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Journal of Materials Chemistry A Accepted Manuscript

Porous Ni Nanofibers with Enhanced Catalytic Effect
Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
on the Hydrogen Storage Performance of MgH2
Published on 03 July 2015. Downloaded by University of York on 07/07/2015 08:24:51.

Jie Chen,‡a Guanglin Xia,‡a,b Zaiping Guo,b* Zhenguo Huang,b Huakun Liu,b Xuebin
Received 00th January 2012,
Accepted 00th January 2012

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

Porous Ni nanofibers (NFs) were synthesized via a single- investigated as an effective and inexpensive catalyst to reduce the
nozzle electrospinning technique with subsequent calcination activation energy of hydrogen desorption from MgH2.21-24 Shang et
al. reported that MgH2 with the addition of microsized Ni (7 μm)
and reduction. The as-prepared continuous Ni NFs, with a
gave the most rapid desorption kinetics among several selected
uniform diameter of ~50 nm and porous structure composed additives, including Al, Fe, Nb, and Cu.25 Furthermore, recent
of a myriad of nanocrystallited Ni were adopted to catalyze theoretical calculations and metal-catalysis studies have shown that
MgH2. The homogeneous distribution of Ni nanoparticles downscaling catalysts to the nanoscale leads to further enhanced
(NPs), obtained by ball milling the Ni NFs with MgH2, on the catalytic effects.26,27 For example, Hanada et al. studied the H-
surface of the MgH2 offered effective catalytic sites to storage properties of ball-milled MgH2 with a small amount of Ni
significantly enhance the hydrogen storage properties of nanoparticles (NPs) as catalyst, which indicated that their 2 mol %
Ni-nanodoped MgH2 composite could desorb 6.5 wt% H2 in the
MgH2. In particular, 4% Ni NF catalyzed MgH2 (MgH2 – 4%
temperature range from 150 to 250 °C, whereas pure MgH2 did not
Ni NFs) starts to release hydrogen at only 143 oC, with a peak decompose.28 Afterwards, Xie et al. investigated the nanocatalyst
temperature of 244 oC, 157 oC and 96 oC lower, respectively, mechanisms systematically, confirming that the enhanced desorption
than for MgH2 catalyzed with as-milled 4% Ni powders kinetics are mainly attributable to the lower decomposition barrier of
(MgH2 – 4% Ni powders), and it dehydrogenates completely the hydride phase and the accelerated combination of hydrogen
within only 11 min at 325 oC (7.02 wt%). Compared with atoms on the surface of the MgH2 because of the addition of Ni
NPs.29 In addition, reducing the particle size of the catalyst realizes
plain MgH2 and MgH2 – 4% Ni powders, the activation
sufficient dispersion on the surface of the MgH2 and enhances the
energy of the as-milled MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs composite is intimate interface between the Ni particles and the hydride,
significantly decreased to 81.5 kJ mol-1. therefore, providing more active catalytic sites.16,30

Hydrogen, with the great advantages of high gravimetric energy Herein, we present a simple and efficient strategy for the synthesis
density (142 MJkg-1), widely available sources, light weight, and of Ni nanofibers (NFs) via the electrospinning technique. A sketch
environmental friendliness, has been considered as one of the best of the typical electrospinning setup is illustrated in Fig. 1. Basically,
alternative energy carriers to satisfy increasing demands for a an electrospinning system consists of three major components: a
sustainable and clean energy supply.1-3 Developing a safe and high voltage power supply, a spinneret (e.g., a pipette tip) and a
efficient hydrogen storage medium, however, is still one of the main grounded collecting plate (usually a metal screen), which utilizes a
obstacles to the widespread application of hydrogen.4-7 high voltage source to inject charge of a certain polarity into the
Owing to its high gravimetric density (7.6 wt% H2), high polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/Ni(NO3)2 solution. When the electric
volumetric density (110 kg m-3), low cost, and abundance, as well as field applied reaches a critical value, the repulsive electrical forces
its good reversibility, MgH2 has been identified as one of the most overcome the surface tension forces and eventually, a charged jet of
attractive materials for solid hydrogen storage,8-14 although its the solution is ejected from the tip of the Taylor cone and an
thermodynamic stability and slow kinetics limit practical application unstable and a rapid whipping of the jet occurs in the space between
of the MgH2 system. One of the most effective strategies to improve the capillary tip and collector which leads to evaporation of the
the hydrogen storage performance of MgH2 is doping with additives, solvent, generating PVP-coated Ni(NO3)2 fibers. Porous Ni NFs can
such as transition metal intermetallic compounds (Nb, V, Cu, Mo, be prepared by the calcination of as-electrospun NFs, followed by
Co, etc.).15-20 Among them, nickel has been experimentally reduction in hydrogen atmosphere. The as-prepared Ni NFs

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composed of loosely connected Ni nanocrystallites with a uniform centered-cubic (fcc) Ni, further demonstrating the successful
diameter are easy to break up into ultrafine Ni NPs during the ball- fabrication of porous Ni NFs.
milling process, which results in good distribution of the Ni NPs on
the surface of the MgH2. Hence, higher surface area of the Ni NPs
with a diameter of 17 nm, enhanced intimate interfaces between Ni

Journal of Materials Chemistry A Accepted Manuscript

and MgH2, homogeneous distribution, and more active catalytic sites
can be achieved, leading to remarkable catalytic effects on MgH2.
Favorable hydrogen desorption properties of the resultant MgH2
composite were observed and are discussed, based on these
experiments. In addition, activation energy of 81.5 kJ mol-1 for the
MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs composite has been obtained, and it
demonstrates enhanced kinetics.
Published on 03 July 2015. Downloaded by University of York on 07/07/2015 08:24:51.

Fig.1 Schematic illustration of the electrospinning process of a Ni(NO3)2-PVP Fig.2 (a) SEM image of the as-electrospun PVP-coated Ni(NO3)2 NFs and (b, c)
TEM images of the NiO NFs; (d) SEM, (e) TEM, and (f) HRTEM images of the Ni
mixture using a single-needle nozzle.
NFs, with the inset to (f) showing the corresponding selected area electron
diffraction pattern.
As shown in Fig. 2(a), the as-spun nitrate/PVP composite NFs are
randomly oriented with smooth surfaces and average diameter of ~ The crystal phase and structural information on the as-synthesized
200 nm. After thermal annealing up to 500 °C, the uniform fibrous NiO NFs before and after reduction were obtained by X-ray
nanostructure is well preserved during the calcination to form NiO, diffraction (XRD) measurements. As shown in Fig. S1, three
as displayed in panel (b) of Fig. 2. The as-prepared NiO NFs are prominent diffraction peaks at 37.3o, 43.3o, and 62.8o can be ascribed
homogeneous and continuous, with a significant diameter shrinkage to the (101), (012), and (110) planes of cubic NiO (JCPDS card no.
to ~50 nm due to the decomposition of the PVP polymer template. 47-1049), respectively. The high intensity and sharp peaks indicate
The magnified transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of the good crystallinity of NiO. After reduction, pure Ni phase could
the NiO NFs [Fig. 2(c)] reveals that each NiO NF is composed of a appear, as revealed by two diffraction peaks at 44.5o (111) and 51.6o
number of NiO ultrafine nanocrystallites with a typical diameter of 5 (200) that are indexed to the Ni crystalline structure (JCPDS card no.
–10 nm. These nanoscale crystallites are stacked one by one along 65-0380), corresponding to the HRTEM results in Fig. 1(f), without
the direction of the nanotube axis, giving the nanofiber a rough the detection of NiO phase.
surface. Note that numerous holes or voids among the nanograins To explore the effects of Ni NFs on the dehydrogenation
can be directly observed in Fig. 2(b, c) owing to the removal of PVP performance of MgH2, a comparison of the thermal decomposition
during the calcination. Fig. 1(d) and (e) show typical scanning performance of the as-prepared MgH2 – Ni NFs with the ball-milled
electron microscope (SEM) and TEM images of the Ni NFs MgH2 – Ni powder composites and pure MgH2 as a control sample
collected at low and high magnification, respectively, demonstrating was conducted by mass spectroscopy (MS). Fig. 3 illustrates the
that the one-dimensional (1D) fibrous structures with ~ 50 nm hydrogen decomposition performance of as-milled MgH2– Ni NFs,
average diameter could be preserved during the entire thermal the MgH2 – Ni powders, and MgH2, respectively. Pure MgH2 started
reduction process. They are quite thermally stable without structural to release hydrogen at ~340 oC, with a peak temperature of 385 oC.
collapse. Nonetheless, it should be noted from Fig. 2(e) that the Ni The figure clearly shows that both the onset temperature and the
NPs exhibit a large average grain size of 20 nm. The growth of peak temperature are tremendously reduced with the addition of Ni
individual Ni nanograins required the consumption of more material NFs or powders. The MgH2 – 2% Ni powders began to release H2 at
nearby, which simultaneously triggered the formation of nanograin 300 oC, with a peak temperature of 376 oC, about 40 oC and 9 oC
spacing and created greater spacings among the nanograins.31 As a lower than for pure MgH2, respectively. This downward trend was
result, the continuous fibrous structure of the precursor was replaced more obvious with an increasing amount of catalyst. For example,
by a more loosely connected nanocrystalline morphology, which is the onset and peak temperatures of MgH2 – 4% Ni powders were
favored for the subsequent homogeneous dispersion of Ni NPs on further reduced to 300 oC and 340 oC, respectively. Compared with
the MgH2 surface during the ball milling. The high-resolution TEM Ni powder catalyzed MgH2, the 2 wt% NF–doped MgH2 sample
(HRTEM) image of the Ni NFs [Fig. 2(f)] reveals the crystalline exhibited much better desorption performance with the onset and
character of Ni, and the distance between the lattice fringes is 0.20 peak temperatures downshifted to 170 oC and 278 oC, respectively,
nm, corresponding to the d-spacing of the (111) planes of face- which was even about 130 oC and 62 oC lower than for the MgH2 –

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4% Ni powders. The significant decrease in the desorption presented in Fig. 4. It shows that the as-milled MgH2 has the
temperature demonstrated the outstanding catalytic performance of worst desorption rate and the smallest desorption capacity
the Ni NFs. Moreover, with the further addition of NFs to 4%, the compared with all the composites: only 0.75 wt% hydrogen was
MgH2 exhibited the lowest desorption temperature among all these desorbed, even after 90 min. The addition of 4% Ni powders
mixtures. Specifically, the onset and peak temperatures of the MgH2 could considerably improve the desorption performance of

Journal of Materials Chemistry A Accepted Manuscript

– 4% Ni NFs were around 143 oC and 244 oC, about 197 oC and 141 MgH2, which released 2.18 wt% H2 within 30 min. By
C lower than for the as-milled MgH2. In addition, the two-step comparison, 2% Ni NF catalyzed MgH2 could release 6.16 wt%
decomposition caused by uneven blending, observed in the H2 within the same time, while the amount of 7.02 wt% H2
desorption process for MgH2 – 2% Ni NFs, could also be eliminated. could be desorbed in less than 15 min from the MgH2 – 4% Ni
Detailed comparison of the operating temperatures is listed in Table NFs composite, approaching its theoretical releasable capacity.
1. The significantly decreased operating temperature of MgH2 These results obviously demonstrate the superior dehydriding
indicated that Ni NFs can significantly improve the desorption kinetics induced by the introduction of Ni NFs compared with
properties of MgH2, with performance superior to that of Ni Ni powders.
powders. Taking both the operating temperature and the desorption capacity
Published on 03 July 2015. Downloaded by University of York on 07/07/2015 08:24:51.

into consideration, presentative MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs composite was

selected for further study. Fig. 5(a) shows that the MgH2 – 4% Ni
NFs had a hydrogen release of ~5.6 wt% and ~6.9 wt% even at
temperatures as low as 250 oC and 275 oC respectively, whereas pure
MgH2 hardly decomposes, as reported in the literature.28,29 With
increasing operating temperature, the MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs composite
features faster kinetics. Upon further elevating the temperature to
300 °C, 325 oC, hydrogen capacities of 6.57%, 7.02% in 11 minutes
could be reached, respectively, after a drastic hydrogen evolution
within several minutes. In contrast, ball-milled MgH2 – 4% Ni
powders can only release 5.38 wt% H2 in the same time at the even
higher temperature of 375 oC, as shown in Fig. 5(b). From the
current experimental results, it can be concluded that the Ni NFs are
much superior compared with the traditional Ni powders towards
improving dehydrogenation of MgH2, corresponding to the previous
results from MS and isothermal experiments.

Fig.3 MS results for pure MgH2, ball-milled MgH2 – Ni powders, and MgH2 – Ni
NFs with different mole ratios(2%, 4%), with a heating rate of 5 °C min−1.

Table 1 Onset dehydrogenation temperature and the peak temperature for as-
milled samples.

Sample name Onset temperature Peak

(oC) temperature(oC)

Bulk MgH2 340 385

MgH2 – 2% Ni 300 376

Fig.4 Isothermal dehydrogenation curves of the pure MgH2, ball-milled MgH2 - Ni
powders, and MgH2 – Ni NF composites with different mole ratios (2%, 4%) at
MgH2 – 2% Ni 170 278 300 oC.
For a quantitative evaluation of the enormously improved
dehydriding kinetics of the as-prepared MgH2 – 4% Ni powders, the
MgH2 – 4% Ni 300 340 apparent activation energy (Ea) was calculated by fitting the
powders isothermal dehydriding curves at different temperatures using the
Johanson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov (JMAK) equation:
MgH2 – 4% Ni 143 244 ln ln1  α ηlnt r
NFs where a is the fraction already reacted at time t, k is the rate constant,
and ƞ is the Avrami exponent, which is generally used to understand
the dimensionality of the MgH2/Mg growth process and obtain
The dehydrogenation kinetics of Ni NF catalyzed MgH2 was insight into the dehydrogenation mechanism.32-35 Plotting
evaluated via isothermal desorption patterns at 300 oC, as ln[−ln(1−α)] against ln t in the range 0.2 α0.5 yields a straight
line, where ƞ = slope and k = eintercept/slope. A hydrogen desorption

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fraction ranging from 0.2-0.5 was adopted to fit the kinetic curves. Arrhenius plots according to the isothermal H2 desorption of the MgH2 – 4% Ni
The values of k were applied to calculate the dehydrogenation NFs and MgH2 – 4% Ni powders.
activation energy according to the Arrhenius equation. As shown in
Fig. 5(c), it gives the activation energies of approximately 81.5 kJ
mol−1 and 141.3 kJ mol-1 for the MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs and its MgH2 –

Journal of Materials Chemistry A Accepted Manuscript

4% Ni powder counterpart, respectively. The significant decrease in
activation energy gives direct evidence of the improvement of the
hydrogen release kinetics resulting from the Ni NF catalysts.
Published on 03 July 2015. Downloaded by University of York on 07/07/2015 08:24:51.

Fig.6 X-ray diffraction patterns of as-milled samples: (a) MgH2, (b) MgH2 – 4% Ni
powders, and (c) MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs; and of the samples after dehydrogenation:
(d) MgH2, (e) MgH2 – 4% Ni powders, and (f) MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs.

Fig.7 SEM image (a), TEM image (b), EDX spectrum (c), scanning TEM image (d) of
the MgH2-4% Ni NFs composite after ball-milling with the corresponding Mg map
(e) and Ni map (f).

To further understand the relevant effects of the Ni NFs on the

desorption performance of MgH2, morphology and microstructure
studies of the composites after ball milling were conducted. The
XRD patterns [Fig. 6(a-c)] indicated that the composite after milling
mainly contained the MgH2 phase, which demonstrated that MgH2
did not decompose during ball milling. A broad Ni peak could be
Fig.5 (a) Hydrogen desorption kinetics curves of the milled MgH2 – 4% Ni NF observed from the XRD diffraction patterns of the MgH2 – 4% Ni
composite at different temperatures, (b) hydrogen desorption kinetics curves of NFs sample, indicating the small grain size of Ni. The average
the milled MgH2 – 4% Ni powder composite at different temperatures, (c) particle size of Ni, calculated from the Debye–Scherrer equation, is
∼17.6 nm. After the decomposition, the peaks belonging to Mg

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appeared, together with the disappearance of MgH2 [Fig. 6(d-f)], Experimental Sections
which directly confirms the complete dehydrogenation of MgH2.
Furthermore, from Fig. 6(f), we can see that a small amount of Fabrication of Ni NFs
Mg2Ni phase was formed due to the high temperature heat treatment To synthesize Ni NFs, a three-step process was adopted as
upon dehydrogenation. described below. In the first step, 0.35 mmol nickelnitrate

Journal of Materials Chemistry A Accepted Manuscript

Additionally, the microstructure of the MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs hexahydrate (Ni(NO3)2·6H2O, A.R., Alfa-Aesar Inc., USA) and
composite after ball milling was also investigated by TEM. From
Fig. 7(a, b), clearly, the 1D fibrous structure of Ni was broken up polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, Mw ≈ 1 300 000, Sigma-Aldrich
during the ball-milling into numerous Ni NPs with a uniform size Inc.,USA) were dissolved in a mixed solution of 1.25 mL N,N-
distribution of ~10 – 20 nm, corresponding to the calculation results dimethylformamide (DMF, A.R., Tianjin Chemical Corp.,
based on previous XRD results in Fig. 6, which were distributed China) and 1.25 mL ethanol (A.R., Tianjin Chemical Corp.,
homogeneously on the surfaces of the MgH2. The energy dispersive China), with vigorous stirring for 5 h to make a homogeneous
X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) spectrum [Fig. 7(c)] further identifies the spinning dope. The well-prepared precursor solution was
elemental composition of Ni and Mg. As we can see from the EDX
Published on 03 July 2015. Downloaded by University of York on 07/07/2015 08:24:51.

poured into a syringe with an 18-gauge blunt-tipped needle. We

elemental maps for the MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs after ball milling [Fig.
7(d-f)], the element Ni is dispersed homogeneously on the MgH2 set the voltage, which was provided by a high-voltage power
matrix, consistent with the results of Fig. 7(b). As mentioned above, supply between the needle and the collector, at 12 kV. The flow
the Ni NFs exhibited a porous morphology, which was composed of rate of solution was approximately 250 µL h−1 controlled by a
stacks of a number of loosely connected Ni NPs. This special syringe pump (Longer, TJP-3A, China), and a grounded
precursor structure not only benefits the uniform dispersion of Ni in stainless steel plate was horizontally placed 15 cm from the
the system during ball milling, but also effectively prevents the needle to collect the nanowires. Secondly, the as-collected
aggregation of particles and provides a more intimate reaction
fibers produced by electrospinning were annealed in air at 200
between the catalyst and the MgH2. By using the as-prepared Ni NFs
with their distinctive structure, ultrafine Ni NPs were fabricated °C with a heating rate of 1 °C·min−1, and then sintered at 500
successfully with favorable distribution on the surfaces of the MgH2. °C for 3 h to obtain the nanoporous NiO fibers. Finally
It is well known that the reaction kinetics of MgH2 are enhanced successive reduction to 400 °C for 2 h was conducted under
with decreasing particle size of the catalyst, due to the higher surface dynamic H2 atmosphere under a pressure of 1 bar and yielded
area, shorter intimate interfaces between Ni NPs and the hydride, the 1D nanoporous Ni fibers with a heating rate of 1 °C min−1.
and more catalytic active sites on the surface of the MgH2. Hence, Ni
Preparation of nanocatalyzed MgH2 composites
NFs exert a better catalytic effect than Ni powders on the hydrogen
storage performance of MgH2. The composites were synthesized from commercially available
MgH2 (Alfa Aesar 98%) and the prepared Ni NFs as catalyst.
Conclusions The MgH2 powder was mixed with Ni NFs by ball milling for 5
h to form a mixture for further experimental trials. The mole
In summary, we have successfully developed a facile and ratios of Ni catalyst to MgH2 were 2% and 4%, respectively.
simple method to synthesize porous Ni NFs by a single-nozzle The ball milling was performed on a planetary ball mill (QM-
electrospinning technique. The as-synthesized Ni NFs showed 1SP2, Nanjing) with a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 50:1 and a
enhanced catalytic effects on the dehydrogenation performance rotation speed of 200 rpm. For comparison, 2 mol% and 4 mol%
of MgH2, with the rapid release of 7.02 wt% hydrogen in 11 Ni powders (Alfa Aesar) were ball-milled with MgH2 under
min at 325 °C. Moreover, the onset dehydrogenation identical conditions, respectively. In addition, pure MgH2
temperature of MgH2 significantly decreased with increasing without catalyst was also ball milled in same way as a reference
amounts of Ni catalyst, i.e., from 340 oC for pure MgH2, to 170 sample. All the materials were handled in a glovebox filled
C for the MgH2 – 2% Ni NFs composite, to the lowest value of with purified argon (99.999%), which could keep the water
143oC for the MgH2 – 4% Ni NFs sample. In addition, vapor and oxygen levels below 1 ppm by recycling the
activation energy of 81.5 kJ mol-1 for the as-milled MgH2 – 4% purification system to protect samples from hydroxide
Ni NFs composite has been obtained, which demonstrates the formation and/or oxidation.
enhanced kinetics. The novelty of the methodology lies in the Characterization
use of NFs composed of Ni nanocrystallites as the precursor, Mass spectrometry (MS, Netzsch STA 449C) was conducted at
which can realize the homogenous dispersion of Ni NPs on the room temperature at a heating rate of 5 °C min−1 under dynamic
surface of the hydride. It is proposed that the well-distributed argon with a purge rate of 80 mL min-1. The phase composite
Ni NPs could significantly enhance the intimate interface on of the powders was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (D8
between Ni and the hydride, thus providing more active Advance, Bruker AXS) with Cu Kα radiation. Amorphous tape
catalytic sites, which can give rise to excellent hydrogen was used to prevent any possible reactions between the sample
storage properties for the MgH2. Furthermore, the strategy of and air during the XRD measurements. The morphology of the
utilizing the electrospinning technique for fabricating NFs as samples was evaluated using a field emission scanning electron
catalysts opens up a prospective route for the synthesis of microscope (FE-SEM; JEOL7500FA, Tokyo, Japan) and a
superior catalysts for other hydrogen storage materials. transmission electron microscope (TEM; JEOL 2011 F, Tokyo,
Japan). Elemental analysis was performed with an Elemen Tar
Vario EL3 Elemental Analysis. The hydrogen storage
properties of the ball-milled MgH2/Ni NFs composite, the

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