon emissions.
• Carbon offset programs within an EnMS can offset produced
emissions of business activities.
More on carbon
offsets later!
What else?
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Fuel Switching

What is Fuel Switching?

• Switching from less efficient fuels to cleaner and more

economical alternatives

• Smarter fuel sources relate to PUE (power usage


What is an example of a sustainable and efficient fuel switch?

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Sustainability

How does sustainability relate to EnMS?

The overarching goal of energy management is to preserve natural

resources so our planet can be more sustainable for future generations to
In your own words, describe how EnMS relates to sustainability.
Spend 3-5 minutes thinking about this and writing /typing your
ideas, then verbally share this with the class.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Opportunities

How can you identify potential energy management opportunities for orgs.?

• EnMS processes identify opportunities for improvement.

• This could be done through a SWOT analysis or other analysis tool.
• Opportunities should be documented via energy targets and
• Procurement of supplies with poor energy efficiency can be seen as
opportunities for improvements.

Any other ideas?

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Relationship of EnMS + Risk

How does risk fit into EnMS?

• Risk assessments should be done in the planning stages of an EnMS to

understand the context better
• Continual monitoring & evaluation should update risks as changes occur
• The principle of ‘do no harm’ can be applied in planning, implementation
and monitoring stages.

Any other ideas??!

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Business + EnMS
What is a business driver?

List any examples.

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Business + EnMS
Which of the key business
drivers that you just came up
with might influence the energy
costs of an organisation?

Discuss at your table and then

share with the class.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Business + Opportunities
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Business + Opportunities
Imagine you are seeking ways within your organisation or business to
discuss energy management opportunities. You can use your current job as
an example.

What conversations could you have in your workplace? What would you
say to begin the conversation around energy efficiency?

Spend 10 minutes writing down your ideas.

Then you will share ideas with partner(s) in a "speed dating style" activity.
(if needed)
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

What about Carbon Offsetting?

Carbon offset schemes allow individuals

and companies to invest in environmental
projects around the world in order to
balance out their own carbon footprints.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Carbon Units A sing

le carb
on cre
dit do
es not
becau pr i ce on have a
se th the m
projec ere a arketpl
ts tha r e divers ace
t can e typ
1 tonne of CO2 quant
ce the
es of

prevented from
entering the atmosphere
1 carbon credit
Carbon Offsetting Explained
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Types of projects
Solar farms Carbon sinks
Wind farms Landfill gas capture
Tree planting Efficient cookstoves
Reforestation Clean transportation
Biogas projects + more...

Quality projects are:

real, measurable, additional to a business-as-usual scenario, permanent & independently verified
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Australian Offset Projects

What are the benefits?

• Australia has a responsibility to reduce our own emissions and investing in

local projects achieves this.

• Opportunities for further education & solutions in communities.

• Employment opportunities: technical expertise & financial benefits.

• Quality monitoring to ensure emissions reductions actually occur.

• Co-benefits like conservation of biodiversity, impact domestically.

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Global Offset Projects

What are the benefits?
• Financial help to some of the poorest communities in the world
• Offsets from developing nations are often cheaper than Australia
• Helps support the transition to clean, renewable energy
• Helps avoid a high emissions path of countries like Australia
• Improved health benefits (such as cooking stoves)
• Often linked with broader Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
including education, gender diveresity and environmental goals
Net zero

Have you heard of this term?

What is your understanding?
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Carbon Neutrality
GHG reduction is the primary environmental goal.

When it is not viable to prevent GHG emissions,

individuals and/or organisations choose carbon
offsetting to bring their emissions down. If enough
offsets are purchased to balance all GHG emissions
remaining after reduction efforts, then the net emissions
will be zero.

This is known as carbon neutrality.

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Net Zero Around the world

What about your country?
Do you think they have a plan to reach net zero in the future?
Carbon Neutra/Positive!: Bhutan
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business


• take responsibility for own climate impact
• demonstrate leadership beyond govt. incentives or regulations
• enhance branding/media coverage, especially in the eyes of
environmentally conscious consumers
• meet environmental procurement requirements
• tangibly demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• policy and overarching business plans and strategies
• values based motivations
• increase staff motivation to be part of a green company
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Australian National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) include:
• Gold Standard: selling Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs)
• Carbon Farming Initiative: selling Australian Carbon Credit Units
• Voluntary Carbon Standard: selling Verified Carbon Units (VCUs).
Unaccredited projects are not able to be traced to the above
standards and may be shady.
On the other hand, they can also include impactful grassroots
projects without resources to monitor and evaluate impact.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Hmm...wouldn't reductions have happened anyway?

Additionality requires greenhouse gas emissions
after implementing a project to be lower than that
which would have occurred in the most
plausible alternative scenario to the
implementation of the project.
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Example of Additionality in forest project

Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Types of projects: Your Turn

In weeks 5 & 6 we will do an

activity to specifically measure
your own individual carbon

In the meantime, complete the

next activity using statistics
from an "average Australian".
Energy & Carbon Management | Week 4 | Energy & Business

Types of projects: Your Turn (groups)

The average Aussie has a carbon footprint of 15 tonnes of CO2 per
year. Jump online & find 5-10 different ways someone could offset
that carbon footprint. • Solar farms
• Wind farms
• Tree planting
• Carbon sinks
• Where are the projects? • Landfill gas capture

Biogas projects
• How much do they cost?
• PROS and CONS of various offsets you find.
• Efficient cookstoves
• Clean transportation
• Solar farms
What is a citizen scientist?
Optional Excursion
• Please download the App to your smartphone:
• You have 30 minutes to walk outside and practice
using the app to measure trees. You can find trees on
the footpath or walk to nearby parks.
• If you jump on a tram, make sure to be back to class in
30 minutes
• Enjoy being a citizen Scientist!
Can you help NASA?

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