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Unit 5

Work: happens when a force causes an object to move

Formula: (J) OR
Negative work: when word is acting in the opposite direction to the direction of motion

Energy: the ability to do work

- Energy is conserved, so the total energy in a system remains the same
- Energy is a scalar quantity — it only has magnitude

- Thermal
- Electrical
- Chemical
- Mechanical potential and kinetic

Kinetic Energy: energy of an object in motion

- Formula:

Thermal Energy: Avg kinetic energy of atoms

- Atoms move at extremely quick speeds
- Fast the speed the hotter the temperature

Work Energy Principle: net work is equal to the change of kinetic energy

Potential Energy: stored energy

Gravitational potential energy:

Elastic potential energy: potential energy for a spring to do work

Total mechanical energy:

Conservative Forces
Conservative forces: forces in which the path taken doesn't change the work done
Non conservative forces: forces in which the path taken does change the work done
Conservation of energy: total mechanical energy for conservative forces
- Total energy for a closed system will remain the same

Power: the of change of work/energy

- Formula:
Horsepower (HP) = 745.7W

Practice Problems:
1. A person pulls a 50kg crate 40m along a floor by a force of which acts at .
The floor exerts a force of friction of Ff = 50N. Work?

Unit 6

Linear momentum: momentum of objects moving in the same line

Newton's 2nd Law: rate of change of impulse is force

Conservation of momentum:

Types of collisions:
- Elastic: kinetic energy is conserved (objects bounce off each other)
- Inelastic: kinetic energy is not conserved

Explosion: an inelastic collision that is an internal force that causes an object to propel itself in many
diff directions

Nonconservative forces: an object will have diff energy after

- Transform mechanical energy to other forms
- Ex. friction

Elastic Collisions: KE is conserved

- All objects speed remain same after collision
- Objects are going opp directions after

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