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Grammar Diagnostic: Common Word Errors Name: ________________

Instructions​: For each question, circle the correct word choices in the parentheses.

1. The team won ( its / it's ) game. Did you win ( yours / your's ), ( to / too / two )? (3)

2. They left ( their / there ) books ( there / their / they're ). (2)

3. I ( here / hear ) ( your / you're ) about to graduate. (2)

4. ( Its / It's ) nice that ( there / their / they're ) friendly. (2)

5. Although I get ( alot / a lot ) of colds, I feel ( all right / alright ) now. (2)

6. ( Whose / Who's ) prettier ( then / than ) you? (2)

7. Are you tired? I'm out of ( breathe / breath ), ( to / too / two ). (2)

8. Run back and ( fourth / forth ) from ( hear / here ) to ( their / there ). (2)

9. ( Your / You're ) about to ( loose / lose ) ( your / you're ) book. (3)

10. Everyone will ( accept / except ) the prize ( accept / except ) you. (2)

11. Do you know ( weather / whether ) or ( not / knot ) he will give me the prize. (2)

12. Even now, many people ( choose / chose ) to ( live / leave ) in large cities. (2)

13. Is the doctor ( through / threw / thorough ) with my exam ( already / all ready )? (2)

14. What ( affect / effect ) does the school ( principle / principal ) have on you? (2)

15. What did he ( advice / advise ) you to do? Did you take his ( advice / advise )? (2)

16. ( There / Their / They're ) are ( to / too / two ) of ( your / you're ) friends here. (3)

17. I will ( buy / by / bye ) a book ( buy / by / bye ) Ray Bradbury. (2)
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Grammar Diagnostic: Common Word Errors Name: ​ANSWER KEY

Instructions​: For each question, circle the correct word choices in the parentheses.

1. The team won (​its​ / it's) game. Did you win (​yours​ / your's), (to / ​too​ / two)? (3)

2. They left (there / ​their​ / they’re) books (​there​ / their / they're). (2)

3. I (here / ​hear​) (your / ​you're​) about to graduate. (2)

4. (Its / ​It's​) nice that (there / their / ​they're​) friendly. (2)

5. Although I get (alot / ​a lot​) of colds, I feel (​all right​ / ​alright​)1 now. (2)

6. (Whose / ​Who's​) prettier (then / ​than​) you? (2)

7. Are you tired? I'm out of (breathe / ​breath​), (to / ​too​ / two). (2)

8. Run back and (fourth / ​forth​) from (hear / ​here​) to (their / ​there​). (2)

9. (Your / ​You're​) about to (loose / ​lose​) (​your​ / you're) book. (3)

10. Everyone will (​accept​ / except) the prize (accept / ​except​) you. (2)

11. Do you know (weather / ​whether​) or (​not​ / knot) he will give me the prize. (2)

12. Even now, many people (​choose​ / chose) to (​live​ / leave) in large cities. (2)

13. Is the doctor (​through​ / threw / thorough) with my exam (​already​ / all ready)? (2)

14. What (affect / ​effect​) does the school (principle / ​principal​) have on you? (2)

15. What did he (advice / ​advise​) you to do? Did you take his (​advice​ / advise)? (2)

16. (​There​ / Their / They're) are (to / too / ​two​) of (​your​ / you're) friends here. (3)

17. I will (​buy​ / by / bye) a book (buy / ​by​) / bye) Ray Bradbury. (2)

“all right” and “alright” - variant spellings
USAGE The merging of ​all ​and ​right ​to form the one-word spelling ​alright ​is first recorded toward the end of the
19th century (unlike other similar merged spellings such as altogether and already, which date from much
earlier). There is no logical reason for insisting that ​all right​ be two words when other single-word forms such as
altogether ​have long been accepted. Nevertheless, although found widely, alright remains nonstandard.

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