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Why it matters
more than IQ 1
What are emotions?
6 main emotions (universal across cultures): 2
Emotions Wheel
Simple and Complex emotions.

Awareness is EQ’s foundation.

Most people lack the vocabulary

Before Emotional management

and regulation -> understand
exact emotion experienced
(different “weight”, message
and resolution). 3
The Limbic System
Area of brain most heavily
implicated in our emotions.
When these parts are
activated, chemicals are
released (i.e.: serotonin,
dopamine, endorphins,
adrenaline, oxytocin).
This causes physiological
changes 4
Emotions and Behaviour
A-B-C model

An activating event itself does not directly cause behavior.
Two different people can go through the same event and have different reactions. 5
Emotions and Behaviour
B beliefs, thoughts, and interpretations

EQ resides here

triggers a person's emotional and behavioral consequences 6
Emotional Intelligence Defined
a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well
we: 7
Common Belief vs. Research
Intelligence (IQ) determines success.
Researchers have found that:
People with an average IQ outperform
those with a higher IQ, 70% of the time
EQ is the missing link in determining a
person’s long-term success (ability to set
and achieve your personal and professional
goals, whatever they may be.) 8
Redefining Intelligence and Achievement
Do you remember in high-school
who was the class brains?

Chances are, you don’t know

what happened to these youthful
academic achievers, but you can
probably name one or two
classmates who had major (and
maybe unexpected) success. 9
An Exercise

Think of a mentor who had the

biggest positive influence on your life
or career.

List 6 of that person’s attributes that

made him or her such a positive
influence. 10
An Exercise
How many attributes fall into IQ
i.e.: “high intelligence”, “expert
strategist”, “financial wizard”,
or “creative legalist”

How many fall into the EQ category?

i.e.: “treats me with respect”, “is
interested in me and my career”, “shows
integrity”, “is honest”, “listens deeply”, or
“delivers difficult feedback well” 11
Common Mistake
Developing only hard skills and
overlooking soft skills:
EQ is strongest predictor of job performance
and advancement.
Benefits the individual and the workplace
creating more collaborative and rewarding
relationships (reduced stress, anxiety and
greater productivity). 12
Powerful Statistics
• TalentSmart studied 34 important workplace skills
and found that EQ was the highest predictor of
work performance.
• A study of over 40 Fortune 500 co’s found that
programmers in the top 10th percentile of EQ
produced software 3x faster, and high EQ sales
representatives outperformed others by 50%.
• EQ also correlates to increased earnings, problem
solving skills, and leadership effectiveness. 13
Enhancing Performance
Negative emotions = evolutionary response
(survival & protection)
• Outcome: narrowed focus and responses
(i.e. fight or flight)

Positive emotions = broaden our thought-

action repertoire
• Outcome: greater attention, flexibility,
creativity, open-mindedness, exploration of Broaden-and-Build Theory
new possibilities -> builds personal resources (B. Frederikson)
that contribute to growth and well-being. 14
Enhancing Performance
Employee Effort

Effort that goes toward

emotional survival

Effort that goes

toward work

Toxic Fearful Antagonistic Collaborative Caring

Leader and Team Climate

Source: “Success & The Team Climate: Team Leadership Toolkit”
Lindsay Sherwin Company 15
Why are Emotions Relevant at Work?
Organisations and leadership are inescapably about emotions
➢Myth of rationality

The work environment requires specific emotional skills:

➢Collaboration; Influence; Flexibility; Self Knowledge

Organisations are usually made up of subcultures

➢Different groups will have a different set of values and assumptions
➢This will lead to different norms, behaviours, structures, processes
➢Subculture differences can hinder performance 16
Most Common Challenges at Work
• Not knowing how to prioritize tasks and stay
on track
• Avoiding or procrastinating responsibilities.
• Feeling anxious about staying organized
• Wasting time and energy on non-revenue-
generating or non-advancement activities
• Not taking control of ineffective meetings
• Fearing personal or idea rejection from a boss
or co-workers
• Inconsistently tracking productivity measures 17
Most Common Challenges at Work
• Not making a conscious effort to work toward
ultimate career goals
• Quick to anger or apathetic reactions to
constructive criticism
• Coping with the added stress and pressure of
executive-level leadership
• Lacking a work-life balance
• Lacking self-confidence in professional or
networking situations
• Avoiding calling prospects or struggling to
effectively close deals 18

Brain’s Neuroplasticity:
Allows the brain to recover from
injuries, learn new skills, and adjust to
changing circumstances.

While no program can get someone

from 0 to 100%, a well-designed
coaching intervention tailored to
increase EQ can achieve FAST
The EQ-i 2.0
The Emotional Quotient
Inventory is the world’s
leading measure of
emotional intelligence,
applying decades of research
to support effective human
performance and
development. 20
EQ-i 2.0 in Detail
• 5 Areas measuring distinct aspects of
emotional and social functioning.

• 15 Skills (highly correlated with

inspirational leadership, innovative
work cultures, highly-effective
teams, and engaged and
committed talent).

• Well-Being Indicator that measures

your level of happiness for additional
development opportunities. 21
Well-Being Indicator
Happiness score (does not contribute to the
total EQ score).

People with higher EQ scores more likely

to have also higher happiness scores.

4 skills most associated with happiness:

Self-Regard, Optimism, Interpersonal

Relationships and Self-Actualization

Developing these skills is an effective

way of developing your overall wellbeing. 22
Self-Perception Composite
1. Self-Regard:
To accurately perceive, understand
and accept oneself

2. Self-Actualization:
To strive to achieve personal goals
and actualize one’s potential

3. Emotional Self-Awareness:
To be aware of and understand
one’s emotions 23
Highs and Lows
Low High

May not be in touch with feelings Feels good about oneself

May lack inner strength and Pursues meaningful goals

Emotions may elude or confuse them In touch with own emotions

May not understand emotional Detects nuances between different

landscape emotions

May not make good use of abilities Recognizes and predicts emotions 24
Low Scores Implications at Work
Limited Self-Awareness:
Struggle to accurately assess own abilities → hindered ability to make informed
decisions, recognize areas for improvement, and capitalize on strengths.
Lack of Confidence:
Self-doubt, hesitancy in decision-making, and reluctance to take on new challenges
at work. Less ability to assert themselves and share their ideas or opinions.
Difficulty Handling Feedback:
Struggle to accept and integrate feedback from others. Perceive criticism as personal
attacks → hindered ability to learn and grow professionally.
Limited Self-Motivation:
struggle to recognize own achievements and may require external validation or
recognition to feel motivated → impacts productivity and engagement at work. 25
Low Scores Implications at Work
Reduced Resilience:
harder time bouncing back from setbacks. Interpret failures as a reflection of
abilities or worth → Less ability to persevere and adapt in challenging work
Underestimating or Overestimating Abilities:
struggle to accurately assess their skills and capabilities → Miss responsibilities or
challenges where they could excel, or shy away from opportunities for growth and
Limited Career Progression:
Without clear understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and areas for
improvement, it’s hard to set appropriate goals, seek out relevant opportunities,
and effectively communicate value to employers or decision-makers. 26
Self-Expression Composite
Emotional Expression:
Effective Communication Techniques: Openly expressing
one’s feelings verbally and non-verbally.
Communicating feelings, beliefs, needs and thinking.
Defending personal rights and values in a socially
acceptable non-offensive and non-destructive manner
To be self-reliant and free of emotional dependency on
others. Decision making, planning, and daily tasks are
completed autonomously.
Highs and Lows
Low High

Struggles to express own thoughts Free from emotional dependency

and feelings on others
May be emotionally dependent Self-directed
May find it hard to describe how Can describe and articulate how
one feels one feels
Expression of emotion may not be Constructively expresses thoughts
constructive and emotions
May refrain from sharing thoughts Openly and confidently expresses
and beliefs oneself 28
Low Scores Implications at Work
Communication Difficulties:
struggle to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly to others. Struggle to
articulate viewpoints → leads to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and
ineffective communication.
Reduced Assertiveness:
difficulty expressing needs, opinions, and boundaries → results in being
overlooked, taken advantage of, or being unable to negotiate effectively.
Limited Influence and Impact:
difficulty to convey expertise, present ideas convincingly, or advocate for self and
own work → limits ability to have a significant impact.
Emotional bottling up:
struggle to express emotions appropriately → results in increased stress, reduced
emotional well-being, and potentially strained relationships with colleagues. 29
Low Scores Implications at Work
Difficulty in Sharing Feedback:
struggle to provide feedback effectively, whether positive or constructive → limits
ability to contribute to a feedback culture and hinder their growth as well as the
growth of colleagues.
Limited Creative Expression:
struggle to express creative ideas, perspectives, and solutions → hinders ability
to contribute to problem-solving, innovation, and creative collaboration.
Professional Stagnation:
Struggle advocating for career opportunities, showcasing achievements, and
positioning for advancement → results in professional stagnation and limited
career progression. 30
Interpersonal Composite
Interpersonal Relationships:
To establish mutually satisfying relationships and relate
well with others
• Establishing Rapport
• Listening Skills
To be aware of and understand how others feel
• Handling Others' Emotions
Social Responsibility:
To identify with one’s social group and cooperation with
others 31
Highs and Lows
Low High
May lack appropriate social skills; Seeks and maintains high-calibre
withdrawn relationships
May struggle to understand or relate to Sensitive to and cares for the needs of
others others
May not see how own emotions affect Can predict how own emotions affect
others others
Relationships may be of lower quality or Sociable, easy to approach
May not be sensitive to the feelings of Feels a responsibility to contribute to
others society, one’s social group or team 32
Low Scores Implications at Work
Difficulty building relationships:
struggle to establish and maintain positive relationships with colleagues,
supervisors, and clients. Less connection, trust, and rapport → impact
collaboration and teamwork.
Poor communication:
Difficulty expressing thoughts, ideas & emotions clearly →
misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Hindered teamwork, problem-
solving, and decision-making processes.
Limited empathy:
Struggle to recognize and respond to the emotions of their colleagues or
clients → reduced sensitivity to others' needs, supportiveness or addressing
concerns. 33
Low Scores Implications at Work
Difficulty working in Teams:
Poor cooperation, lack of contribution, or difficulties in managing
interpersonal dynamics.
Strained professional relationships:
challenges in networking, building alliances, or seeking mentorship
opportunities → impact career growth and advancement.
Conflict management issues:
struggle to manage conflicts, leading to escalation, poor problem-solving,
and increased tension within the workplace.
Reduced leadership effectiveness:
challenges in inspiring and motivating others, providing constructive
feedback, and fostering a positive work environment → impacts
effectiveness as leaders. 34
Decision-Making Composite
To effectively solve problems of a personal and
interpersonal nature

To objectively validate one’s feelings and thinking with
external reality

Impulse Control:
To effectively and constructively control emotions 35
Highs and Lows
Low High
May not use emotional information Leverages emotional information to
effectively make decisions

Emotions may hinder decision Understands impact of emotions on

making decision making

May fall victim to rash Grounded; objectively sizes up a

behaviours/decisions situations

May be derailed or biased by Separates emotion-driven

emotions assumptions from fact 36
Low Scores Implications at Work
struggle to make timely and confident decisions. Overanalyze, or second-guessing
→ lead to delays and inefficiencies in the workplace.
may make quick decisions without fully considering the consequences or
gathering sufficient information → poor judgment and undesirable outcomes.
Emotional Bias:
Difficulty managing and mitigating emotional biases that can cloud judgment =
decisions driven by personal biases, rather than objective reasoning.
Lack of Risk Assessment:
struggle to assess risks accurately, leading to either excessive risk aversion or a
propensity for taking unnecessary risks that could impact the company. 37
Low Scores Implications at Work
Inefficient Problem-Solving:
struggle to identify and evaluate alternative solutions, hindering their
ability to effectively solve complex problems or address challenging
Difficulty Adapting to Change:
struggle to embrace and navigate change effectively → impede ability
to respond proactively to new circumstances or opportunities.
Lack of Confidence:
Low decision-making skills erodes confidence in own judgment →
affect willingness to take initiative, contribute ideas, or assume
leadership roles, limiting their professional growth and potential. 38
Stress Management Composite
To adapt and adjust one’s feelings and thinking to new

Stress Tolerance:
To effectively and constructively manage emotions

To be positive and look at the brighter side of life 39
Highs and Lows
Low High
Struggle when faced with stress or Calm and works well under
change pressure
May often feel anxious or stressed Resilient; draws from multiple
coping strategies
May be rooted in tradition; resistant Cope well with the emotions
to change associated with change and stress
Pessimistic about the future Optimistic about the future
Less hopeful and resilient Adaptive; view change as a
positive thing 40
Low Scores Implications at Work
Decreased resilience:
difficulty bouncing back from setbacks or coping with high-pressure situations.
prone to overwhelm, anxiety, or feeling drained → impact their ability to
perform optimally under stress.
Reduced productivity:
when stress levels are high and not effectively managed → impact focus,
concentration, and overall work performance.
Increased risk of burnout:
leads to reduced job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and diminished
Impaired decision-making:
struggle to think clearly, analyze information, and make rational decisions
under pressure → impact the quality of their choices at work. 41
Low Scores Implications at Work
Negative impact on relationships:
increased irritability, impatience, or withdrawal → strained professional
relationships, hindered communication and collaboration.
Reduced overall well-being:
physical health issues, emotional distress, and a decreased sense of
work-life balance → affect both job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
Higher absenteeism and turnover:
Individuals may seek other job opportunities or experience frequent sick
leaves due to stress-related health issues. 42
Making better choices, setting appropriate goals, and aligning your actions with
your values because you understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and
patterns of behavior.
Becoming skilled at expressing yourself and understanding others, building strong
connections with people because you have better empathy, understanding, and
communication skills.
Better management of emotions during conflicts and finding mutually beneficial
Navigating disagreements effectively with empathy and understanding of differing
perspectives. 43
Less stress, more resilience, and improved well-being because you developed
self-care practices, mindfulness techniques, and adaptive problem-solving.

Making better decisions by evaluating information objectively, weighing options

effectively, and making choices aligned with you values and long-term goals.

Having greater influence, better team dynamics, and improved overall

leadership effectiveness.

A greater sense of fulfillment in your personal and professional life because you
are better equipped to handle challenges, regulate emotions, and maintaining a
positive outlook. 44
All that is possible for you by developing your EQ 45
Thank You! 46

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