Oreo Lab Double & MEGA With SD & SEM Stats (Shorter) For AP BIO ANSWER KEy

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Names:_______________________________________________________ Block_________

Nabisco lying??

Regular vs Double Oreo Lab

SD & SEM Statistical Analysis

● Research Question:

○ Is a Double-Stuff Oreo cookie really “double the stuff” of a regular oreo cookie?

● Null Hypothesis : In a hypothesis when there are no statistically significant relationships among
the two variables, the hypothesis is said to be a null hypothesis

● Example: If one plant is watered with distilled water and the other with mineral water, then there
is no difference in the growth and nourishment of these two plants.
● (Double stuff vs.standard) -

● Alternative Hypothesis : Alternative hypothesis defines there is a statistically important relationship

between two variables.
○ Example: If one plant is watered with distilled water and the other with mineral water, then the plant with
mineral water shows better growth and nourishment.
○ Primary (Double stuff vs.standard) -

● Variables
○ Independent variable (what you manipulate/change)

○ Dependent variable (what you measure/count

○ 3 Constants (what is the same for all types of Oreos)

Part I: Mass of the Oreo

● Procedure
1. Obtain the following materials
An electronic scale
● Regular Oreos
● Double-Stuff Oreos
● Calculator
● Colored pencils
● Ruler
2. Use the electronic scale to measure the mass of the variables listed in the table below. Record the data in the table to the
nearest hundredth. Use the zero out to get the mass of the filling without the weighing paper.

● Data and Observations

(must have a title)_________________________________________________________________

Type of Oreo Mass of filling (g) Type of Oreo Mass of filling (g)

2 6

1.6 7

2.4 5.7

2.3 5.4

2.4 6.3

2.5 5.3

Regular Oreos 2.2 Double Stuffed 5.9

2.4 4.9

2.1 5.2

2.3 5.6

2.5 5.4

1.4 4.8

2.3 6

● Table B: Record your Data

Type of Oreo Average Mass in (g)

Regular Oreo

Double Stuf Oreo

● Part 2: SD & SEM Statistical Analysis

○ Share your data with other groups and collect data for 12 cookies & fill out the table below.

Mass of Filling (g)

Regular Oreo Standard Double Stuff Standard Deviation

Deviation Oreo Calculation




Mean Sum: Sum:

● Calculations:
● Determine the standard deviation for both types of cookies. To receive credit your must show your work

Formula Regular Cookie Double Stuff

● Calculate 1 SEM & 2 SEM
Formula Regular Double

2 SEM (95%) confidence interval

● Graph the two filling types and add error bars showing +/-2 SEM. Include all of the same
requirements as your first graph in this lab.

● Analysis Questions: Standard Deviation

● Standard deviation (s) is a measure of the

● Look at your data: Which oreo has the highest standard deviation? What does this tell you about that

● Analysis Questions: Standard Error

a. SEM measures how close the sample mean is to the

b. When you graph + 2 SE on a graph, that means you are _______ confident that the TRUE population
mean falls somewhere in that range.

c. When standard error bars overlap between data points, what does that tell us?

d. When standard error bars DO NOT overlap between data points, what does that tell us?

e. Look at your data: Is there any overlap in error bars for any of the types of cookies?

f. Look at your data: What can be concluded from part 2 of this lab? Provide reasoning for your conclusion
based upon the means and the +/- 2 SEM.

● Conclusion :
a. Would you reject or accept the null hypothesis?( hint: is your data statistically significant?)

b. Every lab has room for some errors. They may be caused accidentally by humans, or they may
be a mechanical error that we cannot prevent from happening. What were some possible errors
in this experiment?

b. How could you improve this experiment?

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