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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts

Faculty of Management Sciences

Department of Management Information Systems

Web Engineering
Course Project
Part 1: Create an Instance
Submitted by:
Member ID E-mail

Abdallah Mohammad 204507

Overviewed by:
Instructor: Dr. Adel Ghannam
Here after creating free account on Amazon web services (AWS), go to search bar and type EC2
and while choosing EC2 click Instances.
which is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides scalable cloud-based computing
resources. Amazon claims that with EC2, developers will have an easier time implementing web-
scale computing. It lets customers to have full control over their computing resources and
permits rapid scaling by providing developers with a fast way to boot new server instances

After clicking on EC2 and choosing instances, this page will appear and on the left of the page
we choose EC2 Dashboard then we can see first view all of active instances and their
characteristics too, after that we scroll down a little bit an orange bar of Text saying” Launch
instance” we will click it.
After we click “Launch instance” this page will appear where we can choose name in the bar
below here I can insert my project name , Name and ID “MIS-481 Abdallah Mohammad 204507

Here on the same page as above we scroll down then we can find Application an Operating
system (OS) which is AMI (Amazon Machine Image),then we can find some of the common
AMI Which is Amazon linux, MacOS, and Windows Microsoft here I choose Windows
Microsoft and on the right hand of the screen we can summary of the choosen AMI for EX:
Software image, Virtual server type and firewall and down a little bit we can see storage
After scrolling down on the same page we can see key pair name which is a mixture of public
key that is used Encrypt data and private key that is used to Decrypt data, then we click on create
new key pair then the following screen pops up

Here you can create your own key pair name then we choose .pem is downloaded into your side
of the server which is the pc that is used to create the instance.
I've included the instance's default network configuration below. However, I have lately changed
the name and title of the Security Group. Security groups in AWS are used to set rules for the
incoming and outgoing traffic of an EC2 instance. Port ranges, IP addresses, and security group
IDs are used to define which resources are authorised to connect to an EC2 instance. The
quantity of traffic allowed into an EC2 instance should be kept to a minimum. Don't employ a
policy that allows traffic from any IP or port.

After scrolling down on the same configuration page we can see configuration storage We'll
configure the instance's storage now. My investigation leads me to believe that the recommended
storage facility is our best bet. Most EC2 instances will attach to an EBS volume, which you will
configure below. Select a format and then specify the total size in gigabytes. Magnetic volumes
of varied generations, as well as general-purpose solid-state drives (SSDs) and supplied IOPS,
are on hand. Then we click launch instance
After clicking launch instance this page will appear saying successfully initiated launch of
instance Once this is done, we can move forward with developing our cloud-based web app to
include a wide range of features and functionalities that can be tailored to the specific
requirements of each user.
After that we click on blue text to redirect to the following page below

Here we click on Instance id highlighted in blue color to redirect to the following page below
After clicking this page appears here we can see all information regarding instance like Instance
ID, Public IP address and Private IP Address etc… then we go to instance state bar we click on
stop instance this will help in saving time and not waste 750 hours of free trial

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