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A Call to Forks: Sustainable Comedic Persuasion

By Grace Hwang

If you have ever been to almost any Vietnamese restaurant, there will always be that bottle of Sriracha
on the counter. This hot sauce is synonymous with South-east Asian cuisine and for many it is like air.
However, last year the red paste experienced a shortage, causing prices for an average 28-ounce bottle
to skyrocket to almost $70, according to AP News. The culprit? The producer claims a record low yield of
chili peppers due to unusually unfavorable climate and abnormal drought. For many concerned
agriculturalists, increasing incidents such as this are warning signs that pollution and global warming has
caught up to food production and that more eco-conscious practices are needed to prevent similar
events from happening. However, such action can’t be implemented without the support of the public,
whose ability to vote can push government leaders to enact policies that encourage sustainable

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