Test 1 Memo 2023

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science

Course: B.lng: Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Module: Control Systems 4A (BHSEEA4,BHS4A)

Assessment: Test 1

Test Content: Outcome A

ECSA Outcomes Assessed: NA

Examiner: Prof. Y Sun Moderator: Dr. Dzobo

Date: 28 Mach, 2023

Number of Pages: 5

Duration: 90 minutes

Marks: 40

Additional Instructions:

• No textbooks or notes may be used.

• Calculators may be used.

• Please label your answers clearly.

• Use correct SI units where appropriate.

• Write your student number below and hand you your question paper with
your answer sheet.

Student Number: ________________________________________

Name (optional): ________________________________________


The Magnitude Bode diagram of a minimum phase system is shown in Figure 1, find the open loop system
transfer function.

Figure 1: Bode plot of Question 1


From the Bode diagram we know:

the system has three open loop poles lying on s=0, s=0.2 and s=10√√

we have
𝐺(𝑠) = 1 1 √√√
𝑠( 𝑠+1)( 𝑠+1)
0.2 10


20 𝑙𝑜𝑔 | 𝐺(𝑠)|𝑠=𝑗0.2 = 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔 | 1 1 |
𝑠( 𝑠+1)( 𝑠+1)
0.2 10 𝑠=𝑗0.2

≈ 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔 | |
𝑗0.2(𝑗 + 1)
= 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔
|𝑗 + 1|
= 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔
= 40√√

i.e. 𝐾 = 28.28√

𝐺(𝑠) = 1 1 √√
𝑠( 𝑠+1)( 𝑠+1)
0.2 10

Question 2: [10]
Consider the system with the bode plots shown in Figure 2

1) What is the phase margin of the system?

2) Estimate the cross over frequency of the uncompensated system.

3) Is the system stable without an additional controller?

4) Is the following compensator a lead or lag compensator?

𝐷(𝑠) =
Answer: 1). -30 when KG=1 √√

2). Based on the low frequency asymptote, w=20 √√

3). PM is less than 0, system is not stable √√

4). zero = -3, √ pole = -8, √zero is dominant, lead. √√

Figure 2: Bode plots of Question 2

Question 3 [20]
To design a controller for a regulator system shown in Figure 3 based on the
required pole placement method. The plant is described by

𝑋̇ = AX + Bu


6 0 1
A=[ ] , 𝐵 = [ ].
1 22 1

Figure 3 Control diagram for Question 3

The system uses the state feedback control 𝑢 = −𝐾𝑋. The desired closed-loop
poles are

s = -12 + j6, s = -12– j6

Determine the state feedback gain matrix K to achieve the above desired closed-
loop poles.


First, we need check the controllability of the matrix of the system.

1 6
[B AB]=[ ] ✓✓
1 23
|B AB| = 17, and the rank of [B AB] is 2. ✓✓

Thus the system is completely state controllable and arbitrary pole placement is
possible. ✓✓

The desired characteristic equation is

(𝑠 + 12 − 𝑗6)(𝑠 + 12 + 𝑗6) = 𝑠 2 + 24𝑠 + 180 ✓✓

By defining the desired state feedback gain matrix as

K = [k1 k2]

𝑠 − 6 + 𝑘1 𝑘2
|sI – A + BK| = [ ] = 𝑠 2 + (𝑘1 + 𝑘2 − 28)𝑠 + 132 − 22𝑘1 −
−1 + 𝑘1 𝑠 − 22 + 𝑘2
5𝑘2 ✓✓✓✓


24= 𝑘1 + 𝑘2 − 28✓✓

and 180 = 132 − 22𝑘1 − 5𝑘2 ✓✓

We can obtain

𝐾 = [−18.12 70.12] ✓✓✓✓


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