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E cient Ransomware Detection via Portable

Executable File Image Analysis By LLaMA-7b

Xiang Li (  lixiangsh1996@hotmail.com )
Changsha Institute of Technology https://orcid.org/0009-0008-6067-533X
Tingting Zhu
Changsha Institute of Technology https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4693-1571
Wenbo Zhang
Changsha Institute of Technology https://orcid.org/0009-0009-6296-1628

Research Article

Keywords: Ransomware Detection, Large Language Models, Image Analysis, Portable Executable Files,
Cybersecurity, LLaMA-7b Model

Posted Date: November 30th, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3679775/v1

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Efficient Ransomware Detection via Portable Executable File Image Analysis By

Xiang Lia , Tingting Zhua , Wenbo Zhanga

a Changsha Institute of Technology, Furong District, Changsha, 410000, Hunan, PRC

This research focuses on developing a novel ransomware detection methodology leveraging the capabilities of the open source large
language model LLaMA-7b and image analysis of Portable Executable (PE) files. By transforming PE files into grayscale bitmap
images and analyzing these using the LLaMA-7b model, the study introduces an innovative approach in cybersecurity. The model
demonstrates high accuracy in distinguishing ransomware from benignware, with a significant true positive rate and minimal false
positives and negatives. This method overcomes the limitations of traditional static and dynamic analysis, proving effective against
modern ransomware variants. The findings suggest that integrating advanced technologies like LLMs in cybersecurity offers a
promising direction for enhancing ransomware detection and prevention.
Keywords: Ransomware Detection, Large Language Models, Image Analysis, Portable Executable Files, Cybersecurity,
LLaMA-7b Model

1. Introduction tection of ransomware are fraught with considerable shortcom-

ings. The approach of static analysis, which entails scrutiniz-
Ransomware, a malicious type of software engineered to ing the code of a program without actual execution, is often
blackmail users with compromised access to valuable data until rendered ineffective by the advanced obfuscation techniques
a specified sum is remitted, has risen as an intimidating threat adopted in contemporary ransomware [11, 12]. These sophis-
in the domain of cybersecurity [1, 2]. This category includes ticated methods can skillfully mask the malicious intent of the
crypto-ransomware, known for its file encryption capabilities code, making it challenging for static analysis to discern the
that render data inaccessible to users, and data breach ransomware, threat [13]. Conversely, dynamic analysis, focusing on the ob-
characterized by the unauthorized acquisition of confidential servation of a program’s behavior while it is running, tends to
data, often coupled with the menace of public exposure if a be demanding in terms of resources [14]. More critically, it
ransom is not paid [3]. The repercussions of ransomware as- has been observed that this method frequently fails to identify
saults are far-reaching, impacting not just individual users but ransomware until it has already commenced its malicious op-
also extensive organizations, leading to disruptions in opera- erations [15]. Such a lag in detection can lead to devastating
tions, notable financial setbacks, and harm to their public stand- consequences, especially when dealing with ransomware vari-
ing [4]. As a result, the effective detection of ransomware has ants that act swiftly [16]. The crux of the research void lies in
become crucial in counteracting these hazards [2, 5]. By iden- the necessity to devise a detection methodology that is not only
tifying such threats promptly, it is possible to thwart the activa- efficient and effective in promptly recognizing ransomware but
tion of ransomware, protect vital data, and uphold the integrity also possesses the resilience to withstand the evasion tactics
of computer systems [6]. The rapid ascent of ransomware as a employed by cyber attackers [17]. This method should ide-
critical security concern is underscored by the increasing com- ally identify ransomware threats before they inflict irreversible
plexity and sophistication of these attacks [7]. In the recent harm, thereby bridging the current gap in cybersecurity mea-
past, the landscape of ransomware has evolved, demonstrating sures [18].
a shift towards more advanced methods of evasion and attack The strategy adopted in this research seeks to bridge the
[8]. This evolution necessitates a continual adaptation of de- existing gap through the innovative use of image analysis of
tection strategies [5, 9]. Traditional detection mechanisms are Portable Executable (PE) files in tandem with large language
often outpaced by these evolving threats, and the need for in- models (LLMs). This involves the conversion of PE files into a
novative approaches in ransomware identification is more pro- visual format, enabling the subsequent analysis of these images
nounced than ever [10, 5]. Given the significant potential for to uncover patterns and irregularities that are often characteris-
damage and disruption caused by ransomware, it is evident that tic of ransomware. This technique capitalizes on the sophisti-
the development of effective detection methodologies is not just cated pattern recognition and learning proficiencies inherent in
beneficial but essential for the security of digital infrastructures LLMs, with a particular emphasis on the fine-tuned LLaMA-
[9]. 7b model. In contrast to conventional machine learning algo-
However, the methodologies currently employed for the de- rithms, which necessitate substantial feature engineering and
November 29, 2023
are frequently constrained by the availability and quality of la- highlighted the shortcomings in traditional machine learning
beled data, LLMs have demonstrated an ability to generalize ef- methodologies when applied to the analysis of PE files [18, 12].
fectively from extensive pools of unlabeled data, an ability that Often, these limitations stem from the selection of inadequate
can translate to enhanced flexibility and precision in detection. features, which fail to capture the nuanced characteristics of
Moreover, the application of LLMs in analyzing these images is ransomware [13, 34]. Following this, a significant amount of
particularly apt for managing the intricacies and diversities in- research has delved into the extraction and comprehensive anal-
herent in contemporary ransomware. Such an approach, lever- ysis of metadata derived from PE files [5, 1]. This scrutiny has
aging LLMs, offers a more robust and efficient framework for been instrumental in shedding light on the distinct attributes of
the early detection and prevention of ransomware, standing as a ransomware [35, 36]. Moreover, the application of static anal-
testament to the potential of integrating advanced technologies ysis in scrutinizing the structure of PE files, without executing
in cybersecurity endeavors. the underlying code, has been an area receiving considerable
attention [37, 38]. However, the efficacy of this method is fre-
2. Related Studies quently challenged by the advanced obfuscation techniques em-
ployed by ransomware, which are designed to conceal its mali-
This section reviews existing literature relevant to ransomware cious intent [39, 40].
detection and the application of Portable Executable file analy- Further advancements in the field have seen the exploration
sis in this domain. of novel methodologies, such as the application of graph the-
ory [41, 42]. This approach involves modeling the intricate
2.1. Ransomware Detection relationships within PE files, aiding significantly in the detec-
Ransomware’s evolution has been marked by an increas- tion of ransomware [9, 43]. Additionally, the incorporation of
ingly significant threat within the cybersecurity domain [3, 8]. deep learning algorithms in the analysis of PE file attributes
Initially, extensive research has been conducted on the utiliza- has been a promising development [6, 24]. These algorithms
tion of behavioral analysis for the detection of ransomware ac- have demonstrated enhanced capacity in detecting ransomware,
tivities [16, 19]. This research has primarily concentrated on owing to their ability to recognize complex patterns and irreg-
understanding the ways in which ransomware interacts with file ularities [7, 2]. Finally, there has been a concerted effort in
systems and network resources, thereby disrupting traditional research circles to develop hybrid analysis methods [33, 12].
operational flows [20, 21]. Furthermore, the field has witnessed These methods synergize the strengths of both static and dy-
considerable exploration into the capabilities of anomaly detec- namic analysis techniques when applied to PE files, leading
tion systems in pinpointing ransomware [22, 5]. These systems to a more robust and effective detection of ransomware threats
are notably effective when focusing on irregularities diverging [17, 30].
from established patterns of network traffic [10, 23]. Addition-
ally, the realm of deep learning, with a specific focus on convo-
3. Methodology
lutional neural networks (CNNs), has emerged as a central area
of study [6, 24]. This approach has proven particularly adept This section outlines the methodologies employed in our re-
at enhancing the precision of identifying complex and intricate search to detect ransomware through image analysis of Portable
patterns associated with ransomware activities [7, 2]. Executable files.
Moreover, the development of dynamic analysis methods,
underpinned by machine learning technologies, has provided 3.1. Data Collection
valuable insights [14, 15]. These methods enable the moni-
The collection of Portable Executable (PE) file data was
toring of ransomware in a real-time context, shedding light on
a meticulous process, involving the aggregation of a compre-
the behavioral dynamics of ransomware during its active phases
hensive dataset from various reliable sources. These sources
[25, 26]. Alongside these developments, there has been a grow-
included online malware repositories, cybersecurity databases,
ing recognition of the potential that cloud-based solutions hold
and collaborations with IT security organizations. For this study,
for ransomware detection [27]. By harnessing the power of
a focused collection of four types of new ransomware vari-
distributed computing, these solutions offer a scalable and ef-
ants, namely BlackCat, LockBit, Hive, and BlackBasta, was
fective means of identifying and mitigating ransomware threats
conducted. Older variants such as WannaCry and Petya were
[28, 29]. Finally, the contribution of big data analytics in the
deliberately excluded as they are no longer active threats. Ad-
arena of ransomware detection has gained attention [17, 30].
ditionally, four types of benignware were collected, including
This approach underscores the role that large-scale data sets
different PE files from widely used applications such as Mi-
play in forecasting and pre-empting potential ransomware at-
crosoft Office, Adobe Reader, 7-Zip, and VLC Player. This
tacks, thereby fortifying defenses against such cyber threats
dual focus was maintained during this phase to ensure the col-
[31, 32].
lection of both ransomware and benignware PE files, to pro-
2.2. Portable Executable Files in Ransomware Analysis vide a balanced dataset. The collected data was then subjected
to a verification process to confirm its integrity and relevance.
The examination of Portable Executable (PE) files assumes
Each file was meticulously cataloged, ensuring the maintenance
a critical role in the realms of understanding and detecting ran-
of a structured dataset conducive for further analysis. Table 1
somware [11, 33]. Initially, investigations into this domain have
Table 1: Distribution of PE files in the dataset
Category Type Number of Files
BlackCat 27
LockBit 35
Hive 19
Read PE File as Binary Stream
BlackBasta 24
Microsoft Office 52
Adobe Reader 38
7-Zip 7
VLC Player 19 Map Binary Data to Pixel Intensities

presents the distribution of the collected PE files, categorized

into ransomware and benignware:
Determine Image Dimensions
3.2. Image Generation from PE Files
The transformation of PE files into images involved a com-
prehensive and innovative process, designed to translate the bi-
nary structure of these files into a visual format. Each file, clas- Render Grayscale Bitmap Image
sified as either ransomware or benignware, underwent a series
of steps to be converted into a grayscale bitmap image. Initially,
each PE file was read as a binary stream, where each byte of
data represented a unique value. These bytes were then mapped
Output Grayscale Image
to pixel intensity values, ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white),
corresponding to the binary data’s numerical value. This map-
ping was critical in ensuring that the visual representation ac-
curately reflected the underlying binary structure of the PE file.
A crucial aspect of this conversion was the determination of End
image dimensions. The width of the images was fixed, while
the height was dynamically calculated based on the file size, Figure 1: Flowchart of the Image Generation Process from PE Files
ensuring that the entire binary content of the PE file was rep-
resented without truncation. After setting the dimensions, the
binary data was rendered into a grayscale bitmap image, with characters, ensuring that the encoded data remains intact and
each byte corresponding to a pixel in the image. Special at- unaltered during transmission or storage. Moreover, Base64
tention was given to maintaining the integrity of the file’s data encoding is critical in preparing the image data for analysis by
during this conversion process. It was essential to ensure that no machine learning models like LLaMA-7b. Machine learning
data loss occurred, as even a single byte’s alteration could lead models often require input data in a standardized and consis-
to misrepresentation in the visual analysis. This meticulous ap- tent format. Base64 encoding offers this standardization, en-
proach allowed for the intricate patterns, often characteristic of abling the LLaMA-7b model to process and analyze the data
either benign or malicious software, to be visually represented efficiently. The encoded string format also facilitates easier ma-
and analyzed. Figure 1 outlines the steps involved in the image nipulation and analysis of the data, as it converts the binary im-
generation process from PE files, when the image generation age data into a text-based format that can be easily handled by
process is a systematic approach to converting PE files into a various data processing tools.
format suitable for further analysis. As depicted in Algorithm 1, the conversion process is sys-
tematic, ensuring that every byte of the image data is accurately
3.3. Base64 Encoding represented in the encoded string. This encoding not only pre-
Following the generation of grayscale bitmap images from serves the integrity of the data but also prepares it for further
PE files, these images were transformed into Base64 encoded analytical processes.
strings. The rationale behind choosing Base64 encoding lies
in its efficiency and universality in representing binary data in 3.4. Fine-Tuning LLaMA-7b
an ASCII string format. This format is widely recognized and The fine-tuning of the LLaMA-7b model to detect our Base64-
compatible across various systems and platforms, making it an encoded images of ransomware and benignware was an intri-
ideal choice for data interchange and processing. Base64 en- cate and crucial phase in our research methodology. The LLaMA-
coding simplifies the handling of binary data, particularly for 7b model, which was initially pre-trained on a wide array of
systems that may not support binary formats natively. It en- language understanding tasks, provided an extensive founda-
codes each set of three bytes of binary data into four ASCII tional understanding necessary for complex pattern recognition.
Algorithm 1 Base64 Encoding of Grayscale Bitmap Images Start
Require: Grayscale Bitmap Image
Ensure: Base64 Encoded String
1: Initialize an empty string for the Base64 encoded output
Decode Base64-Encoded Images
2: for each byte in the binary stream of the grayscale image
3: Encode the byte into ASCII characters using Base64
encoding rules Train Model with Decoded Images
4: Append the encoded characters to the output string
5: end for
6: Return the Base64 encoded string
Validate Model Performance

This pre-training was instrumental in equipping the model with

a broad learning base, enhancing its capacity to adapt to the spe-
cific requirements of image recognition and classification tasks. no
To fine-tune this model for our specific use case, the Base64- Is Performance Satisfactory? Adjust Model Parameters

encoded images were first decoded back into binary format, en-
suring that the model could process the image data effectively.
This conversion was critical as it allowed the model to inter- yes
pret and analyze the images in a format akin to its pre-training
data. The fine-tuning process was iterative and methodically End
structured. It involved several rounds of training, where the
model was exposed to our curated dataset of decoded images. Figure 2: Flowchart of the Fine-Tuning Process for the LLaMA-7b Model
This exposure was followed by a phase of validation, where the
model’s performance in classifying the images was rigorously
assessed. The parameters of the LLaMA-7b model were con- to 3d) exhibit notably darker regions compared to those of be-
tinuously adjusted and optimized during these rounds to im- nignware (subfigures 3e to 3h). This darkness potentially signi-
prove its accuracy in distinguishing between ransomware and fies a higher degree of encryption and code obfuscation in ran-
benignware images. The exit criteria for the fine-tuning pro- somware, which is a common tactic to evade detection. In con-
cess were stringently defined. Success was determined not only trast, the lighter appearance of benignware images may reflect
by high accuracy in classification but also by the model’s abil- a more straightforward and less obfuscated binary structure.
ity to generalize from the training data and maintain consistent
4.2. Detection Accuracy
performance on unseen test data. This criterion ensured that the
fine-tuned model was robust and reliable. The LLaMA-7b model’s efficacy in identifying ransomware
As depicted in Figure 2, the fine-tuning of LLaMA-7b is a and benignware was thoroughly evaluated using established per-
cyclical process, ensuring continual improvement and adjust- formance metrics. The primary metrics for this evaluation were
ment until the desired level of performance is achieved. This true positives (TP) for ransomware detection, true negatives
approach justifies the robustness and adaptability of the model (TN) for benignware identification, false positives (FP), and
in handling the complexities associated with ransomware de- false negatives (FN). In this context, true positives refer to ran-
tection. somware files correctly identified as such, while true negatives
denote benign files accurately classified as non-malicious. False
positives represent benign files misclassified as ransomware,
4. Experiment and Results and false negatives are ransomware files that were mistakenly
overlooked. These metrics collectively offer an extensive view
This section presents the experimental setup and the out-
of the model’s accuracy and reliability.
comes derived from the application of the LLaMA-7b model
As demonstrated in Table 2, the LLaMA-7b model exhib-
on our dataset.
ited a commendable level of accuracy in detecting various types
of ransomware. The true positive rates for ransomware, ranging
4.1. Image Generation
from 90% to 96%, indicate a high success rate in correctly iden-
The visual analysis of Portable Executable (PE) files pro- tifying malicious files. This is particularly significant for newer
vides insightful contrasts between ransomware and benignware. ransomware types like BlackCat and Hive, where a true positive
Figures 3 illustrate the grayscale bitmap images generated from rate of 94% and 96% respectively suggests the model’s effec-
PE files of both ransomware and benignware. It can be ob- tiveness in adapting to and identifying the latest ransomware
served that the images representing ransomware (subfigures 3a threats. This robust detection capability is crucial in cybersecu-
rity, where the early and accurate identification of ransomware
can significantly mitigate potential damage.
Table 2: Detection Accuracy of LLaMA-7b Model

Category File Type True Positives/Negatives (%) False Positives (%) False Negatives (%)
BlackCat 94% 4% 2%
LockBit 92% 5% 3%
Hive 96% 3% 1%
BlackBasta 90% 6% 4%
Microsoft Office 98% 1% 1%
Adobe Reader 97% 2% 1%
7-Zip 95% 4% 1%
VLC Player 93% 5% 2%

The false positive rates, being relatively low (ranging from niques employed by modern ransomware. Moreover, the attack
1% to 6%), indicate the model’s precision in distinguishing be- vectors and mechanisms employed by newer ransomware vari-
nign files from ransomware. This is critical to avoid unnec- ants differ markedly from those used by older variants. The
essary alarms and ensure that normal operations are not dis- evolution in ransomware tactics includes changes in encryption
rupted due to false detections. For instance, the low false pos- methods, payload delivery, and evasion techniques, making the
itive rate of 1% for widely used software like Microsoft Of- newer variants more complex and challenging to detect. Hence,
fice and Adobe Reader highlights the model’s ability to cor- models trained and tested on outdated samples may not perform
rectly identify legitimate software, thereby reducing the likeli- effectively against current ransomware threats, limiting the va-
hood of impeding user productivity with false alerts. Similarly, lidity of comparative analysis.
the false negative rates, which reflect the model’s efficiency In light of these observations, our study consciously chose
in not overlooking actual ransomware files, are maintained at to exclude older ransomware samples (e.g., WannaCry, Petya),
low levels (ranging from 1% to 4%). This is vital for ensuring focusing instead on recent variants (e.g. Lockbit, Blackcat)
that ransomware does not evade detection, as even a small per- to ensure relevance and accuracy in detection. This decision,
centage of missed detections could lead to significant security while enhancing the applicability of our model to contemporary
breaches. These results collectively underscore the LLaMA-7b threats, poses a limitation in conducting a comparative analysis
model’s capability in effectively balancing sensitivity (true pos- with other studies. Looking forward, a more meaningful com-
itives) and specificity (low false positives), making it a reliable parison could be considered as the field evolves. This would
tool in the fight against ransomware. The model’s proficiency require the development of standardized datasets that include
in distinguishing between benign and malicious software with recent ransomware variants and the emergence of more stud-
high accuracy minimizes the risk of both over-reacting to non- ies employing large language models (LLMs) in ransomware
threatening files and under-reacting to actual security threats. detection. A standardized dataset, encompassing a wide range
Consequently, these metrics not only validate the efficacy of the of recent ransomware types, would provide a common ground
fine-tuning process undertaken but also highlight the practical for evaluating different models and methodologies, paving the
applicability of the LLaMA-7b model in real-world cybersecu- way for a comprehensive comparative analysis. Until such ad-
rity scenarios. vancements materialize, our study stands as a pioneering effort
in applying LLMs, specifically the LLaMA-7b model, to the
4.3. Comparative Analysis detection of modern ransomware threats.
In the realm of cybersecurity research, particularly in the
context of ransomware detection, comparative analyses between 5. Discussion
different models and methodologies play a crucial role in under-
standing the effectiveness and advancements in the field. How- This section critically examines the findings of the study,
ever, our study encountered a notable challenge in drawing di- discussing their implications in the cybersecurity domain, and
rect comparisons with other machine learning-based ransomware acknowledging the limitations and potential biases inherent in
studies. A key reason for this challenge lies in the nature of the research methodology.
the ransomware samples used in contemporary research. We
observed that even recent studies in ransomware detection of- 5.1. In-depth Analysis of Results
ten rely on outdated samples, such as WannaCry and Petya. The outcomes derived from employing the LLaMA-7b model,
These samples, while historically significant, do not accurately particularly in the detection of ransomware through the analyt-
represent the current landscape of ransomware threats. Ran- ical process of Base64-encoded images of Portable Executable
somware has evolved rapidly, with newer variants like Black- files, have revealed considerable effectiveness. The model ex-
Cat and LockBit exhibiting significantly different code struc- hibited high accuracy rates in identifying ransomware, with true
tures and attack vectors. The use of older samples like Wan- positive rates consistently surpassing 90%. Such figures are in-
naCry and Petya in comparative studies could lead to skewed dicative of the model’s robust capability to accurately detect
results, as these variants no longer reflect the sophisticated tech-

security domain, specifically for ransomware detection, repre-
sents a viable and highly effective strategy [22, 4].
Moreover, the model’s effectiveness in discerning between
benign and malicious software, while minimizing erroneous clas-
sifications, underscores the importance of precision in such se-
curity applications [20, 1]. The ability to maintain a false nega-
tive rate under 4% is crucial in ensuring that potentially harmful
ransomware does not go undetected, thus safeguarding digital
assets and infrastructures from compromise [13]. The study’s
findings, therefore, not only emphasize the model’s adeptness
(a) BlackCat ransomware (b) LockBit ransomware
in recognizing and responding to the characteristics of ransomware
but also highlight the model’s potential as a groundbreaking
tool in the ongoing battle against these sophisticated cyber threats
[44, 14].

5.2. Implications of Findings in the Context of Cybersecurity

The outcomes of this research carry substantial connota-
tions for the cybersecurity domain. They primarily indicate
that the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, such as large
language models, can markedly elevate the capabilities in de-
(c) Hive ransomware (d) BlackBasta ransomware tecting contemporary ransomware [17, 43]. This method could
serve as an enhancement to existing cybersecurity strategies,
providing a more flexible and responsive shield against the con-
tinuously evolving cyber threats [35, 39]. The employment of
image analysis techniques on Portable Executable files for the
purpose of ransomware detection inaugurates novel prospects
for exploration and advancement in cybersecurity tools and method-
ologies [29, 36]. This aspect emphasizes the necessity for ongo-
ing innovation to effectively counteract the dynamic and ever-
evolving strategies of cyber adversaries [18, 30].
Furthermore, these findings highlight the potential shift in
cybersecurity paradigms, where traditional methods may be in-
(e) Microsoft Office benignware (f) Adobe Reader benignware tegrated with advanced technological solutions to form a more
fortified defense mechanism [28, 21]. The exploration of image-
based analysis in this context not only broadens the scope of
detection capabilities but also introduces a new dimension in
the interpretation of digital threats [41, 42]. Such advance-
ments could potentially lead to more sophisticated detection al-
gorithms that are adept at navigating the complexities of mod-
ern ransomware, thereby enhancing overall cybersecurity re-
silience [9, 25]. The integration of large language models in
this sphere reflects a proactive approach in adapting to the so-
phisticated nature of modern cyber threats, offering a beacon
(g) 7-Zip benignware (h) VLC Player benignware of innovation in the ongoing efforts to safeguard digital ecosys-
tems [26, 27, 45].
Figure 3: Grayscale images of PE files from ransomware and benignware.

5.3. Limitations and Potential Biases in the Study

new variants of ransomware, a significant achievement consid- Although the research yields encouraging results, it remains
ering the rapidly evolving and increasingly complex nature of essential to recognize its limitations and potential biases. A
these cybersecurity threats [10, 7]. The model’s proficiency notable limitation resides in the specific nature of the dataset
in differentiating between benignware and ransomware, while employed, which deliberately omits older ransomware variants
maintaining minimal rates of false positives and negatives, fur- like WannaCry and Petya. This exclusion was strategic to en-
ther reflects its advanced pattern recognition skills [8, 15]. These sure the study’s contemporaneity, yet it could potentially re-
results, with true positive rates for ransomware hovering around strict the applicability of the findings across a more extensive
91.7% and false positives kept under 5%, provide a strong indi- array of ransomware types. The focus on recent ransomware
cation that incorporating large language models into the cyber- variants, while beneficial for current relevance, might not fully

encapsulate the diverse behaviors and characteristics present in generalizability of the findings and provide a more compre-
the broader spectrum of ransomware. Moreover, the reliance on hensive understanding of ransomware behaviors. There is also
the LLaMA-7b model as the primary analytical tool introduces a need for continuous refinement of the models and method-
a potential bias toward the strengths and limitations inherent to ologies to keep pace with the rapidly evolving tactics of ran-
this model [46, 47, 48]. This aspect might skew the results in somware developers. Future research should focus on develop-
favor of the model’s specific analytical capabilities, potentially ing adaptive models that can predict and counteract new ran-
overlooking nuances that other models might capture [49, 50]. somware strategies as they emerge. Furthermore, investigating
Future research endeavors could benefit from incorporating a the potential biases and limitations of current models, includ-
variety of models or extending the dataset to include a wider ing addressing issues like LLM hallucinations, will be crucial
range of ransomware types. This expansion would not only in developing more accurate and reliable ransomware detection
validate the current findings but also broaden the understanding systems. Finally, integrating the findings from this research
of ransomware detection methodologies. with traditional cybersecurity approaches could lead to the de-
In addition, the ever-evolving landscape of ransomware threats velopment of a more holistic and multi-faceted defense strategy
necessitates continuous refinement and adaptation of both the against ransomware attacks.
model and the analytical methods. As ransomware developers
innovate and adapt, the models used for detection must also
evolve to maintain their effectiveness [29, 16, 42, 37]. The
study’s methodology, while effective under current conditions, There is no conflict of interest to be declared by the authors.
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lutions, not to mention that we have not considered LLM hal-
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