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Analysis of viscoelastic Bernoulli–Euler nanobeams 389

and the following corresponding boundary conditions:

The variation of the work done by the viscous
dissipative forces, dWv ; can be written as, Chen et al. Either wðx; tÞ ¼ w ðtÞ or
(2007) €0 ðx; tÞ þ M0 ðx; tÞ  PðtÞw0 ðx; tÞ þ f c ðx; tÞ
qI w
Z ZZ ¼ VðtÞ
dWv ¼  rvxx ðx; tÞdexx ðx; tÞ at x ¼ 0; L
A ð26aÞ
þ2mvxy ðx; tÞdvxy ðx; tÞ dA dx ð21Þ
Either w0 ðx; tÞ ¼ w
 0 ðt Þ  ðtÞ at
or Mðx; tÞ ¼ M
x ¼ 0; L
¼ Mv ðx; tÞdw00 ðx; tÞdx
0 ð26bÞ
where Mv ðx; tÞ is the viscous resultant bending where the overhead bar represents the prescribed value
moment including microstructure effect, at the two ends of the beam.
ZZ ZZ In addition to the initial conditions given by
Mv ðx; tÞ ¼ zrvxx ðx; tÞdA þ mvxy ðx; tÞdA ð22Þ wðx; 0Þ ¼ w0 and w_ ðx; 0Þ ¼ w_ 0 ð27Þ
Using Eqs. (7), (10–12), (15), (16), and (25) the
The virtual work of the external forces is given moment-displacement relation of the nonlocal couple-
as stress viscoelastic Bernoulli–Euler beam theory can be
Z L  obtained as follows:
dWE ¼ qðx; tÞdwðx; tÞ þ Pðx; tÞd w02 ðx; tÞ
0 2 d2
 1  b2 2 Mðx; tÞ  ML ðx; tÞ ¼ D0 w00 ðx; tÞ
þ f c ðx; tÞdhy ðx; tÞ dx þ ½VðtÞdwðtÞ dx
o Z t  
 ðtÞdw0 ðtÞL0 dEðt  sÞ 2 dlðt  sÞ 00
M ð23Þ þ I þl A w ðx; sÞ ds
0 ds ds
where qðx; tÞ is the distributed transverse applied load ð28Þ
per unit length, PðtÞ is the external axial compressive
where D0 represents the instantaneous elastic
load at the ends of the beam and f c ðx; tÞ is the y-
stiffness including the microstructure effect, D0 ¼
component of the body couple per unit length along
ðE0 I þ l2 l0 AÞ.
the x-axis. VðtÞ and M  ðtÞ denote, respectively, the
The explicit relation of the nonlocal total bending
applied transverse force and bending moment at the
moment Mðx; tÞ can be expressed by substituting for
two ends of the beam.
the second derivative M00 ðx; tÞ, given by Eq. (24), into
Substituting Eqs. (18), (19), (21) and (23) into
Eq. (28) as follows:
Eq. (17), integrating the outcomes by parts and
employing the fundamental lemma of variational 00
Mðx; tÞ ¼ b2 qAw€ðx; tÞ  b2 qI w
€ ðx; tÞ
calculus (Reddy 2002), the governing equation of  2  00
þ b PðtÞ  D0 w ðx; tÞ  b2 f 0c ðx; tÞ  b2 qðx; tÞ
motion is obtained as Z t  
dEðt  sÞ dlðt  sÞ 2
þ Iþ l A w00 ðx; sÞ ds
€ðx; tÞ  qI w
qAw €00 ðx; tÞ  M00 ðx; tÞ þ PðtÞw00 ðx; tÞ 0 ds ds
þ P ðtÞðw ðx; tÞ  f 0c ðx; tÞ ¼ qðx; tÞ 8x 2 ð0; LÞ;
0 0 ð29Þ
 2 t0 ; tf ð24Þ To this end, the nonlocal integral–partial–differen-
tial equation of motion can be described in terms of
where Mðx; tÞ is the total bending moment resultant;
transverse displacement w by substituting Eq. (29)
Mðx; tÞ ¼ Me ðx; tÞ þ Mv ðx; tÞ ð25Þ into Eq. (24), as


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