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 António Mutapa Figuereido Viera

 Alvaro Miguel
 Ernesto Panzo
 Dionísio Fernando Mussete
 Silvio Marques Ferreira Londa
 Laimi Ndinelao

1.English as a universal language......................................................................................5
2.Why Basic English Skills are Necessary........................................................................6
3.Computer Science: is it important to know English?.....................................................7
4.How important is English for computer science?...........................................................7
5.Why is it necessary to master English in the area of Computer Science?......................8
6.The advantages gained by knowing the English language.............................................8
6.2 Access to International Resources and Connections.......................................................9
6.3. Facilitates Integration into Global Ecosystems..............................................................9

6.4. Attracts Foreign Investments......................................................................................9

6.5. Enhances Competitiveness.......................................................................................9


The work consists of talking about the importance of the English language in
computing. the need for computer science students to know and understand the English
language. Mastering English in the computing area is not just a differentiator, but a
necessity nowadays. It not only facilitates global communication but also provides
access to the vast treasure trove of knowledge available in the language.


1. English as a universal language

The expansion of the English language was delineated from the Industrial
Revolution and the process of colonization of many countries in the Americas, Asia,
Africa, and Oceania. Although the conditions to establish English as an international
language were implemented by Great Britain, the emergence of the United States as a
superpower in the mid-20th century ensured the consolidation of this language as a
global language.
In recent centuries, English has established itself as the universal language,
being widely used in various sectors and countries around the world. But have you ever
stopped to think why English has become so dominant? We will explore the main
reasons that led to its status as a universal language and how this trend has impacted
global communication.

Historical Influence: The rise of English as a universal language has its roots in the
expansion of the British Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries. British
colonization brought the English language to many parts of the world,
establishing a solid foundation for its spread and subsequent adoption.

 Economic and Political Power of the United States: After World War II, the
United States emerged as the world's superpower, driving the growth of English
as a language of global influence. The economic and political strength of the
United States, along with its cultural power, contributed to the spread of English
in various international spheres.

 Technological Advances and the Internet: With the digital revolution and the
advent of the internet, English has solidified itself as the predominant language
in online communication. Most content on the web, including websites, blogs,
social media, and even software programs, is predominantly in English. This has
made English essential for accessing information and actively participating in
the digital world.

 Commercial Advantages and Career Opportunities: English is widely recognized
as the language of international business. Being fluent in the language opens
doors to employment and business opportunities on a global scale. Multinational
companies prefer professionals with English skills, and it is often considered a
basic requirement for high-level positions.

 Ease of Learning and Adaptation: English is considered a relatively easy

language to learn compared to other foreign languages. Its simple grammar and
more straightforward writing system facilitate assimilation for non-native
speakers. Additionally, the flexibility of English allows it to absorb words and
expressions from other languages, making it more accessible and adaptable to
different cultures.

2. Why Basic English Skills are Necessary

Proficiency in the English language is considered a fundamental skill in an
increasingly globalized and interconnected world. In the context of nascent businesses
and startups, even minimal fluency in English can represent a significant advantage and
positively impact the development and success of various ventures.
The absence of assertive communication skills among C-level executives can
have significant effects on the internationalization process, especially for startups. When
leaders lack adequate fluency in English or international communication skills, it can
result in significant barriers during negotiations, presentations to global investors,
strategic partnerships, or even in understanding the demands and trends of the
international market.
This lack of ability can lead to hesitancy in internationalization, even when a
considerable percentage of companies, about 63.60%, express the intention to expand
globally in the near future. Hesitation to venture into international markets may be
influenced by insecurity regarding the effectiveness of communication and fear of not
being able to convey ideas and proposals clearly and persuasively in a globalized and
diversified environment.

3. Computer Science: is it important to know English?

English has become increasingly important in the area of Computer Science, and
is considered a fundamental skill for professionals who want to be successful in this

Computer Science is a discipline that covers a wide range of topics, from
programming and software development to algorithms, artificial intelligence, computer
networks, cybersecurity, and more.
The English language has become a tool to connect with different people from
different parts of the world and if you don't make connections, you won't grow.
However, there are professions that require more fluency in this language than others,
which is the case with careers in the Technology area .
To understand a little more about the topic, let's understand the importance of
English in the area of computer science.

4. How important is English for computer science?

Within the universe of programming and Computer Science, we must, first of
all, know that this study was started in countries that speak English as their main
language. Therefore, in order for us to develop well in this area, both in the process of
learning about programming and in order to gain good positions in international
companies, it is necessary to have a certain command of this language.
Computer science is a very extensive field of work, but English is present in
almost its entirety. So it's something we can't leave aside, right? As already mentioned,
technical computing terminology is found mainly in English. Therefore, it is essential to
learn the language to fully understand it (source: Noticenter).

5. Why is it necessary to master English in the area of

Computer Science?
As seen, mastering the English language is an essential skill for Computer
Science professionals in a globalized and highly competitive market.

See the main reasons why it is essential for a professional in this field to be
fluent in English:
Access to technical resources: Most technical resources in the Technology area,
such as software documentation, tutorials, discussion forums and online communities,
are in English. Having English skills allows professionals to access and understand
these resources while staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies.
Communication with international colleagues: Being fluent in English makes
communicating with co-workers from different countries easier, enabling more effective
Participation in international events and conferences: The Technology
industry is known for its international events and conferences, where professionals from
all over the world come together to share knowledge and learn from the best in the field.
Many of these events are held in English, and having language skills is essential to
participate in these networking and learning opportunities.
Access to global job opportunities: English is often a requirement for many job
opportunities in this field, especially for positions in multinational companies, global
startups and international projects. Being fluent in English expands employment options
and makes it possible to seek opportunities in different countries and cultures.
Communication with international suppliers and customers: Many
technology companies have customers and suppliers in different countries. The ability
to communicate in English allows you to establish and maintain business relationships
with international partners, understand their needs and offer appropriate support.
Access to research materials and publications: Computer Science is a field
based on research and innovation, and many scientific articles, publications and
research materials are written in English. Being fluent in English allows access to these
materials, enabling constant updating of knowledge and the application of new concepts
and techniques.

6.The advantages gained by knowing the English language

The advantages obtained for companies in which their employees have notions of the
English language are diverse, as we can see enumerated below:
Globalization has driven the need for effective communication and collaboration
between companies, regardless of their geographical location. English is widely
recognized as the international language of business, science, technology, and
innovation, and its mastery facilitates active participation in trade exchanges and
international relations.
Access to International Resources and Connections
Minimum fluency in English expands access to essential resources for the development
and growth of startups. Research materials, educational content, technological tools, and
innovations are often available in English. Additionally, the ability to communicate with
international investors, partners, and clients can open doors to new opportunities for
collaboration and business expansion.
Facilitates Integration into Global Ecosystems
Global ecosystems of innovation and entrepreneurship often operate predominantly in
English. Active participation in conferences, events, and international programs enables
greater exposure, networking, and continuous learning. Fluency in English makes it
possible to absorb best practices, new trends, and relevant knowledge.
Attracts Foreign Investments
Companies with proficiency in English are more attractive to foreign investors. This is
due to the ability to present their products, services, and strategies clearly and
effectively, demonstrating confidence and professionalism. Global investors often prefer
to invest in ventures that can communicate fluidly and understand the nuances of the
international market.
Enhances Competitiveness
Competitiveness in the global landscape requires agility and flexibility to adapt to
constant changes and innovations. Minimum fluency in English enables quick access to
relevant information and emerging opportunities, contributing to strategic decision-
making and continuous improvement of the products and services offered by the

Within the universe of programming and Computer Science, we must, first of
all, know that this study was started in countries that have English as their main
language, therefore, in order for us to develop well in this area we have to learn English.
We therefore conclude that the study of the English language is essential for
computer science students.



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