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Nitrogen is atomic number 7, which means each nitrogen atom has 7 protons.

element symbol is N. Nitrogen is odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas at room
temperature and pressure. Its atomic weight is 14.0067.

Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up 78.1% of the volume of the Earth's air. It's the most
common uncombined (pure) element on Earth. It's estimated to be the 5th or 7th
most abundant element in the Solar System and Milky Way

Nitrogen is a nonmetal. Like other elements in this group, it is a poor conductor of

heat and electricity and lacks metallic luster in solid form.

Nitrogen gas is relatively inert Nitrogen helps the bacteria in a complex process
where this element is deposited in the plants and then ingested by the animals.
Called amino acids protein.

Nitrogen compounds are found in foods, fertilizers, poisons, and explosives. Your
body is 3% nitrogen by weight. All living organisms contain this element.

Commercial production of nitrogen is largely by fractional distillation of

liquefied air.

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